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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Good morning from Wetherby UK 🙂 Ok imagine this scenario. You ask the developers to design a site where "offices to let" is on level two of a sites hierachy and so the URL would look like this: But Yikes when it goes live it ends up like this: Is a fix to this a URL re - write? Or is the only fix relocating the office to let content further up the site structure? Any insights welcome 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • Hi my site is a lifestyle magazine and before we changed templates and changed the joomla language from 1.0 to 1.5 our lifestyle magazine was getting around 10,000 visitors a day and we were number one in google for the search term lifestyle magazine. In the past few months we have been number five for the search term lifestyle magazine and now since yesterday we have dropped to ten. I have a serious problem that being a online lifestyle magazine i do not have the luxury to have lots of text telling people it is a lifestyle magazine and google. What i mean is, if this was a website about benidorm then you would have an introduction about benidorm so google would understand what the site is about. What i would like help on, is to get back to the top and know where i can put a nice introduction which does not look out of place and what i can do to get back to the top under the search term lifestyle magazine. any help would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi everyone and thank you for showing interested in my problem and for helping me out with this easy thing i have going on  Here is how it puts out : I have 2 websites, same niche, mostly same keywords. Site #1 holding strong on google #2 ranking for months now. Site #2 was holding strong in google top 10 rankings until 2 weeks ago when it got sandboxed for some reason I want to use a 301 permanent redirect from Site #2 to Site #1 to pass all the link juice onto Site #1 and hopefully beat the #1 spot  The question: Will this affect Site #1 is anyway, considering Site #2 is in somehow sandbox ( i assume that, since he dropped more then 70 positions over night ) Is thins a good think to do or i risk damaging Site #1 by doing this ? Thanks allot in advance. Best regards,
    Trinca Alexandru

    | caw_ro

  • I want to modify my urls for the purpose of creating clean, informative urls that can be pasted directly for backlink purposes.  Instead I have urls with long, garbled, strange characters.  When I change the URL it breaks existing back links! Any way around this?

    | natearistotle

  • I just put up a page that uses an image map to illustrate a national currency note. My  goal with this page is get results for National Bank Note.  But I know image maps are wierd creatures and not good for linking.  My question is,  will Google index my tooltips and find this page useful and therefore worthy? I think the content is useful for my users but I just don't know if the implementation will work well.  This screen will eventually have 5 or 6 notes on it and I don't want to do it the concensus is negative... Thanks for any advice.

    | Banknotes

  • Hi, If I want to serve a subset of pages on my mobile set from my desktop site or the content is significantly different, i.e. it is not one to one or pages are a summarised version of the desktop, should I use or is it still better to use Many thanks any help appreciated.

    | MarkChambers

  • As an ecommerce site, one of the tabs on the product description is filled with delivery information. This tab is populated the same way on every product page. I think this is contributing to an increased score on my pages similarity to each other. Is there a way to obscure this info for se's and is it worthwhile doing so?

    | LadyApollo

  • Hi Just found through my SEO dashboard, Google has two versions of the same homepage, the root page, plus the index.html page, causing duplicate content from both the pages. what is the best option to ensure google only have 1 version of the homepage listed?

    | rfksolutionsltd

  • In Google Webmaster Central, if a URL is reported in your site map as 404 (Not found), I'm assuming Google will automatically clean it up and that the next time we generate a sitemap, it won't include the 404 URL. Is this true? Do we need to comb through our sitemap files and remove the 404 pages Google finds, our will it "automagically" be cleaned up by Google's next crawl of our site?

    | Prospector-Plastics

  • last couple of page crawls have returned 14 out of 35 pages. Is there any suggestions I can take.

    | cubetech

  • Hi all, I have a question regarding the ranking of exact match tld which is Currently I have a .com domain with PR of 3 and the problem is that it have one word in front of my desired keyword, so it's not exact match. I have managed to buy an exact match but it's The questions are: Will a rank better for UK than .com domain I am reading at SEOMOZ that exact match domain value is getting lower, so is it worth to redirect my current .com domain to just to get rid of that one word and start all over again with exact match. Thanks

    | VasilTasev

  • A user generated talk thread on our social networking site went viral yesterday and generated around 36000 extra visits. But, when we Google the key phrase in this thread our site is not even in the Top 50. Instead the pages are dominated by other (lesser) websites referring to the content and linking to the thread The page is indexed The on page SEO grade for the key phrase and variant according to SEOMoz is A Our home page has a PR of 7 and an SEO Domain Authority of 76 We are the original source of this content Other talk threads on different subjects in a similar category are ranking on page 1 of Google. What's happening?

    | CecilyP

  • Somebody suggested me to ping my website's backlinks using services like Firstly, I don't know what 'pinging' is and why is it important. Secondly, Should I go for it? Lastly, what kind of links should I ping regularly? I researched on google and got a feeling that only blogs should be pinged because they are updated regularly. Is that so?

    | KS__

  • We changed servers and where our sites once ranked very highly (page 1 for all sites), they now are nowhere to be seen. Someone suggested that our IP might be blocked. Someone else suggested SEOMoz was the place to go to get it checked. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. With thanks. Bryan

    | FortressLearning

  • Should I create separate pages with unique URLS for very similar keywords. If the answer is yes - how do i ensure uniqueness of content? For eg. Lets say the keywords in question are:- send money to china transfer money to china money transfer to china online money transfer to china. Thanks.

    | himanshupatil

  • I'm referring to the sitelinks that appear in the SERPs when searching for my brand name. 6 subpages come up- some found in my main navigation, some not. 3 of the 6 sitelinks have been demoted in Webmaster Tools under "Site Configuration > Sitelinks." I realize that they say in their instructions: "Google doesn't guarantee that demoted URLs will never appear as a sitelink, but we do consider a demotion a strong hint that we'll try to honor when generating sitelinks." I am just surprised they would ignore 3 of the demotions and for so long. The pages that are demoted do not have very many internal links pointing to them (unlike other pages of my site that are targeted specifically). Also, the site has tens of thousands of pages to choose from. Why are they ignoring my request? What else can I do to fix this?

    | Hakkasan

  • Hello, I have got a version of my domain which is parked with godaddy and I want to divert it to the .com version which is the live site. At the moment the version is showing a godaddy landing page. My setup is: Godaddy as domain registrar, host separate hosting company. I looked into godaddy panel and I guess I have two options. (which I have done as a quick fix), I have done the diversion within godaddy panel to the .com version. It simply asked for which domain I wanted to forward the to, and I have entered the .com version. I can create the domain within my shared hosting and repoint to the .com within the hosting company DNS settings, and have godaddy simply point to the hosting company nameservers instead. Are the two solutions above equivalent or is one better than others ? Esp. from an SEO point of view? If someone has technical expertise to explain, this would be great. I think it would also help other companies in the same situation. Thanks ! 🙂

    | dpaq2011

  • I have a site that sits in #1 position for its keywords right now. But it only got there about 1mth ago. The site is only about 6mths old with lots of link building. I check the domain authority and its only 37/100 with the #2, #3 sites having domain authority of 57 and 82 respectively. This site has like 800+ backlinks. While the #2 and #3 sites have 20,000+ backlinks. Does it mean that my site will LIKELY drop in rankings very soon? I know there is no certainty but wld you say that it is highly probable my site will drop?

    | jl255

  • Hi One of my own websites, having a slight issue, Google have indexed over 500+ pages and files from a template directory from my eCommerce website. In google webmaster tools, getting over 580 crawl errors mostly these ones below I went into my robots text file and added Disallow: /skins*
    Disallow: /skin1* Will this block Google from searching them again? and how do I go about getting the 500 pages that are already indexed taken out? Any help would be great | | 403 error | Jan 15, 2012 |
    | | 403 error | Jan 15, 2012 |
    | | 403 error | Jan 15, 2012 |

    | rfksolutionsltd

  • I have a website - that is doing quite well. However, we have all of the actual music listed on and have a number of very powerful pages there (bandcamp is a great product by the way). Is there a strong benefit to our domain's authority if we move our "bandcamp" site onto our own subdomain using their custom domain option - -  Something like I seem to think that it would increase our overall domain authority, but it wouldn't increase the number of inbound links or anything. If anything it would decrease the number of linking domains and bandcamp is quite a powerful site so those links would just turn into internal links. Thoughts? I know this is probably a basic concept, but I've thought it over a number of times and can't come to a conclusion.

    | deyobr

  • Hi, The site is and is an e-commerce website with lots of categories and brands. I'm trying to achieve one single unique URL for each category / brand page to avoid duplicate content and to get the correct URL's indexed. Currently it looks like this... Main URL Different Versions Firstly, what is the best course of action to make all versions point to the main URL and keep them from being indexed - Canonical Tag, NOINDEX  or block them in robots? Secondly, do I just need to 301 the (/) from all URL's to the non (/) URL's ? I'm sure this question has been answered but I was having trouble coming to a solution for this one site. Cheers, Paul

    | paulmalin

  • I have a web site that shows with all zeroes in the Competitive Domain Analysis and subdomain Metrics screen. I don't think this is possible because I have a ton of links out there to this web site from a forum that I visit. Can someone help me understand how this might be. I am hoping it's not some dreaded www vs non www issue because I think I solved that issue for this site. The site is

    | Banknotes

  • I just took on a larger scale e-commerce project and came across a tricky road block that I need some advise on. Ok I'm building the site from scratch and due to it's complexity it may take 3-4 months before I have it designed and coded. The client has a domain name that has some decent page/domain authority and I would hate to loose that while the sites being built. Currently I have nothing to display as his previous site got hacked and it was deleted by the previous web admin. Being that a blog has already been approved as part of the project I already installed wordpress to keep the domain fresh however here's the issue, I installed wordpress in a folder called blog and debating if I should 301 redirect or 302 redirect his index here? The blog will always reside in the blog folder even after launch. Will performing a 301 redirect pull all the juice away from my index page? I'm assuming yes. IF so what would occur once the project is complete and I make the ecommerce site live in the index page? Thanks in Advance! Mike

    | MikeDelaCruz77

  • I have a friend that just spent 15K on a new site and believe it or not the developer did not incorporate a CMS into the site. If a WP blog is built and the URL is added to the site's XML sitemap, for all intensive purposes, would Google view this URL as part of the site in terms of overall number of links, referring domains etc.?  The developer is saying that even if the WP URL is added to the XML sitemap, Google will not view this URL as part of the site domain. I cannot think of another way of adding unique content to the site unless the developer is paid to build new pages every month. If the WP blog is not part of the overall domain, then we're left with the URL simply pointing back to the domain with anchor text and such and not adding to the total number of links and RD... ANY THOUGHTS ON THIS WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED! Thanks Mozzers!

    | hawkvt1

  • [same server; same speed] I don't think so, whatsoever right?

    | tylerfraser

  • Hello fellow SEO enthusiasts, Re Our developers have added a meta description and I can see it when I right click on pages to 'view source' as follows : Example : BUT - using the on page seo assessment tool on SEO Moz (and also using other tools which assess title, description and keyword optimisation) - they are telling us that the meta description is not present. Please could someone suggest why? If we can get the meta description picked up - we will reach A Grade for our core pages! And this will make us feel good - and hopefully shine through in our results :-). Any help greatly appreciated. Kind Regs, Richard Best - <meta http-equiv="description" content="Online Takeaway Food with 100's of Local Takeaways Menus Online. Order Take Away Food Online for Delivery. Pay by Card Safely. Including Pizza, Chinese, Indian, Italian, Kebab."/>

    | E-resistible

  • Hi, I'm aware of the SEO benefit in category pages and would like to implement them on my (client's) site. Unfortunately, the developer set up the blog where there is one parent category called 'blog' and the rest of the categories are sub-categories, underneath the parent. While it seems like an easy fix, he claims that it's not because of some programmer jargon I can't understand. So my question is, can subcategories offer same or similar value as categories, or do I go head to head with this charming guy?

    | 5225Marketing

  • We are thinking about turning on the IIS-6 HTTP Compression to help with page load times.   Has anyone had any issues with doing this, particularly from an SEO or site functionality standpoint?     We just want to double check before we take this step and see if there are any potential pitfalls we may not be aware of.  Everything we've read seems to indicate it can only yield positive results. Any thoughts, advice, comments would be appreciated. Thank-you, Matt & Keith

    | MWM3772

  • I have a client who has a popular name (like 'Joe Smith'). His blog URL has only his first name and the name of his company in it, like His blog doesn't rank well at all in the first 3-4 Google SERPs. I was thinking of advising him to change the URL of his blog to, and having his webmaster do 301 redirects from the old URL to the new one. Do you think this is a good strategy, or would you recommend something else? I realize ranking isn't just about the URL, it's about links, etc. But I think making his URL more specific to his name could help. Any advice greatly appreciated! Jim

    | JamesAMartin

  • Would you recommend a new brand be placed as a subdomain to the existing parent company or create a separate root domain for this new brand?

    | ScratchMM

  • Greetings, I'm looking for a way to generate a sitemap that will include static pages on my home directory, as well as my wordpress blog.  The site that I'm trying to build this for is in a temporary folder, and can be accessed at 3.0 I plan on moving the contents of this folder to the root directory for whenever we are go for launch. What I'm wondering is, is there a way to build a sitemap or sitemap index that will point to the static pages of my site, as well as the wordpress blog while taking advantage of the built in wordpress hierarchy?  If so, what's an easy way to do this.  I have generated a sitemap using Yoast, but I can't seem to find any xml files within the wordpress folder. Within the plugin is a button that I can click to access the sitemap index, but it just brings me to the homepage of my blog. Can I build a sitemap index that points to a sitemap for the static pages as well as the sitemap generated by yoast?  Thank you in advance for your help!! P.S. I'm kind of a noob.

    | WaveMaker

  • Hi there - I'm working on an educational site in which users will be able to search our repository of PDF articles, PowerPoint files, and so on through an on-site search engine.  What is the best way to ensure each of these documents/assets are indexable by Google since they technically don't reside on an HTML page....they are just pulled up if the user searches for them?   The site itself is just a few pages, but the files, articles, and videos in the repository are in the hundreds.  Should I just name and tag them properly and make sure they're all included in an XML site map?  Anything else suggested? Thanks very much!

    | MedThinkCommunications

  • We have our domain hosted by two providers - for the root and godaddy for the subdomain. Why SEOMOZ is not picking up the total pages of the entire domain?

    | AppleCapitalGroup

  • I'm very, very new to eCommerce websites that employ many different URL's to track referral traffic. I have a client that has 18 different URL's that land on the Home Page in order to track traffic from different referral sources. For example:  -  Tracks traffic from an affiliate source - Tracks traffic from a FB Ad - Tracks more affiliate traffic ...and the list goes on and on. My first question is do you think this could hinder our Google rankings? SEOMoz Crawl doesn't show any Duplicate Content Errors, so I guess that's good. I've just been reading a lot about Canonical Url's and eCommerce sites, but I'm not sure if this is a situation where I'd want to use some kind of canonical plugin for this Wordpress website or not. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!!

    | Linwright

  • I have been blogging for sometime now.Around 50 days to be specific. The best part is in these 50 days is I have been able to Monitor and improve my Alexa rank for above 19 million to below 400 thousand now and its still improving.More so,my country rank has improved quite drastically,its now among the first 20 thousand websites in India. However,I have noticed these things in particular - 1.Mozrank has been constant at 1.5, all this while. 2.The Root domain authority improved by just 1 point to 96,as I am using blogger platform. 3.The mozTrust has been 0 all this while too. I don't understand how to tackle these issues.As I am already featured in couple of websites among the top ranked blogs from India.I have kept my eye on the moz Rank now for quite sometime. Hence this obvious question.In my situation what are the 5 most important things a blogger can do to improve the ranking. I am targeting the bracket of 2-3 for the coming month ranking. Thank you beforehand. Much Regards Amit Ganguly Promote Green .. Promote Sustainability ..

    | amit.ganguly

  • We're launching a new site for our client on their existing domain, and as many of the URL's are changing we need to create some webconfig redirects. However, rather than create a webconfig file which redirects each page on the existing site to a corresponding page on the new site, I was hoping to create redirect rules for the top landing pages only, and then have a catch all which redirects all other URL's to the homepage. How would you set this up in a webconfig file?

    | AndrewAkesson

  • Hi We are making a mobile site for our site for one of our partner sites and I would like to know which one of the following URL structure you recommand as far as SEO concerned? or Also, should I worry about duplicated content on my mobile site?

    | CookingCom

  • I just noticed that one of our sites are "featured" on another site. The only this on this site is an iframe that has our site on it, i.e.: <iframe name="ForwardFrameqAW52htK" src=""></iframe> This got me thinking of two question. First, is there any dangers for us to be included like this? And, secondly, why would they do like this? To make people believe they have contents and get traffic, and after that change the contents to their own? Or anything else?

    | Lobtec

  • Long time ago we hired a seo company to do seo in our website and one of the things they did is that they wrote long text on the category pages of our products. Example here: Now my marketing person is saying that if its possible to put the text below the items, technically I will find out how to do it, but from your seo experience, is it good or bad? What about if we short those texts to one paragraph only? Thanks

    | levalencia1

  • among other things... I'm getting this error:"""" Any ideas on how to fix this? many thanks!!

    | malexandro

  • I have worked on a website and organically it is starting to do fine. The website itself is on the right track. Now, the places page, could use a little improvement. I did make sure it has the right categories, has all unique pictures and videos, it does have a good amount of reviews and even citations from other local directories, and even the website links to it. It does show up for some local searches but I would like it to dominate more. I've heard that if I've built links to that Google Places local page from other sources, it would rank higher and perform better. Is that true? Any other tips and tricks to make it perform better? Thank you

    | Boogily

  • I was looking through the 'Duplicate Page Content' and Too Many On-Page Link' errors and they all seem to be linked to the 'Tags' on my blog pages. Is this really a problem and if so how should I be using tags properly to get the best SEO rewards?

    | zapprabbit

  • We have over 2000 non branded experiences and activities sold through our website.  The website is having a face lift with the a new look and a stronger focus on SEO.  As part of this, I am keen to establish what the best practice is for product based URLs.  I've researched the market and come up with a few alternatives that are used: domain/category/subcategory/activity_name domain/activity_name/category/subcategory/activity_reference domain/generic_term/activity_reference/activity_name domain/category/activity_location/activity_name Activities are location based but the location can change (say once every 2 years).  Activity names, category, subcategory and activity_reference rarely change. Are there any thoughts/ research on the best method?  (If there is one) Many thanks in advance for your insights.

    | philwill

  • I have four 404 url redirect errors that I cannot sort out. It tells me the referring url: | has a "/" on the end. cannot find: | | I cannot figure out where this referring url is; as it is in the root file without a "/" on the end.  Could it be on a page somewhere?  All my Dreamweaver page link tests come back ok. I must be missing something simple and would value help for others who may spot it? Thanks! |

    | jessential

  • I recently redirected an old site to a new site.  All the URLs were the same except the domain.  When I redirected them I failed to realize the new site had https enable on all pages.  I have noticed that Google is now indexing both the http and https version of pages in the results.  How can I fix this?  I am going to submit a sitemap but don't know if there is more I can do to get this fixed faster.

    | kicksetc

  • Hello, I got asked a question recently as to whether training videos on the deeper pages of a website (that you can only access if you are a member and log in) will help with the sites ranking. On the SEOMoz software these deeper pages have been crawled as far as I can tell with errors reported on pages from the "members only" section of the site, leading me to believe the members only pages and their content will contribute to the sites overall ranking profile. I have suggested uploading the informational videos on the main pages of the site for now, making them accessible to all visitors and putting them in a more obvious place to encourage more sharing and views, however I've also said I would check it out with some experts so any information will be greatly appreciated! Many thanks 🙂 Charlotte

    | CharlotteWaller

  • Part of my website is a directory of companies. Some of the companies have mane locations in the same city. For these listings titles and url's are like this: 1. Company ABC - Miami, FL 2. Company ABC - Miami, FL What is the best way to fix this problem? Thank you

    | Boxes

  • Hey all, Just double-checking something. Here's the issue, briefly. One of my clients is a large law firm. The firm has a main site, and an additional site for an office in Atlanta. On the main site, there is a list of all attorneys and links to their profiles (that they wrote themselves). The Atlanta site has this as well, but lists only the attorneys located in that office. I would like to have the profiles for the Atlanta lawyers on both sites. Would rel=canonical work to avoid a dupe-content smackdown? The profiles should rank for Atlanta over the main site. This just means that G will drop the main site's profiles (for those attorneys) from their index, correct? No other weird side effects? I hope I worded all that clearly!

    | LCNetwork

  • Re. We have been alerted that we are "not making appropriate use of the rel=canonical tag". Please could someone just clarify this for us and let us know the recommended remedial action we need to take to rectify the issue? Many Thanks, RB

    | E-resistible

  • Hi I have been reading into canonicalisation and I am looking for professional advice and guidance on the best approach as there are many conflicting views on how to implement a solution. I have added to the homepage" /> so that and index.php redirects to the www version. Or would it be better using .htaccess if this is the case what code would be needed to achieve the above? Many Thanks

    | ocelot

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