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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Say I have 2 pages with duplicate content: One of them is: This page is the one I want to be indexed on google (domain rank already built, etc.) is more of an ease of use domain, primarily for printed material.  If both of these sites are identical, will rel=canonical pointing to "" cause it to be indexed?  I do not plan on having any links on my site going to "", they would instead go to "".

    | jgower

  • add_option("aiosp_post_meta_tags", '', 'All in One SEO Plugin Additional Post Meta Tags', 'yes'); add_option("aiosp_page_meta_tags", '', 'All in One SEO Plugin Additional Post Meta Tags', 'yes'); add_option("aiosp_home_meta_tags", '', 'All in One SEO Plugin Additional Home Meta Tags', 'yes'); add_option("aiosp_do_log", null, 'All in One SEO Plugin write log file', 'yes'); */

    | fhnhockey088

  • How would you handle multiple pages using the same video content? As sometimes it does not make sense to have new videos for every product so you re purpose. Will you still get the effects in search results if the thumbs and video location is duplicated for some product urls?

    | andrewv

  • Only 20% of our pages are indexed by Bing and Yahoo although we have correctly submitted the sitemap to bing webmaster tools and other search engines index all our content. Do you have any suggestions?

    | AEM13

  • With a single Google search, you can see regular search results, along with all sorts of results that are tailored to you -- pages shared with you by your friends, Google+ posts from people you know. **Does pages shared by friends ** Does this mean pages shared by friends on Google plus ?

    | seoug_2005

  • The SEOmoz crawl campaign found some 404 errors in my Joomla site So, I figured I would set up 301 redirects in my hosting account to make sure bots don't read that there is a page missing. For example: This link gave a 404 error in the crawl: I redirected it to: However, when I visit the first link it doesn't send me to the second link. Am I supposed to get forwarded to the second link now?

    | Uramark

  • In keyword research for an ecommerce site, I've found that widget, singular gets a lot more searches than widgets, plural AND is much less competitive. Is it better for SEO purposes to have the URLs (and matching title tags) in the catalog as /brass-widget.html, /steel-widget.html, etc., or /brass-widgets.html, etc.? I'm worried that a) searches for widgets will pass by the singular urls but not vice versa, and b) the singular form will strike visitors as bad grammar. Any advice?

    | AmericanOutlets

  • Can anyone explain what this backlink does? The original content was syndicated on Yahoo News from Mashable. At first glance it appears to be a straight up follow link from Yahoo to Mashable, but upon closer inspection I saw this in the code. went public just three months ago Here's the article on yahoo news: I've rarely seen backlinks from yahoo for any content partner let alone follow links. The in the hyperlink makes me highly suspicious.


  • Good Morning from -3 Degrees C, still  no paths gritted wetherby UK 😞 Following an on page audit one recommendation instructs me to ad:" /> on the home page of barrett steel. I'm confused, i thought i only had to add this to duplications
    the home page which to my knowledge dont exist. So my question is please: "Why shoul i ad this snippet of code on the home page of" /> Any insights welcome 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • For the past few months I've been working on a new site launch, but have been left with a couple of annoyances from my predecessor.. I've got a couple of questions about best practise (and if it's worth changing now). For reference, a good example page is H-tags The (external) web designer has insisted that wrapping the logo in an H1 tag (with the same branded H1 text on every page), and using an H2 for the actual title of the page is fine. I really don't believe him, but at the same time, feel like maybe google is smart enough to discern the theme of a page in this structure. Is it worth having this changed so that the actual title is the first H1? Page naming convention Another annoyance that I've been left with is the fact that every product page is named the same "burlesque hen party", "life drawing hen party", "whatever hen party"... It looks a little weird, but my real concern is that as we now have 60 "hen party" links in the navigation menu of a bunch of our pages, this may be seen as keyword stuffing - is this a real concern, or am I overthinking it?

    | AlecPR

  • The new algo update says any images at the top of the page negatively affect user experience if they are adverts? how does google know if its an advert or relevant banner? When trying to put text as far up as possible on the page, is it ok to make it appear higher in the code but appear further down using css? Or does Google not go from the code top to bottom when working this out, more how it renders? Any advice much appreciated.

    | pauledwards

  • Cleaning up the website by consolidating pages - each with a little bit of useful info -  into one definitive page that is really useful and full of good content. Doing 301's from the many old pages to the one new really good one. Didn't want to do rel canonicals because I don't want the old pages around, I want to get rid of them. Will google see the 301s and go nuts or see that there is one definitive, really good page with no duplicate content? The change is very good from a user perspective. Also, On-Page Report Cards on SEOMoz suggests that you put a rel canonical on a page to itself to tell google that this page is the definitive page. What do you think? Thanks so much for anyone who has time to answer - so many gurus - this is a great forum. - jean

    | JeanYates

  • We have a development site that we want google and other bots to stay out of but we want roger to have access. Currently our robots.txt looks like this: User-agent: *
    Disallow: /cgi-bin/
    Disallow: /development/ What would i need to addd or change to let him through? Thank you.

    | LadyApollo

  • Good Morning from -3 Degrees C no paths gritted wetherby UK 😞 Imagine this scenario. has been optimised for "Steel suppliers" & "Steel stockholders". After runnning an on page SEO moz report its recommended that the target terms should be placed in the url eg Now the organisation will not change the url but think setting up a forwarding url eg registering to then forward to will be of benfit from an SEO perspective. But i think not. So my question is please "is a forwarding url of no value but a permanent URL (struggling for the terminology to describe the url a site is set up with) such as would be of value?" Any insights welcome 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • Hello, people~ I want to discuss about Bing indexation. I have a new web site which opened about 3 months ago. Google has no problem to index my site and all pages within the site indexed by Google. However, Bing and Yahoo is different story. I used manual submission, Bing webmaster tool to let Bing know about the site. However, Bing is not indexing my site yet. I researched about it and found that my site should have some external links before I get index by Bing. I check external links of my site with Google webmaster tool, SEOmoz tool and "link:" on Google. All tools show different number as below. Google webmaster Tool : more than 50 SEMoz site explorer : 5 link: on Google: none Why all method of checking links are different and which on should most depend on? Also how many links should I have in order to get index by Bing? Could you people please share your opinion?

    | Artience

  • Hello everyone, this is my first post here on SEOmoz and I have a questions that I cannot seem to figure out. So here is my scenario: I have 2 websites that are identical. The only difference between the 2 websites is the domain name. This was done a while back for marketing purposes, however, I am no longer needing my 2nd website. What is the best way to get rid of this second website? I still have about 1 paying customer a day convert on this 2nd website and I do not want to loose them, however, I know that I am getting penalized by the search engines because of this duplicate content. Please let me know the best way of going about this. PS: I have read about 301 redirects, canonicalizing URLs, and other methods but do not know which one to choose. Any help is greatly appreciated!

    | threebiz

  • I recently changed some content and added a few advertisers on my real estate site. then ... my traffic stopped!  I thought it was possible duplicate indexpage..  can I just redirect index.html?  I read the post about link dillution from today. The a site cape cod since adding a few sponsors I noticed I lost some rank especiall for key word cape cod realtor.  Im not showing in top 100 anymore with big "G" and I was #4.    It also removed my G places rank I was #4 ..  I shop 40 links in bing nothing in google that I can see from mozilla tool... thanks- J

    | Capecod

  • I was wondering how many of you are still nofollowing the Home button or anything else for that matter? I thought NoFollow was getting a little outdated, but I still see it lots of places. Thoughts?

    | poolguy

  • Is it acceptable in terms of SEO to display different HTML based on a users resolution size? I feel I'm wasting space on my site catering for all the 1024 x 768ers

    | niallfred

  • Our company is moving our press release section over to Business Wire.  Business Wire will be hosting the press releases on their servers http//, but we want it to display as if these are hosted on our site www.ourcompany/press-releases/.  This is where our press releases are hosted now.  They are recommending using a CNAME redirect to essentially mask their URL and display ours. We don't want to lose out on the search value that our press release area has built up over time.  Will the CNAME redirect cause any SEO problems?

    | ryanwats

  • I've found a lot of useful info on this topic in these forums, but still can't seem to find the answer to my specific question. Client has one physical location and services many areas. I have seen various comments that claim setting a service area actually has a negative effect on rankings and the login makes sense to me, so we don't want to do that. Using the actual physical address, seems to be what google would prefer, but the address is actually on the outskirts of the city and would mean that competitors that have addresses closer to the city center would show up before us. Our current places listing has the actual address, but the previous SEO put the larger city, with the smaller city zip on the on the website. City Center: San Diego, 92101 Actual: Street Address, El Cajon, 92020 On website: San Diego, 92020 It this large City + Actual zip code strategy any good? Which of these 3 strategies should we use to standardize all of our listings? *we will not be considering a location or mailbox per service are to use multiple listings at this time

    | vernonmack

  • So we're redoing our reviews/testimonials page on our website right now and moving over to the format as described here: But we would like to combine each of our reviews with a location for which it was reviewed using this: What i can't wrap my head around would be the correct syntax? is it just the first block and then the next block? or is there a way of putting the actual physical address within the review page itself? So is this the correct way to do a page full of reviews that are reviewing various physical locations? * <div< span="">itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype=""></div<>* <span< span="">itemprop="name">Value purchase</span<> -* by <span< span="">itemprop="author">Lucas</span<>,* <meta< span="">itemprop="datePublished" content="2011-03-25">March 25, 2011</meta<>* <div< span="">itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""></div<>* <meta< span="">itemprop="worstRating" content = "1"/></meta<>* <span< span="">itemprop="ratingValue">4</span<>/* <span< span="">itemprop="bestRating">5</span<>stars* <span< span="">itemprop="description">Great microwave for the price. It is small and</span<>* fits in my apartment. 1. <div< span="">itemscope itemtype=""></div<> 2. # <span< span="">itemprop="name">Beachwalk Beachwear & Giftware</span<> 3. <span< span="">itemprop="description"> A superb collection of fine gifts and clothing</span<> 4. to accent your stay in Mexico Beach. 5. <div< span="">itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype=""></div<> 6. <span< span="">itemprop="streetAddress">3102 Highway 98</span<> 7. <span< span="">itemprop="addressLocality">Mexico Beach</span<>, 8. <span< span="">itemprop="addressRegion">FL</span<> 10. Phone: <span< span="">itemprop="telephone">850-648-4200</span<> <div< span="">itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype=""></div<>* <span< span="">itemprop="name">Value purchase</span<> -* by <span< span="">itemprop="author">Lucas</span<>,* <meta< span="">itemprop="datePublished" content="2011-03-25">March 25, 2011</meta<>* <div< span="">itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""></div<>* <meta< span="">itemprop="worstRating" content = "1"/></meta<>* <span< span="">itemprop="ratingValue">4</span<>/* <span< span="">itemprop="bestRating">5</span<>stars* <span< span="">itemprop="description">Great microwave for the price. It is small and</span<>* fits in my apartment. <div< span="">itemscope itemtype=""></div<> <span< span="">itemprop="name">Beachwalk Beachwear & Giftware</span<> <span< span="">itemprop="description"> A superb collection of fine gifts and clothing</span<> to accent your stay in Mexico Beach. <div< span="">itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype=""></div<> <span< span="">itemprop="streetAddress">3102 Highway 98</span<> <span< span="">itemprop="addressLocality">Mexico Beach</span<>, <span< span="">itemprop="addressRegion">FL</span<> Phone: <span< span="">itemprop="telephone">850-648-4200</span<>

    | adriandg

  • Good afternoon from 1 degrees C overcast frozen wetherby UK... I've made a number of on page html markup changes to optimise the page for steel suppliers steel stockholders but I'd like to know if there are any other on page improvments I could make for this page Im particulary concerned that contnet in in li tags and not p, could this be an issue? And finaaly on the home page a third party developer has slapped a header banner pointing to an external site know as woodberry tools, that cant be good can it? Any insights welcome 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • I apologize if this question's answer is glaringly obvious, but I was using Google to view all the pages it has indexed of our site--by searching for our company and then clicking the link that says to display more results for the site. On page three, it has the sitemap indexed as if it wee just another page of our site. <cite></cite> Is this supposed to happen?

    | UnderRugSwept

  • Hi Everyone, In robots.txt, can the sitemap be indicated with a relative path? I'm trying to roll out a robots file to ~200 websites, and they all have the same relative path for a sitemap but each is hosted on its own domain. Basically I'm trying to avoid needing to create 200 different robots.txt files just to change the domain. If I do need to do that, though, is there an easier way than just trudging through it?

    | MRCSearch

  • Hi, Our client required us to change the TLD of is domain. Currently it is something like and they have registered which while be more easier to remember. What would be the best pratice for migrating the domain? Use webmaster tool domain change? Making the new domain name the defaut one and use 301 redirections? Or both ? Thank you M.Adey

    | madey

  • I have pages that are being scrapped and displayed in iframes and I wanted to see if anyone could tell me how I could get theses pages to be indexed here is a URL of one of the pages

    | PageOnePowerGang

  • I have about 400 errors about duplicate content on my seomoz dashboard. However I have no idea how to solve this, I have 2 main scenarios of duplication in my site: Scenario 1: 3 products with the same title, but different product models, as you can note is has the same price as well. Some printers use a different memory product module. So I just cant delete 2 products. Scenario 2: toners In this scenario, products have a different title but the same price. Again, in this scenario the  2 products are different. Thank you

    | levalencia1

  • Happy New Year Mozzers, If a hotel guest signs into the free wireless provider that is provided by the hotel and writes a review of the hotel while logged in, by chance will Google perceive this as hotel staff writing phony reviews to hype the hotel?  I ask this because I wonder if Google will view the ISP address as the hotel ISP and not differentiate a hotel guest versus the hotel staff. Thanks everyone!

    | hawkvt1

  • When using OSE to look at the **Total External Links **of a websites homepage, I dont understand why the page and subdomain metrics are so different. For example, has 1,992 external links at the page level and 55,371 at the subdomain level. What subdomain? www redirects to And they have 56,982 at the root domain level - does that mean they have around 55k deep links or what?

    | meterdei

  • I have a website  with pagination series starting with page1.html upto page10.html. With backlinks to some of the pages ( page1.html, page2.html----page7.html). If i include rel="next" and rel="prev" on page1.html to page10.html pages. Will value of those links will be transfered to This is what i interpret from Am i right ?

    | seoug_2005

  • Have had a clients site that has been staple in the SERPS for the last four years that we have worked on it. However they had hosting issues a couple of months back which they didn't sort for two to three weeks. Since there the main keyword has bounced around between 24th and 44th in the google results. The drop ties in with the hosting issue but the client does seem to believe that this is the source of the issue. Can someone point me towards some online articles that would explain this for them. Some of the keywords have not suffered as badly but the one key term is still in the mid 20's. I am sure it is suffering a minus 20 for the keyword as it was normally 4th or 5th in the results. We don't host the site and the client had know idea were it was hosted. What is so annoying is that it is us who pointed out the site was down. Thanks in advance everyone 🙂

    | highwayfive

  • Hi SEOMoz,I am trying to fix the final issues in my site crawl. One that confuses me is this canonical homepage URL fix. It says I have duplicate content on the following pages: would be the best way to fix this problem? (...the first URL has a higher page authority by 10 points and 100+ more inbound links).Respectfully Yours,Derek M.

    | DerekM88

  • One of my clients' sites has just been redesigned with lots of new URLs added. So the 301 redirections have been put in place and most of the new URLs have now been indexed. BUT Google is still showing all the old URLs in the SERPS and even worse it only displays the title tag. The meta description is not shown, no rich snippet, no text, nothing below the title. This is proving disastrous as visitors are not clicking on a result with no description. I have to assume its got something to do with the redirection, but why is it not showing the descriptions? I've checked the old URLs and he meta description is definitely still in the code, but Google is choosing not to show it. I've never seen this before so I'm struggling for an answer. I'd like to know why or how this is happening, and if it can be resolved. I realise that this may be resolved when Google stops showing all the old URLs but there's no telling how long that will take (can it be speeded up?)

    | Websensejim

  • I got handed a website running on Joomla without the SEO friendly URL check box selected so our URLs all look like this . I am hoping to rework this website in the near future here and plan on changing the URL structure across the website so there are some actual keywords in the URL. When I did this I was thinking of just doing 301 redirects to the new pages and hopefully the hit from the search engines wouldn't be too bad. Can anyone speak from experience as to what the best way to go about doing this would be so I don't end up falling back ranking wise. Would change the URLs end up helping me or hurting me? Thanks

    | wmwmeyer

  • Today, I was searching for article which may help me in issues regarding canonicalization and found very interesting article on SEOmoz. I am facing issues regarding de-indexing of pages and down of organic search engine visits. I have done proper R & D and apply it very carefully. But, still my indexed pages and visits are going down. I have applied canonical tag to following pages. Narrow by search: Sorting: Pagination: How can I improve my performance?

    | CommercePundit

  • Good Monrning from snow dusted minus 3 degrees C Wetherby UK... Is there a quick way to diagnose wether or not a website has a canonical problem or not? So far Ive been doing this for example: Typing a full web address then one without the w's and seeing if a 301 redirect has been set up. But I'm not confident this is the best way to diagnose if there is a canonical problem with a site. I would like to ad that I want to see if a canonical problem exists with any site and webmanster tools is not available. Any insights welcome 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • What is the code to redirect where abc is a folder  to

    | seoug_2005

  • Good Morning from 1 degrees C light drizzle Wetherby UK 😉 Ok here is todays puzzle. When I Google "Great Inns" ( ) I get a search snippet which looks like this: As the screen grab illustrates the Title tag is missing and simply says untitled. So my questions is pleased why is google rendering this when in the source code there is a tag eg: <title>Great Inns of Britain - Home – Independent, Historic Inns, Quality Service Any insights welcome :-)</p></title>

    | Nightwing

  • my site is   Hi i hear a lot about having a linking structure in place and a linking stragedy but i am not really sure what i need to do even though i have spent months reading about it. What i have been trying to do is to link as many of the pages within my site to the home page and i am now looking at linking pages in my site to around my site to different pages, just like <cite></cite> So when i have a story on cheryl cole, i will make sure that i link from that story to another story i have on cheryl cole etc. But i would like to know what else i need to do. For my home page i want to rank for the following keywords Lifestyle magazine Lifestyle news celebrity news celebrity gossip showbiz news soap spoilers I would also love suggestions for other keywords i should be aiming for, for the home page. I find it hard as my site is a magazine site, so i do not have many places to put a description of each page of the site, so i would love some help on this and advice what i can do to let google know what my site is about. If anyone can help with putting a linking stragedy in place and what things i should be doing to increase my ranking for important keywords, then that would be great many thanks

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi i have just checked my google back links for my site and it has said that i have only five, not sure where these are from as the tool i was using did not tell me. But i have looked at my compeditors and they have a few hundred and some have thousands so i am just wondering what i need to do to compete and get more backlinks. I have been writing articles for other sites, free article sites hoping to get some traffic as well as backlinks, for this has not worked out. i just done a report now and i have got the following information DMOZ Directory ? NoYahoo Directory ? NoDigg 0 Yahoo Indexed Pages ? 0 Bing Indexed Pages 0 I would really like to know what steps i need to take as i feel that i have done a lot of good work but my back links are not improving. any help would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi, What is URL enforce writer to write existing web page URL's. Currently a website pages having underscore in it, I would like to use hyphen (-) in between the words. Here is URL: Please suggest me how I can use URL enforce write to re-write URL's without 301. Your quick answers will be appreciated. Note: This page having back external backlinks. Thanks

    | younus

  • I saw an answer to a question in this forum a few days ago, that said it was a bad idea to use robots.txt to tell googlebot to go away. That SEO said it was much better to use the META tag to say noindex,nofollow. So I removed the robots directive and added the META tag <meta robots='noindex,nofollow'> Today, I see google showing my send to a friend page where I expected the real page to be. Does it mean Google is stupid? Does it mean google ignores the Robots META tag? Does it mean short pages have more value than long pages? Does it mean if I convert my whole site to snippets, I'll get more traffic? Does it mean garbage trumps content? I have more questions, but this is more than enough.

    | loopyal

  • Hi I am looking for the best way to generate an XML sitemap for webmaster tools for my website  I have come across but it only allows up to 500 links. Is there a PHP script that any experts could share that would create the XML map that I could upload please? Many Thanks

    | ocelot

  • Hello there, i would like to ask some basic tips.. regarding found common errors & Warnings. list : Tittle Element Too Long
    Duplicate Page Content
    and Duplicate Page Tittle. how could i fixed this one? any help would be greatly appreciated regards,

    | Bretly

  • Hi, I'm having problems with a mod rewrite issue and duplicate content On my website I have Both #1 and #2 are the same page (I can't change this).  #3 is different pages. How can I use mod rewrite to to make #2 redirect to #1 so I don't have duplicate content WHILE #3 still works?

    | kat2

  • I changed /tulsa-cleaning-services/ to /services/ because the URLs were getting too long. Now I'm getting an error for Appropriate use of Rel Canonical. I used a 301 to send old links to the new location. Any ideas? Thanks! Will

    | WillWatrous

  • I'd like to add our merchant review count and rating to our site and use the markup to indicate to the search engines what these are.  The reason I'd like to do this is so that the star rating pulls through to the organic listing. Check out this example from several UK tight sites.  Notice how the organic listings display the star rating... My questions are: Has anyone seen an example of this from (US site) I heard that you should only add this markup to the homepape - but couldn't find any Google documentation to back this up.  Do you know if this can be applied throughout the site w/o penalty? Thanks everyone!

    | evoNick

  • I'm about to launch a redesign of my company's main website, and we've updated most of the URLs to be more user friendly and SEO optimized. I've just finished editing my spreadsheet, and see that I'll need to implement 244 redirects. My question is: Are there performance issues with loading your .htaccess file up with almost 250 301 redirect commands? I've heard a bloated htaccess file can really slow down apache, should I be approaching this a different way, maybe with php?

    | AdoptionHelp

  • Good evening from I can just about keep my eyes open 7th cup of Coffeee David, Ok I'm adding a mobile sitemap to a mobile site. Whilst I know this is important the client wants one good reason why he should have one integrated into I'm so knackered I cant articulate one, could some one put me out my misery and give me one good reason I should toil away with mobile xml; sitemap? Resource: Any insights welcome 🙂

    | Nightwing

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