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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • I have an image that represents 'widgets'. The image works for more than one kind of widget. I have two pages, one optimized for 'blue widgets' and one optimized for 'red widgets'. I would like to use the same 'widgets' image on both pages but change the alt text to be 'blue widgets' or 'red widgets' depending on the page it is used on. Should I: (1) use the same image on different pages with different alt text. (2) duplicate the image file and have two copies 'red_widgets.jpg' and 'blue_widgets.jpg' and then use each copy on the page optimized for the corresponding phrase. (3) create distinct, unique image files (where the pixels are different, not just the file names) for each kind of widget. This is a simplified example of a larger SEO problem where I have 1 image that can be useful on 20 pages that are each optimized for 20 different phrases. Should I use the same image with 20 different alt tags, or create 20 identical (but renamed) copies of the image, or create 20 slightly different image files (with different pixels in each image)? Thanks.

    | scanlin

  • Hi, I am new to Seomoz,I have some little doubts regarding <title>tag.</p> <p>Can i target 3 words in the title tag. Currently i am on top for one keyword, and i cant get the rest two in top positions. Here is my website, can anyone review my site please.</p> <p>xxx(dot)ridpiles(dot)com with keyword hemorrhoids treatment</p> <p>I have good amount of backlinks, but still something i am missing. I have 100% unique content.</p> <p> </p> <p>Regards</p></title>

    | Dexter2238787487

  • We love our new Big Commerce site, just curious as to what the hang up is.

    | spalmer

  • A couple of days a go one of our websites became extreemly slow. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but frankly i don't where else to ask it Our hosting provider mentioned it was a socket exploid but even after removing all the infected files we are still running into a strange wait time of 45 seconds (See attachements) This has mayor efects on the SEO as well the link is www[dot]schouw[dot]org Hopefully there is someone how can help me out 12.png

    | TiasNimbas

  • We have a site that had one super successful viral video a couple of years back and basically the site needs a ton of work to even be functional. We don't have the time or the resources to even touch it. Our video is still getting tons of views today and I'm fairly certain it's the only reason the site still gets traffic. Most of the views come from youtube which prompts them to check out the site. We plan on going back to the site at a later date, but for now wanted to redirect it to another site of ours. In this case is it best practice to 302? or is a 301 still the proper solution?

    | ClaytonKendall

  • Our home page file is and appears in Google as Would it be a good thing for us to include the following tag in the head section of our website homepage?

    | Prospector-Plastics

  • Hi! A client of mine have created a new site with a new URL structure which they launched the other day. They have done a 301 redirect on all pages on the old site to the start page on the new site. E.g: -> -> I'm thinking of fixing this now so the redirect instead looks someting like this: -> -> Two questions: 1. Is it worth doing the latter kind of redirect in all cases (after all, it involves quite a lot more work compared to the first solution)? or do you recommend the first solution for all redirect projects?
    2. Now that they have already done the first solution, is it at all worth amending this to the latter or is everything spoiled now that they have already gone ahead with the first solution? Many thanks in advance!

    | lojdqvist

  • I have 8 or so sites hosted with Dreamhost and my main web site ( is a Wordpress site hosted there as well. I'd like to move it to another hosts so that it isn't seen as related to my other sites that link to it. My other sites are good informational sites (example: and are not doorway pages, but they do provide good links to my main business. This is a good idea to move my main sight, right? If so, can someone recommend a good host for me to put my one Wordpress site on? I'm looking for something that will load my pages fast. Please don't send me an affiliate link - I want to choose the best host not the one that pays the biggest commission. Thanks!

    | nwrafting

  • I am working on a couple of SEO projects and have noticed over the past couple of months that the keywords rankings have improved immensely with most of them amongst top 10 on google, but still the traffic on the website doesn't improve much. Can somebody explain me the possible reasons behind this, and what can I do to attract more traffic?

    | KS__

  • Hi, We have a main www website with a standard sitemap.  We also have a m. site for mobile content (the mobile site only contains our top pages and doesn't include the entire site).  If a mobile client accesses one of our www pages we redirect to the m. page.  If we don't have a m. version we keep them on the www site. Since we already have a www sitemap, is there much value in creating a mobile site map?  The mobile site (although missing all pages) is pretty robust and contains most content people are looking for. Will the mobile sitemap help for Mobile searches (more so than our standard sitemap)? I'm also planning on rel canonical the m. pages to the www. pages (per other suggestios on SEOMoz) Thanks

    | NicB1

  • Ok,  old fat client developer new at SEO so I apologize if this is obvious. I have 4 errors in one of my campaigns.  two are duplicate content and two are duplicate title. Here is the duplicate title error Rare Currency And Old Paper Money Values and Information. Rare Currency And Old Paper Money Values and Information. So, my question is... What do I need to do to make this right?   They are the same page.  in my page load for default.aspx I have this: this.Title = "Rare Currency And Old Paper Money Values and Information."; And it occurs only once...

    | Banknotes

  • Tim and Kris Hallbom at this site: nlpca(dot)com are authors of several books and many great articles, and they would like their picture to show up in their search results. contacted us and called it authorship, and said that they could get our picture to begin showing up in appropriate google searches. But we don't want to go through, how do we do this? Thank you.

    | BobGW

  • Right now I have a website that is exclusively a blog. I want to create pages outside of the blog and move the blog to a page other than the index file e.g.) from to I will have the blog post pages stay in the root directory. e.g.) Any suggestions how to properly tell SE's and other websites that the blog has moved?

    | Bartell

  • Hello, I am seeing my sitemap.xml show up in Google webmaster tools at the top for one of the main keywords for my site.  This is in the Your Site on the Web - Keywords section.  The URLs of my site contain this keyword, which is why I figure it showed up. I'm curious if this should be a concern to me?  I find it odd that the sitemap would show up in this way. Thanks

    | nux

  • Hi everyone, hope you've all had a good new years celebration. Just a quick one on page load speed? how important do you think it is to organic rankings, especially on competitive terms? Any tips on improving it? do i need to improve just the landing page im trying to rank or every page as its looked at as a qualtiy score as a whole? Kind Regards,

    | pauledwards

  • We have a large volume of products that rotate seasonally. From an SEO perspective we are looking for the best method on how to handle these issues. Currently when crawler or user encounters a URL to a product that is no longer in inventory we are looking at two things. One, the request comes in and send a 200 to a page that says ITEM NOT FOUND. Option 2, is simply send them to a 404. The product may or may not be put back into production. What is the best method to handle this?

    | CC_Dallas

  • Today I met with a firm called Localeze that provides local directory submissions.  I understand the importance of this service if your site is competing locally, however I'm not sure the effects of local SEO for a national brand. Our firm gets most of our traffic from across the country, not just one location, and our business is scattered (which is a good thing).  We rank for service related keywords that are not tied to a location. We do not show up for local results so our business in our immediate location is weak.  We would like to increase our local presence in search engines but I want to make sure that this will not take away from our national presence. Will optimizing a site for local search negatively affect general rankings? Thanks

    | KevinBloom

  • Hi All, Client of mine using reversed Meta Tags format in their website and Honestly i never saw such Meta Tags formats. In my opinion having 2 Title tags and wrong reversed description tag is not correct and the needs to be removed, and other tags need to be changed,too But they said that it probably doesn't make a difference because they don't think it affects search engine results and won't remove it just based on opinion. Because weird thing is Search Engines are apparently able to index them. So should i persist on correcting them or just hope for the best and ignore it?!?!?! Thanks!

    | DigitalJungle

  • Now I have a bunch of links that are dead. (45 to be exact) What should I do? Rebuild the links, 301 redirect them to the homepage, 410 them? I didn't get a lot of external traffic from the links (maybe ~500 uniques/mo). Of that traffic, most of the users would bounce, my SEO wasn't very good so the content they received wasn't as relevant as it could have been. I'm not really worried about losing the traffic, but rather minimizing any penalty from google.

    | winefolly

  • We are working on a website that has some high-quality industry articles available on their website. For each article, there is an abstract with a link to the PDF which is hosted on the domain. We have found in Analytics that a lot of sites link directly to the PDF and not the webpage that has the abstract of the article. Can we get any benefit from a direct PDF link? Or do we need to modify our strategy?

    | MattAaron

  • When doing a search in Google (US Proxy) - Google is stripping and replacing my functional TITLE with the brand name only (say 'Nike'), but if you do a specific search term like ('buy nike shoes') and see a top 10 listing for my site's homepage, now the title works and shows correctly. I saw this a few years ago with another one of my company domains, but didn't ask the question as it worked out. Thanks for any insight.. NOTE: It's not damaging any results, or rankings for the site.. but: when searching for BRAND name of the company, like I explained, it's replacing a optimized title for the BRAND name, and then re-placing it naturally when deep search brings up the homepage and the TITLE looks fine.. Very weird at best! Thanks, Rob

    | RobMay

  • Here is my robots.txt from google webmaster tools. These are the pages that are being blocked and I am not sure which of these to get rid of in order to unblock blog posts from being searched. These category pages and blog posts are blocked so do I delete the /? ...I am new to SEO and web development so I am not sure why the developer of this robots.txt file would block pages and posts in wordpress. It seems to me like that is the reason why someone has a blog so it can be searched and get more exposure for SEO purposes. IS there a reason I should block any pages contained in wodrpress? Sitemap: User-agent: Googlebot Disallow: /*/trackback Disallow: /*/feed Disallow: /*/comments Disallow: /? Disallow: /*? Disallow: /page/
    User-agent: * Disallow: /cgi-bin/ Disallow: /wp-admin/ Disallow: /wp-includes/ Disallow: /wp-content/plugins/ Disallow: /wp-content/themes/ Disallow: /trackback Disallow: /commentsDisallow: /feed

    | ENSO

  • So I am trying to set the URL preference in google webmaster tools for my site. However when I try to save it it tells me to verify that I own the site. I have already done this so where can I go to verify I own the site exactly? Maybe I am wrong and I have not done this already but even on the homepage of webmaster tools I don't see an option to "verify".

    | ENSO

  • Google currently does not index our mobile website. It has the WWW website in it's index. When a user from a mobile phone clicks on a mobile search result for WWW we redirect them to our mobile website. This is posing problems for us as our mobile website is a fraction of the # of pages/sections as our WWW. So for example, mobile search results show that we have a "careers" section; but that's not the case for the mobile website. As a result a user gets a 404. How do we force mobile Google to index our mobile website instead of our WWW?

    | RBA

  • I'm working on a site with a parent page and two minor pages all dealing with the primary/root keyword "log siding"  -  How do I optimize all three pages without bastardization of the primary keyword? Parent page - keyword: half-log-siding and log-siding Child Pages (linking from the parent)  cedar-log-siding  and Pine-log-siding. They all feature "log-siding" and grade well for that keyword (as well as their own long-tail keywords), yet I think based on my rank tracking that Google is unhappy with the multiple pages all (seemingly focused) on log-siding. Any ideas how I can effectively target all the long-tail keywords within their respective landing pages and not draw a penalty from Google towards my parent page and the root keyword? Thanks, Bill

    | Marvo

  • Hi All, Client of mine using reversed Meta Tags format in their website and Honestly i never saw such Meta Tags formats. In my opinion having 2 Title tags and wrong reversed description tag is not correct and the needs to be removed, and other tags need to be changed,too But they said that it probably doesn't make a difference because weird thing is Search Engines are apparently able to index them ,So they don't think it affects search engine results and won't remove it just based on opinion. So should i persist in correcting them or just hope for the best and ignore it?!?!?! Thanks!

    | DigitalJungle

  • Hi there, I run an ecommerce store and we've recently started changing the way we handle pagination links and canonical links. We run Magento, so each category eg /shoes has a number of parameters and pages depending on the number of products in the category. For example /shoes?mode=grid will display products in grid view, /shoes?mode=grid&p=2 is page 2 in grid mode. Previously, all URL variations per category were canonicalised to /shoes. Now, we've been advised to paginate the base URLs with page number only. So /shoes has a pagination next link to /shoes?p=2, page 2 has a prev link to /shoes and a next link to /shoes?p=3. When any other parameter is introduced (such as mode=grid) we canonicalise that back to the main category URL of /shoes and put a noindex meta tag on the page. However, SEOMoz is picking up duplicate title warnings for urls like /shoes?p=2 and /shoes?mode=grid&p=2 despite the latter being canonicalised and having a noindex tag. Presumably search engines will look at the canonical and the noindex tag so this shouldn't be an issue. Is that correct, or should I be concerned by these errors? Thanks.

    | Fergus_Macdonald

  • On December 14th one of my sites dropped completely for multiple keywords. I cannot figure out why this happened. I have been adding content more in the past few months than ever before... is the website I am attaching a few webmasters screenshots so you can see the drop. Any help is much appreciated. htm-webmasters-0.jpg

    | 38wesley

  • Hello, I have created one campaign over SEOmoz tools for my website i have found 159 duplicate page content. My problem is that this web site is about car adsso it is easy to create pages with duplicate content and also Car ads are placed byregistered users. How can i resolve this problem? Regards Francesco

    | francesco87

  • Hi, I would really like to understnad how iTunes (apple) get those great serp in google (see attached image). In addition to the image (which is the main thing I would love to get) they have price, rating and votes numbers. Currently I know about the tags that can help implement that but I couldn't find this in the source code of the page. Thanx itunes-serp 20120102-gmpk3ih8492w52tbsrrpy573w4.jpg

    | WixSeoTeam

  • This is my first time asking so I will try to be as clear as possible. Ok, I have a micro site that is an (exact match domain) and the domain is a couple 3-4 years old and ranks very well for several search terms. The main two terms it ranks for are like this. houses for rent in XXXXX XXXXX homes for rent (XXXXX equals a city name) The issue is this site has no backlinks, zero advanced SEO, I only did basic optimization to it when i set the site up. Even site structure, url structure all are not good.
    The only page I have ever even seen rank is the main root url. But with all that the site does really good in the top 1-2 results for key search terms. Now, I have a main site that is a very big site that has steadily been climbing in search terms every month with great backlinks, optimized for the city and all.
    It currently ranks on second page for the listed search terms listed above. What I want to do is 301 redirect this microsite to my city page on my main site that is much better optimized for the key city terms.
    The 301 redirect would point this "root domain"  ( to my city page that looks like this. If I do this will Google rank my main URL city page as well as it ranks this microsite with zero links, seo, etc, etc. What happens if it does not? Will I be able to turn off the 301 redirect and keep the microsite rankings? My main reason for wanting this is I want this city page to rank well and I only want to optimize one site instead of both. Any help would be great!

    | Robbie8299

  • Hi We have an ecom site selling childrens clothing. We startet up with a blogspot blog due to the lack of that option from our provider. I have a few links in to the blogspot blog and realized today that the PA is 39 - the PA of homepage of ecom site is 40. Ive lately been using the ..../blog on my ecom site. The functionality so far of it is so bad that i am considering using the blogspot blog again. How can i best utilize the strength of our blog at blogspot. Just keep posting w anchor text to relevant pages our main site? Is redirecting a possibility at all ? Dan Lærum

    | danlae

  • Studying the Duplicate Page Content report reveals that all (or many) of my pages are getting flagged as having duplicate content because the crawler thinks there are two versions of the same page: The only difference is the capitalization. We don't have two versions of the page so I don't understand what I'm missing or how to correct this. Anyone have any thoughts for what to look for?

    | jkenyon

  • Even after studying the latest Panda algorithm, which frowns upon templated looks (kind of odd), I have been doing some thorough research trying to find out why a site I have been optimizing plummeted. It was hovering around 10, and fell to 37 in one to two weeks. After I read all about the Panda update, I assumed it was that. But the site falls in line and shouldn't be affected. I used that 3rd party duplicate content checker and the content checked out okay. I looked on my SEO Pro campaign and noticed that the on-page report got an A grade, hitting on all factors except having the keyword in the URL. So, I have a site that loads in good time and should be fairly well optimized, and falls in line from what I can tell with Google's guidelines, which I read through. So why the drop? I'm not saying this site is 100% perfect couldn't be any better, optimized to the hilt. It was designed a few years ago, but still, I am just having a hard time finding out why this site got slammed the way it did. Target Keyword(s) Roseville Chiropractor Roseville Chiropractic I welcome any on-page critiques, but mostly would like to know where to look or have some kind of insight to why the rankings dropped, so I can try and fix them the right way. Thank you,

    | Boogily

  • On our website we have two ways to get in a brand environment. We have general brand pages and brand pages divided by category. At this moment the category brand pages get the most SEO value, because we have a link on our homepage to these pages (via the mega dropdown). The problem is that we would like to assign the SEO value to the general brand pages (with all the articles) instead of the category brand pages (with only articles within a category). We prefer to optimize the general brand page without a link to this page on the homepage for now. for example; Those two pages have the most SEO value but we would like to assign value to; Do you have a solution for this problem? Thank you in advance! Kind regards,

    | eCommerceSEO

  • Hello, So I have searched the Q & A , Google, the zen cart forum and at this point I am looking for some one to give a concrete answer on what I should do.  There is a lot of different opinions on " rel=canonical" and how to apply it , since there are many other variable in place. I have a zen cart site.  I am using the latest 1.3.9 version.  The default setting ( seem to me) uses the  rel=canonical to point back to the specific link product or category respectively. Most of the time I have two scenarios. 1. Main category --->  Sub category----> Product 2. Main Category----> Product I'll give an example ---main category sub category  product (this example has three sub categories with maybe 12 products in one 4 in the second and 5 in the third) From looking at the source code for each url it the rel=canonical just points back to its own url. I want to avoid competing against my self, for the example above keyword "acrylic awards" so should the use of the re=canonical be changes site wide to have products point back to sub categories when they exist and have products point back to main categories when no sub categories exist? I am very new to seo, specifically eCommerce seo.   If you have experience and have done this to a site you manage for a client or your own please advise how to proceed. Also if I'm missing some thing that will give me a better understanding of the bigger seo picture that would be great. Thanks, Yevgeny

    | Yevgeny

  • I have a site that is largely based on images. It runs on Wordpress. Each page has about 10 images. What is the best way to upload images? As a WP gallery. As another gallery (with a gallery plugin) As seperate images uploaded via WP (it shows a thumbnail which is links to the larger image). That way each image can have a title. As seperate images uploaded via FTP in which case I would then make a thumbnail which will link to the larger image. This option would only be good if WP does not optomize the thumbnail images that it creates. As a text title which links to the image. Since most of my content is based on images and mostly comes from Google images I was wondering what the best method to use is.

    | nicolebd

  • Hi at the moment i am working with images to try and speed up my site and i am wondering what is the best format to save images and then put on my site. I have been playing around with  photoshop where they have the following formats png-24 gif (but not sure which one i should choose or jpeg I would be grateful for your advice and also to know what size i should try and keep the image down to many thanks

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hello, One of my clients have a new website (just 3 months old) and for some keywords it's already working quite well (some of them already on first page for organic search results in Google). But suddenly one of the keywords (just one) dropped 25 positions from one day to another, while the rest of them are ok and even getting better. What may be happening here? The only thing I have done for this keyword different to the rest is that I have created a few internal links (just 7 o 😎 using the keyword. The site is big, with around 60 pages including a blog. I know that I'm not being very explicit with the information I'm providing... Thank you in advance for your help!

    | Juandbbam

  • Hi i am trying to get google adsense to work properly but i am not winning. What i am trying to do is, to get the adverts to reflect on the content. So for example this page here I would like google adsense to have celebrity adverts such as celebrity news sites, celebrity fashion, concert tickets etc. I want the adverts to be related to celebrity but it is not happening. Can anyone please let me know how to do this and also if i have the google adsense in the right place as since rebuilding the site we have not earned anything with google adsense many thanks

    | ClaireH-184886

  • All, I have a  site built on WordPress with directory software (edirectory) on the backend that houses a directory of members. The Wordpress portion of the site is full of content and drives traffic through to the directory. Like most directories, the results pages are thin on content and mainly contain links to member profiles. Is it best to simply no index the search results for the directory portion of the site?

    | JSOC

  • So a little question here. I was looking into a module to help implement canonical URLs on a certain CMS and I came a cross a snarky comment about relative vs. absolute URLs being used. This person was insistent that relative URLs are fine and absolute URLs are only for people who don't know what they are doing. My question is, if using relative URLs, doesn't it make it easier to have your content scraped? After all, if you do get your content scraped at least it would point back to your site if using absolute URLs, right? Am I missing something or is my thinking OK on this? Any feedback is much appreciated!

    | friendlymachine

  • Hi, All! If another site ( links to you, and upon mouseover of the link, you see it's supposed to go to something like: and then when clicked on you get to your actual site, is that considered a real link? How much of a link? Thanks! Aviva

    | debi_zyx

  • We have a problem with one of our sites (wordpress) not getting fetched by googlebot. Some folders on the url get found others not. So we have isolated it as a wordpress issue. Will this affect our page in google serps anytime soon? Does any whizz kid out there know how to begin fixing this as we have spent two days solid on this. url is Thanks in advance guys Rob

    | wonderwall

  • Dear All, I am facing stupid duplicate page issue, My whole site is in dynamic script and all the URLs were in dynamic, So i 've asked my programmer make the URLs user friendly using URL Rewrite, but he converted aspx pages to htm. And the whole mess begun. Now we have 3 different URLs for single page. Such as: I think my programmer messed up the URL Rewrite in or even didn't use it. So how do i overcome this problem? Should i add canonical tag in both dynamic URLs with pointing to pag4-0.htm. Will it help? Thanks!

    | DigitalJungle

  • Hi our site has always been either number one in google or at the bad times number two for the search word gastric band hypnotherapy but today we have dropped three places and we do not understand what has happened Can anyone please have a look and see what we need to do to get back on top. the site that is above us does not have much information on the subject so we are very puzzled here is our site many thanks

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Has anyone ever used the snippet tool and gotten the following error "could not fetch website"? When using the tool and placing an url that does not have markup present it will show that as the error. Or if part of markup is wrong, it will diagnose it accordingly. Did a search online and found limited of which someone had this error but when other users tested it, they were not getting the same error.

    | andrewv

  • If a website has 1M+ pages, with most of them being hidden behind an internal search, what's the best way to get pages included in an engine's index? Does a direct clickpath to those pages need to exist from the homepage or other major hub pages on the site? Is submitting an XML sitemap enough?

    | vlevit

  • We accidentally uploaded a robots.txt disallow root for all agents last Tuesday and did not catch the error until yesterday.. so 6 days total of exposure. Organic traffic is down 20%. Google has since indexed the correct version of the robots.txt file. However, we're still seeing awful titles/descriptions in the SERPs and traffic is not coming back. GWT shows that not many pages were actually removed from the index but we're still seeing drastic rankings decreases. Anyone been through this? Any sort of timeline for a recovery? Much appreciated!

    | bheard

  • HI I know that having a strong domain can help when creating sub domains, but can it also work the other way round? Can having a number of strong sub domains help the top level domain's quality and history? My reason for asking is that I have half a dozen domains which have been used for various projects, and still are, which have involved having a landing page on the root domain and running dozens of sub domains.  These subdomains, across 6 root domains, have about 500,000 pages indexed. I have now decided I should do something with the root domain so am wondering if there are any benefits I would have gained from my initial approach. Thanks

    | Grumpy_Carl

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