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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • I have a customer who has many domain names and assets but she's wanting to consolidate some of them to help her simplify things for her customers but mostly she wants to build up her website through which she sells products. Grief Reflection - is a personal journal that she's keeping to process the impending death of her husband and it's also linked to her business website which sells healing from grief types of products. Storybooks for Healing - is the website through which she sells workbooks and memory books for people who want to keep the memory of their loved one alive after they've gone. I've setup both of these domains as campaigns and have been looking at the metrics for both.  The grief reflection blog out performs the storybooks for healing website. If we merge the two then the Grief Reflection blog would likely become a subdirectory under and be more fully integrated which she thinks will help her visitors not get confused while navigating her website. has 12,637 links while has 1,462.  Also, Google has indexed 380 pages of Grief Reflection and only 100 pages for Storybooks for Healing, though that may be because there are fewer pages to index. Grief reflection also has a 4.36 mozRank and 5.30 mozTrust, where Storybooks has 4.13 mozRank and 5.15 mozTrust. Should I counsel her to keep these domains separate?  If not, would simply setting up 301 redirects from the domain name to the new subdirectory under be the way to go? Thank you ever so much for any wisdom anyone can provide.

    | ChristiMc

  • My wordpress URL is breaking and there are 5000 not found urls in webmaster due to some code being added %E2%80%9d. This code stands for double quotation marks - " Now the question is, where has my site gone wrong? I will tell you the changes which i have made Deleted a Vbulletin forum - Half of the errors are due to the forum being deleted directly Upgraded to Wordpress 3.3 (crawl errors did not show on the same day. Much later) Upgraded to Blue host pro (crawl errors did not show on the same day. Much later) These are some of the speculations. But nonetheless i have no idea why this is happening. To give further hints, the Home page URL is being added to the original URL. So these are a list of problems i am facing in URL. Now i have no idea why this is happening. I can account for the deletion of a vbulletin forum. But that accounts only for half of the crawl errors. So any replies or answers??

    | hith234

  • I have a bunch of  WP Blogs and was thinking of taking all linkjuice from these to my main money site. The most of the other WP Blogs is hosted at (domain and site) and I know they have a URL Redirects page in site manager but I`m not sure this is the right way to go. Also I wonder some of these sites have hundreds of blogposts  there is no way I can "re-create" those on the money site but I am sure that is not a must-thing to do in order to keep the "juice" right or wrong? Last but not least, I was wondering if you think it would be best to redirect the sites to relevant pages on money sites. For instance if i had a domain called with 100 blogposts about this and on money site a webshop with a category called ties, should redirect to this or to main domain  or doesnt it matter?

    | fAgBxa8b

  • So I pruned my vbulletin forum the other week and now webmaster tools detects over 4000 urls as not found.  Is there a solution to this?  Is this something that could negatively effect rankings?  Any ideas?

    | TheTippingPoint

  • I understand that there is a suggested maximum length for a URL so as not to be penalized by search engines. I'm wondering if I should if should optimize our ecommerce categories to be descriptive or use abbreviations to help keep the URL length to a minimum? Our products are segmented into many categories, so many products URL's are pretty long if we go the descriptive route. I've also heard that removing the category component entirely from a product URL can also be considered. I'm fairly new to all this SEO stuff, so I'm hoping the community can share their knowledge on the impact of these options. Cheers, Steve

    | SteveMaguire

  • Hi, I was wondering if you may know if you have to keep to the and coding when adding schema code to the site. For example if I'm already using H and P tags can I add the "itemprop" to those or do they have to be in aor as in the example below: <span itemprop="name">Kenmore White 17" Microwavespan>
    Product description:
    <span itemprop="description">0.7 cubic feet countertop microwave. Has six preset cooking categories and convenience features like Add-A-Minute and Child Lock.span> So could I code it like this? <h1 itemprop="name">Kenmore White 17" Microwaveh1>
    Product description:
    <p itemprop="description">0.7 cubic feet countertop microwave. Has six preset cooking categories and convenience features like Add-A-Minute and Child Lock.p> Thank you,

    | DragonSearch

  • When checking my crawl diagnostics this morning I see that I have the error Duplicate page content.  It lists the exact same url twice though and I don't understand how to fix this.  It's also listed under duplicate page title. Personal Assistant | Virtual Assistant | Charlotte, NC Personal Assistant | Virtual Assistant | Charlotte, NC Does this have anything to do with a 301 redirect here?  Why does it have http;// twice?  Thanks all! | | http:// |

    | eidna22

  • Hi i have seen this site and have been watching it for some time and really like it. I would like to put news on my site for one topic and would like it displayed like this site does but i am not sure how they do it. here is the site I use joomla so i am not sure you can do exactly what they do where they have so much of the story before being sent over to the main site. Also i would like to know if this is a good idea or a bad idea as i am thinking this could take away my juice from my site any advice would be great.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hello, I have a site that has been doing good for quite a while now.  But lately I'm running into issues with on page seo.  I have ranked well for long periods of time, but changes like adding content or moving stuff around has bumped me out of the rankings.  I would prefer not to publicly disclose the site. My main keyword I rank for is "word1 word2".  I notice if I do a site: search for "word1 word2" homepage is #1, site search for just word1 it's #1 as well, but the word2 returns a category listing above the homepage.  I noticed this happen right as I fell back from the rankings. I am looking to hire an SEO profession to help me out with on page issues.  I've come to admit that I just don't understand something about this and I need help from someone who has a lot of experience with this. I was hoping to find recommendations by people here for a company I could hire for this.  I would want to pay no more than $1,000.  I hope that budget is high enough to get a skilled individual/company working with me. I'm not sure where to search for online to get a skilled on page seo professional, so I thought a personal recommendation from someone here would possibly be able to help. Thanks

    | nux

  • What is up with Bing? I have a couple of  small, but well-optimized Wordpress sites that dropped from top 3 to outside of top 50 in ranking for a list of key phrases in Bing, whereas in Google the very same sites had a positive development for the same phrases. I also work with a rather large, but (at the moment) poorly optimized site, and this site went from outside of top 50 to top 3 for several reasonably competitive key phrases! This should teach me not to take a vacation, I guess...

    | vibelingo

  • My # of indexed pages in Webmaster Tools fluctuates greatly. Compared to the # of URLs submitted (4700), we have 3000 indexed. The other day, all 4700 were indexed. Why does it keep changing? I obviously want all of them indexed right? What can I do to make that happen?

    | kylesuss

  • Hey SEOZ! How important do you all think SEO friendly URLs are to SEO. Here is an example: Non: Friendly: I have always heard mixed reviews but did an experiment comparing results on the same domain and actually noticed quite a difference with the friendly ones. Thanks!

    | 6thirty

  • I Have Question about Pagerank flow:
    If ihave a site and i have 2 solutions like:
    Solution #1: Quote: | and if i try to do :
    Root domain only link to and | Solution #2: Quote: | Root domain only link to and | So <acronym title="Google PageRank">Pr</acronym> = <acronym title="Google PageRank">Pr</acronym> ?
    and <acronym title="Google PageRank">PR</acronym> = <acronym title="Google PageRank">Pr</acronym> ? And don't know why a subdomain of blogspot or Wordpress ranking easier than a new domain and So What Wordpress pass to ?

    | tommytai

  • How to avoid Sandbox?

    | prunarevic

  • In GWT I started seeing very strange pages indexed a few weeks, and Google is no reporting over 21,000 of pages (blocked by robots.txt) with weird URLs like this: The current robots.txt looks like this: User-agent: *
    Disallow: /wp-content Disallow: /wp-admin Disallow: /wp-includes
    Disallow: /data
    Disallow: /slideshows
    Disallow: /page/*/?s=
    Disallow: /?s=
    Disallow: /search This website is running an up to date WP install with Yoast's Google Analytics and SEO plug-in.  I can't point to anything specific that happened with the site when these URLs started appearing even after I modified the robots.txt. What can be done to try and stop Google from creating and indexing these goofy URLs? I see lots of sites having this issue when I search in Google, but no one seems to have a solution.

    | BoulderJoe

  • How google plus 1 votes can affect your position in google search engine? On my website i have a google plus button, i have just 3 votes, if i buy lets say 100 votes, but slowly, in a month, will this affect my ranking positively?

    | prunarevic

  • Hi I've been asked to help a colleague with his website. It seems to be hacked. He recently received an e-mail from Google saying his adwords account was suspended 'due to high probability  his site may be hosting or distributing malicious software' I just checked his source and there seems to loads of weird on code on his pages, this would not have been but on by any members of the website owners. Please image attached when we try to access his website via google search I just contacted the hosting provider - does anyone have experience with this and how to prevent such hacking in the future. The site is build using HTML with no CMS. IjW19.jpg

    | Socialdude

  • Google, 301 redirects, and multiple domains pointing to the same content. This is my first post here. I would like to begin by thanking anyone in advance for their help. It is much appreciated. Secondly, I'm posting in the wrong place or something please forgive me simply point me in the right direction I'm a quick learner. I think I'm battling a redirect problem but I want to be sure before I make changes. In order to accurately assess the situation a little background is necessary. I have had a site called for about 15 years. It was a site that was used primarily by private resource and as such was never SEO'd. The site itself was in fact quite Seo unfriendly. despite a complete lack of marketing or SEO efforts, over time, SEO aside, this domain eventually made it to page one of Google Yahoo and Bing under the keywords Texas laws. About six months ago I decided to revamp the site and create a new resource aimed at a public market. A good deal of effort was made to re-work the SEO. The new site was developed at a different domain name: easylawlook Within a few months this domain name surpassed tx-laws in Google and was holding its place in position number eight out of 190 million results. Note that at this point no marketing has been done, that is to say there has been no social networking, no e-mail campaigns, no blogs, -- nothing but content. All was well until a few weeks ago I decided to upgrade our network and our servers. During this period there was some downtime unfortunately. When the upgrade was complete everything seemed fine until a week or so later when our primary domain easy law look up vanished off Google. At first I thought it was downtime but now I'm not so sure. The current configuration reroutes traffic from tx-laws to easylawlookup in IIS by pointing both domains to the same root directory. Everything else was handled through scripting. As far as I know this is how it was always set up. At present there is no 301 Redirect in place for tx-laws (as I'm sure there probably should be). Interestingly enough the back links to easylaw also went away. Even more telling however is that now when I visit link: there is only one link, and that link is to a domain which references tx-laws not easy law. So it would appear that I have confused Google with regards to my actual intentions. My question is this. Right now my rankings for tx-laws remain unchanged. The last thing I want to have happen is to see those disappear as well. If easy law has somehow been penalized and I redirect tx-laws to easy through a 301 will I screw up my rankings for this domain as well? Any comments or input on the situation are welcome. I just want to think it through before I start making more changes which might make things worse instead of better. Ultimately though, there is no reason that the old domain can't be redirected to the new domain at this point unless it would mean that I run the risk of losing my listings for tx-laws, ending up with nothing instead of transferring any link juice and traffic to easy law. With regards to the down time, it was substantial over a couple of weeks with many hours off-line. However this downtime would have affected both domains the only difference being that the one domain had been in existence for 15 years as opposed to six months for the other. So is my problem downtime, lack of proper 301 redirect, or something else? and if I implement a 301 at this point do I risk damaging the remaining domain which is operational? Thanks again for any help.

    | Steviebone

  • I was wondering if someone has encountered the same problem as me. I was doing some changes on the frontpage of one of my clients' website, especially some redirections, and my site has disappeared from Google for the main keyword on the page. So, if I look for my page on Google, instead of seeing my page first, I no longer see my page, at all. All I've done was a 301 redirection from index.html to the domain name. Now, I changed everything back to how it was before. More precisely, I've done that 2 weeks ago. But, no change in Google. I checked Bing and Yahoo, my site appears first when I search for that specific keyword. Any ideas how long will it take for Google to see that I am not doing anything wrong with redirections? Or any idea at all?

    | webmasterles

  • We have sent 3 e.mails asking why all our last 5 monthly reports are identical despite us fixing masses of the original issues but we can't get a response from anyone. Can anyone suggest how I can get an answer please?

    | frank-244375

  • We have many pages on our website that have been set to "no index, follow." However, SEOmoz is indexing them as duplicate content. Why is that?

    | cmaseattle

  • i like the rel=canonical tag and i've seen matt cutts posts on google about this tag. for the site i'm working on, it's a great workaround because we often have two identical or nearly identical versions of pages: 1 for patients, 1 for doctors. the problem is this: the way our content management system is set up, certain pages are linked up in a number of places and when we publish, two different versions of the page are created, but same content. because they are both being made from the same content templates, if i put in the rel=canonical tag, both pages get it. so, if i have: and and they are both produced from the same template, and have the same content, and i'm trying to point search at, but that tag appears on both pages similarly, we have various forms and we like to know where people are coming from on the site to use those forms. to the bots, it looks like there's 600 versions of particular pages, so again, rel=canonical is great. however, because it's actually all the same page, just a link with a variable tacked on ( the rel=canonical tag will appear on "all" of them. any insight is most appreciated! thanks! brett

    | brett_hss

  • There are many schemas for products, but I don't see any for services. They have intangible offers, but it's still for selling a product. I contacted an no response. Here is the schema: So my question for someone who sells a service: What is the schema for a service like insurance, shipping, financial services?

    | Francisco_Meza

  • I have been disallowing /*? So I know that works without affecting crawling. I am wondering if I can disallow the faceted nav urls. So disallow: /category.html/? /category2.html/? /category3.html/*? To prevent the price faceted url from being cached: /category.html?price=1%2C1000
    /category.html?price=1%2C1000&product_material=88 Thanks!

    | tylerfraser

  • When I look at the Errors and Warnings on my Campaign Overview, I have a lot of "duplicate content" errors.  When I view the errors/warnings SEOMoz indicates the number of pages with duplicate content, yet when I go to view them the subsequent page says no pages were found... Any ideas are greatly welcomed! Thanks Marty K.

    | MartinKlausmeier

  • I have a client with two website with very similar content.  Both had a lot of inbound links and performed fairly well in SERPS.  We recently combined both sites and have redirected one of the domains to the other.  The traffic dipped slightly initially, but is recovering nicely.  Now the client registered a new domain name he would like to use for the site.  Should I wait a few weeks for everything to settle down after the first redirect/consolidation of sites before doing a new redirect to a new domain name, or should I not worry about having any issues with doing it right away?

    | Drewco

  • Hi, Currently when a page is not found I make a 301 redirect to a 404 page should I really do a redirect or maybe a rewrite of the 404 page without redirection? Thanks, Asaf

    | AsafY

  • We are putting together our marketing strategy for 2012 and I was made responsible for putting together the SEO  and customer experience goals for 2012. Over the past few months SEO has taken a backseat on the priority list as we have had other marketing goals we wanted to take immediate action on. We don't want to let that happen again. Our sites are and If anyone out there would be kind enough to take the time, do you see any glaring observations of our sites that need priority? Thanks in advance for any help!

    | ClaytonKendall

  • What is the best practice to use amazon affliate links in blog posts? I have read different opinions on this, and want to be sure I'm using best practices. I sometimes link to amazon with an affiliate link on some of my posts, and am working on a top ten Christmas gift ideas for Children born with Down syndrome with lots of affiliate links on it. I'm want to be sure I'm using best practices when adding links like this. Tanks!

    | NoahsDad

  • Hello everybody, how are you? Two years ago I started working with SEO in my town, here SEO is quite restricted, few professionals are aware. I started doing consulting for small and medium businesses today already meets some larger companies. Recently I was approached by a major news portal for presenting a project to work content and SEO best practices along with journalists, web designers, finally, a project that will involve the entire portal. I'd like some tips for working with large portals, which should be prioritized in the first place. Any advice for implementing the SEO culture at last. Who can help with something, I thank Ps: I from Brasil - Fortaleza - Ceará

    | natanaeloliveira

  • Hi all, On our site we have a lot of bookmaker reviews, and we are ranking pretty good for most bookmaker names as keywords, however a single bookmaker seems to have been shunned by Google. For a search "betsafe" in Denmark, this page does not appear among the top 50: All of our other review pages rank in top 10-20 for the bookmaker name as keyword. What to do if Google has "banned" a page? Best regards, Rasmus

    | rasmusbang

  • Hi, I have a website called It had a pretty solid rank on google for a number of keywords but 4-5 months back, it was badly affected by the Panda update. Now it comes nowhere. I have started updating and posting new articles on it since the last two months. When I search for "bollykings" on, website does not come only in the first 40 results. What could this mean?

    | modifyed

  • Almost...I repeat almost all of my duplicate page titles show up as such because the page is being seen twice in the crawl. How do I prevent this? <colgroup><col width="336"> <col width="438"></colgroup>
    | | Contact ENSO Plastics |
    | | Contact ENSO Plastics | This is what is from the CSV...there are many more just like this. How do I cut out all of these duplicate urls?

    | ENSO

  • Google's webmaster tools lists hundreds of links to my site, but SEOMoz only reports a few of them.  I don't understand why that would be.  Can anybody explain it to me?  Is there someplace to I can go to alert SEOMoz to this issue?

    | dnfealkoff

  • This is a page that shows up as having over a 100 links in the crawl, however I don't understand where those links are coming from?

    | ENSO

  • I have been trying to research adding ping services to the default list in wordpress, which only includes A lot of the articles that I have come across seem to be quite old, can anyone tell me if this is still relevant and if so, which services do you find to be worthwhile using? Thanks

    | pugh

  • If a page element (div, e.g.) is initially hidden and shown only by a hover descriptor or Javascript call, will Google crawl and index it’s content?

    | Mont

  • Hi! I have a new version of my website, running with a different CMS (joomla). In order to install the new CMS while not loosing my all content and links I was forced to install the new site in a subdirectory. So the old website was And the new one is I had redirected  to but I am not sure if that is correct, or if it will generate SEO problems. I named the subdirectory with a keyword, at least to have any advantage of something that to my short knowledge looks bad... What do you think? Another question... I understand that it is a good SEO rule to optimize each page for a different keyword. Is it a problem if is not optimized for anything? Thanks!

    | ociosu

  • I'm working on a very large (over 2500 pages), very old website (with pages created in the late 90s). The structure of the site is a mess (it still shows subtle sings of Frontpage!). We are trying to move to a more uniform, dynamic solution. My question is: what sort of implication will there be on search rankings if we implement 301 redirects from the very old pages (that are poorly named) to new pages which follow a uniform pattern. Some of these pages have external links pointing to them and others (most) just have internal links pointing to them which will be adjusted to the new urls. Does the age of the page have a significant implication on rankings? Is there a better way to this than 301 redirects? Thanks for the help

    | Bartell

  • We will need to send our users to an alternate version of our homepage for a few hours for a certain event. The SEO task at hand is to minimize the chance of the special homepage getting crawled and cached in the search engines in place of our normal homepage. (This has happened in the past so the concern is not imaginary.) Among other options, 302 and 307 redirects are being discussed. IE, redirecting to Having used 302s and 301s in the past, I am well aware of how search engines treat them. A 302 effectively says "Hey, Google! Please get rid of the old content on and replace it with the content on /specialpage!" Which is exactly what we don't want. My question is: do the search engines handle 307s any differently? I am hearing that the 307 does NOT result in the content of the second page being cached with the first URL. But I don't see that in the definition below (from Then again, why differentiate it from the 302? 307 Temporary Redirect The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI. Since the redirection MAY be altered on occasion, the client SHOULD continue to use the Request-URI for future requests. This response is only cacheable if indicated by a Cache-Control or Expires header field. The temporary URI SHOULD be given by the Location field in the response. Unless the request method was HEAD, the entity of the response SHOULD contain a short hypertext note with a hyperlink to the new URI(s) , since many pre-HTTP/1.1 user agents do not understand the 307 status. Therefore, the note SHOULD contain the information necessary for a user to repeat the original request on the new URI. If the 307 status code is received in response to a request other than GET or HEAD, the user agent MUST NOT automatically redirect the request unless it can be confirmed by the user, since this might change the conditions under which the request was issued.

    | CarsProduction

  • We are in the process of building out a new website, it has been built in Drupal. Within the scan report from SEOMOZ Crawl Diagnostics and it look like I have a duplicate content issue. Example: We sell Vinyl Banners so we have many different templates one can use from within our Online Banner Builder Tool. We have broken them down via categories: Issue: Duplicate Page Content /categories/activities  has 9 other URLS associated this issue, I have many others but this one will work for an example. Within this category we have multiple templates attached to this page. Each of the templates do not need their own page however we use this to pull the templates into one page onto the activities landing page. I am wondering if I need to nofollow, noindex each of those individule templates and just get the main top level category name indexed. Or is there a better way to do this to minimize the impact of Panda?

    | Ben-HPB

  • Is making the alt and title tags in an image the same bad for seo? Does anyone have any recommendations? any help much appreciated.

    | pauledwards

  • If a two word domain is already taken (e.g., which of the following is a better alternative? 1. 2. Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Hi there i have a .com and a for a site that has been around a while. However not much seo has been done on it, i was wonderign do i continue to optimise for the .com or switch to the to rank in Google UK index for various search terms. .COM = 40 domain authority .CO.UK - 10 domain authority. Let the debate start 🙂

    | pauledwards

  • Currently I track all my clients sites under one Google Analytics account. Is this a good practice or should I setup a separate account for each client?  My concern is that if I every had a problem with one website could it effect all websites under the same account?  An example would be that one of my clients decides to start linking to some spamy websites that are sandboxed by Google.  Could this hurt my other accounts? Can one rotten apple spoil the whole bunch under the same account? Thanks All!
    Gary Downey

    | fun52dig

  • Just wanted some advice. SEOmoz crawl found out about 18,000 errors. The error URLs are all mainly URLs like the one below, which seem to be the registration URL with a re-direct on, going back the product after registration: We have the following line in the robots file to stop the login page from being crawled: Disallow: /index.php?act=login If I add the following, will it stop the error? Disallow: /index.php?act=reg Thanks in advance**.**

    | filarinskis

  • Hi, A large number of my pages contain over 100 links. This is due to a large drop down navigation which is on every page. To reduce my link count could I just no follow these navigation links or would I have to remove the navigation completely?

    | moesian

  • I have just lost the top stop on Google Places (Pack 7) for one of my clients.  The company that took it came out of nowhere to take the top stop. Now I don't mind getting out ranked when someone has worked hard to out rank me but what is frustrating is this site scores terrible across the board on just about every score that is supposed to determine on and off page ranking factors.  The only place it outscores is in the link department but the site is so new there is no data available in OSE.  The site has 0's and 1's for PA, MR and MT plus the keyword (kitchen remodeling) that it is taking the top spot for scores and F in the SEOMoz on page report card while the page that I optimized for this very same keyword scores an A.  Plus this site has zero citations according to Bright Local Data. What Gives? Here is a little bit of data: Keyword: Kitchen Remodeling My Clients website is Competitors website: I'm kicking his butt in every category except Domain Age and inbound link total, his inbound link total is 409 but it's only from 2 domains.
    Any thoughts on how this is possible would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all and Merry Christmas!

    | fun52dig

  • I have a new client who has the letters "BB" at the start of his url name,  He was told by someone at Google Adwords that the letters "BB" in his url name could hurt him with Google rankings.  Reason being that Google red flags anything or website to do with firearms, guns and ammunition.  He was told that the letters "BB" could be mistaken or red flagged for "BB Gun". Seems a bit far fetched. Has anyone every heard of such a thing? Thanks
    Gary Downey

    | fun52dig

  • Hi I am building a new shop with unique products but I also want to offer tips and articles on the same topic as the products (fishing). I think if was to add the articles and advice one piece at a time it would look very empty and give little reason to come back very often. The plan, therefore, is to launch the site pulling articles from a number of article websites - with the site's permission.  Obviously this would be 100% duplicate content but it would make the user experience much better and offer added value to my site as people are likely to keep returning even when not in the mood to purchase anything; it also offers the potential for people to email links to friends etc. note: over time we will be adding more unique content and slowly turning off the pulled articled. Anyway, from an seo point of view I know the duplicate content would harm the site but if I was to tell google not to index the directory and block it from even crawling the directory would it still know there is duplicate content on the site and apply the penalty to the non duplicate pages? I'm guessing no but always worth a second opinion. Thanks Carl

    | Grumpy_Carl

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