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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • We are in the process of creating a tablet experience for a portion of our site. We haven’t yet decided if we will use a one URL structure for pages that will have a tablet experience or if we will create separate URLs that can only be access by tablet users. Either way, will the tablet versions of these pages/URLs be crawled by Google bots?

    | kbbseo

  • Hello. I have a competitor that is on the front page of Google (and often at or near the top) for many desirable keywords - almost unbelievably so. I notice that their site has a blog. When I click the blog button, I am taken to a different URL that has a very similar layout with a similar navigation bar, etc. When I click one of the navigation buttons on the blog site, I am taken back to the other URL. This seems strange. Is there some ranking benefit to having two URLs set up like this? Is this a sneaky site? Thank you!

    | nyc-seo

  • Hi, I made a mistake on my site, long story short, I have a bunch of search results page in the Google index.  (I made a navigation page full of common search terms, and made internal links to a respective search results page for each common search term.) Google crawled the site, saw the links and now those search results pages are indexed. I made versions of the indexed search results pages into proper category pages with good URLs and am ready to go live/ replace the pages and links. But, I am a little unsure how to do it /what the effects can be: Will there be duplicate content issues if I just replace the bad, search results links/URLs with the good, category page links/URLs on the navi. page? (is a short term risk worth it?) Should I get the search results pages de-indexed first and then relaunch the navi. page with the correct category URLs?  Should I do a robots.txt disallow directive for search results? Should I use Google's URL removal tool to remove those indexed search results pages for a quick fix, or will this cause more harm than good? Time is not the biggest issue, I want to do it right, because those indexed search results pages do attract traffic and the navi. page has been great for usability. Any suggestions would be great. I have been reading a ton on this topic, but maybe someone can give me more specific advice.  Thanks in advance, hopefully this all makes sense.

    | IOSC

  • In checking my internal links with GWT, it is apparent that links within the nav tag in HTML5 are discounted by Google as "internal links" This could have major repercussions for designing your internal link structure for SEO purposes. I was surprised to see this result, as I have never seen it discussed. Anyone else notice this, or have any alternative views?

    | veezer

  • Hi, I have a question that kinda bothers me for a while now and would love to hear you guys thoughts on this matter. One of the categories in my websites is services reviews, for example: Recently we upgraded the site and gave users the option to write their own review as well. Now as you can see, the way it works is that we write a very big and informative/professional review ourself and in addition we give users the option to write their own reviews and share their experience with the service. Now My question is:
    There is the itemprop-review count thingy, now we did it so if 0 users wrote a review it will show 0 reviews on the count.
    Is it correct? (Feel free to check the site code yourself)
    Or is it wrong? because their is actually 1 review (our editors review) I hope I explained my self well...
    If not, please let me know what is unclear. Thanks!

    | Ouzan

  • Received quite a surprise when I gained access to the Google webmaster account and saw 4 domains that are link to my clients domain and the number of links for each domain range between 10,000 and 90,000. Come to find out this was a result of their former agency.  The business is very local central.  I will use the example of a burger place. They main site is and burger places are listed by city and state.  Their former agency bought several domains like and duplicated the listings for that state on this domain.  You can view certain pages of the second domain, but the home page is redirected as are most of the city pages with 301s to the main domain. However, there are pages on the additional domains that do  not redirect, as they are not duplicated on the main domain so nowhere to redirect.  Google has only found four of them but looks like there could be at least 50.  Pages that are not redirected are indexed by the engines - but not ranking (at least not well). There is a duplicate content issue, although "limited" in the sense that it really is just the name of the business, address and phone number - there is not much to these listings. What is the best approach to overcome? Right now GWT is showing over 300,000 links, however at least 150,000 to 200,000 of that is from these domains.

    | LeverSEO

  • Hi All, I have set up different Google Business Places listings for each of my locations for my business. I want each location to rank for their retrospective keywords. So from an SEO point of view to help these rank.. When choosing Keywords/Categories for my listing , should I use my main keyword + my location example - I have a carpet cleaner hire depot in London and I want to rank for London  so should my keyword be just carpet cleaner hire or Carpet Cleaner Hire London. My other depot is say in the location of Watford so should that listing have keywords that contain Watford in them ?. Also - Should the description contain my localised keywords ? I have looked around and cant' find much on this topic Any pointers would be greatly appreciated thanks Sarah

    | SarahCollins

  • I have a client who has an old website and company A handles the SEO campaign for this site. 
    My client wanted us to create a new website with unique content for the same company aiming to double his chances of ranking on the 1st of SERP's and eventually dominating it. 
    So we created the new site for him and handled it's SEO campaign. So far we are ranking decently on the search engines but we feel like we could do better. The site we are optimizing for him uses the same company, tracking number and a virtual address in the same city. 
    Do you think Google has a problem with this set up? 
    We have listed the new site in the citation directories but I'm worried that we are sending google mixed signals. The company has two listing on each directories, one for the old site and another for the new site. 
    Another thing, Google+ Local for the new site is created and verified but is not showing up in local pack.
    What is the best way to approach this mess?
    We are looking into ranking for both local & organic results.

    | ao500000

  • Hello, My site was getting 1500-2500 visitor and the serp rank was very good, position 2nd to 4th. But now rank is dropping day by day and also  the visitor. Its my present serp and my site URL is Can anyone suggest me whats am i doing wrong and what should i do to get a concreate serp and steady visitor. Thanks to all

    | purplerimon

  • I've got a site architecture / branding / SEO question for my own site ( In brief, the site sells kits and accessories for model warships that shoot and sink each other. My husband (Stephen) runs the business, and makes many of the parts we sell in our workshop/garage. Stephen wants to have a section where he talks about the equipment he is building/ using, and give updates on each of the pieces. This is equipment we use to make products, not equipment that we sell. For example, he's building an EDM machine, and getting a plastic injection molding machine and an ultrasonic welder up and running. We have a blog section where we post about updates about items that we sell, how to use our products, etc. This is more of a place for him to talk about what he's doing in the shop, and would also serve in future years as something he could point people to regarding his skills as an engineer if needed. I'm looking for opinions and options as to where to put this. Is there a way to use a different category in the blog and have items in the blog show up under a different page if they're in the "Stephen's Corner" category? Other options would be a separate site just for that, or to do threads on the a forum dedicated to the hobby. I'd prefer to keep things on our own site to keep all of the benefits together. Thoughts on structure or ways to make this work? Things I hadn't thought about? Thanks!

    | KeriMorgret

  • Hello All, My question is, why did my site rankings go up all of a sudden as soon as I published an article in my blog and it gets indexed (almost immidiately) The rankings increase are the following Keyword 1: from Top 5 to Top 1 Keyword 2: from Top 4 to Top 2 Keyword 3: from Top 16 to Top 3 Keyword 4: from no where to Page 2 (big time keyword) Any ideas or experience on this? When it first happened early this week(i published a new article), my site rankings dropped back after a couple of days. I did the same pattern by pubishing a new article and it went back up again. No personalized result here btw. Thank you

    | onecov

  • Our company is based out of India and has a web site with .in domain ; however our target customers are from North America and Australia.
    The problem is we get as high as 70% of organic traffic from India.
    This 70% traffic from India has little use to us. Possibly because we have ”.in “ domain the Google local search is active.
    How to reverse this situation; I mean we are looking for more traffic from across the globe except India.
    Any suggestions ? P.S. Changing domain from .in to .com is not an option as its the part of our brand advertised for last 7 years

    | TPS2013

  • I had an old URL and the link profile of this URL wasn't good - I had been using article syndication and Penguin threw me to the wolves. I decided to start over with a new URL and build a new natural link profile. I specifically did NOT do a  301 redirect to the new URL and did not make any request to Google to transfer domain as I didn't want old site being associated to the new one. To redirect our old users, I put a link on the old URL index page (nofollowed) that say that we have moved. I was very surprised to find that in GWT all the links of the old URL have now been associated to the new URL....why is that?  I started over to have a clean natural profile and follow Google guidelines.Has anyone heard of this before?  All I can guess is that Google itself "decided" to do its own pseudo-301, since the site was the same, page for page.This has Major implications for anyone attempting a "clean start" to recover from Penguin.

    | veezer

  • We have several large Ecommerce sites with hundreds of links on each page. I have been trying to think of ways to focus our internal linking to increase certain pages relevancy. My thought was to put nofollow in the main navigation (since there are hundreds of links there controlled by dropdowns) and only follow the links on each page for the products we are selling and promoting (15-20 links). I would still be using a sitemap that includes the links. Is this a terrible idea? if a link is nofollowed in the main navigation does that still count as the one mention for google if it points to the same page that a normal link points too that is in the content of the page? since all of the main navigation is the same on every page of the website would it be good to only put nofollow on the subpages/subsections and leave the home page navigation alone (that would allow the spiders to crawl all of those links on the home page but not crawl those same links on the subsections where I could then focus the linking).

    | bigtimeseo

  • Hi, I'm not sure what approach I should be using with my internal anchor text. Ideally I would like to rank well for about 3 keyword variations, so what I am wondering is is this achievable through judicious use of onsite anchor text? What I'm trying to establish is whether I should focus on just one term throughout and never vary? Or, should I go for a variety of all 3 keywords? Should I go for a wide variety of semantically similar phrases. Where are the most important places for this anchor text?
    E.g. home page, main nav, text links within articles? Should I try and use the full term in my navigation. E.g. instead of using
    Pink | Blue | Green
    should I go for
    Pink widgets | Blue widgets | Green widgets Any suggestions, pointers to useful articles would be very much appreciated. TIA,

    | Cornwall

  • Hello, We created a "How to choose a product" PDF that we are marketing to resource pages and blogs in four appropriate niches. It's good, unique content that's useful.The PDF has it's own non-commercial page. We will be doing email outreach with buzzstream. Is it important to never ask for a link in the first email? We're offering one of the following four in exchange for the link (they get to choose one): 1. A link back on one of our other sites in the same niche (not reciprocal link) 2. $100 in adwords traffic including up to 20 keywords. 3. Facebook share of their URL 4. Tweet of their URL Let me stop there and see what your feedback is. We're looking for (about) how many emails to send out building relationships before making the above offer. Or is there some way to make the offer immediately? Also, what makes a good subject line? Rand seems to indicate that you can make the offer right away in this whiteboard friday but every other article and video I've watched have said to build a relationship first. Any help is appreciated. We'll be writing all completely custom, researched outreach emails, carefully crafted.

    | BobGW

  • My website has two versions of the homepage: wondered if I could set up a 301 redirect in the .htaccess file so that only the page was returned as the homepage?Colin

    | NileCruises

  • I know Google doesn't use meta keywords in meta tags, but i was wondering if there are other smaller search engines that still do? Id it worth it to add meta keywords for them?

    | jhinchcliffe

  • Hi I built a website for a client a long time ago now and for a number of reasons I have decided to shut down the website. None payment being one of the reasons! My question to all you SEO guru's out there is, what should I do with 301 redirects. The site is an e-commerce based website and my personal website is simply advertising my services and portfolio.  If I 301 redirect all the traffic from the customer website, will there be any issue with Google (or any search engine) seeing that my website is receiving traffic for search phrases such as "Coffee Mugs"? I.e. abolutely no relevance at all to my website content! My worry is my site could be penalised for a flurry of thousands of redirected links. Also, if I redirect everything to my site and the customer decides to pay the bill in due course, I will then remove the redirects -  I guess this will have a massive impact on the rankings of the site? Thanks for reading and any advice.

    | yousayjump

  • Hello, Have any body experienced this situation, When i take a content from e.g. from home page and search it on google, search results shows FMEextensions with that content. FME had never ever used that data, it can not be found in sources files either, also this data was never written and placed on FME site but it is shown with FME How can this happen and what do you suggest to resolve it?

    | MozAddict

  • Hi, What could be the reason why PA & DA of the site dropped? Thank you

    | Webdeal

  • The company I work for started with a website targeting one city. Soon after I started SEO for them, they expanded to two cities. Optimization was challenging, but we managed to rank highly in both cities for our keywords. A year or so later, the company expanded to two new locations, so now 4 total. At the time, we realized it was going to be tough to rank any one page for four different cities, so our new SEO strategy was to break the website into 5 sections or minisites consisting of 4 city-targeted sites, and our original site which will now be branded as more of a national website. Our URL structures now look something like this: Now, in the present time, all is going well except for our original targeted city. The problem is that Google keeps ranking our original site (which is now national) instead of the new city-specific site we created. I realize that this is probably due to all of the past SEO we did optimizing for that city. My thoughts are that Google is confused as to which page to actually rank for this city's keyword terms and I was wondering if canonical tags would be a possible solution here, since the pages are about 95% identical. Anyone have any insight? I'd really appreciate it!

    | cpapciak

  • Hi, Im working on a Wordpress hosted blog site.  I recently did a "site:search" in Google for a specific article page to make sure it was getting crawled, and it returned three separate URLs in the search results.  One was the article page, and the other two were the URLs that hosted the images that are found in the article.  Would you suggest adding the rel=canonical tag to the pages that host the images so they point back to the actual context article page?  Or are they fine being left alone?  Thank you!

    | dbfrench

  • Hi there I'd like your opinions please! My client currently has their website at which has a really good link profile they also have duplicate sites at: and but both these other sites have only a handful of links in. How important do you think a better brand url is? And therefore do you think it would be better to 301 to a better brand URL and take the risk that the link profile will get hit? Or leave the main site where it is and 301 the other two to it? Many thanks

    | Chammy

  • I am trying to do my own SEO for my small photography business. I have been with SEOMOZ for about a week now. My ranking before was about the 4th page for "Houston Wedding Photographer" I have found places to add my link for back-links. I fixed the duplicate page content errors... I had Google re-crawl my site the other day because I felt like I had done a significant job improving the rank. My website has now slipped to the 5th page. What in the hell am I doing wrong?

    | kurban

  • I have schema markup on a category page and on a product page on a website in 10 languages. Product page markup is showing in google SERP in all languages (both star rating, number of votes). Category page markup is showing very inconsistently. For English google SERP do not pick it up at all. For Spanish and German they are showing completely in SERP (votes, minimum price), for other languages, just part of makrup (minimum price) is shown in google SERP. In rich snippet tool they show up correctly in all languages. Any suggestion what can be done to get schema of category page picked up more consistently? Any experience of other markup formats than schema being picked up better? Thanks

    | lcourse

  • I have a small law firm in Dallas, TX.  I will be moving to Austin, TX in the next 2 years.  My website is doing great here in Dallas, but I have focused on keyword phrases that include the word "Dallas."  I would like to leave my current website as is and maintain a Dallas office to keep the business flowing from this website. I am trying to determine the best way to get Austin business from a 2nd website.  I know I will need new content that includes the use of the word "Austin".  My question is: Should I put the new content on (1) a subdomain (i.e. or (2) a new domain (i.e.  I really want to be a player for the google local search results in both cities.  I can use a different name for my law firm in Austin, if necessary. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Regards, Zac

    | seozac

  • I am working with a site that is using the Cloudflare CDN to deliver their images. The problem is that the URLs for the images are all cloudflare URLs ( We want to use a cname to change the image URLs to be on a subdomain of their site to take advantage of the SEO strength. Currently, they get a high percentage of traffic from image search and Google is directing users to their site when returning images hosted on Cloudflare, so I am apprehensive about making changes. I'm curious if anyone has any experience with this or has any insight on how Google will handle it. Will the longer term benefits out way any short term drop in traffic from image search? WIll there be a drop in image search? Any thoughts or experiences are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    | highlyrelevant

  • Hello all, Select pages on a website I manage utilizes Facebox lightbox elements for additional information. These Faceboxes have been indexed as their own pages by Google. Unfortunately, when they were created, there is no call to action or navigation elements or anything. So I would prefer that Google not index them since it is a pretty horrible user experience if you navigate to one of these Faceboxes directly. I have tossed up no-index tags on each about three weeks ago, but they are still being indexed at present. Is there any tips or tricks that anyone has to handle this scenario or any ideas that I am not thinking of outside of just no-indexing them? Thanks in advance!

    | ClayPotCreative

  • Hi Mozzers, I've been mainly B2B focused, and am used to estimating the amount of work necessary to best competition for organic results, but now I have a local client. I need a method to estimate the amount of work necessary to get listed in the one-box for my chosen queries. Can someone point me in the right direction? Any help appreciated.

    | waynekolenchuk

  • For example, if I have a sub page dedicated to the keyword "Houston Leather Furniture" is it best practice to bold ONLY the exact match keyword? Or should ONLY the words from the keyword (so 'Houston' 'Leather' and 'Furniture') Is there a rule to how many times it should be done before its over-optimization? I appreciate any information as I want to do the BEST possible practice when it comes to this topic. Thanks!

    | MonsterWeb28

  • I am working on a site that has lots of dynamic parameters. So lets say we have When the page has no parameters you can still end up at Should I redirect this to    ? Im not sure if Google ignores this, or if these pages need to be dealt with. Thanks

    | MarloSchneider

  • We are having trouble getting a bulk of our pages indexed in google. Any help would be greatly appreciated! The Following Page types are being indexed through escaped fragment:!!65-Ashley-Tisdale/fashion/4097-Casadei-BLADE-PUMP/Product/175199 <cite>!</cite> However, all our pages that look like this, are not being indexed:!Type=Photo&id=b1d18759-5e52-4a1c-9491-6fb3cb9d4b95&Katie-Holmes-Hot-Pink-Pants-Isabel-Marant-DAVID-DOUBLE-BREASTED-Wool-COAT-Maison-Pumps-Black-Bag

    | CBuy

  • Hello Everyone, I'm in the process of setting up a website for a plumbing company that services a relatively large area in Michigan. They have physical locations spread out across the area, but they want to optimize for other areas as well. Naturally, I set up pages on the site with unique content relating to the town/area. I understand that these may not rank locally, but we can at lest shoot for organic rankings in this area. My question here more relates to how to link these pages in the site. Should I have a bunch of footer links with something like city, state, zip as the anchor text. Or should I create an "Areas Served" page, and link out from there? I don't want to appear spammy, beaus this isn't what i'm trying to do, I just want to make sure this is done right. Thanks Zach

    | seolinktools

  • My client is using double forward slahes in URL like this "//" is this affecting SEO?

    | yanaiguana111

  • Hi, I have a site that google had placed a manual link penalty on, let’s call this our
    company site.  We tried and tried to get the penalty removed, and finally gave up and purchased another name.  It was our understanding that we could safely use either a 302 or 307 temporary redirect in order to redirect people from our old domain to our new one..  We put this into place several months and everything seemed to be going along well. Several days ago I noticed that our root domain name had dropped for our selected keyword from position 9 to position 65.  Upon looking into our GWT under “Links to Your site” , I have found many, many, many links which were pointed to our old google penalized domain name to our new root domain name each of this links had a sub heading “Via this intermediate link -> Our Old Domain Google Penalized Domain Name” In light of all of this going on, I have removed the 307/302 redirect, have brought the
    old penalized site back which now consists of a basic “we’ve moved page” which is linked to our new site using a rel=’nofollow’ I am hoping that -1- Our new domain has probably not received a manual penalty and is most likely now
    received some sort of algorithmic penalty, and that as these “intermediate links” will soon disappear because I’m no longer doing the 302/307 from the old sight to the new. Do you think this is the case now or that I now have a new manual penalty place on the new
    domain name.. I would very much appreciate any comments and/or suggestions as to what I should or can do to get this fixed. I need to still keep the old domain name as this address has already been printed on business cards many, many years ago.. Also on a side note some of the sub pages of the new root domain are still ranking very
    well, it’s only the root domain that is now racking awfully.. Thanks,

    | Robdob2013

  • We are ranking very well in Google SERPS, but lackluster for the most part in Bing SERPS.  i haven't seen anything that clearly lays out how to optimize for Bing, but my concern is that if we make changes to opt for Bing that we might lose Google ranking.  Any insight as to what we might do?

    | NaHoku

  • Hi everyone is, the below site worthwhile submitting to? I see one of our competitors is on here and the article they have published has in turn be picked up by other sites. Is the financial cost worth the back link reward?

    | Hardley1

  • We launched a mobile site a month ago following the parallel mobile structure with a URL: The week later my moz crawl detected thousands of dups which I am trying to resolve right now by implementing canonical tags on the mobile version and rel=alternate onto the desktop version. So what is weird is that I found urls that were detected as duplicates on top of the regular duplicate: These 2 urls double the number of duplicates. Can you tell me what are these? is this normal? and how can I fix those? Thank you mozzers!

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • I'll keep this one short and sweet   🙂 Many moons ago we used to have several different methods of sorting our products and this change in sort order was achieved by having ?dispmode=list or ?dispmode=grid after the product URL. Best part of a year ago we decided to scrap this feature and 301'd all the ?dispmode URL's back to the base URL. The funny thing is that Google don't seem to have dropped a single one of the old URL's from their index and a search for dispmode returns almost 8,000 results. This isn't a massive problem but I'd have expected in the past year they'd have picked up on a couple of the 301's and would have started removing the old results. I'd hate to think we were getting any kind of penalisation for duplicate pages. I know the answer to this question is going to be 'just be patient, the old results will disappear' but just to ensure we're not missing anything stupid. I'd really appreciate it if someone could check out to confirm there's nothing more we could be doing to get these old results removed from the index. Many thanks

    | ChrisHolgate

  • what type relationship do you see with domain authority and moz difficulty scores? i'm finding a rule of "tens' usually applies.... meaning if da = 45, then difficulty scores of 40-50 are generally within short term reach (3-6 months of simple onpage optimization and an appropriate # ofinbound links to the page). your thoughts/data? just trying to get a feel for a consensus 🙂

    | DonnieCooper

  • Hello everyone, I know that this question has been asked millions of time, but I am really not getting a straight answer for it. Well the question will be divided in few other questions : Google changed, I get that, but I am reading everywhere, come up with a great content and the rest will follow, stop creating your own backlink and let user link to you ... But I don't know if this is apply for every site on the web, let take the example of a flash gaming site that we manage, we are creating games every day, coming up with great (unique) text for each of them, we are active on social media and stopped backlink from directories. But now we can see our sites losing ranking and seeing some websites that are not having much content on their sites or even active on social medias that are ranking better than us. We always used white hat techniques, this is why we were so well ranked for so long, but now we see our ranking change on a daily basis but can't explained why. So my question is, should we totally stop directories backlink (even the good directories)? Or we should keep on going and try PR at the same time? For a site that just started how on earth will he be able to get backlinks if it's not using directories in the first place? So I feel that I am going in circle here and I don't know what else we could do to improve our site. We even recast the site to bring better experience to the user to see if this will help on us on getting our ranking back. And this help, as the page views and time on the site improved with it, but the ranking is still unchanged (that has been done 3 months ago). Just to let you know we are aware about the panda and penguin updates 🙂 Thanks for your help on this, and I hope the answers will help others 🙂 Thanks, Mounir

    | drimlike

  • Hello! I need your Idea. I have my website in 4 languages. for example: etc.. up to 4 languages. And i run at the moment but now, i like to invest on content on all languages. What is your idea ? or or or to use another word instead "blog" for example to use or or another word? what do you prefer me?

    | leadsprofi

  • Hi, At present I have a set of regions across the nav bar with drop downs for towns within these regions. This totals about 60 links. This set up is pretty much site wide and the site ranks well for many of these towns. However, this is quite a lot of links per page (without the page specific/content links) and I am wondering about having just a horizontal sub menu of towns appear below the nav bar only specific to the selected region. Do you think cutting down the number of menu links will be beneficial to the content page's ranking. Sorry if that isn't very clear, can't think of a better way of putting it. TIA,

    | Cornwall

  • To be more specific, say a page layout has Header, Body, Left Sidebar, Footer sections. Which layout from the following options is more SEO-friendly? Header > Body > Right Sidebar > Footer Body > Header > Right Sidebar > Footer Does it make a big difference to code HTML so that the the copy of the body appears in front of all other sections when spiders crawl a website? Is it worth taking extra steps to make this happen? I am asking this question because our site has a header navigation with a lot of dropdown menus. So I assume that this is "noise" for spiders as it pushes the main content of the page down. Please bear in mind that the question is more geared towards how search engine see the page rather than how it appears to the end user as layout can be controlled by CSS.This question also assumes that all other on-site SEO best practices are followed for both options.

    | Saugar

  • Hello, I know that adding many backlinks directly to your money site can be harmful as Google doesn't like it but I want to know that I have a video on each post of my website and my one friend told me that if you add backlinks to your video which is linked to your site than it may be helpful to increase your rankings. Is it true? Please let me know. Thanks

    | intmktcom

  • Hello, I am working on a site for past 3 months, here are the problems with this site, 1. It had a forum full of spam becuase initially captcha was not included, 10000 spam backlinks 2. Affiliate page was also hit by spam about 4000 spam backlinks which were either not existing or porn etc.... 3. Too many internal links which were indexed, these additional links were generated due to tags, ids, filters etc. Existing SEO team decided to remove the forum and after 30 days they blocked it in robots. But within 30 days the site moved from 3rd page to no where. Now after few days lator internal links are also cleaned by putting following in the robots, Dissallow: / *? Dissallow: / *id Dissallow: / *tag Links are now cleaning up, all the spam and bad links are now put into disavow file and sent to google via disavow tool. On daily bases good quality links are been produced such as through content, article submission, profile linking, Bookmarks etc. The site is still not any where on top 50 results. The impressions are decreasing, traffic also do not rise as much. How do you see all this situation. What do you suggest and how long do you think it will take to return to top 10 when good linking is being done and all preventive measures are being taken. I would appreciate any feedback on it. Thank you. Site URL: keywords: magento themes, magento templates

    | MozAddict

  • Should we be concerned about any adverse consequences to our site's SEO value when moving the site's assets (javascript files and css files) to a CDN (Akamai)?


  • I have a question about the use of hreflang. In country one i have for instance country (and language) two I have   web.two/Widget In other words, the distinction between yellow and blue isn't there in country two. My best try would  two" href="<a>http://</a>web.two/Widget" />  <link rel="<a>alternate" hreflang="two" href="<a>http://</a>web.two/Widget" /></link rel="<a> <link rel="<a>canonical" href=""/></link rel="<a>web.two/Widget   <link rel="<a>alternate" hreflang="one" href="" />    </link rel="<a> <link rel="<a>canonical" href="web.two/Widget "/></link rel="<a>So pointing both blue and yellow to the Widget in country two, and pointing widget in country two to Blue widget in country one, as BlueWidget is what I would prefer to promote if I had to choose.What do people think? Is this the way to go? If so, why? If not, why?And is it actually worth bothering with? Will country two get a boost because I get links to country one? Regards

    | Peekabo

  • Hi There I have a question regarding Google generating its own page titles for some of the pages on my website. I know that Google sometimes takes your H1 tag and uses it as a page title, however, can anyone tell me how I can stop this from happening? Is there a meta tag I can use, for example like the NOODP tag? Or do I have to change my page title? Thanks Sadie

    | dancape

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