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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Note: Re-posting since I accidentally marked as answered Hi, I have a blog that has thousands of URL, the blog is a part of my site. I would like to obsolete the blog, I think the best choices are 1. 404 Them:  Problem is a large number of 404's. I know this is Ok, but makes me hesitant. 2. meta tag no follow no index. This would be great, but the question is they are already indexed. Thoughts? Thanks PS A 301 redirect to the main page would be flagged as a soft 404

    | Bucky

  • Hello Everyone, One place I am weak is coding for SEO. I need to get better. One question I do have is can anyone explain why it's important to place css and java script files in an external file? How do you do this and how do you know if it's already being done? If it has not been done on a site is it hard to go back and do? I understand this is important from a site load time issue Thanks, Bill P.S. Can anyone recommend a resource where I can learn proper html coding for SEO?  Thank you!

    | wparlaman

  • Hi, I have about 60+ domains which are spread across a few different IP address's and a couple of Servers The domains use the same template, which is modified per the specific domain Out of the 60, a single domain attracts virtually no traffic. In google webmaster, there are no messages, nothing out of the order The supporting blogs etc... for that domain are all fine. Any idea why one domain does not perform, while the other 60 plug are successful?

    | Bucky

  • I think someone may be trying to harm my site by adding spammy links so I want to track the links going to my site on a daily basis. Any tool suggestions? Majestic SEO is great for getting an overall picture of my links, but is not updated daily. Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • Hi, I have a blog that has thousands of URL, the blog is a part of my site. I would like to obsolete the blog, I think the best choices are 1. 404 Them:  Problem is a large number of 404's. I know this is Ok, but makes me hesitant. 2. meta tag no follow no index. This would be great, but the question is they are already indexed. Thoughts? Thanks

    | Bucky

  • Somehow my website is indexed by it's server location. So in addition to www.[example].com, it's also indexed like this: server123.[server name].com I have no idea how that happened. But, I was wondering, does anyone know how to de-index all the urls like this? I have a lot of urls indexed using my server's address. Thanks.

    | webtarget

  • Hi, First "Question" on SEOmoz, A client has requested me to have all the traffic going to the main/home page. In total its 25 Keywords and competition is pretty low, lets say "Builder In City", all the keywords are the sames except for the citys. "Builder In London" "Builder in Birmingham" Builder in Cardiff" .. and so on. Will it be ok and do-able to target 1 homepage with 25 keywords and expect decent results.

    | Prestige-SEO

  • I have a google places acct that used to rank fairly well. Then i changed addresses and updated the places account. It stopped ranking and whats worse is that the address will not show up in the listing. I have gone back in and edited it, verified it, done everything, but the address does not show on the places page or google results. It shows the city but not the actual address. Ideas?

    | webfeatseo

  • My first SEOMoz Crawl Diagnostic report for my website indicates duplicate page content for my home page. It lists the home page URL Page Title and URL twice. How do I go about diagnosing this? Is the problem related to the following code that is in my .htaccess file? (The purpose of the code was to redirect any non "www" backlink referrals to the "www" version of the domain.) RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301] Should I get rid of the "http" reference in the second line? Related to this is a notice in the "Crawl Notices Found" -- "301 Permanent redirect" which shows my home page title as "" and shows the redirect address as http:// I'm guessing this problem is again related to the redirect code I'm using. Also... The report indicates duplicate content for those links that have different parameters added to the URL i.e. Blah&markerzoom=13 If I set up a canonical reference for the page, will this fix this? Thank you.

    | Linesides

  • Hi folks, No one, including me seems to actually know what happens!? To repeat: If site A links to /home.html on site B and site B blocks /home.html in Robots.txt, does site B get credit for that link? Does the link pass PageRank? Will Google still crawl through it? Does the domain get some juice, but not the page? I know there's other ways of doing this properly, but it is interesting no?

    | DaveSottimano

  • Hi everyone, an interesting question here. How do you determien what link volume you should try and get into your website? What analysis do you do to determine the number of links you feel is right to go into a back-link profiel every month? obviously there is no magic number but its an interesting question to know what others do. Obviously you don't want to build too many or too little. If you have been penalised for bad links in the past and are now back on track - how do you calculate the volume? Do you take links dropping out into consideration?

    | pauledwards

  • today i have created inbound link report using Link Research & Analysis tool and i found that there are number of spam inbound link to my website from lots of blogs and other sites Which anchor text are not relevant to my site. It contain some abusive words in anchor text like "viagra expiration date" and other. I want remove these irrelevant backlinks. As there are very high number of links approx 9000, its almost impossible to remove the links manually. Is there any way to remove and restrict those backlink? Whats steps required to protect any negative affect  to my website? Please advice asap.

    | saupari

  • I have a photography business In the Orlando Fl market. I have noticed my site: Does not rank even In the top 50, for my strongest keyword: Orlando Wedding Photographer However, the keyword Orlando engagement Photography/photographer Ranks Very well, and has been rising I'm rank very rapidly over the last two weeks. I'm not sure why my main keyword is not going anywhere, and what my next move should be. I'm considering spending few fhousand dollars on a n seo company, however I though I could learn how to improve my keyword ranking on my own to no avail. Any and all tips, suggestions, advice, will be greatly appreciated.

    | gaji

  • We are trying to switch to a tabbed version of our team/product pages at, but where all tabs (only 2 right now) are viewed as one document by the search engines. I am pretty sure we have this working for the most part, but would love some quick feedback from you all as I have never worked with this approach before and these pages are some of our most important. Resources: Sample in use: **Old Version: ** New Version with tabs: Notes: Content not displayed stacked on browser when Javascript turned off, but it is in the source code. Content shows up in Google cache of new page in the text version. In our implementation the JS is currently forcing the event to end before the default behavior of adding #about in this case to the url string - this can be changed, should it be? Related to this, the developer made it so that typing directly into the browser does not go to the tab with copy, which I imagine could be considered spammy from a human review perspective (this wasn't intentional). This portion of the code is below the truncated view of the fetch as Googlebot, so we didn't have that resource. Are there any issues with hidden text / is this too far down in the html? Any/all feedback appreciated. I know our copy is old, we are in the process of updating it for this season.

    | chadburgess

  • I just ran my first diagnostic and one of my primary immediate problems are duplicate titles and duplicate content. My guess it that because the root URL (which has not yet been redirected to www...) has generated an entire tree of content which is identical to the tree rooted at QUESTION: Do I need to do a redirect simply for the root url ( -> or do I now need to develop specific 301 redirects for each of the sub-nodes/pages? ie -> -> etc.

    | Barrycliff68

  • We have loads of different departments that relate to specific occasions (e.g. Christmas, mothers day, father day etc), they all have good PR and inbound links etc and most of them rank well for the specific occasion. What I was thinking is that I could redirect all of the occasions that aren’t in use and send the traffic to the valid occasion live at the moment. So I would 301 all the Christmas pages to our valentine’s day main page. Then once valentines is gone I will redirect Christmas and valentines to the mothers day main page and so on. So this would be constantly switching as different occasions come along. Can you see any possible negative problems? Is there any chance that if I redirect Christmas for example, and then when Christmas comes we remove the redirect, could it harm the Christmas page?

    | steliosp21

  • Will buying an exact match domain and redirecting it to our main site a good idea, if such a domain is available ? What are the pros and cons ? Are exact match domains still powerful for ranking purpose ?

    | seoug_2005

  • I operate an ecommerce site for outdoor gear and was invited to guest post on a popular blog (not my site) for a trip i had been on. I wrote the aritcle for them and i also will post this same article on my website. Is this a dup content problem with google? and or the other site? Any Help. Also if i wanted to post this same article to 1 or 2 other blogs as long as they link back to me as the author of the article

    | isle_surf

  • I own a gaming site at Recently a site wanted to merge communities and sites. We pretty much scrapped their content (a lot was articles I already had topics on), merged the user databases, and redirected the domain to mine. What is the best seo way to redirect that domain. I tried to set up a 301 on the entire domain to gain all the backlinks that site had (A LOT) but it seems as if a lot are not being picked up by the open site explorer and other tools. Advice?

    | webfeatseo

  • I would like to redirect to Is the code below correct ? RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}^example.comRewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /index.html\ HTTP/ RewriteRule ^index.html$ [R=301,L]

    | seoug_2005

  • My site has modest traffic (50 unique visitors per day).  In the past week, I've seen two unexplained spikes in my Google Analytics.  Yesterday, there were 140 unique visitors, and these unique visitors each visited one unique page.  This appears to be a bot of some sort.  If this is a bot, why does Google Analytics think these are unique visitors?  Is there a was for small sites to deal with this? Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Hello, I have a new client and due to issues with the way the original Google Analytics account was set up, the owner won't make me an admin. So, I'm forced to create a new GA profile. I'm about to update my Campaign, but wonder if the data SEOMoz has accumulated over the last few weeks will disappear, or if it will just look forward with the new GA account? Any advice is most appreciated. ~Robin

    | RobinBertelsen

  • We've got 600K+ pages indexed by Google and have submitted our same sitemap.xml's to Bing, but have only seen 100-200 pages get indexed by Bing. Is this fairly typical?  Is there anything further we can do to increase indexation on Bing?

    | jamesti

  • If I search a term, any term, Google states at the top 922,000 results (as an example). However, if you click the "O" in google at the bottom you can get the 2nd and 3rd and 4th page of results. Those numbers don't match. The result of my searches would show anywhere from 120-140 results, but the number at the top is in the tens of thousands if not millions. Am I missing something here? Shouldn't these numbers be the same?

    | StreetwiseReports

  • If you were launching a new website to completely replace an older existing site on the same domain, would there be any value in temporarily deindexing the old site prior to launching the new site? Both have roughly 3000 pages, will launch on the same domain but have a completely new url structure and much better optimized for the web.  Many high ranking pages will be redirected with 301 to the corresponding new page. I believe the hypothesis is this would eliminate a mix of old & new pages from sharing space in the serps and the crawlers are more likely to index more of the  new site initially. I don't believe this is a great strategy, on the other hand I see some merit to the arguments for it.

    | medtouch

  • If I redirect page A to page B does page A need to exist before Google sees the redirect. Or can I just put up a redirect and delete page A. If the page doesn't need to exist: You have all your redirects in place for a website. You want this website to redirect to another website. You completely delete the website and put up the htaccess, there should be no problem with this, because the redirects are in place correct? Thanks

    | tylerfraser

  • Hi, A hotel/resort has a main phone number of 1-234-567-8901.  This phone number is consistent in over 50 directories. However, they have a spa and restaurant with the same phone number.  The front-desk answers the phone and routes the call to either the restaurant or spa. The name of the spa and restaurant are also found in the local listing directories under different DBA's with the same phone number as the Hotel/Resort. For example: ABC Resort - 1-234-567-8901 Spa Cuts - 1-234-567-8901 (same address as ABC Resort) The Spa - 1-234-567-8901 ) same address as ABC Resort) Will this phone number that is used by the 3 separate entities penalize the Google listing placements for the actual Hotel/Resort in Google Places? Thanks everyone!

    | hawkvt1

  • Recently after checking my backlink profile, my site has attracted quite a few spam backlinks with the anchor text written in Asian characters. We don't do any black-hat tactics and have remained clean in our process, as well as not submitted our site to any spam directories, yet we still have these foreign links. Any thoughts on how to get rid of these or stop these from occurring?

    | smilingbunny

  • Hi We've just had a spanky new design implemented on Hypnosis My concern is over the top nav. While it's nice for users to get those handy dropdowns, it adds a lot of links to every page, and spreads link weight out equally over all sorts of pages. The place I really want the link weight is under the Downloads link - in those categories and so I am thinking about removing dropdowns for everything but this category. Does that sound like a sensible move to you? Is it likely to actually make a difference? Cheers Roger

    | RogerElliott

  • Hi guys, If I'm creating a video sitemap do I need to use both: video:content_locandvideo:player_loc</video:player_loc></video:content_loc> Or could I just use video:content_loc?</video:content_loc> Thanks

    | Tug-Agency

  • With Google search plus your world,  would i see results ONLY from Google plus followers ? or from someone who is my facebook friend as well.

    | seoug_2005

  • Is there any method by which Google can display Sitelinks ? Is it so that  Google shows the pages with the most backlinks for the Sitelinks ? or sitelinks are shown only for the number one listing ?

    | seoug_2005

  • Keyword: indian wedding planner It didn't drop, it just disappeared. No, I didn't do anything to be penalized at all and I am still in there index. I know this question has been asked many times here, while I apply all the suggestions given to other people with similar problem, here's a quick question I need to ask, I made following changes recently, could either of these be the reason for ranking decline? In google webmasters' tools, I had changed geographic target from - india, to- nothing, few weeks ago. could this be the reason. Around 2 weeks ago I paid someone to submit articles to 500 article directories, same article spun many times, he did the job in around 6 days and got back to me with a list of around 150 submissions with as many backlinks, all with same anchor text, "indian wedding planner", one of my targeted keywords. Before the submissions I was on page 9, yes that was nine, and just after the submission I was at page 2 position 1, within a matter few days. I saw my the targeted page improve in ranking and jump on to page one position 10, for a short while, before it disappeared. is this something they call "google dance"? My website is fluctuating on google SERP for many other keywords too, in most cases, my ranking fell. P.S.:With the same keyword,"indian wedding planner" my rankings in google US improved, I am on position 6 page 1. please enlighten fellow mozzers!

    | virtualhandshake

  • Hi Guys, If I were to have to take down the majority of my site, taking all content and links pointing to that content down. How would the search engines react? Would I get a penalty for the majority of the site all of the sudden missing? My only concern is the loss of traffic on the remanding pages. Thanks!

    | DPASeo

  • Hi, I am currently getting a web designer to upgrade my website. I have built lost of links to my internal pages, should I get him to 301 redirect (old) to (new) OR Is there any need for this once the page doesn't change to Thank you in advance 🙂

    | Socialdude

  • my domain is it is an affiliate marketing website in the niche of tights and lingerie. A few months back my traffic was pretty good, doing about 500 hits a day from product search terms only. After the panda updates I blocked all the product pages from google as they were duplicate content and I am now working on a program of seing for the category and homepages instead.  I am using much more generic, and high volume, keywords for these. Several months later I seem to not only be down to 7 people a day on my website but i'm not even ranking for terms such as "bright tights". I used to be no1 for this. I have domain authority of 27 so it's not terrible, competitors on the first page range from 45 to 9.  This lack of ranking for the sites name/domain name term is leading me to wonder if I have a penalty on the site. Any feedback would be gratefully received.

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • I'm currently working on a site which is built using Zen Cart. The client also has another version which has the same products on it. The product descriptions and the vast majority of the text has been re-written. I've used the duplicate content tool and these are the results: HTML fingerprint: 0000a7ee1f07a131 0000a7ec1f07a931 92.31% Total HTML similarity: 76.33% Standard text similarity: 66.72% Smart text similarity: 45.81% Total text similarity 56.27% I considered using a different eCommerce system like Magento or Volusion. So I had a look at a few templates, chose one and then used the tool again and got the following: HTML fingerprint: 0000a7e41b012111 0000a7ec1f07a931 72.00% Total HTML similarity: 64.65% Standard text similarity: 11.69% Smart text similarity: 17.90% Total text similarity 14.80% Do you think its worth doing this? thanks Dan

    | TheYeti

  • I'm running a site with a member area and some public accessible pages. The member area obviously requires users to authenticate, while the public pages are indexable by search engines. Our global navigation includes links to the restricted pages. At the moment, when a user isn't logged in and accesses a restricted page, we're 302-redirecting them to a login page. We have a lot of external links pointing to restricted pages (eg. profile pages), and since we're 302-redirecting the juice from these links are lost. I've been thinking about changing the redirect from 302 to 301. How would this look from a search engines view? The pages aren't per se permanently moved - the current user just isn't authenticated to view the content of the page at the moment. Would it be a problem that navigation contains multiple internal links that all 301 redirect to the same login page? Any suggestions? Thanks.

    | jonesjitter

  • Many of the pages on my site are similar in structure/content but not exactly the same. What amount of content should be unique for Google to not consider it duplicate? If it is something like 50% unique would it be preferable to choose one page as the canonical instead of keeping them both as separate pages?

    | theLotter

  • I  have linked webmaster tools to  Google analytics account. My question is where can i see Webmaster reports in Google analytics ?

    | seoug_2005

  • Hi guys, I am reasonably new to SEO. We operate a site. Lets call it I would like to build up SEO juice and traffic for our site reasonably quickly, but with a view to not harming us in the long term. There are a large number of very small blogs in our space (> 100). Many of them are private blogs. I would like to gain links from these blogs. None of these blogs will send large amounts of traffic to our site on an individual basis, but in sum they provide both decent traffic and SEO juice. Leaving SEO out of mind I would offer them all returning links in exchange for linking to our blog ( or our main domain ( They are decent quality sites that may be of interest to our users. They are not competitors and will not take any of our business away. Problem: I want to avoid being punished by Google for link exchange. In an ideal world I would event like to profit from these links from a SEO perspective. I have thought of a work around, but am not sure whether this will work at all. I will create 3 satellite pages:, and I will feature links to these three sites prominently on my main site and my blog. This will provide these three sites with some SEO juice and trust from bloggers. In return for linking to my site, I will offer the small blogs links from these three "satellite" pages. I will try to diffuse the picture by adding some random links and obtaining some random links that I don't link back to. My approach is to always provide value to our users. Apart from the diffusing bit above I would say that creating these small hubs provides value (as we recommend valuable sites), while still enabling us to have some SEO effect. As I am reasonably new to SEO, I don't know whether the above is already a standard tactic employed or whether it contains some horrible pitfall that I should be aware of. I would be very thankful for any tips or feedback! Thank you and all the best, Daan

    | daan.loening

  • " With a single Google search, you can see regular search results, along with all sorts of results that are tailored to you -- pages shared with you by your friends, Google+ posts from people you know" Would i be able to see my own post which i shared with someone in my Google plus circle, when i do a search ?

    | seoug_2005

  • Hi Just done a 250 crawl on a new site I am working on (still under development), all 250 pages seem to have too many on page links, however they do not have any links I can take away This page, for example, has (according to moz crawl) 252 links on. Seems a little high. What would be the best way to correct this please? I cannot find that many links. I know there are about 85 links in the menu bar but they are all needed and none of the others can really be replaced either. Thanks Carl

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • To start, I'm very new at this so I've likely made a ton of mistakes but here is the breakdown of what's happened/what's been done to my site. I own a wedding photography company which was based in Portland, we decided about six months prior that we wanted to relocate to San Diego.  It was too soon to optimize our website for our new town of San Diego so I created a brand new site. It was born around June 2011.  It looks just like the old site but all the content is different (different titles, re-uploaded images, text, etc was optimized for San Diego).  What may be my pitfall is I imported our blog posts from the old site to the new site and we continued to keep both blogs live (writing the post in one, importing to the other). San Diego site: Old Site (now optimized for LA): From there I began link building.  I signed up for the SEO Scheduler and began making the changes suggested there.  It told me to sign up for Linxboss, and I did it.  Other than that, my links have been build naturally and I have quite a few of them, definitely enough to compete with my top competitors. At one point I was #3 for "San Diego Wedding Photographer" and I stayed there for a couple weeks.  Then I began to drop.  Now I'm somewhere on page 10. I've read a lot of articles on here and I know I have a lot of things potentially hurting me. Site age, Duplicate content, etc.  I'm just not sure why I dropped (still rank on 1st page in Yahoo & Bing) and what I should do about it.  I tend to get overwhelmed and every post I read seems to talk about something new I may have done wrong.  I'm willing to put in the time to fix this; I just need to know where my time is best spent.

    | mrsmelmitch

  • I have a few websites that I mocked up for clients to check out my work and get a feel for the style I produce but I don't want them indexed as they have lore ipsum place holder text and not really optimized... I am in the process of optimizing them but for the time being I would like to block them. Most of my warnings and errors on my seomoz dashboard are from these sites and I was going to upload the folioing to the robot.txt file but I want to make sure this is correct: User-agent: * Disallow: /salondemo/ Disallow: /salondemo3/ Disallow: /cafedemo/ Disallow: /portfolio1/ Disallow: /portfolio2/ Disallow: /portfolio3/ Disallow: /salondemo2/ is this all i need to do? Thanks Donny

    | Smurkcreative

  • I have been asked to transfer a clients old domain over to a new domain with a new site. All of the inbound links basically go to the homepage, and the few links that dont go to the homepage on the old site, might as well be redirected to the homepage on the new site. I'm wondering is there a "catch all" sort of redirect such as* redirects to So any redirects we havent set up will automatically go to the new site homepage? And secondly, whats the easiest way to the redirects up? Can I just add it as a parked domain or addon domain in cpanel, and do the redirects in there? Or does it needs its own hosting for the old domain with its own htaccess file? Any help appreciated! 🙂

    | timscullin

  • I'm looking at building something like these banners, and wondering if the engines a) see b) value links like these in the drop-down selector? I guess I could test it but wondering if anyone else has before I do it.

    | ATShock

  • Hi, my website is about bringing travel and holiday news to our readers of our lifestyle magazine but i am having problems at the moment with the layout. What i mean by this is, i have written content on the page as an introduction so google knows what this section of the site is about but to be honest it looks rubbish with having the introduction there and i would like to know if i am doing the right thing by having the content there for google to know what my site is about. I have tried taking it away and noticed i dropped in the rankings and when i have put it back up i go up in the rankings, can anyone please give me some advice over this issue

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I need to know how can I personalize the title tag individually in my categories?

    | nafera2

  • Hi Guys After adhering to the On Page optimisation suggestions given by SEOmoz, we redirected some of old urls to new ones.  We set 301 redirects from the old pages to new on a page by page basis but our search engine ranking subsequently fell off the radar and lost PR. We confirmed redirection with fiddler and it shows 301 permanent redirect on every page as expected. To manage redirection using a common code logic we executed following: In Http module, using “rewrite path” we route “all old page requests” to a page called “redirect.aspx? oldpagename =[oldpagename]”.  This happens at server side. In redirect.aspx we are redirecting from old page to new page using 301 permanent redirect. In the browser, when old page is requested, it will 301 redirect to new page. In hope we and others can learn from our mistakes - what did we do wrong ?!? Thanks in advance. Dave -

    | Evo

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