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  • Hi I know previously it was recommended to stick to under 100 links on the page, but I've run a crawl and mine are over this now with 130+ How important is this now? I've read a few articles to say it's not as crucial as before. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hi there, Has anyone experienced incorrect capitalisation of their brand on mobile - we've tried lots of different things to correct it, but so far none have worked. Any ideas (issue is only on mobile)? Thanks Vic

    On-Page Optimization | | Vict81

  • I recently bought an old competitors expired domain that was ranking around the page 2 or 3 on Google for most keywords that I target. Curious as to best strategy for utilizing this domain: 1. set up some content with back links to my own domain
    2. Set up redirects to set up all of the competitors old domain URLs to corresponding sections on my website
    3. Something else?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | IsaCleanse

  • OK, imagine you have a blog, and you want to make each blog post authoritative so you link out to authority relevant websites for reference. In this case it is two external links per blog post, one to an authority website for reference and one to flickr for photo credit. And one internal link to another part of the website like the buy-now page or a related internal blog post. Now tell me if this is a good or bad idea. What if you nofollow the external links and leave the internal link untouched so all internal links are dofollow. The thinking is this minimizes loss of link juice from external links and keeps it flowing through internal links to pages within the website. Would it be a good idea to lay off the nofollow tag and leave all as do follow? or would this be a good way to link out to authority sites but keep the link juice internal? Your thoughts are welcome. Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Rich_Coffman

  • Hi, We will have pages on the website that will display different page copy and images for different user personas. The main content (copy, headings, images) will be supplied dynamically and I'm not sure how Google will index the B and C variations of these pages. As far as I know, the page URL won't change and won't have parameters. Google will crawl and index the page content that comes from JavaScript but I don't know which version of the page copy the search robot will index. If we set user agent filters and serve the default page copy to search robots, we might risk having a cloak penalty because users get different content than search robots. Is it better to have URL parameters for version B and C of the content? For example: /page for the default content /page?id=2 for the B version /page?id=3 for the C version The dynamic content comes from the server side, so not all pages copy variations are in the default HTML. I hope my questions make sense. I couldn't find recommendations for this kind of SEO issue.

    Technical SEO | | Gyorgy.B

  • Hi, I was curious, if I have a guide with 20 categories, and that guide is in 10 different cities, can I have a category description for each city that simply swaps out the city name? Seattle Big Widgets
    We offer the largest selection of widgets in the Seattle area.  We have small widgets, medium widgets, large widgets. We have so many widgets, most people in Seattle are blown away by our selection. Portland Big Widgets We offer the largest selection of widgets in the Portland area.  We have small widgets, medium widgets, large widgets. We have so many widgets, most people in Portland are blown away by our selection. Would this be considered duplicate content, if it's followed by distinct city listings? Writing 20 decriptions would be nicer than writing 200. Just trying to think about SEO, resources, best use of time, etc. Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | EBKMarketing

  • Hi, I'm doing an audit of a site for a very competitive term (project management software). The site ranks for its root domain on the second page. They have a lot of other non-blog pages that are geared towards longer tail versions that include that term (project management software pricing, project management tool comparison, etc). My question is: are those pages cannibalizing potential search traffic? Should they just stick to the one page (root domain) and include those longtail keywords on the page instead of creating various pages that seem to possibly be cannibalizing traffic? Is this a fair conclusion that these other pages is causing them to rank lower for the main head term?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jim_shook

  • Hi, I thinking about buying a sponsored post about our product on a website we have previously contributed a guest post. Can a new sponsored post make Google think our original guest post was paid for? Thanks, Ori

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dizi377

  • Hello, I want to replace the content of one page of our website (already indexeed) and shift its original content to another page. How can I do this without problems like penalizations etc? Current situation: Page A
    Content: ContentPageA Desired situation: Page A
    Content: NEW CONTENT! Page B
    Content: ContentPageA (The content that was in Page A!) Content of the two pages will be about the same argument (& same keyword) but non-duplicate. The new content in page A is more optimized for search engines. How long will it take for the page to rank better?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | daimpa

  • Hello, We have SSL certificate for our domain only for *, And now, we have few subdomains, as you know, we have two choices: 1. Using HTTPS for subdomain, while it has problem with (SSL error) 2. Using HTTP for subdomain, which has www and non-www with redirects. Which one is good for us?

    Technical SEO | | Anetwork

  • Hi,
    My client has two separate websites with different business names but under one location and phone number. The websites are for two separate services that he offers.
    My question is that if creating two Google+ for business pages for the two businesses bad for their SEO or local ranks?
    And what about creating local listings for both?(This does not seem logical to me personally!!)
    Thank you for the kind answers in advance.

    Local Listings | | alihus

  • So, from a semantic point of view, it's really clear that this isn't the best practice. My question is, does anybody has a REAL experience with this case? Like changing the logo and having some improving (or not) on the general ranks. Please, I am not speaking about "general recommendations", I am speaking about real cases. 'I checked most of the previous answer and couldn't find a answer with "proper experience", only "general semantic recommendation".

    On-Page Optimization | | Nobody1556904963398

  • Hello, We did a 301 redirect from site a to site b back in March. I would check on a daily basis on the index count using query "site:sitename" The past couple of days, the old domain (that was 301 redirected) indexed pages has been rising which is really concerning. We did a 301 redirect back in march 2016, and the indexed count went from 400k pages down to 78k. However, the past 3 days it went from 78k to 89,500. And I'm worried that the number is going to continue to rise. My question - What would you do to investigate / how to investigate this issue? Would it be screaming frog and look at redirects? Or is this a unique scenario that I'd have to do other steps/procedures?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ggpaul562

  • This week, I came across an article citing a fascinating statistic from The Harris Poll which surveyed consumers and found that the #1 reason they shop digitally for groceries is when they can’t purchase an item from their routine shopping sources. In other words, if the supermarket they shop at doesn’t carry Seventh Generation Laundry Soap (or some other product), then they’ll turn to a digital provider for fulfillment. This survey focused specifically on grocery items, but what it sparked in my brain was the fact that ANY local store that doesn’t have in place an active campaign to discover unmet consumer desires is likely going to see an increasing loss of sales as shoppers turn to online competitors. I’m going to jot down a few ideas for how better communication could lessen these types of losses, and I would really love it if our community could add to the list of suggestions: Have in-store signage that states, “Don’t see a favorite product of yours? Ask us to carry it!" Have SMS/text messaging that requests this same info from mobile users. Train staff to ask a clear, direct question like, “Is there anything you wish we carried here?” and have a process for aggregating that data to make new inventory buys. Be sure the company website is also asking for this feedback and making it clear that the store will gladly order items not already in-stock. Use social outreach to gather ideas from customers about favorite products that are missing from your inventory. Those are just some ideas off the top of my head. Now, I’m a Local SEO, not a retailer, so some of you will be better equipped to answer this question than I: How would you gauge whether a product is actually popular enough to keep permanently in-stock, rather than just being a one-time thing you’d special order for a customer with unusual tastes? I do wonder about how that plays into this scenario, and how a retailer should invest in new products not knowing whether just 1 customer will buy them or they will be a major hit with lots of customers. One final thought on this: a pain point I’ve noticed in the online/offline equation is time. I’ve had a store offer to special order an item for me, but if it’s something I need right away, I’ll look for a different source locally, or, if there isn’t one, may as well just order it online myself. So this makes me think: If you have access to extra fast shipping (faster than the average consumer could get a product shipped to his home) this would be a point to emphasize. If you can get a product overnight or maybe in 2 days without the consumer having to spring for a big shipping charge, this could influence his decision Google says that 30% of consumers state they would buy from a local store, rather than online, if they knew a product was available. So, this would indicate to me that making it very clear you’ve got the products a customer wants is vital. I recently took a 50 mile trip to purchase a high quality picnic basket from a retailer, because I needed it quickly. I couldn’t wait the 3-5 business days the manufacturer said it would take if I ordered online. Point being, if a local retailer has geographic convenience and fast service on their side, they’ve got an advantage. Please, add your thoughts and tips for strategies that could protect local retailers from losing customers to digital competitors. I’m really looking forward to reading any comments!

    Local SEO | | MiriamEllis

  • Hello Moz Friends, I wanted to ask about affiliate terms pages. I'm assuming that if I have an affiliate banner where someone clicks on it, and I get a penny, that I need to have an affiliate disclosure or some sort of link saying that I make money. I'm know is some legal ground here, but just curious if this is how the concept works? Thank you so much!

    Web Design | | asbchris

  • Hi Folks, Working on an ecommerce site. I have found a month on month fall in the Index Status continuing since late 2015. This has resulted in around 80% of pages indexed according to Webmaster. I do not seem to have any bad links or server issues. I am in the early stages of working through, updating content and tags but am yet to see a slowing of the fall. If anybody has tips on where to look for to issues or insight to resolve this I would really appreciate it. Thanks everybody! Tim

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Toby-Symec

  • Hi Guy's, On our webshop we link from our menu to categories were we want to rank on in Google. Because the menu is sitewide i guess Google finds the categories in the menu important and meaby let them score better (onside links) The problem that i'm facing with is that we make difference in Gender. In the menu we have: Man and Woman. Links from the menu go to: /categorie?gender=1/ and /category?gender=2/. But we don't want to score on gender but on the default URL. For example: Focus keyword = Shoes Menu Man link: /shoes?gender=1 Menu Woman link:  /shoes?gender=2 But we only want to rank on /shoes/. But that URL is not placed in the menu. Every URL with: "?" has a follow noindex. So i was thinking to make a link in the menu, on man and woman: /shoes/, but on mouse down (program it that way) ?=gender. Is this cloaking for Google? What we also could do is make a canonical to the /shoes/ page. But i don't know if we get intern linking value on ?gender pages that have a canonical. Hope it makes senses 🙂 Advises are also welcome, such as: Place al the default URL's in the footer.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Happy-SEO

  • How to you find the page crawl count per campaign? I have 3 campaigns and Moz stats I have used 150,000 pages from 500,000. I want to check this. Thanks

    Getting Started | | SJMDT

  • Can I not perform a manual update? I setup a campaign without GA as I did not have access, I got access, added the GA account to the campaign but no data is showing as I think I require an update, but have to wait 7 days? Is that right? Thanks

    Getting Started | | SJMDT

  • We are using a tag inside our H1 tag to display a second line of text, usually for extra information and making the tag appeal like a intro text for the visitor and not just a optimized SEO tag. Example: Does this technique affect SEO? Should we consider removing it? Natuursteen grafsteengraniet grafmonument voorbeelden

    Technical SEO | | stepsstones

  • Audits Audits Audits! I am overhauling my AdWords Audit Process and the Documentation and I was wondering if any generous souls our there mind sharing a few ideas or learnings that they have had along the way? I aim to make it as thorough but as quick and automated (think scripts) as possible. I'm also 14 pages into the documentation that I will use for some audits that include explanations, recommendations & definitions. I'd love to hear your opinions on what to Audit, how to audit and how to report on it 🙂

    Paid Search Marketing | | Singularitie

  • Hi Guys, Currently doing KR brainstorming for a client, specifically for a modelling website (where people can hire models). I'm currently using Google Keyword Tool, Competitive Research, and brainstorming to identify new categories/sub-segments of the market like the examples below. Just wondering does anyone know of any good tools or other ways of doing this? Models + City
    Models + State
    Model Gender
    Model Types e.g. promotional models, sports models, youth models
    Models + Nationality
    Models + Hair Colour
    Models + Experience
    Models + Eye Colour Cheers.

    Keyword Research | | jayoliverwright

  • We have a site on which both hreflang tags and canonicals are being used. There are multiple languages, but for this I'll explain our problem using two. There are a ton of dupe page titles coming up in GSC, and we're not sure if we have an issue or not. First, the hreflang tags are implement properly. UK page pointing there, US page pointing there. Further down the page, there are canonical tags - except the UK canonical tag points to the UK page, and the US version points to the US page. I'm not sure if this will cause an issue in terms of SEO or indexing. Has anyone experienced this before or does anything have any insight into this? Thanks much! Matt

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Snaptech_Marketing

  • I was told by a Google My Business representative to include #{keywords} in my description. I was told this would boost my rankings. Has anyone else heard of this?

    Local Listings | | Smart_Start

  • Hello Moz Community, New to Moz and looking forward to beginning my journey towards SEO education and improving our clients' sites. Our client's website is a Shopify store. Our first Moz reports show 686 duplicate content issues. I will show the first 4 as examples. As you can see, URL titles are unique. But I know that the content in each of those products have very similar product descriptions but not exactly. But since they have been flagged as a site issue by Moz, I am guessing that the content is 95% duplicate. So can a rel=canonical be the right solution for this type of duplicate content? Or should I be considering adding new content to each of 686 products to drop below the 95% threshold? Or another solution that I may not be aware of. Thanks in advance for your assistance and expertise! Sean

    Technical SEO | | TheUpdateCompany

  • When looking at Google Trends and my Organic Traffic (using GA) as percentages of their total yearly values I have a correlation of .47. This correlation doesn't seem right when you consider that Google Trends (which is showing relative search traffic data) should match up pretty strongly to your Organic Traffic. Any thoughts on what might be going on? Why isn't Google Trends correlating with Organic Traffic? Shouldn't they be pulling from the same data set? Thanks, Jacob

    Reporting & Analytics | | jacob.young.cricut

  • Hey all, So I found a domain that GWT tells me has 23k links pointing to a landing page. I found that the link is part of their global nav as a text ad and that's why it's probably registering so many links. The site has a DA of 56, is this a bad thing? Could it be hurting the rest of my site's ability to rank? Thanks, Roman

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Dynata_panel_marketing

  • We work with an automotive industry platform provider and whenever a vehicle is removed from inventory, a 404 error is returned. Being that inventory moves so quickly, we have a host of 404 errors in search console. The fix that the platform provider proposed was to return a 422 status code vs a 404. I'm not familiar with how a 422 may impact our optimization efforts. Is this a good approach, since there is no scalable way to 301 redirect all of those dead inventory pages.

    Technical SEO | | AfroSEO

  • Hello Moz World, I am running a Google Adwords campaign utilizing Google Search and Search Partners only. These are traditional text ads. When I look at the analytics through Google Adwords, I am seeing 60 clicks. Great! However, when I look through the keywords in the ad groups, none of my keywords are registering clicks. I also checked search terms under the keyword tab, and no keywords are populating. Where are my ads being clicked, and how can I view information on these clicks. This is a relatively new campaign, and I am still trying to figure out if I am targeting the right keywords. Thanks ahead of time for all the great responses! B/R Will H.

    Paid Search Marketing | | MarketingChimp10

  • We have a property listing site.
    Wandered if its more important to update the results of the listings (adding or deleting them) or is adding new articles more important.?

    Content Development | | nick-name123

  • We have started building some good links but I'm just wandering how important anchor based text ones are now.
    I'm not talking about spamming/going too heavy but a few here and there. What's your recent experience?

    Link Building | | nick-name123

  • Hi, I am probably not the only one having this question regarding the quality of sitelinks in organic results. When your search returns sitelinks, I know the only thing you can do to avoid certain sitelinks to appear is to demote it for that search result. But what can you do about the description. For the main result you are pretty much able to create an appealing description, but when the sitelinks appear, all sitelinks display these crappy 'composed' descriptions. I've read Google did some tests a couple of years ago with multiple descriptions and multiple titles, but this doesn't cover the issue I just described. Is there a way to create 'sitelink descriptions'? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

    SERP Trends | | ConclusionDigital

  • I'm wondering if there are any high keywords I might be missing out on and so I'm wondering what the best way to find keywords for my local niche and also if there's a way to find out who is currently performing best for those local keywords? Thanks

    Local Listings | | michaelmouse

  • Hello Webmasters, My site has incurred a sudden dip in rankings across sections. We conducted an analysis and have observed the following two major issues: Unnatural Links Penalty: Our site was issued an Unnatural Links Penalty on May 23. Basically, we have both 'http' and 'https' versions of our website registered on Webmaster tools. Initially, the warning showed up on the 'http' version and thus we started a cleanup by extracting the linking domains and have also filed a reconsideration request once all the spammy domains were removed and rightly disavowed. Recently, we got another manual action warning on the 'https' version regarding the unnatural links. So we have started with the cleanup activity right away. While analyzing this issue, we came across another major problem regarding the two versions which is our next concern and is mentioned below. https Canonical Issue: For more insights, we went through our site’s content and found that our website is following the below pattern Our 'http' version of the webpages get 301 redirected to the 'https' version. This 'https' version again has a canonical pointing to the 'http' version thus creating a loop. To conclude, I request your valuable learnings and thoughts on the following: Which of these issues are likely to have affected our website’s ranking Which version is likely to be preferred by Google (https or http) in our case

    Technical SEO | | Starcom_Search

  • Hi, We have Google Maps listings for all of our offices but a small office often shows up instead of our head office. Is there any way to get head office showing instead? Thanks

    Local SEO | | Houses

  • Hello, This is a simple question regarding how URLs should be managed for proper results with the hreflang tags. Right now, we have a website in English and German. The hreflang tag is working properly. This is how we currently have it: But we will soon change the way we localize our web, moving out of the sub-domain structure. There is this possibility of localizing the URLs path, but I was wondering if the hreflang tag would work in such case. The new structure would look something like: So my question is: If we localize the keyword in the path of the URL, will the tag still work? Or do they need to be in the same language than the English version. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Kilgray

  • All in all,this business focuses in a very small area,and there are things that others in our business do that we do not.Yes,a guy that knows nothing about SEO... This is a junk removal  business,and some of the competition do everything.This is a small outfit that only hauls junk.Much of the competition that we have sells junk bins,we do not.We just haul junk..we do not paint,or any of the things that they do. I just keep getting things sent to me me in my list here about bin sales etc,and it is making impossible to search for keywords without a way to manage what is coming in some way..Google let me do this,but I am  just hoping to use this tool entirely if I am going to pay for it.Maybe I am lost being new,and confused. How can  I use this tool? Are there any settings,or anything that you can teach a non SEO minded guy like me? Thanks

    Link Explorer | | sliceofhome

  • Started working on a site and learned that the person before me had done a fairly sketchy maneuver and am wondering if it's a net gain to fix it. The site has pages that it wanted to get third party links linking to. Thing is, the pages are not easy to naturally link to boost them in search. So, the woman before me started a new blog site in the same general topic area as the first/main site. The idea was to build up even the smallest bit of authority for the new blog, without tipping Google off to shared ownership. So, the new blog has a different owner/address/registrar/host and no Google Analytics or Webmaster Tools account to share access to. Then, as one method of adding links to the new blog, she took some links that originally pointed to the main site and re-directed them to the blog site. And voila! ...Totally controllable blog site with a bit of authority linking to select pages on the main site! At this point, I could un-redirect those links that give the blog site some of its authority. I could delete the links to the main site on the blog pages. However, on some level it may have actually helped the pages linked to on the main site. The whole thing is so sketchy I wonder if I should reverse it. I could also just leave it alone and not risk hurting the pages that the blog currently links to. What do you think? Is there a serious risk to the main site in this existing set up? The main site has hundreds of other links pointing to it, a Moz domain authority of 43, thousands of pages of content, 8 years old and Open Site Explorer Spam Score of 1. So, not a trainwreck of sketchiness besides this issue. To me, the weird connection for Google is that third party sites have links that (on-page-code-wise) still point to the main site, but that resolve via the main site's redirects to the blog site. BTW, the blog site points to other established sites besides the main site. So, it's not the exclusive slave to the main site. Please let me know what you think. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | 94501

  • Alright, So I'm trying to understand the value of a backlink from a blogger/site owner. Now, as I know, (let's use fashion industry), there are thousands of fashion bloggers with good metrics... Domain Authority 40+ Page Authority 40+ etc. etc. for their home page. And there are THOUSANDS of fashion bloggers that link back to ecommerce sites (backlinks). My question is, is there really much of a value with these backlinks? Sure, the domain authority and page authority is high (  for the given example), BUT wouldn't the page authority automatically be a 1 for a "post" ? Le'ts say one blogger writes a new blog for July 14th and dedicates that blog post about the awesome shoes they have and it links back to an ecommerce site; well, what impact does that make in regards to SEO? And if it does, how long would that take? The biggest issue I see is the ROI. You link build, you get links - and then wait. Or you hope that you'll move up in rankings, but yet they can take months for it to even move the needle. Especially the fact that if it's not a HOME PAGE link...there isn't that "much" of a boost compared to an internal page? So then the NEXT question I have too, wouldn't influencer outreach be the same as far as getting a PBN link, creating web 2.0's, etc.? Let's think about it. You're outreaching to someone so you can benefit something back. It's all unnatural at the end of the day. Would love to discuss. So in summary 1 - Value of influencer outreach links - especially if the post is a brand new content piece.. (page authority being automatically 1) 2- - What exactly IS white hat when really any type of link building is mimicking?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ggpaul562

  • should a website's logo be linked to the "" page or to the "" domain root? Is one better for the search engine robots?

    On-Page Optimization | | mtishman

  • Hello, I work with two ecommerce sites and we've implemented product and review schema back in mid-May. Since implemented, I've seen some of the product prices and review stars start to show up in Google, however, now it seems to be long gone. I've tested sample URLs in Google's rich snippet testing tool and no errors come up and it looks like we have all the required components needed for each schema type. I know Google doesn't for sure show schema, but these sites are a decent size and trustworthy enough where I think they would be showing it. Does anyone have an idea on what I'm missing? Have you experienced something like this? Thanks in advance.

    Reviews and Ratings | | OfficeFurn

  • Here is another tough one we've been dealing with. We publish a niche book. For a decade we kept the information offline (no e-books). However, it was widely scanned and reproduced online. We've filed dozens of DMCA complaints over the years, but have found trying to rid the internet entirely of these infringing pages to be futile. We get 1 closed and find 3 more. Two years ago we decided to put the information online ourselves, to generate an official community for our work it instead of "fighting it". We built a full site with hundreds of pages from the book for readers to use, free. Google indexed us, and we followed basic SEO... But in spite of a prime aged domain and a lot of links, we are literally BURIED in google. There are dozens of complete garbage spam sites that rank way higher than us. I understand ranking takes time, and the niche is competitive. But the low quality landing pages that are ranking above us is just too confusing. We fear our work has been indexed by google so much over the years on other sites they will never connect it to us. We'll always be buried on page 14 as another scrape. What would you do to correct this for a client? Could you?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RetBit

  • We're working on a new buildout, and this one is really important to us. We've put a lot of resources into it. Before we launch, we want the structure to be just right... and this one question is nagging at me. How to structure urls? Consider these two options. The fictitious domain is "". Including all 50 states in the keyword, there are nearly one million searches per month for "ice surfing [state]". We have a page for each state to focus on this traffic. But how would you structure the urls and titles? ** ** One concern is that the duplicate keywords in option 2 seem redundant, and a little spammy. When presented with google search, the matching tags are not as clean. Texas - Ice Surfing Texas - But Yoast automatically suggests option 2. Is this really the best practice? Is there are definitive article on this? THANK YOU!

    On-Page Optimization | | RetBit

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