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  • Hi all, We have a discussion forum like Some spammers have created many links with our subdomain URL which are redirecting to high spammy and NSFW sites (Not sure how they did). We are trying to stop the redirects. So far many visitors and bots have recorded visits to these spammy sites with our URL. Will this impact our website anyhow ? I noticed that our website spam score has been increased and not sure if this is coincidental or penalized. Ranking even dropped without manual actions. I wonder how much of this subdomain activity will impact main website? Please advise.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | vtmoz

  • Do you guys think having a guest post close to the root domain has more link juice that being in subfolders?  vs Both pages have the same amount of internal links and both pages don't have external links

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | arango20

  • Hey everyone, Hoping to get your take on this: We have some very high demand products, they usually sell out in minutes (lucky us, eh?!) We are implementing a queue function on a product page - basically if too many people try to check out at the same time, we dump them in a queue The queue could kick in before or after search engines have indexed the product page The product page has markup and on-page content relating to the product. The queue page exists on an external (yes, external) site The queue page will not have any of the product info, markup, or optimised page title Product page will 302 to queue page and starts a series of 302 redirects! Here's the sequence when queue is active: CANONICAL product page (with markup, on-page product info, optimised page title, etc.)
    >> 302 >> queue page on external domain (ZERO markup, product info or page title)
    >>302>> same queue page, but throwing a hashed queue ID into the URL (basically giving you your place in the queue)
    **>> 302> ** NON-CANONICAL product page (with markup, on-page product info, optimised page title, etc.) I can foresee two scenarios search engine has indexed product page prior to queue kicking in. Then queue kicks in 302ing search engine to queue page. because it's a 302 the crappy queue page content is indexed back to the originating product page. This causes search engines to drop the product page cos all the product-specific markup/content has been overwritten with crappy queue page content search engines don't manage to index product page before queue kicks in. They crawl product page URL, get 302 to queue page, index crappy queue page content and think the product page is crappy, so don't traffic it. They will recrawl the product page once the queue's turned off, only to discover the product has sold out - boo. I very much doubt the search engines will 'wait for a few minutes' so may never end up reaching the product page again. I'm trying to get the markup/product info and optimised meta data injected into the queue page, so that remains present at all points on the journey in the hope that this enables search engines to continue to rank and traffic the product page. What's your take on this? Any suggestions on how we might overcome the issues? (before you ask; avoiding using the queue system is impossible, sorry!) Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TSEOTEAM

  • Is there any significant benefit to creating online directory listings that only provide nofollow links to our domain? For context, whilst doing link gap analysis I've found our competitors are listed on local government directories such as and Whilst these aren't seen as spam directories, it's still highly unlikely we'll receive much traffic through them. The links they provide to our domain have the nofollow tag. So I wonder whether there's any other benefit to investing the time in creating these listings? Would be interested to hear your thoughts Many thanks in advance

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Opera-Care

  • A year or two ago we put up some websites which were specific to brands we own. Sure enough those sites (eg '') started to rank pretty well for those brand terms eg 'mybrand curling tongs' (it's not curling tongs, btw, but you get the idea). We were getting a decent amount of traffic presumably from people who have bought or seen these products on our amazon/ebay stores. Before long, we see us starting to rank well for non branded searches eg 'curling tongs' even among decent competition. Next thing you know I'm getting told by the boss that we need to put up websites for all specific ranges, not just brands, because specificity is a bonus for ranking well. While there's probably a point that a site for MybrandCurlingTongs lends itself well to ranking for curling tongs, is there also an element that the branded searches we got (via making our brand known on amazon/ebay) helped the site gain recognition and authority? As such a new website about 'ionising hair dryers' would not rank well based on being specific, because it wouldn't be helped by a lot of branded traffic?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | HSDOnline

  • Can anyone shed some light on why this might be? Our website has a higher DA and PA yet the competition rank higher for some keywords. Even though our on page grader is higher or marginally different. **Our Website ** DA - 13 PA - 20 Keywords - 390 Linking Domains - 24 Total Inbound - 37 Follow - 14 Competitor DA - 8 PA - 15 Keywords - 640 Linking Domains - 12 Total Inbound - 79 Follow - 65

    Competitive Research | | Jesssherl

  • Recently my company started consulting for a SaaS company. They're clearly the best known, most trusted company on their area of work and they have the strongest brand, best product and therefore more users than any of their competitors by a big margin. Still, 99% of their traffic comes from branded, despite having 3x more domains, better performance scores and more content. Even using tools such as SimilarWeb for comparing user satisfaction metrics, they seem to have lower bounce rates and more visits per session. Still, they rank for almost nothing that is non branded on Google (they rank extremely well for almost everything on bing and DuckDuckGo). They don't have any obvious issues with crawling or indexation - we've gone to great depths to tick off any issues that could be affecting this. My conclusion is that it's either a penalty or a bug, but GSC is not flagging any manual actions. These are the things we've identified: All the content was moved from to at the end of 2017. 301s were put in place, migration was confirmed on GSC. Everything was done with great care and we couldn't identify any issues with it. Some subdomains of the site, especially support, rank extremely well for all sorts of keywords, even very competitive ones but the www subdomain ranks for almost nothing on Google. The www subdomain has 1,000s of domains pointing to it while the support has only a few 100s. Google is performing delayed rendering attempts on old pages, JS and CSS particularly versions of assets that were live before the migration in 2017, including the old homepage. Again, the redirects have been in place for 3 years. Search Console frequently showing old HTML (at least a year old) in cache despite a recent crawl date and a current 301. Search Console frequently processing old HTML (at least a year old) when reporting on schema. Search Console is sometimes selecting pages from the old domain as the canonical of a URL of an existing page of the current domain, despite a long-standing 301 and the canonicals being well configured for 3 years now. Has anyone experienced anything similar in the past? We've been doing an analysis of old SEO practices, link profile, disavow... nothing points to black hat practices and at this point we're wondering if it's just Google doing a terrible job with this particular domain.

    Technical SEO | | oline123

  • Hi There! We have been building our website ( for years, and had a great position for the keyword "office 365" in hungary. Now our site dropped in the middle of nowhere in natural search list. Is it possible that google penalized us? Tried to find out the reason without any luck. Thanks! Laszlo

    Technical SEO | | laszlosf

  • hey, just wanna know  does <base> in head of website affect SEO? and if it's a yes, how?

    Technical SEO | | m1700

  • Hello, This is more of a technical question but does anyone know if it’s possible to allow embedding on YouTube videos only for specific sites? We want to restrict embedding on our videos but still be able to embed them on our domain. I’m already listed as the primary owner and have the channel linked to my personal email (same email used to upload videos) but when I go to the below link mentioned on Google's Page for Restrict Embedding ( it says I don’t have permission to access that page for both my personal account and channel. The documentation states it's possible to "Block embedding on all sites or apps except for those URLs or app package names you enter in the text box." but I can't seem to find it. I can only find the option to turn it off/on completely. I noticed my personal email hasn't been verified; would that make a difference here? Any help or insight on how to approach this would be very much appreciated. Looking forward to hearing from all of you!
    Thank you in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ben-R

  • Hello! One of our competitors (Company A) that we've tracked in Moz for a long time recently merged with another company (Company B) and redirected their whole site to Company B's site. Will our competitor tracking still work as-is? Or do we need to make an adjustment? I'm reluctant to delete Company A from our competitor tracking, because we will lose all of that data. But if all of the keywords are slowly going to drop off as Google starts showing Company B results only, it may be the only option. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

    Moz Bar | | PrimeFoodTeam

  • Hey Moz fam! I had a blog that was doing pretty well for the target keyword. Unfortunately, to make a long story short, we had an image in it we weren't supposed to so I unpublished it for a few days while we got that sorted out. Since republishing (with all the same content) it has not gotten a single impression. I inspected the URL and it is totally eligible but nothing in the way of organic traffic. Any ideas on how I can recover?

    Content Development | | danieldaher

  • Hello, I have a product page and just did a little introduction ( 5 lines of text) but I have the feeling this is not enough for google. What is the solution ? Is it to increase the amount of content even though it is not going to be user friendly ? Or will google look at the product page I link too and take into account the content on those subpages to boost my "pillar / product page". Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi, How long is the delay to de-rank once you remove everything from a page ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • In my early 20's I authored an ebook that provides men with natural ways to improve their ahem... "bedroom performance". I'm now in my mid 30s, and while it's not such an enthralling topic, the thing makes me 80 or so bucks a day on good days, and it actually works. I update the blog from time to time and build links to it on occasion from good sources. I've carried my SEO knowledge to a more "reputable" business, but this project is still interesting to me, because it's fully mine. I am more interested in getting it to rank and convert than anything, but following the same techniques that are working to grow the other business, this one continues to tank. Disavow bad links, prune thin content.. no difference. However, one thing I just noticed now are my search queries in the reports. When I first started blogging on this, I was real loose with my tongue, and spoke quite frankly (and dirty to various degrees). I'm much more refined and professional in how I write now. However, the queries I'm ranking for... a lot of d words, c words (in the sex sense)... sounds almost pornographic. Think Google may be seeing this, and putting me lower in rankings or in some sort of lower level category because of it? Heard anything about google penalizing for profanity? I guess in this time of authority and trust, that can hurt both of those... but I wonder if anyone's heard any actual confirmation of this or has any experience with this? Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | DavidCapital

  • Hello, I have read in the past that during a major update google puts all his ressources in the update and it seems  that they don't update search results anymore. Has someone noticed that too ? How long does it take for an update to be rolled out fully and have everything get back to normal ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • I manage a GMB account for an HVAC client and noticed in their knowledge graph it shows: "Products & Services:" I cannot find this anywhere on the backend on GMB. Has anyone experienced this and how did you fix/remove the link? Luckily, the link goes to the clients profile on SinglePlatform, but the info is outdated.

    Local Listings | | Bryan_Loconto

  • I'm redesigning my site expected launch early January. I'll be selling some products that are currently are only available on Amazon; and those listings have thousands of very positive reviews. I'm seeing apps that are available that will sync reviews from my Amazon seller account listings to my products on-site. I'd love to start my site off with the great  validation these reviews are sure to provide customers, but I wonder how concerned I need to be about duplicate content or any other cons.

    Reviews and Ratings | | VaporApparel

  • My website’s ranking, content as well as data are very good, but the DA number is low. Is this normal? Can someone tell me how MOZ evaluate a website's domain authority? Or what kind of adjustment can improve the DA ranking? How often does MOZ adjust a website's DA?

    Link Building | | Jane090987

  • In the last year we've made a few significant changes to the structure of our site - namely adding translations for a few languages. We have historically been gaining in organic search by about 10% each month, but in the last two months we've leveled out and seen a slight dip. I am wondering if this has something to do with the addition of the second language, and namely if there's a chance we've been penalized due to duplicate content. We have almost all pages / content on the site translated by a translator, but the way the development works the site will grab the english version if a translation hasn't been added - potentially adding some duplicate content? The URL structure remains the same, other than the addiion of the language  - vs We also haven't translated the tour name itself, so that remains the same. Just wondering if anyone has any feedback on best practices here or things I should be looking out for. Thanks in Advance.

    On-Page Optimization | | mkgreyound

  • i have site with Da about 30 and i have many project on it if i register a domain for each project and after that redirect to my site is that bad for my site and my site seo ? for ex: my project is : i register or domain like that and redirctet to

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | MidnightShop79

  • Hi, Let's say we are going to create pages in the URL path In case this page doesn't exists or redirected; will the pages created in this URL path like stated above have any issues in-terms of SEO? We will link these pages from somewhere in the website and planning to redirect the /directory/ to homepage. Suggestions please.

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Our sitemap is showing in Google's SERP. While it's only for very specific queries that don't seem to have much value (it's a healthcare website and when a doctor who isn't with us is search with the brand name so 'John Smith Brand,' it shows if there's a first or last name that matches the query), is there a way to not make the sitemap indexed so it's not showing in the SERP. I've seen the "x-robots-tag: noindex" as a possible option, but before taking any action wanted to see if this was still true and if it would work.

    Technical SEO | | Kyleroe95

  • So I recently switched from an Opencart website to a Magento 2 website and my rank has dropped by 35% two weeks later, this is bad news. My old Magento website was 5 years old and was in desperate need of an upgrade, hence the Magento 2 site. I realised today that the canonical URLs on my stores were set to the individual stores as opposed to one store, thus I expect resulting in duplicate content issues (even though Google Webmaster Tools didn't show it). I'm just wondering if anyone else can see something I may be missing? My sites are: (primary) (canonical to primary) Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | moon-boots
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  • For the past 2-3 years, my site’s organic rankings have been dramatically shifting, ranking well for a few days and then dropping for a month or two, then ranking again for a few days, and then dropping again. During the time of higher rankings, form submissions increase significantly. The ranking increases or decreases are typically between 10-30 spots each time. I’ve done everything I can think of to address any issues: improved speed, limited 404s, changed the architecture of the site, updated link anchor text, etc. Nothing seems to work. The site has 88% of its traffic coming from desktop, with 9% from mobile and 3% from tablet. The disparity between desktop and mobile leads me to believe that the ranking issues are mobile-related, especially now that Google is using mobile-first indexing. I thought dwell time could be an issue, but session duration is 2:07 minutes and bounce rate is under 60%, with an average of 2.27 pages per session. That doesn’t indicate any quality of traffic issues to me. There are no warnings in Google Search Console, and speed is 58 for mobile and 86 for desktop on Page Speed Insights. I’ve been doing SEO for 12 years, but this has me stumped. My top suspicions are: Speed issues on mobile Penalties for redirects from old website to the new website Penalties for anchor text for the old brand name instead of the new one. The site is Has anyone seen anything like this? Any ideas?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dragonflydm

  • Hey guys,
    In the past weeks, i was ranking #4 for a keyword and as a result, I was getting a lot of traffic and I made some unremarkable modifications to page content and reindexed it.
    after that, i noticed a drop in traffic, and when i checked it out, i noticed that the page is not ranking for that keyword anymore, it's no longer in the search engine (not even in page 15).
    The funny thing is that if i add any letter to the main keyword (for example "Keyword" c) and search for it, my page ranks #1.
    It's as if google bots are avoiding to rank my page for that main keyword only.
    Ps: I didn't make any black hat SEO for that page or my website in general. No issues with other keywords i reindexed the page several times and what i noticed, is that in the first 4 hours i restore my ranking whit that keyword but after a while, the same problem occurs (My site disappears from the search engine)
    If you have any idea about this issue, i will be grateful if you could help.
    Thanks in advance

    Technical SEO | | CongthanhThe

  • Can I safely delete unused tags, ones with 0 posts connected to them? Thanks, Mike

    Technical SEO | | naturalsociety

  • On Chrome79 a large scary warning is shown to users on our site: "Did you mean this other domain? This site's domain looks similar to X domain. Attackers sometimes mimic sites by making small, hard-to-see changes to the domain." Screenshot: Our online business is reputable, no black hat SEO practices, has been established since the early 2000s, with a relatively high DA. We don't have any warnings / manual actions in Google Search Console so I can't request a review there. I've reported it several weeks ago to Google's Incorrect Phishing Warning but the warning continues to display. I reported using: Does the Moz community have any suggestions on how to fix this or general thoughts? Thanks! NOGEyLM

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | sb1030

  • We are using Amazon Web Server for Please help me to know what is idle timeout for server load balancer for AWS.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AnilTanwarMI

  • Hi there We have 5 separate sites which handle different regions/niches that we work in, and we are planning to merge into one so we have a logical path for 301 redirects. The sites have DA's as follows: Site 1 - DA 36
    Site 2 - DA 31
    Site 3 - DA 29
    Site 4 - DA 27
    Site 5 - DA 20 Does anyone have any experience with how the DA would flow through to the new site? Each site currently relates to a different niche that we work with, and we are planning to keep the content structured similarly, probably like this: https://newtoplevelsite/site1/products,  https://newtoplevelsite/site2/products and so on. That makes 301 redirects easy and also gives us more control in managing users and different teams in Wordpress. We would link the different niches through the top menu and links within the pages. Is there a better solution? Would it make more sense to have  https://newtoplevelsite/products/site1,  https://newtoplevelsite/products/site2, and so on? Thanks for the ideas

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ben10001

  • Hi all, I've got a big question. I'm helping out with digital marketing at a non-profit that I volunteer with. We're working on developing an on site blog for our site, because we've realized we need that middle of the funnel content. Our issue has been taking up much of the developers' time & we're really working out the kinks with the system, so I'm trying to alleviate that with a light blog solution. We're considering installing a wordpress site on a separate server from the main site & sending traffic over to that. The primary questions: Do we negatively impact our main site by having a link to a different domain in the topnav? Do we positively impact the main site by developing SEO content on a redirected&masked URL? What are the ramifications of redirecting a subdomain to another server? Would we be better off using something like Ghost? A good example would be: Visit theMainDomain
    Click: blog on topnav
    Redirect to: theSecondDomain/blog [masked as theMainDomain/blog]
    Click: home on topnav
    Redirect to: theFirstDomain/blog

    Technical SEO | |

  • One of our most important keywords (ranked 5) dropped to 51+ one week and then went back to 5 around the time we launched a new site. Why did that happen?

    Technical SEO | | virtuance_photography

  • I am wondering the best way to mark up an event page with multiple occurrences. For example, we have an event that happens over the course of 4 sequential weekends:
    10/19-10/20 Our website allows us to enter multiple occurrences that results in a single event listing page which outputs all dates (to eliminate duplicate content, titles, metas, etc.) but allows each occurrence to output individually on our events calendar in the respective individual date. Each time the event is shown, it links to the same listing page. I am wondering if we can add event schema on a single listing multiple times to cover each occurrence. In the above example, we would have 4 schemas on the listing page for each date range/weekend. In our current schema, we end up with a start and end date identified as 9/28-10/20 but it is not clear that the event is just happening on the weekends with gaps in between. Any suggestions are welcome however, we are really trying to NOT list each as an individual event on the website both for the duplicate content issue and the extra burden on our client that lists events for a very large geographic area.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Your_Workshop

  • For the last few years, a particular blog post on my site has gotten 3 times as much traffic than any other page, even the home page; however, the topic of the post is only moderately related to the website topic and I'm wondering if all that unrelated traffic is negatively effecting SEO for our primary keywords. Here's an example.... Site topic: Yoga retreats in Costa Rica (we want to attract people who are interested in booking a yoga retreat) Blog Topic: How to extend your visa in Costa Rica (it's related only because it's about Costa Rica and travel, and may help our visitors stay longer) Other Notes: In 4 years, visitors to that blog post have never converted. Blog post bounce rate is 56%, significantly higher than almost any other page Lots of comments on the blog post so visitors to it are engaged and find it very useful To get an accurate reading of interested visitors to the site, i always have to filter entrance visits to this post in my analytics because these users are not an accurate representation of the visitors we're trying to draw. My question: Because I get so much traffic from the blog post, which is about the visa renewal process, will Google consider the website less about yoga and more about visas? If so, will it make it more difficult to rank well for yoga in Costa Rica? Does Google say to itself, "Hey, this website can't be an authority about both yoga and visas in Costa Rica so we're going to consider it a visa site because of all the visits and engagement it gets for that topic." So should I remove the post or just leave it alone? It offers a lot of people valuable information so I would never delete it entirely, but would redirect it somewhere else. Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | Cabaretti

  • Hello, I am looking for the communities thoughts on location-based landing pages. That is,  writing out dozens, sometimes hundreds of landing pages in the format of[keyword]-[location] and recycling the same content over and over to localize organic search engine results. i have done it with multiple websites and seen tremendous success, however, i am considering getting rid of these pages and having all of the spammy location based pages 301 redirect to my main page[keyword] I am considering this because the above practice seems to be a bit black-hat / spammy and those pages do not offer any unique or valuable content. While i have seen great results from this practice, i feel like Google will eventually penalize this or may already be penalizing me without me knowing it. At the same time, i am hesitant to because these pages are ranking. i.e.[keyword-houston] is ranking but[keyword] is not ranking Thoughts?

    Local SEO | | RyanMeighan

  • A client is having their site redeveloped on a new platform in sections and are moving the sections that are on the new platform to a temporary subdomain until the entire site is migrated. This is happening over the course of 2-3 months. During this time, is it best for the site to use 302 temporary redirects during this time (URL path not changing), or is it best to 301 to the temp. domain, then 301 back to the original once the new platform is completely migrated? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Matt312

  • With Google starting to crack down on mixed content I was wondering, if I have an https page with an http img that redirects to an https img, is it still considered by Google to be a mixed content page? e.g. In an old blog article, there are images that weren't updated when the blog migrated to https, but just 301ed to new https images. is it still considered a mixed content page?

    Algorithm Updates | | David-Stern

  • We have a client who is launch some Google Ads campaigns, and they recently asked us to fix 304 "Errors" on their website as per this feedback: "When we inspected the website we came across a number of 304 status errors. In order to get the ads running, we will need all of the website domain status codes converted to 200. “ Of course, all of their website pages return a 200 Status, it's just the HTTP headers that additionally clarify with a 304 Response (not an error). Has anyone else ever run into this issue with Google Ads? IMHO it makes no sense to remove this functionality. Google has even recommended in the past to use this it: Thanks for any tips or feedback!

    Paid Search Marketing | | mirabile

  • All, we're building a new version of our existing website using Wordpress and have both Yoast SEO Premium and Schema Pro installed.  Our site has 70, a medical practice, has 70 different locations. Each one of our locations has a page tile like the following: "Los Angeles | ABC Dental". The first part of the site title is the town we're located in followed by our site name. Using Schema Pro, we're not sure about what to place into the "Name" field.  You can see the direction from Schema Pro for local businesses here, By default Schema Pro has the name field set to Site Title.  However, using this on all 70 or our landing pages wouldn't provide the local aspect we want.  It would just say ABC Dental.  We changed this to use a new custom field where we could enter a more descriptive name. Using our page title example of "Los Angeles | ABC Dental", would we simply enter this into the name field of Schema Pro? If not, would we format this another way such as "ABC Dental Los Angeles" We could use some help in a strategy for Schema markup for multi-location businesses, in particular, the name field.  All other information such as address, phone number, etc seems rather straight forward. Thank you for the assistance

    Local Listings | | morciuoli

  • Please suggest me how to improve First Contentful Paint (FCP) and First Input Delay (FID) for my website ( on mobile. All the java scripts moved into footer, added async and defer on JS. Also, apply all the possible ways suggested buy the Google pagespeed insights tool but we did not see more improvement. We tried to defer and async all the CSS but while doing this our website gets break. Please help me to solve it. thread-18712370-27405935606745616.png

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AnilTanwarMI

  • Hello, We own the business BIM Fitness and Performance in Fort Myers, FL. However, when we do a search near us, we are down at the very bottom of the page. Can anyone provide some insight as to why this may be? I know SEO is the long game but is there anyway we can at least appear higher up locally?

    Image & Video Optimization | | ash.gray

  • Hi, I have observed that even if number of linking domains increased but DA value can still decreased. Can anyone Please let me know how to improve DA score. Focusing on gaining quality backlinks is already in process and number of linking domains also increased over the last 2 months but DA score got down. Website - Awaiting responses!
    Thanks. pt3y1n pt3ycl

    Link Explorer | | insidewebanalytics

  • Hey everyone, I have found few code issues with our new website and wanted to see how bad those problems are and if I have missed anything. If someone can take a look at this and help me it would mean the world. Thank you. all! We hired an agency to design a new site for us and it's almost ready, but the other day I found some problems that made me wonder if this new site might not be as good as I thought and I wanted to ask you to take a look at the code and possibly help me understand if from SEO prospective it is sound.  But I really want someone who understands SEO and web design to look at our code and point out what might be wrong there. Here is  a link to the actual site which is on a new server: What I found few days ago that made me wonder something might not be right. Problem 1. Each page has 3 title tags, I guess whatever template  they are using it automatically creates 3 title tags. When you do " View Page Source" For example on this url: when you view the code, the lines  Lines 16,19 and 20 have the title tag which in my opinion is wrong and there should only be one. Could this hurt our SEO? Problem 2.  Infinite duplicate urls found All following pages have INFINITE NUMBER OF DUPLICATE URLS. EXAMPLE:,,,, you can add any type of number to this url and it will show the same page.  I really think this 2nd problem is huge as it will create duplicate content. There should be only 1 url  per page, and if I add any number to the end should give a 404 error. I have managed to find these 2 issues but I am not sure what else could be wrong with the code. Would you be able to look into this? And possible tell us what else is incorrect? I really like the design and we worked really hard on this for almost 5 moths but I want to make sure that when we launch the new site it does not tank our rankings and only helps us in a positive way. Thanks in advance, Davit

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Davit1985

  • Hi All, First post and apologies if this seems obvious. I run a niche jobs board and recently one of our openings was shared online quite heavily after a press release.  The exposure has been great but my problem is the URL generated for the job post will soon expire. I was wondering the best way to keep the "link juice"  as I can't extend the post indefinitely as the job has been filled. Would a 301 redirect work best in this case? Thanks in advance for the info!

    Technical SEO | | MartinAndrew

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