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  • Looking for input please on best process from an SEO point of view: We hold a webinar We promote webinar in the website (wordpress) as an event When the webinar finishes we un-publish the event and create a resource page for the recorded webinar and copy the content of the original event post I'm seeing 404's due to the webinar event pages being unpublished. Should I be 301'ing the events to the resource page or keep both? or some other proposal? Many thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | w4rdy

  • Hi everyone - hope you are well. I can't get my head around why we are ranking 1st for a specific keyword, but then when 's' is added to the end of the keyword - we are ranking on the second page. What could be the cause of this? I thought that Google would class both of the keywords the same, in this case, let's say the keyword was 'button'. We would be ranking 1st for 'button', but 'buttons' we are ranking on the second page. Any ideas? - I appreciate every comment.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Brett-S

  • The end of April, we made the switch from http to https and I was prepared for a surge in crawl errors while Google sorted out our site. However, I wasn't prepared for the surge in impossibly incorrect URLs and partial URLs that I've seen since then. I have learned that as Googlebot grows up, he'she's now attempting to read more javascript and will occasionally try to parse out and "read" a URL in a string of javascript code where no URL is actually present. So, I've "marked as fixed" hundreds of bits like /TRo39, 
    etc., etc.... But they are also returning hundreds of otherwise correct URLs with a .html extension when our CMS system generates URLs with a .uts extension like this:
    when it should be: Worst of all, when I look at them in GSC and check the "linked from" tab it shows they are linked from themselves, so I can't backtrack and find a common source of the error. Is anyone else experiencing this? Got any suggestions on how to stop it from happening in the future? Last month it was 50 URLs, this month 150, so I can't keep creating redirects and hoping it goes away. Thanks for any and all suggestions!
    Liz Micik

    Algorithm Updates | | LizMicik

  • Say I have an opportunity to get another link from a high authority site that has already linked an important article from me (a page I REALLY want to rank well). Now a month later, they are interviewing me and asking what I'd like to link. I have plenty of good content I can offer, but I really want that page they already linked to to climb a bit in the rankings. So my question is, how is that second link best spent? Would linking to the same page give it a boost? Or does Google see it as "oh. Another link from the same domain. Yippee." Would that link do more for a different page on my site at this point?

    Link Building | | cbrant777

  • Hi, We have had roughly 1000+ requests per 24 hours from Google-adsbot to our confirmation pages. This generates an error as the confirmation page cannot be viewed after closing or by anyone who didn't complete the order. How is google-adsbot finding pages to crawl that are not linked to anywhere on the site, in the sitemap or linked to anywhere else? Is there any harm in a google crawler receiving a higher percentage of errors - even though the pages are not supposed to be requested. Is there anything we can do to prevent the errors for the benefit of our network team and what are the possible risks of any measures we can take? This bot seems to be for evaluating the quality of landing pages used in for Adwords so why is it trying to access confirmation pages when they have not been set for any of our adverts? We included "Disallow: /confirmation" in the robots.txt but it has continued to request these pages, generating a 403 page and an error in the log files so it seems Adsbot doesn't follow robots.txt. Thanks in advance for any help, Sam

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoeuroflorist

  • Hi Does anyone have any great examples of an ecommerce site which has great content on category pages or product listing pages? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hi guys, We are currently working on increasing our online marketing presence and with a new website on the cards I am turning to all of our B2B business directories to update, and being tracking referrals etc to see ones that may be worth premium listings. I have a list of 200 business directories to scope and check,  some are relevant some are not, obviously i dont want to sign up to them all and risk a dodgy link profile so im going to be selective, but im not sure how many to aim for etc. So im looking for some general advice and guidance at this early stage so I can properly plan my approach. What advice would you give and are there any major DO's and DONT's of sorting through these directories  to look for some new ways to source customers. EDIT: We are UK based Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | ATP

  • MOZ crawler is telling me we have loads of duplicate content issues. We use a Job Board plugin on our Wordpress site and we have allot of duplicate or very similar jobs (usually just a different location), but the plugin doesn't allow us to add any rel canonical tags to the individual jobs. Should I disallow the /jobs/ url in the robots.txt file? This will solve the duplicate content issue but then Google wont be able to crawl any of the individual job listings Has anyone had any experience working with a job board plugin on Wordpress and had a similar issue, or can advise on how best to solve our duplicate content?? Thanks 🙂

    Technical SEO | | O2C

  • Hey everyone, I'm currently working with a client that has 250 locations across the United States. Each location has its own website and each website has the same 10 service pages. All with identical content (the same 500-750 words) with the exception of unique meta-data and NAP which has each respective location's name, city, state, etc. I'm unsure how duplicate content works at the local level. I understand that there is no penalty for duplicate content, rather, any negative side-effects are because search engines don't know which page to serve, if there are duplicates. So here's my question: If someone searches for my client's services in Miami, and my client only as one location in that city, does duplicate content matter? Because that location isn't competing against any of my client's other locations locally, so search engines shouldn't be confused by which page to serve, correct? Of course, in other cities, like Phoenix, where they have 5 locations, then I'm sure the duplicate content is negatively affecting all 5 locations. I really appreciate any insight! Thank you,

    Local Website Optimization | | SEOJedi51

  • I've read a number of articles on SEO and main navigation for websites. I'd like to get a solid answer/recommendation to help solve this one. This is the situation. We're helping a local business that offers pest control and property maintenance services. Under each of these, there area a number of services available, eg, cockroach control, termite inspections or lawn mowing services, rubbish removal and so on. Is it best to have a main nav containing the top keywords for the services - Pest Control | Property Maintenance, with a drop down to the services under each. Or, a simple approach - Our Services > drop down to each - Pest Control > Termite Inspections, etc. My concern here is that they have quite a lot of services, so the nav could be way too long. Really appreciate any assistance here. Many thanks.

    Local Website Optimization | | RichardRColeman

  • Recently I was looking up law schools in Texas and came across a SERP listing I had never seen before. Google provided the category "law school" and narrowed it down by geographic location. I checked the code on both websites for schema and was unable to locate it. Furthermore, one GMB listing was claimed and another was not. I'm wondering why both Texas A&M School of Law and Houston College of Law showed up but University of Texas Law School did not. I have attached a screenshot of the SERP to see if anyone has seen this before or can provide any insight. Search term was "list of law schools in texas" but the same snippet showed up for "best law schools in texas." Thanks 8XHvZt4.png

    Local Listings | | DigitalMarketingSEO

  • I know this is a long shot, but are there plans to eventually filter keyword volumes by location like the Google AdWords tool does today? Or is that never going to happen? Assuming not, are there other recommended avenues for teasing out keyword volumes of a local vicinity? I work for a health system, so nearly all of our customers are local. So I always feel like I have to guess on words like "urgent care" since obviously I'm not trying to rank nationally, but often people do not use a geo modifier term when searching.

    Feature Requests | | Patrick_at_Nebraska_Medicine

  • Hey all, So I checked out "The What, Why, and How of Pruning Your Website for SEO" and recently read ahrefs well known article on seo strategy and both really focused on the idea of removing poorly performing pages on your site for an SEO boost. I've asked this question in a few different ways before but I was hoping to get some more insight into this. If my company's blog has thousands of posts going back 5 years, 99% of which only really had pageviews on the day of their release and then after that receive no traffic, direct or organic, am I better off getting rid of (301) 99% of these posts and only sticking to/improving important/performant posts? Does anyone know how other blogs/sites deal with these sorts of issues. Where one function of the blog is to provide informative articles and the other function to post little tidbits (with barely any copy and rapid relevancy decay rate) meant to promote interaction with the blog community (like polls or one line contest winner announcements). Is this an issue of misusing the blog? For example, should the blog just be used for articles and all contests etc. be moved to social media? Thanks in advance for your insights, Roman

    Social Media | | Dynata_panel_marketing

  • Hi all, On our site, due to the fact we only have some 120 or so products split across 5 different categories we have a dropdown menu that displays all of the products in the menu. Forgetting usability for a moment, my question is whether by having links to all of products appear on each and every page (because they are in the main menu), are we diluting the content on the page. For example, if I take a particular product - the main phrase I want that page to be discovered for is "perspex sheet". This phrase does appear in the H1, H2 and within the main description of the product - but, as mentioned, each of our pages has some 120+ internal links due to the menu which contain all sorts of product names that arent relevant to "perspex sheet". The Moz report does flag a Medium issue on every page due to the number of internal links. I don't know whether I'm making a fuss about nothing, or whether this does have some serious side effects. It's an eCommerce site so of course im nervous of making changes that could have an adverse affect on our rankings. I thought there used to be a tool on Moz that showed what phrases a page was optimised for but i can no longer find that tool. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Regards,

    Technical SEO | | SimplyPlastic

  • I've been creating KW lists using the new Moz Pro tool and I love the quick visualization of all the different serp features those keywords are triggering in aggregate, however I'd love to be able to filter the list to see which keywords are triggering videos without having to do a SERP Analysis one at a time to see the listings. Is there a way to do that? Thanks!

    Feature Requests | | digitasseo

  • Hi all, I recently took over SEO efforts for a large e-commerce site (I would prefer not to disclose). About a month ago, I began to notice a significant drop in traffic from Bing and uncovered in Bing Webmaster Tools that three different versions of the sitemap were submitted and Bing was crawling all three. I removed the two out of date sitemaps and re-submitted the up to date version. Since then, I have yet to see Bing traffic rebound and the amount of pages indexed by Bing is still dropping daily. During this time there has been no issue with traffic from Google. Currently I have 1.3 million pages indexed by Google while Bing has dropped to 715K (it was at 755K last week and was on par with Google several months ago). I know that no major changes have been made to the site in the past year so I can't point to anything other than the sitemap issue to explain this. If this is indeed the only issue, how long should I expect to wait for Bing to re-index the pages? In the interim I have been manually submitting important pages that aren't currently in the index. Any insights or suggestions would be very much appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | tdawson09

  • I made a small change on an ecommerce site that had big impacts I didn't consider... About six weeks ago in an effort to clean up one of many SEO-related problems on an ecommerce site, I had a developer rewrite the URLs to replace underscores with hyphens and redirect all pages throughout the site to that page with the new URL structure. We didn't immediately update our sitemap to reflect the changes (bad!) and I just discovered all the redirects are 302s... Since these changes, most of the pages have a page authority of 1 and we have dropped several spots in organic search. If we were to setup 301 redirects for the pages that we changed the URL structure would there be any changes in organic search placement and page authority or is it too late?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Nobody1611699043941

  • Hi there, One of my clients is asking why there's this big SEO result when What kind of search results are thos with this big video first result? Any tips how to achieve this? Something related with the views, video description?. I tested a few other similar queries, even big brands included in the search query and this kind of SEO result does not show up. Any help would be appreciated, thanks! qGwcE

    Image & Video Optimization | | poliedric

  • I was filling out our profile on Best of Web, and their site states there is a promo code for Moz Pro members...but I can't find it on the Perks' page. Feel free to respond via email or PM if you all don't want the info to be public. Email is Thanks, Ruben

    Product Support | | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hi Guys, I am currently working with an eCommerce site which has site-wide duplicate content caused by currency URL parameter variations. Example: My initial thought is to create a bunch of canonical tags which will pass on link equity to the core URL version. However I was wondering if there was a rule which could be implemented within the .htaccess file that will make the canonical site-wide without being so labour intensive. I also noticed that these URLs are being indexed in Google, so would it be worth setting a site-wide noindex to these variations also? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NickG-123

  • Hello. I check the QA and didnt find an answer to this. I've check one link on my site which is indexed by google but not by mozopensite explorer. If i search the url i find it on google but not i nopen site explorer. This only means that open site explorer havent find it. IF google index that page this means i'm getting the juice? My question is if google index a page for sure it follow one of the links (follow link). This is importan for me since this is my best DA link, probably a game changer for us. Also, Is there a Way to force opensiteexplorer to crawl this page? Thank you.

    Link Explorer | |

  • Question... I have a few clients that rank well for Google (first page) but are not ranking as well on Bing (page 5). Any suggestions on what to do to increase Bing ranking? I understand that Google and Bing use different algorithms, but just curious how you can increase ranking. Appreciate your input. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kdruckenbrod

  • We currently have two verified GMB listings at the same address - I "inherited" these when I joined the company, and was considering merging them, as I am aware it is generally not recommended to have more than one listing per company per location. However, the two listings highlight two different sectors of our company so I decided to keep both and optimised them as best as possible by completing the information, adding pictures etc. One of the listings uses our legal company name, one uses our name that we trade under as an e-commerce business. The listing with our legal company name links to our corporate website and focuses on installations we do, while the listing with our e-commerce business name links to our ecommerce website and focuses on products we sell through there so they differ a bit from each other. Both serve the entire country, so they are not targeted specifically toward local searches. The following differ: Business name, sector, website
    The following are the same: Address, phone number, opening hours So far we haven't had any issues, both are verified and show up in Google, but recently, we have had the following notification pop up: Fix locations with duplicate addresses__Use shop codes to differentiate locations that have the same address. Click each location and give it a unique address or shop code, or remove it. I'd appreciate some advice as to what would be best in this situation. Should I just add shop codes to differentiate the two listings in order to be able to keep them both? If so, what purpose do these shop codes have, how should I format these and will these be publicly visible within our listings? If you would suggest merging them, how could I ensure that it shows up whether people search for our e-commerce business name or for our legal business name as these are different? Thanks in advance!

    Local Listings | | ViviCa1

  • Hello to all, I'm Silvia. I am writing to ask if any of you know this site: It is a domains broker. They contacted my client and would like to sell the .com business domain (my client currently has the .it). Does anyone know them? Thanks you for your help.

    Technical SEO | | advmedialab

  • Hi I've been looking at how we paginate our product pages & have a quick question on canonicals. Is this the right way to display.. Or should the canonical point to the main page, so Google doesn't pick up duplicate meta information? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hi I wanted to see what opinions were on having a product listings on paginated pages vs. loading as the user scrolls? We use pagination but I have heard scroll may be better for SEO? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hi, I'm a bit confused about the actual purpose of the social settings in Admin > Property > Social Settings. I've read some blogs saying it just helps analyse traffic that has arrived from your social media pages. Then I've found other sources saying you should add your own domain in there so you can track likes and shares sent from your website to social media platforms. What do I actually need to put in there and how does it help my data? Thanks!

    Social Media | | Sally94

  • I have noticed that the Page Authority for my posts in my blog are all hovering around 1 and the rest of the pages on my website are around 20. The Domain Authority for my website is 16 and I think the page authority of my posts are negatively affecting my Domain Authority as I write more content. Any suggestions or recommendations as to why posts have such low Page Authority compared to similar pages. I have images, links, and great content in my posts, but they are considerably lower in Page Authority*

    Technical SEO | | JoeyGedgaud

  • Hi I have a URL that produced page 1, number 1 to 3 for most of our industries top phrases. Then we received a google penalty, (as did several of our competitors on the same day). We were effectively wiped from google. After much disavowing we were allowed back into the search results, this took about 3 months. I have employed the services of a top London SEO company for over a year now and have seen no significant improvement. I believe they are doing there best, however there results are VERY poor. According to the various tools, (searchmetrics, woorank, semrush) to name but a few, our site scores very well, yet we are not getting the results. Page one seems to be full of totally new websites, most of which I have never heard of, and have appeared from nowhere. Should I scrap our URL and put up a completely new one, and put a redirect from the original one? This would be a biggy since our url has been around for 20 years. Thanks for reading. Andy

    On-Page Optimization | | First-VehicleLeasing

  • Hi We have an issue with images on our site not being found or indexed by Google. We have an image sitemap but the images are served on the Sitecore powered site within <divs>which Google can't read. The developers have suggested the below solution:</divs> Googlebot class="header-banner__image" _src="/~/media/images/accommodation/arctic-canada/arctic-safari-camp/arctic-cafari-camp-david-briggs.ashx"/>_Non Googlebot <noscript class="noscript-image"><br /></span></em><em><span><div role="img"<br /></span></em><em><span>aria-label="Arctic Safari Camp, Arctic Canada"<br /></span></em><em><span>title="Arctic Safari Camp, Arctic Canada"<br /></span></em><em><span>class="header-banner__image"<br /></span></em><em><span>style="background-image: url('/~/media/images/accommodation/arctic-canada/arctic-safari-camp/arctic-cafari-camp-david-briggs.ashx?mw=1024&hash=D65B0DE9B311166B0FB767201DAADA9A4ADA4AC4');"></div><br /></span></em><em><span></noscript> aria-label="Arctic Safari Camp, Arctic Canada" title="Arctic Safari Camp, Arctic Canada" class="header-banner__image image" data-src="/~/media/images/accommodation/arctic-canada/arctic-safari-camp/arctic-cafari-camp-david-briggs.ashx" data-max-width="1919" data-viewport="0.80" data-aspect="1.78" data-aspect-target="1.00" > Is this something that could be flagged as potential cloaking though, as we are effectively then showing code looking just for the user agent Googlebot?The devs have said that via their contacts Google has advised them that the original way we set up the site is the most efficient and considered way for the end user. However they have acknowledged the Googlebot software is not sophisticated enough to recognise this. Is the above solution the most suitable?Many thanksKate

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | KateWaite

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm delivering some Google Analytics (Fundamentals level) training, and trying to make it was fun and as interesting as possible... which is quite a challenge when it comes to GA. I was just wondering if you're aware of training tasks, or interactions, I could bring into this kind of training session? The group are particularly interested in user journeys and the effectiveness of content. Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | A_Q

  • Hi, We are using custom wordpresss posts to showcase different services we provide, these are then grouped within custom archives. These custom archive pages are our main keyword landing pages and traffic generators (although ranking is fairly average). It's come to my attention that these custom posts have also been listed in the wordpress standard categories, with an identical title, excerpts and near identical urls as the custom archives. This appears to have been the case for quite a while. We are concerned that this is may causing duplicate content issues and unsure how to proceed. We have been advised to simply no-index the redundant 'standard' categories but as they have been indexed for some time we are cautious of causing any upset with search engines (although the categories are indexed they are not ranking for any major keywords) Are we best 301ing the redundant category to the custom archives or using a canonical tags or simply no-indexing the categories like other archive pages? Any advice is aprreciated Many thanks BC

    On-Page Optimization | | benct

  • Hello everyone, I have a pretty large e-commerce website and a bunch (about 1,000) affiliates using our in-house affiliate system we built several years ago (about 12 years ago?). All our affiliates link to us as follows:[aff_nickname] Then our site parses the request, stores a cookie to track the user, then 301 redirects to the clean page URL below: Since 2013 we require all affiliates to link to us by using the rel="nofollow" tag to avoid any penalties, but I still see a lot of affiliate links not using the nofollow or old affiliates that have not updated their pages. So... I was reading on this page from Google, that any possible "scheme" penalization can be fixed by using either the nofollow tag or by using an intermediate page listed on the robots.txt file: Do you think that could really be a reliable solution to avoid any possible penalization coming from affiliate links not using the "nofollow" tag? I have searched and read around the web but I couldn't find any real answer to my question. Thanks in advance to anyone. Best, Fab.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fablau

  • I'm looking for some feedback to implement best practice for the markup of our header/navigation at the top of our site. Our organization name and a tag line is at the top of every page on the left, then our logo, then our navigation to items like "Topics" "FAQs" "About us" etc is to the right along the top. Our organization name includes the most frequently searched keyword for what we want to rank on, and our organization name is our domain name. A couple other background items: we're a non-profit startup and no code is public yet -- hence, I'll be explaining what we're going for.  We're coding in straight html/css, not using Wordpress or anything like that. When we originally DIY coded our draft homepage and a few landing pages, we put the organization name and tag line into the markup as text, to look like this: Organization name                    | Pretty |                        Navigation items over here
          Explanatory fun tag line       | Cool   |
    --------------------------------------- |  Logo  | --------------------------------------------------------- Then we outsourced the markup of two more landing pages to a company that does on-demand orders for responsive markup, based on png's we sent of the designs.  The company's code renders a fabulous looking version of our design, and important for usability, it is responsive.  The company also did something else I'm not so sure of.  They made one big image out of our organization name, tag line and logo ... because?  The indenting and different font sizes of the Organization name and tag line was too hard to code in?  Or is it just best practice for html standards, SEO, etc. to make it one big logo?? Now, as part of an overall effort I'm working on to reconcile our different code ... I'm mulling right now specifically on reconciling the different approaches we each took and incorporating new best practices for the header ... based on what I'm reading online about headers, including debates about whether to use h1 for your company name, whether using an image for the name is fine, advice about including markup for logos, etc. Given all this, which of these two options look better to you?  Do they seem equally good to you?  What would you change about the one that looks better to you?  What do I have wrong in them?  Or would you code this entirely differently to hit all best practices? What do you think about using h1 for organization name vs. is there a better tag to use for the organization name to code it in as text? (Note: we have other h1's on our pages for the actual article/content titles of each page, which maybe we should, maybe we shouldn't be having those as h1's?) Option 1 -- using text for our name and tag line: <header id="top" class="brandfont brandcolor">
    [# Organization name Explanatory fun tag line](/) Organization name logo {navigation code here}
    </header> Option 2 -- name, tag line and logo all as one big png image: <header id="header" class="container"> Organization name tag line {navigation code here}

    Web Design | | scienceisrad

  • Hi There. I have my very first client who wants me to help with her GMB profile and online visibility in general. 
    She rents a space at a chiropractic clinic (she is a one man band so doesn't need much room).
    The owner of the chiropractic clinic has a GMB profile and the beauty therapist has hers too but obviously, they both share the same address. Is this going to be an issue since they both run different businesses under different names and both have different phone numbers? They would only have the same address.
    I don't want to screw this up so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Local Listings | | coolhandluc

  • Hi Forum, this has me baffled. I'm an experienced SEOer and have many sites ranking well for their clients but this one has me completely demented. I work for and we used to rank on page one for the key term "artificial grass". Now we're on page 3 and this has all happened since we launched the new (Better) site in February 2016. We have better content, better seo, better social media and better linking than all of the major competitor sites but we still seem to be falling down the ranks. I don't know if its me just trying too hard and missing simple things but I cant see if we're being penalized or not. For searches performed in the UK we're currently 22nd (we used to be 5th!) Our competitors are; The one area that keeps popping up is potentially keyword stuffing but that can't be the only problem. We must be getting penalised somewhere!

    Competitive Research | | Easigrass

  • We've been looking at the relationship between SEO & UX a bit more closely lately on the blog. Our good pal Cyrus started the wheels turning with a tweet: ...and that morphed into a Whiteboard Friday idea, which was filmed and posted here: We shared the story of one site that enjoyed rapid growth and that subsequently battled with managing that UX/SEO relationship on Thursday. And it's hard, right? UX and SEO teams often operate independently of one another, and may make decisions that affect one another's work. Sometimes it's a "hindsight is 20/20" situation. Sometimes the answer is so radical and impactful that you may want to settle for a "safe" alternative. I'd imagine many of you have encountered some big issues with user experience and search optimization in your day-to-day over the years. What's the most difficult situation you've encountered with this? How did you resolve it? (I'd bet money on there being some really creative solutions out there :). Is there a particularly challenging situation you're struggling with now that you'd want to share & crowdsource ideas for?

    Web Design | | FeliciaCrawford

  • I'm wondering what other SEO's process for selecting citations is. A coworker and I were speaking about the trust level of certain citation sites, and I'd like to get a wider view as well. I haven't really seen this addressed in any other thread or even with a Google search. How do you go about trusting particular citations? Do you have a process? Are there some you stay away from no matter what? I come across some that I feel are a bit sketchy, and try to stay away from those. Although, maybe they are more trustworthy than I give them credit for. Thoughts?

    Local Listings | | Snaptech_Marketing

  • Hello, My question relates to identification on specific pages within our site. This may sound very amateurish so please bare with me. Using the MozBar Chrome plugin and looking withing the Markup tab, the results say that MozBar does NOT find markup on our page. However, going to the Google Structure Data Testing Tool results in the opposite. I see the code and the tool seems to verify with no errors. An example of a page that has implemented would be: So the final question is: Should I be worried that the MozBar isn't locating the markup? The results in Google SERP seem to reflect the correct code. thank you!

    Moz Pro | | usnseomoz

  • Can someone tell me where the page is that had links to the 3 SEO study guides on here?

    Getting Started | | Connect4Web

  • Hi, I purchase a lot of domains through godaddy. does anyone know of any source of renewal discount codes for domains with them?godadd

    Web Design | | corn2015

  • Hi everyone, I'm working with a client who recently had their site redesigned. I'm just going through to do an initial audit to make sure everything looks good. Part of my initial indexation audit goes through questions about how the site functions when you disable, javascript, cookies, and/or css. I use the Web Developer extension for Chrome to do this. I know, more recently, people have said that content loaded by Javascript will be indexed. I just want to make sure it's not hurting my clients SEO. Is it as simple as looking at Google's Cached URL? The URL is definitely being indexed and when looking at the text-only version everything appears to be in order. This may be an outdated question, but I just want to be sure! Thank you so much!

    Technical SEO | | ccox1

  • It seems like my profile (especially points) is not been updated since the start of this week. any possible reason?

    Product Support | | Mustansar

  • Hi guys, hope you're all good, quick question in regards to a Disavow file. A page of ours recently crashed from page 2 all the way to page 7ish. It's weird that it happened considering it was ranking on the 2nd page for around a year, then all of a sudden it came crashing down. I identified an affiliate link which was placed in a sidebar, webmaster tools picked up 24,000+ links coming from the site so I have decided to disavow it. I disavowed the site around 3 days ago, and in the mean time we have managed to grab ourselves some very good do-follow links from very authoritative sites. At the moment the page has  gone up 1 page, sitting at 4-5th page, but the rankings have been very inconsistent. Any ideas to when we may see an increase in ranking for this page? I am being very impatient, at the moment my workload has been dedicated to get this one page ranking again. All comments greatly appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Brett-S

  • Going through the crawl of my site, there were around 100 medium priority issues, such as title element too short, and duplicate page title, and around 80 high priority issues relating to duplicate page content - However every page listed with these issues was the site's wordpress login / captcha page. Does anyone know how to resolve this?

    Technical SEO | | ZenyaS

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