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  • We have run into an issue with linking that we are completely puzzled by. We syndicate our content to various clients, taking care to ensure that we have followed all the best practices that Google recommends for syndicating content. But recently, we noticed Google Webmaster report links from ClientA to ClientB, and we cannot figure out why it thinks that way. We have never created, and we have never found the links that Google Webmaster claims are there. It is important for us to keep our clients isolated. Has anyone seen such behavior? Any ideas/pointers/hunches would be very much appreciated. Happy to provide more information. We even asked on the Google Webmaster Forum (!topic/webmasters/QkGF7-HZHTY;context-place=forum/webmasters), but thought this might be a better place to get expert advice. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | prakash.sikchi

  • We are a publication that puts out hundreds of articles a month. We have +5000 medium priority errors showing that our title element tags are too long. The title tag is structured like this: [Headine] | [Publication Name that is 23 characters] . However, since we are a publication, it's not practical for us to try to limit the length of our title tags to 70 characters or less because doing so would make the titles of our content seem very unnatural. We also don't want to remove the branding because we want it to go with the article when it's shared (and to appear when some titles are short enough to allow room in SERPs). I understand the reasons for limiting characters to 70 or less with regard to SERP friendliness. We try to keep key phrases in the front. People are more likely to click on a page if they know what it's about etc etc. My question is, do the longer titles affect the ability for the page to rank in search? To put it a different way, if we altered all the +5000 of the title tags to fit within 70 characters, would the page authorities and our site's domain authority increase? I'd like to avoid needed to clean up 5000 pages if the medium priority errors aren't really hurting us. Any input is appreciated. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CatBrain

  • Hi, So my website is having an issue indexing. Much like other sports sites like ESPN or MLB or a variety of others my site changes the URL as you go down the page. So if you go on a news article and continue scrolling you'll go to another news article. I believe that this is creating errors in Search Console with the article being given an error of being "too long". I don't know how to keep this infinite scroll and url changing which increases my pageviews and eliminate the errors. Can someone help?

    Web Design | | mattdinbrooklyn

  • Hi all.  I've been trying to make improvements on my Local rankings as well as optimizing my website.  When using Moz Local a lot of great information comes up showing me what's incomplete, what's duplicated, etc. It's very helpful. But for the life of me I don't know why my Google Plus page is coming up as 100% incomplete.  I'm providing three links that possible will help.  Any suggestions would be welcome! This is a personal Google plus page. This is my Google + business page. This is my verified Google My Business page. Thank you, Scott

    Moz Local | | SWhitney

  • I have read through the AdWords advertising policies, but there isn't an extremely clear answer to my question: does it break AdWords policy to include a remarketing pixel on a partner website? Example - I own and run, my acquaintance who owns has agreed to put my remarketing pixel on his website, and I plan to show remarketing ads to his website visitors advertising my services at Is anyone aware of any documentation that explicitly allows or disallows this type of "partner" remarketing tracking?

    Paid Search Marketing | | marymerritt

  • Hi all, I recently optimized an overview page for a car rental website. Because the page didn’t rank very well, I rewrote the URL, putting the exact keyword combination in it. Then I asked Google to re-crawl the URL through Search Console. This afternoon, I checked Open Site Explorer and saw that the Page Authority had decreased to 1, while the subpages still have an authority of about 18-20. Hence my question: is rewriting a URL a bad idea for SEO? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | LiseDE

  • I logged in today to find the ranking chart on a specific keyword changed dramatically. It used to pop up first thing when you went to analyze a keyword and now it's hidden under a pulldown. Which is fine, I will get used to all the new changes. It only took me a few minutes to find it (ha). Is there a writeup on what was reorganized anywhere? I could not see it on the blog (other than the Keyword Difficulty changes but that doesn't say anything about this) or in the Hub. The way it was laid out before was extremely compact. It showed the keyword at the top with the current weekly ranking. Then listed the chart below with the competitors. You could easily get it on a snapshot for management. Now, when you are viewing the chart, you don't know what keyword you are looking at when viewing it on the screen (you have to scroll up - or have a really large monitor) and you have to hover to see what position it's at. If you look at the two attached images, it used to be more compact. I'm not including where the competitors are listed for privacy reasons 😉 but on the old version it made very easily digestible screencaps. Now, I know, I know, it's all there... Yet every Monday I do a snapshot of the top 10 keywords we look at and send it in an Excel file (with VARIOUS other things) and the big boss looks at it every single week. Since he's the one paying and I'm about to hear a complaint shortly, I thought I would send feedback... (I'm trying to check boxes... is Moz Pro called Moz Analytics now? When I look at my campaign, it says Moz Pro... doesn't say anything about Moz Analytics. I feel super old right now! Sorry! 🙂 sIzxEi5b7d vCUukpOrHSdn

    Feature Requests | | WineCellarInnovations

  • Where can I help get my business marketing bounce rate from 95% Down?

    Social Media | | SEOgrandmaster

  • The following url has (100 score for keyword 'GU10 LED')
    has different on page opmisation score results to (73 score for keyword 'GU10 LED') Anyone know if we've set something up wrong?
    Also, is this even something to worry about, does google treat them differently? We're using the Page Optimisation Tool in Moz Pro ** UPDATE ** It's worth mentioning we are using emberjs, so the website is a single page application.
    We use prerender to render the pages for google.

    Moz Bar | | TrueluxGroup

  • Do you guys think it's a bad idea to put a review aggregation page in a product's navigation? Such as: "Which Brand of Men's Shampoo Is Best for You?"​ Rand suggests against it in this Whiteboard Friday as it interferes with a product's funnel, but I wonder if including it in navigation will give a domain and that page increased authority for a head keyword, such as "men's shampoo." What do you guys think?

    On-Page Optimization | | Edward_Sturm

  • I have a domain with a lot of content and it is an eCommerce site. I've just been told that we have another 12 domains that are inactive and do not redirect. I don't know what to do with them as they haven't been used for ages and do not direct or have any content (max of a DA or 4). Therefore which is better for SEO? To have really good content with perhaps a few regular blog posts on each of the 12 domains, or to redirect all of the domains to the one main domain? I would take 1 domain and put a lot of content on and optimise is.. spending a few weeks on one and then move onto another, all while posting on each blog on each domain. Thank you for any help! 🙂

    Link Building | | schloeee

  • I am having an issue with Structured Data. I have added the structured data to angular pages of my site but when I run the test from the testing tool it doesn't detect the same. Although when I cut and paste the code (from inspect element) it detects the structured data. But in my webmaster tools, those pages don't show up under structured data. I am unsure if my structured data is being picked up by google. What should be done here? Should I provide pre-rendered pages to google?

    Technical SEO | | Lybrate0606

  • Have a look at this url
    On the front page they are providing links to a website created by one of their suppliers. (Three cirkle icons in the middle of the page).
    The links make the customers leave the site and open on a different domain, even the branding of the page is for Bekkevold Elektro (see log top right)
    The question from me: How will this impact the SEO for Bekkevold Elektro. Would it be better to create a subdomain for Bekkevold Elektro and ask the supplier to point to this? Or is it ok to leave it as it is, having links back to the web site for Bekkevold Elektro? Just changing the target of the link to open in a new window.
    Thank you very much for your support on this. I would appreciate any suggestion for improvement for my customer, Bekkevold Elektro. Best regards
    Kjersti Bakke

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kjerstibakke

  • There is a site linking to me from ukraine (don't know the site) ... and they have a low DA of **52. ** **Is this something I need to be thinking of removing? Thanks:) ** **( I have a low DA myself, but rank well for my keywords) **

    Link Building | | MissThumann

  • Hi Everyone, I'm absolutely dumbfounded about this 901 issue (showing pages with our url back to back). Our site is hosted on Big Commerce: When I look for these pages being crawled I don't find them. I've called BC for help and I can't seem to find a solution or where to turn as to how to fix the issue at hand or even if it matters.  Please see below what the Moz crawl shows. Could this be related to Yotpo or some app we have running? Or does this even matter and does it have any influence on rank? Do you have recommendations or ideas? Thanks so much. Pages with Crawl Attempt Error as of Mar 3 URL Page Authority Linking Root Domains Status Code | Error Code 901: DNS Errors Prevented Crawler from Resolving Hostname http://www.santabarbarachocolate.comhttp/ -- -- 901 Error Code 901: DNS Errors Prevented Crawler from Resolving Hostname http://www.santabarbarachocolate.comhttp/ -- -- 901 Error Code 901: DNS Errors Prevented Crawler from Resolving Hostname http://www.santabarbarachocolate.comhttp/ | -- | -- | 901 |

    Getting Started | | santabarbarachocolate

  • I'm dealing with an old adwords account that has been managed by a wide variety of people over many years. From what I can tell, the account has always struggled with low kw quality scores. In addition to other quality score improvements (SKAGs, better landing pages, more ad testing for CTR), what do you think of throwing in the towel on this account and starting a new adwords account... importing the better part of the old account? Any hidden pitfalls I should be aware of and precautions to take or is it all opportunity to start fresh? Thanks!

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | 94501

  • Hi All, We have a Biography website in which we have Celebrity News, Videos, Images etc. We have a main page which shows the biography and sides we show 5 blocks of News, Videos, Images etc and have a More option when clicked the page goes to a page where it shows 100's of news of that celeb or Videos etc This is the main page : news: Videos: Images: Now these 3 pages have no content in them and when we scan via SEMRUSH it shows as "with duplicate title tags". We have 20K such bio's so 20K * 3 such pages is 60K duplicate title tags How can we deal with such pages? Any help please. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | leengsro87

  • Hi, I'm not sure how PA DA exactly works when the goal is to create backlinks to your site in order to have the most impact on passing PA DA juice (if there is such a thing) to ones money site. For example let's say you have a blog and the PA is 40 DA is 30.  Let's say I create a backlink pointing to my site on the homepage of this blog, in which I desire better rankings for, and the links I created are only 1-3 outgoing links on this post which is again on the homepage.  Then say in a months time, I want to add another post on the homepage (so the 40 PA and 30 DA stays the same) creating a backlink to one of my other money sites.  Does adding this second round of backlinks result in sending less juice to the first?  This is what I want to know. Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | z8YX9F80

  • I am auditing a Joomla website that uses the MightySites component to create multiple versions of the same site for different state/province areas. For example, the site structure looks something like: etc. Each of the state home pages are largely identical and much of the content within each state sub-folder is a copy of the original content on the main site, with minor changes here and there. The client is a national organization and needs to keep this structure to allow each state to be able to edit and change their own content, though as far as I can see content doesn't actually vary much. What's best practice here in reducing duplicate content issues? We can't use hreflang as it is all within one country (although it does also provide two different language versions of content, for which I will use hreflang.) Should we just canonical everything back to the corresponding pages on the site? Any thoughts or recommendations much appreciated.

    Local SEO | | MatShepSEO

  • in the site crawl area is says "missing title tag" and im not sure how to put it in does it go on my website? if so how because i already have a tracking code in the google analytics area

    Technical SEO | | raheemah

  • I've recently changed domain names and my old domain was a DA42 and now I am at a DA22. Everything has 301 redirects. Any advice would be appreciated.

    Moz Pro | | perpetualmarketing

  • Google say that their quest to make websites more mobile friendly impacts mobile search results - But I am wondering if having a website that is less mobile friendly effects desktop SERPs as well? We require Adobe Flash as a tool for people to upload their images to us but not on the landing pages we're trying to rank. So our landing pages are not as mobile friendly as they could be (which we're looking to improve) but am worried this is effecting desktop search results even though Google do not claim they do.

    On-Page Optimization | | KerryK

  • Hi all, Is anyone running two GA codes on one website successfully?  My organisation own a number of websites so we used to have one global GA code on all our sites to track global stats, and then we would also have site unique GA on each property to just track that one property.  This worked fine, but of late we seem to be getting no data from the globally based code. Obviously, with the site-specific codes we can enter the name for that domain in GA but for the overall code, it is called '' I'm wondering if Google has now tied the GA domain to the code or if we are doing something wrong. All the codes are the same as they always were but have stopped working. As a stop gap, we have swapped to using Piwik as the code. However, we are then comparing the stats in two different analytics programs so will get a different result. Also, it would be nice to be able to add the to tools such as this to generate weekly reports. Anyone else having GA woe like this? Thanks. Carl

    Reporting & Analytics | | WonkyDog

  • I just noticed that Moz Prfile is not getting update since couple of days. Is it Just me or you also having the same issue?

    Product Support | | Mustansar

  • I made some changes to my site and many of my keywords improved dramatically. Its odd however, that the changes caused the domain authority to go down by 3 points, from 20 to 17. Is this a short term thing caused by recent changes and likely to recover?

    On-Page Optimization | | KrisIrr

  • Hi there Moz community I spent today researching optimal "page titles" to avoid cannibalization of keyword. Why? Because when i set up my site previously for another industry I obviously well and truly stuffed it up with page titles that were different, but still too similar ie field marketing project setup, field marketing saas, field marketing reporting. I never ranked once for that term. Consequently, we nearly went broke in the process. Hence my research, which led me to Rands video and other information about choosing the best page title. However, I came across two opposing name theories. So, before i make a colossal error again, could someone please clearly clarify which would be the best way for me to proceed. First option(according to Rand's video about the snowboard website) Main page title - Field reporting and mobile data collection (same keywords as site title?) Subsequent  pages - titles - (p1) Field reporting for construction  (2) field reporting for medical (p3) field reporting for retail (or is that cannibalizing "field reporting"?) Second option Main landing page - Field reporting Solutions for your business, for your industry Subsequent  page titles - (p1) defect inspection & reporting for construction (p2) incident reporting for medical But my quandary is that I wanted to rank for mobile data collection and field reporting for these industries. So how do I write the page titles without firstly keyword stuffing, secondly avoid cannibalization and lastly, not too long? Any explanation that specifically says yes or no would be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance and happy friday. Sharon

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Sharonrice

  • Hello all, I have been doing SEO/SEM work on some sites I own for a few years but now I am in a position where I need to handle these tasks for a significant numbers of clients on a freelance basis. Obviously, this requires much more work and organization as well as some additional tools to help. I was wondering if the experts on here could help me with the following: Does anyone know of any online step-by-step guides or checklists that highlight a comprehensive SEO and digital marketing strategy? This could be helpful while trying to juggle multiple projects at once and provide a blueprint that I can follow and alter as I go. What free project management tools do you recommend? I was thinking of using Wunderlist, Trello or Evernote to keep track of projects, but there may be other suggestions I am not aware of. I have it in my budget to spend about $200/month worth of paid tools. Which tools are best for keyword research, backlink analysis, search rankings etc.? I am currently testing out Moz and SEM Rush, but would like a wide variety of information that helps me efficiently execute a plan but without too much white noise. What are the best paid (or free) tools to accomplish this? What are the best references for Q&As and reference materials on strategies, etc. for when I need to deep dive and do some learning on the fly? Besides this website of course. Thanks for any help!!

    Link Building | | ccdispoto

  • I've been working with the websites from couple of months and it was always in my mind if there could be a legit way to find if the website have a duplicate content. I've tried couple of websites through google but nothing worked for me. It would be much appreciated if anyone can help. Thanks

    Web Design | | rajveer_singh

  • Hello All! Looking at my campaign I noticed that I have a large number of 'duplicate page titles' showing up but all they are the various pages at the end of the URL. Such as, as a duplicate of Any suggestions on how to address this? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Rich-DC

  • Can someone explain this to me, as I just ranked a page on our website and intended to do the same for 3 other pages. our home page is currently ranked well, but after reading this (below from Moz) I'm concerned if i'm doing more harm then good. I just ranked the page 3 days ago, I haven't seen any drops yet. When multiple pages with the potential to rank well are combined into a single page, they not only stop competing with each other, but also create a stronger relevancy and popularity signal overall. This will positively impact your ability to rank well in the search engines. Thanks in advance, Lauren.

    On-Page Optimization | | MissThumann

  • This latest report from MOz shows our DA dropping 2 points. I do not see anything that would have caused that? I saw on June 21st Moz wasn't reporting DA is this a Moz issue or should I dig deeper into my website?

    Link Explorer | | DaveMiddleton

  • Does the meta description/snippet need to match the NAP for that office? If it doesn't, will it hurt local results/cause inconsistencies? The reason I am asking is that we are using one line for one of our offices to answer texts. But, our other offices have their own distinct numbers. So, if we want people to text us and advertise it through the meta description/snippet, can we just use that one number for all the offices? Or, do we need to purchase additional lines? Thanks, Ruben

    Local Listings | | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hello everyone!
    To have a mobile friendly UX we chose to collapse some of the page content.
    On the desktop it is in open mode by default and user can see the whole content.
    Does the search engines see the content even if it's collapse? is the collapse mode on the mobile only can hurt us with SERP ranking? okgF0pX 1LU6utU

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Roi_Bar

  • Hello there, Is it possible to make iframe SEO friendly? I have to use iframe to add video to the page. I know I can use the name and title attributes, but will it help to rank my page? Also can I put alternative content to describe the video? some iframe examples: <iframe<br>name="example-name-a"
    Alternate content video a</iframe<br> <iframe <br="">name="Example-video-name-b"<br /> title="Example-video-title-b"<br /> width="300"<br /> height="300"<br /> frameborder="0"<br /> src="example-b.html"><br /></iframe>

    Image & Video Optimization | | BBI_Brandboost

  • Hi there, I have for a long time had a bicycle maintenance website at Over the years the film branch of this business has taken off and moved in a slightly different direction, so I thought in March I decided to move to, and create a new website for my film business at I thought I did a good job of telling google about my change of domain, but my rankings completely died, so about a month I moved back to So far I haven't seen any sign of a recovery in my rankings, I'm getting almost no visits. I've check all my top pages on OSE and everything seems to be in place. Is it normal to wait over a month for my rankings to recover, or is there anything else I should be doing? Any tips/ideas/advice whatsoever will of huge help!

    Moz Pro | | madegood

  • Dear Team, We are a corporate setup in India,  we have the following services under different brand names: 1. Security guard services - ORION 2. Facility management services - NOIRO 3. Investigation services - Ascertain Solutions We are located in different locations - India, Bahrain and Abu Dhabi What is the best way to structure our website properties for getting maximum SEO benefit, please inform from the following options: i. One website with one blog, we will have multiple pages dedicated to each service where page titles can be the brand names of the service and the location, the domain will be of the parent company only. So everything comes under There will be a security services page for India, for Abu Dhabi , for Bahrain. Similar for investigation and facility management. **ii. Multiple websites for different locations and different services, **so there will be, and Also, there will be a, etc. Each website will have a blog for content publishing (although it is hard to imagine how we can develop content for different locations). **iii. One website each for each service, location shown differently through domain masking, **so we keep developing different pages as per the different locations on one website only, but this is shown differently through domain masking. Please help with this query, I really need an answer to this. If any more questions, please connect on or call on +91-8510999664. Thanks and Regards, Naman Arora

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ascertain_Solutions
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hi. I ran a Moz sitecrawl. I see "Yes" under "Duplicate Page Content" for each of my tag pages. Is this harmful? If so, how do I fix it? This is a Wordpress site. Tags are used in both the blog and ecommerce sections of the site. Ecommerce is a very small portion. Thank you. |   |

    Moz Pro | | dlmilli

  • From time to time I see an ad pop up in search results for blog content and have often wondered how much success these ads have had in promoting the specific post. Does anyone have experience with this? What results did you see?

    Paid Search Marketing | | unikey

  • I work on a couple ecommerce sites that are on IIS. Both sites have return a 200 header status for the CAPS and non CAPS version of the URLs. While I suppose it would be ok if the canonicals pointed to the same version of the page, in some cases it doesn't (ie; /Home-Office canonicalizes to itself and /home-office canonicalizes to itself). I came across this article ( that is a few years old and I'm wondering how much of an issue it is and how I would determine if it is/isn't?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | OfficeFurn

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