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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hello, SEO pros, We need your help with a case ↓ Introduction: Our website allows individual contractors to create a webpage where they can show what services they offer, write something about themselves and show their previous projects in pictures. All the professions and services assigned accordingly are already in our system, so users need to pick a profession and mark all services they provide or suggest those which we missed to add. We have created unique URLs for all the professions and services. We have internal search field and use a autocomplete to direct users to the right page. **Example: ** PROFESSION Carpenter (URL: /carpenters ) SERVICES Decking (URL: /carpenters/decking) Kitchens (URL: /carpenters/kitchens) Flooring and staircases (URL: /carpenters/flooring-and-staircases) Door trimming (URL: /carpenters/door-trimming) Lock fitting (URL: /carpenters/lock-fitting) Problem We want to be found by Google search on all the services and give a searchers a list of all carpenters in our database who can provide a service they want to find. We give 15 contractors per page and rank them by recommendations provided by their clients. Our concern is that our results pages may be marked as duplicate since some of them give the same list of carpenters. All the best 15 carpenters offer door-trimming and lock-fitting. So, all the same 15 are shown in /carpenters, /carpenters/lock-fitting, /carpenters/door-trimming. We don't want to be marked as spammers and loose points on domain trust, however we believe we give quality content since we gave what the searchers want to find - contractors, who offer what they need. **Solution? ** Noindex all service pages to avoid duplicate content indexed by Google OR rel=canonical tag on service pages to redirect to profession page. e.g. on /carpenters/lock-fitting page make a tag rel=canonical to /carpenters. OR no worries, allow Google index all the professions and services pages. Benefits of indexing it all (around 2500 additional pages with different keywords) is greater than ttagging service pages with no index or rel=canonical and loosing the opportunities to get more traffic by service titles. We need a solution which would be the best for our organic traffic 🙂 Many thanks for your precious time.

    | osvaldas

  • Hey Mozzers, I'm working with a client who wants to redo their web presence.  They have a a main website for the umbrella and then 3 divisions which have their own website as well. My question is:  Is it better to have the main site on the main domain and then have the 3 separate sites be subdomains? Or 4 different domains with a linking structure to tie them all together? To my understanding option 1 would include high traffic for 1 domain and option 2 would be building Page Authority by having 4 different sites linking to each other? My guess would be option 2, only if all 4 sites start getting relevant authority to make the links of value.  But right out of the gates option 1 might be more beneficial. A little advice/clarification would be great!

    | MonsterWeb28

  • So my question is: What's your Link Building Tactic. I always have a bit of a problem building links for my websites. Also Do you use some kind of a tool? If yes can you reccomend it?

    | Angelos_Savvaidis

  • Hey guys, Looking at schema, especially the aggregate rating, It's easy for anything to just put up a rating and slap on the code to their page. But wouldn't this open up abuse of schema? Are there any mechanisms search engines have put in place to de-rank such practices? I just see schema trusting users to do the morally right thing rather than a mechanism to capture/punish bad practices Thoughts?

    | Bio-RadAbs

  • I've recently removed a lot of category pages so should I remove the urls in webmaster tools or let them drop out of the index naturally?

    | SamCUK

  • I understand the benefits of implementing Open Graph as a local business, but am unclear of the benefits for a website, for example, a health website. Does Bing use OG in their search algorithm?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hello, A client has 8 sitewide links with the same anchor text - their main keyword. They have 84 linking root domains total. 3 of the 8 are his own sites. 4 of the sitewide links are in the footer (all 3 of his own sites interlink in the footer) In the last 5 months, rankings for the the top 2 short-tail keywords have dropped even though they should rank higher. In a few days they're going to do some major rearranging with one of the 8, adding nofollows sitewide because of a partnership disagreement. Would there be any negative consequences, do you think, to right away changing all of the footer links of the 3 sites that the site owner owns to branded anchor text ( Should we change all the sitewides to branded anchor text? There have been no problems in GWT.

    | BobGW

  • Hi - I am hoping you can help me with this issue we are currently trying to solve. We are hosting our mobile site's content on a different domain than what the URL of the site is, though owned by same company.  In Google Webmasters tool we have the mobile sitemap under "", however the URL of the site is "". We have submitted 60MM pages in the mobile sitemap, but only 1MM pages have been indexed.  Do you think this set up causes confusion with the bots?  Does this affect the crawlability of the site? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    | ladylana

  • I am going to launch a new website with digital marketing included SEO, SMO, PPC, SEM, ORM services. Please anyone suggest me what would be marketing & brand promotion strategy for this.

    | afycon

  • Anyone know of good photography sites set up on Wordpress with an eCommerce plugin used for selling photos or services? Just looking for ideas. I've found good referrals in the Moz archives for Wordpress eCommerce plugins. Now I'm looking for WP photography sites employing eCommerce. Thanks for sharing.

    | AWCthreads

  • Our main content site has 5K pieces of unique content all targeting our market. We are planning to add e-commerce as a source monetizing our audience. Should we place the new commerce platform within a subdirectory or subdomain? The layout we are considering is... shop name: Brand Name Market I am also considering something like: aggregating product details and content from with rel= back to the subdomain if possible.

    | ejovi

  • The way our in-house comments system was built, it uses AJAX to call comments as the page is loaded. I'm working on a set of requirements to convert the system over to be more SEO-friendly. Today, we have a "load more comments" after the first 20 comments, then it calls the server and loads more comments. This is what I'm trying to figure out.  Should we load all the comments behind the scenes in the page, then lazy load the comments or use the same "load more" and just load what was already loaded behind the scenes?  Or does anyone have a better suggestion about how to make the comments crawlable for Google?

    | JDatSB

  • Hello, We've got a bunch of interlinking going on between the following sites: nlpca(dot)com thewealthymind(dot)com shop.nlpca(dot)com dynamicspinrelease(dot)com These are all owned and operated by the same people. Some linking is in the footer and some is in the menu or header. Could you take a look and tell me which interlinks you'd recommend nofollowing and which you'd recommend deleting entirely? We can always place a home page single link to replace those sitewides we delete or nofollow. I'm thinking we should delete everything in the footers and nofollow those in the menu or headers, placing a single dofollow link on the home page when deleting/nofollowing a sitewide link.

    | BobGW

  • Hi! I just checked the WMT account for one of my clients, and I noticed their web dev's site has 2.6k links pointing to it. These seem to be from their hosted HTML newsletters, such as They redirect to the the main site, but are used for tracking. The client recently got an unnatural link warning, even though their profile looks OK to me. Is there a chance that these links could have anything to do with it?

    | neooptic

  • I have a Fortune 50 serving client that has for a few years been operating their site on a .net domain since the .com was not available. They have just aquired the .com domain for their company name that was unavailable before.  However, it was not a transfer of a live domain.  In whois it is showing as brand new and "unseasoned" For now I have recommended that they just perm forward the .com to the .net and leave the .net as the TLD But I am sure they want to in the future make the switch.  What would my best course of action be as the SEO consultant?

    | tjkirgin

  • Is it possible to be penalized for sitewide nofollow links because of anchor text penalties, even if you use branded anchor text?

    | BobGW

  • If I set up a website on a new domain and have the old domain 301 redirected to the new domain, do the links pointing to the old site impact the new site?

    | priceseo

  • Hi Over the past 10 months, my internal page rankings (previously excellent) have plummeted. I'm now trying to recover them. I haven't received an unnatural links warning in Google Webmaster Tools. Also, I used to have hundreds of internal links to each of these 21 pages using the same exact-match anchor text eg, Tuscany real estate, Umbria real estate, etc. I changed this about 6 months ago. So why am I still ranking poorly for these (only moderately competitive keywords) behind sites with poorer metrics? 1) Keyword: lake como real estate My page here – ** ** -- used to rank No1 or No2 neck-and-neck with this page He's still No1 but I’m down to about No13. Yet when I look in Open Site Explorer virtually all my metrics beat his.

    | Jeepster

  • I use WordPress on several sites, I use many SEO plugins... I joined this PRO membership, and I used seo site explorer to find the backlinks to my sites. Now is there anything else I can do in Seo Moz to improve my sites? Maybe something Im missing? How else can I use my seo moz membership to improve my sites SEO ? Thanks.

    | BloggerGuy

  • A week ago my rankings for (some adult content) dropped and I'm now getting now impressions. I submitted a reconsideration request as I was sure I hadn't violated any rules and today the reply was that no manual spam actions were found. Te email goes onto say there are a variety of other things that could affect rankings such as site architecture, not being able to crawl and algo changes. As far as I'm aware all these issues are fine. I'm not aware of any algo updates last weekend. my question is what can I do now? I need to get my rankings back but there's nothing wrong with my site or practices.

    | SamCUK

  • Hello everyone. I have been reading through this site for a while and tried to put everything together that I have learned so far.  Would any of you mind looking at our site and providing any pointers or areas we can still improve on or areas I completely missed.  I appreciate any feedback you can give! Our site is Thanks again! Brandon

    | BMPIRE

  • As we continue our content marketing efforts, and increase the frequency of posting to the blog, would this impact our domain authority? We are assuming that when you add new pages, their low authority contribute to decreasing the domain's authority.  Is this the case? It might not hurt a big site like SEOmoz that's already in the 90's.  What about a site in the 20-30 range?

    | cyberlicious

  • link text Deadline: Monday, Sep 30, 2013 link text I appreciate the help guys!

    | jameswalkerson

  • In the interest of pleasing Google with their recent updates and clamping down on duplicate content and giving a higher preference to pages with rich data, we had a tiny dilemma that might help others too. We have a directory like site, very similar to Tripadvisor or Yelp, would it be best to: A) have paginated content with almost 40 pages deep of data   < OR > B) display 20 results per page and at the bottom have "Load More" function which would feed more data only once its clicked. The problem we are having now is that deep pages are getting indexed and its doing us no good, most of the juice and page value is on the 1st one, not the inner pages. Wondering what are the schools of thought on this one. Thanks

    | danialniazi

  • My site is Our traffic is going up but our SERPS are not. We simply don't rank for any of our targeted keywords. I have covered nearly every white hat SEO strategy possible. Our site has a great social presence (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest), we write blogs regularly, and even guest blog. We have a YouTube channel, an RSS feed. We've cleaned up page speed times, set 301 redirects, checked for duplicate content. We use Bing and Google webmaster tools and have submitted a sitemap. We are indexed and webmaster tools see our keywords as relevant in our content. We have a robots.txt file configured properly. The only thing I can think of is that our services pages also display (as a truncated summary) on our homepage. Could this be considered duplicate content, and is this causing a problem? Is there anything else we can do? Or are we missing something vital? We thank you in advance for your help! Candice

    | candylotus

  • Because H1 "may" carry some  weight with Google does it have to be placed at the top of the page?  Can I place it towards the bottom of the page instead in normal body size?  My goal is to keep the main keywords in the H1 but create a much friendlier title for the customer to read at the top of the page.

    | PottyScotty

  • Hello everybody, I've read that it's important to put your keywords at the front of your page title, meta tag etc, but my question is about the page url. Say my target keywords are exotic, soap, natural, and organic. Will placing the keywords further behind the URL address affect the SEO ranking? If that's the case what's the first n number of words Google considers? For example, vs Will the first be any less effective than the second one simply because the keywords are placed behind?

    | ReferralCandy

  • Hi everyone We created a website for our customer, and we wanted to have a footer link: "Created by" Some Marketing company advised our customer, that it will hurt their SEO if they have that link for us in footer Would you guys advice on this please? Thank you P.S. site for our customer:

    | DavidIRC

  • I'm redesigning a site's structure from the ground up, and am having issues with the URLs. I'd love to have them be perfect, but kept finding conflicting advice online. 1. For my services blog, is it best to have it set up like or There seems to be conflicting advice as to keep it short and keep the keyword as far to the left as possible, but also that including the word services would help with long tail phrases and site organization. 2. For my blog section, is it best to have it set up like    or    or**-keyword**-in-it It's similar to the first question, but also adds the question of including the entire post title in the URL or just the keyword. Your help would be greatly appreciated!

    | Stryde

  • Hello, We are making badges to hand out to our alumni. Some of these links backs are probably going to be sitewide. Is this tactic still good with respect to the recent G updates? Thanks

    | BobGW

  • Hi Guys, We are redesigning a clients ecommerce site.  As part of the process, we're changing the URL structure to make it more friendly. I have put together a provisional 301 redirect plan but I'm not sure just how far I need to go with it.  So far I have extract all the pages from the existing site that Google Webmaster Tools says have links pointing at them - this totals 93 pages.  I have matched each page like for like to the new website structure. My next step was to pull the landing pages report from Google Analytics,  I have extracted the pages that received entrances over the last 6 weeks.  This totals 553, less the redirects I have already done and cleaning up some Google Translate pages I have circa 410 pages left.  Many of these pages has more than 1 URL pointing to that page. I'm debating how important it is that that all of these remaining 410 pages have individual redirects set up for them one by one.  I have to rule out regex because there is no pattern that makes sense given that I have already set up redirects for the first 93 pages that have external links. My question therefore is how important are 301 redirects on pages that have no external links and receive less than 10 entrances over a 6 week previous period? Do I need to 301 every single product on the old site to it's corresponding page on the new site? Also, I'm  not sure how to treat pages that have mutliple URL's on the old site, the existing URL structure is such a mess that in some instances I have 5 URL's for one product page?  I could feasibly create 5 seperate redirects but is this necessary? Also what about speed considerations, the server is going to have to load these redirects and it may slow the site down.  I'm sitting at 100 odd so far. Any answers are most appreciated. Thanks Derek.

    | pulseo

  • Hi Forum, I'm trying to quantify the logic for removing spammy links.
    I've read the article: Based on my pivot chart results, I see around 55% of my backlinks at zero pagerank. Q: Should I simply remove all zero page rank links or carry out an assessment based on the links (zero pagerank) DA / PA. If so what are sensible DA and/or PA metrics? Q: What other factors should be taken into consideration, such as anchor text etc.

    | Mark_Ch

  • All my main keywords have dropped out of the SERPS. Could it be that the home page (the strongest) page has been devalued and therefore 'link juice' that used to spread throughout the site is no longer doing so. Would this cause all other pages to drop? I just can't understand how all my pages have lost rankings. The site is still indexed so there's no problem there.

    | SamCUK

  • I built a website for my wife who is a quilter called  However, it has been hit by Panda or Penguin (I’m not quite sure) and am scared to tell her to go ahead and keep building the site up. She really wants to post on her blog on, but I’m afraid it will be in vain for Google’s search engine.  Yahoo and Bing still rank well.  I don’t want her to produce good content that will never rank well if the whole site is penalized in some way. I’ve overly optimized in linking strongly to the keywords “how to make a quilt” for our main keyword, mainly to the home page and I think that is one of the main reasons we are incurring some kind of penalty. First main question:  From looking at the attached Google Analytics image, does anyone know if it was Panda or Penguin that we were “hit” by?   And, what can be done about it? (We originally wanted to build a nice content website, but were lured in by a get rich quick personality to rather make a “squeeze page” for the Home page and force all your people through that page to get to the really good content. Thus, our avenge time on site per person is terrible and Pages per Visit is low at: 1.2.  We really want to try to improve it some day.  She has a local business website, that did not get hit. Second question:  Should we start a second site rather than invest the time in trying to repair the damage from my bad link building and article marketing? We do need to keep the site up and running because it has her online quilting course for beginner quilters to learn how to quilt their first quilt.  We host the videos through Amazon S3 and were selling at least one course every other day.  But now that the Google drop has hit, we are lucky to sell one quilting course per month. So, if we start a second site we can use that to build as a big content site that we can use to introduce people to that has Martha’s quilting course. So, should we go ahead and start a new fresh site rather than to repair the damage done by my bad over optimizing? (We’ve already picked out a great website name that would work really well with her personal facebook page.) Or, here’s a second option, which is to use her local business website:  She created it in 2003 and has had it ever since.  It is only PR 1.  Would this be an option? Anyway I’m looking for guidance on whether we should pursue repairing the damage and whether we should start a second fresh site or use an existing site to create new content (for getting new quilters to eventually purchase her course). Brad & Martha Novacek rnUXcWd

    | BradNovi

  • Hi All I have a website that covers all parts of the UK and I wish to be found for terms such as "car for sale London" "car for sale Manchester" and so on. In the past I have created separate landing pages for each town and city but with the quality score of a page becoming more of a ranking factor it is hard to make 300 + town pages interesting and useful. Is it best practice to do what I am doing and improve the quality of each of the pages or would I be better off removing the old pages and using some other technique to rank for the local searches? Thanks for your help

    | MotoringSEO

  • Hello, I am developing our new site that will create tabs such as "design", "tech specs", "customer ratings" etc. just like My question is, if most of my content is on the 2nd and 3rd tabs, would my content effect my overall SEO if it's not on it's default view? Because, if users don't physically click on the 2nd and 3rd tab, does it mean that since there is no impression of that content, that content will be allocated to half of its SEO juice? Let me know, I would love to know! Shawn

    | Shawn124

  • This is a interesting one I think. I have recently taken down some product list pages from our website These have canonicalisation in place to deal with pages where a query string is generated depending on the search criteria. When I put a 301 redirect in place the target page redirects fine, however webmaster tools then errors with 404 on all canonicalised pages. Is this correct behaviour and how do we get over this?

    | Towelsrus

  • Hi everyone, We have a company that hired us to set-up their Google Places listing for their 2nd location. The listing for the 1st location is very strong. Lots of reviews, Zagat rating, Knowledge graph, etc. In the search results the Google Places listing for the 1st location has merged with the website listing. You can see the link to the main site w/ a small grey google places listing directly below it. The client would like BOTH Google places listing to show up in the search results.  They both show up on the map listing but not in the search results. Each location has its own listing in Google Places. We have also created different pages on the website for each location. Is there a way to get the search results to display places listings? I have noticed a few other business have done it by naming each of their multiple locations something slightly different. Then the search results seem to realize there are multiple locations and display the places listing in the search results. Anyone run into this? Any ideas? Thanks!!

    | SeattleJoe

  • I posted here recently concerned about a drop in rankings. I'm yet to figure out what happened and thought I'd post a screenshot of the loss of impressions to see if anyone can help? jeZO1r1.png

    | SamCUK

  • Hello, This is about content for an ecommerce site. We have an article page that we also created a PDF out of. We have an HTML page that doesn't have anything commercial on it that is the download page for the PDF page. How much of the article do you recommend we put on the non-commercial HTML download page? Should we put most of the article on there? We're trying to get people to link to the HTML Download page, not the PDF.

    | BobGW

  • To whit: In working out whether I've too many over-optimised links pointing to my homepage, do I look at just external links -- or also the links from my internal pages to my homepage? In other words, can a natural link profile from internal pages help dilute overoptimisation from external links?

    | Jeepster

  • Here's an old page on a trustworthy domain with no apparent negative SEO activity according to OSE and ahrefs: They went from page 1 to page 13 for "monaco grand prix" within about 4 weeks. Week 2 we pulled out all the duplicate content in the history section. When rank slipped further, we put it back. Yet it's still moving down, while other pages on the website are holding strong. Next steps will be to add some microformats, but beyond that, do you have any ideas?

    | stevewiideman

  • Mozzers, Hope this finds you well. I need some advice. We have a site built with a dreamweaver template, and it is lacking in responsiveness, ease of updates, and a lot of the coding is behind traditional web standards (which I know will start to hurt our rank - if not the user experience). For SEO purposes, we would like to move the existing static based site to Wordpress so we can update it easily and keep content fresh. Our current site,, has a lot of page extensions ending in .html. For the transition, it is extremely important for us to keep the link structure. We rank well in the SERPs for Boston Counseling, etc... I found and tested a plugin (offline) that can add a .html extension to Wordpress pages, which allows us to keep our current structure, but has anyone had any luck with this live? Has anyone had any luck moving from a static site - to a Wordpress site - while keeping the current link structure - without hurting any rank? We hope to move soon because if the site continues to grow, it will become even harder to migrate the site over. Also, does anyone have any hesitations? It this a bad move? Should we just stay on the current DWT template (the HTML and CSS) and not migrate? Any suggestions and advice will be heeded. Thanks Mozzers!

    | _Thriveworks

  • I have work up this morning with a large number of missing meta description, when I looked at th pages (knowing I have to missing metas) I have duplicates of my pages that look like this, These pages normally look like  NAME OF POST now i have urls with numbers in, seems as though all my blog posts have duplicated.. Now could this be down to a wordpress bug? I am so fed up, I had all my errors all cleared up only to wake and have pages like this, which is going to cause me a problem because my pages are now duplicating.. please help, advice needed from someone that knows wordpress? | Father and son battle over 13th century inheritance 1 0 Court of Appeal rules against RSCPA 1 0 Life insurance policy payout can skip probate process 1 0 Government clamping down on inheritance tax avoidance |

    | Chris__Chris

  • How does this page get a Rich Snippet, there is no microdata or schema code? job-rich-snippet.png

    | cottamg

  • Hi, I'd like to change my cms but I am afraid 😞 I have lots of content in Google, so I know I should make 301 list but what do you think about the change? Now I am in good position and I don't want to make bad my rank 😞 Please let me know which way is the best and secured 🙂 Thanks, Misi

    | Netkreativ

  • Hi there, I am having some difficulty with an error on Webmaster Tools.  I'm concerned with a possible duplicate content penalty following the launch of my mobile site. I have attempted to update my sitemap to inform Google that a different mobile page exists in addition to the desktop page. I have followed Google's guidelines as outlined here: I'm having problems with my sitemap.xml file.  Webmaster tools is reporting that it is not able to read the file and when I validate it I am getting an error stating that the 'Namespace prefix xhtml on link is not defined'. All I am trying to do is to create a sitemap that uses the rel="alternate" to inform Google that their is a mobile version of that specific page in addition to the desktop version. An instance of the code I am using is below: xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="gss.xsl"?> <urlset< span="">xmlns=""xmlns:xsi=""xsi:schemaLocation=""> http://www.mydomain/info/detail/ <xhtml:link< span="">rel="alternate" media="only screen and (max-width: 640px)" href=""/> <lastmod></lastmod>2013-02-01T16:03:48+00:00<changefreq></changefreq>daily0.50</xhtml:link<></urlset<> Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

    | DBC01

  • Hi From an SEO point of view what are the current recommendations for linking and using the same template for the same brand on a .com and website, so both named the same, using the same template and products but one for Europe and one for the states and Australia.

    | askshopper

  • I have an idea for a very scale-able way to acquire .edu links with actual page authority (ie. not forum spam or student profiles ect...). I will be hiring someone to do in house outreach so the links will be obtained by people talking to people. My question is would Google see this as spam if my link building campaign mainly targets a large number or .edu's and all of a sudden I am receiving a high number of one type of backlink? What worries me is that while I have other types of links, this campaign would dilute a high percentage of my link profile with .edu links  from unique domains. I hear that diversity is key but its hard to ignore the high value .edu targets especially when the linking pages are higher in authority than my own. Also the pages that these .edu links are coming from would not necessarily be relevant to my website however the content I am hosting to obtain the links is relevant to the pages the links are coming from. Does this make a difference. Sorry I am being vague. I do not want to give away the strategy. Thank you for any assistance.

    | jameswalkerson

  • I'm getting increasingly worried as my site stopped ranking for all keywords 3 days ago and is yet to return. The sites been up about 6 months but I only started link building via MyBlogGuest about 2 months ago. I saw great results the very day before it disappeared as my rankings increased significantly. As far as I know MyBlogGuest is a legitimate way of building links and I was careful to use a variety of anchor text, url and branded links. I just can't explain why it's gone completely. It's still indexed when I check with site: and there are no errors in webmaster tools. The site is (The site does have some adult content!) and wondered if anyone could take a look to see if I'm missing something obvious. Any help much appreciated!

    | SamCUK

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