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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • I would be interested in hearing the views of other seomozers on this issue please. I have a web server hosted in The Netherlands which I currently host my sites on, it is super fast (16core 24gb ram) and in 8 months has had 4 mins of downtime! On this server I wish to build a couple of ecommerce stores. However this is where my issue lays The first store I launch will be targeted at the UK market, however the domain I wish to use for it is a .com domain which has a moz ranting of about 36 (better than most of my competitors, worse than a few so it's a good headstart). The problem I would then have is a .com domain hosted on a Dutch server targeting UK people. Even if I was to set the webmaster tools location to UK it would not be ideal. Also, when it comes to launching the US site I would then be looking at using a .us domain which is far from ideal The other option I have is to use the domain for the UK site but this is new and lack any decent moz score. Given this I am now pondering the following set up....using the .com domain on the Dutch server but putting the UK store in and the future usa store in Would this be the best work around? I could then set the location of folders in the webmaster tools? Also, I plan on using geo redirecting on the domain so if a uk page happens to rank in the USA listings the user gets automatically redirected to the nearest matching product available in their country in the /us/ folder. Would this be easiest to work with on just one domain as it wouldn't technically be redirecting people to another site as per using two domains. Any thoughts would be good. Not even sure I have managed to explain it very clearly hehe

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • Can I the rel=canonical tag this?****

    | AGIAutomation

  • If i set up a blog  like this - ? ( in a folder ), will each link to  carry more value to the main site than if the blog were set up like this-

    | seoug_2005

  • Hi i am working on a site at the moment which is a travel news and holiday news site but i am trying to find out what is best reference content for the following section What i am thinking of doing to keep google keep coming to my section of the site is to import content, what i mean is, to use google for keywords such as humerside airport and have the stories appear on this page as well as writing my own content. I was thinking of importing content because it would help keep the page fresh without my original content become too old but i am concerned about this and not sure if it is the right thing to do. i am concerned if i do this if my rankings would reduce because i am importing content and for people to read the rest of the story they will have to leave my site. i am also worried that google will reduct points for duplicate content. can anyone let me know what i should do, if i should just stick to original content and not import it or to import it and if i should import it using google news how would i do this. many thanks

    | ClaireH-184886

  • A reasonably large ecommerce site I am working with has multiple duplicate content issues. On 4 or 5 keyword domains related to site content  the owners simply duplicated the home page with category links pushing visitors to the category pages of the main site. There was no canonical URL instruction, so have set preferred url via webmaster tools but now need to code this into the website itself. For a reasonably large ecommerce site, how would you approach that particular nest of troubles.  That's even before we get to grips with the on page duplication and wrong keywords!

    | SkiBum

  • Hello, I ran one of our pages through the On-Page Report Card. Among the results we are getting a lower grade due to the following "critical factor" : Appropriate Use of Rel Canonical Explanation If the canonical tag is pointing to a different URL, engines will not count this page as the reference resource and thus, it won't have an opportunity to rank. Make sure you're targeting the right page (if this isn't it, you can reset the target above) and then change the canonical tag to reference that URL. Recommendation We check to make sure that IF you use canonical URL tags, it points to the right page. If the canonical tag points to a different URL, engines will not count this page as the reference resource and thus, it won't have an opportunity to rank. If you've not made this page the rel=canonical target, change the reference to this URL. NOTE: For pages not employing canonical URL tags, this factor does not apply. This is for an e-commerce site, and the canonical links are inserted automatically by the cart software. The cart is also creating the canonical url as a relative link, not an absolute URL. In this particular case it's a self-referential link. I've read a ton on this and it seems that this should be okay (I also read that Bing might have an issue with this). Is this really an issue? If so, what is the best practice to pass this critical factor? Thanks, Paul

    | rwilson-seo

  • Hi i have a serious problem with a website that i am building  with reference to letting the search engines know what the magazine is about. I am building a holiday magazine which will focus on holiday news, cheap deals and holiday reviews. I am wanting the home page to feature for the following keywords holiday news, holiday magazine, holiday ideas, best holiday deals, but the problem i have is, i have tried putting an introduction on the home page but it looks out of place, so what is the best way for me to let google know about what the site is about and to get it ranking well in the search engines any help and advice would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • How does a website get listed in the satellite version of Google Maps?  I have clients that are ranking number 1 in the pack 7 with Google Places and local SEO but they don't show up on the big map.  Click on this link to see what I mean I have circled the listings in red.  How are these businesses getting listed in the satellite version of Google Maps? Thanks

    | fun52dig

  • A client has been blogging for about a year on and has a page authority of 37. With it's built up past history, should we change the blog to a subdirectory, ? Obviously thinking what is the best long-term strategy / benefits. Thanks, Chris

    | evereffect

  • Dear Seomoz expert, I have signed up for a free trial account for SEOmoz Pro. Im testing available SEO software to see which one is gonna make me work more efficient for my clients. Right now im doing technical analysis by hand which costs alot of time but gives me the ability to deliver high quality advices. One of the things i always thorougly check is the way a website is structured (code). I see a lot of relevant criteria for crawl analysis but dont see flash or frames. This is kind of important because on a full flash website there is no content for the Google spider to crawl. Frames can also cause issues looking at internal linking structure and all. How is this integrated in SEOmoz Pro? Greets, S.

    | 5MMedia

  • For the purpose of implementing rel=author, 1. Whether  is my "Author page" 2. Where should i link from my Google profile to website I mean, in which tab or section in Google profile should i link back to website ?

    | seoug_2005

  • Hi, i am working on a joomla template site and i am just wondering how important the breadcrumbs are. I have one installed at the moment but what i have noticed is, what is showing on the main menu is showing on the breadcrumbs so i am not sure if i really need the breadcrumbs module. any help and advice would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I have 2 new clients whose Google Places pages were claimed & edited by other SEO companies. No info is available to me on the Google Accounts used to claim them. Both Places listings need significant edits. Is there a way to re-claim these listings with new Google Accounts, in order to edit/optimize them? Or, do I have to create new Places listings and then ask Google to delete the old ones? This situation must be occurring every day, it seems....

    | DonB

  • We recently had a redesign of our website and moved it from a static html site to WordPress. During the development the WordPress installation sat on a sub-domain. Our programmer and designer had the privacy setting inside WordPress checked so the search engines would not crawl the pages while being developed to avoid duplicate content. Fast forward two weeks when new site replaces old. Guess what privacy setting was not fixed.  So about 3 days after the site is live organic traffic drops by 80%.  Do a little research and all of our great rankings are gone. Notice that our page rank is also gone...Hmm... Upon further inspection the noindex tag is on every page of the site. It's now removed and has been 3-4 days.  I've resubmitted inside webmaster tools and I'm just curious what y'all think the likelihood is that everything will come back to how it was before.

    | jmacek07

  • I'm in the process of creating new product specific URLs for my company. Some of our products have decimals in them for their names as a unit of measurement. For example - .The URL for a 050" widget would be something like: My question is - Can I use a decimal in the URL without ticking off the search engines, and/or causing any other unexpected effects?

    | CodyWheeler

  • Page A has two links on it that both point to Page B. Link 1 isn't no-follow, but Link 2 is. Will Page A pass any juice to Page B?

    | Jay.Neely

  • In implementing Schema with a site using CSS and containing existing tags, I want to be sure that we are (#1) using the tags effectively when used within a product detail template and (#2) not actually harming ourselves by telling Google that all products are named or described by the SS tag and not actually the product name or description (which obviously could be disasterous). An example of what we are looking at implementing is the following: Old: <ss:value source="$"></ss:value> New: <ss:value source="$"></ss:value> Old: <ss:value source="$product.description">New: <ss:value source="$product.description"></ss:value> Basically, is Schema at the point where the SS tag be replaced (in the eyes of the search engines) with the actual text and not the tag itself?</ss:value>

    | TechMama

  • The report is showing a 404 error where a URL is being appended to the end of the address.  It does not show up on the website of on the Sitemap so am wondering if I am missing something or is it a system error?

    | ccbseo

  • Hi Guys, So here's the deal, my team and I just acquired a new site using some questionable tactics. Only about 5% of the entire site is actually written by humans the rest of the 40k + (and is increasing by 1-2k auto gen pages a day)pages are all autogen + thin content. I'm trying to convince the powers that be that we cannot continue to do this. Now i'm aware of the issue but my question is what is the best way to deal with this. Should I noindex these pages at the directory level? Should I 301 them to the most relevant section where actual valuable content exists. So far it doesn't seem like Google has caught on to this yet and I want to fix the issue while not raising any more red flags in the process. Thanks!

    | DPASeo

  • Hi, Does buying new keyword related domains and 301 redirect them to my site have any seo benefit?

    | Socialdude

  • From what I understand, if you search for a keyword say "blue widgets" and you click on a result, and then spend 10 seconds there, and go back to google and click on a different result google will track that first result as being not very relevant. What I don't understand is what happens when (and this happens all the time, i did it today) you click on a result go to that page, find it (not?) relevant and then get distracted, phone call, or someone calls you into another room in the office.  You end up accidentally leaving the tab open all day long, and never go back to the google search.  So your time on site to google is what? infinity? there must be an upper cap here? at some point they must say, ok, the user is gone, time on site = our maximum = 5 minutes?!? Get me? any insight?

    | adriandg

  • i'm trying to rank the site for the New York City area. I managed to have the site rank pretty good (the site is less than 6 months old) for keyphrases with NYC, New York and Manhattan but i don't understand how to get the site rank higher for the ones without those keywords. For example: Appliance repair NYC - rank 1 Appliance Repair New york - rank 4 Appliance repair (without location) not in results Anyone can help me please? 🙂 Thanks!

    | atohad

  • Hi together, we are using a CDN for delivering static images. Due to some changes we want to change the path for images for the whole domain. like: to Does anyone know what could happend to SERPs? (old path will  be available) Best regards Steffen

    | steffen_

  • Hello, we have a website with many thousands of pages. Some of them change frequently, some never. Our problem is, that googlebot is generating way too much traffic. Half of our page views are generated by googlebot. We would like to tell googlebot, to stop crawling pages that never change. This one for instance:,412598,9545978-1,VnPartypics.html As you can see, there is almost no content on the page and the picture will never change.So I am wondering, if it makes sense to tell google that there is no need to come back. The following header fields might be relevant. Currently our webserver answers with the following headers: Cache-Control:  no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0, public
    Pragma: no-cache
    Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT Does Google honor these fields? Should we remove no-cache, must-revalidate, pragma: no-cache and set expires e.g. to 30 days in the future? I also read, that a webpage that has not changed, should answer with 304 instead of 200. Does it make sense to implement that? Unfortunatly that would be quite hard for us. Maybe Google would also spend more time then on pages that actually changed, instead of wasting it on unchanged pages. Do you have any other suggestions, how we can reduce the traffic of google bot on unrelevant pages? Thanks for your help Cord

    | bimp

  • I have an ecommerce site with thousands of product pages. I am using the product details provided by the manufacturer (as with most other sites selling the same products). I have 3 questions: If I want to set my pages apart with product descriptions, what it s the minimum amount of text I can add to make them unique? The content will be from an offshore company, so it will likely not be of the best quality. Can Google determine the quality of text and evaluate it differently? I have also added product reviews to the site. Are there any other methods to make the product pages more unique or SEO friendly?

    | inhouseseo

  • There seem to be quite a few template, framework, and theme options for building a site optimized for search. I'm currently looking at Socrates and Genesis premium themes for Wordpress. Does anyone have experience or suggestions on these resources?

    | ksracer

  • Hi I am trying to find some good free press release sites that allow you to have a link with your press release to help drive traffic to your site but all the ones that i have found do not have links within them. The only ones i can find where you can have links in them are paid ones. Does anyone use press release sites to gain links to their sites and if so could you let me know which ones they are please and how important you feel they are.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I have a client building a new web site who has agreed that a site search function is a good thing in order to get a view on how customers are using the site, the search terms they are using as a source of keywords etc. The problem is the developer has implemented a catalogue/product search which only queries the products in the database. On the one hand this is fine in that the search is directing users to products and not to other areas of the site. But the customer is disappointed that the search is not site wide. Are there any solutions where third party search utility could be implemented whithin the site which will search both? The ecommerce platform is Magento. Any views would be very helpful!

    | k3nn3dy3

  • Hi, Just wanted to know, linking to unrelated content will harm the site? I know linking to unrelated content is not good. But wanted to know weather any chances are there or not. I have a site related to health and the other one related to technology. The technology site is too good having PR 6 and very good strong backlinks. And the health related site has very much tough competition, So i wanted to know may be i could link this health site to technology site to get good link from it. Can you suggest me about it. waiting for your replies...

    | Dexter2238787487

  • Hi I am working on a site at the moment and i had the site using a different template and in the search engines for the search term cheap flights gatwick we were fourth and for the term holiday magazine we were 12th in google but now we are not even in google on the first page for the search terms. But now after changing the template in joomla our rankings have gone out of the window. It took me about a day to sort out the site with the new template so i was not expecting any problems with the search engines but for some reason there is. If you put into the search engine then you will see that google has not visited the site for four days and also it is not showing the description and instead it is showing details about joomla. Can anyone let me know if there is anything i need to do to sort this out and why google is taking so long to visit my site

    | ClaireH-184886

  • If another company hosts our videos, but they are only found embedded on our site, do we get all of the SEO benefits from the video, or would we have to host it for that to happen?

    | ClaytonKendall

  • When dealing with local search for a business with multiple locations, I've always created an individual page for each location. Aside from the address and business name being in there, I also like to make sure the title tag and other important markup features the state/city/suburb, or, in the case of hyper-local, hyper-competitive markets, information more specific than that. It's worked very well so far. But, the one thing you can always count on with Local is that the game keeps changing. So I'd like to hear what you think... How do you deal with multiple locations these days? Has Google (and others, of course) advanced far enough to not mess things up if you put multiple locations on the same page? (Do I hear snickers? Be nice now) How does fit in to your tactics in this area, if at all? Cheers (Edit: dear SEOmoz, stop eating my line breaks)

    | BedeFahey

  • We have pages that have been added to robots.txt as url patterns in DisAllow. Also, we have the meta noindex tags on the pages themselves. But we are finding the pages in index. I don't think they are higher up in the rankings and they don't have any descriptions, any previews or any cached pages. Why does Google show these pages? Could it be due to internal or external linking?

    | gaganc

  • So I understand that this is a fairly broad question but I am trying to work through this on a bunch of different levels with a bunch of different sites that have multiple different issues. First I am wondering if I have an e-commerce site on a .com that is used to serve to different languages and locales around the world.  Instead of a for a site that is supposed to serve Spain and a for a site that is supposed to serve Germany, we do and for an English and a Spanish version for our consumers that come from Spain. My first question is this a bad way to set this up just from a structure standpoint and my second question is what do I do about duplicate content on different locales but same languages?  I am afraid that if I rel=canonical this to 1 region for each language that it may not show up in SE's for other regions but the same language.  (Example Brazil and Portugal for Portuguese, Belgium and Netherlands for Dutch, Canada and France for French, Spain and Mexico for Spanish, etc...) Second do the language meta tags actually do anything or not?  I am finding mixed opinions on this. Third what is the IDEAL website structure for a website that will serve multiple languages and locales from the same ccTLD?  I understand this is not ideal but what is the best setup with this situation? Again I know this is a broad question but I am coming across a lot of e-commerce sites wanting help and dealing with this situation.  The duplicate content thing is worrisome and I want good, localized indexing. Thanks!

    | DRSearchEngOpt

  • I the SEO MOZ crawl diagnostics for my site,, I am getting over 100 duplicate content errors on links built from tags on blog entries.  I do have the original base blog entry in my site map not referencing the tags. Similarly, I am getting almost 200 duplicate meta description errors in Google Webmaster Tools associated with links automatically generated from tags on my blog.  I have more understanding that I could get these errors from my forum, since the forum entries are not in the sitemap, but the blog entries are there in the site map. I thought the tags were only there to help people search by category.  I don't understand why every tag becomes its' own link.  I can see how this falsely creates the impression of a lot of duplicate data. As seen in GWT: Pages with duplicate meta descriptions Pages [Customer concerns about the use of home water by pest control companies.](javascript:dropInfo('zip_0div', 'none', document.getElementById('zip_0zipimg'), 'none', null);)/ca​teg​ory​/jo​b-s​ite​-re​qui​rem​ent​s/ta​g/c​ost​-of​-wa​ter/ta​g/i​rri​gat​ion​-us​age/ta​g/s​ave​-wa​ter/ta​g/s​tan​dar​d-i​ndu​str​y-p​rac​tic​e/ta​g/w​ate​r-u​se 6 [Pest control operator draws analogy between Children's Day and the state of the pest control industr](javascript:dropInfo('zip_1div', 'none', document.getElementById('zip_1zipimg'), 'none', null);)/ta​g/c​hil​dre​n-i​n-m​ode​rn-​wor​ld/ta​g/c​hil​dre​n/ta​g/c​hil​dre​ns-​day/ta​g/c​ons​erv​ati​on-​med​ici​ne/ta​g/e​cow​ise​-ce​rti​fie​d/ta​g/e​sto​nia/ta​g/e​xte​rmi​nat​ion​-se​rvi​ce/ta​g/e​xte​rmi​nat​or/ta​g/g​ree​n-t​hum​b/ta​g/h​ear​ts-​pes​t-m​ana​gem​ent/ta​g/h​igh​er-​cer​tif​ica​tio​n/ta​g/h​igh​er-​edu​cat​ion/ta​g/t​art​u/ta​g/u​nit​ed-​sta​tes

    | GerryWeitz

  • Hello... Hopefully a Magento expert will stumble across this question and help me out. I have noticed that my site is no longer as prominent as it once was for specific product pages... I am looking for help in rewriting the URL's for the product pages. I want it to have (which exists if you hard code it into the site) If you wind up on the product by clicking throught the categories the url looks like: Does anyone know how to make it so when you land on a product page it is just ? My Site is : Thanks for the help...

    | Prime85

  • I just ran my first diagnostic on my site and the results came back were negative in the area of too many links one a page. There were also quite a few 404 errors. What is the best way to fix these problems? Most of the pages with too many links are from blog posts, are the tags counted as well and is this the reason for too many links?

    | Newport1030

  • Hey guys, Some of you may be aware of our story.  We have a website about or son who was born with Down syndrome.  Two days a go a post I wrote went sort of viral, and I woke up this morning to an email from my host saying they had to take my site down as an emergency because of the amount of resources it is using. So now my site is down ( ...any ideas how to proceeded? I really need to get my site back online asap. Thank you.

    | NoahsDad

  • Client has many urls that just frame in the main site.  It seems like a total waste of money, but if they are frames, is there an actual risk?

    | gravityseo

  • We took on a new client about two weeks ago, took them off a proprietary CMS, placed them on a WordPress site, optimized the site, etc. and were finishing up small details three days ago. My PC in my personal office all of a sudden would not load the site from a Google search, from a direct url, etc. 
    Our office was using a D-Link wireless router but my PC is hardwired in the office. I cranked up my MacBook Pro with solid state drive (6 months old), got on wireless, would not load. PC's and Macs in offices around me would all load the site. A search online brought up a fix for the PC and tried it - did not work, had lead dev try it - did not work, called a server side friend and he had never heard of such a thing. Every fix revolved around changing IP addresses, etc. I uninstalled my antivirus programs on my PC, installed every update that was outstanding, there was no new software installed on either box prior to problem. Can you help??? Is there any chance someone not associated with us and just looking for my client or someone entering a direct url could experience?

    | RobertFisher

  • Hi ! I get this : Oh No! We did not find any Google Analytics profiles associated with this account. So I was wondering how to create GA Profiles for SEOMOZ. I'm admin of 3 websites in my GA accounts ... Thanks !

    | ovivo

  • Doing research on new client's links. Found 151 linking root domains all from same interlinking scam. Here are duplicated domains for one site (not my client) on his scam:,,,,, I have attached an img. showing these in OSE with each having a www and a non www linking to the site. Note: When I found this it was by checking other domains they owned that they did not know had sites on them. They literally were all cloned with other domain names. We took the three additional sites and did 301 redirects from those to main site. Since there were only three additional and only about 30 pages per, I do not see it as a problem with redirect. So the question is: By doing this without preferred domain and 301 in .htaccess of non-www to www, is he able to double his dubious enterprise?

    | RobertFisher

  • If I have an image that is well optimiswed for a keyword that the page it is on is ranking for but i put a no follow in the image link - is this going to lose the value of the image on that page. A strange question i know but this image i have on my homepage is optimised around a keyword, the image is also a link but when i changed the link in the image to no follow i seem to have dropped rankings for that keyword. Probably consicidence but i thought i would throw this question out there and get some views?

    | pauledwards

  • Hey, I tried to find and answer to this seemingly simple question, but no luck. So, I have one domain name with a website attached to it. I also registered all the other domain names that are similar to it or have different extensions - I want to redirect all the other domain names to my one main domain name without getting penalised by the big G. It looks like this: - this is my main domain I also have,, and which I all want to just redirect to I have been told that the best way to do this is a 301 redirect, but to do that you need to make a CNAME for all the other domains that points to My problem is that I cannot seem to create a CNAME record for - I have it working for but not the non www record. What should I be doing differently? Is it just my DNS provider is useless? Thanks, Anthony

    | Grenadi

  • We want to change our cms from typo3  to CMS made Simple. We have done this already for another site and it effected the rankings. Have you got experience with this? What factors are important for SEO to consider? Is it normal when you change from cms the rankings will drop?

    | PlusPort

  • Looking at building a widget for my site, Babyhuddle. We're looking at using iframes for the widget and I'm concerned that this means I won't be able to get any SEO juice out of each widgets that are implemented on users' blogs. Any recommendations on how we can get SEO juice out of widgets in iframes?

    | walidalsaqqaf

  • Today, we have way too many links on our homepage. About 30 of them are add-to-basket links (regular html links) pointing to a separate application. This application 302 redirects the client back to the referring page. I have two questions: 1. Does the current implementation of our buttons dilute pagerank? Bear in mind the 302 redirect. 2. If the answer to the first question is yes, would transforming the buttons into form buttons change anything to the better? We would still 302 back to the referring page. I know Gbot follows GET forms and even POST forms, but does GBot pass on pagerank to the form URL?

    | TalkInThePark

  • I got to know that I can access google USA by going to Is there a similar way to access too from India?

    | KS__

  • My pages says it has 16 errors, and all of them are due to duplicate content. How do I fix this? I believe its only due to my meta tag description.

    | gaji

  • Hey Everyone... Just got a quick question I haven't really ever found a straight answer to.  I have a sports blog.  Part of the blog is writing my own articles and the other part is putting together posts that have a collection of links to other good articles.  An example post link is below. The question is whether I should be setting these posts as NOFOLLOW? During football season I have a link collection post daily but during the off-season i may post every couple of days. zach

    | TCUFrogFanReport

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