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  • Has anyone else noticed their rank positions falling to competitor sites that aren't optimized and are less relevant? I've noticed that we've lost some rankings or have dropped over the past few weeks and the competitor pages that have replaced us haven't been optimized, aren't as relevant, and it doesn't look like there has been any updates (looking through archived versions). For example, their main "shoes" gallery is ranking for more specific shoe types, like "sandals", and "sandals" isn't even mentioned in their metadata and they have no on-page copy. Their DA is slightly higher, but our sites have a denser link profile (although, yes, I do need to go through and see what kind of links, exactly, we've gained). Has anyone else seen this happen recently, or have any ideas of why or what we could do to get our rank positions back? My main initiatives have been to create and implement fresh on-page copy, metadata, and manage 404s/301 redirects, but I'm thinking this issue is beyond a quick copywriting tweak.

    Algorithm Updates | | WWWSEO

  • Hi, One of our client  named Exclusive Limousine  has been ranking in second page for a while in Google Australia for the keyword "Limo Hire Melbourne". Earlier, this website is handled by other SEO company who created more spammy links from irrelevant sites. I have used google disavow option to remove the urls. But, the ranking still remains the same. Though, we tried different approach nothing works. what steps can i take to improve the rankings. Please assist me in fixing this issue.

    Link Building | | jkovalan

  • Hi all, hope you're all good. I am updating our disavow file, we've noticed a couple more spammy links which are pointing at or site. While I was at it, affiliate links came to my mind. At the moment we have over 100k+ affiliate links pointing to the root of our site and other categories/products, most of them are do-follow. However, taking a look at WMT, it's one of our 'Who links the most' and the affiliate network is pointing a total of 115,065 links to us. My question; bearing it mind this site generates over 2million hits a month, is it really worth disavowing the entire affiliate link network. This would result is all of those 100,000 links being disavowed over time. Do you think this would result in a positive? Let me know your thoughts.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Brett-S

  • We plan to add several thousand images to our site and we outsourced the image search to some freelancers who had instructions to just use royalty free pictures. Is there any easy and quick way to check that in fact none of these images violates copyrights without having to check image by image? In case there are violations we are unaware of, do you think we need to be concerned about a risk of receiving Takedown Notices (DMCA) before owner giving us notification for giving us opportunity to remove the photo?

    Web Design | | lcourse

  • We recently switched our website to secure https and noticed there is a pixel still firing that is related to moz but have no idea what it is for. It is serving a 401 error status and going to remove off the site.  Any idea what that was for? Thanks -


  • Hello I have a large site (120,000+) and crawl test is limited to 3,000 pages. I want to know if you have a way to take advantage to crawl a type of this sites. Can i do a regular expression for example? Thanks!

    Feature Requests | | CamiRojasE

  • Can I enter a blogger's product review URL and see what other bloggers have either shared that review on social media or written their own reviews on the product?

    Getting Started | | PerfectTD

  • i've to give some information about my website Environment 1. i have static webpage in the root. 2. Wordpress installed in sub-dictionary 3. I have two .htaccess , one in the root and one in the wordpress
    folder. i want to www to non on all URLs Remove index.html from url Remove all .html extension / Re-direct 301 to url
    without .html extension Add trailing slash to the static webpages / Re-direct 301 from non-trailing slash Force trailing slash to the Wordpress Webpages / Re-direct 301 from non-trailing slash Some examples domain.tld/index.html >> domain.tld/ domain.tld/file.html >> domain.tld/file/ domain.tld/file.html/ >> domain.tld/file/ domain.tld/wordpress/post-name >> domain.tld/wordpress/post-name/ My code in ROOT htaccess is <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase / #removing trailing slash
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ $1 [R=301,L] #www to non
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.(([a-z0-9_]+.)?$ [NC]
    RewriteRule .? http://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L] #html
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.html [NC,L] #index redirect
    RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /index.html\ HTTP/
    RewriteRule ^index.html$ [R=301,L]
    RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} .html
    RewriteRule ^(.*).html$ /$1 [R=301,L]</ifmodule> The above code do 1. redirect www to non-www
    2. Remove trailing slash at the end (if exists)
    3. Remove index.html
    4. Remove all .html
    5. Redirect 301 to filename but doesn't add trailing slash at the end

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NeatIT

  • Hello , first I'm sorry about the beginner's questions , I looking for niche to open online store and try to find niche that there is no bery high competition. something that I can compete in this niche . My main question is how to measure the competition for online store? I mean when I do research on main keywords for the niche store. I see the overview and the SERP Analysis ,which parameters I see as a hard competition? -lets say I take the average of "Linking RDs To Root Domain" , which numbers are ok and no very high ? -I check all the page rank and see the average of first page , how I can if average of 5-6-7 is ok or hard competition? -the sane question is Page Authority , is there is some range that I can see hard competition? If you have some articles that can help me to learn and understand that world , or some place to start there I will be happy Thank you , Mark

    Moz Pro | | Rab121

  • Hi I am working on a website (usarrestsearch org) for 6 months. I wrote about 100 pages full of good content. for some reason I see only 75% of the pages indexed in GWT. and Im having problems with SERP positions not rising. I suspect that it might be connected to the structure of the site. will appreciate any help thanks

    Technical SEO | | holdportals

  • So I have having issues with the Crawl Test being able to crawl my site accurately due to what the tool is saying is a "SSL Certificate Error" (804 : HTTPS (SSL) error encountered when requesting page.) Only thing is that I have no warnings about this SSL issue in Search Console and when I check the SSL on it comes back just fine. Anybody know why this might be happening or have encountered this issue before?

    Moz Bar | | DRSearchEngOpt

  • Hi Everyone, I'm not a designer/developer and am an not extremely knowledgeable in SEO, but I'll try to be as clear as I can. One of the designers here is creating a recipe section on our website. He created it so that it's a container (or iFrame?) on the page. Basically, no matter what you click (different sections and recipes) the URL stays the same. I was told to find out from an SEO perspective if it's better to do things this way or have a separate URL for each section and recipe. It's been brought up that from a social/sharing standpoint separate URLs would be better so people can send a link directly to the specific recipe they want to share. Any thoughts/comments are appreciated! Thanks for the help!

    On-Page Optimization | | AliMac26

  • I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for free or inexpensive backlink audit tools? Of course I have access to Search Console and to the OSE but it seems they don't offer a complete picture of our backlink profiles. I have previous experience using Link Research Tools for this but this is too expensive for the amount of use we would get out of it so I am looking for (much) cheaper alternatives. I look after 8 websites, however very little active link building was done for these in the past so we are not experiencing any issues due to bad links, but I would still like to get a better picture of our complete backlink profile. I've considered just using a trial of Majestic or Ahrefs for this, but this would only be a one off solution. I would welcome any suggestions. Thanks!

    Link Building | | ViviCa1

  • hello, my website is and it is in Greek. Which is the best way to build backlinks? Hire a freelancer and let him making links to any site? What should i ask from a freelancer when building links for me? what should i give him like (keywords) ?. what is important to take take of? When you go to there are people offering backlinks for less than 100$ is that a good method? Will this help my seo? Is it a matter that my site is in Greek? thanks

    Link Building | | anavasis

  • Hello, i would like to ask which is the best redirect to use in a website now i have all my links to go to Which is the best between: thanks in advance

    Technical SEO | | anavasis

  • Hi all, we've recently migrated a site from http to https and saw the majority of pages drop out of the index. One of the most extreme deindexation problems I've ever seen, but there doesn't appear to be anything obvious on-page which is causing the issue. (Unless I've missed something - please tell me if I have!) I had initially discounted any off-page issues due to the lack of a manual action in SC, however after looking into their link profile I spotted 100 spammy porn .xyz sites all linking (see example image). Didn't appear to be any historic disavow files uploaded in the non https SC accounts. Any on-page suggestions, or just play the waiting game with the new disavow file? Hku8I

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CTI_Digital

  • I dived into the Search Visibility metric and what it actually says. In short, I believe it to be an aggregated score for all keywords targeted. However, our list of targeted keywords also include specific 'branded' keywords (and e.g. names of company leaders), which (presumably) aren't targeted by our competition. So what does the comparison with our competitors (i.e. Search Visbility x Competition graph) actually tell us? Isn't it giving a skewed impression? (Or are keywords labeled as 'branded' not taken into consideration in the Search Visibility metric?)

    Getting Started | | BentoPres

  • (Also not getting any comments on any of my articles) Hi, everyone! I'm very new to the community here, but I'm honestly at my wits end. I've run an affiliate marketing site for about 8 months now, and I've consistently had issues with bounce rate. I've tried to look into it myself, but I can't seem to determine what the issue is. A couple things, though - One, a lot of my traffic currently goes to two articles which don't actually have any intent to convert. I didn't even write those articles for the sake of conversion, they were just for fun and I thought they'd be useful to people who stumbled across them. So that could be one reason my bounce rate is so high, but I'm not sure.Anyway, I've asked a LOT of people in the past (I was part of an affiliate marketing community at one point - I asked the founders, friends, strangers, and other successful affiliate marketers about this) if there's anything wrong with my content, etc. The answer has always been no, that it's good. I'm sorry. My thoughts are a bit scatterbrained here. I just don't know what to do here. If all my content for 8 months has just utterly sucked, I'd feel pretty demotivated, but at least I could know what to improve going forward. That's what I need help with from you guys. Here's my website, though I'm not sure if links are allowed: My latest articles aren't really getting any traffic at all yet, so I'm not really concerned with them. Specifically, ignore my Future of the HTC Vive, Crusader Kings 2, and World of Warcraft articles. Those are part of my "fun blogs" where I just write about games and such with no real intent to convert. If they start getting traffic, then I'll go and add some more internal links or CTAs. However, a couple articles that I AM having issues with are here: ; ; (The links on the Micro ATX article are currently broken - This could very well be one of the reasons! However, this trend of high bounce rates started quite some time ago, so it's still an issue) Could it be as simple as a performance problem? I haven't checked my pagespeed recently, not since I switched to a new (Faster) host. I know users are far more likely to leave if the site doesn't load within 3 seconds. Another possible reason is referral spam, of course. I've tried my very best to eliminate it as much as possible, used filtering tools, etc. but I can't seem to completely eradicate it. Thanks in advance! Ask me for any details you might need.

    Search Behavior | | Polycount

  • Hi Guys, For pagination, if you have implemented the rel Prev/Next tags correctly, is it fine to have duplicate titles in the series example: Title Tag: Black Dresses URL:
    Title Tag: Black Dresses URL:
    Title Tag: Black Dresses URL:
    Title Tag: Black Dresses URL: Some people mention that you should make them unique and add the page number example: Title Tag: Black Dresses URL:
    Title Tag: Black Dresses URL: 
    Title Tag: Black Dresses URL: 
    Title Tag: Black Dresses URL: Keen to hear what you guys thing? Personally, i think its fine to have duplicate title tags when you have properly implemented rel Prev/Next tags as Googel will see the series as one. Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jayoliverwright

  • I'm trying to get to the bottom of a problem I have with the Google ranking for - it's far below what I would hope for. My research so far has uncovered the following, and any advice on where to go from here would be appreciated. _Edit:_No problems with Bing or Yahoo - the site is #1 for primary key word 'maui activities' 1. Running a site: search in Google reveals that the homepage doesn't rank. At all. I looked through the 17 pages of results and can't spot it. Edit: I have now, after fresh checks after submitting the homepage through Search Console, found it at #1 - still, the following applies ... 2. I've found that the domain (before it was purchased by my client in 2011) had some bad inbound links, specifically from (no longer active). The links where white, on a white background. This web archive snapshot will reveal all. 3. Those bad links were 'cleaned up' (i.e. they don't show in the web archive) from 2014, and as mentioned above, the website is now 'down'. 4. Search Console doesn't have a manual penalty. 5. When I search for 'tropical divers maui' in Google I find is the 4th result. To me, this indicates a current relationship with the dead site (Tropical Divers Maui). No other term comes close to ranking to high for the homepage. So, to summarise - can the old, dead Tropical Divers Maui website still be affecting the Google ranking, and what would you suggest I do next?

    Technical SEO | | jsherwin

  • I realize it's important to use hreflang tags when your site is translated into multiple languages and that content is very similar if not identical to the original language. However, is there value in having hreflang tags implemented for every blog post that gets translated? Does the same value hold true? In my case, the blog posts which get translated into different languages can somewhat vary from the original. By no means are they a direct translation. They are often adapted to meet the needs of that language and audience.

    International SEO | | UnbounceVan

  • Hi All, I am having an issue with If you do searches using Ad Preview for “2016 Toyota Camry in Wilmington, NC” or “2016 Toyota Corolla in Wilmington, NC” we are having issues with the website not showing up organically. We have the location set to Wilmington, NC, but their competition which is located in Jacksonville, NC which is over an hour away shows up organically on the first page. I am wondering if there are any obvious reasons as to why this would happen, or if there is something bigger I need to look at? Thank you, Cyrus

    Local SEO | | Webstreak

  • We are at a crossroad and it's time to decide which direction to travel. We had 4 physical locations represented by 3 websites, August 1st we now have 6 addresses and are going to redesign our websites. Heritage Printing .com is our primary and does very well in DC for printing & signage. Heritage Printing Charlotte .com does well in NC for signs. How would you proceed? Build 2 more websites for a total of 5: Heritage Custom Signs & Heritage Custom Signs DC .coms Build a unified site under Heritage Printing .com (w/ subdomains or locations folders) I fear losing our Internet Presence and Page Rank w/ Google by unifying but also fear fueling the ever growing fragmentation of our brand. FYI: We recently Trade Marked Heritage Printing & our logo So fellow Mozzers, what do you recommend and how would you proceed? TY in advance KJr

    On-Page Optimization | | KevnJr

  • URL Page Authority Linking Root Domains Status Code | Error Code 804: HTTPS (SSL) Error Encountered |

    Getting Started | | alleninv

  • Hi, I was wondering: i have 2 domains. One is the name of the company the other one is an exact match domain. There is only one website. If I use both domains for this website which one will rank? How google react to website configured like that? Regards

    Technical SEO | | LeszekNowakowski

  • This might be too off-topic for Moz, but I think many of us might face the same issue, so I thought I would ask. Love them or hate them, we get 90% of our business from being #1 on Trip Advisor.  My biggest competition is trying very hard to take over that #1 spot, so we are working to keep it. Has anyone found a seamless way to ask customers for TripAdvisor reviews?  We email, text, ask over the phone.  But here the problem, Trip Advisor is not the easiest site to leave a review on.  If you are on your phone, they want you download the app.  Some people don't like to download apps. Or, if they have the app already and click "yes" to open the site in the app, it goes to the app store instead.  There doesn't seem to be as much of an issue on the PC, but most people do everything from their phones now.  And if something is a little bit hard, people are less likely to go out of their way to leave a review. So, here's my question.  Has anyone found a better way?  Maybe a form on my website?  Or a process that seems to work better? This does have some SEO implications in that my Trip Advisor page does show up in search results quite a bit as well as much home page.  Sometimes they are #2 and #3 together.

    Reviews and Ratings | | CalicoKitty2000

  • Does anyone know of a tool where you enter in a [search term] and it constantly (or periodically) monitors the SERPs and reports back on the top results? IE- If you wanted to monitor for the term [trump] it would fetch that search result every hour or so and report those via an online interface or downloadable .csv

    Competitive Research | | Cox-Media-Group

  • I have been trying to figure this out- I added n/a to the end of the page titles so I could figure out how these pages were performing. Since I added them my organic traffic has seemed to have dropped. It has only been a few days so maybe it is an anomaly. Everything else has stayed the same, would this cause an organic traffic drop?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | EcommerceSite

  • Hi Does anyone know what impact the recent slow Panda roll out may have? Obviously content,  but would it perhaps include engagement/user behaviour factors regarding your on page content too? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | BeckyKey

  • Good Afternoon We've been helping out on a site which for instance offers Hotel Breaks in Birmingham. There is a page on the site birmingham-hotel-breaks and the most popular package that people book is actually Hotel Breaks with a Transfer package. The Birmingham Hotel page focuses mainly on the Hotel and Transfer packages but it's been suggested that we build out a separate page birmingham-hotel-and-transfer to be more keyword targeted and change the original page to focus solely on the Hotel side. I wasn't sure whether it would be better to build out the content on the existing page as people are already linking to us for the packages

    Technical SEO | | Ham1979

  • Howdy, folks 🙂 Here is a question - is there way to have an AdWords matching rule, which would cover both "&" and "and"? Here is an example - rule to match both "B & B" and "B and B". Any help appreciated 🙂

    Paid Search Marketing | | DmitriiK

  • Hello All, I am currently having issues with the following website: of the vehicles the site has in inventory are not showing up organically.Example:2016 Ford Fusion in Durham, NC results page pulls University Ford North, which is another dealership we work with and has no issues showing up organically. Both of these websites were built around the same time, but the Durham store receives more traffic.If I perform a Google Search for VIN numbers, such as 3FA6P0SU0GR121259 the first page of search results are for the vehicle by all the dealerships in the Auto Group, except for the dealership that actually has the vehicle.I am wondering if the vehicles are not being indexed by Google. When I perform similar searches in Bing, the proper results are populating.Any suggestions or help would be great.Thank you!

    Local Website Optimization | | Webstreak

  • We have a lot of photos on our website. Unfortunately most of them don't seem to be indexed by Google. We run a party website. One of the things we do, is take pictures at events and put them on the site. An event page with a photo album, can have anywhere between 100 and 750 photo's. For each foto's there is a thumbnail on the page. The thumbnails are lazy loaded by showing a placeholder and loading the picture right before it comes onscreen. There is no pagination of infinite scrolling. Thumbnails don't have an alt text. Each thumbnail links to a picture page. This page only shows the base HTML structure (menu, etc), the image and a close button. The image has a src attribute with full size image, a srcset with several sizes for responsive design and an alt text. There is no real textual content on an image page. (Note that when a user clicks on the thumbnail, the large image is loaded using JavaScript and we mimic the page change. I think it doesn't matter, but am unsure.) I'd like that full size images should be indexed by Google and found with Google image search. Thumbnails should not be indexed (or ignored). Unfortunately most pictures aren't found or their thumbnail is shown. Moz is giving telling me that all the picture pages are duplicate content (19,521 issues), as they are all the same with the exception of the image. The page title isn't the same but similar for all images of an album. Example: On the "A day at the park" event page, we have 136 pictures. A site search on "a day at the park" foto, only reveals two photo's of the albums. 3QolbbI.png QTQVxqY.jpg mwEG90S.jpg

    Technical SEO | | jasny

  • Hi everyone Does anyone have any experience of working with multiple business listings at the same address? It's making me itch my head! I work for a travel agency and we have multiple websites for different holiday types/destinations. I want to add business listings for the businesses but I'm concerned that it could have negative effects from the businesses sharing the same address and sometimes the same phone number. Has anyone got any pointers on this, if will effect rankings or my SEO strategy. Thanks!

    Local Listings | | Steve-Witt

  • When using a redirect service, do you get link equity from the redirect service or only from the linking website? Using opensite explorer in Moz, always shows me directory and redirect services as most important contribution for the domain authority. But I'm questioning if this is true. P.S. I'm not asking if link equity is passed from the linking website. That question has been answered many many many times. (hint: the answer is yes). H58xHAl.png pGH7e48.png

    Moz Pro | | jasny

  • We've been suffering from some very nasty black hat seo. In Google's index, our pages show external links to various pharmaceutical websites, but our actual live pages don't show them. It seems as though only certain user-agents see the malicious links. Setting up Screaming Frog SEO crawler using the Googlebot user agent also sees the malicious links. Any idea what could have caused this or how this can be stopped? We scanned all files on our webserver and couldn't find any of malicious links. We've changed our FTP and CMS passwords, is there anything else we can do? Thanks in advance!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | SEO-Bas

  • Hi, folks A client of mine now has roughly 30 000 503-errors (found in the crawl error section of GSC). This is mostly pages with limited offers and deals. The 503 error seems to occur when the offers expire, and when the page is of no use anymore. These pages are not important for organic search, but gets traffic from direct and newsletters, mostly. My question:
    Does having a high number of 503 pages reported in GSC constitute a problem in terms of organic ranking for the domain and the category and product pages (the pages that I want to rank for organically)? If it does, what is the best course of action to mitigate the problem? Looking excitingly forward to your answers to this 🙂 Sigurd

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Inevo

  • Hi, This may or may not be be an issue, but would like some SEO advice from someone who has a deeper understanding. I'm currently working on a clients site that has a bespoke CMS built by another development agency. The website currently has a sitemap with one link - EG: This is obviously the page that is indexed in search engines. However the website structure uses, this isn't indexed in search engines as the links are canonical. The client is also using the second URL structure in all it's off and online advertising, internal links and it's also been picked up by referral sites. I suspect this is not good practice... however I'd like to understand whether there are any negative SEO effectives from this structure? Does Google look at both pages with regard to visits, pageviews, bounce rate, etc. and combine the data OR just use the indexed version? - 63.5% of total pageviews - 34.31% of total pageviews Thanks

    Technical SEO | | MikeSutcliffe

  • i have found proper keywords for my site. The site is what is the proper way to have them in my site? Make articles in my site and link them from the homepage like: and put all those links in the footer of my homepage? Which is the best way? thanks in advance

    Keyword Research | | anavasis

  • Hi everyone, I have a page named Im using Moz to do SEO for the page, but when I use On-page grader in MOZ, I got an error that the page cant be accessed. Additionally, I got an issue with page crawling. Google search still crawl my page normally. Please help. Thanks a lot.

    Moz Bar | |

  • My Main keyword ranks no where in the top 100 for any pages in my site. for / I am ranked at number 10 for a great secondary keyword. Really want to get this secondary keywordranking on /secondary-keyword.html , should I focus my main page only on my primary keyord and remove any references to "Secondary Keyword"? What I feel here is that I would be sacrificing my rank for "Secondary Keyword"

    On-Page Optimization | | Adamzoz

  • Hi all, I can use some help with SEO/UX related question I have got. I have a client who has some toggel tabs on its website. Is there a way to display the relevant information from these toggle tabs when a user lands on the page instead of having the same toggle tab show for whenever a user reaches the page? What I am trying to understand is that if a user searched for "vitamin C benefit" (lets say) in Google and then clicks on the link, the user is presented with the "benefits" tab on the page instead of "side effects" tab. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks

    Web Design | | Malika1

  • We're trying to standardize the use of tags on our site amongst writers/editors, and I'm trying to come up a list of tags they can choose from to tag posts with - and telling them to use no more than 10 (absolute maximum) per post. We are also in the process of migrating to a new CMS, and have 8 defined categories that will all have their own landing page within our "News" section. TLDR: Do blog tags have any impact on SEO anymore? Are they solely meant to help users find articles related on popular topics, or does creating a tag for a popular topic help to improve organic visibility? Full Question: With the tag standardization, I want to make sure we're creating the most useful and effective tags; and the UX/SEO sides of my brain are conflicted. To my understanding, creating a tag about a high volume topic in an industry helps establish the website's relevance to Google/other search engines about that topic and improves overall relevance; but the tag feed page (ex: isn't really meant for organic search visibility. So my other question is, is it worth it to noindex the tag pages in the robots.txt? Will that affect any benefit to increased relevance for Google (if there is any)? I'm interested to hear others' thoughts and suggestions. Thanks in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | davidkaralisjr

  • I have a site that in the head section we specify a base href being the domain with a trailing slash and a canonical link href being the relative link to the domain. <base <="" span="">href="" /> href="link-to-page.html" rel="canonical" /> I know that Google recommends using an absolute path as a canonical link but is specifying a base href with a relative canonical link the same thing or is it still seen as duplicate content?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Nobody1611699043941

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