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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • This is probably a profoundly obvious question, but I can't seem to find an explicit answer on the internet, so I'll ask it here: Yelp's links out to local business websites are not nofollow'd, but they go through a javascript-based redirect. My understanding is that javascript redirected links do not pass link juice, so a link from a yelp profile will not directly impact my page authority; however, it looks like yelp does use nofollow judiciously for internal links, so I don't understand why they would allow follow for these "useless" outbound links. Do yelp's javascript-redirected links pass link juice?

    | tvkiley

  • I have been getting errors for too many on-page links. All the major navigation pages are found in links within the navigation tabs and are identical to the footer links. So my question is, would nofollowing the footer look unnatural and throw off the balance between followed and nofollowed links on the site and negatively effect SEO?

    | smilingbunny

  • I have a small group of insurance related blogs and sites (20). I have been creating useful articles and linked them to my main site. These sites are "not" interlinked and they are all in different  C-classes ip. I was thinking in linking some of them to some other good resources  that I have in article sites like with the idea of making my articles available to my readers and also increasing the rate that they get crawl by the bots. Maybe even boosting does pages Page Authority. Thanks, Gabe

    | ggplaylist

  • I need to redo the following gallery
    because besides the fact that it looks ugly, it's an SEO mess. Since all the pages are comprised of images, and the only text is the navigation, I'm getting duplicate content issues. I tried adding a little paragraph of text on some of the pages, but this thing needs a total revamp. My main question is this: is that menu being repeated on all the pages really a good thing? What good is it to, say, on the fire patches page, to have a menu that includes all these keywords for sports patches? Would it be better to just have a main gallery page that lists the main patch types: applique, motorcycle, Scouting, ect, and then once you get to that page, list all the different sub categories?

    | UnderRugSwept

  • Hi. Mybsite is and I am trying to find a good template for my product/page titles. Many users search our products by the product model: something like Q2121X. Some other users search by: hp 1320 printer or just 1320 printer. They will almost never search for hp 1320 new, or hp 1320 refurbished. My website is developed in magento, and we have a SEO plugin in which I can put a template for the URL and also a template for the product title. I was thinking for title and URL. title + condition + productmodel However many users search for: "refurbished printers" and maybe its better that our products say something like this: HP 1320 Refurbished Printer, instead of: HP 1320 Printer - Refurbished - Q2121X Please let me know your suggestions.

    | levalencia1

  • Hi, the SEOmoz crawler has found over 1000 duplicate pages on my site. The majority are based on location and unfortunately I didn't have time to add much location based info. My question is, if Google has already discovered these, determined they are duplicate, and chosen the main ones to show on the SERPS, is it worth me updating all of them with localalized information so Google accepts the changes and maybe considers them different pages? Or do you think they'll always be considered duplicates now?

    | SpecialCase

  • Just a quick question (or 2) If I have divs which are hidden on my page, but are displayed when a user clicks on a p tag and the hidden div is displayed using jquery a user clicks on an a tag and the hidden div is displayed using jquery with the href being cancelled in both examples, will the hidden content be optimized, or will the fact it is initially hidden make it harder to optimize? Thanks for any answers!

    | PhatJP

  • Hi, When searching for "Tottenham Forum" on (link below) The site I manage ( is listed as 4th in the search results, but was hacked a few months ago and the search results lists the page title as "Free Shipping. Order Cialis Online. - Online Pharmacy" when the actual page title of THFCTalk is not actually set at that. Any idea how to fix this so Google updates this header on the search results? - as it is surely putting people off from clicking on our search result

    | WalesDragon

  • Hi, my site is currently accessible through URL with and without www. The Version with www has 10 times more Backlinks (PA 45 vs 38) but is not listet into the google Index. As far as I know there was never made a google Webmaster account or declared otherwise the version without www to be 'cannonical'. Basically I think that for SEO reasons it would be much better to declare the with www version to be cannonical and redirect the without www version to it. My questions are: Do you have an idea why the with www version is not indexed? 
    How long does Google usually take to change the version in the index?
    Do I risk my site to be thrown out of the index for some days untill the change is made? Thanks in advance.

    | Naturalmente

  • Hi, Sorry if this question is very general. I am in the process of building a website for local business, and it it will be heavily dependent on a database. The database will contain loads of information which can be optimized such as business directory listings, articles, forums, questions and answers etc. The businesses will also be able to link to and from the site. Which is the best way to display this information so that it can be optimized the best? I was going to use drop down boxes on a single page, ie main category, sub catagory, then display the business listings based on this. However, as the information on the page changes constantly based on the drop down the robot / user uses, I am assuming this is very hard to get optimized well. Does anyone know a better way? Thanks.

    | PhatJP

  • Why hasn't my sites indexed on changed in weeks, even though I've done link-building like crazy?

    | AccountKiller

  • Hi i am a bit puzzled. i am optimizing my site to speed it up but i am getting two different speed reports. my site is and the two speed websites i am using are  and Can anyone please let me know what results they are getting for my site with the two above tools and also why i am getting two different results. the other day before i made some changes, i was getting on average 2 seconds for loading speed, but at the moment, sometimes i am getting seven seconds and then when i test it again it goes down to three seconds or below. Also, does anyone know how i can test to make sure that my site is faster when you go from one page to another on my site. I am not getting the true loading experience on my site from one page to another because good old virgin are updating their broadband in our area and we have also had voltage problem, whatever this means on our broadband box outside on our street which they claim they have sorted. any help would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I just got my first Crawl Report for my forum and it said I have almost 9,000 duplicate pages. When I looked at a sample of them though I saw that many of them were "reply" links. By this I mean the "reply" button was clicked for a topic yet since the crawler was not a member, it just brought them to the login/register screen. Since all the topics would bring you to the same login page I'm assuming it counted all these "reply" links as duplicates. Should I just ignore these or is there some way to fix it? Thanks in advance.

    | Xee

  • When product is sold out I will 301 redirect to a category page if a similar product is not available, but now our web developer has changed all the url's of the category pages so I need to redirect them all to the new category pages but that means there are some products that are first being redirected to the no longer existent category and then being redirected again to the new category page. This seems like it might me be a problem having two 301 redirects so I wanted to find out for sure if it is. Unfortunately our system for redirecting pages is archaic so it will be difficult and time consuming to go back and redo all the redirects that are going to pages that no longer exist so I wanted to get some additional opinions before I do that.

    | KentH

  • The SEOmoz crawler picks up "search" pages on a site as having duplicate page titles, which of course they do.  Does that mean I should put a "Disallow: /search" tag in my robots.txt?  When I put the URL's into Google, they aren't coming up in any SERPS, so I would assume everything's ok.  I try to abide by the SEOmoz crawl errors as much as possible, that's why I'm asking.  Any thoughts would be helpful. Thanks!

    | MichaelWeisbaum

  • A company in a space related to ours just launched the other day. One thing I noticed was how well designed their site was and how beautiful their UI was. There's a lot of dynamic content here. When I click "inspect element" in chrome I just get a few placholders--no content. When inspecting the source the dynamic content does show up, but I'm not sure what Google would be crawling here. Would there be concerns about cloaking?

    | eVenuesSEO

  • Hi, One of my sites is reporting a duplicate content and page title error. But it is the same page? And the home page at that. The only difference in the error report is a trailing slash. www.{mysite} www.{mysite} Is this an easy htaccess fix? Many thanks TT

    | TheTub

  • Within the section of the source code of a site I work on, there are a number of distinct sections. The 1st one, appearing first in the source code, contains the code for the primary site navigation tabs and links. The second contains the keyword-rich page content. My question is this: if i could fix the layout so that the page still visually displayed in the same way as it does now, would it be advantageous for me to stick the keyword-rich content section at the top of the , above the navigation? I want the search engines to be able to reach the keyword-rich content faster when they crawl pages on the site; however, I dont want to implement this fix if it wont have any appreciable benefit; nor if it will be harmful to the search-engine's accessibilty to my primary navigation links. Does anyone have any experience of this working, or thoughts on whether it will make a difference? Thanks,

    | Tinhat

  • It is highly preached that RSS is a great way to get backlinks. Can somebody explain me how go to about RSS, or direct me to a good source on Internet where I can learn all about RSS feeds and how to implement them? I know there are many reasonable RSS feeds services available out there, but I don't want to go for them. If at all I'd like to first learn myself and then decide on what to do. Please help.

    | KS__

  • Hello, I have a website here in SEOmoz. Its strange since the last week SEOmoz is crawling only one page! And before it was crwaling all the pages. Whats happening? Help SEOmoz! :))

    | PedroM

  • A sudden drop in the number of google backlinks. Earlier this month I had 15 google backlinks and now all of a sudden I have none. My google impression has also dropped drastically, my website's average is 10000 impression per day and now we have none. I have increased the crawler's speed on the website, would this be the cause of it?

    | 4pm

  • My main target audience is in the UK, but my website's IP is in the United States.  Would it be worthwhile to change the IP to a UK address? How would I go about that? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • I have a relatively simple and small site (60 pages).  All of it is crawlable and there is nothing I want non follow. So, is there any real benefit to a sitemap since Google can get to all the site anyway? Do they give the site more credence or something because it's there? I guess as an aside,  are there any favorite sites that will generate a site map? Thanks!

    | Banknotes

  • My website,, tells people what campingssites can be found in The Netherlands for recreational purposes. In order for a campingsite to be mentioned on our website we ask them to place a link to our website (either using a text link or image link) and then we make a page for that campsite on our website with in the end a link to ther website, e.g. -> they in return link back to us. Since this comes natural will this or won't this be penalized by Google and so on for linkfarming. At this moment we have about 600 camping sites on our website alone linking to us (not all of them) and we are linking to them. Since this can be explained as link trading which is not as good for your ranking as one-way-linking what should be wise? Should i include a nofollow? I already have many links from other sites linking to mine without having to link back, is there anything else i can do with linking to ensure better ranking?

    | JarnoNijzing

  • Good day all, I have a bunch of files that are .html and I want to add some .php to them. It seems my 2 options are Convert .html to .php and 301 redirect or add this line of code to my .htaccess file and keep all files that are .html as .html AddType application/x-httpd-php .html My gut is that the 2nd way is better so as  not alter any SEO rankings, but wanted to see if anybody had any experience with this line of code in their .htaccess file as definitely don't wan to mess up my entire site 🙂 Thanks for any help! John

    | JohnHerrigel

  • I have 2 companies that essential do the same thing. They have different names and different domain names.  One is a USA company and the other is a South American Company. My intnent was to create a single site with both english and spanish content and then create a english home page and a spanish homepage.  I was hoping to direct the spanish domain name to the spanish homepage and the english to the english homepage. This way I will only have one site to maintain  - one ecommerce site to maintain and can direct teh links to a single site - although they will essentially be kinda different. My question is... what are the pluses and minuses of doing this?  Would I better creating 2 separate sites? is there going to be an issue with google maybe seeing duplicate content although the pages are seperate for each language? Any other considerations that I just wasnt smart enough to think of?

    | brantwadz

  • In Google WM tools I'm seeing so many 404 crawl errors but they're all from other sites linking to us incorrectly, which I can't do anything about. Will this hurt us somehow as far as SEO goes? The logical thing would be that it would hurt the site doiing the linking but it does come up in OUR WM tools, so it makes me wonder.

    | UnderRugSwept

  • As an agency that manages multiple accounts should I have all my Google Place accounts under one account or should I create a separate account for each client with a unique username and password for every client? Thanks,
    Gary Downey

    | fun52dig

  • Hi Mozzers! Can you share your experience and observations in implementing rel=next rel=prev on sites you've worked on?

    | SparkplugDigital

  • Hi i'm a new guy around here, but i'm having this problem in my website. Using de Seomoz tools i ran a camping to my website, in results i get to many errors for duplicate conten, for example, http://www.mysite/blue/ http://www.mysite/blue/index.html, so my question is, what is the best way to resolve this problem, use a 301 or use the rel canonical tag? Wich url will be consider for main url, Thanks for yor help.

    | NorbertoMM

  • I've met with a potential client who has a site with 1,000's of very specific part #'s which don't show in the SERP's on Google. They definitely have the issue of dynamic URL's - but the URL for the part # searches is an IP address rather than their domain name - example: 188.888.888.888/partssearch.php?pnum='1233445' I've not seen the IP address used like this for an external website - is this acceptable for SEO purposes? Thanks, Mark

    | DenverKelly

  • Good Morning from 7 degrees C, goodbye arctic conditions wetherby UK, If a site had 100 pages for example & that site was plugged into Webmaster Tools how could you diagnose if all the pages had been crawled? The thing is I want to learn how to diagnose crawl issues with sites, is their a known methodology for this? Thanks in advance, David

    | Nightwing

  • I want to create a template for Meta titles, descriptions and keywords on my website for old news and minor pages in order to get some long tail traffic from them. The only template I can think to use for the descriptions takes the first sentence of the news article (which often if above 160 characters).  Since these are minor pages, how big of a problem is that? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • Can somebody please explain me what is 'crawl rate' and how does 'linklicious' help us with it? I mean I can always visit the website and know more about it, but I want to understand the concept. Please help.

    | KS__

  • Hi i have found a website on my dedicated server that is not mine by using a number of tools including the site that i found that was not mine is i contacted my hosting company and told them and this is the reply i got back We have checked the issue and it appears there have a bug/glitch in this site, because after we checked the mentioned domain we found that this website respond on IP which is not our and is not assisgned in your Dedicated server as you may preview below: Found 3 domains hosted on the same web server as ( (linkback) (linkback) (linkback) Thus if you find any issues on your web server, please mention them in this ticket and we will be glad to provide you with further assistance on this matter. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further technical difficulties. Best regards, Now they have not said if they are going to do anything about this and to be honest i am getting fed up with the hosting company because i am being told that the slow speed i was receiving for my website was down to it taking a long time to reach my server before reaching my site. Now not sure if this is correct or not but with all the help i have received off semoz i have managed to increase the speed to my site but now i have found this problem. Can anyone tell me if i am being played and also can anyone recommend a professional UK hosting company. Also is this site affecting my spped and my site performance.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi i am working on my site at the moment and i am going through y slow as well as  to make my website faster and better and it is telling me to enable keep alive. Now i am not sure what this does but i have contacted my hosting company and they are asking me if there are any settings that i want. my site is in joomla and it is a magazine site, can anyone let me know if it is a good idea to enable this or not and if so what settings should i be looking at. my site is updated all day long so i need to make sure this is write for me. many thanks

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi Guys, I have a technical question. Ive started optimising an ecommerce site for a client and come across some duplicate content issues:- This page: is actually indexed in Google as:- Both pages have the same content and I'm guessing the indexed page refers to an old way of navigating the site. As I'm concerned about duplicate content issues, what's the best approach as this seems to be the case for all 'projector manufacturer' pages. would it be to 301 redirect each manufacturer url (this could take forever with 107) manufacturers or rel="canonical" tag? to show Google which page I want indexing? Kind Regards Neil

    | nezona

  • I have an old site which is being moved to a new tld due to re-branding. I understand I would do a series of 301 redirects from the pages of the old site to capture the authority and move to the new site. However, at some point in the future (probably 1-2 years) we may want to re-use the old site again for a different brand (it has a good brand, just not for what we're going after). Question is - can a redirected site be re-used at some point in the future? And if so, which site would new authority (links, etc.) go to?

    | uwaim2012

  • I develop client websites within a subdomain of another website (with noindex, nofollow so that incomplete websites on the wrong domains aren't ever seen by web users). Then, when we launch a client's site on their own domain, we redirect all of the development URLS to the appropriate page on the new live site. (meaning at site launch, all pages on would be set to 301 redirect to identical pages pages on This system has always seemed to work fine, but today I discovered 94,700 pages indexed by Google on my root domain and found that these were mostly old URLs of sites in development that redirect to the actual client sites. Many are several years old. Any idea why Google would be indexing these pages? Thanks in advance!

    | VTDesignWorks

  • Hello, I am setting up a new site which is going to be very large, over 250,000 products. Most of our customers are in the UK (45%), the rest are from various European countries and the USA. Unfortunately we only have a team of two people writing content for these pages in English. I would value some input on the best way to setup my website structure for ranking. Obviously the best would be individual country oriented domains I.e. . However we wouldnt have the time to create content for every page and most pages would contain the same content as the English domain. Would I get a penalty for this from google? The second choice is to follow the example of and pull in information relating to each country I.e. currency and delivery time. this would be a lot easier but I am concerned that the lack of geo focus would effect my rankings. Does any one have any ideas?

    | DavidLenehan

  • Hi all, I have just started using Wordpress SEO by Yoast and still having a hard time correcting my Canonical issues for all posts with a .html at the end. The pluggin allows you to add a '/' to the end for canonical issues, but just for pages, not posts. How best in Wordpress to make my post change from .html/ to .html. I really don't want to go to the hassle to make each URL a new 301 redirect in my .htaccess. I hate the .html, but if they are going to stay, how can I make sure I get the .html/ link juice back to them. Many thanks!

    | RunningInTheRain

  • Hi there, Can anyone let me know what I need to add to my .htaccess file to make sure that the trailing slash on my domain gets redirected to my main domain name. For example, at the moment Google is seeing my primary domain as follows: I thought I'd covered off all possible duplication penalities but it look as though I've still got one left! Thanks very much for your help, Simon

    | theshortstack

  • SEOmoz's crawl tool is telling me that I have duplicate content at "" and at "".  Do you think this is just a glitch in the crawl tool (because obviously these two URL's are the same page rather than two separate ones) or do you think this is actually an error I need to worry about?  Is so, how do I fix it?

    | MyNet

  • I'm considering doing some pro bono work for a local non-profit and upon initial review they have a number of serious issues but there is one in particular I'd like to check my thinking on. The developer who set up the site some years ago implemented a javascript redirect on their root domain so that it redirects to: This is wrong for all kinds of reasons and I want to recommend eliminating this redirect and getting rid of the 'wordpress' part of the path altogether. However, the site is quite established with good PR and they would take a hit by changing the path. I'd do 301 redirects to the new URLs that would not have 'wordpress' in the path in addition to other remediation. My question - is my thinking here good? It's worth it, right? The other option is just get rid of the weird redirect and keep 'wordpress' in the path but this seems unacceptable to me. Any opinions?

    | friendlymachine

  • Lets say I publish a PR with two anchor links (keywords) to a particular website. Will these backlinks get  more weightage in the eyes of Google if manage to get this page 100s and 1000s of FB Likes, tweets, +1s etc? Does this strategy really work?

    | KS__

  • After my last "crawl" report, I received a warning about "duplicate page content". One page was: and the other was: How do I correct this so these pages aren't competing with each other or is this a problem?

    | JamesSagerser

  • Hi , I have my domain and it have dpmain authority 26 , domain mozRank around 3 , domain mozTrust 1.63 , page authority 31, Google PR 2.0 etc etc So I am not in very bottom of scores, but my SUBDOMAIN MOZTRUST is only 0.961 and I've checked other websites that I've made some time ago and they have it like 4.0. So it is quite bad. I am having some domain parked within my hosting package. they have different names like , etc. I can acces those domains as wel by typing : mydomain3**** and have some testing subdomains there as well (just if I need to test something like drupal , wordpress or testing shoping cart etc.) Can that fact affect my subdomain rank ? Because I am having those domains parked there or I've made some subdomains that  are not in use and nobody is linking to them and they are visible in Google ?

    | sever3d

  • Hello, We have been doing some analysis around our backlink profiles for our sites and have been experiencing a massive discrepancy between what is reported as number of C class linking domains in OSE and the information returned in Google Webmaster tools. For a variety of sites OSE is reporting numbers < 10 for C class linking doamins while GWT shows >100 unique domains linking (we confirmed that the majority of these links are in different C classes) Is this simply a matter of the limited index size of OSE or could there be another explanation? It is interesting that the links that do show up in OSE a nearly exclusively sites that we own. /T

    | tomypro

  • Need another set of eyes on my site from someone with Joomla experience. I'm running Joomla 2.5 (latest version) and SEOmoz is giving my duplicate content errors on a lot of my pages. I checked my sitemap, I checked my menus, and I checked my links, and I can't figure out how SEOmoz is finding the alternate paths to my content. Home page is: There's only one menu at the top. Take the first link "Dania Beach" under fishing charters for example. This generates the SEF url: Somehow SEOmoz (and presumably all other robots) are finding duplicate content  at: SEOmoz says the referrer is the homepage/root. The first URL is constructed using the menu aliases. The second one is constructed using the Joomla category and article alias.  Where is it getting this and how can I stop it? <colgroup><col width="601"></colgroup>

    | NoahC

  • Hi, PC monitoring and computer monitoring software are our targeted keywords. Around 5 weeks ago, We created a page for pc monitoring software (home/pc-monitoring-software) and did some bookmarking and guest posts targeting PC monitoring software keyword. Now we are in Top 15 on Google for PC monitoring software keyword . Initially we were thinking to change content of around 2 year old home page to adjust computer monitoring software keyword and do SEO for this keyword. But few days ago, we noticed that our pc-monitoring-software page is already ranking in early fourties for computer monitoring software keyword as well. May be Google is giving advatage of being synonym of PC . Now we are thinking that we should optimize the PC monitoring software page for both computer and PC software keywords like adding "computer monitoring software" in addition to existing "pc monitoring software" in title and similalrly do other on page related work for Computer Mnitoring Software. We are also thinking of doing 301 redirect of existing pc-monitoring-software page to new computer-monitoring-software page which will be optimized both for PC and Computer. Please suggest me if it will help to get good ranking for both PC and Computer Monitoring software if we make above mentioned changes or we should not change the existing pc-monitoring-software page and shall stick to earlier plan of changing the home page to adjust for computer monitoring software.? I'm new to SEO, so want to make wise decision with your help instead of learning with failures. Thanks, shahzad

    | shaz_lhr

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