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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi We are confident we have an anchor text penalty and have removed nearly all offending links about 3 months ago, and since have only engaged on 100% natural linking with good content and simply asking people to share our site. However we have made no progress all in terms on position for our main keyword - we now thinking of starting a fresh on a new domain as Google doesn't seem to be able to forgive us... Any ideas please?

    | jj3434

  • Hi forum, For some reason I have recently received a large increase in my Duplicate Page Content issues. Currently it says I have over 7,000 duplicate page content errors! For example it says: Sample URLs with this Duplicate Page Content However there are no physical links to any of these page on my site and even when I look at my FTP files (I am using Dreamweaver) these directories and files do not exist. Can anyone please tell me why the SEOMOZ crawl is coming up with these errors and how to solve them?

    | sterls

  • I had most of my sites down for a month for technical problems, how do I recover my SEO status ? I did everything possible to not get offline, but I did, some months before my domais were extremely slow, leading to failures over failures. I got them down and moved to another host. What should I do in SEO know that the mess is done ?

    | aamato

  • Hi Folks I'm looking for recommendations from the community that can help me tic the requirements below; Looking for link-building services for a small start up. Prefer to work directly with the person doing the work. Prefer that they speak English 🙂 Have a small monthly budget so not looking for big organisations, rather a expert who is working on his/her own, and  can have a phone conversation with me before engagement. Any-hoots I may be looking for a needle in a haystack here but any recommendations on people would be highly appreciated 🙂 PS: I know SEOmoz recommends some folks, but wow they are expensive ... can't afford that

    | OMDAustralia

  • Can anyone tell me if this website was built with Frontpage or another cookie cutter drag and drop website creator by looking at the source code? Thanks, Russell


  • i havent really gotten a straight answer yet for this question - my client says: "The developers are skeptical about the possibility to update PHP on our server as this could seriously damage the entire RV site functionality." since i know nothing about php and any potential hazards i have to ask the community to see if there is any validity to these concerns. we cant update our version of WP unless the version of php is first upgraded from 5.1.6 to 5.2.4 client wont do this because developers say its a potential nightmare i , as seo, want a current updated version of WP for many obvious reasons can anyone please tell me what, if any, problems could arise from upgrading the sites php? or is it just a lot of work and the developers are making excuses because they dont want to do it? thanks very much to whoever answers

    | Ezpro9

  • So I was commenting on an article that my girlfriend shared and the coolest thing happened. Check out the screens for details, but basically, as soon as i finished my comment and pressed enter,  a little like box prompt window popped up. This was on FB not on their site, and I thought that was awesome. Anyone heard of, or no what is required to get this for other pages??? Thanks!! Tyler Abernethy 0KyS0wQ.png?1

    | TylerAbernethy

  • OK. Let's get the obvious out of the way. We all know to 301 www to root, or root to www. However, my questions for discussion is, which is better? Is it better to redirect the root to www or redirect the www to the root?  I ask this from the context of links. Because, even though my client's sites are being redirected in the .htaccess file, I note different PA, DA, and link counts for www vs no www. It appears to me it doesn't seem to matter in the social signal arena. What I am thinking is that redirecting the root to www is better because humans naturally link with www, so you take advantage this natural aspect. Agree or disagree? Are there any other considerations to worry about? Thanks,
    Guy P.S. My opinion is to call BS on link juice through 301s. It may help, but it is never as good as a link with no redirects.

    | OnlineMarketingGuy

  • client has banners on site 1 linking to site 2 and vice-versa but these links are auto generated with each blog post ( new post means new ad link) is this a problem? see, its not like he just has one banner on reach site pointing back to the other - his ads automatically appear on each page that a blog post is posted - im sure you know what i mean but im trying to to my best to make sense here everytime another blog post is created for site 1 then another banner is also created linking to site 2 client thinks it may be a big problem - is it?

    | Ezpro9

  • Taking a poll out there......In most cases would you want to index or NOT index your category pages using the Yoast SEO plugin?

    | webestate

  • Hello, As a site owner, I've worked with several SEO firms in the past. Even though a long time has passed, they still appear in the GWMT list of admins (though inactive). I wouldn't like other companies and consultants see that in the future. Is there a way to remove them? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • Hello! I’m new to SEO, and have been soaking up as much as I can. I really love it, and feel like it could be a great fit for me – I love the challenge of figuring out the SEO puzzle, plus I have a copywriting/PR background, so I feel like that would be perfect for helping businesses get a great jump on their online competition. In fact, I was so excited about my newfound love of SEO that I offered to help a friend who owns a small business on his site. Once I started, though, I found myself hopelessly confused. The problem comes when I crawl the site. It was designed in Wordpress, and is really not very big (part of my goal in working with him was to help him get some great content added!) Even though there are only 11 pages – and 6 posts – for the entire site, when I use Screaming Frog to crawl it, it sees HUNDREDS of pages. It stops at 500, because that is the limit for their free version. In the campaign I started here at SEOmoz, and it says over 1,400 pages have been crawled…with something like 900 errors. Not good, right? So I've been trying to figure out the problem...when I look closer in Screaming Frog, I can see that some things are being repeated over and over. If I sort by the Title, the URLs look like they’re stuck in a loop somehow - one line will have /blog/category/postname…the next line will have /blog/category/category/postname…and the next line will have /blog/category/category/category/postname…and so on, with another /category/ added each time. So, with that, I have two questions Does anyone know what the problem is, and how to fix it? Do professional SEO people troubleshoot this kind of stuff all of the time? Is this the best place to get answers to questions like that? And if not, where is? Thanks so much in advance for your help! I’ve enjoyed reading all of the posts that are available here so far, it seems like a really excellent and helpful community...I'm looking forward to the day when I can actually answer the questions!! 🙂

    | K.Walters

  • I've checked for meta-robots, all SEO tags are fixed, reindexed with google-- basically everything and it's not showing up. According to SEOMoz all looks fine, I am making a few fixes, but nothing terribly major. It's a new website, and i know it takes a while, but there is no movement here in a month. Any insights here?

    | Wabash

  • It looks like I have a lot of duplicate pages which are essentially the same url with some extra ? parameters added eg: These extra 2 pages (and there's loads of pages this happens to) are a mystery to me. Not sure why they exist as there's only 1 page. Is this a massive issue? It's built on Drupal so I wonder if it auto generates these pages for some reason? Any help MUCH appreciated. Thanks

    | Deniz

  • I feel my meta descriptions are descriptive and fairly represent the info on each page of my site. However, Google frequently includes this "20+ items" in front of the snippet. I run a job site and each page list 20 jobs. What if I include a bit of coding in the Meta Description to include "Latest Jobs Posted TODAY's DATE" - since the jobs listed on the page will include a date. On each page there is also option to "Create Email Alert" and "save Jobs" maybe I should include writing about that as well? I have read all Google's documents on the importance of making Meta Des relevant for the page etc, so any good insight how increase my chances of getting the meta des displayed in the SERP would be appreciated. thank you, Kristian

    | knielsen

  • Hello I have launched my site in April last year. It took a while but I finally got to rank 2 on Google for "Hobart photographer" and rank 1 for "photographer Hobart Tasmania". Suddenly last week my site dropped to page 2 and I don't understand why. Was there a Google update ? If not, what can be the reason for such a sudden drop ? Thanks Loic

    | loiclg

  • Hi all, We run a ticket agent, and have multiple events that occur year after year, for example a festival. The festival has a main page with each event having a different page for each year like the below: Main page (main page) Event pages: my question is: Is it better to leave the old event pages active and link them back to the main page, or 301 redirect these pages once they're out of date? (leave them there until there is a new event page to replace it for this year) If the best answer is to leave the page there, should i use a canonical tag back to the main page? and what would be the best way to link back? there is a breadcrumb there now, but it doesn't seem to obvious for users to click this. Keywords we're aming for on this example are 'Leefest Tickets', which has good ranking now, the main page and 2012 page is listed. Thanks in advance for your help.

    | gigantictickets

  • Hi there, should less-than-optimal links be preserved, if those links contribute to a more attractive anchor text percentage profile? I'm working on a client who spun a bunch of articles, using keyword word anchor text. No surprise, the strategy worked great up to the penguin update.  About 90% of the client's links come from these spun articles.  The other 10% of links are naturally occurring, quality links.  Furthermore, these quality links are also keyword rich. Now, it occurs to me that if I remove / disavow the links coming from the spun articles, I'm left with the 10% of quality, anchor text rich links.  I'm concerned that Google will see this percentage as too high, and lower the rank. Furthermore, I have a vague memory of watching some YouTube video, where an ex-Googler says that your brand name should be about 60% of your anchor text, and everything else lower.  Finally, when I examine the anchor text in links coming into the ranking sites, they have 5-15% anchor text density on their keywords. So, I feel a bit of a contradiction: I should clean up all of the crappy links from the spun articles, but then that risks having only the keyword rich anchor text links active? Therefore, I'm considering leaving some of the crappy links active on non-relevant keyword text, such as the good 'ol "click here" link. Also, before answering this, I can already predict some of the answers on philosophical grounds: those crappy links from spun articles are not natural and garbage, so get rid of them.  Fair enough, but I'm also interested in an answer on only the dimension of what will produce the highest rank for my client?

    | ExploreConsulting

  • Hi there, We have ranking top 3 for a competitive keyword, however the product linked to that keyword has just been discontinued, normally if we have alternatives to this product I would keep this page live and direct users to those alternatives products. What is best practice here? keeping the page live and telling users that this product has been discontinued and offering a helpline number? or just removing the page all together? (404) Thanks

    | Paul78

  • Hi all, I'm trying to increase the domain authority of the Is there any advice to improve it efficiently? Many thanks

    | WTGEvents

  • Hello, I am trying to achieve 3 different things on my .htaccess I just want to make sure I am doing it the right or best way because I don't have much experience working on this kind of files. I am trying to: a) Redirect to so I don't get a duplicate content/tag error. b) Redirect to c) Get rid of the file extensions; to This is the code that I'm currently using and it seems to work fine, however I would like someone with experience to take a look so I can avoid internal server errors and other kinds of issues. I grabbed each piece of code from different posts and tutorials. Options +FollowSymlinks            
    RewriteEngine on Index Rewrite                                                                                                                 RewriteRule ^index.(htm|html|php) [R=301,L]                 RewriteRule ^(.*)/index.(htm|html|php)$1/ [R=301,L] RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.html -f
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.html Options +FollowSymlinks
    RewriteEngine on
    Rewritecond %{http_host} ^ [nc]
    Rewriterule ^(.*)$$1 [r=301,nc] Thanks a lot!

    | Eblan

  • Hello, I'm trying to promote a new site doing things differently moving forward if needed in order to prevent getting google slapped while being as efficient as possible.. We have a main site which manufacturers materials. we also have a blog on every week someone in our office writes an article about something related to our area of work and within the article has a varied keyword or two embedded within the article they are writing... My questions are as follows: -1- should be change our blog site address from to
    -2- would it be beneficial to have a link from our main site to the
    -3- We also have a ezine account, would it be beneficial to also post this same article perhaps with some minor changes to our ezine account so that it would start to get more visibility from other sites or is this now possibly a no no?
    -4- should we be now usin nofollow links in our articles?  if we do use nofollow links aren't we losing the benefit? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

    | Robdob2013

  • Hi Mozzers, i have been tirelessly working on our site for the past few months auditing and fixing what we can, we have recently recovered from a mind bending google panda penalty, but i would really love a second quick glance from another mozzer to see if theres anything glaringly obvious that we have missed onpage or looks wrong if anyone has 2 minutes of time to give 🙂

    | palicomp

  • Hello, Before joining seomoz I was desperate to hire seo expert for my website and each posts on my website. I did some research and found some cheap services on as I didn't had huge marketing budget and I purchased some services (gig) on to add many backlinks to my latest post. Now before ordering this services I was on 3rd page of Google for my relevant keywords but after adding backlinks I am not on first 50 pages for my specific keywords. I admit that when I was on 3rd page the competition for my keywords was about 50,000 (with comma ofcourse) and now it is 186,000 so I do believe that competition is increased but I didn't expect such a drop in rankings. I suspect that may be Google put my site far behind because of so much backlinks and that too generated within one week. I didn't know that it will cause such a drop in rankings. I even suspect that may be there were spam backlinkgs or linkings which google doesn't like. So my question is first of all how do I know that is there any backlinks on my website or posts which can harm my rankings and if yes how do I get rid of them. Please guide me as I want to do proper and genuine seo which google likes and finally my rankings get better. Thanks Bhadresh

    | intmktcom

  • Hi all, I have tried all white hat ways to make my local business website rank well in Google. We have done: 1.) Good quality content for our site on regular basis
    2.) Submit to Google sitemap
    3.) Link in an ethical way
    4.) Post on social media sites No Google Panda content farming
    No Google Penguin unnatural linking In fact, we have more quality articles to share compared to other laundry dry cleaning websites in Singapore. Can anyone advice me on why my site is my ranking well? Site:

    | chanel27

  • A website was built and launched eight months ago, and their domain authority is 1.  When a site has been live for a while and has such a low DA, what's causing it?

    | optimalwebinc

  • Hey there, We have recently been in touch with a SEO agency that recomended we remove all inorganic links from our backlink profile. Most of the links are pretty good but there are some news sites that have sitewide links to our site. The link is in the nav menu, as a useful link. We didn't ask for this link it was totally organic. Also some link building in the past was focused on anchor text so some of the keywords may have been over emphasised. Is it a good idea to go about removing all of the potentially inorganic looking links? My concern is that we wipe out links that google are actually valuing. I still know sites are ranking #1 with much more dubious backlink profiles, and then there's this guy who removed his sitewide backlinks and dropped in his ranking: If a competitor decided to add negative links to our site, it would take longer to find and remove negative links than it would for them to add them. It seems odd that google would allow negative SEO to be that easy.. What do you think?

    | timscullin

  • I have been going through all the errors, warnings from my weekly SEO Moz scans. One thing I'm see a bit of is "Too Many On-Page Links". I've only seen a few, but as in the case of this one: there is only 2 links on the page (the image and the read more).  So I think the sidebar links are causing the error. I feel my tags are important to help readers find information they may be looking for. Is there a better method to present tags than the wordpress tag cloud? Should I exclude the tags, with the risk of making things more difficult for my users? Thanks for your help.

    | RoxBrock

  • We run a network of sites that we are considering consolidating into one main site with multiple categories.  Which would be better having each of the "topics / site" reside in subdomains or as a sub-folder off of the root?  Pros and cons of each would be great. Thanks, TR

    | DisMedia

  • How important is the placement of unique content "Above the Fold". Will attention grabbing images suffice or must their be a lot of unique text?

    | casper434

  • Our company is in the process of updating our sitemap. Should we include or exclude canonical links.

    | WebRiverGroup

  • I'm evaluating a request to restructure our existing folder structure for and I would like some input.  I typically recommend proper folder structure for ecommerce sites either when doing a new build or when doing an information architecture overhaul because of duplicate content or canonicalization issues. doesn't have duplicate content or canonicalization issues so I'm really trying to get feedback about the SEO impact of a folder structure change versus the amount of time required on our side to do the work.  Please share your experiences. Current URL structure example: Potential New Structure:**/skinny-ties**/the-american-necktie-co-navy-and-gold-stripe-navy-blue-skinny-tie OR I'm well aware that as a BEST PRACTICE we should be using the category/subcategory folder structure, but since we aren't really suffering from any technical SEO issues then I don't know if this will be worth our time to remap all of these URL's via 301 and canonicalize everything.  I anticipate it will be a lot of work and if the Return on Effort is low I can't prioritize this project. I need 2nd and 3rd opinions from experienced ecommerce retail SEO's. Thank you


  • I have a group of keyword that constantly move within the Google SERP. One week they are in the top 3 spots the next they fall down to position 7+ (in some cases they even fall 20 places) then after this they eventually go back to their most regular position within the top 3 spots. Can anyone please explain why this keep happening?

    | AdvanceSystems

  • Would like to add 300 products to ecommerce site of which 150 products are just variations in different colors. In this particular case there are some reaons for: Not writing partially unique product descriptions for each product variation Not setting them up as variations on one product page So I would have several product pages with nearly identical product descriptions (proprietary description written by us), just name of color in title and description and EAN in description being different, as well as over time different user generated content showing up. Also different product images used. I would not mind if google  would not index some product variations. Do you think I should be concerned about Panda? Do you know any website which had a Panda problem caused by product variations? Thanks

    | lcourse

  • I'm struggling to understand why I rank for some terms and not for other closely related ones. For example: property in Toytown but NOT properties in toytown property for sale in Toytown but NOT property for sale Toytown NOR properties for sale Toytown. My gut instinct is that I don't have enough of the second phrasing as inbound link anchor text -- but didn't Penguin/Panda make all that obsolete?

    | Jeepster

  • For  a partial keyword match domain name what would you recommend as ALT tag to internlink country domains (different CCTLD)? Option 1) => I am a bit concerned about this option in terms of potential penalty for keywords in ALT (since partial match domains) Option 2) 
    FR ... Option 3)
    English UK
    Deutsch Deutschland
    Deutsch Österreich
    Francais France => concerned here about mixing lots of languages in ALT tags in each page, which may confuse google language detection.

    | lcourse

  • Hi My six-year-old domain has always existed in four forms: http://www**.** My webmaster claims it’s “impossible” to do a 301 redirect from the first three to the fourth. I need simple instructions to guide him. The site’s hosted on Windows running IIS Here’s his rationale: These are all the same page, so they can’t redirect to themselves. Index.html is the default page that loads automatically if you don’t specify a page. If I put a redirect into index.html it would just run an infinite redirect loop. As you can see from the IIS set up, both www.mydomain and  point to the same location ( VIEW IMAGE HERE ) _Both of these use index.html as the default document ( VIEW IMAGE 2 HERE ) _

    | Jeepster

  • I am dealing with an interesting situation. Here's what's going on: Current URLs Example1: Canonical on All Above URLs: New URL: Current URLs Example2: Canonical on All Above URLs: New URL: I want to make sure all variations of the above URL redirect to the new url. What wildcard 301 redirect / regular expression can I use to tackle these ?

    | NakulGoyal

  • Hi, We re-did a section of a site and got rid of hundreds of pages of no longer relevant content. We 301'd the urls to the category homepage. Now, GWT calls these soft 404s. a) Should we have done something differently instead of 301ing? b) Are these hundreds of soft 404 errors a big problem or threat to how Google sees us for SEO? c) Should we correct this in some way? Thanks... Darcy

    | 94501

  • Good morning, I have a client who is a local realtor and they have several locations in their region. We created individual sites for their locations that are linked from their main site (on the left bottom). I need some advice and guidance... Are the location sites a good consideration as microsites? I know we should include the rel=canonical tag and are in the process of doing so, but any comments on this would be appreciated I know the answer to this one, but the client insists on continually asking about it...would it be better to have the location sites linked from the main site as subdomains? Any other suggestions to either prove or disprove our technique in breaking out the location sites, whether it's a good idea or if we are harming their SEO is appreciated THANKS!

    | gXeSEO

  • Hi Guys, Looking for thoughts on press release websites in terms of link value.  Recent press releases on both these sites have recently appeared in OSE with DA's of 93/98 and PA's of 47/48 - great stuff. Given we can control anchor text and include links these are great opportunities to combine anchor text vs branded links, include citation and co-citations all from within the main body of the release too depending on the PR package you subscribe to. So are these link opps as valuable as they appear or could they be devalued based on the fact they are sat on these PR sites? Might Google view them as no more important than links from ezinearticles? Are they frowned on even more as they might be considered paid links? Further to this, if they aren't as high value as their DA/PA suggests then might an extra filter in OSE to account for this be useful? Interested to hear your thoughts

    | lovealbatross

  • Hello, When is it appropriate to wait till the second or third email to let the person I'm outreaching to know that I want a link? Things I'm giving away: 1. Broken Link Building 2. $100 adwords traffic 3. social sharing of their URL (twitter & facebook)

    | BobGW

  • Our eCommerce site employees a primary navigation system which we can enable to as many categories or not as we link. If all categories are enabled it adds roughly another 50 to 60 followed links per page giving all pages roughly 150 followed links (Google suggests no more than 100 per page). If I enable just top level navigation then this reduces them all considerably. Personally from the customer experience I think its better for them all to be visible, however from an SEO perspective and link juice perhaps not. Thought and opinions much appreciated here. Thanks Craig

    | Towelsrus

  • I provide SEO services in-house and for clients for a ecommerce and web design company. For every client site we create or host we provide a image link on the bottom linking back to our company website. I started researching competitors that offer same services for our industry that have top Google rankings for all the terms we are targeting and i just realized they rank that well because their image/anchor text link they place on client sites is alt tagged for that specific keyword. We have not been optimizing or utilizing this easy keyword backlink method. I am now wanting to go to all of our clients sites and change our backlinks to target the keyword we are optimizing for but my  concern is will that number of incoming anchor text/image alt tag links cause us to get penalized from google for either over optimization or them seeing 100's of backlinks keyword specific just change overnight. What is the best way to go about this change in a safe way to avoid or risk penalty from Google? 99% of all of our client backlinks are in the footer so they show up on every single page and they are all images. Would it have a different affect if i add a alt tag to those images so that we get the oncoming link juice of that specific keyword? One of my concerns is over optimization, since some of our clients have 1000's of pages on their website. so that is 1000's of incoming exact match keyword links. I feel like the danger is low for being penalized but i would rather be safe then sorry and get additional feedback. Thanks, Stephen


  • Starting a redesign for an attorney who is currently using WordPress with an old framework that is no longer being supported, so I'm going to install a new WP and start from scratch. The site consists of about 30 static pages (practice areas, attorney profiles, etc.) and they write about 5 blog posts per month. I've always differentiated between posts and pages for WP sites I've done in the past, but this time around I thought it might be more clean (less files, and easier for their webmaster to make routine edits) if I just brought over the static pages as posts. However, the recent webinar on the Yoast SEO plugin mentioned using the month/day in the permalink structure for posts to avoid duplicate content issues. That would go against how I was thinking of setting it up, because I would have just generated the URL off the page title and make a separate category for "pages". Just wondering if anyone's used posts as pages before. While this seems like it would make things easier for the webmaster, I'm not sure it maximizes potential for SEO. Thanks.

    | c2g

  • Currently we have our item pages descriptions sitting in frames. I want to get rid of the frames altogether but my developer has said that it is a pain. Is there a way to have the text in the source code readable by search engines but not showing on the page? What about using the noframes tag? If I do a search for my frames they are actually indexed. Should I use a robot.txt block on these pages? What about rel-canonical? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    | EcommerceSite

  • I currently have both WWW and non-WWW versions of my site live on the web, and I want to be able to have all non-WWW to point to WWW.
    I want just the WWW version of the site live.I'm wondering the best way to resolve this?Is it normally dealt with in the .htaccess file and I think, looks like this but I'm not sure: <code>RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [http://www.](http://www.)%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]</code>

    | NileCruises

  • Thanks to Sanket Patel in an earlier query I've now got non-www pages showing as www. pages on my website. But the Blog which is part of the site posts and pages still show as non-www pages. For example: I wonder if anyone has come upon the same problem and what the solution might be? Thanks, Colin

    | NileCruises

  • Hi Guys, I am about to start to redesigning a new mobile website and am curious if mobile SEO is actually having an affect or not. The site I am doing the redesign for, already has a very well optimized desktop site and has an existing mobile website with no optimization. The mobile website is ranking well in Mobile search so I am curious why I I would need to optimize the new mobile website properly, especially when the mobile website has a canonical tag for its desktop counter part? Love to get everyone's thoughts on this & where they see mobile SEO going in the next 12 months.

    | seekjobs

  • Hey guys, I have joined seomoz today and set up campaigns for my sites. I got reports about keyword rankings, errors, notices etc. But I am still confused about how to use seomoz in order to improve my rankings. My point is does seomoz provides any services for improving position in google or simply seomoz provides only reporting? These reports are good but my ultimate goal to join seomoz is to improve my rankings for my each website and each post. Please help. BJ

    | intmktcom

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