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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hello, When google is looking for topics does it combine all the H tags or does it look at H tag after H  tag For example let's imagine I have an H2 and under that H2 I have 5 H3. To find the topic(s) of my page does it look at each H3 separtly and says H3 number 1 has this topic, h3 number 2 has this topic and so on or does it take all the content within the 5 H3 to find the topic of the H2 ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi There,Got a few question regarding SEO for Photogalleries. - What are the best practices in terms of SEO whenever we have a gallery of pictures and each picture has a different URL? Currently, we are using a unique metadescription that is on the first page of the gallery, then for the remaining ones, we are using the captions of the pictures as metadescriptions.Is the the good way to go? Is it better to have short metadescriptions (being the captions of our pictures) or duplicate metadescriptions (the same one across the pictures)?- is there any other recommendations used by other websites?Thanks!

    | seaounousa

  • About 30% of product reviews that the clients of our ecommerce store submitted in the last 10 years are 3 words or less (we did not require any minimum length). Would you recommend to hide those very short review texts? Where to draw the limit?
    Numeric star rating would still go into our accumulated product rating. My only concern here is what impact it may have on google ranking. 
    To give some context, the site has for a long time some panda/phantom related issues where there are no obvious reasons that we could point to.

    | lcourse

  • Hi I have an Ecommerce site, with a lot of similar products - for example leather office chairs - 80 products all very similar.. We worked to optimise product pages for longer tail phrases such as black executive leather office chair, but we now have different product pages trying to rank for these longer tail phrases as well. Now I'm trying to decide whether to focus on some priority product pages - adding lots of useful content/videos etc to try & boost the ones we want to rank for the long tail. OR whether to focus on the category page, and getting this to rank for all keyword variations... I'm a it stuck - any advice is welcome!

    | BeckyKey

  • A client had a website redesign and over 400 pictures (she's a photographer) were lost. The URL's (ending in .png) are hanging out there and according to the site scan, they have a matching current URL. Since the pictures are gone can the URL be deleted?

    | fcromwell

  • Hey! i was wondering, should i force all traffic to https address? i know that overall a better secured website will rank better since it earns more trust from users which means less bounce rate and the list of benefits is endless..
    but should i FORCE ALL traffic to a https? or maybe only force a http to https? or not at all?

    | SharonEKG

  • Hello, The company I am working for is launching a new ecommerce website (just a handful of products).
    In the first phase, the website will be English only, but it will be possible to order internationally (20 countries).
    In a second phase, new languages and countries will be added. I am wondering what is the best URL structure for launch: Start with a structure similar to (later on we will add other languages than english) Start with a structure similar to
    3) Start with a structure similar to (at the beginning it will be all What do you think? Cheers

    | Lvet

  • We moved our domain is on April 4th. It was migrated to Google Search Console continues to show  about 420of URLs indexed for the old "NYC" domain. This number has not dropped on Search Console. Don't understand why Google has not de-indexed the old site. 
    For the new "Metro" domain only 114 pages are being shown as valid. Our search volume has dropped from about 85 visits a day to 12 per day. 390 URLs appear as "crawled- currently not indexed". Please note that the migrated content is identical. Nothing at all changed. All re-directs were implemented properly. Also, at the time of the migration we filed a disavow for about 200 spammy links. This disavow file was entered for the old domain and the new one as well. Any ideas as to how to trouble shoot this would be much appreciated!!! This has not been very good for business.

    | Kingalan1

  • We migrated our domain on April 4th. Our domain authority has dropped from 22 to 8. Traffic is down from 90 visits a day to 10. Search console has indexed about 120 out of 600 pages. I have been told it may take several months to recovers some element of domain authority. My SEO consultant has planned on implementing the following changes immediately: 1. Change in URL structure
    2. Build internal links (my site has very few). 
    3. Optimize URLs for specific keywords 
    4. Keyword optimization of URLs using Yoast.
    5. Modify Schema Do we risk confusing Google further by making these changes until are domain authority and traffic has recovered? Is it safe to proceed with some "softer" changes such building internal links and keyword optimizing text whicl avoiding more disruptive changes such as re-writing URLs? Are we better off focusing on off site ranking factors such as link building and local SEO until domain authority recovers? How about only adding new content to the site such as blog posts and listings? To complicate matters the site is old and dated and we are working on a new UX design. So perhaps it would be better to launch the new UX at the exact same time as the onsite SEO optimization occurs. This could be less work and less disruptive. At the same time I would very much like to enjoy benefits of optimizing SEO now. Any thoughts????? Also, my domain migration has killed traffic. It is very concerning!! Is a 90% drop in traffic normal in the first ten days!? Thanks everyone!!!

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi We have a number of blogs that compete with our homepage for some keywords/phrases. The URLs of the blogs contain the keywords/phrases. I would like to re-work the blogs so that they target different keywords that don't compete and are more relevant. Should I change the URLs as I think this is what is mainly causing the issue? If so, should I 301 old URL's to the homepage? For example, say we we're a site that specialised in selling plastic cups. Currently there is a blog with the URL that outranks the homepage for _plastic cups. _The blog isn't particularly relevant to plastic cups and the homepage should rank for this term. How should I let Google know that it is the homepage that is most relevant for this term? Thanks

    | Buffalo_7

  • Hi Guys, Just wondering how would you go about influencing sitelinks example: Is there a way to remove or even change the positioning e.g. remove sale from the screenshot. Cheers.

    | pladcarl9

  • I'm working with an organization that is equal parts restaurant, hotel, and conference center. How should I place JSON-LD script on their website? I want to use @type specifications of restaurant, hotel, and meeting room because all those aspects of the organization function separately. What's the best way to go about this? Should I place three different scripts on the homepage or place each script on the individual pages dedicated to dining, lodging, conference center?

    | Campaignium

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm working on a large website redesign / redevelopment project. New sections of the website will be phased in over the next 12 months. The plan is to launch all new content on a subdomain ( while the old site remains on There will be no duplicate content across the www and www2 sites, as old content will be removed on www as it is replaced with new content on www2. 301 redirects will also be setup from old content on www to new content on www2. Once the new site on www2 is complete, everything will be moved to www, with a robust 301 redirect setup in place. Is this approach logical, and can you see any SEO implication for managing the migration in this way? Thanks!

    | RWesley

  • As the title said, I don't think my homepage is being indexed. When I use "site:" search operator it's not there, but it's still ranking for other various keywords. Also the pages of my site I would expect to see with the "site:" search operator aren't there either. Site for reference: Any ideas what could be causing this? I don't have any errors or penalties in Search Console. Thanks.

    | Three29

  • Hi there, Does anyone have any experience submitting a completely new sitemap structure - including URLs - to google console? We've changed our sitemap plug in, so rather than /sitemap-index.xml, our main sitemap home is /sitemap.xml (as an example). Is it better to 410 the old ones or 301 redirect them to the new sitemaps? If 301, what do we do about sitemaps that don't completely correlate - what was divided into item1.xml, item2.xml is now by date so items-from-2015.xml, items-from-2016.xml and so on. On a related note, am I right in thinking that there's no longer a "delete/ remove sitemap" option on console? In which case, what happens to the old ones which will now 404? Thanks anyone for any insight you may have 🙂

    | Fubra

  • Hello, How do I figure out which supporting topics to talk about in my content ? Are the supporting topics the questions people have ? Do I find those in the keyword tool ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • I have read many answers regarding not having duplicated pages target different states (cities). Here is the problem. We have same content that will serve different pages in some provinces in Canada that we can't change allot intentionally. We don't want these pages compete within the same province. What would be the best approach not to get penalized and keep SERP? Initially we though about hreflang, but we can't really do it on the provice/state  attributes. Thanks in advance!

    | MSaffou2018

  • We have updated and added completely new content to our state pages. Our old state content is sitting in a our Google drive. Can I make these public to get them indexed and provide a link back to our state pages? In theory it sounds like a great link building strategy... TIA!

    | LindsayE

  • For location specific businesses there are many tactics to locally optimize your business letting them rank higher than large companies. Are there any tactics/strategies specifically for saas companies?

    | alexadedmon

  • I'm launching a website that will give daily updates. The /daily/ category needs to be kept clear for the current day updates only, so each day I will be archiving the previous days updates to another folder, for example: /archive/. Each morning, when I archive the previous days post... the system will 301 the current url from /daily/ to /archive/ and the sitemap will be updated to reflect the change. What I am concerned about is my site will be packed with 301's and the information is more important on the day so I would expect the majority of backlinks + social shares will be to the /daily/ category url and visitors will be 301'd to the new url. How would this affect my SEO and is there a cleaner way to do this so?

    | AjazMozPro

  • One week ago we migrated our old domain to Our organic search traffic from Google has dropped about 90%. Is this normal? If so, how long should it take to recover? We filed a submitted a domain change request on Webmaster tools one week ago. We are noticing that many of the pages are still indexed which seems strange after a week. To complicate things, we filed a disavow file on April 9th for spammy links that pointed the NYC site. We filed the identical disavow of those links to the new Metro domain to ensure low quality links don't point to the new domain. Prior to making the domain change request, we migrated 30-40 non critical pages from NYC to Metro domains. Webmaster Tools indicated that the traffic was normal on the migrated pages. We then migrated remaining pages and filed the domain change request on April 4th. It is after April 4th that traffic and ranking declined. I would like to mention that there was no change in content; identical content was migrated from Metro to NYC This does not seem normal. Research prior to the migration indicated that if proper steps were taken it should proceed with limited disruption in traffic and ranking. Any ideas on how to remedy this situation? Thanks, Alan

    | Kingalan1

  • Hello, I noticed a gradual rankings drop for 3 important keywords over the last month, with a pretty big plummet the last two weeks. Overall in the last month+ we dropped from position 9 to 41.I noticed this when I dug further after noticing traffic dropping since February (not a drastic traffic drop). I should note that the keywords took people to my client's homepage. Their branded keywords have no suffered and I looked at a couple others that haven't either. Now, there is a link in the site footer (we have site wide header and footer) that takes you to a static page that contains links for the 2 digital flipbook catalogs the customer has (one for US and one for Canada). My concern is that at the end of January I had a developer implement a noindex/nofollow meta robot & robots.txt disallow specifically on the HTML pages/URL of the Canadian catalog ONLY. It specifically pointed to that flipbook URL. This catalog is nearly identical to the US catalog and I thought I'd be eliminating duplicate content and helping with crawl budget. After looking further into it last week (reading up about internal nofollows not necessarily being detrimental, but not recommended) and noticing the drop in search visibility traffic (starting gradually in March), I had the disallow/nofollow removed. This was last week, and over this last week the traffic took an even bigger drop (not amazingly drastic but enough to be concerned) and I noticed the keywords that we did ok for dropped even more this last week (down to 41). I'm concerned this has to do with the change I made at the end of January and reversed back. I should note  that I don't think these catalogs or the static page that links to them brought any traffic. The keywords I am concerned about fell on our homepage (where the link to the static page that contains the links to both catalogs is in the sitewide footer) The catalogs are a couple hundred pages. I honestly don't see how this could do it, unless it has something to do with the footer being sitewide? There have been site upgrades/dev changes over the last couple months too (although I am not sure if that affected other clients who received the same upgrade), so this is hard to pinpoint. Sorry this is so long but I'd appreciate someone offering some insight to help ease my mind a bit!

    | AliMac26

  • Hi everyone, I recently relaunched our website and everything went well. However, while checking site health, I found a new redirect chain issue (302 > 302 > 301 > 200) when the user requests the HTTP and non-www version of our URL. Here's what's happening: • 302 #1 -- 302 redirects to (the 5 characters in the appended "subfolder" are dynamic and change each time)
    • 302 #2 -- 302 redirects BACK to
    • 301 #1 -- 301 redirects to (as it should have done originally)
    • 200 -- resolves properly We're hosted on AWS, and one of my cloud architects investigated and reported GoDaddy was causing the two 302s. That's backed up online by posts like and I reached out to GoDaddy today, expecting them to say it wasn't a problem on their end, but they actually confirmed this was a known bug (as of September 2017) but there is no timeline for a fix. I asked the first rep I spoke with on the phone to send a summary, and here's what he provided in his own words: From the information gathered on my end and I was able to get from our advanced tech support team, the redirect issue is in a bug report and many examples have been logged with the help of customers, but no log will be made in this case due to the destination URL being met. Most issues being logged are site not resolving properly or resolving errors. I realize the redirect can cause SEO issues with the additional redirects occurring. Also no ETA has been logged for the issue being reported. I do feel for you since I now understand more the SEO issues it can cause. I myself will keep an eye out for the bug report and see if any progress is being made any info outside of this I will email you directly. Thanks. Issue being Experienced: Domains that are set to Go Daddy forwarding IPs may sometimes resolve to a url that has extra characters appended to the end of them. Example: forwards to However it should just forward to I think this answers what some Moz users may have been experiencing sporadically, especially this previous thread: My question: Given everything stated above and what we know about the impact of redirect chains on SEO, how severe should I rate this? I told my Director that I would recommend we move away from GoDaddy (something I don't want to do, but feel we _**have **_to do), but she viewed it as just another technical SEO issue and one that didn't necessarily need to be prioritized over others related to the relaunch. How would you respond in my shoes? On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the biggest), how big of a technical SEO is this? Would you make it a priority? At the very least, I thought the Moz community would benefit from the GoDaddy confirmation of this issue and knowing about the lack of an ETA on a fix. Thanks!

    | Andrew_In_Search_of_Answers

  • Hi everyone! A client of ours ('Company A') recently acquired another company ('Company B') - both brands carry weight within their industry.  Company A's brand name currently registers over 6,500 searches per month, while Company B's brand name draws about 2,500 searches per month.  While Company B is smaller, their search volume isn't insignificant.  The powers that be plan to discontinue Company B's site at an unspecified date in the future, but it's on the backburner. We'd obviously like to transfer as much of their current ranking as possible, but we also don't want to confuse users.  There's additional search volume for term variations such as 'Company B jobs' & 'Company B locations' that we'd like to capture for as long as there's still volume there.  Would a microsite with Company B's look & feel (to make it easier to house pages built to capture careers/locations searches) justify its inherent cost, or would it be just as valuable to build a series of landing pages on Company A's site?  (Obviously assuming that valid redirects would be in place once Company B's site is taken down.) Thanks in advance!

    | wilcoxcm

  • I'll make this quick and simple.  Let's say you have a business located in several cities.  You've built individual pages for each city (linked to from a master list of your locations). For SEO purposes is it better to have the URL be a subfolder, or a parameter off of the home page URL:  which is essentially or  which is essentially

    | Searchout

  • How to fix Category Duplicate titles and descriptions issues? Most common problem in Wordpress. Example -

    | varunrupal

  • I'm working on a site that currently handles pagination like this cars-page?p=1 cars-page?p=2 In webmaster tools I can then tell ?p= designates pagination However I have a plugin I want to add to fix other seo issues, among those it adds rel="prev" rel="next" and it modifies the pagination to this cars-page-1.html cars-page2.html Notice I lost the parameter here and now  each page is a different page url, pagination is no longer a parameter. I will not longer be able to specify the pagination parameter in webmaster tools. Would this confuse google as the pagination is no longer a parameter and there will now be multiple urls instead of one page with parameters? My gut says this would be bad, as I haven't seen this approach often on ecommerce site, but I wanted to see what the community thought?

    | K-WINTER

  • I am looking to do a audit across a large number of websites that all run on the same platform. I'm not really sure where to start and what format to use for a deliverable. I suppose starting by checking for errors on the current schema and documenting them and then moving on to additional schema that could be added to the JSON+LD? My last structured data audit I just used a spreadsheet and it didn't come out as neat as I would have liked. Anyone who has some experience in this, your input would be much appreciated!

    | MJTrevens

  • Hi Guys, When migrating to a new CMS which include new pages how should you determine the URL structure, specifically: So should we include www. or without it? Should the URL have a trailing slash? How would you determine the answer to these questions? Cheers.

    | kayl87

  • Does anyone know how organic local site links work? The examples I'm looking at are from Yelp and Angie'sList. When you run a brand search, some sitelinks reference my current location and takes me to a regional landing page. My company has landing pages for major cities across the U.S. but they never get picked up as a sitelink like this. I don't see local links anywhere on the AngiesList or Yelp homepages so I don't know how Google knows to prioritize these pages. We are also a national review site, so we have no interest in showing up in the local pack, etc.  Any thoughts would be super helpful! Thanks

    | healthgrades

  • Basically, the homepage organization schema has called out the logo, but it lives on the amazon server. We're having issues with Google rendering the correct logo on the knowledge graph. The URL for the amazon asset looks something like this: <brandname><logo>.png</logo></brandname> Calling that out on the organization structured data for the logo is okay right?

    | imjonny123

  • Hi, Any thoughts, data or insights as which is better in a top navigation... click to reveal the nav links or rollover to reveal the nav links? Regular content in an accordion (click to reveal) is evidently not best practice. Does that apply to navigation as well? Thanks! Best... Mike

    | 94501

  • Do I understand it correctly ? Let's say my keyword is Piedmont bike tours. From what I understand I need to use synonyms of Piedmont bike tours that people would use to find my website such as bike trip in Piedmont or cycling vacation in Piedmont and then closely related phrases in my content which are not necessarily synonyms but that semantically related, correct ? Do I need to do that for every topic that I decide to talk about on my webpage. For example let's say another topic I have decided to talk about on my page about Piedmont bike tour is Barolo. Do I need to do the same process for Barolo ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello, I know that google index quickly but how often is the data pushed into their search results ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • I'm adding category pages for an online auction site and trying to determine if its worth marking up the products listed on the page. All of the individual product pages have product schema, but I have never seen them show up in rich snippets likely due to the absence of the price element and the unique nature of the items. Is there still value in adding the product schema even if the items won't show in rich snippets? Also, is it possible the product schema will help optimize for commerce related keywords such as [artist name] + for sale?

    | Haleyb35

  • Im looking to relaunch a current website, that will undergo a complete makeover. Can you you tell me what factors I need to consider in doing this, particularly with regards to maintaining seo and migrating the current site in general

    | aplnzmarch18

  • Hello Moz Fam! I work in the insurance industry and we serve all 50 states. We have a state page for each state where the content is thin(ish). We're slowly revamping each page and hitting every talking point for that specific state. I've used multiple tools to come up with a content template and link building template for each page as well. I spent 5 months last year proof reading all these pages. So the content is good, just not SEO good. I didn't have the team or resources to really optimize them all yet, now I do. My question is...  what should I do with the old content? I was thinking of publishing it to other platforms that we have a contributor account on and linking back to each state page with it. Of course, I would wait a few days for the search engines to index the new content so it wouldn't be duplicated on these platforms. Good or bad idea?

    | LindsayE

  • Hello, Is google using the cached version of the live version for ranking a website (if those are different) Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi Moz Community, I am starting a link building campaign for one of my customers and I'm wondering if Google is able to pass link equity between javascript links. When I'm looking at my crawl report with Screaming Frog, I can see the number of links each page has so I can conclude that Google is able to see all the links. I've read that if my CSS & JS files are available for Google crawlers, ultimately, Google can crawl those URLs, but what about passing link equity? Before I start the link building campaign, Do you have any recommendations, case studies? Is it possible to include natural href links that pass link equity in a website that is entirely made with AngularJS? Thanks for all your inputs!

    | alexrbrg

  • Hi! I have two pages with unique content on each. However, they have virtually the same URL--except one is a www and the other is a www2. As far as I know, both pages were meant to gain organic traction. How should this situation be handled for SEO purposes? Thanks for any help! ---Ivey

    | Nichiha

  • We have a client who would like to move their Wordpress blog into a different server from their main site's server for security reasons. However, the blog is almost 10 years old with good traffic and rankings and we'd rather not have them change the domain. The developer has come back with a URL "masking" rule in .htaccess that will display the contents of the blog placed in the new server under a subdomain but still show the blog's original URL. If we block the new subdomain from indexing to avoid duplicate content - are there any SEO implications for doing this? Will Google see it as a deceptive practice and tank the blog's rankings? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    | roundabout

  • Hi there SEO mozzers, I am dealing with a website that has duplicate meta descriptions (we know is bad).As a punishment, Google totally ignores the meta descriptions and picks content from the website and displays it in SERP. I already read the but I was wondering if there is more information/knowledge out there. Any tips are appreciated!

    | Europarl_SEO_Team

  • Hi There, I have had conducted a few migrations recently and have a common issue which is this: HTTP (old site) -> HTTPS (old site) -> (HTTPS) (new site) Which causes a redirect chain. How should you prevent this before migration or fix it after migration? Cheers.

    | kayl87

  • Hey is it best practice to redirect all 404 pages. For example if the 404 pages had 0 traffic and no links why would you need to redirect that page? Isn't it best practice just to leave as a 404? Cheers.

    | kayl87

  • Hi I am struggling trying to optimise product pages for a product area which doesn't have a lot of specific longtail product related searches. It's 'Lockers' I have more specific sub-category pages which drill down such as - Wire Mesh Lockers Charging Lockers Laptop Lockers Just to name a few, but to drill down more to product names doesn't offer much. Or, in some cases the products are so similar they focus on similar keywords, for example '2 tier metal lockers' applies to loads of different products. Do I do the best I can with product titles, then focus on sub-categories? Love to hear thoughts 🙂

    | BeckyKey

  • Hello, Can someone give me an example of primary and secondary related keyword for the keyword "Provence bike tour " ?

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi Guys, Reviewing this E-commerce page - Based on this Google article: It mentions: Make sure that you or your content management system produces a paginated series (component pages) to go along with your infinite scroll. How would you check this, is there a tool to conduct this test? Cheers.

    | kayl87

  • Hello, How do you answer questions (the famous user intent) in your content when moz keyword tool, google related searches or all the other tools on the market don't have any questions to propose ? For example take the keyword title tag, the questions are, the optimal length, title tag definition etc... But what about with the keyword Provence bike tours ? what are the questions people have ? It is an informational query but I can't find any questions for it with the different tools out there ? The only one that I find are "best base for a bike tour in Provence" or "one day bicycle tour in Provence" but this isn't what I offer or do and it will be very hard to integrate in my content other than I do a blog page that answer those questions... Is there a way to answer for example "biking in Provence" which is a keyword the keyword tool gives me ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello, Can I increase my ranking if my website loads in under 1 second ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi, I have a question that maybe someone can give me some insight, as I haven't been able to get any kind of solution by Google My Business support so far for several months. Our brand "neakriti" is a news organization located in Greece. If you search the brand "neakriti", you get all the results as normal, but the "Knowledge Panel" on the right of the search appears empty. However, if you search the brand as "" on google search, it appears on the Knowledge Panel. I have been talking about this on the phone support of Google My Business for months now (more than a year), and I get responses like, "give it some more time and it will appear on neakriti results too". We are authority for the keyword "neakriti", and it is our site that appears first.  Our website is linked to the business profile too. I have claimed the business, I have filled all its information, with daily posts specifically for the knowledge panel and so on. Is there any suggestion as to why we are unable to show up with just the brand name on the knowledge panel, or suggestions for actions we can possibly take?

    | ioannisanif

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