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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hello, To present this information on my website Country: France Region: Alsace Price: 1000 USD Should I present that in  or format ? what is best for google to understand. Thank you

    | seoanalytics

  • When I found the my page was non-existent on the search results page, I requested Google to index my page via the Search Console. And then just a few minutes after I did that, that page rose to top 3 ranking on the search page (with the same keyword and browser search). It happens to most of the pages on my website. Maybe a week later the rankings sank again, and I had to do the process again to make my pages to the top. Any reasons to explain this phenomenon, and how I can fix this issue? Thank you in advance.

    | mrmrsteven

  • Hi,It would be great if a member of the community could help me to resolve this issue.Google is indexing an incorrect spelling on of our key pages and we can't identify the reason why.- The page in question: you can see from the attached image, the Meta Title is rendered to contain the keyword "jewelry" (the American spelling.) We want this to read as "jewellery" - the British-English spelling. Yet in the page source the word is given in the meta title as "jewellery". Nowhere in the page source or on the page itself does the American spelling appear - yet Google still renders it in the Meta Title.Can anyone identify why this is happening and offer any possible solutions?Much appreciatedDhqJp

    | Johnny_AppleSeed

  • Hi All-  We had a security issue that started on out blog ( and moved into our shopping cart, so IT suggested and moved the blog to its own server.  This means we had to change the URL structure.  It's now instead of there evidence or opinion on whether this will effect SEO/Traffic (assuming we set-up redirects, etc.)? I remember reading that Google suggests having your BLOG be part of your main domain and not a SUB domain, so I'm very hesitant to switch and also welcome any additional security measure suggestions we could set-up, so that we can keep the preferred domain structure. Thank you so much! -Brooke

    | saultienut

  • Hello Team, A month ago, Google was indexing more than 2,35,000 pages, now has reduced to 11K. I have cross-checked almost everything including content, backlinks and schemas. Everything is looking fine, except the server response time, being a heavy website, or may be due to server issues, the website has an average loading time of 4 secs. Also, I would like to mention that I have been using same server since I have started working on the website, and as said above a month ago the indexing rate was more than 2.3 M, now reduced to 11K. nothing changed. As I have tried my level best on doing research for the same, so please if you had any such experiences, do share your valuable solutions to this problem.

    | jeffreyjohnson

  • I currently have a search facility in a website that noindexes the search results which is ok. But when you click one of the results it takes you to a product which is noindexes as it has URL params. e.g. The product also exists as this which is indexed : - Should I canonicalise is this instance instead of no index? Does CTR apply to internal links? i.e. Does search console consider internal clicks? Are internal clicks a ranking factor?

    | Andrew-SEO

  • Hello, I have different pages that are written on the same model. I updated their content 2 weeks ago. Some of those climbed to 1 st page or beginning or 2 nd some didn't move or stayed where they originally were, 3 rd of 4 th page ? My question is whether there is a longer delay for some of them to rank (due to the term being more competitive for example) or if I should look somewhere else in maybe something that I wrote in the content of the pages that ranked versus those than didn't move. Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello all! On May i read the article and I implemented it in order to de-index some pages. I was really happy cause it worked but now the same problem appeared. Does anybody know if Google stopped taking into consideration SEO changes through Tag Manager? Hin6E Hin6E

    | GeorgeGia

  • Our home page has disappeared from the Google SERPS completely. It won't even show for a search of our business name although other internal pages appear. Site appears in bing for our keywords but not for our business name. When I republished the site I got a message saying there was a php and html version of the site on the home page. I deleted this immediately but was then advised by another staff member that they had also got that message the week before but not done anything about it - so I think it was out there for about a week. Could this be the cause of the ranking drop? We have also done the following: Checked GWM for robots issue, manual action, crawl errors, blocked URLs - all good. Some crawl errors on other pages relating to broken links. All sorted and marked as fixed. Checked for duplicate content - redirected non www version of site to www Checked back links Removed video from home page that was temporarily unavailable when we did fetch and render Added canonical tag Added H1 tag that was missing Coding checked - all looks good There has been no change to the content of the page. We have fetched and rendered and resubmitted for indexing but it's still not coming back in SERPS  it did for a short time the other day and then after a couple of days disappeared again  Prior to all this it had ranked really well for our most important keywords for years. It's not a new site. The page is indexed as it comes up when doing a site: search. Please can anyone help? Nobody seems to have the answer and we don't know what else to do. The site is NSFW NSFW Main keyword sex toy party

    | GemmaApril

  • I have a Bangla SEO related blog where I have written article like "Domain Selection" "SEO Tools" "MOZ" etc. All the article has been written in Bengali language.  I have used wp tag for every post. I have submit xml site map generated by Yoast SEO. However I kept  "no index" for category. I know well duplicate content is a major problem for SEO. After publishing my content Google ranked them on 1st page. But my fear is that most of the content twice or more. The keywords are ranked by post, wp post tag and Archive. Now I have a fear of penalty. Please check the screenshot and please suggest me what to do. uRCHf yq7m2 rSLKFLG

    | AccessTechBD

  • Hi, i have a client whose brand name is a common phrase used in English, so i'm gI'ming 1000s of alerts of non-linked brand mentions but 98% most of them are not the brand. Are there any tools which you can apply advanced filters so it can figure out if it's the brand or commonly use phrase? Cheers

    | marieh

  • My homepage keeps disappearing from the SERPS for my most important keywords. My home page has been in number 2 position for years. When the home page disappears it will not even show in a Google search for my business name although it is still indexed. When the home page is not showing an internal page shows instead but in position 6. When the home page is back the internal page does not show. There are no issues being reported in Google Webmaster. When I realise that it's down I do a fetch as Google and request reindexing. No idea if this is bringing it back or not? We are so worried about this and totally at a loss. As are the three SEO companies I've called. Would really appreciate it if someone could give some advice. NSFW

    | GemmaApril

  • Does anybody have any idea how often Google reads the disavow file?

    | seoman10

  • Hi We are changing the structure of 2 areas of our site but the URL's won't be changing. We're effectively removing the first category level as it doesn't make much sense: Current structure Cat 1 - Cat 2s - & Cat 3s... New structure will look like Cat 1's & Cat 2's.... etc The top category 1 doesn't rank for much & the level 2's perform better anyway. Will moving the structure change rankings even though the URLs don't change - just what is assigned to them in the back changes I know if the on-page content changes, things may be affected, but we're minimising this as much as possible. Thank you

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi, I have been reviewing the info from Google on structured data for products and started to ponder. Here is the scenario.
    You have a Category Page and it lists 8 products, each products shows an image, price and review rating. As the individual products pages are already marked up they display Rich Snippets in the serps. 
    I wonder how do we get the rich snippets for the category page. Now Google suggest a markup for shopping aggregator pages that lists a single product, along with information about different sellers offering that product but nothing for categories. My ponder is this, Can we use the shopping aggregator markup for category pages to achieve the coveted rich results (from and to price, average reviews)? Keen to hear from anyone who has had any thoughts on the matter or had already tried this.

    | Alexcox6
  • This question is deleted!

    | iHasco

  • We have an interesting design element we might try on our home page. Here's a mockup: I'm worried web crawlers will interpret this as keyword stuffing and affect our rankings. It features: Mostly transparent/hidden text Repeating keyword list I could try a couple methods to skirt around crawling concerns: Load keywords through an iframe Make the keywords an image (would significantly increase page load) Inject keywords after page load into a container w/ javascript (prob not effective as crawlers are only getting better at indexing javascript) Load the keywords into an svg element Load the keywords into a canvas element via javascript I have a few questions: Should I be concerned about any potential keyword stuffing / SEO issues with this design? Can you comment on the effectiveness (with proof) of the above strategies? Am I better off just abandoning this type of design?

    | dsbud

  • 25% of expired domains purchased came with a Google manual penalty, even when Moz spam score was 0 . Read the whole case study here:

    | bluishclouds

  • Hi, I'm unsure of where I should be putting the following code for one of my Wordpress websites so that they redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS. RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] This is my current htaccess file: *missing

    | Easigrass

  • Do lightboxes (AKA popup boxes when you click "learn more" type CTAs) have any negative effect on SEO? We are looking at revamping our sites to have more of a tiled approach, and a lightbox with summary content popping out with additional CTAs, directing to pages with more information or free trial pages. Is there any downside to this approach from an organic perspective? is there anything specific to keep in mind when creating these if not?

    | Chris8198

  • Hi I'm reading about crawl efficiency & have looked in WMT at the current crawl rate - letting Google optimise this as recommended. What it's set to is 0.5 requests every 2 seconds, which is 15 URLs every minute. To me this doesn't sound very good, especially for a site with over 20,000 pages at least? I'm reading about improving this but if anyone has advice that would be great

    | BeckyKey

  • So, my company's site has been pretty tough to try to get moving in the right direction on Google's SERPs. I had believed that it was mainly due to having a shortage of back links and a horrible home page load time. Everything else seems to be set up pretty well. I was messing around and used the site: Google search operator for our staging site. I found and a lot of our other staging pages in the search results. I have to think that this is the problem and causing a duplicate content penalty of the entire site. I guess I now need to 301 redirect the entire site? Has anyone every had this issue before and have fixed it? Thanks for any help.

    | aua

  • Hi everyone, I'm struggling to figure out why our website has dramatically changed and is ranking far worse than ever. We were top for around 10 keywords, and had over 4 high traffic keywords in position 1. I think the website needs updating (as it's magento 1.7), and that the competition is increasing. Taking our eye off the ball has been a huge mistake. Could anyone advise on what the next steps would be to start increasing to a better serp rank? These two are own main ranking pages: Any advice or pointers would be absolutely awesome. Thanks

    | mg33dev

  • I've read that PBN's have been targetted by Google and a recent update may have been brought out targeting these.  I was going to search for an expired domain with good backlink profile in a similar sort of niche to me.  I was going to buy that domain and build a mini website.  I would have registered with a paid shared host of £2-3 per month and have it as a site of its own.  Then when ranked on Google so i know its not blacklisted I'd link one link back to my money site.  I cant see how Google would be able to penalise this.  Im presuming a PBN is a large network of these that are used to link to multiple sites rather than doing what I was planning. Is it a good idea to use the tactic I was going to use or am I asking for trouble?

    | paulfoz1609

  • It's best practice to minimize the amount of 301 redirect hops. Ideally only one redirect hop. It's also best practice to 301 redirect (or at least canonical) your non-https and/or your non-www (or www) to the canonical protocol/subdomain. The simplest (and possibly the most common) way to implement canonical protocol/subdomain redirects is through a load balancer or before your app processes the request. Both of which will just blanket 301 to the canonical domain/protocol regardless if the path exists or not In which case, you could have: Two hops. i.e. hop #1 to, hop #2 to 301 to a 404. Let's say never existed, but somebody for whatever reason linked to it (maybe a typo). If I request, the load balancer would 301 to a 404 page. Either scenario above should be fairly rare. However, you can't control how people link to you. Should I care about either above scenario? I could have my app attempt to check if the page exists before forwarding, but that code could be complicated.

    | dsbud

  • do you believe that the advantage of targeting a search term on the home page is now worse off than before? as I understand it ctr is a big factor now And as far as i can see if two pages are equal on page etc the better ctr will win out, the issue with the home page is the serp stars cannot be used hence the ctr on a product page will be higher? I feel if you where able to get a home page up quicker (1 year instead of two) you still lost out in the end due to the product page winning on ctr? do you think this is correct?

    | BobAnderson

  • Hi I've done Google fetch & render of this page & I have images which Google/customers aren't seeing - how do I identify the problems with this page?

    | BeckyKey

  • Hey guys. Wondering if someone can help diagnose a problem for me. Here's our site: We have a fairly large e-commerce site--roughly 23,000 urls according to crawls using both Moz and Screaming Frog. I have created an XML sitemap (using SF) and uploading to Webmaster Tools. WMT is only showing about 2,500 urls indexed. Further, WMT is showing that Google is indexing only about 1/2 (approx. 11,000) of the urls. Finally (to add even more confusion), when doing a site search on Google (site:) it's only showing about 5,400 urls found. The numbers are all over the place! Here's the robots.txt file: User-agent: *
    Allow: /
    Disallow: /aspnet_client/
    Disallow: /httperrors/
    Disallow: /HTTPErrors/
    Disallow: /temp/
    Disallow: /test/ Disallow: /i_i_email_friend_request
    Disallow: /i_i_narrow_your_search
    Disallow: /shopping_cart
    Disallow: /add_product_to_favorites
    Disallow: /email_friend_request
    Disallow: /searchformaction
    Disallow: /search_keyword
    Disallow: /page=
    Disallow: /hid=
    Disallow: /fab/* Sitemap: Anyone have any thoughts as to what our problems are?? Mike

    | webrocket

  • We main domain is **.com, but we have the other domain by name .ir.
    So now we want to remove (
    what should we do? ,301? , park domain? Disallow?
    Which is better for SEO?

    | Pintapin

  • We are using a single page application for a section of our website where it generates content based on the user's geographical location. Because Google's Search Console is searching from Virginia (where we don't have any content), we are not able to see anything render in Google Search Console. How good is Google at reading geo-targeted dynamic content? Do we have anything to worry about in terms of indexing the content because it's being served through JS?

    | imjonny123

  • I have a website that has been ranking really well with the home page for our most important keywords. 2nd position. A few days ago I noticed the home page was nowhere to be found in the SERPs. Not really knowing what to do I republished my Rapidweaver site and got the message that there were two index files.  An index.html and index.php file which could cause problems. The home page has always been a html page so I have no idea how this was created. I deleted the php file from the file directory and resubmitted the homepage in webmaster tools for indexing. Within about half an hour the page was appearing in the SERPs again in my original position for the important keywords. Two days later and it's gone again. I've tried everything I can think of and resubmitted the page to Google for indexing. I can see it is being indexed as it comes up when I type the URL into the search bar but it will not come up in the search results either for my two keywords or the actual name of my business. When I type in business name it brings up lots of other pages from the site but not the home page. I've spoken to 3 SEO companies and nobody knows what is causing it. Please help with any suggestions this will definitely impact our business if we can't figure it out. Has this happened to anyone else? My website is NSFW but is

    | GemmaApril

  • Can’t put a finger on, what is causing 12 year domain, SEO optimized and decent link profile to rank lower than other less superior domains. I have dissected the site and link, content, etc profile using ahrefs tools, still no luck, and unfortunately they do not have a community to ask anyone opinion. Hoping someone on Moz will be able to provide me with a secondary opinion or something I obviously missing here. Looking for any constructive feedback/professional opinion with fresh look on what maybe the cause of our down rankings and what may be a cause of it. Any feedback is very much appreciated. Search Term: 3030 aventura condos / One of our link samples (SE Position #6): Competing Domains (SE Position #1): Competing Domains (SE Position #2):

    | Im_Jake

  • Hey everyone! My company just acquired our biggest competitor and we're switching to their platform because they have a better technical structure for SEO--what's the best way to do that, other than a 301 redirect? Can we even rename their domain to ours? How do we ensure we keep both our and their domain authority and SEO juice? Thanks!

    | genevieveagar

  • Hi Im getting href lang errors in my site audit for having no self referntial tags. I can't see anything wrong? Can anyone enlighten me 🙂 From this page ****

    | BeckyKey

  • Hello, I know that I need to have good quality backlinks, and I am getting backlinks sometime more sometime less. but that is not a problem at this moment i belive. So I am asking someone who can help me and check my website MajorDroid and tells me how can I improve or fix my problem if there is a problem. Because I am very sad when I see this for example: if you search for keyword: oukitel k3 review my website is at page 3, but at same time on page 1 there are only three relevant results, and all other results on page 1 are only partial like OUKITEL K3 Specs Confirmed.... and they are not relevant for users... because they are looking for review. I have the same problem with other keywords also where my page is on second page or third page of Google... and again some other websites with only partial keyword are on first page.... and google claims to offer relevant info for users... now i do not know how google looks my website, or where is the problem ? why quite often my website ranks on second page or third page although competition is not great, and google shows only several relevant results on first page... for example this is review for oukitel k3 I hope you can help me Thank you

    | zgb

  • Hi, A client is trying to justify a design decision by saying he needs all the links for all his sub pages on the top level category page as google won't index them; however the links are available on the sub category and the sub category is linked to from the top level page so I have argued as long as google can crawl the links through the pages they will be indexed and won't be penalised. Am I correct? Additionally the client has said those links need to be towards the top of the page as content further down the page carries less weight; I don't believe this is the case but can you confirm? Thanks again, Craig.

    | CSIMedia

  • Hello Moz community. We have a company that rebranded their name to "Bar & Cocoa" with the URL It's been about 3 months, and the website has yet to show up organically anywhere within the first 50 results foer their brand terms. It seems that Google pretty much ignores the "&" or "and" word when typing in bar & cocoa, or bar and cocoa in search. You'd think with that with the exact domain name, it would at least move the needle a bit, but it has not helped. Even being in Denver, I'm getting results for a "Bar Cocoa" business located in Charlotte, NC, and the secondary pages that belong to that business, and then a bunch of other companies, products and irrelevant search results (like a parked domain)! Any suggestions or ideas, please help!

    | flowsimple

  • Hi Mozzers - regarding the URL of a website's main website: is the normal way of doing it but would it matter if I varied this to: or similar? I can't imagine it would matter but I have never moved away from the former before - and one of my clients doesn't want to format the URL in that way. What the client is doing is actually quite interesting - they have the main sitemap: - that redirects to the sitemap file which is (with no xml extension) - might that redirect and missing xml extension the redirected to sitemap cause an issue? Never come across such a setup before. Thanks in advance for your feedback - Luke

    | McTaggart

  • I represent a franchisor and we have two marketing campaigns: attracting customers to purchase our service; and attracting potential franchisees to purchase our business. We're torn between simply putting franchise-related content on our existing consumer website, or building a completely separate website for franchise recruitment. Building a completely separate site would involve a separate SEO strategy to build domain authority and backlinks... so we're thinking the better strategy would be to simply piggyback off of our already existing consumer website. Any advice?

    | kimberleymeloserpa

  • Hi Guys, Has anyone seen proof or studies which show that organic real estate is shrinking year on year, resulting in fewer clicks to organic results and more to paid search? Cheers.

    | marieh

  • I have redesigned a customers website, i kept all pages with the same name however they have gone from to (lost the .html) will these pages automatically be picked up as the same or do i need to do a 301 direct. If i need to do a redirect is there a faster way? As there's about 250 pages! Thank you

    | AdvimateLtd

  • Hello Moz, In your experience what is the quickest and most effective way to improve a websites DA and PA? Any additional tips and side notes would be greatly appreciated. For example how hard is it to actually get a DA of 60+ - what would that require usually as an absolute minimum?

    | xdunningx

  • Is there any issue with a 404'd parent folder in a URL? There's no links to the parent folder and a parent folder page never existed. For example say I have the following pages w/ content: /famous-dogs/lassie/
    /famous-dogs/scooby-doo/ But I never (and maybe never plan to) created a general **/famous-dogs/ **page. Sitemaps.xml does not link to it, nor does any page on my site. Is there any concerns with doing this? Am I missing out on any sort of value that might pass to a parent folder?

    | dsbud

  • Hello there, I am working on a website in which the owner has written navigation links manually at the end of all pages/posts. Example. Page/Post Entry content. Go to home click here,
    Menu item 2
    Menu item 3
    Menu item 4 etc We already have navigation links for that on the main menu and additionally on a sidebar. But we are two years in, and they have always been there. Is there a chance removing all these links will better internal pagerank distribution? Website has millions of views/month so I want to be sure - if I should just leave them as is or remove them all.
    Or what extra questions should I be asking myself about this.

    | Ganacontrol1233

  • Hi, I'm trying to monetise my website via a paid subscription / paid content strategy. The plan is, after the user is on the website for 1min 30secs or clicks 3 map markers or visits 3+ pages A popup will appear asking for a signup + payment Cookie will be set for 6 months, if a users returns and cookie is detected (php) they will be redirected to sign up page My site relies heavily on organic SEO, so my question is: Will google bot be presented with this sign up stuff? Does google bot set cookies? will everything be indexed properly... And what affects on SEO?

    | thinkLukeSEO

  • Recently a client of mine noticed an inexplicable jump in crawled pages being reported in Google Search Console. We researched the following culprits and found nothing: Rel=canonicals are put in place No SSL/non SSL duplication We used a tool to extrapolate search query page data from Google Search Insights; nothing unusual No dynamic pages being made on the website All necessary landing pages are in the XML sitemap Could this be a glitch in GSC?  We are wondering what the heck is going on. 7eaeS

    | BigChad2

  • Hi all, We have a sub directory like This is a differently hosted and served content. So I wonder how Google treats pages from this sub directory. Will the same priority will be given for these pages compared to main website pages? Will there be any ranking difference when same page is from main website or sub directory. I mean like below page. Page from main website: Page from sub-directory: So which page will have more importance in search results?

    | vtmoz

  • Hey guys, Is it possible in anyway to nofollow links via search console (not disavow) but just nofollow external links pointing to your site? Cheers.

    | lohardiu9

  • Hi Guys Our backend system has been creating listing pages based on out of date and irrelevant data meaning we have hundreds of thousands of pages that are blank but currently indexable and active. They're almost impossible to access from the front end and have 0 traffic pointing at them but you can access these pages if you have the URL and i'm pretty sure due to the site architecture, google is crawling them regardless. For the most part, I think its likely best to 301 these pages to the most closely related page on the site but I'm concerned we're wasting crawl budget here. We don't want these pages to be crawled or found. Would a sound solution be to make them inactive, no-index and create a custom 404 in the event anyone (or the crawler) managed to get to them? Would this enormous increase in 404 pages cause us issues? Many thanks

    | Jon.Kennett

  • We noticed that some of our results on google for the blog are also come up with subdomain that is not linked from anywhere on the website. For example: -> it redirects to SUBDOMAIN1 is not linked anywhere on the website. How did the google find it in the first place? Why does it still keep it in the search results? How do you get rid of it?

    | rkdc

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