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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi, If a user comes to our site from a mobile device, we redirect to our mobile site.  That is www.mysite/mypage redirects to m.mysite/mypage.  Right now we are blocking robots from crawling our m. site.  Previously there were concerns the m. site could rank for normal browser searches.  To make sure this isn't a problem we are planning on rel canonical our m. site pages and reference the www pages (mobile is just a different version of our www site). From my understanding having a mobile version of a page is a ranking factor for mobile searches so allowing robots is a good thing.   Before doing so, I wanted to see if anyone had any other suggestions/feedback (looking for potential pitfalls, issues etc)

    | NicB1

  • How do you do press releases without duplicating the content? I need to post it on my website along with having it on PR websites. But isn't that considered bad for SEO since it's duplicate content?

    | MercyCollege

  • We have a redirect on our site at to Checking both home page scores in OSE, the .com/uk site has a higher PA and other metrics than .com yet all Home Page SERPS listed in Google still show .com with the lower PA and other metrics although the DA score of course is the same for both. Are we doing anything wrong here ? As part of my troubleshooting performed a redirect check using <>  and received the following error report: returns a 200 (OK) response. PR N/A returns a 200 (OK) response. PR N/A Potential problems on this site 2 pages returned a 200 response. This indicates potential for duplicate content problems. Ideally, only OR should return a 200 response. Are these two issues related and perhaps answered my own question ?

    | gooner1

  • I have a subdomain that lets me preview the changes I put on my site. The live site URL is, working preview version is The contents on both are almost identical I want to block the preview version ( from Google Robots, so that they don't penalize me for duplicated content. Is it the right way to do it: User-Agent: * Disallow:*

    | Alexey_mindvalley

  • Hi Guys, I have a website for a realestate property, it use to rank 4 but has now suddenly disappeared from search results altogether, a search for the domain will bring it up (so I assume it has not been blacklisted), but if I search for '1 boyd street albert park' (it use to come up at 4) it doesn't seem to come up at all anymore. I know the content is not original and it is the same on other sites (it is the same content the real estate agents send to everyone) but why it suddenly disappear and I would of thought having the actual search term in the domain would help it at least appear in the results. Any Idea?

    | mypropertyaddress

  • Hi, I've been using mycompany**.es** for 6 month and i'm quite happy with the results, recently I had the oprtunity to buy the same domain with .com (mycompany**.com**). It is worth it to move all the content to the new domain or i wont get any beneffit to be at .com insted of .es? Other facts: my target customer is spain
    the page is in spanish only is 6 month old
    mycompany**.com** is 8 years old Thanks in advance.

    | alfonsmr

  • How much meta content="" name="title" impacts rankings? I have right now:
    <title>Keyword</title> So my question is, that does this Keyword 2, so called meta title have any impact on rankings?

    | tonis

  • SEOMoz has just done a crawl of my site, and found 600 pages with missing meta title errors. When I have checked the list of these pages, they are all jpegs and not pages. Why is SEOMoz reporting that this .jpg files have missing meta titles on my site, which is  SEOMoz has run several crawls of my site and this is the first time it has brought up this list of jpegs as errors and I don't understand why?

    | mfrgolfgti

  • Hello, I need to reedirect a URL of a page that I have in my site ( to a new URL with SEO porpuses. Whats the best way to this? I use Wordpress btw. Tks in advance! PP

    | PedroM

  • Hey guys, quick question. Does a page lose link juice when it gives link juice? If I link to an outside site, do I lose that same amount of link juice or is it just applied to there site and not removed from mine?  I understand that linking to a competitor can in turn help him and hurt me (if he then is seen as more relevant than me to google) but does it have a direct relation to hurting/removing my page link juice? Hope this all makes sense. Thanks

    | SheffieldMarketing

  • Hello, We need to find out if links that we setup, which are older than 12 months hold any value? Do new links hold more value than old ones and therefore should we let the old links become inactive? If we do let the links become inactive after 12month will that effect the PA/DA of the site?

    | Entrusteddev

  • We have been doing an a/b test of our hp and although we placed a rel=canonical tag on the testing page it is still being indexed.  In fact  at one point google even had it showing as a sitelink .  We have this problem through out our website. My question is: What is the best practice for duplicate pages? 1. put only a rel= canonical pointing to the "wanted original page" 2. put a rel= canonical (pointing to the wanted original page) and a no index on the duplicate version Has anyone seen any detrimental effect doing # 2? Thanks

    | Morris77

  • Hello, all SEOers~ Today, I would like to hear your opinion regarding on Mobile site and duplicate contents issue. I have a mobile version of our website that is hosted on a subdomain (m instead www). Site is targeting UK and Its essentially the same content, formatted differently.  So every URL on www exists also at the "m" subdomain and is identical content. (there are some different contents, yet I could say about 90% or more contents are same) Recently I've noticed that search results are showing links to our mobile site instead of the desktop site. (Google UK) I have a sitemap.xml for both sites, the mobile sitemap defined as follows: I didn't block googlebot from mobile site and also didn't block googlebot-mobile from desktop site. I read and watched Google webmaster tool forum and related video from Matt Cutts. I found many opinion that there is possibility which cause duplicate contents issue and I should do one of followings. 1. Block googlebot from mobile site. 2. Use canonical Tag on mobile site which points to desktop site. 3. Create and develop different contents (needless to say...) Do you think duplicate contents issue caused my mobile site rank on S.E. instead of my desktop site? also Do you think those method will help to show my desktop site on S.E.? I was wondering that I have multi-country sites which is same site format as I mentioned above. However, my other country sites are totally doing fine on Google. Only difference that I found is my other country sites have different Title & Meta Tag comparing to desktop site, but my UK mobile site has same Title & Meta Tag comparing to desktop. Do you think this also has something to do with current problem? Please people~! Feel free to make some comments and share your opinion. Thanks for reading my long long explanation.

    | Artience

  • I have been looking into absolute and relative paths for internal links, what is better for SEO? Thanks

    | adaptiveconsultancy

  • My website is really ranking well, even product pages have a PR of 4. I ran the keyword analysis tool for the product page in question (which has a PR of 4) with the targeted keyword for the page which is currently ranking 8th (not so good) the keywords analysis tool give me some data back with the page authority being 1 and it also mentions that it has 0 page link root domains, however I know this is not true. I expected the page authority in seomoz to be higher than 1 due to it having a PR of 4, so how valuable is PR? does it even matter? Another thing I noticed is that the website above my listing have PR of 1 and 2. Looking forward to some feedback

    | Paul78

  • I am seeing thousands of 404 errors.  Each of the urls is like this: Everything is normal about that url except the "/tel:1231231234" these urls are bad with the tel: extension, they are good without it. The only place I can find this character string is on each page we have this code which is used for Iphones and such.  What are we doing wrong? Code: Phone: <a href="[tel:1231231234](tel:7858411943)"> (123) 123-1234a>

    | EugeneF

  • Hi Guys I was just looking over my weekly report and crawl diagnostics. What I've noticed is that the data gathered on SeoMoz is different from Google Webmaster diagnostics. The number of errors, in particular duplicate page titles, content and pages not found is much higher that what google webmaster tools is represents. I'm a bit confused and don't know which data is more accurate. Please Help

    | Tolod

  • I've had what has ended up being a nightmare SEO campaign. We have sunk a ton of time into link building for the site and saw little to no traction. Just as a test, I have the site on our portfolio as a site we designed years ago. The link to the site is old. Somehow, this link does not show up on OSE, and it seems to get no credit. The backlink, and troubled campaign is There should be a few more links too that aren't getting picked up, especially the ones I have noticed using Whitespark local citation tool. Has Google got picky with all of this? How come this site seems to be getting no credit?

    | Boogily

  • Is this a bug or something that needs to be addressed? If so, just use a redirect?

    | Boogily

  • Please see the attached example, why is the date here and how can I get rid of it? Capture.PNG

    | cottamg

  • Is it good practice to use Language-Agnostic + LOCALE=en +LOCALE=fr (as per example below)? If not what is the best way to determine language within a url and why? For example, today we use: (goes to language last used by user) (forces a French-launguage page) (forces and English-language page) I think you can get tell Google about these parameters through Webmaster tools to help them properly crawl and understand your content, but if we had the opportunity to change it what should we do?

    | CanadaPost

  • How have the relatively recent changes in how G perceives subdomains changed the best route to onsite geotargeting i.e. not building out new country specific sites on country specific and hosted domains and instead developing sub-domains or sub-folders and geo-targeting those via webmaster tools ? In other words, given the recent change in G perception, are sub-domains now a better option than a sub-folder or is there not much in it ? Also if client has a and they want to geo-target say France, is the sub-domain/sub-folder route still an option or is the still too UK specific, and these options would only work using a .com ? In other words can sites on country specific domains ( , .fr, .de etc etc) use sub-folders or domains to geo-target other countries or do they have no option other than to develop new country specific (domains/hosting/language) websites ? Any thoughts regarding current best practice in this regard much appreciated.  I have seen last Febs WBF which covers geotargeting in depth but the way google perceives subdomains has changed since then Many Thanks Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I tried to add descriptions to my tags in Wordpress (well actually one to test), but I still keep getting the "Missing Meta Description Tag" error. Any suggestions on how to fix this in Wordpress? Thanks!

    | jhblogger

  • I see WPEngine now has a discount as pro member perk. I'm looking a superfast host for a wordpress site. Has anyone used WPEngine? or have any suggestions? Thanks!

    | PeterM22

  • I've got a site that I started back in 2001 ( to sell what I was making, concrete countertops and sinks. Well we're going to be discontinuing the concrete products in a month or so and want to start pointing all the links from the old site to a new one dedicated to a single product ( I don't want to do a full 301 on the old site just yet but can I put a canonical tag on the index and about us pages pointing to the new site now so the search engines start looking that way or should I wait and do a full 301 when the day comes to pull the old site?

    | JAARON

  • I am redirecting whole site to https. Is there a difference between 302 or 301 redirect for seo? Site never been indexed. Planning to do that with .htaccess command RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
    RewriteRule ^(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,L] There are plenty of ways Which way would be the best? Thanks is advance

    | Kotkov

  • I'm in the process of reviewing on-site URL structure on a few sites, and I've run into something I can't decide between. I am forced to choose between the two examples: MediaRoom/CaseStudies.aspx  (camel case) mediaroom/casestudies (all lower case, mashed, no dashes) I would personally rather see: media-room/case-studies/ However implementing the dashes would require manually re-writing about ~10,000 URLs. Implementing 301s from the existing structure to whatever I choose would be trivial, so there is no concern there. Given the choice between CamelCase and lower-mashed, which would you choose? Why?

    | MRCSearch

  • sir, I am working with IIS 6 site and i ant to redirect three different urls of a domain to one url, i.e, there are the different versions of the same how can i create one? I have found a script on google. but it says redirecting one url. see it here: Sub Application_BeginRequest(ByVal sender as Object, ByVal e as EventArgs) Try Dim requestedDomain As String = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString().toLower() If InStr(requestedDomain, "") Then requestedDomain = requestedDomain.Replace("", "") Response.Clear() Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently" Response.AddHeader("Location", requestedDomain) Response.End() End If Catch ex As Exception Response.Write("Error in Global.asax :" & ex.Message) End Try End Sub

    | VipinLouka78

  • I want to go in-depth about different customizations for custom caps, which is one of the products we offer. I just don't know whether it would be better--from an SEO perspective--to expand the caps sales page we already have or to write a blog post to give the site another valuable indexed page. From a user standpoint, I don't think it's as important, because if I do it the blog way, I can't just put a link on the page saying, Want more customizations? Visit our blog post. Any opinions?

    | UnderRugSwept

  • Hi folks, Is an anchor containing a class attribute followed by the search engines? Viewed the "text only" version of the cached page in Google and the link is not listed so not sure if it is followed for indexing purposes The code: Reports Actually the link was recognized as an internal  link using the SEOMOZ toolbar and also was listed as an internal link using A1 Analyzer. Any thoughts welcomed!! Finn

    | insite360

  • Hi, SEOmoz found 72 occurances of my keyword 'widgets' on our front page. I'm trying to cut it down but alot of the time the keyword appears alongside the company name 'Mega Widgets' . Will Google distinguish between the use of the keyword within a typical sentence and having it alongside the company name? Or should I put in a hypen (mega-widgets) or surround the company name with quotes ("mega widgets") to tell Google its a legit combination/phrase and I'm not trying to stuff in the keyword?

    | SpecialCase

  • I am currently considering moving our site from the current domain to the .org version which we also own. The site is established and indexed for 7 years, ranks well and has circa 10k traffic per month which is mainly UK & US traffic. The reason for the change to the .org domain is to make the site more global facing and give us the opportunity to develop the site into multi language within directories (.org/es/ etc.) and then target those to the local search engines. For the kind of site it is (community based) it wouldn’t really work to split this into lots of separate country targeted domains. So the choice is to either stick with the and add the other foreign language specific content in directories within the or move to the .org and do the same (there is also a potential third option of purchasing the .com which is currently unused but that could be pricey!) We are also planning a big overhaul of the site with redesign, lots of added content and reorganisation of the site – but are thinking that it would be better to move the domain on a 1:1 basis first with the current design, content and URL structure in place and then do the other changes 2 or 3 months down the line. I have read up on SEOmoz, google guidelines etc on moving a site to a new domain and understand the theoretical approach of moving the site and the steps to take (1to1 301 redirects, sitemaps on old and new etc) and I will retain ownership of the so the redirects can remain in place indefinitely. However having worked so hard to get the site to where it is in the search engines and traffic levels I am very worried about whether the domain change is a good move. I am more than happy to accept a temporary fluctuation in rankings & traffic for 1 – 4 weeks as reported may happen as long as I can be sure it will return after a temporary period and be as strong (or almost as strong) as the previous rankings / traffic. Looking for peoples experiences to give me the confidence / reassurance to go ahead with this or any info on why I shouldn’t Thanks in advance for your advice. Adrian.

    | Zilla

  • I made a few changes in my site to show the products listing in List format instead of grid format, in format mode it was only showing the name, but in list mode it also shows a short description that I think should be benefical for SEO because it might require words related to the product itself. The question is, how long is too much? Please see example here

    | levalencia1

  • hi my website is which is a lifestyle magazine and for some time now i have been thinking about bringing in news from other sources but i want to know how this will affect my site. I have read that by bringing in articles from other sources which will be sources like bbc news, that it can increase visitors but i would like some advice. What i do not want is for the sites to take away my link juice and for me to drop down the rankings. I also would like people to read the news and hopefully come back to my site. any advice on this would be great.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Salut from from positivley tropical 10 degrees C wetherby UK 🙂 Ok here goes... on this site there is a canonical problem but I'm interested to know if my method of spotting a canonical problem is the most efficient. In the case of Cedar Court I started with then i entered this and noted they were pointing to the same home page. My question is there a quicker way of diagnosing a canonical problem or is it a case of knowcking out w's and adding s etc. Thanks in advance, David

    | Nightwing

  • Hello, I'm working on a site and a developer is using CSS to mask crawlable links below. Then, java, advanced search links go on top of this. So, if you disable Java, but have CSS enabled, you don't have a lefthand nav. With both CSS and Java disabled you have a fully crawlable website. Is this a red flag? I understand a user without java would have a problem since most people don't disable CSS. But, is this a problem for search crawlers? Thanks!

    | Blenny

  • Hi there, say i have two websites with identicle content. website a had content on before website b - so will be seen as the original source? If the content was intended for website b, would taking it off a then make the orinal source to google then go to website b? I want website b to get the value of the content but it was put on website a first - would taking it off website a then give website b the full power of the content? Any help of advice much  appreciated. Kind Regards,

    | pauledwards

  • Hi. In the last few days I have studied a little bit about this, and I would like to know the opinion of experts. My website is a Magento site and I have the product review disabled by default because nobody makes reviews. However I have seen that other vendors out there have big databases of reviews that can be plugged in into my website. for example Will this really boost my site? seo talking? If so, any other provider you can recommend me, seems too expensive.

    | levalencia1

  • Well, I am very beginner seo. our website is and our main keyword for the moment is refurbished printers, but there might be hundreds of more keywords. I was analyzing the SERPs and found that for our keyword, the first 2 websites that come up have very different content 1. They rank first, but I dont see a lot of text with the keyword in their text or links 2. They mention the keywords lots of times in the text, probably they are doing keyword stuffing? So this makes me thing, how the 1st one ranked there? just by link builiding?

    | levalencia1

  • Well, I am very beginner seo. our website is and our main keyword for the moment is refurbished printers, but there might be hundreds of more keywords. I was analyzing the SERPs and found that for our keyword, the first 2 websites that come up have very different content 1. They rank first, but I dont see a lot of text with the keyword in their text or links 2. They mention the keywords lots of times in the text, probably they are doing keyword stuffing? So this makes me thing, how the 1st one ranked there? just by link builiding?

    | levalencia1

  • Hi All We currently have 3 old sites that have tones of content. Due to brand/business consolidation we have merge all 3 to produce 1 website. The new site contains all the old content from the old 3. So, I know I need to 301 redirect all the old content from the previous sites to the equivelent content on the new sites but am confused how you do this with 3 domains? One of the domains is being replaced with the new site. So I have: All the content for all the sites have been imported into a new site and any duplicate content issues havce been resolved. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks

    | EclipseLegal

  • Hi, If I wanted to do a 301 permanent redirect on a domain to a page on another domain will this cause any problems? Lets say I have 4 domains (all indexed with content), I decide to create a new domain with 4 pages, one for each domain. I copy the content from the old domains to the relevant page on the new domain and set it live. At the same time as setting the new site live I do a 301 permanent redirect on the 4 domains to the relevant pages on the new domain. What happens if Google indexes the new site before visiting the redirected domains, could this cause a duplicate content penalty? Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • How do I tell the last  time Google crawled my site. I found out it is not the "Cache" which I had thought it was.

    | digitalops

  • Hello everyone, Over the past couple of days I have been using a variety of different free and paid programs to check how many backlinks I have.  I have used at least 15 different ones, SEOmoz is the newest and am awaiting those results.  All but one of those programs have said that I have 0 backlinks.  The one said I have 11.  The thing is...over the past month I have submitted my site to over 500 PR0 directories, 250+ PR3-PR7 directories, have made well over 75 article submissions to over 20 websites(almost all of them were approved and up and running, and some of these websites have a PR of 7), a couple dozen Press Releases, set up profiles linking to my site on over 50 forums, set up profiles linking to my site on a variety of different Web 2.0 sites, and still nothing.  I have been doing this every day for over a month.  Anyone have any ide?

    | tarik3001

  • SEOMoz's recent crawl showed me that I had an error for duplicate content and duplicate page titles. This is a problem because it found the same page twice because of a '/' on the end of one url. e.g. vs. My question is do I need to be concerned about this. And is there anything I should put in my htaccess file to prevent this happening. Thanks!

    | onlineexpression

  • Hi. According to one guy, in this thread:, the Meta Title, H1 Tag Title on the product page, and the category listing pages should be different to avoid keyword canabilisation. One problem I noticed in my website after reading about this topic, is that all my printers have the keyword sentence :"refurbished printer", yes 99% of the products are refurbished but in that way according to the answer in the above post I am competing against self, too many pages (1000) with the same keywords on it. So I decided to make some changes and I I would like to know the opinion of the experts here, I did this only for one product, then I would of course need to this for lots of products. 1.  I created a different meta title. check here please 2. In the product page itself, I removed the condition from the name of the product, instead I put the template, NAME - MODEL -CONDITION. 3. In the category listing page I havent made any change yet, it still shows the product name only Check 1st row, 4th column. Is this a good approach?

    | levalencia1

  • Ok no doubt this is straightforward, however seem to be finding to hard to find a simple answer; our websites' internal pages have the extension .html. Trying to the navigate to that internal url without the .html extension results in a 404. The question is; should a 401 be used to direct to the extension-less url to future proof? and should internal links direct to the extension-less url for the same reason? Hopefully that makes sense and apologies for what I believe is a straightforward answer;

    | jg100

  • hi and thanks in advance, I have a Jomsocial site with 1000 users it is highly customized and as a result of the customization we did some of the pages have 5 or more different types of URLS pointing to the same page. Google has indexed 16.000 links already and the cowling report show a lot of duplicated content. this links are important for some of the functionality and are dynamically created and will continue growing, my developers offered my to create rules in robots file so  a big part of this links don't get indexed but Google webmaster tools post says the following: "Google no longer recommends blocking crawler access to duplicate content on your website, whether with a robots.txt file or other methods. If search engines can't crawl pages with duplicate content, they can't automatically detect that these URLs point to the same content and will therefore effectively have to treat them as separate, unique pages. A better solution is to allow search engines to crawl these URLs, but mark them as duplicates by using the rel="canonical" link element, the URL parameter handling tool, or 301 redirects. In cases where duplicate content leads to us crawling too much of your website, you can also adjust the crawl rate setting in Webmaster Tools." here is an example of the links: | | | | so the question is, is this really that bad?? what are my options? it is really a good solution to set rules in robots so big chunks of the site don't get indexed? is there any other way i can resolve this? Thanks again! Salo

    | Salocharly

  • If I cannot have my blog on my main site, what is the second best option? It is currently on Blogger, but I am wondering if it would be worth it to move it to Thanks!

    | AlightAnalytics

  • Hello all, I hope that sombody out there could help me with my question. I am very new in SEO and in SEOmoz community. I am not familiar with coding. I am goining to start learning soon enough but till now I now only basics. At the website where I am trying to optimize for SEO I am reciving this Crawl Diagnostic Programme. Issue: Rel Canonical  (Notice) not Error I searched and lerned what it is. So I contact the developers of the website. Build in wordpress and ask them how to corrected ? They told me that they are using Canonical Tags to all their pages and have no idea why SEOmoz keep identifining it as a "notice" They also tel me to check the source  code of page to see the canonical tag. I did and their is actuall  a canonical tag there. Cjeck please here So do you have any idea why this is happening  ? could you help me explaiin to developers what they should do to overcome this ? Or it's just a bug of SEOmoz and not a reall problem exist ? Thank you very much for your time

    | grzontan

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