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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • Hello, The site I work with has a number of unwanted, unrealted and just generally spammy sites linking to our site.  What is the best way to ask them to remove the links (formal notice asking to remove or more of a "hey, can you get remove this for us as a favor" tone)?  Do you have any tips for getting rid of these links? Thank you!

    | airnwater

  • I have a client who does not actively participate in the content writing or resource providing part of optimization or link building. I want to build some more links to the site outside of content spreading and guest blogging. I have read a lot of the recent articles on creative ways to build links but feel that most would not apply to this kind of site. Any ideas on creative link building methods for a law services info site?

    | webfeatseo

  • Do links count when they are online but in a power point, doc or pdf format?

    | pauledwards

  • I work in a field similar to casinos, which obviously makes standard link building practices more difficult.   Also, my company cannot operate in the US. Any SEOMozzers who work in similar fields and have ideas for creative link building to successfully build a robost (and white hat) link profile for marginal industries? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • We were recently made aware of  They produce content and guarantee the content will be listed on a minimum of 600 websites that they have agreements with.  This includes the LA times and others.  Their agreements state that the content will be a maximum of 2 clicks from the homepage and will live for 1-2 years before getting archived. Does anyone know anything about this company and/or the overall strategy of achieving links on these highly trafficked/valued sites through articles? Will these links help us or is this similiar to sending out a press release on prweb where you get picked up by benzinga and other sites automatically and the value for the links isn't really there? Any insight you can provide about this company and or strategy would be most appreciated.


  • My company manages local SEO campaigns for local-service SMBs (e.g. plumbers, dentists). One of the things we do is claim and manage directory listings. To provide trackable results, we apply tracking phone numbers to the directory listings, but those phone numbers don't match the phone number listed on the client's site. So we have a problem from a citation consistency standpoint. On the one hand, we'd like everything to be consistent -- business name, address and phone number -- to achieve citation consistency. On the other hand, we want to prove the value of what we're doing by showing the client data from tracked phone calls. Can we provide best-practice Local SEO and Maps Optimization - and achieve citation consistency - even if we're introducing inconsistency by using tracking numbers?

    | Aspirant1

  • The SEO firm we hired built 2797 links with 123 domain within two month period (March and April) when we don't know better. We received Google's warning on 3/28, and they didn't tell us anything but keep building.  Well, that's history now.  We learned our lesson.  That's why we are a member of SEOmoz. The SEO firm is not too keen on helping us remove the link (we've discontinue the service) after one initial attempt to a few site with tons of links (performed by their Indian team). I've got advice from this Forum regarding link removal.  The most suggestions we get is to remove it as many as possible and move on building good links.  But, I am afraid such approach will take us years to come ahead as we are under staffed. I saw here that someone mentioned their link building firm wants to charge $10 for links removed.  Based on that idea, I wonder if I should offer some monetary incentive?  If so, what amount would make financial sense?

    | ypl

  • I want to know when it comes to link building with relevant bloggers, is there a difference among the following in terms of SEO value? product review product giveaway guest blog Also, what would look natural o Google as how many of such links I can build per month?  We are a consumer products, we've had lots of bloggers approach us wanting to do the above link building with us, if they fit the profile, high quality site, relevant to our business, does that mean I can do as many per month as we'd like to?

    | ypl

  • Hi, Here is a newbie question. When we launched our web shop 18 months ago I started eight blogs on a different host with keyword rich domain names to get some links to the shop. Today I don't update them, but they have a lot of links to our shop and the blogs have something like DA 20 and PA 30-40. There are lots of links between the blogs as well. Can I do 301 redirects of the blogs/posts to the web shop to rank higher in the SERP for the keywords? If I do, what happens to the links from the blogs to the shop? Will the shop loose a lot of links, but gain in PA, DA, mR etc? Overall, would the shop/main site benefit from this? Or should I just leave the blogs and not mess with them? They don't have much traffic. I appreciate any input, thanks!

    | DanielSndstrm

  • Lots of old links to our wine rack store site from many years ago, how do I get these removed? block them?  Not sure if Penguin got us because of these....

    | AmazingUniverse56

  • With social media playing a bigger role in SEO (since the Panda, Penguin updates etc) and how search engines rank sites now, does anybody know why Twitter for instance has 'no follow' when I check my client's websites under 'inbound links' on Open Site Explorer?

    | caroline1977

  • The head office of our organisation has just set up a new website and I see that it is ranking third below two of our retail stores. I performed a link analysis s and see we out rank our stores in terms of Links etc. Can someone explain to me why we are below these stores. Also our website was only launched a week a go. Could this have an effect?

    | dawsonski

  • Hi everyone. Just a quick question as its really confusing me. When link building it appears I have been linking unknowingly it seems to 2 different web address's and I'm very new to this but if you look at the link info for these two different address they have different scores. Have i just halved all the link building i have done so far? When you search for us on the net its the .com site that appears but the .com/en/home/ has better trust etc. So i guess the question is, for future linking which address should we be linking to ? .com or .com/en/home/ Many thanks Phil

    | phil123

  • In the aftermath of the Penguin and Panda monsters a lot of blog networks seem to have been devalued by Google. It seems logical that spammers will flock to low quality guest posting next. How do you think Google will determine which guest post links to devalue? Thanks!

    | ProjectLabs

  • I really hope this isn't interpreted as gray hat or spammy, so please let me know if it is! I'm just always racking my brain to try to come up with creative link-building strategies. Since we're all SEOs who are presumably doing some form of link-building, what if we got together and examined one anothers' sites, to find opportunities for links? I'm sure that still doesn't make sense, so I'll try to clarify. OK, I've been seeing an in-house guy around here that works for a place that sells coat hangers. What if I had an existing blog post that mentioned coat hangers, allowing me to make that phrase a link to this site? LET IT BE KNOWN THAT I'M NOT SUGGESTING A FREE-FOR-ALL OF POINTLESS LINKS! I'm only suggesting this to be done in instances where it makes sense and makes copy more informative! I know a lot of kinks would have to be worked out (like making sure people are giving and not just taking) but I wanted to throw the general idea out there first to see if it's even a good idea.

    | UnderRugSwept

  • Just foresee this issue coming up with a couple of clients and while I am preparing a strategy of my own, I felt it would be helpful to ask the community their thoughts as well.

    | anvilmediainc

  • There is a list of non paid keywords which is showing up but is that all ? I wish to know all the keywords people are searching and coming to my site? How can I accomplish the same.

    | shanky1

  • Having the toughest time finding writers. I've been pretty successful building links via guest posting, but the problem is I'm writing all the articles.  It's seriously draining - and not scalable the way I'm doing. That said - anyone have tips on how to find high quality writers?  I'm fine paying $50-$100 per article as long as it's great. Help?

    | ErikDster

  • I have an engraving site where I am looking to increase traffic/ sales. We do local engraving services and sell engraved products via eCommerce. It seems to me that locally I can't compete since most search terms are washed over with every local directory in and around the city that are selling there memberships. So I thought I could compete nationally via the 200 products we carry. I have used site explorer to go through my competitors links.  My findings show that other then their twitter accounts and dmoz listing most everything else are paid links and lots of them. Keeping in mind I have 45 root domains with 411 links to my site. Three competitors links data.  I probably shouldn't name them right? competitor #1 1k root with 13.9k links competitor # 2 147 root with 16k links competitor # 3 427 root with 28k Should I just start buying these links that range from $10-50 per link or is this a waste of time? Are these truly my competitors or am I comparing my tiny site to the major leagues?

    | YYV

  • Hello, I think many of us have re-plan their SEO strategy since the latest updates from Google and we all saw that coming anyway. We already know that link building using Directories, Article sites, Link exchange, profiles, footer/side links, paid links, press releases and other have been devalued or not working at all. For low budget websites and websites that cannot afford fresh/valued updated content or other link baiting techniques there arent much left. I my self found that Social Media and Blogging (Guest posts) are they only techniques left for websites that cannot manage to get natural links. Also i have realized that On-page optimization is getting more attention again. We all have great ideas of acquiring links but what we do when time and budget is limited? Google promotes natural link building but how you supposed to get natural links from a new low reputation website? I kinda of like the new approach since it will make SEO work a lot of harder and eliminate the easy path success. It will also focus the SEO job more on On-page and on great content. But this is getting a lot of harder for new websites with lower budgets and lower time to consume on SEO. I deeply know the answer of my question but i would like your opinion also and of course if anyone would like to share some ideas or know-how to discuss is welcome.

    | Lakiscy

  • I have just completed a great article (relating to advertising). I have a predicament, where do I post it? Do I contact  sites related to the industry with high pr's and authority, to see if they want to feature the article? This will provide great anchor text links from the high pr site in question. Or do i submit to article directories? Or do i simply place the article on my site, and get people to link to it? I need help!!!! Thanks in advance. P.S. I'm a newbie (I'm sure you can tell)

    | copywritingbuzz

  • I want to get a report on all the back links to some of our competitors. How can I filter out competitor back links that also back link to our site? Does SEOmoz have instruction and/or a video on how to increase back links? Where?

    | lbohen

  • I have a few website that centralize spefic news (business news) from other sites and show the article source. The question is: The sites provide about 100.000 backlinks to 3  other sites. Do i remove the site wide links and keep them only on the front page or i keep them? Tjank you

    | petrescucld

  • I come to know about this blog post by recent blog post on Penguins, Pandas, and Panic at the Zoo! I have very good experience with example number 6. Honestly, It's working without any issue towards performance and ranking. But, I have very critical issue after implementation. I bought new home but, I have to hang Sign board with my old address. 🙂 I want to give live example with Google search result. I have removed my old website and set 301 to new category page due to duplication issue. Honestly, Who will like to mesh up performance in panda update? There are 56,311 links & 551 source domains pointing to my old home page. Just see this one! I'm creating quality links to my new category page where 301 redirect set from old home page to category page. I have big mind bubble about display of URL in search result. Why Google shows old home page URL in search result? Does it require to create 56,311 + 1 links or 551 + 1 source domains to get appear my new address?

    | CommercePundit

  • I have a question: One of the sites that I work for has 3.1 million site-wide links (according to WM Tools) from one domain pointing to us. This domain has a Domain Authority of 93. We have (according to OSE) more than 3, 500 Domains linking to us. We have a Domain Authority of 88. In other words, one of those 3,500 domains is highly reputable, and is sending us 3.1 million site-wide links. This represents 60% of all the links pointing to us (again according to WMTools). Is this something to be worried about? Or delighted about? Would you consider it an unnatural link profile?

    | sichristie

  • Hello everyone, This is my first day at SEOMOZ and I have already searched the forum for an answer to my question with no luck. How do I work out the pace at which I should be building links? Everyone talks about the importance of makling link building seem natural/organic, but how xactly do you go about this? Many thanks in advance.

    | ups

  • My site did not get hit. I am worried that Google will come back and get me for those anchor-text links I built a while back. They are of low to medium quality guest posts. Should I remove my old low-quality links? What about those on sites and pages that have been deindexed by Google? Any point in removing those? I know we can only speculate at this point, but would really appreciate some opinions on this. Has the trend in the past been a slight rollback after a big algorithm update like this? Or could we expect to see more and more sites being penalized? -Mathias

    | mathiasppc

  • We deal with about 200 clients for a series of websites. We create a number of articles articles per site per month. A company we used to do link building for the websites it turns out were doing a lot of spinning which has been hard hit by the new penguin update. I'm actually really happy about it as it means we can now do some legitimate SEO on their sites. Any ideas of what the best strategy would be for this amount of sites which we are already creating shareable content for?

    | acs111

  • Hey all, Next week we are relaunching our brand spankin' new site. It's a major overhaul of our existing site from both a brand, design, and identity point of view. As part of the relaunch we will be reaching out to journalists in our niche with PR, and also doing a series of guest posts. But I'm wondering about other link building opportunities around newly redesigned websites. I have a list of about 2 dozen design + CSS galleries to submit to. Can you recommend other sources? I'm especially interested in sites that review web design, etc... Thanks. C.

    | cmoylan

  • hey all,  this is my first posting... I have a webpage that is a great resource (ranked 3rd for my keyword) , and unarguably better than the site that is taking the first 2 places. Because my page is a much more useful resource for the same thing I have been looking at who is linking to them and asking them to take a look at mine in the hope that they will replace their link with my more up to date page. The problem is a LOT of the high value links they have (many .edu links) are from old, now unmaintained pages, where I have no chance of getting a link (or even contact with a webmaster) Its frustrating that they have so many good links to such an out of date page. I just wondered if any of you have had a similar situation. It just seems very hard to knock someone off that top spot if they have been established a long time, regardless of the quality of their content. I guess there is no solution to it except to find lot of other high value links myself - so not so much a question as a comment really! but happy to hear peoples own experiences of that sort of situation.

    | ricalebro

  • I'm doing some SEO for small niche service sites...and aside from niche directories and some light article marketing and local search directories (yelp, etc) there really isn't a budget for content generation. I really only have a budget for profile/submission links. What are some sites where you can quite easily fill out a personal profile with an anchor text variable link that may not be THAT juicy but will stick (i.e. not a spam/fake profile type of link, but something like Linkedin). I'll start with giving away 1 Any others that aren't obvious?

    | ilyaelbert

  • Good day,
        I am new to SEOmoz, so please allow me to take this opportunity to introduce myself before jumping into the questions.  I have a small network of sites that focus on language education online.  I have been working on them for about 3 years, and they were starting to do well.  I am sure I made some mistakes along the way with regards to SEO (I paid for article distribution, and directory submission).  I also did link exchanges - mainly with related sites, but some of them were kind of grey .  I stayed away from blackhat entirely. 
      So, like many people I got affected by Google Penguin.  Luckily it was not as bad as many of the people I have heard about.  7 out of my 10 sites, stayed on or near the top for the main keywords.  They did however drop for some of the secondary keywords.  3 of the sites however got hit hard.  Based on this, I have ventured to guess that google is telling me I was doing it about 70% right, and 30% wrong.  Well, live and learn. 
       After April 24th I started to scower the web to find out what happened and to see what to do.  In my readings I noticed that a lot of people were affected, but some where not.  The one thing I found that most of the people who were affected had in commune was that they were on SEOmoz.  So I decided to join.  So now I am here to hopefully learn what I did wrong, and what I need to do right.   I have no problem at all in starting from scratch and putting in the hard work. Now, as for my question.  As I mentioned, not all of my sites were hit by Penguin.  More of them survived than got killed.  I was hoping to be able to leverage those sites to give the new larger site a kick-start.  Just to give you some metric, all 10 sites have a quality rank of between 40-60 according opensiteexplorer.  The linking is nothing extreme.  The pages have anywhere from 200-1000 links.  Nothing more than that.  So here are the questions. 1) The SEO I did on all 10 sites were very similar.  So I am afraid of just doing a 301 redirect from the 7 other sites in the future google may punish them as well, and as such my main page new page will suffer.  What would you guys recommend.  Instead of a 301, I could just ad a link to the sub pages on the new site.   It would be less effective, but also less risky.   What would you all suggest? 2) If I take the 301 option, what is the general recommendation on how to phase it in.  I am assuming Google would not like it if all 7 pages got redirected on the same day.  That would essentially make the page have 5000 or so links overnight.  What is the general recommendation for these kinds of things.  one 301 a week?  one 301 a month?  The 301's would not be to the homepage, they would each go to a relevant sub-section of the site. Sorry for the long first post.  My wife tells me I don't know when enough is enough sometimes.  🙂   Thanks in advance for any assistance and I am excited to see what I can learn on SEOmoz.

    | rayvensoft

  • The head office of our organisation has just set up a new website and I see that it is ranking third below two of our retail stores. I performed a link analysis s and see we out rank our stores in terms of Links etc. Can someone explain to me why we are below these stores. Also our website was only launched a week a go. Could this have an effect?

    | dawsonski

  • I'm sure there is an easy to do this with Open Site Explorer but I haven't found it yet. I'd like to find every link leaving our domain and going to another. But I can't find a way to generate a list of all OUTGOING links, only incoming. Any tips?

    | absoauto

  • I am just starting out on building dome links for my site and a lot of the sites i am requesting to link to are requesting i put a link on my home page is this normal as i can imagine it would look quite messy,or is there a way to put it on but hide it or should i create a links page i am using a wordpress website using elegant themes i am a total newbie so not sure what i should do any feed back would be appreciated . thanks alan

    | Elfranco

  • I stumbled across the directory and noticed that it's home page is page rank 4 and in the listing it allows do follow links to your site.  They don't have pricing listed on the site though which scares me. Only a link to a sales person.  Anyone know how much they charge and if it would be worth looking into? Thanks mozzers! Ron10

    | Ron10

  • Hey Everyone, Long-time SEO'er first time poster here. I've been doing SEO for around 5 years but since starting my company The Search Ninjas last year I've been so bogged down with client work that I feel like I'm starting to fall behind on what's still effective from a link building perspective since all of my clients are local businesses and since we've been focusing so much attention on Google Places. My question is- are there any general article sites that you still use for SEO since the Panda update last year (that you firmly believe still offer "juice"), or do you mainly focus on niche sites and guest-blogging? I'm looking for ideas regarding how to find content submission opportunities for clients for link building purposes. I'm familiar with Ontolo and the Whitespark Link Prospecting Tool in terms of ways to find opportunities (and of course cherrypicking competitors' links using OSE and SEOSpyglass), any other recommendations? Best, George ps clients are in legal niche for the most part if that helps you out, but this is mainly me looking for everyone's general opinion.

    | georgetsn

  • After submit RR last week, we got the following from Google: "We've received a request from a site owner to reconsider how we index the following site: We'll review the site. If we find that it's no longer in violation of our Webmaster Guidelines, we'll reconsider our indexing of the site. Please allow several weeks for the reconsideration request. We do review all requests, but unfortunately we can't reply individually to each request." We got discouraged that Goodle said that it'd reconsider if we are no longer in violation.  However, we have about 4500 unatural links created by SEO co, who has proceed with some, but, we aren't seen reduction of such links.  In fact, it went up.  I need advise as how to remove the following (they are the few site with bulk links): have their webmaster info, however, since last request, we still have 1200 links from it. - is there any way to remove links from such site? don't see any contact info on their site Some suggest us move on by building good links, but, to dilute the power of 4500 unnatural links, it would take forever.

    | ypl

  • When using Open Site Explorer, two of my clients have experienced no change in MozRank since February, but nothing has changed/stopped in their link building/optimisation programme. Has anyone else experienced a similar 'pause' - can anyone explain?

    | caroline1977

  • Hi there I am looking at outsourcing linikbuilding to a new content site. I want to target one 3 word keyphrase to begin with, it has a keyword difficulty of 48% (moderately competitive) on Google US. Goal is to rank 1-3, the target page is well on-page optimised. Here are my questions: Are there companies that have performance based payment models? Any rough guestimates on how much money is needed to get a page to rank 1-3 for a 48% difficulty level keyword? Over how many months? Any recommendations for good companies? Thanks a bunch, Chris

    | Diderino

  • Hi there, Our site has a DA of 73, MozRank 5.40, MozTrust 5.88, and over 45,000 external links.  We haven't done any offsite SEO before, we got to where we are today organically.  We're thinking about hiring a link building firm to help increase our rankings and we've received two proposals. Firm A offered to build us 30 links from DA 50+ sites over 3 months.  The anchor text will most likely just be our domain name. Firm B offered to build us 90 links from PR2+ sites over 3 months.  They have control over the anchor text. Given our site's profile, which proposal makes more sense for us?  Would either of these initiatives move the needle for us? Thanks.

    | anonp

  • Hi All, A new client in a competitive market (international car hire - Car Trawler affiliate) is using Comment Hut to gain links to his site. I have not used this service so am wondering, with the latest google stuff, what the good the bad and the ugly is on the comment hut service. Does it work? Should we avoid it? Thanks in advance Steve

    | stevecounsell

  • What do you think of getting links from... high quality sites, with many non spammy high trusted links to them....but their traffic has been majorly hit by panda. I suspect perhaps for having too many thin pages. Is persuing links on these sites a good idea or not? I'd welcome opinions.

    | PeterM22

  • Hi Guy's, We have been sending bloggers products to review and in return we ask for a link back to our website to the relevant product. As I now understand it, Google is no longer giving this any weight & bloggers are being advised to use the "no follow" tag. So have I understood the new rules correctly? If so is it worth us continuing to send bloggers products to review? Thanks Daniel

    | LushDuck

  • I acquired a small website which was subsequently hit by Google Panda for unnatural links. Since the previous owner was involved in the link building, I'm not sure what to look for. Here's the message I received from Google: ** Message from Google ** "We've reviewed your site and we still see links to your site that violate our quality guidelines. Specifically, look for possibly artificial or unnatural links pointing to your site that could be intended to manipulate PageRank. Examples of unnatural linking could include buying links to pass pagerank or participating in link schemes. We encourage you to make changes to comply with our quality guidelines. Once you've made these changes, please submit your site for reconsideration in Google's search results. If you find unnatural links to your site that you are unable to control or remove, please provide the details in your reconsideration request. ** End Message from Google ** I'm not sure how to locate "unnatural links" when there are so many pointing to the site. For example, are there specific domains I should look for that are known offenders? Or, should I look for sites that are using obvious anchor text that seems orchestrated? Any insights would be appreciated on creating an action plan. Jerry

    | JerryCharles

  • I've had a link build report of all the links an SEO company have got us but a simple search for some of the content in Google with phrase match brings up about 3 pages of the same content posted to different article sites. I think it is doing something but will it just be penalised over time?

    | acs111

  • Hi! A few days ago, someone asked about how to ask links from bloggers and we got good answers, specially from Egol. But, I do want to add to that question: after conducting research on each blogger and make sure they have good quality content, how would you factor in their page rank, visitors, page view and social media info? if they don't have much traffic, with PR3 (we are PR4), which means we can't count on too much traffic from them, but, will backlink from such places deemed as quality link by Google?  I do  understand the higher number in PR and traffic is better, but, in our case, they don't come by often.  Is it still worthwhile to do the lower sites?

    | ypl

  • I was looking for a place of possibly some sort of software that would allow me to submit templates I have design for the Wordpress CMS to help build good backlinks to my website.  Does anyone have any good resources of stuff they have used for this?

    | deaddogdesign

  • Hello I am a small Computer/Tech Blogger (part time) from India and following are my Domain stats: PR: 4 Alexa Rank: 65K *** Open Site Explorer Page Authority: 46/100** *** Open Site Explorer Domain Authority: 35/100** *** Open Site Explorer Linking Root Domain: 98** *** Open Site Explorer Total Links: 1196** *** mR: 4.83** *** mT: 5.81** Domain Age: 3 Years and 4 Months Blog Posts I made: around 580 I never spent ANY time in Link Building, only wrote content for my blog. I only attached my Blog URL in some BIG forums as a signature (never meant for link building, but later found that the signature section of some forums are DOFOLLOW) and very few sites linked/links to me/my articles. Reasons why I am asking question here: Majority of my blog posts ranks very well (top 10) on, but on, most of them are present from Page 2 - Page 10 - I want to rank my posts well on, etc. SERP of Big sites remains static, but my position shuffles a lot. Sometimes any particular blog post of mine is on first page (on a particular Google Domain) and after some days/months, it shifts to 2nd or 3rd page! This happens a lot! As soon as Google Updates pagerank, many recent articles of mine will get atleast PageRank 2 or 3, but when pagerank in updated again, the pagerank of these very same articles drops! Very few articles of mine have static pagerank I am not a master in Computers/Tech and am not the first one on the internet to discover and write something UNIQUE/NEW, but I try to write detailed and good quality tutorials. If main keywords of my posts matches with the keywords of BIG domains, I never rank on first page, no matter I have written more detailed content compared to the content of these BIG sites! Google sends me traffic to majority of my blog posts by means of  random keywords! I have decided to do Guest Posting on some blogs of similar niche and with Open Site Explorer Domain Authority ranging from 60 to 80. I will try my level best to write good content for them and they also allows Author Bio with a backlink to my Blog Homepage (in my case, the anchor text  for this link will be my Blog Name) I want to ask following questions: Is one guest post with a backlink to my Homepage is enough? or I have to write more content for same domain? I have heard that, if you link to a website/blog which is linking to you, Google don't pass any juice to either of them because of reciprocal linking! - Is this true? The websites on which I am planning to do guest posts are very well established and trusted websites. Some of them have Open Site Explorer Domain Authority of 80+. Also, I never linked to them nor I am planning to do so! I request SEO Gurus here to please help me and I apologize in advance if I am wrong at any point. MY SEO concepts are not much clear and I am a newbie 🙂 Thanks and Regards

    | technotech

  • Im new to the SEO and link building world. I have been building on my link building campaign over the last month or two but I am yet to see any changes in my domain/page authority. Is it because of the quality of the links, the directories I have been submitting in, webmasters maybe using "nofollow" tag ect. Or it generally just takes time to see the results? Is this even how domain/page authority is built. lol Any information on the topic would be greatly appreciated. Regards, S&M

    | Sexandmetal

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