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  • Hello. My blog is 9 years old and i just got serious with regards to earnings. I have observed that whenever i showed published date traffic drops immediately. For years i stopped showing dates. But now, i feel dates are an important factor in Rich snippets because most of competitors who are shown in rich snippets are also showing dates. So i started showing "UPDATED ON" in the Genesis theme framework. Traffic drop is the same as before. Why is traffic dropping whenever i show dates? Even when i show updated dates, wherein all articles show dates of just 1-2 years and none of them are showing how old the site is. And yes, quality is high, content is high. URL is

    Technical SEO | | marketing91

  • What is the best practice for having videos on a website in terms of increasing SEO? Embedding YouTube videos is probably the easiest solution, but does that help with SEO? The other options would be to use a third party or build one. What have other people found to be the best option? Thanks!

    Image & Video Optimization | | STP_SEO

  • So this might sounds like a silly question... A client of mine has a duplicate content issue which will be fixed using canonical tags. We are also providing them with an updated URL structure meaning rwe will be having to do lots of 301 redirects. The URL structure is a much larger task that than the duplicate content so i planned to set up the canonicals first. Then it occurred to me id be updating the canonical tags with the urls from the old structure which brings me to my question. Will the canonical tags with the old urls redirect credit to the new urls with the 301? Or should i just wait until we have the new url structure in place and use these new urls in the canonicals? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | NickG-123

  • I have been running around in small circles trying to work out why, after a year of careful SEO my companies site has suddenly dropped for all it's main keywords out of the first page to the second or third in our weekly report. One theory was that five backlinks with a spam rating of 10 might have had an impact - these have been removed, but I have been advised that these may not have been the cause. Our crawl diagnostics remain squeaky clean. I add one, carefully checked and optimized (as per Moz recommendations) blog posts once a week and nothing has been changed other than that. We have slowly and carefully built up a good backlink profile, but as well as the drop in rankings our weekly report also showed that we lost 109 backlinks from the previous week. I have not been able to find out what I could possibly have done wrong! I've checked all our crawl reports and webmaster tools and nothing has been flagged up. I did discover, whilst typing in some longtail keyword phrases that our preview site URLs as well as our live site URLs appeared in SERPs.  I checked with our web agency who assured me that this was fine, but that they had put a redirect on these yesterday.  I thought this was a bit strange as that seems odd as we have been live for a year.  I guess my question is could the fact that these redirects have not been active (until yesterday) have any bearing on what has happened or is this completely unrelated? Thanks Catherine - very stressed Mozer 😞

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEO_Selectaglaze

  • - would it hurt link juice to host a blog on a different server to the rest of your website? I have a web host saying they can't run Wordpress as they won't support PHP for "security reasons" - one solution would be to set up Wordpress on a different server and redirect there (I presume this is do-able?). But I don't know if that affects the SEO adversely?

    Technical SEO | | abisti2

  • So I submitted my sitemap to Google twice this week the first time everything was just peachy, but when I went back to do it again Google only indexed 7 out of 22. The website is  My MOZ Campaign shows no issues and Google Webmaster shows none. Should I just resubmit it?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | theinboundspot

  • Hello Everybody My website is giving me 2 results for my page ...
    if i search in by "" it shows results without current pagetitles and if i search in using keyword phrase "", then it shows me all my website pages with current meta titles . why i am facing these 2 results and how to solve these . Why This happens, I have correctly redirectd URL to to, but Still it same, please Suggest me, what should i do With,

    Technical SEO | | falguniwpi

  • Hi All, I was getting payment gateway referrals for my site for many months but when I have implemented enhanced eCommerce tracking self referral issue resolved but I haven't read anywhere about this solution so I just want to confirm once . Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | Alick300

  • Hello, all! I like to create a Google Account for my smaller clients, so that I can associate Analytics, AdWords, GMB, etc. all with the same account. Problem: I've used my phone number too many times, so I can't get the new account verified. I've also used all three of the other phones in our family. 🙂  I tried using the "Burner" iPhone app to create a new number, but apparently the all-knowing Google even has info on phone numbers, as it returned "This phone number cannot be used for verification." I'm sure that there's an obvious solution out there - who among you has found it, and is willing to share?! 🙂

    Paid Search Marketing | | measurableROI

  • I'm looking for a solution to implement schema markup for our webinars. We have an events page that has a list of upcoming events, as well as a list of the webinars we've done with a link to YouTube to watch the webinar. The webinars on our events page have the title and date. What kind of schema markup can we implement for these past events? It is not really an event, but it's not a video either (unless we embed the video on our site). Any tips? (**Also, I would like to use JSON-LD instead of HTML to implement the schema). Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | laurenpritchett

  • Is there a way to view "all countries" in Keyword Explorer? I like being able to segment by country, when I need to, but I don't like having to pull multiple reports to get a combined view. It's more work and it eats up the number of queries I'm allowed to make per month.

    Moz Bar | | vcj

  • Hi, So I was wondering if you would recommend republishing breaking news articles or creating another longer, in depth article. I'm in New York so let me use the Derrick Rose Trade as an example. Rose gets traded, a news organization gets out a small article (around 150-200 words) that explains the trade as fast as possible to break the news and get into Google News (which focuses on speed). Then the news organization wants to go into detail about the trade (explaining the ramifications and so on). Should the news organization write another article that would be in depth (around 600 words) to rank in organic search or should they expand the 150-200 word article to 600 words and republish the article?

    Search Behavior | | mattdinbrooklyn

  • We are planning to make our site available to several language, using the plugin WPML in Wordpress. The site should look with /es/, /fr, etc. If someone point to an URL in the spanish version, the english version get any benefit from it? (better search ranking or something like that). Some side question: WPML works fine with SEO and Moz?

    On-Page Optimization | | carlostinca

  • Hello, we recently received some really good reviews about a range of products  we sell (there are normally 8 products in a range).  Due to the industry we are in it made no sense to try and get reviews on each individual product within the range as they differ only ever so slightly. So my question is we want to add these reviews to each of the 8 products that lie within each range, but by adding them it would mean that each page has around 600 words of unique product description followed by approx 600 words of reviews that are the same on each of the products within that range. Is this ok?  my only other option would be to screenshot the reviews and upload them as images below each product description. If anyone could offer advice here that would be much appreciated. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | livs2013

  • Is it possible to manage a campaign for such a site on Moz?  It looks like in order to be able to add an independent Google Analytics tracking id, he has to upgrade to a business account.  Does anybody have any experience with this?

    Getting Started | | chill986

  • Does anyone have any insights on why a knowledge graph may show up for non branded search queries? Examples attached. nUYr05x V51iKCt

    Branding | | SarahLK

  • Hi Guys I'm currently working on a website and scratching my head.  It seems certain pages of the website rank absolutely fine.  The homepage, certain pages on footer and the primary navigation pages are ranking fine. Pages, however, that sit on the inner navigation (e.g 3rd level navigational pages) - do not rank well at all. Looking in webmaster, it is apparent these are fluctuating in and out of the Google index - sometimes they are there - sometimes not. I fully understand issues with Google penalties but I don't believe this is case as other pages are ranking fine. Link building has been done to these pages  but to no effect.  We have also increased internal links e.g by putting the pages on the footer - but still nothing. One thing that may impact the ranking is possibly the URL structure The website URLs are all - even if they sit on the 3rd level of the user navigation.  Could this be a reason why? Would it help if 3rd level pages had the URL structure ? If anyone can provide help that would be great!!! thanks, Duncan

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CayenneRed89

  • I'm adding a Business Directory to my ecom site to show where the product can be purchased/used. Some listings are stores where you can purchase others are restaurants, bars and spas the product can be used. My question is should I add relevant Schema markup for each listing? My thoughts are yes but wanted feedback from the community.

    Local Listings | | ColeBField

  • My URL is: We have set up a CDN on our own domain:  We have an image sitemap: The image sitemap uses the CDN URLs. We verified the CDN subdomain in GWT. The robots.txt does not restrict any of the photos: We used to have a disallow to /thumb/ which had a 301 redirect to our CDN but we removed both the disallow in the robots.txt as well as the 301. Yet, GWT still reports none of our images on the CDN are indexed. The above screenshot is from the GWT of our main domain.The GWT from the CDN subdomain just shows 0. We did not submit a sitemap to the verified subdomain property because we already have a sitemap submitted to the property on the main domain name. While making a search of images indexed from our CDN, nothing comes up: checking the GWT of the CDN subdomain, I have been getting crawling errors, mainly 500 level errors. Not that many in comparison to the number of images and traffic that we get on our website. Google is crawling, but it seems like it just doesn't index the pictures!? Can anyone help? I have followed all the information that I was able to find on the web but yet, our images on the CDN still can't seem to get indexed.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | alphonseha

  • Has anyone else had issues with Roger crawling your site in the last few weeks? It shows only 2 pages crawled. I was able to crawl the site using Screaming Frog with no problem and we are not specifically blocking Roger via robots.txt or any other method. Has anyone encountered this issue? Any suggestions?

    Product Support | | cckapow

  • I've got a blog with some tools and business directories ( Actually my website is in English and is hosted in the US since its biggest source of traffic is from there. My second biggest traffic source is India. The issue is that while my website is really well optimized (in terms of speed), it is still slow for visitors from India. So my question is: Would it be possible to have a copy of my website on a web server located in India and use a sub-domain (ie.: to access it without being penalized by Google? Would that be considered duplicate content? What would be the HREF LANG tag set to for India (EN-US, EN-GB... EN-IN??) I thought that having a sub-domain for a specific country could also help its rankings. Thanks in advance for your inputs. P.S. Sorry my english sucks.

    Local Website Optimization | | sbrault74

  • Hi there, We are restructuring a website. The website originally lists jobs that will have duplicate content. We have tried to ask the client not to use duplicates but apparently their industry is not something they can control. The recommendations I had is to have categories (which will have the idea description for a group of jobs), and the job listing pages. The job listing pages will then have canonical tags pointing to the category page as the primary URL to be indexed. Another opinion came from a third party that this can be seen as if we are tricking Google and would get penalised, **Is that even true? **Why would Google penalise for this if thats their recommendations in the first place? This third party suggested using nofollow on the links to these listings, or even not not index them all together. What are your thoughts? Thanks Issa

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | iQi

  • Hi everyone, I'm trying to optimize our website and I'm not sure what's ideal for our URL structure. We have two products: one of them is focused on B2C & the other one on B2B. 
    Our homepage is focused on the B2C product. For our B2B product, I'm not sure what's ideal. The URL for our 'homepage' of the B2B product is We have different target groups for our B2B software, and therefore different pages on our website. Which URL would be best to use for the keyword personal trainer software?

    Technical SEO | | Klouwers

  • Hey Moz, I have several questions in regards to whether I should a start a new second site to save my online presence after a series of Google penalties.  The main questions being: Is this the best way to spend my time/resources? If I’m forced to jump my company over to the new site can Google see that and transfer the penalty? I plan on all new content (no link redirect, no dup content) so do I need to kill the original site? Are there any Pro’s/cons I am missing? Summary of my situation: Looking at analytics it appears I was hit with  both Penguin 2.0 and 2.1, each cutting my traffic in half, despite a link remediation campaign in the summer of 2013.  There was a manual penalty also imposed on the site in the fall of 2013, which was released in early 2014. With Penguin 3.0’s release at the end of 2014, the site saw a slight uptick in organic traffic, improving from essentially nothing to next to nothing. Most of the site’s issues revolved around cheap $5 links from India in the 2006-09 time frame. This link building was abandoned, and replaced with nothing but “letting them happen naturally” from 2010 through the 2013 penalties.  Since 2013 we have done a small amount of quality articles on a monthly basis to promote the site, social media, and continuous link remediation. In addition the whole site has been redesigned, optimized for speed/mobile, secured, and completely rewritten. Given all of this, the site has really only recovered to page 2 and 3 of the SERPs for our key words.  Even after a highly circulated piece appeared on an Authority site (97 DA) a few months ago there was zero movement.  It appears we have an anvil tied around our leg until Penguin 4.0. With all of the above, and no sign of when the next penguin will be released, I ask, is it time to start investing in a new site?  With no movement in 2.5 years, it’s impossible to know where my current site stands, so I don’t know what else I can do to improve it.  I am considering slowly building a new site that is a high quality informational site.  My thought process is it will take a year for a new site to gain any traction with Google.  If by that time my main site has not recovered, I can jump to that new site, add a commercial component, and use it as a life boat for my company.  If I have recovered, then I have a future asset. Thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TheDude

  • Hi this blog post Rand mentions a list of bad web directories - I asked couple of years ago if there is an updated list as some of these (Alive Directory for example) do not seem to be blacklisted anymore and are coming up in Google searches etc? It seems due to old age of the blog post (7 years ago ) the comments are not responded to. Would anyone be able to advise if which of these good directories to use?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | IsaCleanse

  • Hi all, here is the situation. A website I'm working on has a small percentage of almost empty pages. Those pages are filled "dynamically" and could have new content in the future, so, instead of 404ing them, we automatically noindex them when they're empty and remove the noindex once they have content again. The problem is that, due to technical issues we can't solve at the moment, some internal links (and URLs listed in sitemaps) to almost empty pages remain live also when pages are noindexed. In order not to waste Google crawler's time, sending it to noindexed pages through those links, someone suggested us to redirect those pages to our homepage with a 302 (not a 301 since they could become indexable again, so it can't be a permanent redirect). We did that, but after some weeks Search Console reported an increase in soft 404s: we checked it and it is 100% related to the 302 implementation. The questions are: is this a correct use of 302 redirects? Is there a better solution we haven't thought about? Maybe is it better to remove 302s and go back to the past situation, since linking to noindexed pages isn't such a big problem? Thank you so much!

    Technical SEO | | GabrieleToninelli

  • HI, Is it ok to have pages on my website that are specifically targeted for one town? Does Google frown on this? is there any thing I should know about doing this, like, does it hurt my seo efforts in anyway? I would be making each page as resourceful as possible to the reader., by Including unique content etc Thanks in advance:)

    Local SEO | | MissThumann

  • hi.. im looking for solution how to get all backlinks to .pdf files on my site. 
    to get list of .pdf files with backlinks. and for them list of backlinking urls. thanks a lot

    Link Explorer | | tybi-seochat

  • For my Insurance website blog, I use MOZ to help me find high DA authoritative sites, then either generate ideas from them, or rewrite the copy. If I rewrite the copy, I tend to pull from 2 - 3 top authoritative sites. Just so I don't get in trouble, but still offer the most concision information. _My question is, Is this ok to do? _ Secondly, I just read that on some .Gov sites the information is public, and that you can use it as long as you give credit. _My questions is, how do I tell which information is public? _ Thank you in advance 🙂

    Moz Pro | | MissThumann

  • I have some basic rules set up in my .htaccess file and just curious as to the implications of them as I seem to have a website ranking very low on Search indexes for no particular reason that I can fathom. My question is a follows I have a htaccess rules set up in my application application that first strips the file suffix and then adds a closing brace for example Rule 1: becomes
     Rule 2: becomes Will this rule expecially Rule 2 effect ranking or will these rule have no adverse affect on the website as my MOZ reports still seem to have pages listed win the Top Pages by PA section without the www? Below is an example of the htacess file. RewriteEngine On Redirect Trailing Slashes... RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1 [L,R=301] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /+[^.]+$
     RewriteRule ^(.+[^/])$ %{REQUEST_URI}/ [R=301,L] Redirect non-WWW to WWW... RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
     RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301] Handle Front Controller... RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
     RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]

    On-Page Optimization | | ecrmeuro

  • Hi there, I have been having an issue with OSE attributing page authority to one of the sites I have been looking at. The homepage page authority is fine but any page after this does not have any according to OSE. I have been in touch with Moz and they have stated it's because there are no external or internal links pointing to any of these pages. However, I know that their are internal links pointing to these pages from the homepage in the nav. The domain is: If anyone has any ideas what may be going on that would be great. Thanks!

    Link Explorer | | Alice-2016

  • My website ranks well locally and nationally, but shortly I will be adding a second site to my business. We will be ranking it for different key words but the same location. My question is, is it possible to verify another google + & google maps listing for this site? And, what does google think about having two sites for the same business? Huge thanks in advance for any answers 🙂

    Local Listings | | MissThumann

  • Hi Moz'ers, I am a total newcomer to this level of seo.  Recently I transitioned to Shopify and I'm puzzled by why I'm getting 803 errors - incomplete crawl attempts due to server timing out. Wouldn't this have to do with Shopify?  How would I go about fixing it?  I'm also getting 804 - SSL issues, but I assume that will go away. Any advice? Thanks! Sharon

    Moz Pro | | Sharon2016

  • A client of ours is increasingly getting a lot of adult traffic to their site, where they show up only for adult searches and not at all for relevant searches. How can we stop Google associating their site with adult content? Here's a blog example, giving advice to parents on girls and body image issues: keywords driving traffic to this page are all around images for 'young nude girls' etc.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MediaCause

  • My website ranks at the top for my keywords, but my images barely show up on Google Images.  I'm renaming them, tagging them, I'm not sure what else I can possibly do.  Any suggestions?  Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Leah777

  • Hello Moz Community! We are facing an issue that may or may not be unique, but need some advice and/or clarification on the best way to address the issue. We recently rebranded and launched a new site under a new domain and things have been progressing well.  However, despite all the up front legwork on trademarks and licensing, we have recently encountered a hiccup that forces us to revert to the old URL/branding for one specific state.  This may be a temporary issue that lasts a couple of months or it could potentially be in the court system for a couple of years. One potential solution we have discussed is to redirect the new site to the old site based on IP addresses for the state in question.  Looking for any guidance on what type of impact this may have on SEO.  Also open to any other suggestions or guidance on dealing with this situation. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | VeteransFirstMarketing

  • We have a website ( that uses a P.O Box number versus an actual address as their "location". Does this affect SEO? Is it better to use an actual address? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Web3Marketing87

  • Hi, I was wondering... Let's say there is a company in Norway and It sell tours in Norway. Website is only in english, content stays exactly the same for each country (as the website is for people looking for tours in Norway). The domain is registered with .no ccTLD. Main target is USA, Canada and Uk and couple of other countries in Europe. Would the website benefit from having .com instead of .no? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | LeszekNowakowski

  • Currently ranks #4 for Oxygen Deficiency Monitor, the newer product needs to rank for the same keyword. Will I hurt the Series 1000 ranking? Thoughts/advice on strategy? Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | JJSAMRA

  • We launched a new page 2 weeks ago, and we want to know how much time should we wait to do Link Building and how many links should we try to generate to not get penalized by Google. Thanks! EDIT: Thanks to all for you answer! Very helpful!

    Link Building | | carlostinca

  • Hi I have a dev team 'cleaning' their database and from what I can tell deleting old URL's - which they say are not in use. I don't have much visibility on how our URLs are managed in the back end of the site, but my concern is these URLs should never be deleted, they should have a 301, 404 or 410. This includes product pages no longer available and category pages - my concern is losing authority. Am I worrying over nothing or is this a big issue?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hi everyone A question about using product reviews on a website - I completely understand genuine product reviews can be great for creating totally unique content and for seo in general. But my understanding is also that it is great only when it's accessible by google. So the question I have is that by using aggregate review services - i.e. reviews(dot)co(dot)uk widgets,  are they always easily accessible by Google? Examples I've seen that use the widget are: So when you view the page source for these pages, the actual content of the reviews are nowhere to be seen. I was wondering if anyone has experience of using any of these thrid party widgets, and if these come as issues, what you would do to make sure these reviews content are seen by Google? Thank you

    Technical SEO | | MH-UK

  • Hey, I have noticed in the past week/2 weeks that my websites domain authority has dropped by 2 points but what is weird is all the other website which are our main competitors in our industry have also dropped by 2. I was wondering if anyone knows of any changes that have been made to the way the domain authority is calculated or is it just a coincident that we all dropped at one time?

    Moz Pro | | Bondara

  • Hey guys, A client has asked us to install a page break function on their Wordpress site in the hope of increasing page count. It's a very common practice but have never used it as part of a strategy. Any thoughts, pros or cons?

    Content Development | | wearehappymedia

  • Hi I'm having difficulty managing our product pages for optimisation, we have over 20,000 products. We do keyword research & optimise product titles/meta of new products - however there's a lot to clean up but we have done a lot. I find we rank/convert better on product pages so they would be great to focus on - however when an old product is discontinued, the page is removed & we lose authority by creating new pages for similar products - does anyone have any ideas for managing this? This is something done automatically on the dev side in France. I then have the issue of trying to rank category pages - these are highly competitive areas competing with big brands. I'm finding it tough to know where to focus, the site is vast and I am the only SEO. I've started looking into low hanging fruit - but these aren't necessarily the areas which bring in much revenue. Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | BeckyKey

  • Hello, I try to help Moz community and hope to get 200 mozpoints a day 🙂 When I analyze a profile from a member with more than 200 mozpoints, I see two links to custom URL link : one is added nofollow on a blank image, and one follow with anchor text. But it appears that the tests show that in this case the second link is not taken into account... Why not remove the first link so ? Here is the code: xxx:

    Product Support | | Bigb06

  • Hello Moz Friends So I have always worked on local seo, websites, and digital brand management. But one of my clients wants to go national. They sell building materials and the competition is pretty fierce. So here is my question and I thank you in advance for any advice: How do I not mess up a national seo strategy, based on local seo efforts? So for an example, say I put the NAP in the footer, but my client sells to 49 states, will this hurt a national campaign? And on the opposite, would getting local links from say construction websites in California, if my NAP is from Florida, hurt or help? I understand that most of this is seo 101, but I am so used to local seo, that I don't want to cause national issues by doing something local. Thank you again Moz Friends "Have a Positive Day" Chris

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | asbchris

  • Hello Moz Friends, So as I was researching some competitive backlinks and I noticed a lot of backlinks that a clients competitor has are on parked domains and they appear to be google ads from some point. You know the pages that this page no longer exists, or hey do you want to buy this domain? and it has like 6 google ads on it? Yep those pages. My clients industry is construction and their competitor has links from zombie websites, foreign, websites and more. But the links are no longer on the page. Like when it was crawled, their ad was showing. Does this make any sense and is it usually temporary? Thank you for your thoughts friends!

    Link Building | | asbchris

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