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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • If i have 70% back links with same anchor text, will i get penalized? some of my blog's pages which were previously in top 100 in google are no where now. but for other long tail keywords, m still in same position. How to get rid of this penalty? Should i create more links with different anchor text to reduce the effect or should i remove that 70% back links?

    | web2smspk

  • A couple years ago I changed domain names and switched platforms for my site.  The traffic dropped dramatically (80-90%).    I've tried to get inbound links changed, clean up on-page stuff, but nothing is making a big change. I think most of the problem is loss of link juice with the 301 redirects from the old domain to the new one.  Would I be risking bigger losses by switching back to the old domain name?

    | iJeep

  • I have a site that has a lot of url differences. Due to coding we sometimes have to 301 to a page that is 301'd to another. Is there any danger in doing this?

    | EcommerceSite

  • I work for a company that has a domain that is something like but most people just use without the dash. The redirect for the homepage works fine. We recently launched a new site and if you use it redirects from the old site to the new site just fine. However if you use it does not properly redirect to How do I fix that?

    | EcommerceSite

  • What is the best way to do local SEO when the business has a physical address, but the mailing address is through a PO Box.  Can you still list your business on Google Maps, Google places, yahoo, bing etc... with the physical address?

    | melen

  • I work for a company that is (for example), most people just type in I think that we are being counted as a site twice. Any suggestions as to how to know for sure? If you want to know why I am asking this here is the link

    | EcommerceSite

  • Question for all the SEO's out there. Do you always include your target keyword in the image alt tag? For example, if you had an article on osteoarthritis, and you included a photo of an old man, would you put "old man on a bench" or "old man suffering from osteoarthritis" -- even though you have no idea if the old man suffers from osteoarthritis?

    | nicole.healthline

  • I have a couple of WordPress clients with the same issue but caused in different ways: 1. The Slash WP theme which is a portfolio theme, involves setting up multiple excerpts of content that can then be added to multiple pages. So although the pages themselves are not identical, there are the same snippets of content appearing on multiple pages 2. A WP blog which has multiple categories and/or tags for each post, effectively ends up with many pages showing duplicate excerpts of content. My view has always been to noindex these pages (via Yoast), but was advised recently not to. In both these cases, even though the pages are not identical, do you think this duplicate content across multiple pages could cause an issue? All thoughts appreciated

    | Chammy

  • Hi all The situation: We have a .com website that is the core of our business over the last 3 years we have built this into a very sucessful brand. Customers are able to purchase products from our website and have it delivered anywhere in the world. As part of the development of our business we want to obviously rank high within serps regardless of what country our potential customer is from. We understand that we will need to translate much of our website to achieve this and that is something that we have in the pipeline. My question is more aimed at the English speaking countries and how we should optimise our website for these. For example: and were initialy setup as 301 redirects to, however, we have now set them up as their own domains which display the exact same content as the .com website. So to clarify the content on is also on and What would the best way to ensure that our and gain traction within the appropriate country? Is duplicate content still an issue? All our prices are displayed in USD will this go againts? We use US English (with a sprinkle of chinglish) as our websites copy languange should we change spelling for AU and UK? Does anyone have any case studies and or other reports I can read that may help me find the right solution for us. Thanks Danny

    | DannyCarter

  • Hi, We believe that our website - - is being all but ignored by Google Search. The following two examples illustrate our case. 1. Searching for “China listening in on Skype - Microsoft assumes you approve”. This is the title of a blog post that we wrote which received some 50,000 visits. On Yahoo and Bing search, we rank first for this search. On Google, however, we rank 7th. Each of the six pages ranking higher than us are quoting and linking to our story. 2. Searching for “Online Censorship In China”. This is the title of our front page. Yahoo and Bing both rank us third for this search. On Google, however, we are not even among the first 300 results. Two of the pages among the first 10 results link to us. Our website has an average of around 1000 visits per day. We are quoted in and linked from virtually all Western mainstream media (see Yet to this day we are receiving almost no traffic from Google Search. Our mission is to bring transparency to online censorship in China. If people could find us in Google, it would greatly help to spread awareness of the extent of Internet restrictions here. If you could indicate to us what the cause of our poor rankings could be, we would be very grateful. Thank you for your time and consideration.


  • Doing some research I found a .edu page linking directly to an image on my site. I can't see how this really benefits me so am wondering how to point the link juice somewhere useful, like the page on which the image resides. Can this be done? One idea that just occured to me would be to rename the image and set up a 301 in the .htaccess. Would that work?

    | Cornwall

  • Our not-so-lovely CMS loves to render pages regardless of the URL structure, just as long as the page name itself is correct. For example, it will render the following as the same page: To help combat this, we are creating mod rewrites with friendly urls, so all of the above would simply render as I understand robots.txt respects the wildcard (*), so I was considering adding this to our robots.txt: Disallow: */123.html If I move forward, will this block all of the potential permutations of the directories preceding 123.html yet not block our friendly Oh, and yes, we do use the canonical tag religiously - we're just mucking with the robots.txt as an added safety net.

    | mrwestern

  • I logged into GWT today.  It typically reports that our page has about 9,000 inbound links, but today it said we have 225.   There are no warnings or messages about any manual action. In fact, this site has never received any penalties or warnings. Since November I have used the disavow tool to remove porn links that a competitor has pointed at my site.  Typically I go through Google's "new" links list and add any of the obviously bad links to the disavow list.  That effort seemed to be going ok, and my site does not seem to be penalized for this negative seo. The 225 links that remain are scattered back through 2010.  This site has been online since 2005 and has accumulated lots of links over the years. Some great, some not so great. Queries are down about 1500 per day since last week, about a 15% drop.  There is a slight drop in some keyword rankings, but nothing huge, and most of the SERPS I track do not seem to be impacted.  The PR is steady at 4, where it's been for years. So... what do you think I should do?  Just watch it for a week and see if they come back?   Try removing the "disavow" list just in case it some how messed things up (looks ok on the surface to me). Has this ever happened to anyone else?

    | DarrenX

  • Hi Mozzers, I want to start accepting guest bloggers on my site to create content.
    What potential pitfalls should I watch out for? Should they only link a certain amount of times to their site? Per article? Per everything?
    Ratio of followed vs nofollowed links?
    Should I not link to "hazardous" sites I don't want to associate myself with?  How can I identify a site that will hurt my link profile?
    What's the best way to make sure the guest bloggers aren't plagiarizing? Thanks!

    | Travis-W

  • Here's the situation: 2 online stores. Store A is doing really well, traffic, sales, and keyword ranking wise. Store B, not so much. Owner wants to redirect all links from store B to store A and then possibly re-brand store A and give it a different URL. This is a slow time, sales pick up in spring. I would like opinions on this from anyone who has done this or knows about it. Risks, benefits, best practices on going about it, etc... Thank you, Lisa

    | Freelancer13

  • HI Mozers! I have a client who is deleting their community section of their website because they have little activity. I know there are some inbound links going the the community section. If I 301 redirect those links to the homepage instead, will that still preserve the SEO credit of the link -OR-is Google smart enough to know it's redirecting the the homepage and kill the link love? My initial thoughts are that Google will see that it's being redirected to the homepage and not count the link anymore, but I'm just guessing. Any ideas? Anyone have any experience in something like this?

    | SavvyPanda

  • It seems as though my site has been hit, possibly because of above the fold adverts or lack of content above the fold, so I have a number of questions regarding this. 1. Are videos regarded as content by Google Bot? 2. If three adverts are placed above the fold with text content clearly readable. Will these three adverts still affect my search engine rankings? 3. Is it better to put text before the video and have the video placed a bit lower? 4. I have a number of pages that have video but no text, could these pages combine to decrease the value of my best landing pages? thanks 😄

    | phoenixcg

  • I know there could be numerous reasons here why they may be ranking higher but I hope I can get some answers from the details that I provide below I am looking at one particular page so its I have page rank 5 on this url I have had the domain for 7 years I have videos on this page (my competitors do too) I have 65 linking root domains 14,000 inbound links to this page. I have 6 keyword phrases in my title tag My main competitor has a lot more pages and has been around longer, but has lower page rank and lower inbound links to that page. They also have less words in the title tag.

    | phoenixcg

  • OK, this is slowly frying my brain and would like some clarification from someone in the know, we have posted multiple reconsideration requests the regular "site violates googles quality guidelines" .."look for unnatural links etc" email back in March 2012, I came aboard the business in August 2012 to overcome bad SEO companies work. So far i have filled several disavow requests by domain and cleared over 90% of our backlink profile which where all directory, multiple forum spam links etc from WMT, OSE and Ahrefs and compiled this to the disavow tool, as well as sending a google docs shared file in our reconsideration request of all the links we have been able to remove and the disavow tool, since most where built in 2009/2010 a lot where impossible to remove. We managed to shift about 12 - 15% of our backlink profile by working very very hard too remove them. The only links that where left where quality links and forum posts created by genuine users and relevant non spam links As well as this we now have a high quality link profile which has also counteracted a lot of the bad "seo" work done by these previous companies, i have explained this fully in our reconsideration request as well as a massive apology on behalf of the work those companies did, and we are STILL getting generic "site violates" messages, so far we have spent in excess of 150 hours to get this penalty removed and so far Google hasn't even batted an eyelid. We have worked SO hard to combat this issue it almost feels almost very personal, if Google read the reconsideration request they would see how much work we have done too remove this issue. If anyone can give any updates or help on anything we have missed i would appreciate it, i feel like we have covered every base!! Chris

    | palicomp

  • Today, I have submitted Test Data Feed on Google merchant center for one Ecommerce website. ( But, I can see item warnings for invalide URL in attribute: image_link. You can find out attachment to know more about it. My website contain image path as follow. I have read detail guidelines for Google merchant center and come to know as follow. Product feed must contain image link with domain name like follow. But, I have found approved merchants and products in Google shopping which does not contain image path with domain name. You can check following path to know more about it. So, How do I fix item warnings regarding Invalid URL in attribute: image_link? I need urgent help on this issue. Image_Link_Issue_Test_Data_Feed_TechCart.png?view=1∂=4

    | CommercePundit

  • Hello fellows I working on a site that have duplicate pages' titles tags, the case is the following: there is a category page that is split in couple pages via pagination (1,2,3 ....) all these pages have the same title tag for example: looking at this page for example, it has a pagination at the bottom, all the pages in the pagination (let's say page 5 for example) have the same title tag for the rest (including the first page). How should I deal with this case? should I simply add to the title tag its corresponding page number? e.g, full interviews - page 1? or I should I use canonical tag? I'm really confused. Your help is really appreciated.

    | MHD

  • Hi Last night some of my good links suddenly stopped from being display displayed at the WMT list of links Any thoghts? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • I am trying to get the new Site map to be picked up by Google for the extended listing as its pulling from the old links and returning 404 errors. How can I get the site listing indexed quickly and have the extended listing get updated to point to the right places. This is the site - This is the search with the extended listing and some 404's - Broad Match search for "epaperflip"

    | Intergen

  • Hi Mozzers, We're having a hard time getting our site indexed, and I have a feeling my dev team may be blocking too much of our site via our robots.txt file. They say they have disallowed php and smarty files. Is there any harm in allowing these pages? Thanks!

    | Travis-W

  • I am consolidating a site for a client who previously, and very foolishly, broke up their domains like so: etc... I am now done with the new site, which will be at: with pages as appropriate: This domain, although not entirely new, does not have much authority or rank. In terms of SEO and link-building, is it better to redirect the old domain to the specific page on the new domain: --> or... is it better to put a landing page at the old domain LINKING to the page on the new domain: --> landing page linking to -->

    | thongly

  • I've entered my the following search query into However the resulting website that are brought back are on the whole nothing like our website, nor do they offer similar services to us. If I run this same query on my competitors websites they all bring back similar websites to each other. I read somewhere that gaining links from the websites that Google believes are similar/related to our own website is beneficial. But looking at our results it would seem that Google can't place what our site is about and which sites are similar. So I'm guessing this is a more pressing matter than link building right now!? Other info about our website: We rank fairly well for a lot of our target keywords.
    Domain age = 11 years
    PA =38
    mR= 4.77
    mT= 5.74
    DA:= 31
    DmR= 3.78
    DmT= 3.84
    PageRank = 3 Example of how random the results are the 1st website that comes back in our related websites search is for Doctors GP Practice. Our website sells GPS Telematics Solutions. Can anyone shed any light on this or just to confirm how much of a problem this is?

    | adamlcasey

  • Hi all, I've been planning the WordPress structure for a client for a long time, and soon need to get started. I keep coming back to this problem / question, whereby there will be a static Page with a name like "Christmas Collection", but there also has to be a Category called "Christmas" to accomodate new content.  Is this likely to cause serious keyword cannabalisation? It's a non-ecommerce site To elaborate we need to have the following static Pages: christmas collection easter collection halloween Collection and each of these Page's will be populated with related Posts (based on category ID) after the Page's content. And these corresponding Categories need to be similarly named. As there's no apparent relation between Pages and Categories, I keep coming back to the concern that having a Page named "Christmas Collection" and a Category called "Christmas"  is a big SEO NO NO. Any thoughts, opinions, workarounds much appreciated! Regards, c

    | councilflat

  • I work with several insurance agencies and I get this questions several times each month. Most agencies offer personal and business insurance and in a certain geographic location. I recommend creating a quality general agency site but would they have more success creating other nice sites as well? For example, a niche site about home insurance and one about auto insurance. What would your recommendation be?

    | lagunaitech

  • Is it better to use links like: some link VS some link is there a difference for the search engine algorithms? Thanks.

    | cdolek

  • Our company is no longer offering a series of products, much to the disappointment of our SEO team since we've spent a long time building up the pages and getting them ranked organically. The pages all have decent page rank and in some cases rank #1 for the primary keyword. We have a sister company that we acquired a year ago and they still offer these products on their website. They are a completely separate company with their own website which existed long before we acquired them and we have nothing to do with their website. Our team has proposed that rather than take down the URLs on our site for the products we no longer offer, to put a message saying something like "sorry we don't offer this anymore but you may be interested in this.." and then link to our sister company with anchor text so that they can get some benefit from our SEO efforts if we can't. The question/issue is how should we do that since there will be a lot of pages from the same domain, about 20 pages, all linking to a few pages on a different domain. Should the anchor text be varied unbranded or branded? On the one hand I think if we change up the anchor text used to link to another page many times from a single domain that looks strange and transparent to google. On the other hand unbranded text would be the better descriptor for users since we are deep linking to the product not the homepage of the other site.

    | edu-SEO

  • I have an interesting situation. Current URLs Example1: Canonical on All Above URLs: New URL: Current URLs Example2: Canonical on All Above URLs: New URL: Current URLs Example3: Canonical on All Above URLs: New URL: I want to make sure all variations of the above URL redirect to the new URLs.  However, as you see in Example 3, we are dealing with variables that are passed on. (+5 in this case). Question 1: What wildcard 301 redirect / regular expression can I use to tackle these ? Question 2: If we redirect to and contains the canonical tag, any concerns or red flags here ?

    | NakulGoyal

  • I've seen many versions of answers to this question both in the forum, and throughout the internet...  However, none of them seem to specifically address this particular situation. Here goes: I work for a company that has a website ( but has also operated under a few different names in the past.  I discovered that a friend of the company was still holding onto one of the domains that belonged to one of the older versions of the company ( and he was kind enough to transfer it into our account. My first reaction was to simply 301 redirect the older to the newer.  After I did this, I discovered that there were still quite a few active and very relevant links to that domain, upon reporting this to the company owners they were suddenly concerned that a customer may feel misdirected by clicking and having pop up.  So I constructed a single page on the old domain that explained that was now called and provided a link. We recently did a little house cleaning and moved all of our online holdings "under one roof" so to speak, and when the rep was going over things with the owners began to exclaim that this was a horrible idea, and that domain should instead be linked to it's own hosting account, and wordpress (or some other CMS) should be installed, and a few pages of content about the companies/subject should be posted. So the question:  Which one of these is the most beneficial to the site and the business that are currently operating (   I don't see a real problem with any of these answers, but I do see a potentially un-needed expense in the third solution if a simple 301 will bring about the most value.  Anyone else dealt with a situation like this?

    | modulusman

  • Hey everyone, what are your thoughts on this? If a bunch of links from another language, say the site is in Canada and is in English but we have french links pointing to the site with english that ok? Will that harm us? Opinions? Facts?

    | jhinchcliffe

  • Hi, I recently purchased the site  The domain is more than 10 years old and used to have a ton of content and traffic.  A couple of years ago it was purchased by another firm who took down all the old content and made it into a news aggregation site.  I am going to try and build the traffic back up by adding back original content and leveraging the domain authority that the site has retained. Besides doing some keyword research, building links, and writing original content is there any advice out there that the community can give me on what else to start with?  Any resources that you can point me to which talk about this type of thing would also be appreciated. Thanks Dave

    | fxtrader1979

  • We have a lot of user generated reviews on our key landing pages. Matt Cutts recommended using correctly spelled content. Would you perform a spellcheck of all already published user reviews or would you leave already published reviews rather intact and only perform spellcheck for new reviews before they are published? Since reviews have been marked up using, I am not sure whether posterior editing of lots of reviews may raise a flag with google regarding manipulating reviews. Thanks.

    | lcourse

  • I have some tag pages on one of my sites that I meta noindexed. This worked for the http version, which they are canonical'd to but now the https:// version is indexing. The https version is both noindexed and has a canonical to the http version, but they still show up!  I even have wordpress set up to redirect all https: to http! For some reason these pages are STILL showing in the SERPS though. Any experience or advice would be greatly appreciated. Example page: Thanks all!

    | MarloSchneider

  • Hi All I know I can use robots.txt to block Google from pages on my site but is there a way to stop Google crawling my site at set times of the day? Or to request that they crawl at other times? Thanks Sean

    | ske11

  • I've received no messages from Google about 'iffy' links whatsoever, and the links they're reporting in Webmaster Toosl have declined by 10 MILLION since October. We did go through a CMS upgrade in December which I believe had some impact, and then I set a preferred domain at the end of last month, but we were bleeding links before then. Any idea what could have happened?  We don't engage in any link building schemes whatsoever, and like I mentioned, I've received no messages at all from Google regarding a penalty.

    | Aggie

  • We recently used the Google Disavow tool to remove 200 bad links but Google has nearly removed all our links from webmaster tools from over 2000+ we only have 150 now! Has anyone had the same problem? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks Paul

    | webdesigncwd

  • I’ve been running a web design business for the past 5 years, 90% or more of the websites we build have a “web design by” link in the footer which links back to us using just our brand name or the full “web design by brand name” anchor text. I’m fully aware that site-wide footer links arent doing me much good in terms of SEO, but what Im curious to know is could they be hurting me? More specifically I’m wondering if I should do anything about the existing links or change my ways for all new projects, currently we’re still rolling them out with the site-wide footer links. I know that all other things being equal (1 link from 10 domains > 10 links from 1 domain) but is (1 link from 10 domains > 100 links from 10 domains)? I’ve got a lot of branded anchor text, which balances out my exact match and partial match keyword anchors from other link building nicely. Another thing to consider is that we host many of our clients which means there are quite a few on the same server with a shared IP. Should I? 1.) Go back into as many of the sites as I can and remove the link from all pages except the home page or a decent PA sub page- keeping a single link from the domain. 2.) Leave all the old stuff alone but start using the single link method on new sites. 3.) Scratch the site credit and just insert an exact-match anchor link in the body of the home page and hide with with CSS like my top competitor seems to be doing quite successfully. (kidding of course.... but my competitor really is doing this.)

    | nbeske

  • Hi All, We have a client that has a business with three different services. 2 of these services compliment each other in a really obvious way, but the 3rd, while related is not such a obvious complimentary service. For this reason, service 3 kind of weakens the content of the website SEO wise for the two main services. Also, internally at the business it is run by an entirely different team so it feels culturally somewhat different. So, the client wants to pull all the content about service 3 and put it on a different website. Which would you chose as a domain for this new site: or

    | NoisyLittleMonkey

  • I have a product page that ends /product-name**%20** that I'm trying to redirect in this way: Redirect 301 /products/product-name%20 And it doesn't redirect at all. The others, those with %20, are being redirected to a url hybrid of old and new:**?q=old-url** I'm using Drupal CMS, and it may be creating rules that counter my entries.

    | Brocberry

  • Hi, Some of the Gurus and Associates have indicated that guest posting is the "Directories of today." There are some posts from last year about this in the Q&A, but what is the most recent thought if guest posting on quality sites should be avoided? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • I've been looking at a site in GWT and the number of indexed urls is very low when compared with the number or submitted urls on the xml sitemaps. The site has several stores which are all submitted using different sitemaps. When you perform a search in Google, eg The results are similar to the webmaster urls. However, looking in the analytics for landing pages used for organic traffic from Google shows a much higher number of pages. If these pages aren't indexed as reported in GMT, how could they be found in the results and be recorded as landing pages?

    | edwardlewis

  • The website in question is: Our keywords are currently ranking for both Bing and Yahoo, but we're not appearing anywhere on Google. The website is being crawled successfully, but we still don't have any results. I hoping somebody can point me in the general right direction to fix/correct this problem. Additionally, there's a decent amount of "rel=canonical tags" on the website. If that helps your evaluation. Any advice would be greatly appreciated

    | Endora

  • I am working on the SEO on a few different websites and I have built out an article marketing campaign so that I can get high quality backlinks for my website. I have been writing the content myself and I have been manually building out the top Web 2.0, Article Directory, and Doc Sharing sites. today I was creating an account on squidoo and I wondered if it mattered if I had the username be one of two things: my keyword as a user name, like: [keyword+geotag] example: roofinghouston just my first and last name as the username (or just a username I always use) (The reason behind #1 would be to have the optimized keyword and location I am trying to rank for, inside of the username. The reason for #2 would be that I don't want to get into trouble by having "too much" optimization.) I know a bit about optimization and that getting your keyword out there is great in a lot of areas, but I am not sure if it looks "suspicious" if I have my username be the keyword+geotag. I am just worried that all of this hard work will be torn down if I look like I'm trying too hard to be optimized, etc etc. There is no one answer, I am mainly looking for shared experiences. If you do have a definite answer, then I would like that too 🙂 Thanks SEOMoz!

    | SEOWizards

  • Hello, I'm helping a client put together an FAQ and 5 thorough, graphically stimulating, articles. The client can easily write his FAQ articles. However, he's not knowledgeable enough to write the 5 thorough articles, and hiring an expert to write them from scratch would cost a huge chunk of money. Should we have a writer put together an outline or rough draft and present that to the expert for editing? The client can afford that. Or what's the best way to move forward without costing a huge amount of money?

    | BobGW

  • We have been running our site about 10 years under the domain and we are referred as "Isle Surfboards" when linked to in the anchor text. Our core product line and keyword focus has always been on "surfboards" and its related long tail keywords. However in the last several years we have began to sell "paddle boards" and now they have become our best selling product accouting for 80% of our business. We really want to rank well for "paddleboards" and related words but noticed we always seem to fall below people who have websites with "paddleboard" or "sup" in the domain and company name. will they always rank better unless we also inlcude it in ours? Should we move to a New Domain that focuses on the new target keyword "paddleboard" or a combo of both "surfboards" and "paddleboards"and would this make any difference or even hurt us since it would be a new domain. Then in addition rebrand our company name to include surfboards and/or paddleboards in the company name or some combo of both so the anchor text when people who refer to us relate to both paddle boards and surfboards?

    | isle_surf

  • Take a look at For months we were ranking in the top 3 spots with this URL for "sex addiction los angeles", even reaching #1 for a while. Late last year we redesigned and developed the site to clean up the code and redirects. We also cleaned up the internal linking structure. For years we had been ranking on "sex addiction los angeles" for the home page ... bumping around the top 5 spots, but we wanted organic traffic to go to /sex-addiction. In the Fall, we saw overall site traffic rise steadily. We made few changes to the site and none to this page or links flowing back to the page once we had achieved strong ranking -- we didn't want to mess with a good thing. Then November 27th we started losing ranking on this term and a couple others. The good news is that we gained ranking on some high volume traffic terms so overall organic traffic is reasonably strong, BUT we're not ranking on the terms where we want to rank. is now nowhere to be found on the target search term despite fairly strong page rank. I tried redoing and resubmitting the site map, cleaning out some potentially duplicative content but to no avail. I see no issues, errors or warnings in Webmaster Tools. We have a few medium priority fixer-uppers in SEO Moz, but we've taken care of the majority of the big stuff. What am I not seeing? Thank you!

    | joshuakrafchin

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