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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • On or about 12/1/17 a massive amount of my site's pages were deindexed. I have done the following: Ensured all pages are "index,follow" Ensured there are no manual penalites Ensured the sitemap correlates to all the pages Resubmitted to Google ALL pages are gone from Bing as well In the new SC interface, there are 661 pages that are Excluded with 252 being "Crawled - currently not indexed: The page was crawled by Google, but not indexed. It may or may not be indexed in the future; no need to resubmit this URL for crawling." What in the world does this mean and how the heck do I fix this. This is CRITICAL. Please help! The url is

    | D.J.Hanchett

  • Hi, I currently am doing digital marketing for a home builder. Here is one of our challenges: we build homes, create the page to sell them, details on the house are put up, Google crawls them, and then the house sells and I need to take it off the site. This is just creating a constant redirect process that I'm OK with but I'm just thinking I'd rather have Google not know they exist and delete them. I have community pages and floor plan pages with evergreen content and a blog that's doing well. I'm OK with Google not seeing these pages, but I'd really like to know what others in the industry do and what Moz thinks is best. I have a working theory of creating 10-15 pages where I rotate the houses: house 1 is posted and once it sells replace site content with house 16 (assuming 15 pages already exist with 15 houses). Reason - none of my listing pages have any page authority and it overall just makes the site un-authoritative. I know the domain authority is a different ranking factor, but I need the pages to be stronger or just not there. I'd love confirmation that that shouldn't be a concern for me as it seems to be one that I've inherited through years of SEO marketing paranoia.

    | AvexHomes

  • We are in the process of redesigning our real estate website. Our designer/developer is very quick and confident on Wordpress. He suggests designing directly on Wordpress and bypassing  wireframes and a mock ups. He is very confident in his Wordpress abilities. Is it a mistake to take this approach? He has also asked that we select a real estate theme at this point. I would think that the theme would be selected after the wireframes and mock ups get done. But there are certainly different approaches. Are there  best practices for  redesigning a webiste; any suggestions? Are there significant risks/disadvantages to bypassing wireframes/mock ups? Thanks, 
    Alan Rosinsky

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi we currently have a site on Wordpress which has two version of each URL trailing slash on URLs and one without it. Example: (preferred version - based on link data)**/** The non-slash version of the URL has most of the external links pointing to them, so we are going to pick that as the preferred version. However, currently, each version of every URL has rel canonical tag pointing to the non-preferred version. E.g. the rel canonical tag is: What would be the best way to clean up this setup? Cheers.

    | cathywix

  • Let's say 1 article piece is highly relevant to multiple states and we pitch this article across the different domains in those states. Each article piece will be tweaked to localize the content. I understand that Google devalues links coming from low quality, websites that are spun up, but what about links that are basically the same content (but localized), across different high authority domains?

    | imjonny123

  • Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone had any experience of whether Google treats keywords with hyphens differently. One of my websites main keywords is 'buy to let', however all across our website it is referred to as 'buy-to-let'. People always search without the hyphens. I recently heard that Google may only treat us as a highly relevant match and not an exact match for this keyword. I was wondering if anyone had any experience of this, and what is the best course of action to take. Thanks

    | brian-madden

  • We are developing high quality, unique content and sending them out to bloggers to for guest posts. In these articles we have links to 2 to 3 sites. While the links are completely relevant, each article points to the same 2 to 3 sites. The link text varies slightly from article to article, but the linked-to site/URLs remain the same. We have read that it is best to have 2 to 3 external links, not all pointing to the same site. We have followed this rule, but the 2 to 3 external sites are the same sites on the other articles. I'm having a hard time explaining this, so I hope this makes sense. My concern is, will Google see this as a pattern and link juice won't be passed to the linked-to URLs, or worst penalize all/some of the sites being linked to or linked from? Someone I spoke to had suggest that my "link scheme" describes a "link wheel" and the site(s) will be penalized by Penguin. Is there any truth to this statement?

    | Cutopia

  • This great article by Eric Enge makes a compelling case for jumping to AMP for news sites, but does anyone have any data or have heard of an online forum using AMP as well? I run an online community and we are thinking of making the (relatively heavy) investment into making most of our pages AMP friendly... Thank you! Patrick


  • Hi have spam link issue in my website at attaching report please help to fix this so my domain can get better. thanks. aEP1vVy

    | grbassi

  • Hi, I have the following page where we've implemented a no index tag. But when we run this page in screaming frog or this tool here to verify the noidex is present and functioning, it shows that it's not. But if you view the source of the page, the code is present in the head tag. And unfortunately we've seen instances where Google is indexing pages we've noindexed. Any thoughts on the example above or why this is happening in Google? Eddy

    | eddys_kap

  • Ive always had pages set up for a lot of our products and had these in the navigation menu. For instance we sell Solar Control Window Film which helps with heat, glare and UV. We then have a navigation menu something like this: Solar Window Film
        Heat Control window Films
        Anti glare window film
        UV window film
    etc etc Ihave this for all my services and products.  I have unique content on each. My question is this.  Would I be better having the naviation menu with links to all the seperate services we offer
    Should I have it linking to the main services and then the related services from within the page> For example Ill have just Solar Window Film in the navigation and then on the page it would internally link to the heat related section and the glare related section etc. Im wondering whether my sub pages would suffer because theyre not linked to from every page with the second method or whether it would help in some way

    | Fozzy1609

  • Hi Guys, When reviewing competitors what would be a better metric - Referring domain count OR domain authority. From my understanding DA is a indication of the quality of the link profile. So if a site has a high DA this is a better metric for comparison then referring domain count. What are your thoughts on this? Cheers/

    | cathywix

  • Hi I'm trying to look for ideas for content on office chairs. Any ideas on where to start with user intent for this type of search query? I'm using answer the public to gather some ideas. Some are good ideas, but I can't actually find any search volume for the phrase so then I'm unsure whether to devote time to writing something.  Surely most people want to just find a supplier, buy the chair & they don't want a huge informational piece how to buy a chair. Our competitors are the likes of amazon, and a load of other huge companies with high DA - so I'm looking at types of content we can write, people are interested in reading about chairs, which is less competitive..I'm not sure that exists... Any help is appreciated 🙂

    | BeckyKey

  • Hey all.  I setup some domain pointers for a client 8 years ago and now think they are hurting them.  I am afraid google thinks it duplicate content.  They are pointers so you can get to the same page using other domain names.  Is my best approach to do a 301 redirect on them?  The client is on a shared host so I have to use the web.config file.  The site is pretty small so doing it for the 10+ pages is not that big of a deal.  My question is this?  When should I drop those pointers from the website altogether?

    | DougDeVore

  • Hi everyone - I have a question about whether it's OK for us to host several of our client's websites on the same dedicated web server, without this causing problems in SEO. I know the issues with duplicate content etc., but for background - we provide website services to a particular sector (antiques/auctions). All our clients are distinct, and have written their own copy etc., but because they're all in the same sector, their websites will - largely - talk about the same types of things - so the content is not duplicated, but it's similar in topic, I guess. Does anyone feel it would cause a problem if we were to put several (say about 😎 of our client's websites on the same dedicated web server, or would we be better spreading the sites over different shared servers? Come to think about it, if we are spreading those same 8 sites across 4 virtual servers - but all hosted by the same company - presumably Google would know that too? Thanks in advance for your thoughts on this! Nikki

    | Go-Auction

  • Hey guys, We did reputation management back in March 2017. We basically built high quality links to online assets such as linkedin, twitter, facebook, positive PR articles and other web properties in order to rank them higher then negative PR. However there was 0 change (the link building was solid). And the negative PR remains in the top 10 with also positive new articles about the site. At this point, i believe that Google is keeping the negative PR in the top 10 to keep balanced SERP results. Does anyone know if this is something Google does to balance positive and negative results? Cheers, Chris

    | cathywix

  • We recently launched our website that uses React.js and we haven't been able to get any of the pages indexed. Our previous site (which had a .ca domain) ranked #1 in the 4 cities we had pages and we redirected it to the .com domain a little over a month ago. We have recently started using but still haven't seen any success. Has anyone dealt with a similar issue before?

    | m_van

  • Hi I am struggling to know what keywords i should be targeting and how the website should be best optimised for said keywords. The website offers bespoke service in the lake district UK a popular tourist destination,  The business operates within say a 30 km riadus of the area.   So target vistors to the website would specifically be looking for services in the lake district.  The trouble is for many targeted keywords for the area are quite low or no data shown. For example: tipi camping lake district,  tipi hire lake district,  Glamping lake district However nationally keywords for the service have a lot higher traffic i.e. tipi hire or tipi camping,  glamping what keywords should be my target? and should I targeting my website for? I don't want to target customers looking for these services outside of the lake district  and also by targeting keywords  without the term  lake district  means my competition is greater as i'm competing with the whole of the Uk  for serivces It can't provide. please advise thanks

    | Bengo-99

  • Hi All, I am working on an international site and we have started running into issues with crawlers successfully crawling the site. GeoIPEnable On Redirect one country RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{ENV:GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE} ^US$
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Host} !$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.)$ [R,L] The main reason for working on a hard GEOIP redirect would be that we are unable to show certain products in certain regions, the customer should not be given the option which is best practice. Can anyone advise? Thanking in advance.

    | michaelpw

  • Why does Google change the titles automatically? I have <title>Canyoning Açores - São Jorge | Discover Experience Açores</title> but google show Discover Experience Açores: Canyoning Açores - São Jorge

    | tiagoarruda

  • Hi guys is the new meta description limit something temporary - Google just testing or can we assume it will remain moving forward? Just wondering if i should increase my meta description limit to 300 characters for all my sites. Cheers.

    | cathywix

  • When I search my website on Google, the sitelinks that I have appear to be wrong. How can I fix this? I have all of my pages optimized.

    | litesourceinc

  • Hi I own 12 different portals within gambling, they do more or less work and feel like this one, Casinotopplisten,  what is the best way for me to link between all of them? Since there is alot going on in Google these days I havent linked between the sites at all, but i feel that to be a somewhat waste. So here is my three ideas so far, in ranked order: Add a menu at the topp right of the site, or footer, that links to the 10 different sites with different languages. The text link should then only be "Norwegian, Swedish, English etc.." Basiclly the same as about, but in addition linking to the "same page" in the other languages.  As all pages have the same article set for startes this can be done. Dont do any linking between the sites and only link to the sites separately from our company blog/site.. Dont link at all. I should add that all of these sites are on different IPs with different domains and all in different languages. Hope someone can add their 2c on this one.. Thanks!

    | MortenBratli

  • The age old question. Should I use "www." for a brand new content site assuming my goal (and most goals starting out) is to get to millions of visits per month? Does the community agree with, The only reason I question it honestly, since most high traffic companies in my search use www., is because moz doesn't. Thanks for your help. Seems it would be quite a pain to go back once you have a lot of traffic.

    | mag777

  • I've been advised about Siloing (site structure), although I'm getting conflicting advice now saying it is an outdated practice. What is the 2018 verdict?

    | Undergrnd

  • Hey there! This is sort of an oddball question. We do a lot of hospital websites. One client that we have spells "Orthopedics" as "Orthopaedics" which is another spelling. When I did initial keyword research the volume for Orthopedics as I expected is much higher. However when I do a test search for "Orthopaedics" it looks like I'm getting the same results and Google is highlighting in the content "orthopaedics" even though my search query was "orthopedics". What I'm wondering  - is it the same thing to optimize for "orthopaedics" or is it a recommendation I should make to the client to change to "orthopedics" Thanks!

    | CentreTEK

  • Hello, Can someone give a example of what primary and secondary keywords are and how to implement that in a sentence ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi, I have a gwt site - I have tab control which emulates the menu. I am planning to put <a>links instead of text into tab labels to create internal links. I am thinking to add java script to stop onclick event of</a> <a>otherwise i will get to the new session of GWT site. What I want is to just change the tab but at the same time have a link for the crawler. Would my approach work? Will it be equivalent to non-follow link? Will it improve the ranking comparing to 'no link at all' case?</a> <a>Thanks, Andrei.</a>

    | Anazar_2001

  • Hi, We are getting an enormous amount of missing meta description only on our tag archives. When we post we fill in a description and are using the Yoast plugin ( getting green lights). Now we are finding that we're missing descriptions in tags archives. What is the best thing to do? We're finding that the tags are creating a separate url for each tag that has missing description even though the post has a full description. 1. To block spiders from crawling tags? 2. To stop using tags? 3. What do you suggest? Thank you

    | WalterHalicki

  • Hey Mozzers, Interested to know your thoughts on the following situation. I am relaunching a website with an updated URL structure in TWO phases. Phase one will be a much smaller version of the site, with 30% of the pages going live - the remaining 70% of page won't be available until Phase two. In Phase one, these 30% of pages will be 301 redirected from their like-for-like versions - old site to new site. The remaining 70%... because the like-for-like pages won't be available until Phase two, which is likely to be launched in 3 months time, should I do a temporary redirect on these pages (302) to the new homepage for the time being, until the new versions of the pages are live - and then implement the 301 from old url to new url. A bit of a messy situation, and not ideal for SEO, but my hands are tied as the organisation is pushing ahead with this phased approach. So, interested to hear your thoughts on an appropriate 301 migration plan.

    | RWesley

  • I want to update a few page titles on my website. Some are duplicate titles, and some titles are just too long. Will my website be negatively impacted at all if I update these? I read somewhere that once you have created a page you need to stick to the title you have given it. So I am not sure if I should leave these pages be and make note of utilizing better SEO practices for the future or if I can go back and edit them. Any insight is much appreciated!

    | meredithrice

  • Hello, Are the related searches, the words that I should use when writing my content. For ex : when I type online spreadsheet in google, in the related searches it list online spreadsheet open source and spreasheet download. Does it means that when writing content I should included those terms in order to be relevant on the keyword online spreadsheet ? because they are considered closely related by google ?

    | seoanalytics

  • Does it take longer to rank on high volume versus a low volume keyword ? if so why Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi, My first time posting here, I am just looking for some feedback on a indexation issue we have with a client and any feedback on possible next steps or items I may have overlooked. To give some background, our client operates a website for the core band and a also a number of microsites based on specific business units, so you have along with, The content structure isn't ideal, as each microsite follows a structure of, and so on. In addition to this each microsite has duplicate folders from the other microsites so has indexable folders but also the same with has but also Therre are 5 different business units so you have this duplicate content scenario for all microsites. This situation is being addressed in the medium term development roadmap and will be rectified in the next iteration of the site but that is still a ways out. The issue
    About 6 weeks ago we noticed a drop off in search rankings for two of our microsites ( and over a period of 2-3 weeks pretty much all our terms dropped out of the rankings and search visibility dropped to essentially 0. I can see that pages from the websites are still indexed but oddly it is the duplicate content pages so ( or ( is still indexed, similiarly on the bu2.corewebsite microsite and are indexed but no pages from the BU1 or BU2 content directories seem to be indexed under their own microsites. Logging into webmaster tools I can see there is a "Google couldn't crawl your site because we were unable to access your site's robots.txt file." This was a bit odd as there was no robots.txt in the root directory but I got some weird results when I checked the BU1/BU2 microsites in robots text tool. Also due to the fact that there is a redirect from to I thought maybe there could be something there so consequently we removed the redirect and added a basic robots to the root directory for both microsites. After this we saw a small pickup in site visibility, a few terms pop into our Moz campaign rankings but drop out again pretty quickly. Also the error message in GSC persisted. Steps taken so far after that In Google Search Console, I confirmed there are no manual actions against the microsites. Confirmed there is no instances of noindex on any of the pages for BU1/BU2 A number of the main links from the root domain to microsite BU1/BU2 have a rel="noopener noreferrer" attribute but we looked into this and found it has no impact on indexation Looking into this issue we saw some people had similar  issues when using Cloudflare but our client doesn't use this service Using a response redirect header tool checker, we noticed a timeout when trying to mimic googlebot accessing the site Following on from point 5 we got a hold of a week of server logs from the client and I can see Googlebot successfully pinging the site and not getting 500 response codes from the server...but couldn't see any instance of it trying to index microsite BU1/BU2 content So it seems to me that the issue could be something server side but I'm at a bit of a loss of next steps to take. Any advice at all is much appreciated!

    | ImpericMedia

  • Hi We migrated to HTTPs in November - but we still aren't showing as Secure. I thought it was due to there being an Insecure SHA-1 script in the SSlL Certificate, so am waiting to get this fixed. We had a few http links outstanding so they have been updated, but we're still getting the issue. Does anyone have an idea of what it could be?

    | BeckyKey

  • For example a synonym of piedmont bike tour is piedmont cycling holiday correct ? what about lsi ? Is it words sch as barolo or barbaresco ? But what about lda ?

    | seoanalytics

  • are those synonyms or semantically related keywords ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi everyone I'm trying to prioritise my tasks for 2018 & wondered if anyone had any useful templates they use? In terms of SEO tasks, my priority was going to be content/outreach/links - Focusing on user guides/blogs onsite Then outreach articles/some PR that doesn't go against Google guidelines offsite. My struggle with the onsite content/blogs we produce is we have no real social media plan/manager so my content outreach always seems hampered by this. I've tried taking on some of the social stuff, but this ends up being too much for just me to do. I wondered if there were any other SEOs who face this issue and who have found some good solutions? I'm stuck in a bit of a rut and can't seem to effectively push forward with outreach/content writing. Thank you Becky

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi Everyone! I work for a company that had a new website built through a digital agency and that website went live 2 months ago. I have only been with the company for 2 months and find myself under the gun, because they are not coming up in organic search results that they used to. The old domain was 301'ed to point to the new domain. There were also 1 to 1 redirects set up to transfer the old page authority to the new, equivalent pages. In everyone's experience, how long does it take for a domain to start populating for search terms that it used to? I know there are mixed reviews on 301 transfers and how much of the old domain authority is preserved when you take this route. What is your experience? Just looking for some answers. Thanks in advance! John

    | AdvisGroup

  • Hi there: We are developers with some digital marketing expertise, but a current issue has us perplexed. An outside SEO firm has asked us to clean up a large number of 301 redirects. Most of these are 'default' Wordpress behavior that relate to calling the latest version of a JS or CSS file. For instance, a JS file is called with this: but ultimately redirects to this: We are being asked to prevent the redirect from happening by, presumably, calling the ultimate file to begin with. The issue is that, as far as we know, there's no easy way to alter WP behavior to call the ultimate file to begin with. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Thanks.

    | Daaveey

  • What's your experience of using robots meta tag v robots.txt when it comes to a stand alone solution to prevent Google indexing? I am pretty sure robots meta tag is more reliable - going on own experiences, I have never experience any probs with robots meta tags but plenty with robots.txt as a stand alone solution. Thanks in advance, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • Hi there: We are developing a pretty typical 301 redirection strategy. We basically are moving blog posts from a former sub-domain to the top level of our new designed site. We've pulled a site crawl of the old sub-domain and want to make sure we redirect any posts with a significant backlink profile to their current counterparts. Most other posts are just going to be redirected to the main 'front door' of our new blog. Is there a way to selectively redirect a certain number of posts and then 'globally' redirect everything else to a single URL? I would assume this would be a pretty common task, but can't find an easy way to do what we want to do.

    | Daaveey

  • I've been doing SEO on my business's site for years and have got good results.  I've always used image Titles and Alt Text text.  Our blog posts are image-intensive, often with 100-200 pictures (not surprising since we're photographers).  For any given blog post, I've tended to have a uniform image Title for each image and then a more specialised Alt Text tag giving a description. A typical image on one of our blog posts would be like this: Image filename: wedding-photography-at-so-and-so-venue-001.jpg   .... 002, 003 etc Image Title Attribute: Wedding Photography at So-And-So-Venue by Our-Company-Name - this would be the same for every image in the blog post. Alternative Text: Bride and groom exchanging vows during wedding ceremony at so-and-so-venue - this would be tailed for each image. So my question is - is this right?    The Moz help page for image SEO is actually incorrect in one aspect: "Alt text (short for “alternative text”) is used to highlight the identity of an image when you hover over it with your mouse cursor. It also shows as text to all users when there are problems rendering the image." This is not the case.  Hovering over the image in Firefox, Chrome, Edge and Opera ALL display the Image Title, NOT Alt Text. Thoughts?

    | robandsarahgillespie

  • We have a few authority blogs that I manage to help increase our brand awareness and build power to our website. We have Blogspot, Wordpress, Tumblr & Typepad. Our content get's a summary syndicated to our authority blogs with an attribution link back to the original post. I also manually check them one a month to make sure it looks good and the content syndicated correctly. I even add unique content to these blogs once in awhile. I recently realized that the majority of the pages are not indexing. I added the blogs to our GSC & Bing webmasters and submitted the sitemaps. This was done on December 11th, as of now some pages indexed in Google and Bing says the sitemaps are still pending... Blogspot - 32/100 pages indexed Wordpress - 34/81 pages indexed Tumblr - 4/223 pages indexed Typepad - 3/63 pages indexed Can anyone help me figure out why I can't get Google to index more pages or Bing to process the sitemaps timely?

    | LindsayE

  • I have  multiple webpages built on the same exact model and none of them have external links ? Some rank within a few days some don’t why is that ? Has anyone experienced this ? and any idea what it could be due to ? I have 2 possibilities lsi density or lsi used or topics used ? Does anyone ha e any other idea ?

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi, I have my homepage which has links saying "bike tours and bike tours in France" because in the past I was only doing bike tours in France. I now do tours all over Europe and I have a page about "bike tours in Franc"  only. The issue I have is that my page about "bike tours in France" never appears in the search ranking it is always my homepage that does for tjhe keyword "bike tours in France". My guess is that it is due to the links that my homepage has ? How could I make sure my France page appears instead of my homepage ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello Fellow Moz's, We have an issue redirecting some /TAG and /Category pages to inner pages. As an example we use: RedirectMatch 301 /category/Sample-Category(.*)$1 That works well. The issue is we have other categories and tags that are named similar to /Sample-Category As an example, if we try to redirect /Sample-Category-1 to /New-Page-1 - it will not work, and redirects to /New-Page I assume this is because /Sample-Category is already being redirected, so anything after /Sample-Category like -1 or -2 or -3 etc, will not be recognized. Anyone know of a workaround?

    | Jes-Extender-Australia

  • Since 2013 a Wordpress developer has coded my real estate website. Their hourly rate is $24 but the programmers take too long to perform tasks and the service has become prohibitively expensive. Examples of unreasonable time estimates below: | | 1. Change theme settings so posts/pages do not display a date. -> 7 hrs
    2.Google search results are displaying the breadcrumb on the top of each page rather than the URL. Please correct so this does not display. -> 3 hrs
    3. Install SSL certificate to domain -> 8 hrs | | The above does not include 5-6 hours for testing. I am considering changing vendors. Potential programmers have asked how the site was developed and to what extent is it is customized. Ends up several plugins were built from scratch. My question is whether a new developer is going to be able to pick up a custom coded site. That without understanding how the site was built, any change will break the site. My concern is that current developer has made themselves indispensable, and created a situation where there is no alternative to using them and they can therefore charge any price they want.Any thoughts? Also below are questions I asked my developer about how the site was built and their answers: | 1. Was everything coded using a child theme?
    No, is a custom theme. 2. Did you use any ready made theme or just plugins
    We used the theme and and we've used plugins. Third party plugins and plugins builded from scratch 3. Can Wordpress and every one of the plugin be updated? 
    Wordpress can be updated, core files was never modified. If after an update something start to work wrong is due to some radical wordpress change or similar Can't be updated: FireStorm Professional Real Estate Plugin Created at xxx: Form Submissions Report Miscellaneous Hooks and Filters NYC Check memory usage NYC SEO listings NYC Slider Sitemap Updater 4. Were any of the plugins customized and if so, which ones?
    Yes, this plugin "FireStorm Professional Real Estate Plugin" |

    | Kingalan1

  • I updated a few home pages and some landing pages, so far so good! Although, I wish to know about other experiences, before continue updating. Thanks for your comments!

    | Mª Verónica B.

  • Hi guys, Analyzing a large e-commerce site 10,000 pages on Magento and not getting much organic traffic to level 3 sub-category pages, the URLs are like: Primary Keyword Target: BODY MOISTURISERS Primary Keyword Target: LIP MASKS Plus another 40 other URLs at level 3 with low organic performance. Authority of the domain is strong, so it's not an authority issue I believe its internal linking. Besides linking form the blog and breadcrumbs is there anything we can do to improve internal linking to these level 3 pages? Cheers.

    | nattyhall

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