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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • I have seen some sites that always redirect to https and some sites that always redirect to http://, but lately I have seen sites that force the url to just the site. As in [sitename].com, no www. no http://. Does this affect SEO in anyway? Is it good or bad for other things? I was surprised when I saw it and don't really know what effect it has.

    | MarloSchneider

  • After the Penguin update I've read differing opinions on how many keyword links is best to use in press releases.  We've been using 3 different keyword links, plus our home page url brand link. Does anyone have any solid information on how many links is best in google's opinion?  I hate to put too many in and have them think it's spam, or over optimizing for unnatural linking. Thanks folks! Ron

    | yatesandcojewelers

  • What questions do you ask when hiring an SEO person? What is the most important thing in selecting a company for SEO? Should they be able to make recommendations on changes in your website for seo?

    | Realtor101

  • I have a large ecommerce site and several smaller nitche ecommerce sites. All have the same products, but the smaller sites are loosing traffic. I want to combine all the sites to the larger site so it will be easier to manage, but I don't want to loose any rank on the smaller sites. Example: - This is the large site I want to use. - These are a couple of the smaller sites I want to combine with the larger one. Questions: What are the pros and cons in doing this? What would be the best way to do this? Would redirecting the URL's to the larger site's product pages do the trick or is there a better option? Thanks for the help.

    | JHSpecialty

  • Hi Mozzers, I've had some successful national and international campaigns but this will be my first attempt at local. The client is a landscape designer, services several cities within a 50 mile radius and has a rural address which is not located in any of the cities serviced. What's my best strategy for ranking in the desired cities considering the client's address is not located in any of them?

    | waynekolenchuk

  • Hello, My company is going to change URLs to or When we will change the URLs to product or category pages somehow we have to check whether the requested page is from category table in DB or from products table (this gives much speed to page load time). So we have to choose how to make the different product and category pages.
    Programmers said that we need to insert id to URL. So the question is: Which is the better way to place an id to an URL? Or maybe we should use some other punctuation mark to separate id from product name? p.s. I have read Dynamic URLs vs. static URLs by Google and it still didn't answered which is the best for all of the pages. Somehow others solve this problem by typing only the names to the URL, but could anyone tell what that technology should be?

    | komeksimas

  • In a standard article with 400-500 words my site got a back-link. However, within the article there are 4 other links pointing to other external content as well (so total 5 links within articles all pointing to external sites, and 1 of the links is to my site). All links are to relevant external content that is. Question: wouldn't it be much more valuable for my site if only my site got a back-link from the article, as less link juice is now passed to my site, since there are 4 other links pointing to various sites from this same article? Or, is the case that given the other links are pointing to quality material it actually makes the link to my site look more credible and at the end of the day have more value. Conclusion: is it that on one hand less links in same article is better from a link juice perspective, however, from a credibility perspective it looks more convincing there are other links pointing to quality content?

    | knielsen

  • Google is currently ranking my category page instead of our homepage for our key term and we would rather have our homepage rank for the term.  Would it be a bad idea to rel="canonical" our category page to our homepage?  Our homepage is optimized to rank for the keyword and has more PR than our category page.  However, I don't really know if this will have negative repercussions. Thanks, Jason

    | Jason_342

  • Our domain name is something like but most people just type in After doing some research I found that those are 302 redirects and I think they should be 301. If I am correct do I need to redirect and or just one or the other?

    | EcommerceSite

  • A the end of November I am showing that our total links were 118k. Current links are 22k. We changed sites early November so that was about three weeks before. What would cause the drop of about 100k links? Or where should I start investigating?

    | EcommerceSite

  • Hello, In Googles Web master tools under "content keywords" 2 of my major keywords are missing. My site used to rank well for the keyphrase "short hairstyles" but gets very little traffic from google at all now, about 1% of what it did before april 2012. Someone did a negative seo number on us by pointing 10k+ spammy links to us from message boards, this and the timing of the traffic loss leads me to suspectthe penguin update. I am removing them as best I can but no increase in traffic has resulted so I'm looking for any and all issues and the missing keywords seems to be an oddity. The missing keywords include "short" which is pretty fundemental. The word is in the domain and plenty of times in the content. Any ideas?

    | jwdl

  • Hi, I was hoping you could help me with a troubling issue that has come up this week. We have consistently ranked in the top 3 for the keyword "grey goose glasses" for the last 12 months. We received 74 visits from this keyword from Dec 3 to Jan 3. For some reason on Jan 4th we dropped from the top 3 to somewhere around 40-70 and receive almost no traffic from this keyword an longer. The page that was ranking was I have since changes a the Page title and URL with a 301 redirect and the H1 tag to be a better match but this was just done yesterday. We havent seemed to be effected like this on other keywords. Any suggestions would be helpful.

    | bottlemill

  • my website is translated into 10+ languages, but our news articles are often only published in 1-2 languages.  Currently, URLs are created in the unpublished news languages that then 301 redirect the user to main news page since the content doesnt exist in that language. Is this implementation okay or is there a preferred method we should be using so that we don't have a large number of pages on the site with redirects? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • Hi I am thinking of acquiring a domain name, although it is currently being used in a completely different industry to the one I hoping to use it for. The site only has 46 links and was registered in 2009. It has a DA of 25, Home PA of 37 and PR of 2 I was just wondering how easy or hard it would be to optimise the website for a completely different industry, i.e. lets say it was initially bought to sell hair-care products and I want to use it to sell electronics. Would I leave the existing links in? Could I use that new disavow tool in webmaster tools to wipe the slate clean and start again? Really haven't come across this before, does anyone have any ideas? Thanks for your time, Steve

    | Townpages

  • It was available on this URL: but I can't seem to find it anymore. Anyone know where it is?

    | Chuck-Boom

  • Hi folks, Due to working on a site older than myself, I find myself in a position whereby I need to set up some redirects in the httpd.ini document. I had wrongly assumed this would be in the same way as I would in htaccess, but alas, no dice. There's nothing special about what I'm trying to do, but I think the expressions are what are confusing me. I'm trying to redirect this example page - to it's subfolder Here's what I have: [ISAPI_Rewrite] Redirecting old article to new locations RewriteRule ^/subfolder/DisplayArticle.asp?ID=12345 /subfolder/ [R=301,L] Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks Matt

    | Horizon

  • Hi, one of our clients has an idea of making subdomains from his main website to sell his online advertisements in all states in USA. f.e: He wants to have a subdomain for every state and there to be information related only or mainly to this state? I am not sure about is this a good idea? What is your opinion about it?

    | vladokan

  • I want to be able to add canonical tags to http headers of individual URL's using .htacess, but I can't find any examples for how to do this. The only example I found was when specifying a file: N.B. It's not possible to add regular canonical tags to the of my pages as they're dynamically generated. I was trying to add the following to the .htaccess in order to add a canonical tag in the header of the page, but I've checked with Live HTTP headers and the canonical line isn't showing : <files "is-finance-in-the-uk-too-london-centric="" "="">Header add Link "<http:"">; rel="canonical"'</http:></files> Any ideas?

    | AndrewAkesson

  • I am helping with a site that at one time I had on page 1 for Google/Bing. Site started to slip in rankings, then someone else did a makeover of the store and botched things by renaming pages, having errors in pages (multiple head/body), mismatch page names from sitemap, etc. Site slipped to page 4/5. I righted things, fixed duplication using canonicalization, made some other changes. Now site is gone completely from Google/Bing for desired keyword. No penalties. Site still shows if do search on domain name. Site is (plus size lingerie, sorry), keyword target is plus size lingerie. Anyone have any clues, tips, etc on why we fell off the face of the earth? Page Authority/Domain Authority are both comparable to most of the page 1/2 sites for same thing. Thanks for any advice.

    | dlcohen

  • Hi guys, My SEOmoz crawl diagnostics throw up thousands of Dup Page Content / Title errors which are mostly from the forum attached to my website. In-particular it's the forum user's profiles that are causing the issue, below is a sample of the URLs that are being penalised: I thought that by adding - to my robots.txt file under 'Ignore' would cause the bots to overlook the thousands of profile pages but the latest SEOmoz crawl still picks them up. My question is, how can I get the bots to ignore these profile pages (they don't contain any useful content) and how much will this be affecting my rankings (bearing in mind I have thousands of errors for dup content and dup page titles). Thanks guys Gareth

    | gaz3342

  • Hi all. I am asking this question to purposefully provoke a discussion. The CEO of the company where I am the in-house SEO sent me a directive this morning. The directive is to take our Website from a PR3 site to a 6 months. Now, I know Page Rank is a bit of a deprecated concept, but I'm sure you would agree that "Authority" is still crucial to ranking well. When he first sent me the directive it was worded like this "I want a plan in place with the goal being to "beat" a specific competitor in 6 months." When I prodded him to define "beat," i.e. did he mean "outrank" for every keyword, he answered that he wanted our site to have the same "Authority" that this particular competitor has. So I am left pondering this question: Is it possible for SEO to increase the authority of a page? Or does "Authority" come from #RCS? The second part of this question is what would you do if you were in my shoes? I have been devoting huge amounts of time on technical SEO because the Website is a mess. Because I've dedicated so much time to technical issues, link-earning has taken a back seat. In my mind, why would anyone want to link to a crappy site that has serious technical issues (slow load times, no persistent cart, lots of 404s, etc)? Shouldn't we make the site awesome before trying to get people to link to us? Given this directive to improve our site's "Authority" - would you scrap the technical SEO and go whole hog into a link-earning binge, or would you hunker down and pound away at the technical issues? Which one would you do first if you couldn't do both at the same time? Comments, thoughts and insights would be greatly appreciated.

    | danatanseo

  • Hi, If I have a company with multipul addresses, Do I create separate Google + page for each area?

    | Bryan_Loconto

  • For legal reasons my website is going to launch non-branded websites.  We do not have the capacity to make these site sufficiently unique from the main site so we are planning on having them be NoIndex NoFollow. Are there any potential SEO problems here? What will the implication be if in ~1-2 years from launching the NoIndex NoFollow we make the site unique, take away the tag and want to start promoting these sites organically. Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • In the past few weeks I have started getting messages from Google webmasters about an increase in server errors. According to our r&d team these messages come at times our site has been down and Google is not an accurate measure of the site health. 1 - are they correct and is there a better tool to be using? 2 - could be harmed that Google is occasionally running into this problem..that is then fixed within a few hours? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • Hello, I do not believe so much in spammy links attacks and I definitely do not believe my site is worth attacking. However, I'm seeing new links pointing to my site that I have no idea where they come from. I just spotted three articles on a poor crappy article site with exact match keywords point to me. The articles are completely unique (copyscaped them) and they were posted according to the site time stamp during Oct and Nov 2012. (And they Appear in the WMT recently discovered links from more or less the same time). What to do (besides for disavowing this domain)? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • Hi, I am disavowing some links. Does anyone know if Google removes them from the WMT?
    This is interesting for followup purposes. Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • Hi there, I have a video website (user uploaded clips) which are sorted into 75 categories. Now, these categories have their own pages and 90% of the traffic comes from the category keywords. All 75 categories are linked from the homepage (which is obvious, right?) AND from all video pages. Now, my question is: from SEO point of view, it is OK to link to categories from the video pages, too? I am in doubt here because: 1. I tend to think it is OK because I get a lot of traffic for the category keywords. 2. I tend to think that isn't OK because I get almost no traffic for the video pages. Any thoughts? Thanks.

    | jasmin28

  • Many of the 1000s of pages at our Web store that were established several years ago but still relevant today have underscores separating words in page file names. For example: Should I replace the underscores with hyphens like this: or should I duplicate pages with underscores using hyphens and have the older pages with underscores 304 re-directed to the new pages with hyphens?

    | lbohen

  • This is for our client with a subdomain. We only want to analyze their main website as this is the one we want to SEO. The subdomain is not optimized so we know it's bound to have lots of errors. We added the disallow code when we started and it was working fine. We only saw the errors for the main domain and we were able to fix them. However, just a month ago, the errors and warnings spiked up and the errors we saw were for the subdomain. As far as our web guys are concerned. the disallow code is still there and was not touched.    User-agent: rogerbot     Disallow: / We would like to know if there's anything we might have unintentionally changed or something we need to do so that the SEOMOZ crawler will stop going through the subdomain. Any help is greatly appreciated!

    | TheNorthernOffice79

  • A client that I worked with on another project has approached me asking if I can handle the transition from his old website to his new website.  He already had the new website designed and the URL structure is completely different than the old one. Normally this would not be a problem, just 301 redirect each page to the new page. However, this client has COMPLETELY redone his website from the ground up including navigation, pages and page content. The old website has been around for 8 years and is ranking for some good keywords.  The reason he decided to build the new site is because the URL of his old domain is very long and for whatever reason he didn't like it (I'm assuming this would be misspellings of people trying to get back to his website and long email addresses, but he didn't clarify). I have never dealt with such a drastic change before and wanted the SEOMoz community input on the best way to pass authority/link juice from the old domain to the new one. Thanks in advance for your help.

    | Bo-Jangles

  • Hello, I am trying to find a solid solution to this. I think it is simple, but trying to think of a good setup for SEO. If you have a paginated result set, page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4. What i am wondering is, should I point my REL CANONICAL page to Page 1 always, so i'm not loosing power from the first page? Domain structure:[term]/page1/[term]/page2/ Should I point all pages to page 1, so I don't get watered down as we go farther into the site? Thoughts?

    | aactive

  • I have a client of which we put up an extensive responsive landing page with a blog in the backend, this was done with Worpress. Over the new years, our web developer pushed the new site live without telling me, and left the privacy settings on (meaning: please ask search engines not to index this site). The robots.txt I had set up was set up so that the site would be crawled weekly.  The site had privacy settings on for 9 days (more than a week, ugh!). Thereby, taking away all the SEO work I had done prior and basically starting with a brand new slate. My question: Do I need to start over with all the seo, or do I need to continue pushing forward and waiting for them to come back up?  Either way, still need to do work, but I want to really know if my prior work has become moot.  Thanks for your replies.

    | Asher

  • I'm looking for a solution for identifying pages on a site that have either empty/undefined canonical tags, or duplicate canonical tags (meaning the tag occurs twice within the same page). I've used Screaming Frog to view sitewide canonical values, but the tool cannot identify when pages use the tag twice, nor can it differentiate between pages that have an empty canonical tag and pages that have no canonical tag at all. Any help finding a tool of some sort that can assist me in doing this would be much appreciated, as I'm working with tens of thousands of pages and can't do this manually.

    | edmundsseo

  • Hi Within Google Webmaster Tool 'Crawl errors' report by clicking 'Not found' it shows 404 errors its found. By clicking any column headings and it will reorder them. One column is 'Priority' - do you think Google is telling me its ranked the errors in priority of needing a fix? There is no reference to this in the Webmaster tool help. Many thanks Nigel

    | Richard555

  • I use Wodpress and Wordpress SEO by Yoast. I've set ip up to add noindex meta tag on all archive and tag pages. I don't think its useful to include thoses pages in search results because there's quite a few. Especialy the tag archive. Should I consider anything else or change my mind? What do you think? Thanks

    | Akeif

  • My website uses the same anchor text to go to different pages, with section headers indicating where they go. Is this a problem? f so, why? Here is an example of what I mean: Women Shoes - link to women shoes Clothes - link to women clothes Accessories - link to women accessories Men Shoes - link to men shoes Clothes - link to men clothes Accessories - link to men accessories Kids Shoes - link to kids shoes Clothes - link to kids clothes Accessories - link to kids accessories

    | theLotter

  • Hi Website A is moving to Website B. Website A has a number of PDFs - obviously I cant do a '301 redirect' on them. Any suggestions what to do with the PDFs? Many thanks in advance Nigel

    | Richard555

  • Hi, I would like some opinions on the topic of using images for SEO. I have come across a few sites that I see have very few backlinks, but have decent pagerank and seem to rank well for certain keywords. One such site I looked at had very little content other than tons of images (It was a joke blog that focussed on funny images, funny pics etc) and now I am starting to question whether hotlinking images assists in SEO? are there any benefits to having someone using one of your images (hosted on your site) ? I do recall reading somewhere that someone hotlinking an image is akin to a link. Any truth in this?

    | rightmove

  • Can someone explain the following to me please. The background: I launched a new website - new domain with no history. I added the domain to my Bing webmaster tools account, verified the domain and submitted the XML sitemap at the same time. I added the domain to my Google analytics account and link webmaster tools and verified the domain - I was NOT asked to submit the sitemap or anything. The site has only 10 pages. The situation: The site shows up in bing when I search using - Pages indexed:- 1 (the home page) The site shows up in google when I search using - Pages indexed:- 30 Please note Google found 30 pages - the sitemap and site only has 10 pages - I have found out due to the way the site has been built that there are "hidden" pages i.e. A page displaying half of a page as it is made up using element in Joomla. My questions:- 1. Why does Bing find 1 page and Google find 30 - surely Bing should at least find the 10 pages of the site as it has the sitemap? (I suspect I know the answer but I want other peoples input). 2. Why does Google find these hidden elements - Whats the best way to sort this - controllnig the htaccess or robots.txt OR have the programmer look into how Joomla works more to stop this happening. 3. Any Joomla experts out there had the same experience with "hidden" pages showing when you type into Google. I will look forward to your input! 🙂

    | JohnW-UK

  • With web3.0 results with microfrmatting showing in google, yahoo etc through reviews, instock, events, sales, pricing etc.

    | RampUpInteractive

  • As part of a Panda recovery initiative we are trying to get an as comprehensive list of currently URLs indexed by Google as possible. Using the operator Google displays that approximately 21k pages are indexed. Scraping the results however ends after the listing of 240 links. Are there any other sources we could be using to make the list more comprehensive? To be clear, we are not looking for external crawlers like the SEOmoz crawl tool but sources that would be confidently allow us to determine a list of URLs currently hold in the Google index. Thank you /Thomas

    | sp80

  • Greetings Mozzers, Doing my standard run through Webmaster tools and I discover up to 30% of my sitemaps no longer exist. Has anyone else experienced the recent loss of sitemaps/can suggest reasons why this may have happened? Re-submitting all sitemaps now but just concerned this might become an on-going issue...

    | RobertChapman

  • We have a possibility of contributing guest blogs (with followed backlinks) to a site with very high domain authority (and highly trafficked), but when we've looked at the blog entires they already have, most of them have a much lower page authority. How do relevant links from a page with a lower PA but on a domain with a really high DA end up impacting our overall backlink profile? Can an expert or two give me some advice on what this may mean for us if we choose to go for it? In your opinion, does having lots of relevant links from a site with a much higher domain authority than ourselves (to give you an idea, our domain authority is in the low 60's, this site has a domain authority of almost 90) worth the time/effort/resources unto itself? Thanks!

    | GrowOrganic

  • A site was considering linking to us. Their web page is delivered entirely via frames. Humans can see the links on the page, but it's not visible in source. I'm guessing it means Google can't detect the links, and there is no SEO effect, but I wanted to confirm. Here's the site: Example links are the Princeton Review and Kaplan on the right sidebar. Here's the source code: view-source: Do those links have any SEO impact?

    | lighttable

  • Hi Guys, I'm currently in the middle of creating a comprehensive blog post covering SEO Tools that I wouldn't be able to work without. So far I've got the following down, as I use these on a day to day basis and they make my job infinitely easier. SEOMoz / OSE AHrefs BuzzStream Scrapebox Xenu / Screaming Frog Excel GWT / Analytics / Adwords Keyword Tool What tools or subscriptions do you use on a daily basis and couldn't be without?

    | SebastianCowie

  • My URL is: We're using Google's AJAX crawling system, per the documentation here. example page above requires JavaScript to display content; it includes in the source. We have a lot of pages like this on our site.We expect Google to query us at this URL: page renders correctly with JavaScript disabled.Are we doing this correctly? There are some small differences between the escaped_fragment HTML snapshot and the JavaScript-generated content. Will this cause any problems for us?We ask because there was a period of about two months (from October 4th to Dec 29th) during which Google's crawler radically decreased the hits to our escaped_fragment URLs; it's maybe recovering now, but maybe it isn't, and I wanted to be absolutely sure we're doing this correctly.

    | RyanOD

  • Hi all, I have a web site with a selection of pages with excellent rankings, mostly in the top 3 for the keywords we want to rank for. Currently, the URLs are mostly presented mixed case, like this: However we have problems of different cases being used in different parts of our application, and also it's obviously not that attractive the way it is. What we are proposing to do is deploy a change to our web site that lowercases all URLs in internal links, as well as present the URLs in lowercase in our sitemap.xml, and provide any links to partners from this point on in lowercase format. We are also proposing to 301 redirect any non-lowercase URLs to the lowercase version. These pages already have a canonical link tag due to us hosting different versions of these pages on multiple domains, for skinning purposes. The link in the canonical link tag will also be changed to be lowercase. What I am concerned about is, URLs of the case above have been in the rankings for a few years now, and if all of a sudden our links are all lowercase, will they drop off the rankings? Or will the above measures mean that the pagerank is transferred to the lowercase version of the URL? Thanks in advance, James

    | SeeTickets

  • Hello, I have 4 different URL's going to 4 different countries that all contain the same content and Google is seeing them as duplicate pages. For ecommerce reasons I have to have these 4 pages separated. Here is a example of the pages below so you can see the URL structure: www.example/com/canada How do I fix this duplicate content problem? Thanks!

    | digitalops

  • Hi guys i run a web design company and have around 50 sites that i have designed most dont have links but to us i was considering adding a footer link that will link to a blog page within that site, each post on each site will have unique content about the project and about us as a design company. As you can see most of my ip address are c blocks, any advice here please, thanks in advance Example Ip list
    xx.170.44.96 [question edited by staff to remove full IP addresses]

    | Will_Craig

  • Hi All, I am wondering if google still does give importance to the length of the domain or url. If yes then how much is the acceptable length of a domain and URL. Many Thanks!

    | HiteshBharucha

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