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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hey Guys, There seems to be multiple tools on the market for unlinked brand mentions for link building e.g. Ahrefs, Moz, etc. Which one is your favourite? Cheers.

    | kayl87

  • Simple question - how much of an SEO impact does NOT having a physical address on your site make? I run a photography business based from home.  For security reasons I don't really want our home address easily available to the public. I have a Google Maps listing (actually seem to have two at the moment, but that's a different matter) and the full address is logged there but is not viewable publicly - just the surrounding area. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    | robandsarahgillespie

  • Hello, The Story I am working on a news organization. Our website is the My question regards copied content with source references.  Sometimes a small portion of our content is based on some third article that is posted on some site (that is about 1% of our content).  We always put "source" reference if that is the case.  This is inevitable as "news" is something that sometimes has sources on other news sites, especially if there is something you cannot verify or don't have immediate sources, and therefore you need to state that "according to this source, something has happened". Here is one article of ours that has a source from another site: if you open the above article you will see we have a link to the equivalent article of the original source site Now here is my question. I have read in other MOZ forum articles that a "canonical" approach solves this issue... How can we be legit when it comes to duplicate content in the eyes of search engines?  Should we use some kind of canonical link to the source site?  Should the "canonical" be inside the link in some way?  Should it be on our  section?  Our site has AMP equivalent pages (if you add the /amp keyword at the end of the article URL).  Our AMP pages have canonical to our original article.  So if we have a "canonical" approach how would the AMP be effected as well? Also by applying a possible canonical solution to the source URL, does that "canonical" effect our article as not being shown in search results, thus passing all indexing to the canonical site? (I know that canonical indicates what URL is to be indexed). Additionally, does such a canonical indication make us legit in such a case in the eyes of search engines? (i.e. it eliminates any possible article duplication for original content in the eyes of search engines?). Or simply put, having a simple link to the original article (as we have it now) is enough for the search engines to understand that we have reference to original article URL? How would we approach this problem in our site based on its current structure?

    | ioannisanif

  • Is it best practice to post your news release on your website THEN submit to distribution services/news sources, or, wait until it gets out there then just put an announcement on your website with an excerpt, and then link to the PR on the most prominent news site?

    | Wizkids964

  • Hello, our website is If you open our page you will see its fast (for its size - we use AKAMAI and caching), but we have a large number of pictures on the main page - that inevitably cost loading time. I believe there could be a dramatic reduction in the time taken to load the pictures if we implemented a lazy load approach for the "below" the fold" content. Would a lazy load approach increase our SEO score on our main page? If yes, how should it be implemented in SEO terms? (I mean so that search engines are able to find the pictures that are not loaded beforehand).

    | ioannisanif

  • We are going to implement a faceted navigation for an ecommerce site of about 1000 products.
    Faceted navigation is implemented via ajax/javascript which adds to the URL a large number of #parameters.
    Faceted pages are canonicalizing to page without any parameters. We do not want google to index any of the faceted pages at this point. Will google include pages with #parameters in their index?
    Can I tell google somehow to ignore #parameters and not to index them?
    Could this setup cause any SEO problems for us in terms of crawl bandwidth and or link equity?

    | lcourse

  • Hello, I'm located in the US and I'm looking for **good **SEO classes or courses.  Something that provides certification when completed, if possible.  This is something that my employer wants to do.  I know MOZ offers a lot of information here and has a course as well, but I'm looking for something that is in person.  I tend to learn better that way.  I see some things pop up when I search, but I believe most of it is just junk.  I am looking for something that would basically go from intermediate to advanced. Thank you!

    | slecinc

  • I'm specifically asking for drops happened in the last 2 months, because before that we had a normal trend. Some websites would go up in their PA rankings and some would drop. But seeing 80% of our clients drop like this is just weird. Just wanted to see if other market leaders are also having the same issue so I can stop attributing it something X-Filish! Our clients are all .EDUs if anyone was wondering. Also the maximum drop has been 4 points in a month.

    | AP_Search

  • Hi We're moving to https imminently & I wondered if anyone has advice on redirects. Obviously we'll be redirecting all http versions to https - but should I be checking how many redirects are in each chain and amending accordingly? If there's 4-5 in a chain, remove the middle unnecessary URLS ? Advice please 🙂

    | BeckyKey

  • Long story but now i have a few links from my site 301 redirecting to youtube videos or eCommerce stores. They carry a considerable amount of traffic that i benefit from so i can't take them down, and that traffic is people from other websites, so basically i have backlinks from places that i don't own, to my redirect urls (Ex. My problem is that google is indexing them and doesn't let them go, i have tried blocking that url from robots.txt but google is still indexing it uncrawled, i have also tried allowing google to crawl it and adding noindex from robots.txt, i have tried removing it from GWT but it pops back again after a few days. Any ideas? Thanks!

    | cuarto715

  • We have about 100 redirect chains and were not sure of the impact they are having on our SEO. One SEO expert wants to charge around $800 to clean these up for us. Any thoughts on how serious of an issue this is and how important it is to address?

    | roundtable1

  • Hi, Imagine my main topic is "Bike tours in Holland. Let's imagine that I have decided to write about these 2 topics " Amsterdam " and "Gouda". To talk about those topics should I use the keywords that moz keyword tool gives me for the keyword "Bike tours in Holland" such as "trail, cycle routes, bike paths" and write something like "Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands is the perfect place to hit the road with your trail bike. There are miles of bike paths to cycle one etc... Or can I write something like Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands features some of the best museums in Europe. The Van Gogh museum, the Anne Franck house and the Rijksmuseum. Or is this second sentence  talking about the museums wrong because it isn't talking about biking. Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • It's a well known fact that too much thin content can hurt your SEO, but what about when you disallow google to crawl some places and it indexes some of them anyways (No title, no description, just the link) I am building a shopify store and it's imposible to change the robots.txt using shopify, and they disallow for example, the cart. Disallow: /cart But all my pages are linking there, so google has the uncrawled cart in it's index, along with many other uncrawled urls, can this hurt my SEO or trying to remove that from their index is just a waste of time? -I can't change anything from the robots.txt -I could try to nofollow those internal links What do you think?

    | cuarto715

  • Hi Guys, Looking to potentially create youtube videos and rank them on Google Australia for keywords around cosmetic brands. For example ASAP or Napoleon Perdis If you look at the top 10 SERP results example: for ASAP. There are no videos ranking which I think is strange or a very good opportunity. How would you determine if Google would rank a video on SERP results if there is none already? Cheers.

    | kayl87

  • Hello moz webmasters, PLZ tell me How Can I Rank My Website Quickly and get traffic 20k per months. if you have backlinks lists of edu and gov sites plz donate me. check my site [Link removed by a forum moderator.]

    | tushartosi

  • About 2 years ago (well before I started with the company), we did an http=>https migration. It was not done correctly. The http=>https redirect was never inserted into the .htaccess file. In essence, we have 2 websites. According to Google search console, we have 19,000 HTTP URLs indexed and 9,500 HTTPS URLs indexed. I've done a larger scale http=>https migration (60,000 SKUs), and our rankings dropped significantly for 6-8 weeks. We did this the right way, using sitemaps, and http and https GSC properties. Google came out recently and said that this type of rankings drop is normal for large sites. I need to set the appropriate expectations for management. Questions: How badly is the domain split affecting our rankings, if at all? Our rankings aren't bad, but I believe we are underperforming our backlink profile. Can we expect a net rankings gain when the smoke clears? There are a number of other technical SEO issues going on as well. How badly will our rankings drop (temporarily) and for how long when we add the redirect to the .htaccess file? Is there a way to mitigate the rankings impact? For example, only submitting partial sitemaps to our GSC http property? Has anyone gone through this before?

    | Satans_Apprentice

  • Hi, If my keyword is SEO consultant when I write a paragraphs with with my secondary related keywords do I always need to have my primary keyword used in the secondary keywords. "SEO consultant prices", "SEO consultant training" etc.. or can I just surround my primary keyword with the words with the words "prices" and "training" in a sentence ? In a bullet style format if my title is SEO consultant, do the bullet need to include the secondary keyword with the primary keyword in it or not like that SEO consultant SEO consultant training* SEO consultant prices or can it be like that SEO consultant Training* Prices Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi, It is confusing to me. So far what I understand is the following: LSI are synonyms of the keyword your target (the one in the H1 and title tag). For example my keyword would be  "Tuscany bike tour" and my LSI would be "Tuscany cycling vacation", "bicycle tour in Tuscany" etc... Then secondary related keyword are for me the other topics I need to cover in my content. In this case for example it would be "Florence", "Siena". But from what I understand a good writer wouldn't use "Siena" or "Florence" multiple times in it's content it would replace it by keywords that support them such as "the town of Florence", "the city of Siena"," the Palio of Siena" etc...Is my understanding correct ? If so what is the use of using those secondary related keyword, is it to rank on other keywords such as Palio of siena tuscany bike tour ? or just not to repeat a secondary keyword too many times. If i write the Palio of Siena isn't it considered as another topic that the topic siena ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Does anybody know why this might happen? When we made the new site, we just changed the skins. The source code was the same, the content was the same. Even when I search their brand name and their city, their URL won't show up. When I search their URL into Google, it won't even pull up their homepage: it only pulls up /contact-us and some other subpages. Any tips on what I should be looking out for?

    | TaylorRHawkins

  • My guess is you want to do the  {title} | {company name} format as I would suspect Google gives slightly more weight to the words at the beginning of the title?   (This is assuming your company name isn't a generic word or you are specifically trying to rank your home page for your company name when it isn't ranking well already) But what about cases where you have like 5 or 6 keywords that are really important and used in the title gives you like 50 characters and your company name pushed it up to like 65 increasing the chance Google will use some other source to list the name of your home page in the search results? Obviously one can experiment, but wondering what the general consensus is - long keyword title, or longer title with company name?  The company name can be included in the meta description and the domain name of the url displayed also gives the indication to the company.  But maybe the algo "respects" long itles that have company name more than ones without as then it looks more like a keyword stuffing title?  So many factors to consider.  Yes - on page SEO isn't just about the title, but for this thread I'm just talking home page title.

    | Wizkids964

  • I just do competitor Analysis, one of my competitor follow technique like Use Meta Title as H1 tag on each page Use Meta Description on Content section ( Same as meta description ). Please suggest me is this technique work or have any benefits of this kind of thing in ranking or visibility.

    | HuptechWebseo

  • I have a client who has a very old site with lots and lots of links to it. The site offers as the homepage to logged in users. So, once you're logged in, you can't get back to anymore (unless you log out) and are instead given /loggedin as your new personalized homepage. The problem is that many users over time who linked to the site linked to the site they saw after they signed up and were logged in.... So, there's all these inbound links going to a page that is inaccessible to non-logged-in users. Thus linking to nowheresville. One idea is to fire off a 301 to non-logged in users, forwarding them to the homepage. Thus capturing much of that stranded link juice. Honestly, I'm not 100% sure you can fire off a server code conditioned on if they are logged in or not. I imagine you can, but don't know that for a technical fact. Another idea is to offer some content on /loggedin that is right now mostly currently blank, except for an offer to sign in. Which do you think is better and why? Thanks... Mike

    | 94501

  • Should I track the same keywords for multiple cities that are right next to each other (there's about 10 cities in a 30 mile radius that the business services)? Or if the website ranks for a keyword in one city, will it automatically rank the same way in the city right next to it?

    | pbrennan

  • Hello everyone, We run a Magento store, and I have a general question about SEO-eCommerce. We recently launched a new site where we've modified the menu navigation for product categories. So let's say in the past we had a main category called 'Jackets' in the top navigation bar, and once you were on the jackets page you had a few subcategories to choose from. On the new site, we reworked the navigation bar in order to get our customers there in fewer clicks. So right away in the top bar, the customer can click 'Casual Jackets', 'Leather Jackets' and 'Winter Jackets'. We no longer have an internal link to the parent category 'Jackets'. Now here's the question:
    -Do I 301 redirect 'jackets' to one of the sub-categories of my choosing?
    -Do I keep the main category 'jackets' even though we don't actually link to it internally? I see pros and cons for both, and I'd like to proceed in the way that will be most beneficial from a rnakings point of view for all jackets categories. Thanks!

    | yacpro13

  • Hi there fellow Mozzers. I work for a wine company, and I have a theory that some of our category pages are not ranking as well as they could, due to keyword stuffing. The best example is our Champagne category page, which we are trying to rank for the keyword Champagne, currently rank 6ish. However, when I load the page into Moz, it tells me that I might be stuffing, which I am not, BUT my products might be giving both Moz and Google this impression as well. Our product names for any given Champagne is "Champagne - {name}" and the producer is "Champagne {producer name}. Now, on the category pages we have a list of Champagnes, actually 44 Which means that with the way we display them, with both name of the wine, the name of the producer AND the district. That means we have 132 mentions of the word "Champagne" + the content text that I have written. I am wondering, how good is Google at identifying that this is in fact not stuffing, but rather functionality that makes for this high density of the keyword? Is there anything I can do? I mean, we can change it so it's not listed with Champagne on all the products, but I believe it would make the usability suffer a bit, not a lot - but it's a question of balance and I would like to hear if anyone has encountered a similar problem, if it is in fact a problem?

    | Nikolaj-Landrock

  • Hi, In moz pro you get content suggestions. I was wondering if you can still rank  if the topics you cover for a specific keyword on your page are not listed there ? I guess the key is that all the topics covered are related to each other, correct ?  Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Our business is in 10 cities.  We offer identical services in each city, there's absolutely nothing different about the services we offer based on location.  We have a contact page for each city with a bit of unique content (phone, address, photo of city, list of counties we service).  It really would be a grey area to create subsites for each city and try to rewrite the service description content 10 times.  However, we want to improve organic results.  We of course have Google Places listings for each city. From an on-page SEO perspective, wouldn't it only have the possibility of benefiting, not hurting local SEO but add the city name linked to that city's contact page in the footer?  I've seen arguments against it, and could see maybe if you were in like 50 cities instead of 10, but is there really any observed downside to doing that in the footer for every page?  We can't title the difference service pages with the city name in the headings or page title, so at least we'd have anchor text in the footer.

    | Wizkids964

  • My company has been around for several years now and hasn't really paid much mind to SEO or search engine rankings, so now I'm an in-house marketer with moderate SEO knowledge. We're setting up an article site with our help pages and blog under a subdomain so our writers can easily post articles without having to go through developers every time, as our root domain was set up with a custom in-house CMS. Is it possible for me to run a successful SEO campaign for our article site subdomain? I get that the root domain wouldn't benefit from any SEO authority the new site obtains, but my hands are tied.

    | teachbanzai

  • Hi guys, I have a question about revolution sliders. Are they generally speaking still technically considered to be bad for SEO? I've done some research on this topic however most of the information I can find dates back to around 2009-2012, when sliders were mostly java and flash based. It seems that back then they were considered to be bad for SEO. Is this still the case? We use revolution sliders because it's easy for us to overlay text and because it scales to mobile automatically. It also allows us to put alt texts and image titles in there - we don't use them for the purpose of sliding images. Would there be any technical reason why a slider would be considered bad for SEO?

    | rswhtn

  • Hello I have a website with more than 350 unique articles, Most of them are crawled by Google without a problem, but I find out certain articles are never indexed by Google. I tried to rewrite them, adding fresh images and optimizing them but it gets me nowhere. Lately, I rewrite an article of those and tried to (fetch and render) through Google Webmasters, and I found this result, can you tell me if there is anything to do to fix that? BMVh4

    | Evcindex

  • Hi, Majority of the URLs on the site I'm working on are using non-trailing slash, But when it comes to the blog pages, they are using trailing slash: Note that there is no duplication here since they have canonical tags. My only concern is that:
    Is it okay to have this kind of structure where the blog page have trailing slash while the rest are using non-trailing slash? Keen to hear from you guys. Cheers!

    | nerdieb

  • Hi, I'm stuck! This e-commerce site which I'm currently working on has an unusual problem. So the homepage has a canonical tag pointing to one of its category pages. Is this okay SEO-wise? Based on what I understand, the homepage is the most important page in a site. And if there is a mirror duplication, it would be better to canonicalise the inner page to the homepage rather than in reverse. Looking forward to getting some answers. Cheers!

    | nerdieb

  • Hi I work for an Inventory Management Software company and we already have a WordPress site but I am currently working on re-designing of our WordPress site and in this process, we are looking for moving to a new template. I want to know what will be the impact on SEO performance while taking a shift to a new template.

    | Cin7_Marketing

  • Hi Moz-ers, Currently doing an audit of our website. I have two questions on links. How can I see the current state of my internal links? Also, how can I improve our internal links on the website? what is a good framework to follow what should I avoid Thanks, looking forward to learning more on Moz! 

    | Eric_S

  • Hi Mozzers: We recently launched a site for a client which involved bringing in and redirecting content which formerly had been hosted on different domains. One of these domains still existed and we have yet to bring over the content from it. It has also been flagged as a suspicious/toxic backlink source to our new domain. Would I be wise to redirect this old domain or should I just shut it down? None of the pages seem to have particular equity as link sources. Part of me is asking myself 'Why would we redirect a domain deemed toxic, why not just shut it down.' Thanks in advance, dave

    | Daaveey

  • Hello marketers, I've built quite a few successful sites in the past, but I've never issued this scenario. Here's the case: I have 1,5 year-old site that I've tried to build quality content & links over time. However, there are roughly 15-20 pages and keywords that constantly appear and reappear in the search. For example, KEYWORD X: 1 week appearing in rank 3 Then disappearing out of 100 for a week Then reappears in rank 3 and stays there for ~10 days Then again disappears from top 100 for a week or two. Then again, comes back at rank 3 for a few days, then gone again. Now I understand if this is a new site and spammy content and bad links combo, but it's not. It's also not 1 keyword, but multiple keywords and multiple pages. I know it's hard to say what exactly wrong, but could anyone lead me to the right direction. Is this CONTENT issue? Links issue? CTR issue? Site health issue? I've also attached screenshots from 2 keywords and their rankings in the last 3-4 months. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks! iXpYN HUzJi

    | eeonl1neonly

  • Hey guys, Any recommended tools - paid or processes to find duplicate listings for Google Places? Cheers.

    | wickstar

  • What do you think about 301 redirect of good expired domain to a sub-page instead of the home page? I'm doing this so I don't hurt my brand name. Let me know your thoughts please. Thank you

    | JuanWork

  • We create cobranded websites for local businesses in many towns throughout the United States, always under a subdomain of our main site (e.g., Does this hurt our SEO rankings? We have a very specific reason for creating these microsites, because it's a high selling point. I've read and watched the material here on Moz regarding subdomains and subfolders, but it doesn't quite answer my question: since we create all these microsites not with the intent of passing authority to our website but with the intent of making their microsite have their branding.

    | teachbanzai

  • Frequently in Moz, I see that the keywords that use "KEYWORD LOCATION " have higher volume than "LOCATION KEYWORD." For example, "chinese food Austin" is 201-500, while "Austin chinese food" is 11-50. I'm interested in your experiences targeting one variation of this type of keyword over the other. Are you seeing that using the exact match matters? Even if the order of K+L versus L+K does matter, do you find that near matches, like "chinese food in Austin", work just as well? Concrete examples of performance would be fantastic.

    | Kevin_P

  • Hi so i have bought a couple of expired domains (which when they were live had good PA , link profile etc) my question is is it better to just 301 the domains to my main site or to set up a "landing page" for the expired domain and then put a number of links on this page to my main site which would give me the most benefit google-wise ?  obviously 301ing would be the easiest !

    | odysseytravels

  • I've noticed that lot's of the world's leading digital agencies are not using keywords in their titles. Eg AKQA, DigitasLBi, POKE, SYZYGY etc. Why is that? Are keywords no longer that important? This can't be accidental seeing as it's the case for so many leading agencies.

    | RRoginator

  • Hello, I have noticed that pages rank much faster in some countries than other. For example it seems that in the usa it takes much longer than in France for example. For the same keyword in English. Have anyone noticed that also and why is that ? I have also noticed that the more monthly searches the keyword has the longer it will take to rank. Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello, Is there a software that is better than an other to find to right topics to cover in my content. I am thinking about Moz, Marketmuse or Semrush or is it better to look at the search results because they match user intent and see what is covered and cover those in my content Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi MOZ community, A few weeks ago we noticed a complete collapse in traffic on some of our pages (7 out of around 150 blog posts in question). We were able to confirm that those pages disappeared for good from Google's index at the end of January '18, they were still findable via all other major search engines. Using Google's Search Console (previously Webmastertools) we found the unindexed URLs in the list of pages being excluded because "Google chose different canonical than user". Content-wise, the page that Google falsely determines as canonical instead has little to no similarity to the pages it thereby excludes from the index. False canonicalization About our setup: We are a SPA, delivering our pages pre-rendered, each with an (empty) rel=canonical tag in the HTTP header that's then dynamically filled with a self-referential link to the pages own URL via Javascript. This seemed and seems to work fine for 99% of our pages but happens to fail for one of our top performing ones (which is why the hassle 😉 ). What we tried so far: going through every step of this handy guide: --> inconclusive (healthy pages, no penalties etc.) manually requesting re-indexation via Search Console --> immediately brought back some pages, others shortly re-appeared in the index then got kicked again for the aforementioned reasons checking other search engines --> pages are only gone from Google, can still be found via Bing, DuckDuckGo and other search engines Questions to you: How does the Googlebot operate with Javascript and does anybody know if their setup has changed in that respect around the end of January? Could you think of any other reason to cause the behavior described above? Eternally thankful for any help! ldWB9

    | SvenRi

  • I'm wondering what the best way to present a table for mobile view in terms of SEO? It's a complicated table (not simple rows & columns but also col spans) which doesn't work with any responsive techniques I can find. I can offer different content for desktop / mobile so desktop is OK. But what's the best way forward with Google for mobile? I could offer a jpg or simply an explanation to revisit the page on desktop, but neither of those options  seem particularly Google-friendly?

    | Ann64

  • Hi there: We have a client whose website we built in WP, using Yoast Pro as our SEO plugin. I was reading some reports (actually coming out of SEMrush but we use Moz as well) and I am getting really varying results in the description are of the SERPS. Even though I'm seeing the copy we wrote in Yoast in the description tag code, the SERP is showing an excerpt from the copywriting on the site. What's even weirder is that SEMrush is pulling an entirely DIFFERENT description. I'm obviously missing out on the finer points of description tags, as Google clearly does not always choose to feature what is actually written in the description tag itself. Can someone explain to me what might be going on here? Thanks in advance,

    | Daaveey

  • Hello, Is is true that search engine give more value to some part of the page than other ? Is only the main content considered ? or are the other also given weight but very small weight ? If I have div in the main content as those considered par of the main content or no ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello! I am looking for a spidering tool that: Is Mac-friendly Can render the DOM and find JS links Can spider password-protected sites (prompts for password and then continues spider, etc.) Has competitive pricing for 8+ users. Screaming Frog is amazing - and maybe we're just going to have to bite the bullet there.  But if anyone has any other ideas, I've love to hear them.  Thanks!

    | mirabile

  • Hi there, I have been modifying a clients site for months now trying to get higher up in Google for the term "wedding dresses essex" on the website It's always ranked around 7th / 8th place and we want to try and get it into 4/5th position ideally. I have optimised pages and then due to the site speed not being that great we moved it to MaxCDN this week which has made the site much faster, but now we have dropped to number 10 in Google and in danger of dropping out of the first page. I was hoping that making the site much faster for desktop and mobile would help not hinder! Any help would be appreciated! Simon

    | Doublestruck

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