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  • It's an amazing tool and the rest of Moz Pro is excellent, but the index is just so small. Does anybody know when we can expect it to increase?

    Link Explorer | | Edward_Sturm

  • Hello Moz'ers, More questions about my Shopify seems that I'm not getting indexed very quickly (it's been over a month since I completed the migration) - I have done the following: used an Seo app to find and complete redirects (right away) used the same app to straighten out title tags, metas and alt tags submitted the sitemap re-submitted my main product URL's via Fetch checked the Console - no reported blocks or crawl errors I will mention that I had to assign my blog to a sub-domain because Shopify's blog platform is awful.  I had a lot of 404's on the blog, but fixed those.  The blog was not a big source of traffic (I'm an ecomm business)  Also, I didn't have a lot of backlinks, and most of those came along anyway. I did have a number of 8XX and 9XX errors, but I spoke to Shopify about them and they found no issues.  In the meantime, those issues pretty much disappeared in the MOZ reporting. Any duplicate page issues now have a 200 code since I straightened out the title tags. So what am I missing here? Thanks in advance, Sharon

    Technical SEO | | Sharon2016

  • Hey guys, I'm curious on your thoughts around this scenario... Website A: 35,000 monthly pageviews 1,000 pages 375 root linking domains currently HTTPS focused on one topic weak rankings for competitive keywords Website B: 3M monthly pageviews 32,500 pages 3,500 root linking domains started HTTP to HTTPS migration 1 week ago. 1/3 of pages indexed as HTTPS. focused on many topics strong rankings for competitive keywords Requirement: I want to have a reliable read on how Website A's keyword rankings change after redirecting it's pages to Website A. This post-migration analysis will be used as a basis to assess the risk of redirecting another website we own that is similar to Website A into Website B. My question: Would you wait until most of the pages on Website B are indexed as HTTPS before doing a 301 of Website A to Website B? Please back up your answer with reasons why or why not 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jeremycabral

  • Our company has around 1,700 locations across the country. These are contract shops mind you but still locations in which we will be placing pages for on our website. I have been browsing through all of the Local SEO blogs and trying to define the strategy for these. Here are a couple of outstanding questions I still have: 1. What should the URL structure of the page be for these locations? Keep in mind that there are some cities that have multiple locations in them so I can just do "/city/brand-keyword." I am thinking it should be ""where the location name would for example "TXBrandName." 2. How should I structure the keyword focus for these pages? I am thinking that these pages will probably rank for some variations and should definitely include the city name although the search volume is very low. Currently I am thinking that they would be "keyword city – brand name." 3. How do we handle the shops that are contract and have a primary business already listed? We plan on listing them on GMB using "located inside of {business name}" on those that are contract shops. We originally considered using a suite# but one of the articles in Moz recommended not doing that. I just know that places like "Starbucks" and "Banfield" seem to use the "located inside of" without any issues. Any input would be greatly appreciated as we about to set all these up and I want to make sure we are setup for success as much as possible.

    Local Listings | | Smart_Start

  • So I am wondering what people think for a SEO strategy for sites where (1) the interaction is a one-off event and (2) content is not often shared or something that people want. Specificially regarding two sites this applies to: Site 1 is basically a mortgage site. So customers interact with the site once and then most likely never again once their mortgage is sorted. Mortgages aren't great content pieces and customers don't really read a lot of the content - it's part of the reason loan officers/mortgage professionals exist... Site 2 is also for a one off purchase but it's an embarrassing problem that nobody would share content for because they don't want people to know that they sought help for this. This also makes getting backlinks hard.  Also it is a one off purchase, never to be made again... Am interested in how people would adapt their SEO strategies to these circumstances - where content development and promotion is limited...

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GTAMP

  • Hey so, In my product page, I have recommended products at the bottom. The issue is that those recommended products have long parameters such as The reason why it has that long parameter is due to tracking purposes (internally with the dev and UX team). My question is, should I replace it with the clean URL or as long as it has the canonical tag, it should be okay to have such a long parameter? I would think clean URL would help with internal links and what not...but if it already has a canonical tag would it help? Another issue is that the URL is different and not just the parameter. For instance..the canonical URL is and so the internal link used on the product page (same exact page just different URL with parameter)  (missing product name), BUT still has the canonical tag!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ggpaul562

  • Hi everyone, I am in the process of building the knowledge base for our SaaS product and I am afraid it could impact us negatively on the SEO side because of: Thin content on pages containing short answers to specific questions Keyword cannibalisation between some of our blog articles and the knowledge base articles I didn't find much on the impact of knowledge bases on SEO when I searched on Google. So I'm hoping we can use this thread to share a few thoughts and best practices on this topic. Below is a bit more details on the issues I face, any tips on how to address them would be most welcome. 1. Thin content: Some articles will have thin content by design: the H1 will be a specific question and there will be only 2 or 3 lines of text answering it in the article. I think creating a dedicated article per question is better than grouping 20 questions on one article from a UX point of view, because this will enable us to direct users more quickly to the answer when they use the live search function inside the software (help widget) or on the knowledge base (saves them the need to scrolling a long article to find the answer). Now the issue is that this will result in lots of pages with thin content. A workaround could be to have both a detailed FAQ style page with all the questions and answers, and individual articles for each question on top of that. The FAQ style page could be indexed in Google while the individual articles would have either a noIndex directive or a rel canonical to the FAQ style page. Have any of you faced similar issues when setting-up your knowledge base? Which approach would you recommend? 2.Keyword cannibalisation: There will be, to some extend, a level of keyword cannibalisation between our blog articles (which rank well) and some of the knowledge base articles. While we want both types of articles to appear in search, we don't want the "How to do XYZ" blog article containing practical tips to compete with the "How to do XYZ in the software" knowledge base article. Do you have any advice on how to achieve that? Having a specific (or equivalent) type of markup to differentiate between the 2 types of articles would have been ideal but I couldn't find anything relating to help articles specifically when I searched.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | tbps

  • I've run a crawl on a popular amphibian based tool, just wanted to confirm... should http://www.homepage be at crawl depth 0 or 1? The audit shows http://homepage at level 0 and http://www.homepage at level 1 through a redirect. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | Focus-Online-Management

  • My client sells 4-wheelers, motorcycles, UTV's, Boats, Jet Skis, etc. They have a live chat box that pops up on average 1.66 times per session and is automatic (does not require the user to click any button) Based on our analytics I am recommending we disable this feature but I want to hear from other professional data-driven marketers. I'm just looking for professional opinions on this strategy. Here are your options: Love Live Chat Pop Ups Hate Live Chat Pop Ups Don't Care/Undecided Let the Data Decide Thank you in advance! mCjeiouqH1

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | jws8118

  • Hi SEO's we've build a site and our now trying to rank it but it won't go up despite of regular new unique content and a higher DA than most competitors. All tools like MOZ en Yoast SEO show green lights so we're kinda out of ideas right now. Till we saw the date in the SERPS for the meta description. This gives us the idea that Google sees it as a post and not as a page which might explain the low ranking. However there are no technical causes we can think off for Google to show the date. Any ideas on this matter? Could it be that Yoast SEO is causing this even although we tell it not to show dates? Love to hear from you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Heers

  • Our client is a recruitment agency and their website used to contain a substantial amount of duplicate content as many of the listed job descriptions were repeated and recycled. As a result, their rankings rarely progress beyond page 2 on Google. Although they have started using more unique content for each listing, it appears that old job listings pages are still indexed so our assumption is that Google is holding down the ranking due to the amount of duplicate content present (one software returned a score of 43% duplicate content across the website). Looking at other recruitment websites, it appears that they block the actual job listings via the robots.txt file. Would blocking the job listings page from being indexed either by robots.txt or by a noindex tag reduce the negative impact of the duplicate content, but also remove any link juice coming to those pages? In addition, expired job listing URLs stay live which is likely to be increasing the overall duplicate content. Would it be worth removing these pages and setting up 404s, given that any links to these pages would be lost? If these pages are removed, is it possible to permanently deindex these URLs? Any help is greatly appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | ClickHub-Harry

  • For background the sub domain structure here is inherited and commited to due to tech restrictions with some of our platforms. The brand I work with is splitting out their global site into regional sub sites (not too relevant but this is in order to display seasonal product in different hemispheres and to link to stores specific to the region). All sub-domains except EU will be geo-targeted to their relevant country. Regions and sub domains for reference: AU - Australia CA - Canada CH - Switzeraland EU - All Euro zone countries NZ - New Zealand US - United States This will be done with Wordpress multisite. The set up allows to publish content on one 'master' sub site and then decide which other sub sites to 'broadcast' to. Some content is specific to a sub-domain/region so no issue with duplicate and can set the sub-site version as canonical. However some content will appear on all sub-domains. Now first question is since these domains are geo-targeted should I just have them all canonical to the version on that sub-domain? eg Or should I still signal the duplicate content with one canonical version? Essentially the top level exists as a site only for publishing purposes - if a user lands on the top level they are given a pop up to select region and redirected to the relevant sub-domain version. So I'm also unsure whether I want that content indexed at all?? I could make the top level versions of all content be the canonical that all others point to eg. and rely on geo-targeting to have the right links show in the right search locations. I hope that's kind of clear?? Obviously I find it confusing and therefore hard to relay! Any feedback at all gratefully received. Cheers, Steve

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SteveHoney

  • So I have client that delivers goods to residential addresses and commercial businesses.  They have 60+ distribution centers but want to target surrounding counties, cities and territories. Our development team was considering using virtual location pages (thousands) for these service areas.  I have lobbied against this out of concern that Google would label these "doorway" pages.  These pages would not have full addresses. I want to develop a strategy to gain coverage in these surrounding delivery areas.   I was told that applying might help.  However will this truly bring in the necessary visibility?   Would having only a few key select virtual locations suffice (along with Service Area schema)? Any advice on applying attributes would be much appreciated.

    Local Website Optimization | | RosemaryB

  • Which is better? To write my own blog post or, (with permission) use other high DA content on my blog. I'll probably do both, but I'm very curious as to what the search engines prefer or which is better for seo. Thanks in advance!

    Content Development | | MissThumann

  • I'm working with a very reputable open source civic data compiler who'd like to give their data to the knowledge graph for it to be used. Does anybody know where I should start with this? Or, do you think it's possible to e-mail Google and ask to be included in the Knowledge Graph? The company that owns this compiler will likely have connections to them. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Edward_Sturm

  • Hello, Could you please let me know why might my website's DA have fallen down in merely a week? What might be a reason? I also noticed traffic from google dropped down at the very same week. Will be very thankful for any advise!

    Technical SEO | | kirupa

  • Working on doing a massive keyword research project for my sites, one of the things I am trying to figure out is if I should be including plural versions of keywords. For example, should you include yoga mat as well as yoga mats?

    Keyword Research | | ShockoeCommerce

  • I am currently optimizing for a site that does a ton of services:
    Web Development
    Logo Design
    Social Media
    Email Marketing
    PPC Marketing Is it better practice to optimize one "Services" page for multiple keywords or to break each service onto its own unique URL and optimize each page individually?

    Algorithm Updates | | ccdispoto

  • I'm working with a real estate client currently that asks users to identify the market they are in prior to showing them properties. The markets are far enough apart that no user would conceivably be browsing within two separate markets. When the user selects their market choice, they are redirected to a market-specific home page whenever they login after the original home page loads. These market-specific pages are ranking currently (page 2-4) for market-related phrases, but before embarking on further optimization I wanted to get a second opinion on whether or not keeping this redirect process is even a good idea or not. Thoughts?

    Local Website Optimization | | jluke.fusion

  • | Keyword |
    | np - /google-structured-data-update/ | In my "New Rankings & Insights | Hill Web Creations" report, while "Google structured data update" moved up significantly, at the same time, "np - /google-structured-data-update/" moved down significantly. Any insights that would offer a deeper understanding of the discrepancy and how to pull both up? If this corresponds with Google Analytics, the "np" Acquisitions > Campaigns > Organic Keywords > "Organic Search Traffic" Report, how is Moz rendering is New Rankings & Insights?

    Feature Requests | | jessential

  • How to direct http:// to https:// to get rid of 404 errors in google webmaster search console (http:// crawl errors)

    Moz Bar | | O.D.

  • Hi, I was wondering does this matter at all for google? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | LeszekNowakowski

  • This doesn't seem to have been discussed here for a number of years, so I'm wondering what people think of video syndication in 2016? Is it a good idea for website SEO (backlinks in accompanying text)? Or for raising general web presence? Or generally pushing the video itself up the SERPS? Or is it better to concentrate everything on Youtube? I'm looking to raise a website profile that produces 4-5 videos a week presently but is only getting an average of 500-1000 views in each video.

    Image & Video Optimization | | abisti2

  • Hi, My website cache is missing on SERP month ago and its not come back anymore also same on description too. I checked on my coding META Description still there.I no idea about this how to retrieve its back to show on SERP.Any suggestion about this?Thank you.,

    On-Page Optimization | | Joycee_psp

  • Hello fellow SEOs, I am having a few issues with one of the sites I manage. The site in question has dropped for a number of terms in the last 7 days, including: logo design - dropped 2 places, now 19th logo design uk - dropped 2 places, now 8th logo designer - dropped 3 places, now 20th bespoke logo design - dropped 3 places, now 10th I'm worry that the site might drop for more terms if I just leave it alone. I haven't made any changes to the site but I have noticed that our number of inbound links has increased by 58% in the last 7 days. I have put the site through OSE and used the spam analysis tool. There's only one domain linking to my client that has an orange spam flag but this link isn't newly acquired. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | UE-Web

  • What is the average organic traffic loss one can expect after switching to a new domain? We went from .com to .org and are seeing 50% decline in organic traffic and 25% in Google news traffic. 301s were implemented from to and change site was completed in WMT. This traffic drop seems excessive...

    Technical SEO | | SoulSurfer8

  • How do you get your business name to appear on Google Maps? See attachment. What's the process to get this to happen? I have a Google Local listing, but that doesn't seem to be enough. ZzFnwBj

    Local Listings | | Gavin.Atkinson

  • I notice that the MOZ Page Grader considers "/keyword1/keyword2-keyword3" in a URL string to be less effective than "/keyword1-keyword2-keyword3". Is this correct from Google's perspective? If I am trying to maximise my SEO for the page title "Business building tips", for example, does Google think my URL is more relevant if it's in the form: 1.
    2. or
    3. My instinct tells me 3 is more powerful, but logic tells me if I have a whole section devoted to "business" and one of those pages is "business building tips" then 2 should work just as well, possibly better?

    On-Page Optimization | | Gavin.Atkinson

  • I am working on SEO for a dental client, and I was looking at the external links for the main competitor. I noticed that a very large number of links were coming from other dental websites. When I looked more closely, I found that all of these websites had been created by one particular company specializing in dental websites. This company had hidden a directory on each client website with links to all their other client's websites. Is this something that can be reported? Is there anything I can do about it? Now I understand why I can't reach the number of external links that some of these other sites have! There are also many links coming from an online bookmark manager. I'm guessing these are accounts set up just to generate external links. How can anyone compete with that?

    Link Building | | Karen_110rpm

  • I have done the research and have compiled a list of a little over 100 keywords that are highly connected to our industry. I have used the metrics to rank those keywords and have given the top 50 of them a ranking. My intention is to use them on my site and make sure that all of my pages have a keyword focus. In doing this, I am running into some challenges. Any insight would be helpful. 1. There are numerous keywords that have simple variations in them. I am trying to figure out if each variation needs it's own page. I have read articles (here on moz) that say that one page can rank for several keywords, and other articles that say that a simple variation can need it's own page. Not sure what to do here. Below is an example of what I mean. (examples: "my long tail keyword" , "my long tail" , "my long" , "long tail" , "long tail keyword" , "keyword long tail") 2. Will it help to create a page for each one of the 50 or even the full 100? I have the opportunity to use blogs and FAQ's to assist with content creation. 3. Since my brand ranks well and is obviously tied highly into my site, do I worry about including brand terms in my keyword focus or should I just focus on those search terms?

    Technical SEO | | Smart_Start

  • There are several keywords that I search for and I notice we rank lower than a couple of competitors. When I use the mozbar and view the stats, I see that are PA and DA are higher and in some instances the ones who rank higher don't even show all the keywords in their meta descriptions. If this is the case, how are they still ranking higher?

    Moz Pro | | Smart_Start

  • Hello, I read that Google can "read" in all directions a while ago. Does this mean that keyword quires "Santa Monica appliance repair" and "appliance repair Santa Monica" are the same? Would you track both of them, or tracking only one would be enough? Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | kirupa

  • Hi - we just launched our redesigned website. On the previous site, we had multiple .html pages that contained links to supporting pdf documentation. On this new site, we no longer have those .html landing pages containing the links. The question came up, should we do a search on our site to gather a single link that contains all pdf links from the previous site, and set up a redirect? It's my understanding that you wouldn't want google to index a search results page on your website. Example: old site had the link new site, to see those same links would be like:[]=categories%3A196

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Jenny1

  • Hi everyone. I'm currently doing some SEO for a client, at the moment he has some landing pages which are categorised, but the category is set as a 302 redirect. I have a dilemma whether to 301 redirect to the landing page or make a page for each category. The link structure is as follows - so currently this is set as a 302 redirect - Do I make this page a category page and link the page to the children with some on-page optimisation or 301 redirect it?

    On-Page Optimization | | Unbranded_Lee

  • Hi, I was wondering on this issue: There is a website for guesthouse. It has all information on one page (it is a valid page, with legitimate content). How google treats those pages? Would it treat it as Doorway Page? Or give some other penalties? What about a bounce rate? Because it will be pretty high, as there is no option to go somewhere else? What is your opinion on single page websites - SEO wise? Is it a shot in the foot? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | LeszekNowakowski

  • Hi, Let say there is a company which resell products and services of other companies. What do you think should be the strategy for putting the description of every service/product? 1. Should I copy the text from the original website and paste it on my page. In this case we get a website that has a lot of copied content, although it is a valid content. I notice that this is quite popular practice with local distributors who sell products of other (multinational) companies. If so, should I rel=canonical to the original product? But than I wouldn't rank for this product on local market right? 2. Should I come up with original descriptions? Would that give me and advantage over the websites that have copied the description from other pages? Appreciate your answer!

    On-Page Optimization | | LeszekNowakowski

  • Hi We have noticed a trend with days to transaction being high for May - June for Organic for 28+ days. Does anyone have any helpful articles or ideas on why this is happening for organic?

    Reporting & Analytics | | BeckyKey

  • For one of my SEO campaigns, Google is using the website's home page as the landing page for the majority of search terms being tracked. The website splits its products by region and so we want specific region pages to rank for search terms related to that region, rather than the home page. We have optimised each regional page to a reasonably high standard and we have ensured that there is a good amount of internal linking and sign-posting to those region pages, however, Google is still using the home page. The only complication is that for the first few months there were canonical tags on these pages to the home page. These were removed around 3 months ago and we've checked that the region pages are indexed properly. Is there anything we are missing? Has anyone had any success in getting Google to change its landing pages?

    Local Website Optimization | | ClickHub-Harry

  • I have a referral from an email (2), android search(1) and another website(2) but my sessions is 100 over a two week period? I have NO returning visitors (still session data though?) Seems unlikely that just these 5 users have generated 100 sessions!! Any ideas?

    Reporting & Analytics | | darrenbooy

  • (Sorry if this has been answered earlier.) I am thinking of buying a domain, (which is not cheap) and has the keywords of; myniche + in it. On the domain I plan to build out a directory, probably using a word-press theme and word-press directory plugin. It will be an industry specific directory (only for that profession) and will be hand edited by me. It will be exclusive, that is, all listings will be manually approved and no spammy links or bots allowed with the hope that it add value to the user experience. My plan for the directory site is long term as I am qualified in the profession and I like SEO. It will begin with free basic listings, also hand edited by me and I will at some stage allow paid listings for reasonable fee. Directories have a bad name currently in the SEO world, since Panda and Penguin and Poodle (only joking about last one) smashed many of them out of the park for good reason. That bad reputation may stop some in my profession from purchasing a listing or even wanting a free listing. But directories seem to have an influence on local search which could be the value that I add to the business that wants to list on the directory. e.g has a PR of 7. I quite liked this article on directories which suggested they may not be dead. Do you agree with that? My question is: Are directories dead? Are directories good or bad for SEO in 2016 and moving forward if they are not spammy? Do directories add value to a business? Therefore should I go ahead with my plan? Thanks in Advance :-).

    Local SEO | | Timemerchant

  • I post a lot to Facebook & twitter, & my "page social metrics" haven't budged in 4 weeks.  I even stopped using & stated the full URL as a test.  Still no change.  The fb account is /getgoodgifts & twitter is /giftsing.  Thoughts on why social metrics aren't increasing?

    Link Explorer | | giftsing

  • Hi, I'm trying to beef up my knowledge of google analytics. Can you pelase tell me where I can find some good Google analytics tutorials?

    Reporting & Analytics | | corn2015

  • If I were to start creating individual pages for things such as webinars or other resources for our visitors to consume would I be running the risk keyword cannibalization? The webinars cover topics around our products and services so my fear is that the content might compete with our product and service pages. I noticed here at moz that each webinar does not have it's own page and just links to the registration page (

    Algorithm Updates | | Brando16

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