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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Only 285 of 2,266 Images Indexed by Google. Images for our site are hosted on Amazons CDN cloud based hosting service. Our Wordpress site is on a virtual private server and has its' own IP address.  The number of indexed images has dropped substantially in the last year. Our site is for a real estate brokerage firm. There are about 250 listing pages set to "no-index". Perhaps these contain 400 photos, so they do not account for why so few photos have been indexed.  The concern is that the low number of indexed images could be affecting overall ranking. The site URL is Is this issue something that we should be concerned about? Thanks,

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi, Old domain name is about books and book buyback. It had about 1000 pages at one time, been around since 2006, and still shows in Open Site Explorer as 86 links from from 46 domains, PA 43 DA 35, spam score of 4. The 4 evidently relates to low number of internal links and no contact info. The domain name's ownership hasn't changed, but for the last year has either not been up at all or only the homepage in the last couple of months. Now the idea is to maybe re-purpose it for place rating content... no more book content... totally different subject matter. Is this an organic search advantage or would it be better to start fresh with a new domain name? Is Google going to have a harder time seeing it as relevant for a new subject (with good new content) or seeing a new site as important? Thanks... Darcy

    | 94501

  • We get tons of emails from Network Solutions with the following text: To ensure that your website is easily found online it is important that you submit your website to the major search engines and internet directories, including: | Google™ Google Places™ Google Mobile™ Bing™ Yahoo!<sup>®</sup> Twitter<sup>®</sup> | Facebook<sup>®</sup> CitySearch<sup>®</sup> Foursquare™ Angie's List<sup>®</sup> GPS navigation MerchantCircle<sup>®</sup> | To do so, we recommend you go to each search engine and internet directories web page, locate the instructions and then complete a monthly refresh of your listing. If you would like us to complete this process for you please call us at... Everything I've ever read about modern SEO says this isn't necessary and it's just a solicitation to get people to pay them for something they don't even need. We update our social pages regularly and maintain listings on many citation sites using Moz Local (in addition to manually building citations). Can you guys confirm that this is just more spam from Network Solutions?

    | ScottImageWorks

  • Hi All, I run a small bank's website and we're currently in the process of organising a site rebuild.  Whilst this will be extensive and have many SEO factors to tick off, my concern now is to get a "realistic" number of keywords each of my pages should be targeting. For instance for my car loan page i've done a review on moz's keyword tool and have picked 3 or 4 good keywords - but the problem is there are realistically 7-8 that would suit. Also this is based on Bing's info only. Can anybody point me in the right direction (or have some google confirmed resource they can quote me) Cheers as always 🙂 Dave

    | CFCU

  • We've just installed the server side script 'XML Sitemaps' on our eCommerce site. The script gives us the option of (easily) creating an image sitemap but I'm debating whether there is any reason for us to do so. We sell printer cartridges and so all the images will be pretty dry (brand name printer cartridge in front of a box being a favourite). I can't see any potential customers to search for an image as a route in to the site and Google appears to be picking up our images on it's own accord so wonder if we'll just be crawling the site and submitting this information for no real reason. From a quality perspective would Google give us any kind of kudos for providing an Image Sitemap? Would it potentially increase their crawl frequency or, indeed, reduce the load on our servers as they wouldn't have to crawl for all the images themselves?
    I can't stress how little of a hardship it will be to create one of these automatically daily but am wondering if, like Meta Keywords, there is any benefit to doing so?

    | ChrisHolgate

  • First off, I'm a landscape/nature/travel photographer. I mainly sell prints of my work. I'm in the process of redesigning my website, and I'm trying to decide whether to keep the navigation extremely simple or leave the drop-down menu for galleries. Currently, my navigation is something like this: Galleries
     > Gallery for State or Country (example: California)
      > Sub-region in State or Country (example: San Francisco)
    Contact Selling prints is the top priority of the website, as that's what runs the business. I have lots of blog content, and I'm starting to build some good travel advice, etc. but in reality, the galleries, which then filter down to individual pages for each photo with a cart system, are the most important. What I'm struggling to decide is whether to leave the sort of "mega menu" for the galleries, or to do away with them, and have the user go to the overall galleries page to navigate further into the site. Leaving the mega menu intact, the galleries page becomes a lot less important, and takes out a step to get to the shopping cart. However, I'm wondering if the amount of galleries in the drop down menu is giving TOO many choices up front as well. I also wonder how changing this will affect search. Any thoughts on which is better or is it really just a matter of preference?

    | shannmg1

  • Hi, Note: this is for Australian search results - for people in Perth.
    The website is: I am trying to optimise for the keyword 'perth wedding dj', but also 'wedding dj perth' and for some reason my website isn't even in the top 10 results. Here is what's weird though: My on-page grade with the On-Page Grader for the keyword 'wedding DJ perth' is an 'A' for ( When checking the Keyword Difficulty in the Google Australia search enginge for 'wedding DJ perth' - there are 4 results which have a lower domain authority than 15 (in fact one result has a domain authority of 1) - has a Domain Authority of 23/100 and a Page Authority of 34/100. ( So seeing as the page has gotten an A for on-page optimisation for the keyword 'wedding DJ Perth' and has a higher domain authority then many results in the top 10... why isn't it in the Top 10?! Bonus Question:
    Why is DJ Avi showing up at the top of search results (Local listing) depsite the fact that:
    a) He has no website to link to
    b) No reviews for his listing
    c) No keywords that I can see (other than the fact that he's a DJ)
    Screenshot: Meanwhile our Local Places - Thanks,

    | HeadStud

  • Hi guys Quick question about 301 redirection between domains. I currently manage a website, lets call it website A. Website A sells a particular product range, however the decision has been made by the powers that be to pull the plug on the business and sell the products previously sold via Website A via another website within the parent companies control.....lets call it Website B. I need to make it clear to customers of Website A that the company no longer operates but want to pass the SEO equity that has been built up over time to the relevant pages on Website B. My plan was to 1. 301 Redirect all key landing pages on Website A to the most relevant pages on Website B 2. Initially keep the website A homepage live but change the message to say "Website A no longer operates, but Website B can help etc. etc."  Remove all sub links from navigation. 3. Monitor referral and direct traffic levels and consider 301 redirecting website A homepage to Website B homepage in the long term. My questions: Does this sound like the best approach? If not, what alternatives are there? Will Website A look like a link farm for Website B? I dont want this obviously!

    | DHS_SH

  • I am looking through my website's link profile that I pulled directly from Google Webmaster Tools.  What is the best way to determine the links to disavow?  Maybe the Webmaster Tools list is not the best list for this process but I really need to clean up the links that are hurting the site's SEO.  Does anyone have any insight?

    | PartyStore

  • Hi Guys, I noticed today that Google was serving a VERY different organic result for a product level search.  The query was "giro aspect".  Included is a screenshot of the SERP.  Anyone know about these?  Is there anything we need to do to get this (i.e certain markup)? Any insights appreciated,
    Will fPzGb06.jpg

    | evoNick

  • Help me I have a website earlier 10,000 WebPages were facilitated in xml sitemap for indexation, but from last few days xml sitemap generator facilitating only 3300 WebPages for indexing. Please help me to resolve the issue. I have checked Google webmaster indexed pages, its showing 8,141. I have tried 2-3 paid tools, but all are facilitating 3300 pages for indexing. I am not getting what is the exact problem, whether the server not allowing or the problem with xml sitemap generator. Please please help me…

    | udistm

  • Are there any issues with search engines (other than Google/Bing) reading Protocol-Relative URLs? Specifically with Baidu and Yandex?

    | WikiaSEO

  • I just shut off the All-In-One seo pack plugin for wordpress, and turned on the Yoast plugin. It's great!  So much helpful, seo boosting info! So, in watching a video on how to configure the plugin, it mentions that I should update the sitemap, using the Yoast sitemap I'm afraid to do this, because I'm pretty technologically behind... I see I have a Google XML Sitemaps (by Arne Brachhold) plugin turned on (and have had it for many years). Should I leave this one on? Or would you recommend going through the steps to use the Yoast plugin sitemap? If so, what are the benefits of the Yoast plugin, over the Google XML? Thanks!

    | DavidC.

  • Can Google crawl and render pages within Ajax Filters?

    | ScottOlson

  • If we have swopped the keyword (leaflet printing) from this page and moved it to But the inner page is still ranking for the keyword is there a way to tell Google?

    | BobAnderson

  • Hi, I'm wondering how others would respond to this question. "What's the latest in SEO?" Someone random asked me this on a plane that does not know much about digital marketing, but has someone else do for their business. I told them the google algortithm is constantly changing and it's always new, that there are about 500 changes a year (thought that was close to right) and then got down to some basic principals. I'm asking how you might answer as I could see someone asking me this within my organization as well. Thanks for any tips on a great answer or resources. Laura

    | lauramrobinson32

  • Hey All! I'm going to be doing SEO for a classifieds website (cars only). But I'm struggling to dream up an effective strategy. They have a reasonably popular blog that I could definitely use to publish content for link bait, and some opportunities for guest blogging. But in terms of straight up link building (think craigslist), I'm really at a loss as to where to start. If anyone has any experience working with Classifieds websites or can recommend any strategies that you think will work I'm all ears! Really appreciate any help that anyone has to offer! Cheers 🙂

    | CD_2016

  • One of our sites is very large - over 500M pages.   Google has indexed 1/8th of the site - and they tend to crawl between 800k and 1M pages per day. A few times a year, Google will significantly increase their crawl rate - overnight hitting 2M pages per day or more.  This creates big problems for us, because at 1M pages per day Google is consuming 70% of our API capacity, and the API overall is at 90% capacity.   At 2M pages per day, 20% of our page requests are 500 errors. I've lobbied for an investment / overhaul of the API configuration to allow for more Google  bandwidth without compromising user experience.   My tech team counters that it's a wasted investment - as Google will crawl to our capacity whatever that capacity is. Questions to Enterprise SEOs: *Is there any validity to the tech team's claim?  I thought Google's crawl rate was based on a combination of PageRank and the frequency of page updates.   This indicates there is some upper limit - which we perhaps haven't reached - but which would stabilize once reached. *We've asked Google to rate-limit our crawl rate in the past.   Is that harmful?  I've always looked at a robust crawl rate as a good problem to have. Is 1.5M Googlebot API calls a day desirable, or something any reasonable Enterprise SEO would seek to throttle back? *What about setting a longer refresh rate in the sitemaps?   Would that reduce the daily crawl demand?  We could set increase it to a month, but at 500M pages Google could still have a ball at the 2M pages/day rate. Thanks

    | lzhao

  • Hey Guys, 
    Need your suggestions.
    I have got a website that has duplicate content issue. 
    a sub-domain called facebook.asherstrategies .com comes from no where and is getting indexed. 
    Website Link : asherstrategies .com
    subdomain link: facebook.asherstrategies .com This sub domain is actually a mirror of the website and  i have no idea how is is created.
    trying to resolve the issue but could not find the clue.

    | b2bmarketer

  • Do 404 Errors really have a lot of impact on rankings and over all authority of the site with google? Say you have a site that all the pages have moved apart from the home page which is exactly the same before moving? So most of your pages are showing 404 errros.

    | summer300

  • we have noticed that without our adwords, our bounce rate is about half (outstanding rate) as compared to when we enable adwords (relatively bad). This of course amplifies across the board for other engagement metrics. So basically it looks like our website is not deemed too relevant and engaging when we bring in PC as compared to organic views. Does anyone have information if the search engines use this data without correcting out the PC visitors brought through adwords? this would mean to us that without having adwords we have a much better chance of ranking organically. very curious about what your experiences are as experts! Thank you in advance! Cheers, Nima

    | TVape

  • A website was hacked (URL injection) but the malicious code has been cleaned up and removed from all pages. However, whenever we run a in Google, we keep finding more spammy URLs from the hack. They all lead to a 404 error page since the hack was cleaned up in the code. We have been using the Google WMT Remove URLs tool to have these spammy URLs removed from Google's index but new URLs keep appearing every day. We looked at the cache dates on these URLs and they are vary in dates but none are recent and most are from a month ago when the initial hack occurred. My question is...should we continue to check the index every day and keep submitting these URLs to be removed manually? Or since they all lead to a 404 page will Google eventually remove these spammy URLs from the index automatically? Thanks in advance Moz community for your feedback.

    | peteboyd

  • My client has thousands of clients for whom they provided websites that used to reside in a subdirectory of their own domain. They moved them to their own domains but there are tens of thousands of backlinks on those sites pointing back to the original domain. Those backlinks are completely irrelevant and are probably hurting them by sending the wrong signals to Google on what this site really is about. My question is will the 301 redirect be enough to cleanse the relationship between my client and all their clients' sites or should I ask the client to clean up all those backlinks on their clients' sites and remove their domain from the target urls? That's a huge job, obviously.

    | katandmouse

  • We have a news site that uses a meta refresh (<meta < span="">http-equiv="refresh" content="600" /> across all content. I understand the reasoning on the homepage and am trying to decide of the cons of using this (slows page, is it treated differently and loses pagerank/link ..) Does anyone have experience with meta refresh being a negative thing or does it no longer matter?</meta <>

    | KristieWahlquist

  • Hi Mozzers, I wanted to discuss bounce rates as i am trying to drive my websites down and would appreciate some pointers. Firstly, the facts. Ours is an e-commerce website we attract 10000-12000 visitor a month, 8000 of which land on a single page and the other 4000 rest of website. On a whole the rest of the website has a bounce rate of 48-56% which im fairly comfortable about, but have made small gains with little changes. The problem is the single page attracting 8000 visitors. The page is an informative article about the various types of a select product and its most common uses. When i started the page had no internal links and was suffering from a 88% bounce rate. I have since inserted products into every sub-section of the post and lots of links to products, category pages etc. This has gone really well and the pages linked from it attracted 1000 more views month 1, and 1500 month 2 with the bounce rate dropping to 76% (small win). However I am still not happy as this is still very high. I would like to work towards dropping it below 60%. The article attracts traffic from hundreds of longtail keywords around the subject "different types of this product". The average time spent on the page is 4-5 minutes so I know people are reading the article and finding it useful. How else can I look to encourage more click-through?

    | ATP

  • So thanks to MOZ I now can track my very large website which has several hundred pages built for specific keywords. The problem is that If I have a page built for a keyword like "equipment transport" for example, and one week that keyword will rank top 5 and the next week in the 40's and then all the way back up to top 5 or 10 again. Google is bouncing these pages/keywords around like a trampoline would. How do I stop this. Do I need to make changes to slow down how often I want the pages to be crawled? In my research this is what I am hoping the problem is because my 1200 page site has no consistency on a 1000 keywords. One week 350 increase and the next week 600 decrease. And I track each keywords changes week to week in an excel sheet. Feedback would be greatly appreciated, because until I can get these pages to quit bouncing around so much a lot of my efforts are pretty much a waste as I can seo a top 5 ranked page/keyword that is ranked 40th the next week and back down to top 5 because of the lack of consistency.

    | dwebb007

  • How websites like justdial, askme, indiamart, tradeindia do their search engine optimization? Is it different from normal seo? please help

    | Obbserv

  • Hi I have a tricky one here. cloudswave is a directory of products and we are launching new pages  called Alternatives to Product X This page displays 10 products that are an alternative to product X (Page A) Lets say now you want to have the alternatives to a similar product within the same industry, product Y (Page B), you will have 10 product alternatives, but this page will be almost identical to Page A as the products are in similar and in the same industry. Maybe one to two products will differ in the 2 listings. Now even SEO tags are different, aren't those two pages considered duplicate  content? What are your suggestions to avoid this problem? thank you guys

    | RSedrati

  • Hi guys, I'm working for an electricity company and they want businesses to embed "live energy saving tables" where they choose to, on their website - each table links back to the electricity company. Now I'm only comfortable with editorially given links these days, rather than "you choose to embed this table and it will link back to us - that's the arrangement" set ups - even when they're not using anchor text. What are your thoughts? Thanks, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • We've got an interesting situation going on at the moment where a recently on-boarded clients site is being indexed and displayed, but it's on the mobile version of the site that is showing in serps. A quick rundown of the situation. Retail shopping center with approximately 200 URLS Mobile version of the site is XML sitemap submitted to Google with 202 URLs, 3 URLS indexed Doing in a Google search brings up the home page (desktop version) and then everything else is /m/ versions. There is no rel="canonical" on mobile site pages to their desktop counterpart (working on fixing that) We have limited CMS access, but developers are open to working with us on whatever is needed. Within desktop site source code, there are no "noindex, nofollow, etc" issues on the pages. No manual actions, link issues, etc Has anyone ever encoutnered this before?  Any input or thoughts are appreciated.  Thanks

    | GregWalt

  • Hi all, I've read the FAQs and searched the help center. My URL is: just discover it today - when searching on mobile for the brand name (search for "Leibish") I find the following title: Reply (see the attached image).Also, when searching for +reply you'll find at least a few dozens indexed pages with this title.I checked for the following:1. Link bombing - check with ahrefs and majestic - everything seemed fine.2. Alt tag or other hidden text  - couldn't find anything. 3. DMOZ or Yahoo directory submissions with this anchor text - yet, nothing.Besides the fact that I must fix this issue I find it fascinating from the SEO perspective. I need the big guns in here - can you help my resolve this mystery? :-)Thanks...

    | seoperad

  • Hi Guys, I know title tags is one of the most important things that google looks at, any tips or advice around how I can go about improving the ones I have currently? I'm ranking pretty decent for all domains, slowly but surely, my main keywords are online psychics, online psychic readings, chat psychics, chat readings, tarot readings, and psychic readings.  Any advice would be much appreciated, or direct me to resources I can look into helping me get onto the right path. my website is Thanks

    | edward-may

  • Hey Mozzers,
    I received a call on Friday from a 6 attorney law office who have been my client for a long time. They have an established brand/domain in their market which isn't very big, but has a lot of competition. 2 of the attorneys are leaving to start their own firm and they want to remove a letter from their name abbreviation, thus their domain name as well. So, the other partners want to change the domain to reflect this. They want to buy a EMD [city] for about $1,600 along with some others to protect their new brand and name. I have a good idea as to what I need to do, BUT would love to hear advice from the community for this type of drastic change. 301 redirects? New Google Analytics code or same just different profile? Webmasters verifications? Content from old site? Old domain forwarding or keep active for a little bit? Is not the time to get them an SSL? Also, what should I prepare them for in terms of website traffic expectations and Google authority drops or remains the same? I know their Moz DA/PA will drop to 1/1, but anything else to look out for? Thank you in advance!
    Fellow Pro Member - Patrick

    | WhiteboardCreations

  • Hi Moz Community, We just launched a redesigned site and moved our blog from to When I went to check the site today I noticed something strange. When I Fetch a Blog URL as Google it is redirecting from https to http AND dropping the / <post-id>from the end of the URL.</post-id> So for the URL I  am getting the attached  results when I Fetch as Google. When I access the same URL in my browser, I see a 200 status code and no redirect. Why would Google Bot show that the URL is being redirected? Thanks,
    Breanna I7yQPza.png

    | motif_marketing

  • So I have about 285 pages I created with very, very thin content on each. Each is unique, and each serves its own purpose. My question is, do you guys think it is wise to publish all of these at once to just get them out there and update each as we go along? Each page is very laser targeted and I anticipate that a large handful will actually rank soon after publishing. Thanks! Tom

    | TomBinga1125

  • When redirecting from desktop to mobile with a separate URL structure, you need to have a rel alternate - rel canonical handshake to define the relationship between the pages. But if you have a different subdomain for different mobile devices, can you add more than one rel alternate tag on the desktop page? EG if is redirecting to,,

    | AdiRste

  • Hey Guys, So I went to search a keyword, my competitor came up, when I looked for that keyword on their page i didn't see it at all, and the page is content thin, how is it they are ranking for the keyword at all? Bit confused at how this works.  So having the keyword in your content is not necessary a ranking factor? Please advise and sorry if this question is really amateur, I'm sure based on this search there is more to it then that.... could you other ranking factors as to why they rank for a keyword that is not in their content? Does the whole exact keyword have to be in the content to rank? Thanks all

    | edward-may

  • Hi, One of the sites I'm working on has a forum with thousands of pages, amongst thousands of other pages. These pages produce lots of organic search traffic... 200,000 per month. We're using a bit of custom code to link relevant words and phrases from various discussion threads to hopefully related discussion pages. This generates thousands of links and up to 8 in-context links per page. A page could have anywhere from 200 to 3000 words in one to 50+ comments. Generally, a page with 200 words would have fewer of these automatically generated links, just because there are fewer terms naturally on the page. Is there any possible problem with this, including but not limited to some kind of internal anchor text spam or anything else? We do it to knit together pages for link juice and hopefully user experience... giving them another page to go to. The pages we link to are all our pages that produce or we hope to produce organic search traffic from. Thanks! ....Darcy

    | 94501

  • Hello, Need advise on outsourcing SEO What could be a likely budget to hire an International company of repute. Full time Contract of Outsourcing for 6 months - and to extension terms Primarily looking for social & off page reputation and ofcourse higher SERP positions Which would be the best renowned companies and what could be likely spending which can be xpected out of it. Pls advise only if a company is known for organic & ethical with a strong reputation build up.

    | Modi

  • Hi Guys Just a general question about doing SEO for our product pages... We have a range of products on Amazon and wondered if it is worth build some good links to our product pages to get them ranked higher in Google ?? Is it easier to rank Amazon product pages ?? Thanks Guys G Gareth

    | GAZ09

  • We just relaunched a website that has 5 years old, we maintain all the old URLs and articles but for some reason google is not picking up the new website In Google Webmaster Tools we can see the sitemap with over 1000 pages submitted but shows nothing as indexed. The site is loosing traffic rapidly and positions, from the SEO side all looks fine for me. What can be wrong? I’ll appreciate any help. The new website is built over Joomla 3.4, we have it here at MOZ and other than some minor details it doesn't show that something can be wrong with the website. Thank you.

    | FWC_SEO

  • Once and for all - I would really like to get a few opinions regarding what is the best method working for you. For most of the all timers in here there's no need to introduce the pagination tag. The big question for me is regarding the canonical tag in those case. There are 2 options, as far as I consider: Options 1 will be implementing canonical tag directing to the main category page: For instance: In this case all the three URL's will direct to the main category which is Option 2 - using self-referral canonical for every page. In this case  - will direct its canonical tag to and so on. What's the logic behind this? To make sure there are no floating pages onsite. If I'll use canonical that directs to the main category (option 1) then these pages won't get indexed and techniclly there won't be any indexed links to these pages. Your opinion?

    | seoperad

  • Hi Folks we are about to migrate to a new CMS (bigcommerce/volusion type of thing) are are advised that we will preserve our google love for our old URLS with 301 re-directs. OK but what about images that show in search (we have a lot of our images show up high in relevant google image search) will this method work the same or should we do something else to keep the image benefits? many thanks Tom

    | tomnivore

  • Hi Guys We currently use Desk to run our company support site, it seems ok (I don't administer it), however is it very template driven and doesn't allow useful tools such as being able to add metadata to each page (hence in our Moz crawl tests we get a large number of no metadata errors (which seems like a lost opportunity for us to optimise the site). Our support team are looking to implement MadCap Flare as an information management tool, however this tool outputs HTML as iframes which obviously make it hard for google to crawl the content. We recently implemented HubSpot as our content marketing platform which is great, and we'd love to have the support site hosted on this (great for tracking traffic etc), however as far as I'm aware MadCap Flare doesn't integrate directly with looking for suggestions on what others are successfully using to host/manage their SEO optimised support sites? Cheers Matt

    | SnapComms

  • I have a client with a domain that has "sex" in the domain name. For example, The domain ranks for a few keywords related to the services offered. It is an old domain that has been online for over 10 years. It ranks well for local keywords. No real SEO effort has been made on this domain, so it is rather a clean slate. I am going to be doing SEO on this site. Will the fact that the word "sex" exists in the name have any sort of negative consequence. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING adult related or pornographic on this site. I would think that search engines are sophisticated enough to differentiate, but would potential customers with things like parental filters be blocked from viewing content? Is this hurtful in anyway? If so, would I be better off changing domain names? TIA

    | inhouseseo

  • Hello, I have just performed doing server migration 2 days back All's well with traffic moved to new servers But somehow - it seems that w.r.t previous host that on submitting a new article - it was getting indexed in minutes. Now even after submitting page for indexing - its taking bit of time in coming to Search Engines and some pages wherein content is daily updated - despite submitting for indexing - changes are not getting reflected Site name is - Have checked in robots, meta tags, url structure - all remains well intact. No unknown errors reports through Google webmaster Could someone advise - is it normal - due to name server and ip address change and expect to correct it automatically or am i missing something Kindly advise in . Thanks

    | Modi

  • I posted a question about this a while ago, but still haven't pulled the trigger. I have a main site ( I also have a EM niche site (i.e It would be more efficient for me to merge these site, because: I would have to manage content, promos, etc. on a single site. In other words, I can focus efforts on 1 site. If I am writing content, I don't have to split the work. I don't have to worry about duplicate content. Right now, if I enter a product URL into copyscape, the other sites is returned for many products. What makes me apprehensive are: The niche site actually ranks for more keywords than the main site, although it has lower revenue. Slightly lower PA, and DA. Niche site ranks top 20 for a profitable keyword that has about 1300 exact match searches. If you include the longer tail versions of the keyword it would be more. If I merge these sites, and do proper 301s (product to product, category to category) how likely is it that main site will still rank for that keyword? Am I likely to end up with a site that has stronger DA? Am I better off keeping the niche site and just focusing content efforts on the few keywords that it can rank well for? I appreciate any advice. If someone has done this, please share your experience. TIA

    | inhouseseo

  • We have pages that are not linked from site yet they are indexed in Google. It could be possible if Google got these pages from browser. Does Google takes data from chrome?

    | vivekrathore

  • Hi everyone.  We have had a new site up for over a year now.  When I search the old url still shows up and while those pages are redirected to .com I'd like to get the .net URL's out of google forever.  What is the best way I can go about that?

    | Sika22

  • I noticed "Don’t block your HTTPS site from crawling using robots.txt" here: Does this mean you can't use robots.txt anywhere on the site - even parts of a site you want to noindex, for example?

    | McTaggart

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