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  • Hello We sell a product globally but I want to use different keywords to describe the product based on location. For this example let’s say in USA the product is a "bathrobe" and in Canada it’s a "housecoat" (same product, just different name). What this means… I want to show "bathrobe" content in USA (lots of global searches) and "housecoat" in Canada (less searches). I know I can show the content using a geolocation plugin (also found a caching plugin which will get around the issue of people seeing cached versions), using JavaScript or html5. I want a solution which enables someone in Canada searching for "bathrobe" to be able to find our site through Google search though too. I want to rank for "bathrobe" in BOTH USA and Canada. I have read articles which say Google can read the dynamic content in JavaScript, as well as the geolocation plugin. However the plugins suggest Google crawls the content based on location too. I don’t know about JavaScript. Another option is having two separate pages (one for “bathrobe” and one for “housecoat”) and using geolocation for the main menu (if they find the other page i.e. bathrobe page through a Canadian search, they will still see it though). This may have an SEO impact splitting the traffic though. Any suggestions or recommendations on what to do?? What do other websites do? I’m a bit stuck. Thank you so much! Laura Ps. I don’t think we have enough traffic to add subdomains or subdirectories.

    Local Website Optimization | | LauraFalls

  • Over the last year I have noticed a trend in a couple of industries. Google seems to prioritise landing pages with pricing information in the content. This seems more important than it used to. One industry is high end industrial machines. Traditionally there isn't a price list as everything is bespoke for the customer. Low end machines that display an off the shelf price are now ranking higher than they used to. This is frustrating because the different machines meet different customer requirements. However, both sorts of customers are likely to use the same search terms. Has anyone else noticed this trend?

    Algorithm Updates | | Brighton-Soundsystem

  • These, for example: | | 1 | 2 | 29 | 2 | 200 |
    | | 1 | 1 | 25 | 2 | 200 |
    | | 1 | 119 | 40 | 4 | 200 |
    | | 1 | 119 | 40 | 4 | 200 |
    | | 1 | 119 | 40 | 4 | 200 |
    | | 1 | 5 | 31 | 2 | 200 |
    | | Any suggestions/directions for fixing or should I just disregard this "High Priority" moz issue?  Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | writezach

  • I have a client with 2 websites - one is a trucking and rigging company that specializes in installation / moving / removal of safes (site #1), the other offers a product line of safes (site #2).  I originally designed / implemented site #1 and was able to get "safe installation New York", "safe moving New York", and "safe removal New York" in the top 3 search results in.  A little over a year ago, client was approached by another marketing company to create the site #2, who also provided commercial services that I don't.  It was a business decision, and we remained in good relations.  As a result Site #1 went to the new marketing company and they built Site #2. Fast forward to about 3 months ago - Site #1 was infected with malware, client wasn't happy with new service, and asked me to take back the Site #1 ( and remove malware), and take Site #2, and re-work the SEO.  SEO had dramatically fallen off for Site #1, so I've been working the SEO once I was able to get the malware completely removed and reviewed by Google. Site #1 had been redesigned by the other marketing company, essentially retaining the content that I created.  Site #2 has mostly new content, but under "Services", it references the same services that Site #1provides, but the content is exactly the same, except that references to the company for Site #1 also link to Site #1.  So there is duplicate content for 5 pages on both sites.  As it happens, Site #2 that SELLS safes, is ranking #2 for "safe installation new york" for exactly the same content as Site #1 that provides the services.  Site #1 ranks >50 for the same keyphrase. Why would this be?  Has Site #2 taken the lead on this keyphrase because of the malware situation and now Site #1 is being penalized for duplicate content? One other major change on Site #1 is that the web technician used Wordpress's built in page nesting (page is set as child to parent page - nested 3 deep in some cases).  What are the consequences (if there are any) of having a page listed as (for example) vs.  The reason I ask this is that when I Moz page optimize for the first one for "safe installation" I get a lower grade then when I Moz page optimize for the second one.

    Keyword Research | | chill986

  • Okay, working with a large site that, for business reasons beyond organic search, wants to split an existing site in two. So, the old domain name stays and a new one is born with some of the content from the old site, along with some new content of its own. The general idea, for more than just search reasons, is that it makes both the old site and new sites more purely about their respective subject matter.  The existing content on the old site that is becoming part of the new site will be 301'd to the new site's domain. So, the old site will have a lot of 301s and links to the new site. No links coming back from the new site to the old site anticipated at this time. Would like any and all insights into any potential pitfalls and best practices for this to come off as well as it can under the circumstances. For instance, should all those links from the old site to the new site be nofollowed, kind of like a non-editorial link to an affiliate or advertiser? Is there weirdness for Google in 301ing to a new domain from some, but not all, content of the old site. Would you individually submit requests to remove from index for the hundreds and hundreds of old site pages moving to the new site or just figure that the 301 will eventually take care of that? Is there substantial organic search risk of any kind to the old site, beyond the obvious of just not having those pages to produce any more? Anything else? Any ideas about how long the new site can expect to wander the wilderness of no organic search traffic? The old site has a 45 domain authority. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | 94501

  • TL;DR Many sites and CDN’s across the internet use SNI to help keep pages and resources secure Right now, Moz Pro is unable to crawl sites that use SNI, affecting these customers (you will see an 804 HTTPS SSL error if you are affected) This is being fixed, and we are almost ready to provide beta access to SNI customers If you have an SNI site, are a Moz Pro customer, and wish to be a part of this beta - sign up here Detail SNI (Server Name Identification) is an extension to the TLS security protocol that allows for multiple HTTPS websites to be served from the same IP address without requiring them all to use the same certificate.  This was always possible using wildcard certificates, but these are often impractical, since they are restrictive, and require a webmaster to know all of the hostnames to be served at the time of requesting the certificate.  With SNI, a webmaster can issue a single certificate and support multiple (and changing) hostnames. SNI has become increasingly popular over the last couple of years thanks to: Increase in mainstream browser support Its flexibility for usage in CDNs, like Cloudflare Unfortunately the Moz Pro web crawler has not kept up to date with this trend, and is at present unable to crawl sites that use SNI (the symptom is an 804 HTTPS SSL error).  This affects customers with SNI hosted sites, who miss out on the value of Moz Pro’s Site Crawl tools.  Whilst it might seem a simple fix to support SNI, our crawler software uses libraries that are unable to support the technology without a significant re-write. However, I am happy to say that this re-write is in process, and almost ready for testing.  Behind the scenes we have been working on a major overhaul of our crawl technology which you are going to start to see across many of our products. In fact, Moz Content adopted the new crawler this week, resulting in much faster crawls and support for SNI. Moz Pro is not ready for full implementation yet. That said, we are pretty close to being able to beta test with customers.  For that reason we would like to invite any customers with SNI sites into our closed Beta that will likely start some time in August. Some notes about the beta: Initially, it will be a little behind where the current crawl tools are in terms of features and configuration. That said, we will be iterating fast and beta customers will get automatic access to all new features As with any beta there will be bugs and potential data outages - I want to be transparent about this up-front We will be looking for feedback throughout the beta, and we would love to have our customers help shape the future of our software You must be a paid Moz Pro subscriber (or in a free trial) If you are interested please sign up here - Questions and comments welcome below!

    Moz News | | jon.white

  • What is the difference between CJ Affiliates and Criteo Remarketing? Could someone please define the differences? Thank you!

    Affiliate Marketing | | JMSCC

  • Our organization is rebranding, should I start a new analytics property or change the domain in the old one?

    Branding | | sdaily

  • We are in the midst of exploring the best options for developing a "microsite" experience for a client and how we manage the site - subdomain vs. subdirectory... Netscaler redirect vs DNS change. We understand that a subdirectory is best for SEO purposes; however, we anticipate technical limitations when integrating the different hosting platforms and capabilities into the existing site. The proposed solutions that were provided are a netscaler redirect and/or dns changes. Any experience with these solutions?

    Technical SEO | | jgrammer

  • I am not sure, if i have a valid question to ask, but i am a bit stuck.
    We just got a campaign from one client. Its automotive brand offering the same (classified) services to buy and sell used car on their sites. The issue is the have different domains, which is obvious based on which country they are however issue is those domains are not consistent match as a brand. ie my question is here, how could it impact our seo efforts or any such effort to establish a strong brand with this sort situation of different tld as well as different domain under same umbrella. Many Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Mustansar

  • I'm working on a large website (circa 25k pages) that presently just replicates each page title as a meta description. I'm thinking of doing a 'find and replace' in the database so I change: to where the preceeding and following text would be the same in each case eg Is this unique enough? Obviously the individual keyword would make it technically unique each time....and manually changing them would take the rest of my life 🙂

    On-Page Optimization | | abisti2

  • Hi everyone I've just been looking at a few https websites and noticed the http urls weren't redirecting to their https equivalents - why would a website owner not bother redirecting? As an example: I look forward to your feedback. L

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | McTaggart

  • The healthpage says it is operational but I'm getting a ton of  'There was an error getting your data' messages. First I thought, it just happens to smaller pages, since testing it with worked. But even pages like give me this error. I tried logging out an in again and even swithcing browsers - without success. Anyone else having problems like this right now? Cheers, Chris

    Link Explorer | | chrwald

  • Hi Does anyone have an opinion on breaks in meta & whether Google reads what is after the break? For example Tubular Shelves | Easy Store Plus | Heavy Duty Shelving Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • We are having some issues with the data not being reported and sometimes inconsistent with the OSE results. It could just be our computers, but I wanted to see if anyone else was experiencing difficulty. Thanks!

    Link Explorer | | JimmyPage

  • Hey Mozzers! I have a client that I'm helping with some online ad campaigns for lead generation, but they recently had an SEO issue pop up I'm looking into for them. For whatever reason, they have 2 websites. Those are: (newer site) (older site) Their local listing is connected to the older site (above) and that's where they have all of their reviews. I know the BEST solution is probably to nix one of the sites and setup proper redirects, but how can they keep BOTH sites without damaging their SEO efforts? Currently, BOTH sites rank on page one for their primary kw target "chiropractors royal palm beach fl" Appreciate the help! Ricky

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RickyShockley

  • Hi Pep's The blog for my website is integrated, but does not have a URL that matches the text. The company I use for my site say that it can't be changed. Basically it displays numbers instead of text in the url. So I thought, what about starting another blog as well as the original. Would this have any effects on my SEO, negative or positive? Any advice greatly appreciated! 🙂

    Content Development | | MissThumann

  • Hey Mozz'ers- Wondering if yourself or team members us any good social reporting platforms - we are pushing our social media department to become more data driven and want to get some analytics on it. Beyond what we can get out a GA and/or Facebook or each respective platforms tool set - is there a tool you use to bring it all into one place? Thanks!

    Social Media | | paul-bold

  • Hi Moz Friends, I'm looking to try Facebook ads and I see online promo codes, but I'm not sure if they are real. I wrote to Facebook and they laughed at me. So maybe someone has a great idea on where to get even a $25.00 code to try it out. thank you all

    SERP Trends | | asbchris

  • Hello Moz Friends So Google is nudging me to submit an AMP version of my website, but I'm no coder. In fact I'm a Wordpress Addict. So I'm just curious if you have created an AMP version, what do you use? Or did you have to recode an entire new website? Thank you friends! Chris

    Web Design | | asbchris

  • Hello Moz Friends I just wanted to make sure I'm doing things correctly. On google my business your given the option to list your service area. I serve the entire state of Colorado with my internet marketing services. So I listed Colorado as my service area. but Moz Friends, is this the wrong idea? Like should I list the major cities and call it good? So instead of service area Colorado, I should put Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo etc Thank you for your friendly help Chris

    Technical SEO | | asbchris

  • Hi Moz, Sorry if this comes across as a "Do My Job For Me" type of post but we are an E-Commerce store that have been live since January but have not seen any increase in performance on our site and over the past month, have even seen our rankings decrease. We have 1300 products on site and about 1500 pages in total. 1. As for on-site optimization, we have got 2 reviews and follow up reviews with a highly reputable reviewer from People Per Hour and solved any issues she has found. 2. Updated the Meta Data for products and Alt Descriptions for images focusing on the keywords we wish to rank for. We post weekly blogposts linking back to our products. 3. Social Media Campaigns with regular campaigns on FaceBook, Pinterest, Google+ and Twitter. 4. Attempted to build FOLLOW backlinks to articles relating to products on our site. We have also considered purchasing backlinks to improve our situation as we have yet to see any of these pages be crawled by Google over a month later. I have read a guides on Moz and other sites on how to improve our authority and improve rankings but none have offered much by way of practical solution. My question being, is this just a matter of patience or should I be worried/improving anything given we have 0 Domain Authority and Page Authority on all pages? Thanking you in advance, SEO Novice.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | csworkwear

  • Our preproduction site is restricted to a specific IP range. Prelaunch I'd like to use MOZ to check the site but this obviously isn't currently possible. Is there an IP range I can whitelist ?

    Getting Started | | mrphome

  • Hi, We are getting Error Code 612: Error response for robots.txt in our crawl but everything looks to be ok with the robots file. Can you confirm what is wrong? Thanks

    Getting Started | | david.weston

  • Hi everybody, On our pages we have crafted good text paragraphs for SEO purposes. On desktop everything is fine but on mobile the paragraph of text pushes the main content really low on the page. Is there a way of hiding the text while preserving the SEO juices and not getting penalised by Google for spamming techniques? I'd appreciate any recommendations on how to deal with this. Thanks very much!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Firebox

  • My company (x) is about to merge with another company (y) to become xy... As part of that, I'm thinking that Moz local is going to help with changing the name of the company in the directories. If I sign up as company x to change the listings to xy... will I need to sign up a separate account with y (with a y e-mail address) to change the listings to xy also? I would like to kick off the process a few days before the effective merge date when xy goes live. Thanks, Stu

    Moz Local | | Stuart26

  • Hi all, *Admin please feel free to remove or add this to any existing post. I have searched the community for any similar questions. While checking in the Google Search Console, under the "Security Issues" (lone section) I have found Google pointing out specific pages of our website where the message we are seeing is "Content injection - These pages appear to be modified by a hacker with the intent of spamming search results." The Learn More link takes us to We've never injected spam code or have not been injected with any spammy code so what baffles me is why would Google pick this up when we have mentioned to them very clear that our code is secure and not hacked. Has anyone received a similar message and had any luck removing the message correctly? Thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SP1

  • Hi everyone, I hope you are having a good week? My website has several subdomains that I had shut down some time back and pages on these subdomains are still appearing in the Google search result pages. I want all the URLs from these subdomains to stop appearing in the Google search result pages and I was hoping to see if anyone can help me with this. The subdomains are no longer under my control as I don't have web hosting for these sites (so these subdomain sites just show a default hosting server page). Because of this, I cannot verify these in search console and submit a url/site removal request to Google. In total, there are about 70 pages from these subdomains showing up in Google at the moment and I'm concerned in case these pages have any negative impacts on my SEO. Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

    Technical SEO | | QuantumWeb62

  • I have a client site that I am beating my head against the wall for right now. Three months into a 100% white hat campaign, we can't get him ranking in the top 150. Here's the cliffsnotes: Built a new wordpress website All on page SEO has been done and score an A+ for his primary kws Robots.txt is setup correctly .htaccess is setup correctly new domain multiple 95 DA, 50 PA links from reputable, national sites. Yext Local listings SSL, CDN, Speed optimized Has 19 pages indexed by Google Posting one blog a week for him Granted his primary keyword is a hyper competitive kw, but still, I've been doing this for 8 years and never seen a guy be stuck on the 16th page for so long for the sort of links we are building him. I'm genuinely stumped here and could use some help.

    Local Website Optimization | | BrianJGomez

  • Hey Mozzers! We're working with a client that has closed it's home theater store and moved online. Both the online store and the retail location operated under the same name, but we've now launched a new site and rebranded the name and look. When I search the old business name, it shows the Google local business as permanently deleted, and also shows deleted Yelp profile and other directory listings. The first organic result is the new site, which catches the footer that reads a trademark of (old business name). How can I clean up the citations for the previous business? Also, I'd like to have more control over the old business SERP page. My idea was to create a press release addressing the new business change in name and branding. Any other ideas? Lastly, the new business name SERP is completely bare. The second organic result is the new site, but the remaining listings are confusing and unrelated. The press release should help here. Other than that, should I build out new directories for the ecommerce site? Maybe start building profiles and participating in related forums to show traction in SERPs? Thanks for your help!

    Branding | | localwork

  • Hey gang, Russ Jones from Moz has been doing a ton of heavy lifting work to try to get around the new problem posed by Google AdWords recent change to merged-keyword volume data. But, we're fighting back against this obfuscation in Keyword Explorer. I'm sharing two emails (slightly edited) from Russ about what we're doing here: Introduction to the Problem: Google Adwords Keyword Planner is the primary source for keyword search volume (how often a keyword is searched monthly on Google) for much of the search marketing industry. While Google has grouped together highly-similar terms for a while (especially misspellings), in June of 2016 they dramatically increased this keyword-grouping. This means similar phrases like "keyword rank", "keyword ranking" and "keyword rankings" would all be reported as having the same, combined search volume, rather than their individual search volumes. If you were to take Google's numbers at face value, you might think there are 3,000 searches per month for these 3 terms, when in reality there is only 1,000, divided amongst the 3 terms. How we are addressing it: Moz's Keyword Explorer uses a blend of data sources, not just Keyword Planner, to build our volume metrics. This gives us a distinct advantage in that we can adjust the volume of words that deviate dramatically in one data set verses another. Take for example the phrases "keyword rank", "keyword ranking", and "keyword rankings". While Google Keyword Planner might report all of these as having 1,000 searches per month, Moz Keyword Explorer can detect that these numbers are significantly higher than what our models would predict given our other data sets. We can then adjust the volume accordingly. Moreover, given our huge keyword data set, we can also identify grouped phrases (like these 3) and divide the volume proportionally to what we see in our other data sets. Thus, we address the grouping problem from multiple directions. Here's email #2 from Russ, detailing more of how we're attacking this: I have been working pretty much non-stop on this keyword volume disambiguation problem (finding the real search volume of individual keywords when Google clumps several together). I think I have settled on a pretty good solution and am working on getting it all in. For example... Google Keyword Volume for the phrases "briefcase for women" and "briefcases for women" are both at 3600 because they have been lumped together. My disambiguation script says the singular (briefcase for women) should be 2731 and the plural should be 869. Google Trends roughly agrees with this, showing that the singular is searched more than 2x the plural: Basically, Keyword Explorer should already be providing some more accurate/segmented numbers than AdWords, and in the future, we'll get even better thanks to our clickstream data and our evolving models. Any questions, let us know!

    Moz Bar | | randfish

  • So my client has been asking for definitive proof of why the search query data provided on Google Search Console does not exactly match up the data presented directly in the Search Console itself.  The simple answer is that the Google Search Console is limited to 1000 rows of data.  However our client is requesting a Google article/documentation of why the new Search Console beta tool has no row limit (hence much more data for a big website). I know that the Google Search Console API was available before Google announced the new Search Console Beta tool in Google Analytics.  I also know this API could pull in more data than the 1000 row limit.  However is there any article available (preferably from Google) that Google Analytics is pulling this Search Console data via API? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | RosemaryB

  • Hi guys, hope you're all good. I am currently in the process of designing a new sitemap hierarchy to ensure that every page on the site gets indexed and is accessible via Google. It's important that our sitemap file is well structured, divided and organised into relevant sub-categories to improve indexing. I just wanted to make sure that it's all good before forwarding onto the development team for them to consider. At the moment the site has everything thrown into /sitemap.xml/ and it exceeds the 50k limit. Here is what I have came up with: A primary sitemap.xml referencing other sitemap files, each of the following areas will have their own sitemap of which is referenced by /sitemap.xml/. As an example, sitemap.xml will contain 6 links, all of which link to other sitemaps. Product pages; Blog posts; Categories and sub categories; Forum posts, pages etc; TV specific pages (we have a TV show); Other pages. Is this format correct? Once it has been implemented I can then go ahead and submit all 6 separate sitemaps to webmaster tools + add a sitemap link to the footer of the site. All comments are greatly appreciated - if you know of a site which has a good sitemap architecture, please send the link my way! Brett

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Brett-S

  • Hello, Here is my business info: Bright Vessel 18487 SE Federal Hwy #5
    Jupiter, FL 33469 561.935.6418 "One of your listings managed by Moz Local appears to no longer have data on either Google or Facebook. As a result we're pausing further updates. However, information distributed so far will be unaffected for the duration of your subscription." I checked both my accounts and saw the only discrepancy was the suite # was missing on Facebook. I added but I am not sure what else I need to do. Can someone help? Thanks, Judd

    Moz Local | | brightvessel

  • Hi everyone, Hope you're all having a great day, I have a question in regards to a site which I am about to disavow. Over the past 2 months a certain page of ours has dropped from the 2nd page, all the way to the 7th. I haven't been able to diagnose why, however, yesterday I discovered that a site has been using an Lafitte link on his sidebar, the link is a do-follow. Webmaster tools indicates that this site has linked to us over 24,000 times. I understand that this link could potentially ruin our rankings - however, in terms of disavowing, what is the best approach here? Do I disavow their domain, or do I disavow the actual affiliate link also? The link is placed within an image, once  the image is clicked it redirects you to another link for a second then redirects to our money site. We have got in touch with our affiliate program and they have made the link a no-follow, however, we are pretty certain this site is causing issues for us and we want to go ahead and disavow. Thanks, Brett

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Brett-S

  • My website is non www ,it has wordpress in subdirectory and some static webpages in the root and other subdirectory 1. i want to remove .html extention from the webpages in the root and
    the others static webpages in subdirectory.
    2. add slash at the end.
    3. 301 redirect from non slash to url with slash. so it should be to and to the below code 1. working with non slash at the end **2. **redirect 301 url with slash to non here's my .htaccess <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /</ifmodule> #removing trailing slash
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d     
    RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ $1 [R=301,L] #www to non
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.(([a-z0-9_]+.)?$ [NC]
    RewriteRule .? http://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L] #html
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.html [NC,L] #index redirect
    RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /index.html\ HTTP/
    RewriteRule ^index.html$ [R=301,L]
    RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} .html
    RewriteRule ^(.*).html$ /$1 [R=301,L] PS everything is ok with the wordpress , the problems with static pages only. Thanks in advanced

    Technical SEO | | Uber_

  • Hi All, I would love if someone could help and provide some insights on this.  We're a financial institution and have a set of products that we offer. We have recently joined with another brand and will now be offering all our products to their customers. What we are looking to do is have 1 site that masks the content for both sites so it appears as there are 2 seperate brands with different content - in fact we have a main site and then a sister brand that offers the same products. Is there anyway to do this so when someone searches for Credit Card from Brand A it is indexed under Brand A and same when someone searched for Credit Card from Brand B it is indexed under Brand B. The one thing is we would not want to rel:can the pages nor be penalised by googles latest PR algorithm. Hope someone can help! Thanks Dave

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CFCU

  • Hey, let's say I'm on the following page.. I view the page source and it looks like this.. My question is, should I remove the parameter for the hreflang tag???? I just need some clarification that NO parameter page should have a canonical tag and / or href lang with parameters..

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ggpaul562

  • Hey so, For our site 
    we have the desktop version: The mobile version So...on the desktop version we'd have the following.. |   | Now my question is, what do we do as far as canonicals on the actual mobile URL? Would it be this? | |
    |   | OR are we NOT supposed to have mobile canonical tags whatsoever since we've already added "rel alternate" ? Would like some clarificaiton. |   |   |

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ggpaul562

  • Hey, I noticed that the number of duplicate title tags increased from 14k to 30k in Google Search Console. These dup title tags derived from having the incorrect canonical tags. For instance, These two are the same exact pages with two parameters (These are not unisex by the way). Anyway, when I viewed the page source, it had the parameter in the canonical tag so.... it would look like this So whether it be The canonical tag had the "?d=Womens" I figured that wasn't best practices, so for the canonical tag I removed the parameter so now the canonical tag is  for that specific page with parameter (if that makes sense). My question is, why did my number of errors doubled after what I thought fixed the solution?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ggpaul562

  • Hi, I'm wondering what everyone's thoughts are on adding UTM tags to your business directories such as google my business, yelp, yellow pages ect. Would it be beneficial in sorting the data in GA? That way I can easily see which directories are performing the best. Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | Sally94

  • I have been trying to research using AMP to improve our mobile speed. We have a whole lot of sites on the same platform managed by a CMS. From what I have read, AMP html can only be used on static pages. Does that mean we would not be able to incorporate this into the html through our CMS? I would like to implement this across all our homepages to test the effectiveness of it if possible, but there is no way to rebuild all our homepages statically. Any advice is much appreciated!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | chrisvogel

  • We are developing an online guide that will provide information and listing for a few different cities in Canada and the US. We have blog content that will be pulled into each different city's blog articles page. Some articles are location agnostic and can be displayed for any city, and other articles will only be city specific, and only appear under a particular city. From what I know of SEO, it seems that this is a perfect example for the use of canonicalization. So for article that will appear in multiple city guides, should there be a tag that points to a home for that article Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | EBKMarketing

  • So it's common practice to include the city/state in page titles and within the content. However let's say that a business is located in a small town, but serves customers in surrounding, larger towns.  You might say that it's not worth mentioning the small town because there would be few searchers in that area. However, does Google take into account the distance a searcher is from the business location, in relation to the page title, as well as the Google my Business page? Obviously you can't go stuffing all of the surrounding towns into your homepage or main service pages. Is there any value in mentioning the small town, or is it fine to leave it out too? What has been your experience?

    Local Website Optimization | | OliverNeely

  • I just saw in 'Just discovered' section of MOZ that 2 new backlinks have appeared back to my website - from spammy websites which look like they might be associated with inappropriate content. 1. peepshow says: (peepshow links off to my site)07/17/2016 at 8:55 pm2. voyeur says: (voyeur linking off to my site)
    July 17, 2016 at 7:58 pm Any ideas if this is someone trying to send me negative SEO and best way to deal with it? 

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | IsaCleanse

  • Details: Hello.  Looking at the duplicate page url report that comes out of Moz, is the best tactic to a) use 301 redirects, and b) should the url that's flagged for duplicate page content be pointed to the referring url?  Not sure where the 301 redirect should be applied... should this url, for example: <colgroup><col width="452"></colgroup>
    | | which is listed in the first column of the Duplicate Page Content crawl, be pointed to referring url in the same spreadsheet?  Or, what's the best way to apply the 301 redirect?  thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | compassseo

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