John makes a very good point.
however if you need more help making it for your actual video player which is different for every company that hosts videos.
You'll want to take the advice from distilled along with portent the I don't think I can fathom two search engine optimization/Internet marketing companies I have more respect for. Considering they're both on the same page with this I would go with it why?
Creating Video Sitemaps for each Video Hosting Platform
By Phil Nottingham. Published January 11, 2013 in the Video category
The TL:DR of getting pages indexed with a video rich snippet is “submit a video XML sitemap“. Unfortunately, this advice is not much use for the majority of users, who host their content with external providers or social video platforms and are then forced to work out whether or not their hosting service does this for them, and if not, how they should create and structure a video sitemap for their specific circumstances. To help simplify the whole process, I have created this post as a reference guide for those who have video on their site and want an answer to the ”how do i get video snippets?” question without having to do the additional work.
here are the two seo greats agreeing with each other on how this is done. I would suggest that you read the link below.
I always check with distilled meaning reference their information when it comes to this topic, and I have found to a prior Moz question that is identical to yours. However, I think Phil from distilled does an outstanding job of explaining exactly what needs to be done. Now I've also included quite a few other alternatives just so you know that there are some automated systems out there I can't vouch for them like I can for distilled I trust I trust portent as well
Even another Moz post
hear your links just so you don't forget them.
And it is right you should place a video site map on your website in order for Google to be able to read the video. Even and what Vimeo calls an old embedding you are not getting what you really want out of the video.
So if you make a site map I noticed your site was on a Microsoft IIS server
I then searched the web for a high quality easy to use site video map generator that is compliant with the new Google love videos.
This is the authority I go by when using video site maps anything and especially Phil when it comes to video I would pay close attention.
Here he goes about how to make a site map for each of the different video players though you really only need obviously 1 and I to hope you pay attention what he states about using Vimeo
To get video rich snippets with Vimeo videos, you will currently need to create and maintain your sitemap independently of the platform.
NOTE: I do not condone trying to get rich snippets using a free Vimeo account as a sensible strategy, as if the and pages are targeting similar keywords, the version will often outrank you. Moreover, you dilute your potential traffic and links unnecessarily (See here for more details). If you can afford it, i recommend upgrading to a Vimeo Pro account and disabling the community pass to ensure you can’t be outranked for keywords relating to your video by the page on vimeo.com__
- You’ll need to upload your chosen thumbnail to your own site to reference in the video:thumbnail_loctag.</video:thumbnail_loc>
- To locate the player URL for the video:player_loctag (which, in this instance you should use rather than video:content_loctag) go to the video page on and click “share” in the top right hand corner of the video frame. From here, click “show options”, scroll to the bottom of the options then displayed and select “use old embed code”</video:content_loc></video:player_loc>

- The code in the box will then change. Pull out the src element of the <embed> tag, which should be a URL that looks like followed by a load of parameters” Remove all of the parameters past and including the initial ampersand, so you’re left with a plain URL, with which to populate the player location field in your video sitemap.
- Embed using either the iframe or “old” (flash based) embed code
** I would follow this to the letter. Phil is an authority on video SEO I would take his advice.**
The alternative below is an excellent one unfortunately you are using a non-WordPress website so you cannot use a plug-in. The reason I have left it on here is if anyone searches I would like them to have the knowledge if they are using a hosted WordPress website they can utilize the plug-in below.
Alternatively, if your site is on a WordPress platform, you can use the Yoast Video Sitemap plugin
I know your site is not WordPress based because I did a check on it
here is a great tool that tells you how a site is built
here is your website
Here is another excellent answer from portent
if you would like a less complicated but I can't guarantee as high quality however I do think this is a good quality website I would recommend using
Google query
by inspecting your site with some of these tools to give you the correct answer for what I believe will be the easiest solution for your problem. I have come across some of this information I don't know if it is correct or not if you would there verify it I would be happy that this tool has done its job so far.
You can use it for free if your site is less than 25 pages however if it is more is $39 per life and it claims to be a set it and forget it tool
there are many more site map generators can be found here..All of them focus on video the above site map generator does and more importantly its one you can download and use for Microsoft Windows. is is is is anything we have videos he is
for more help in how to build a video site map and check it so that you get the results wanted from Google I have collected some links I hope will help you
1st you could simply use what I consider the best video product Wistia & Moz gives a percentage off in their Pro members through perks or what I believe now is just https://moz/perks I do not know if it is still called pro perks or just perks.
I use and would encourage you to use Wistia however I understand completely if you have purchased a year video and do not feel like changing. Though I do want you to know Wistia does offer a solution for any website that needs a video site map all you have to do is change the robots.txt I use it, and you get 3 free videos for life. So depending on how many videos for doing this might be the right solution and it might not.
Here is a direct link to Google's how to make a video site map this is what you must do in order for it to be picked up by Google successfully.
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