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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • I want to know if it's possible to add a canonical tag to a URL that points to a URL under a different folder. Content is just about the same. Here's an example (fake urls and product, but structure and parameters are similar to my client's website): Let's say that my purple Elvis ducks are really popular. Is there any harm in putting a rel=canonical on the Sparkly Elvis ducks page to the purple Elvis ducks page? Even though they are two different folders? /toy-ducks-results and /toy-ducks-details So, in effect, the preferred folder is /toy-ducks-results Thanks in advance for any help.

    | EEE3

  • Hi All, Would you be able to answer one small question If you go to Australian Google -  and search for  "loans"  on positions number # 38 you will see  the following site . It has only 3 pages , 0 links, PA 1,and DA 1 How it's possible to archive such results? This is the print screen in case you dont see what i am asking about
    ( Will appreciate any answer?

    | Webdeal

  • Hello, This site: nlpca(dot)com fell 40 slots for the term "NLP", the main term. We used to be on the second page. Can you guys see why the drop? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Hello there, I have a quick and straight question and I am hoping to find answer here. What do we do with a G+ profile that was set up through a business domain's email account that is used by more than one person? We want to use the company name, but we can't as it is considered personal email account although it is under business domain verified by Google. Is there a way that we ask Google to change it and allow us to use the name of the company or should we just deactivate it? Thanks in advance!

    | montauto

  • Hello. In my two sites and I am using a special characters in my title and meta description tags. My sites got penalized on 28.9.2012 and apart from other problems I got advice here on seomoz to remove those characters from tags. 
    Is it really harmful? Title1: • Painter and Decorator in Dublin needed? Painting Contractor? 
    Description1: • Top quality Painting Contractor, Painter and Decorator based in Lucan, Dublin. online quotation system ✔ pictures of work ✔ customer testimonials ✔ painting tips ✔ Title2: • Tilers Dublin • Tiling Contractors Dublin • 0851390232
    Description2: • Top rated Tilers Dublin • Peter & Gavin Tiling Contractors Dublin • Customer reviews ✔ price calculator ✔ project pictures ✔ tiling tips ✔ Of course  I am using those symbols and phone number to stand out and be more visible in the search results, but if it is bad for seo, its probably not worth it. what do you think? thank you Jaro

    | jarik

  • in this url, is it a good thing to repeat the name and location in the url but with ''-''sign between? ex:

    | DavidPilon

  • We've been doing a little bit of linkbuilding and content development for this site on and off for the last year or so: We're trying to rank her for "Denver tax attorney," but in all honesty we just don't have the budget to hit the first page for that term, so it doesn't surprise me that we're invisible. However, my problem is that the site gets almost NO traffic. There are days when Google doesn't send more than 2-3 visitors (yikes). Every site in our portfolio gets at least a few hundred visits a month, so I'm thinking that I'm missing something really obvious on this site. I would expect that we'd get some type of traffic considering the amount of content the site has, (about 100 pages of unique content, give or take) and some of the basic linkbuilding work we've done (we just got an infographic published to a few decent quality sites, including a nice placement on the blog). However, we're still getting almost no organic traffic from Google or Bing. Any ideas as to why? GWMT doesn't show a penalty, doesn't identify any site health issues, etc. Other notes: Unbeknownst to me, the client had cut and pasted IRS newsletters as blog posts. I found out about all this duplicate content last November, and we added "noindex" tags to all of those duplicated pages. The site has never been carefully maintained by the client. She's very busy, so adding content has never been a priority, and we don't have a lot of budget to justify blogging on a regular basis AND doing some of the linkbuilding work we've done (guest posts and infographic).

    | JasonLancaster

  • I have a client who wants a mobile version of their homepage.  Normally, I use responsive design to accomplish this for the SEO benefit, but in this case the client wants very different information on the mobile home page than their regular home page.  I don't want to go to a dedicated mobile version of the page because they get a fair amount of mobile traffic and so it would probably have a significant negative impact on their SEO to do so. So I was thinking I would add a hidden div to the home page which includes everything they want on the mobile home page and then use CSS to hide the regular content and show the hidden content if someone reaches the page from a smart phone.  What do you think about this idea?  Would I run afoul of Google's anti-cloaking "rules"?  Has anyone done something like this before? Thanks!

    | farlandlee

  • I launched my site ( at the beginning of January. Since then, I've been trying to build high quality back links. I have a few back links with keyword targeted anchor text from some guest posts I've published (maybe 3 or so) and I have otherwise signed up for business directories and industry-specific directories. I have a few social media profiles and some likes on Facebook, both for the company page and some posts. Despite this, I've had a lot of trouble cracking Google's top ten for any term, long or tall tail. I was starting to climb for Evanston Family Law, which is the key term I believe I am best optimized for, but took a dive yesterday. I fell from maybe the 14th result to somewhere on the 4th page. For all my other target terms, I don't know if I've gotten into the 20s yet. To further complicate matters, my Google Places listing isn't showing and is on the second page of results for Places searches, after businesses that aren't located in the same city. The night before I fell, I resubmitted my site to Google because Webmaster tools was showing duplicate title tags when I had none. I had also made a couple changes to some internal links and title tags, but only for a small fraction of the site. Long story short, I don't know what's going on. I don't know why I fell in the rankings and why my site isn't competitive for some of my target key phrases. I've read so many horror stories about Penguin that I fear my onsite optimization may be hurting my rankings or my back links are insufficient. I've done plenty of competitor research and the sites that are beating me have very aggressive onsite optimization and few back links. In short, I am very confused. Any help would be immensely appreciated.

    | JESFamilyLaw

  • I have encountered some issue with 301 redirect and htaccess file. I need to redirect the following url: to: The 301 redirect command I wrote in htaccess file is as follow: Redirect 301 /?specifications=colours/page/3 And it doesn't work at the moment. What is the correct way to set up 301 redirect here? Your help will be sincerely appreciated!

    | robotseo

  • Hey guys, I am currently buying link ad spots on sites (hardcoded, not using ad networks). I track the each link I buy and the sales they generate with query parameters such as : My question is : do these links still pass link juice? I have my canonical already set to Also, in Webmaster tools I have it set to ignore anything after /?r= The way I see it, a link is a link.  Naturally I would prefer to send directly to my root domain, however, these links cost a lot of money and I like to track my results. Does anyone have experience with SEO and working with query parameters?

    | CrakJason

  • Hi All, I have an example 2 domains are targeting the same keyword, one of them ranks higher then another. Here is the image from  OSE Would you be able to tell  ( based on the image )which of the domains is winning , "domain 1" or "domain2" and what exactly the " looser " should do to improve its rankings Rgds Webdeal

    | Webdeal

  • I was hoping someone could give me some insight into a perplexing issue that I am having with my website. I run an 20K product ecommerce website and I am finding it necessary to have two pages for my content: 1 for content category pages about wigets one for shop pages for wigets 1st page would be .com/shop/wiget/ 2nd page would be .com/content/wiget/ The 1st page would be a catalogue of all the products with filters for the customer to narrow down wigets. So ultimately the URL for the shop page could look like this when the customer filters down... .com/shop/wiget/color/shape/ The second page would be content all about the Wigets. This would be types of wigets colors of wigets, how wigets are used, links to articles about wigets etc. Here are my questions. 1. Is it bad to have two pages about wigets on the site, one for shopping and one for information. The issue here is when I combine my content wiget with my shop wiget page, no one buys anything. But I want to be able to provide Google the best experience for rankings. What is the best approach for Google and the customer? 2.  Should I rel canonical all of my .com/shop/wiget/ + .com/wiget/color/ etc. pages to the .com/content/wiget/ page? Or, Should I be canonicalizing all of my .com/shop/wiget/color/etc pages to .com/shop/wiget/ page? 3. Ranking issues. As it is right now, I rank #1 for wiget color. This page on my site would be .com/shop/wiget/color/ . If I rel canonicalize all of my pages to .com/content/wiget/ I am going to loose my rankings because all of my shop/wiget/xxx/xxx/ pages will then point to .com/content/wiget/ page. I am just finding with these massive ecommerce sites that there is WAY to much potential for duplicate content, not enough room to allow Google the ability to rank long tail phrases all the while making it completely complicated to offer people pages that promote buying. As I said before, when I combine my content + shop pages together into one page, my sales hit the floor (like 0 - 15 dollars a day), when i just make a shop page my sales are like (1k+ a day). But I have noticed that ever since Penguin and Panda my rankings have fallen from #1 across the board to #15 and lower for a lot of my phrase with the exception of the one mentioned above. This is why I want to make an information page about wigets and a shop page for people to buy wigets. Please advise if you would. Thanks so much for any insight you can give me!

    | SKP

  • how can i update plugins if i get this: Downloading update from… Unpacking the update… Installing the latest version… Removing the old version of the plugin… Could not remove the old plugin. Plugin update failed. same for AIOSEO

    | Ezpro9

  • Hello, We've got an article that we're turning into a PDF. Both the article and the PDF will be on our site. This PDF is a good, thorough piece of content on how to choose a product. We're going to strip out all of the links to our in the article and create this PDF so that it will be good for people to reference and even print. Then we're going to do link building through outreach since people will find the article and PDF useful. My question is, how do I use rel="canonical" to make sure that the article and PDF aren't duplicate content? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Is it possible to have to many 301 redirects.  I am currently looking at 156 of them. Does this create any quality issues with regard to site performance or any other issues. Thank you for your consideration!

    | APICDA

  • Hi Mozzers I have a little issue on a rewrite that was implemented on a CMS. The CMS was built for my client without the option to put custom slugs in. So it takes the title of a post or page and uses it as a URL, the site was launched with a rewrite so that any space in the title is replaced with a - and that is the permanent URL for that post/page.  This morning when I was busy doing my checkup on the site I found that the URLs are being indexed as %20 and not - however, if you navigate through the site the URLs are displaying correctly. How is it that search engines pick this up as a space in the slug if it has clearly been set as a - anyone had this issue before?   Its causing duplicate content issues on the site because both ways display the same post/page. Cheers, Chris Captivate.


  • Hi All, Some saying getting listed in hundreds of directories has no real SEO benefit. Some saying opposite. Some saying there are only one directory to concerned with, the Yahoo Directory. What are your opinions on this question after all Google's Pandas and Penguins ? Thank you

    | Webdeal

  • Our webmaster tools continues to return anywhere upwards of 750 pages that have 404 errors. These are from pages of a previous site no longer used. However this was over 1 year ago these pages were dropped along with the 301 re-directs. Why is Google not clearing these from webmaster tools but re-listing them again after 3 month cycle? Is it because external sites have links to these pages? If so should I put a 301 in place (most of these site are forums and potentially dodgy directories etc from previous poor link building programs) or ask for a manual removal?

    | Towelsrus

  • When de-indexing pages from google, what are the pros & cons of each of the below two options: robots.txt & requesting url removal from google webmasters Use the noindex, follow meta tag on all doctor profile pages Keep the URLs in the Sitemap file so that Google will recrawl them and find the noindex meta tag make sure that they're not disallowed by the robots.txt file

    | nicole.healthline

  • We are doing On Page SEO over haul of our website. Our old url used to be we are changing it to Firstly, will it be advisable to do so since we are in the top 10 in most of the Keywords (but losing ranking each month): The website is very content rich site. Till beginning of 2012, we used be in the top three spots mostly due to On Page and Good content, thus getting the inbound links automatically. But now the things have change, industry has lot of competition and few players have already done heavy SEO for their website, both On and off page thus overtaking us in Ranking. We are also doing other requisite On Page and Off Page work but I am struck with the URL decision part. Secondly, and MOST IMPORTANTLY – if I should change the url, how to minimize the risk of losing the present SEO in this kind of URL restructuring case? Thanks Suman

    | sumanpatra

  • Hey everyone, I went to this page on Press Release Point and it said "Sorry, new user registration by invitation only." Does anyone know a way around it, or how I can get an invitation? Thanks 🙂

    | jhinchcliffe

  • Say you want to target a single page for 2 terms and they both get a good amount of search volume. At the same time you don't want the title tag to be atrocious, do you just choose one? (maybe the one with most search volume). I'm going to make up some examples which aren't based on real search volume for the sake of time and completely fake and you be the judge: custom car parts - exact sv: 4000
    personalized car parts - exact sv: 5000
    wholesale custom car parts - exact sv: 4400 Title tag A: Custom Car Parts - Personalized Wholesale Car Parts | Company Name OR Title Tag B: Custom Car Parts | Company Name Or You recommend. Do you get where i am going here? Some of the pages on my website target 3-4 terms that mean exactly or pretty close to the same thing.

    | Hyrule

  • Hello, We're writing a PDF on how to choose a product for our niche. We want people to link to the PDF, share it with people, and possibly print it. How heavily should I use graphics and images in this PDF? The corresponding article is full of graphics, charts, and images. Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • We have a site we added a number to in the meta description. Once we did that we did a fetch as google to hopefully recrawl the page quicker. A few days later and we cleared W3 cache on WP and clear computer cache, then did search on common search for the site/page. WidgetA for example. The url is - on organic in meta on SERP and we see our new meta with number. We then do a search on a similar term WidgetingA for example and the same url shows: BUT THE meta description is different on SERP! It is the old meta. When we look at the element using mozbar, it shows the new meta as it should same as when we look at it under the original search term. So, search for WidgetA, get new meta in serps and search for WidgetingA (which returns same url as WidgetA) and we get the old meta. Thoughts???

    | RobertFisher

  • We are going to launch about 60.000 new web pages under one established domain (google pagerank 6), which currently has about 30.000 web pages. So web pages will triple. New pages contain keyword variations of existing pages with pages targeting specific niches. All pages with unique and useful specific content for visitor. All pages heavily interlinked among each other. Would you recommend to stretch launch of new pages over some time period, or do you see no problem to launch them all on one day? In about 3 months we plan to launch another 180.000 new web pages. Thanks.

    | lcourse

  • Are SEOMoz looking to integrate Facebook Graph Search (the web search section) into the product?  At the moment we can measure and track rankings for Google, Bing/Yahoo, but not Facebook graph search. What are the general thoughts among the community?  Do you think it will be adopted as a real search engine? I'm not overly concerned - I reckon it will take a lot to change people behaviour and have them moving away from the other search engines. It's throwing up some interesting results though in searches!

    | littlesthobo

  • Hello, We're writing a PDF on how to choose a product for our niche. We want people to link to the PDF, share it with people, and possibly print it. How heavily should I use graphics and images in this PDF? The corresponding article is full of graphics, charts, and images. Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • I have parts of an online portal displaying in SERPs which it definitely shouldn't be. It's due to thoughtless developers but I need to have the whole portal's domain de-indexed and prevented from future indexing. I'm not too tech savvy but how is this achieved? No index? Robots? thanks

    | Martin_S

  • Google Authorship seems to be the current buzz topic in SEO. It seems perfect for people who write lots of articles of blog posts, but what about sites where the main focus isn't articles e.g. e-commerce sites? Can the website as a whole get verified?

    | statman87

  • Hi fellow Mozzers, I've recently re-released a site and also took the opportunity to change/clean up the URL structure. As a result of this Google is starting to report many 404s such as below; blog/tag/get-fit/ blog/tag/top-presents/ Most of these 404 errors are from tag or category pages which simply don't exist any more (because they were unnecessary, crap or irrelevant). Although there's also a few posts I've removed. My question is whether it's worth redirecting all these tags and pages to the root directory of the site's new blog (as there isn't really a new page which is similar or appropriate) or just to leave them as 404 errors. Bearing in mind; They don't really rank for anything There's little if any links pointing to these pages Thanks.

    | PeterAlexLeigh

  • . I have 2 sites that have definitely been hit by penguin and getting worse so am thinking of paying for this service as nothing I do seems to stop the slide (more like a plummet). Any comments welcome.

    | Shaann

  • Hi Gurus, I recently made the mistake of putting a space into a URL line between two words that make up my primary key word. Think Donuts/mmmNice.php instead of This mistake now needed fixing to Donuts/mmmNice.php to pass W3, but has been in place for a while but most articles/documents under 'Jelly Donuts' are not ranking well (which is probably the obvious outcome of the mistake). I am wondering whether the best solution from an SEO ranking viewpoint is to: 1. Change the article directory immediately to and rel=canonical each article to the new correct URL. Take out the 'trash' using robots.txt or to 301 Donut to the directory? or perhaps something else? Thanks in advance for your help with this sticky (but tasty) conundrum, Brad

    | BM7

  • We launched a new site at the beginning of December 2012 and carefully 301'd all URLs from the old site to the new (custom CMS on old site wordpress on new). Our rankings have slipped quite badly but the most worrying thing is that we used to have about 1200 backlinks according to GWT/OSE before the new site launched and now we're down to about 30. Can anyone help shed some light on this please? The site is A few things that might help: 1. We were getting a lot of links through our job feeds (it's a nanny recruitment site) on indeed and trovitt, for some reason no new ones from these have appeared in site explorer and all the old jobs are gone completely. 2. We had 1000s of not found errors in google webmaster tools and once these were redirected and marked as fixed this is when the links disappeared. 3. We are getting quite a few 504 errors on the site due to an old proxy redirect (/blog was hosted on a different server on the old site and has not been removed yet), this will be fixed tomorrow but could this be a factor? 4. The developer seems to have redirected all the links through wordpress directly some how (I don't see any redirect plugins but there are lots of pages called 'redirect'). There are no references in the htaccess file for any redirects other than from the /blog folder that the wordpress instance sits in. Sorry for the long post, I hope I've given any details you'd need and I really appreciate any help anyone can give. Thanks, Karl

    | Bdig

  • Hello, We've got an article that we're turning into a PDF. Both the article and the PDF will be on our site. This PDF is a good, thorough piece of content on how to choose a product. We're going to strip out all of the links to our in the article and create this PDF so that it will be good for people to reference and even print. Then we're going to do link building through outreach since people will find the article and PDF useful. My question is, how do I use rel="canonical" to make sure that the article and PDF aren't duplicate content? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • I have a large client with satellite sites. The large site produces many news articles and they want to put an RSS feed on the satellite sites that will display the articles from the large site. My question is, will the rss feeds on the satellite sites be considered duplicate content? If yes, do you have a suggestion to utilize the data from the large site without being penalized? If no, do you have suggestions on what tags should be used on the satellite pages? EX: wrapped in tags? THANKS for the help. Darlene

    | gXeSEO

  • Hi all, Couple years ago I started to build my business based on EMD domain. The intention was to create the source with the rich unique content. After a year of hard work the site achieved top 10 in Google and started to generate good amount of leads. Then Google announced the EMD Update and site lost the 90% of traffic (after Pandas updates our SERP was steady ) “ a new filter that tries to ensure that low-quality sites don’t rise high in Google’s search results simply because they have search terms in their domain names. ” But I don’t consider my site low-quality site, every page, every post is 100% unique and has been created only to share the knowledge with others… The site has EXCELLENT content from industry point of view.... Since the “ EMD Update “ I read hundreds , hundreds of different articles and opinions related to EMD update and finally I am confused and lost. What should I do… • Kill the site and start new one
    • Get more links, but what type of links and how I should get them
    • Keep hoping and pray....
    • Or do something else Please help me with your advice

    | Webdeal

  • Hi All, Lately its been discussed a lot about the various penalties and the one that is least clear to me is over optimization. I'm currently dealing with my site's sub-folders naming. My site sells computers yet the domain name has nothing to do with computers. The question is should I put computers in every folder name? Examples:    VS    VS and     VS Where is the limit?

    | BeytzNet

  • Hello, I have a client with whom we are doing all the "right" things. We have a blog we add relevant content to once a week, we post on facebook, google+, twitter. We have stumbleupon and tumblr links. We have nice high pr links from local non-profits whom we sponsor for charity events. We are in the local citation sites and have 5 real reviews (working on more) But we are stuck anywhere from page 4 to page 2 for most of our keywords, which are all insurance related in the Gainesville area. I would love to hear some fresh ideas! , thanks!!

    | Webzenz

  • I have a client that wants to add a front page to a website so that when a user visitors the site for the first time a full page advert/message/page appears before they enter the site. The client wants this to be cookie controlled so they only see this on the first visit to the website. I am concerned that even if I put links to a sitemap or xml sitemap on this page that it will affect how well the site performs in search engines. Any ideas/suggestions or experiences? I found an interesting page on Quora about using pop ups.... Anyone who comments can you link to some good research and a clear simple explanation I can use to explain to the client why this is a bad idea..... And for the record I tried the usability argument....

    | JohnW-UK

  • Just wondering if the number of links on the page metric includes links that are repeated? So, if I had 100 links to one page would this count as 100 or 1 link? 
    If it's the former does this mean more links to one page adds weight? Thanks

    | Cornwall

  • We have an eCommerce site we have built for a customer and the products are allowed to appear in more than one product category within the web site. Now I know this is a bad idea from a duplicate content point of view, But we are going to allow the customer to select which out of the multiple categories the product appears in will be the default category. This will mean we will have a way of defining what the default url is for a product. So am I correct in thinking all the other urls where the product appears we should add a rel canonical to these pages pointing to the default url to stop duplicate content? Is this the best way?

    | spiralsites

  • Hi, the company has changed it's name so now under a different domain. All pages have been 301 redirected on a 1:1 basis apart from the home page. For some reason IT cannot 301 redirect the old home page to the new website home page. At suggestions? Perhaps canonical it? Meantime the old home page copy has been changed to say the company name has changed and a link to the new website. Any help greatly appreciated.

    | Richard555

  • Hi, I want to stop Google et al from finding a some pages within my website. the url is As these pages are creating a lot of duplicate content issues. Would the easiest solution be to place a 'Nofollow/Noindex' META tag in page many thanks in advance

    | wood1e1968

  • Hi Everyone, I have have  listing our site in free directories. Are there any paid directories that are worth listing in? Our company and site is based in New Zealand. Thanks, Pete

    | Hardley1

  • Howdy, A clients website has just dismorning (8/FEB/13) gone from index page PR:4 to Unranked including all inner pages on the domain. There is no contact on GWT or penalty email from Google. All organic rankings seem to be fine, and i read about the GWT backlink glitch earlier. Should I expect the worst? Thanks.. Mark

    | webprolive

  • I notice that there is a checkbox on the Yoast SEO Plugin for "strip category base". What is the reason to do this? What are the SEO advantages and disadvantages?

    | casper434

  • Having read this ( ) & countless of blog posts on never to put your blog on a domain because a subdomain is treated as a different site & your blog traffic won't help with your main sites authority. I've always pushed for subfolder blogs. However I've been seeing a lot of blogs now and days saying that Google is now treating subdomains as the same site as your main site. ETC... What does everyone think? Is it acceptable to have a blog in a subdomain in 2013? Thanks!

    | DCochrane

  • Hello fellow SEO's About 3 weeks ago all of a sudden the home page on our Magento based website went down in rankings (from top 10 to page 3-4 Google) and was showing as httpS - instead of usual http. It first happened with just a few keywords and a week later any search phrase was returning the httpS result for the home page. When I view cache for the home page now it (both http and httpS versions) it gives me this We are not blocking anything in robots.txt Robots tags are set to index,follow There are hardly any external links pointing at the home pages as httpS This only affected the home page - all other pages rank where they used to and appear as http Has anybody ever had a similar problem? Thanks in advance for your thoughts and help

    | ddseo

  • We all know paid links are bad.... so it begs the question.... why does the SEOMoz directory list have so many directories that only submit businesses for a fee.... i.e. a paid link. Are they worth paying for or not? Interested to hear peoples thoughts and experiences with some of the directories listed on the SEOMoz directory list....

    | JohnW-UK

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