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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • hi- my first client ranks #1 for the exact phrase of each blog post title the 2nd client doesnt rank anywhere when i search for the exact post title 2nd client has robots.txt User-agent: *
    Disallow: /wp-admin/
    Disallow: /wp-includes/ so that shouldnt noindex any posts right? his site ranks for many kw's - but oddly none of his blog posts are anywhere to be found - i dont mean for a kw search - i mean for searching for the entire title he doesnt rank anywhere in first 5 pages for any of 6-7 posts i checked any idea what could cause this? thanks

    | Ezpro9

  • Hi all, Firstly, i'm a content guy!  Thrown into SEO at the deep end, but absolutley loving it and the community. I need some advice, so i'm popping my cherry with this one: I have a client who is in the service industry, very competitive  and in a City, so it's all local.  He has branded site that has had little investment in SEO and a huge PPC spend over the years.  After a lot of nagging they are getting the message that PPC is a massive money tap and as soon as it's turned off that's it - gone! They have had conversations and hit me up with this as their want. Example:  They see / which is a site belonging to Smiths Cakes. They have spotted that is free to purchase!  You know what's coming right? They want to buy it, get me to design a site for it and deploy SEO on it in a big way!  The key phrases are all in the domain name and all the obvious benefits.  Am I over thinking this and should embrace it, or should I advise, no, no, no? Thanks in advance. Mark

    | UrbanMark

  • Hello, I want to ditch about 1000 pages of a 2000+ page site. I believe the 301 redirect thing is the way to go but my expertise is limited. Is there a way to do a blanket redirect ie if a user or search engine looks for a page thats not there it all gets redirected to the index page or do I have to do each one manually? Thanks Ian

    | jwdl

  • My URL is: new site has been re-crawled over last 2 weeks, and in webmaster tools index status the following is displayed:Indexed 50,000 pagesblocked by robots 69,000Search query '' returns 55,000 pagesHowever, all pages in the site do appear to be blocked and over the 2 weeks, the google search query site traffic declined from significant to zero (proving this is in fact the case ).This is a Linux php site and has the following: 55,000 URLs in sitemap.xml submitted successfully to webmaster toolsrobots.txt file existed but did not have any entries to allow or disallow URLs - today I have removed robots.txt file completely URL re-direction within Linux .htaccess file - there are many rows within this complex set of re-directions.  Developer has double checked this file and found that it is valid.I have read everything that google and other sources have on this topic and this does not help.  Also checked webmaster crawl errors, crawl stats, malware and there is no problem there related to this issue.Is this a duplicate content issue - this is a price comparison site where approx half the products have duplicate product descriptions - duplicated because they are obtained from the suppliers through an XML data file.  The suppliers have the descriptions from the files in their own sites.Help!!

    | rrogers

  • Hi there, What SEO companies would you recommend if you were looking at launching an eCommerce initiative (National)? Ideally in the North of England, but any other suggestions would be really welcome.  Having attended SearchLove London, a company such as Distilled obviously comes to mind when looking further afield. I am probably opening myself up to quite some self-promo messages with this but was just wondering who the SEOmoz Community considers experts in the field of SEO for eCommerce. Cheers Greg

    | GregoryTK

  • We are trying to reduce the number of links on our homepage. We could remove some fly out navigation links, We rank 1st on Google for some of these links. Would removing these hurt our SEO. The links are accessible 1 level down if we remove the homepage.

    | Archers

  • Hello SEO’ers. This is my second post here on SEOmoz and I have a question / look it over type of deal. I have been reading through the information I have found here on SEOmoz from the community and it has been very informative and helpful. My question deals with my site One of the things we have learned is we needed better content as what we had was too thin. We have completely rewritten all of the manufacturer pages and are uploading them now 10/14 complete.  This content I believe is about as unique as it will get. New Example here: Old Example here: From these Manufacturer pages we have also written 3 other pages that are linked to from the manufacturer page Buyers Guide Example here: FAQ Example here: Sizing Information Example here: I believe this creates a virtual silo? We are in the process of rewriting all of the item product descriptions as well as that content was too thin. New Example here: Old Example here: Please take note we have only uploaded the 1 new item description the rest of them still have thin content.  We hope to have all of the products written and posted by week’s end. Would you guys mind checking what I have submitted here and tell me if we are on the correct path or not? Do you have any other ideas we could implement? I really appreciate your time in looking at this for me.  I hope one day to be able to contribute to the community as well with the knowledge I will learn here. Thank you, Chris

    | scamper

  • Hi guys, I work with a company that has a business to consumer (B2C) website and a business to business (B2B) website selling the same product. The content will differ but the structure / templates will be similar across both sites. Any recommendations or suggested reading to ensure both sites appear in Search? Many thanks in advance! Richard

    | Richard555

  • Hi Guy's, I would like to know your thoughts on the following set-up for blog canonical. Option 1 =  <link rel="canonical" href="">  = <link rel="canonical" href="">  = no canonical option 2 =   <link rel="canonical" href=" blog"="">(as option 1)</link rel="canonical" href=">  = <link rel="canonical" href=" blog-category="" general"="">(this time has the canonical of the category)</link rel="canonical" href=">  =  <link rel="canonical" href=" blog-article="" how-to-set-canonical"="">(this time has the canonical of the article full URL)</link rel="canonical" href="> Just not sure which is the best option, or even if it is any of the above! Thanks Dan

    | Dan1e1

  • I know domain age plays a role in SEO--but, I am wondering if a domain is set up to 301 re-direct to another domain if it builds the same amount of authority over time as the static domain--just looking at age as a ranking factor, not links accumulated over time.

    | nicole.healthline

  • First thing every morning I login to Google Webmaster tools looking for any errors, review data, sites linking to us, etc. I then login to Google Analytics and SEOMOz to check traffic to our terms to see if there have been any changes that need to be addressed. What's your daily checklist?

    | Prospector-Plastics

  • Hello here, my website has been hit several times by Panda since its inception back in February 2011, and so we decided 5 weeks ago to get rid of about 60,000 thin, almost duplicate pages via noindex metatags and canonical (we have no removed physically those pages from our site giving back a 404 because our users may search for those items on our own website), so we expected this last Panda update (#25) to give us some traffic back... instead we lost an additional 10-12% traffic from Google and now it looks even really badly targeted. Let me say how disappointing is this after so much work! I must admit that we still have many pages that may look thin and duplicate content and we are considering to remove those too (but those are actually giving us sales from Google!), but I expected from this last Panda to recover a little bit and improve our positions on the index. Instead nothing, we have been hit again, and badly. I am pretty desperate, and I am afraid to have lost the compass here. I am particularly afraid that the removal of over 60,000 pages via noindex metatags from the index, for some unknown reason, has been more damaging than beneficial. What do you think? Is it just a matter of time? Am I on the right path? Do we need to wait just a little bit more and keep removing (via noindex metatags) duplicate content and improve all the rest as usual? Thank you in advance for any thoughts.

    | fablau

  • I have a question regarding google search results. I have a website when you type this into google search box the URL comes up repeatedly.  I have several competitors here is one of them when you type in their name it only come up as the first result. How did our SEO guys make this happen?  I have another site tha when we type in the URL it only comes up as the first result. However when you do All of these site are indexed in Google. It is not causing any problem we knoe of but it appears to me that our 1 site has it better?  Or is it that maybe there are very minimal links to the site? Thank you for your time and consideration in answering my quesiton.

    | scamper

  • I have a question i rank well for O'fallon lawn care and I dont rank well for O'Fallon, MO lawn care. Is it ok to go in that page and add some content optimizing it around O'Fallon, MO Lawn care or is that a bad idea. Appreciate any feed back thanks everyone.

    | gslc

  • I Have a blog on my website and we do guest post from time to time. I was contacted by a blogger to change the Back links on his Article from Do Follow to Do not Follow. His Article has been live for 5 Months. When I asked him of the reason for that his Answer was that he needs to comply with Google's New Alogarithm ! Has Anyone Had Similar situation or can shed more light on that issue ?

    | sherohass

  • Hello All, How can i do geo targeting in multiple countries on my ** root domain and sub **directories in Webmaster tool. My domain is "" and i want to target three countries UAE , Kuwait, Saudi arabia. So, Can i assign geo targeting in Webmaster tool ,  Root domain for UAE country and make other two sub directories for Kuwait and saudi ? - UAE (geo targeting) - Kuwait (geo targeting) - Saudi  (geo targeting) Or Root doamain should be not assign for any country and Make three sub directories for UAE, Kuwait , and saudi and targeting them there geo locations. - Unlisted (geo targeting) - UAE (geo targeting) - Kuwait (geo targeting) - Saudi  (geo targeting)

    | rahul11

  • one of our site had a poor site architecture causing now about 10.000s of 404 being currently  reported in google webmaster tools. Any idea about easily detecting among these thousands of 404, which ones are coming from links from external websites (so filtering out 404 caused by links from our own domain and 404 from search engines)? crawl bandwidth seems to be an issue on this domain. Anything that can be done to accelerate google removing these 404 pages from their index? Due to number of 404 manual submission in google wbt one by one is not an option.
    Or do you believe that google automatically will stop crawling these 404 pages within a month or so and no action needs to be taken? thanks

    | lcourse

  • Hi, I have done alot of work over the past few weeks to fix errors but I seem to be slding down the rankings again! I have attached a screenshot of the competitive link analysis. The 2nd competitor along is pushing past me and I just can't see why. What steps should I take and what is the priority? Thanks, T23 auAMrVT.jpg

    | tekton23

  • A directory list page that uses the individual business page review data. Instead of the scheme markup indicating the a particular business page has a review, the page that lists all of the businesses gets the review instead. This means the list page can get hundreds of reviews which could potentially affect its SERPs. A competitor is doing this now. Is this an abuse of the system? Should it be reported? How does on report this kind of this?

    | designquotes

  • I'm looking for a way to track change in search volume for dozens or hundreds of keywords but Google Trends doesn't have an API as far as I can tell. Does anyone know of a good tool or method of extracting large amounts of data from Google Trends?

    | wattssw

  • Hi, I have been speaking to seo firms regarding strategies and they mentioned setting up micro sites under domains that are relevant. i.e setting up and we use it as a blog type site to update all info, product reviews, news relating to armani. Whats peoples thoughts on this? Does it work? Is it worth the effort? Im not so sure but obviously looking for ideas. Cheers

    | YNWA

  • Hello, 1. Does google use image alt tags? According to this 2011 document, the answer is no, but I have seen others claiming yes- has google since begun using alt tags for images within PDFs? I am trying to decide if it is worth updating existing PDFs with alt tags for images for the purpose of SEO. 2. How does Google use the "Subject" field in document properties for a PDF? Should it be used as a description field for the document, similar to a meta description? Thank you!

    | winstoncho

  • Hello, A client has their main site interlinked with 3 other of their sites. The main site is not ranked as high as it should for the main term, which the the anchor text used in all 3 interlinking sites. They're having a main sitewide link changed to nofollows today. Should we worry about doing too much at the same time? I'm thinking about either taking off the interlinking or changing it to brand anchor text.

    | BobGW

  • Has anyone looked into a page not ranking as well because the URL is in English when the subdomain is geared for a different country and different language? I can defiantly see this taking away from the user experience, but didn't know if there was any concrete evidence or case studies that would show if it is a big deal or not for rankability? I know this is a backwards question to begin with because the priority over rankability is always UX, but there may not be a way to fix it unless I can prove it is a big deal.

    | Ryan_Henry

  • We currently have a custom 404 page set up for our clients, but the developer has it returning a HTTP 200 for the status code. Big no, no. I'm having that fixed right now. My question is, currently, the custom 404 page is only returned for urls with the extension .aspx: For example : would return a 404 page because the correct page is Any other format of URL without the extension (example does not trigger the custom 404 page we've created, but it does trigger a server error with a 404 HTTP status page. I want to change this so this type of error also triggers the custom 404 page because it's more user-friendly and would return them to the website. My question: Is there any benefit to making the /thumbtack errors return the custom 404 page but with a 400 Bad Request HTTP Status? Kind of a novice here in those aspects, but does the 400 Bad Request status indicate that it was a user mistake and not a mistake created on the website? Other suggestions?

    | EEE3

  • Hello 2 questions: I have a client that has country specific TLDs and has pages for each city and wants to target languages. What's the best practice? or does the order not matter? 2.    This client currently has the following URL structure, is this not SEO friendly? does it matter to have Canada repeated? Thanks!

    | nrv

  • We have 60 demo movie pages on our site. We no longer link to these movie pages internally, because they are outdated; however, a lot of our partner companies are still linking to these pages. Some of these pages will have 10-15 linking root domains and a page authority of 30+... so pretty decent authority. These pages only include a movie on the pages, no links. I am trying to pass some of the link juice from these pages to other pages on our site. I am wondering if I should: A)Include transcripts on these pages, then link back to our current product page or solution pages? B)Set up redirects from these pages to a product or solution page? C)Set up a redirect to our homepage? Any advice? Thanks, Mike

    | Mike.Goracke

  • I have a question which has had me thinking for hours..... If SITE A is ranking well on a number of search phrases and you 301 that site to another (SITE B). The site will change on the Google SERPs to the site which you've re-directed to... In this case SITE B. But how do you maintain the rankings of SITE A?. Do you keep the rankings of SITE A forever? Or will your rankings of SITE A (now SITE B) gradually slip as other sites rank higher? As you can no longer edit SITE A does Google take into consideration the content on SITE B and no longer take anything that SITE A had to offer into consideration? SITE B has simply replaced it in the SERPs??...... Please can anybody help? Thanks,

    | karl62

  • I'm seeding a new site with hundreds of (high quality) posts, but since I am paying per word written, I'm wondering if anybody in the community has any anecdotal evidence as to how many words of content there should now be for a page to be counted just the same as a 700 word+ post, for example? I know there are always examples of pages ranking well with, for instance, 50 words or less of content, but does anyone have any strong evidence on what the minimum count should be, or has anyone read anything very informative in regards to this issue? Thanks a lot in advance!

    | corp0803

  • Hi everyone, I need help from the best SEO guys regarding a common issue : the cannibalization of internal pages between each other. Here is the case : Let's say I run the website This website provides free games, as well as articles and general presentation about given categories of Casual Games. For instance, for the category "Sudoku Games", the structure will be : Home page of the game : Free sudoku game listings : (around 100 games listed) A particular sudoku game : A news regarding sudoku games : The problem is that these pages seem to "cannibalize" each other. Explanation : In the SERPS, for the keyword "Casual Games", the home page doesn't appear well ranked and some specific sudoku games page (one of the 100 games) are better ranked although they are "sub-pages" of the category.. Same for the news pages : a few are better ranked than the category page.. I am kind of lost.. Any idea what would be the best practice in this situation? THANKS a LOT.

    | laboiteac

  • Hey there fellow Mozers! I have an interesting situation at hand.... I am migrating a Zen Cart site to Open Cart. There are approximately 2,000 urls that need to be mapped over. ZenCart urls currently appear similar to: catalog/category-1/subcategory-3/product.htm Where OpenCart urls appear similar to: index.php?route=product/product&product_id=1234&search=product Can anyone suggest an htaccess approach or any other ideas to pull this off without too many major SERP blips? Thanks!!!

    | SCW

  • Hi all, I have this site that has a sub-domain that is meant to be a "support" for clients. Some sort of FAQ pages, if you will. A lot of them are dynamic URLs, hence, the title and most of the content are duplicated. Crawl Diagnostics found 52 duplicate content, 138 duplicate title and a lot other errors. My question is, what would be the best practice to fix this issue? Should I noindex and nofollow all of its subdomains? Thanks in advance.

    | EdwardDennis

  • We have two different homepages for our website. One is designed for daytime users (i.e. businesses), whereas the second night version is designed with home consumers in mind. Is this hurting our SEO by having two homepage urls, instead of just building a strong presence around one? We have set up canonical meta on each one: On the night version: we have a On the day version: we have a It seems to me that we should just choose one of them and set up a permanent 301 redirect from one to the other. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

    | JessieT

  • Our really old blog content still sees traffic, but engagement metrics aren't the best (little time on site), and as a result, traffic has gradually started to decrease. Should we de-index it?

    | nicole.healthline

  • We've recently been getting quite a bit of press. Would it be wise to create a "press" page and link to mentions of us or would this devalue the links on the press pages as Google may think they reciprocal?

    | JenniferDacosta

  • My company operates multiple news site brands across several markets and typically operates one website per market/brand. We've been advised that in the case of one of the newer markets, where each brand might only be publishing 3 articles a week, that combining all that market's brands under one domain will drive higher traffic from search because Google values higher article flow. Getting this done will be a lot of work.  Is the juice worth the squeeze? And assuming we get the UX right and execute 301 redirects correctly, are there major risks to search traffic?

    | AlecD

  • I am currently working on the SEO for a roofing company. I have developed GEO targeted pages for both commercial and residential roofing (as well as attic insulation and gutters) and have hundreds of 1st page placements for the GEO targeted keywords. What is baffling me is that they are performing EXTREMELY poorly on the bigger cities, to the point of not evening showing up in the first 5 pages. I also target a page specifically for roof repair in Phoenix and it is not coming up AT ALL. This is not typically the results I get when directly targeting keywords. I'm working on implementing keyword variations as well as adding about 10 or so information pages (@ 700 words) regarding different roofing systems which I plan to cross link on the site, etc. I'm just wondering if there is a simple answer as to why the pages I want to be showing up the most are performing so poorly and what I would need to do to improve their rankings.

    | dogstarweb

  • Any assistance/feedback is greatly appreciated. The scenario: We currently own two website, and we'd like to combine them and eliminate some expenses.  Although the content is very similar in nature, it is not exact. that is managed by a third-party provider & that is managed by the manufacturer of the product we sell.  (*sites url's are not accurate) We have ended the contract of, however, this site has the best  SERP/SEO.
    We assume we'll take a hit, no matter what we do - however when it comes to SEO, but what is the right move to make? Do a domain "Transfer/Redirect" of KF to or Do we simply change the to Still very much a rookie when it comes to this stuff.  I do have the ability to SEO the webiste. Hoping this makes sense - and apologize for the bad url's just not sure I can actually post the true addresses. Thanks in advance.

    | FX4nWOO

  • Greetings Mozzers, I wanted to see how I can get the most bang for my buck in regards to footer links back to my site.  I understand that the footer is one of the weakest areas for links, however, I have many sites that I have done and want to get the most benefit from the footer area where I say created by etc. First Question: Is there a chance to get some value at of this area? Second Question: What is the best structure to use to get the most benefit from this opportunity? If there is zero value within this region and I can't get any benefit, would the following penalize me? Current Structure Used: Powered by MonsterWeb (On hover the title tag reveals a small 10 word sentence about us.) Additional clarification would be greatly apprecaited.

    | MonsterWeb28

  • I have seen Matt Cutts video about links per page and know that too many links "may" harm the flow of link juice. But what should e-commerce sites do? We have category pages with more than a few thousands products in each of them. So linking to each of them dilutes the PR flow? We could use pagination, but doesn't it give a disadvantage in user experience when he needs to go 10 links deep to reach a product? And Google robots won't update the information frequently because it will be on the lowest part of our site? Now our goal is to make all our products appear like Facebook scroll down page. We know that Google doesn't use Ajax to see more links so robots and all the users that don't have JavaScript could see the paginated results. Is it a good way to put all products and links like this?

    | komeksimas

  • Hi All, What's the best way to optimise pages for OE / Manufacturer Part numbers? Disclaimer: All part numbers in this post are fictional. I dont want this post out ranking my client for real part numbers 🙂 Take this for Throttle Body for example: WOODYS S-AB-Q.123.53G This is the main part number from WOODYS (the manufacturer). However, these are all variations of exactly the same product: Woodys 2.78972.11.0 Woodys 2.78972.16.0 Woodys 2.78972.20.0 Woodys 2.78972.26.0 Oh, and car brands use OE numbers for these parts, such as: VWA 9808e40923G VWA 9808e40923L VWA 9808e40923M VWA 9808e40923P VWA 9808e40923Q These internal part numbers are vitally important as most of my clients customers are garages/mechanics so they're very likely to search on OE numbers. So, would you suggest: Optimising 10 different pages for the same product (using the part numbers in the URL, Title and H1). The problem is there's no unique content for these pages, only the part number varies, so this would likely get penalised for dupe content, or not enough unique content. Optimising one page for all terms. If so, how do you suggest doing this to ensure all part/OE numbers rank well and part numbers are prominent in the SERPS?
    Could help here by marking up these EO numbers with the isSimilarTo property of the Product type? I'm trying to ensure these part number get equal presence in the SERP snippet when searched for, even though I can't physically include all these numbers in the Title tag, URL and H1 of one page. 3. Something else? Thanks, Woody 🙂

    | seowoody

  • Ok, In WMT's under health > index status I have both total indexed and ever crawled ticked - It also looks like the data is broken up weekly. As an example say you have the following: Total Indexed: 1000 Ever Crawled: 5000 What is this say? It found 5000 pages but only indexed 1000 (20%). Thanks

    | Bondara

  • Hi, I'm going to have to give you a little bit of a back story here... In July last year we launched a brand new website, It was on a new domain. The IT department set it live, and unfortunately messed up the DNS settings so that the site was launched under the wrong domain, This error was rectified within hours. Unfortunately in those few hours, Google indexed it! I then had to set up webmaster tools for both domains, so I could use the 'remove URLs' tool in there, to remove all the URLs from the smartloan domain. That all worked fine, the Landlords site was probably set back a bit, but we're now achieving some quite good results for it. 2 weeks ago we launched Smartloan as a product, and of course launched the website we've been working on for months... You guessed it! Google is now looking for all those old Landlords pages under Smartloan. My first thought is that we should do 301s. Would that be the best course of action, do you think? Webmaster tools has found 25 of them so far, but I know there are more - the Landlords site launched with about 90 pages... And where should I send the 301's? To the Landlords site, or to the smartloan root? Is there anything else I should do? Thanks for your help! Amelia

    | CommT

  • Can you add more than 100 links on your webpage If you have a webpage that adds more content from a database as a visitor scrolls down the page. If you look at the page source the 100 + links do not show up, only the first 20 links. As you scroll down it adds more content and links to the bottom of the page so its a continuos flowing page if you keep scrolling down. Just wanted to know how the 100 links maximum fits into this scenario ?

    | jlane9

  • Greetings Mozzers, When doing a website, we generally link a Google Map image of the company to the Google Maps in a new tab.  Reading other questions made us wonder. Is it better to do the above or is it more beneficial to SEO to have a Google Map embedded on the website.  Which I guess means it links Google to the Business in one way? Thanks for any/all responses.

    | MonsterWeb28

  • We have a news sitemap, and follow all best practices as outlined by Google for news. We are covering breaking stories at the same time as other publications, but have only made it to the front page of Google News once in the last few weeks. Does anyone have any tips, recommended reading, etc for how to get to the front page of Google News? Thanks!

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hello! A small company from Mexico that offers cleaning services for home & businesses wants to rank on the first page of Google. The Good: Every month they give away stuff (discounts and/or a free service) and they also participate in campaigns that support non-profitable organizations & charity. So there is plenty of material for me to build some backlinks and to create some interesting content. Their competitors have 0 SEO. I have been doing my homework and none of their competitors websites that are ranking on the top 5 are doing any kind of SEO. But they have had their website for a long time and they probably have a decent amount of traffic per day. Open Site Explorer shows minimal to no websites pointing to them. Google Adwords has increased their sales. They are using virtually nothing as budget and it is helping, but they want organic SEO. The Bad: Blogs seem to be dead in Mexico. And that is one of my strongest ways to create backlinks. I usually get a blogger to write about the company I'm working for to create backlinks and works like a charm in countries were SEO is prehistoric. Usually it takes me very little effort to accomplish a website to rank very well in this kind of scenario, but I'm having trouble this time. The Something: I have been able to boost their rankings with basic SEO in a month but I'm stuck in page #2-5 on their most important keywords. The Ugly: I'm out of ideas. And their budget isn't good enough to apply paid strategies. Any ideas?

    | Eblan

  • its now more the 30 days since google revoked the manual link penalty and still no movement in the serps  I am sitting around position 350 for something I should naturally site on the first several pages.. another thing I wanted to point out, the keyword that I'm ranking 350+ for is my domain name without the .extension ( i.e. .com ) How long should I wait,  or have they forgotten to remove the penalty. Thanks,

    | Robdob2013

  • We are planning on creating a mobile site using a different URL.  Our current sitemap creator won't dynamically detect mobile pages using the rel="alternate" tag but can can create a Project for that domain in Sitemap Creator and use the "mobile" option when you export it. The Sitemap Creator will then insert the mobile:mobilecontent tag for all the URLs in that sitemap. </mobile:mobile> Is this okay or will it cause problems?

    | theLotter

  • About 7 months ago, I applied for a link at Dmoz. This week, the link got approved. The only problem is that it seems there are hundreds of link directories that scrape Dmoz. Open Site Explorer is now showing about 130 new links to my site that are essentially Dmoz scrapper sites. Do you think Google will mistaken this as me buying directory links?

    | JenniferDacosta

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