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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi, I have a blog on posterous that I'm trying to rank. SEOMoz tells me that I have duplicate content pretty much everywhere (4 articles written, 6 errors at the last crawl). The problem is that I tag my posts, and apparently SEOMoz thinks that it's duplicate content only because I don't have so many posts, so pages end up being very very similar. What can I do in these situations ?

    | ngw

  • I'm opening up a web development company in Vancouver and I'm stuck between getting hosting in Montreal or Vancouver. Montreal is a cheaper but, my company is in Vancouver. I have a .ca which will be my domain name, so I'm already on top of that aspect. From what I understand it would help for SEO purposes if my IP is a local Vancouver IP for my company website. So my question is... Should I go for the Vancouver hosting and pay more or stick with the Montreal hosting.

    | VebianWebandMobileDevelopment

  • I have started working with a client who did an upgrade on their e-commerce sive in May of last year. It totally changed the URL structure and they didn't redirect old URLs or do any of the things they should have. Not unexpectedly they they went from about 300 visitors a day to 0 for then rose up to maybe 50 and have remained there ever since. There were some major onsite issues including about 15000 internal links that 302 back to the site. In any case I have fixed most of the onsite problems and worked on a little better categorization + content optimization, etc. We have only been working on this for about 30 days and organic traffic is up and they are ranking for much better keywords, but I expected a little quicker rise. Here is a screenshot out of GA of their descent. Its pretty rapid. I dont think it makes sense to redirect their old URLs at this point since most of them have been deindexed for 10+ months. Anyone have any suggestions on how to get back to their previous level. The domain actually has decent authority and link profile, etc. Is this just going to be a slow climb back? Any thoughts? Fxz9Y.png

    | BlinkWeb

  • I'm working on an e-commerce site that currently has about 50 root categories and growing, with no sub-categories. They are all linked from the sidebar of every page and all the products are pretty related. They could probably be sub-categorized in to 5 root categories. At want point does categorization become too flat?

    | BlinkWeb

  • Our website moved to a new domain a year ago, and we have our original domain to redirect to our new domain. We're working on contacting people who still link to our old domain to ask them to update, but 7% of our traffic is still coming as a redirect from our old domain. My question is, when should we just shut the old domain down entirely and stop redirecting people to our new domain? Or should we just keep it up indefinitely? What would be the positive or negative impact on our new domain's SEO if we shut the old domain down? Thanks!

    | UWPCE

  • Hi there, Here's our situation: there are two people working on the blog. person 1) writes the posts person 2) SEO optimizes the posts I know this is not ideal but it's the best we can do and it's a whole lot better than no blog. 🙂 I'm the fellow optimizing the posts. I've found that my best SEO efforts usually slightly undermine the readability of these posts -- not in an extreme way, I'm not going overboard with keywords or anything. Rather, things like a sexy & enticing article heading may have to be dummed down for search engines... Because of this dumming down, I like to wait a couple of weeks to SEO optimize our posts, the logic being that we get the best of both worlds: a happy regular readership on topic articles that are clearly described for (and aligned to the terms used by) our search engine visitors What I'm wondering is, Generally: can you see any problems with this setup? would you do it differently? Specifically: does Google (et al) punish this sort of backwards re-writing? and, does it somehow amount to less SEO mojo when done retroactively? Thanks so much for your time! Best, Jon

    | JonAmar

  • The Home page Title Tag on my Wordpress CMS Website doesn't update. It has the Thesis Theme and All in One SEO plugin. I've updated it exactly the same on the Home page, for SEO plugin, and in the Thesis Theme - but still it displays the old one.. The site was last cached about a week ago - 3X since I've been attempting to change it. The other page's Title Tags update instantly when updated, but not the Home page. I've been digging for a solution and can't seem to find an answer. What could be the problem? (  -It should be: Austin Gym | Kickboxing in Austin | Impact MMA Fitness)

    | OhYeahSteve

  • I found date stamps in front of Google's SERP snippets always very helpful, but where exactly is Google pulling this information from? Some of my sites show dates from past year in the snippets although all of them have a current date stamp on the front page. Would love to make sure that all my sites have show latest date in the snippets.

    | Juergen-119481

  • Hi all, we've been asked by a blog to help them better indexing and ranking on Google News (with the site being already included in Google News with poor results) The blog had a chronicle URL duplication problem with each post existing with 3 different URLs: #1) (currently in noindex for editorial choices as showing all the comments) #2) (currently indexed showing only top comments) #3) (very same as #2) We've chosen URL #2 (/index.html) as canonical URL,  and included a rel=canonical tag on URL #3 (/) linking to URL #2.
    Also we've submitted  yesterday a Google News sitemap including consistently the list of URLs #2 from the last 48h . The sitemap has been properly "digested" by Google and shows that all URLs have been sent and indexed. However if we use the command on Google News we see something completely different: Google News has indexed actually only some news and more specifically only the URLs #3 type (ending with the trailing slash instead of /index.html). Why ? What's wrong ? a) Does Google News bot have problems indexing URLs ending with .index.html ? While figuring out what's wrong we've found out that gives no seems that Google News index overall does not include any URLs ending with /index.html b) Does Google News bot recognise  rel=canonical tag ? c) Is it just a matter of time and then Google News will pick up the right URLs (/index.html) and/or shall we communicate Google News team any changes ? d) Any suggestions ? OR Shall we do the other way around. meaning make URL #3 the canonical one ? While Google News is showing these problems, Google Web search has actually well received the changes, so we don't know what to do. Thanks for your help, Matteo

    | H-FARM

  • My SEOMoz stats show that I have duplicate titles for the following two url's: and I have checked my server files, and I don't see a live page without the php.  A while back, we converted our site from html to php, but the html pages have 301's and as you can see the page without the php is properly redirecting to the php page.  Any ideas why this would show as two separate url's?

    | BradBorst

  • I've got several pages that have "too many on page links" and the pages mentioned have already been noindexed. Do these pages need to be no followed too? Here's one of the pages: There's several pages like this, most of which are category or tag archives, which I've noindexed... Do I need to nofollow these, too?

    | digisavvy

  • How can you see what pages are cached by bing. I'm basically looking for these google approaches for bing: Thanks Tyler

    | tylerfraser

  • We joined our Chamber of Commerce for the "link" as much as anything.  After 9 months of having a link from our local chamber it has never showed up anywhere.  You can see the link on my Chambers page, and you can click on it and it works.  But it does not show up anywhere else....Not in any backlink checker,  not in SEOmoz, not in Google Webmaster Tools. When I hover over our link on their page I see " url" Is this link worth anything?  What is a javascriptencodeclick?  Does Google know it exists and give me credit for it?  Our Chamber is clueless... they hire someone to do their website.  Their webmasters response to my question was: Hi, These links look like this because this is just the way our system parses URLs that are entered into the membership directory so they can be clickable when displayed in the lister. These links will not have a negative effect on Google or SEO indexing purposes if that is what you are concerned about. They are not encoded or encrypted, this just happens to be the name of the Javascript function.

    | SCyardman

  • hi guys, a question please. if site: , you can see google index our website IP address, this could duplicate with our content pages. i am not quite sure why google index my IP pages while index domain pages, i understand this could because of backlink, internal link and etc, but i don't see obvious issues there, also i have submit request to google team to remove ip address index, but seems no luck. Please do you have any other suggestion on this? i was trying to do change of address setting in Google Webmaster Tools, but didn't allow as it said "Restricted to root level domains only", any ideas? Thank you! boson

    | DarwinChinaSEO

  • Let's ignore the "social metric" value of Twitter links and mentions and look at it from the pure link juice point of view. Twitter accounts such as used to have their own PageRank and were treated as separate URLs. Twitter changed that to!/randfish consolidating all their content to a single URL. When I search for "randfish" in Google, however, the result is the first URL version. Some clarification on this matter would be much appreciated.

    | Dan-Petrovic

  • Hello everybody, my question is really simple: what's the purpose of a sitemap? It's to help the robots to crawl your website but if you're website has a good architecture, the robots will be able to crawl your site easily! Am I wrong? Thank you for yours answers, Jonathan

    | JonathanLeplang

  • Hello, I worked on my site using a sandbox, this site got cached!!! So now all my pages on my regular site have several links from this IP address. I know this isn't that big of a deal. But I would like to get it straightened out. I've had disallow on the robots.txt for several weeks. How should I go about getting this IP address out of the google index? Thanks Tyler

    | tylerfraser

  • We all know that a company's address must be in the footer on every single page.  But what if that actual address resides inside an external php file.  Meaning the entire footer is an external php file. Will that affect local seo negatively? thanks for your help.

    | RogersSEO

  • I clear the cache and log out from any accounts and I still get different results for the same keyword if I use different browsers. Any idea whats going on? And which browser would have my true ranking?

    | musillawfirm

  • hi I have been checking through all the Q and A but i i'm still not sure how you get to be just Do you add canonical to the index page to point to the page you prefer and then add a 301 redirect? thanks

    | challen

  • I had several sites regarding a core subject. The main site was and then I had multiple sites for the inner categories of . I decided to consolidate everything to a single site and so did a change of address in webmaster tools and 301 redirected all niche sites to the appropriate page on the primary site of Shortly after we lost rankings for those niche pages. Any thoughts?

    | Hakkasan

  • Can anyone provide insightful optimization tips for GOOGLE and BING product feeds? How important is it to use the respective SE' taxonomies? Any other effective tactics apart from data stufffing?

    | DavidS-282061

  • A large number of the pages on my site are pages that contain things like photos and maps  that are useful to my visitors, but would make poor landing pages and have very little written content. My site is huge. Would it be benificial to noindex all of these?

    | mascotmike

  • I need some help with doing the Mod Rewrite on our htaccess file. Basically I've a URL like this : and I want to rewrite the URL into something else (such as new-toy-search-xbox.html) Could someone please take me through the steps of how to do this? I've had a look at the Apache site but it's really confusing the way it's explained!

    | DanHill

  • With the nofollow tag used very widely on the internet these days I was just wondering about how an RSS feed might help me find a way around it.  Basically my question is this : I post a comment on a blog, it's approved and my comment together with my link(nofollow tag applied) is there. Now when the blogs RSS feed updates, does this nofollow tag get applied to the feed? As far as I can tell it does not - but I'm not too clue'd up on how the feed is generated. Anyone want to help me understand how it works and if what I'm suggesting would be 'a way around the nofollow tag' ? Thanks 🙂

    | DanHill

  • Hi all, I'm working on an e-commerce website about car tuning and car parts. There are main categories like ( Aerodynamics, Power tuning, Interior, Wheels, Tires, etc. ) and in the products are organized in sub-categories representing the product manufacturer, car manufacturer and car model + modification. Unfortunately this kind of structure creates duplicate sub-category names. For example we can have parts for Audi A4 8K in Aerodynamics and ABT, and the same time we can have Power tuning from the same manufacturer and for the same car, or Sport brakes for the same car by different manufacturers. So here are how some links look-like: /alfa-romeo-147-c1070-en /alfa-romeo-147-c234-en /alfa-romeo-147-c399-en These are totally different  categories, with the same anchor text and almost the same url addresses ( the only difference in the urls is the category id ). Can this be affecting the site's indexation, and which can be the better way to create the internal link structure ?

    | mdimov

  • I have a website with friendly URL, My product page are generated from a database. When I click on the product, I go 6 folders deep. (ex. nameofthesite/courses-and-seminard/blablabla-catalog/information-technology/blablabla-window/blabla-server/active-directory-with-windows-server-2008.html I'm thinking about moving the product page to the thrid folder, so it would become I want to know, would it be a major element in my SEO. Is URL length is a really important factor. Because I need to move 450 pages. Second, if I move the page, do I only need to add redirect 301 or I need to do something else. I suppose  I also need to change my breadcrumb navigation also.

    | Adviso

  • I'm working on the site which is built in Moonfruit. Moonfruit renders pages in Flash. Not ideal, I know, but it also automatically produces an HTML version of every page for those without Flash, Javascript and search engines.  This HTML version is fairly well optimised for search engines, but sits on different URLs. For example, the page you're likely to see if browsing the site is at However, if you turn Javascript off you can see the HTML version of the page here <cite></cite> Mostly, it's the last version of the URL which appears in the Google search results for a relevant query. But not always.  Plus, in Google Webmaster Tools fetching as Googlebot only shows page content for the first version of the URL.  For the second version it returns HTTP status code and a 302 redirect to the first version. I have two questions, really: Will these two versions of the page cause my duplicate content issues?  I suspect not as the first version renders only in Flash. But will Google think the 302 redirect for people is cloaking? Which version of the URL should I be pointing new links to (bearing in mind the 302 redirect which doesn't pass link juice).  The URL's which I see in my browser and which Google likes the look at when I 'fetch as Googlebot'. Or those Google shows in the search results? Thanks folks, much appreciated! Eamon

    | driftnetmedia

  • The developers want to use hidden divs to display links to each page of our photo gallery from the first page to Google but only previous and next buttons to users. Will this be a problem? Is it the best solution?

    | GriffinHansen

  • Alright, I'm taking a chance and stepping into the developer role here...something completely out of my comfort zone so bear with me. We have a pretty site built in PHP ( and we are coming across some duplicate content issues. For example, these are supposed to be the same page: and So the SEO in me states the obvious: We need a 301 redirect stat! Unfortunately, our developer went MIA and I am having the hardest time getting a 301 implemented. After some research I found the code that I need to paste into the PHP (for this specific page): Header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" );
    Header( "Location:" );
    ?> However, when I paste it in, upload and refresh the page, I get these error messages in the (multiple) browsers I use. (See attached) With my limited knowledge I can't find these supposed other redirects so I'm stumped. Can anyone shed some light? Thank you in advance! 1lar5

    | EssEEmily

  • We have successfully rolled out 5 sub-domains using very industry specific KWs as the sub, e.g. familylawyers. We're rolling our an employment focused sub.and ideally would use However I'm tempted to use a long established (5+ years) sub-domain with a topic related KW that now hosts a non-active blog with PR3 - It has 49 indexed pages, some with PR2. So there's potential for getting a kickstart on traffic and trust with some redirects. Should I go for instant gratification or build for the long haul with the slightly more beneficial URL KWing? I should add that this sub-domain will have thousands of pages that are geo and sub-category focused - a typical URL would be. THX for any opinions.

    | legalseo

  • Just double checking this one. Is it less than ideal to have a blog on a subdomain rather than as a sub folder on a domain?

    | PerchDigital

  • Hi I'd just like to ask the opinion of my fellow members here : We are currently ranking second for a very important keyword and would obviously like the top spot on the SERP - the site that is ranking first has the domain name as the keyword phrase(along with a good amount of quality links from a variety of domains) - now I know it is possible to outrank them since I do remember reading about this in one of Rands posts(I think it was the whole white hat black hat one he posted recently) - bascially we have more domain authority, slightly less links but from double the amount of root domains and a higher page authority too! Does having the keyword as your domain make THAT much of a difference when we are(imo) quite close in terms of great content and link profiles(and all the onpage factors) ? Thanks!

    | DanHill

  • Wehave 2 websites for the same keyword Website 1 is indexed on place 2 but we do not like that name any longer it does not fit our long term marketing Website 2 is indexed on place 5 and this domain fits better What will happen if we redirect website 1 to website 2? Fall down to postion 5 Fall down to position 5 and after a certain period we get back at position 2 or 3 thanx in advance for your reply

    | turnon

  • One of my customers is in online jewellery sales business and they are going to change their CMS; the problem is there is no co-relation between URL permalink structure of the current CMS and the new one. What should we do so that we don’t lose our current organic traffic (also Google rankings) coming from indexed URLs in Google due to permalink structure change ? Typical example: Current URL:,AR-3.html The new URL is going to look like this:

    | merkal2005

  • Hi We have a problem with how Google is is displaying our title tag when a user does a search on our company name Increation. I have attached two images of how the title tag for our Homepage is dispayed in Google Search Results. One of them is "increations" - this is the result which is displaying incorrectly. The other shows Kitchens | Bathrooms | | Luxury Kitchens |  - which is how we want the title tag to be dispalyed. This inorreclt result is only displayed when a user types in Increation into Google. (BTW it only happens on Google, not the other search engines). To give you some background an external SEO company did some work for us (before I joined as usual :-)). They built a lot of anchor links with the word "Increations" pointing back to our home page. Is this whats causing the probelm? Also how can we resolve this issue so that the correct Title Tag is displayed. Thanks for your help. Mik increation_search_results_google#hyhfZ

    | increation

  • Hi, I'm seeing a problem with Roger Bot crawling a clients site. In a campaign I am seeing you say that the canonical tag is pointing to a different URL. The tag is as follows:- /~/Standards-and....etc Google say:- relative paths are recognized as expected with the tag. Also, if you include a <base> link in your document, relative paths will resolve according to the base URL Is the issue with this, that there is a /~/, that there is no <base> link or just an issue with Roger? Best regards, Peter

    | peeveezee

  • I am   beginner in seo. I have development a website in prestashop. I have a problem: for more product i have the same description, but different properties: for example : and Only diffrent for this is the properties from table. Its posible to be penalized the google for duplicate content? A solution for this issue?

    | vilcu

  • Hi, I'm pretty new to SEO and something I've noticed is that a lot of things become relevant and irrelevant like the weather. I was just wondering if having a sitemap.xml file for Google's use is still a good idea and beneficial? Logically thinking, my websites would get crawled faster by having one. Cheers.

    | davieshussein

  • A new site popped up that has completely replicated a site own by my client. This site is literally a copycat, scraped all the content, and copied the design down to the colors. I've already reported the site to the hosting provider and filled a spam report on Google. I noticed that the author changed some of the text, and internal links so that they don't link to our site anymore. Some of these were missed. I'm also going to take a couple preventative actions like change stuff in .htaccess, but that doesn't help me now,  just in case it happens again in the future. I'm wondering what else i can or should be doing?

    | flowsimple

  • Hi there, my e-commerce platform (Magento with "Mageworx SEO Enterprise" plugin) is generating an sitemap.xml that mix text (links) and images, and the result is something like that: <url><loc></loc>
    image:imageimage:loc lustre_mantra_0030_grande.jpg</image:loc></image:image></url> WebmasterTools accepts it, but recognize it as an image sitemap. Have you seen that kind of sitemap, and most important, do you think that's a problem ? Full file:

    | e-Lustre

  • I have seen some competitors using the nofollow tag as well as canonical on all refinements and sorts on their ecommerce pages. Example being if you went to their hard drive category page and refined by 500gb hard drives then that page would have a canonical element to send it back to hard drives page without the refinement. I see how this could be good for control indexation and the amount pages Google crawls, but do you see problems in using the canonical tag this way? Also I have seen competitors have category page descriptions (describing what that type of product is) on all pagenation and refinements (the exact same block of text on all of the pages). Would this be a duplicate content problem or is it not that big of a deal since the content is only on their site so they are only competiting with themselves. Thanks for your help

    | Gordian

  • I've been seeing a lot of people recommend creating a video sitemap or Media RSS feed (mRSS) and submit to Google.  We have videos hosted on Brightcove and most on YouTube.  Brightcove can generate the sitemap for us.  But does anyone know how to generate a YouTube Video Sitemap for those videos embedded on our pages? Note:  I realize I could manually assemble the video sitemap, however manually assembling the sitemap is probably not an option for us due to the volume of videos we've published.

    | LDS-SEO

  • Guessing I need to put something in functions.php file to remove site wide the "Comments Rss" link under "Meta" in sidebar?

    | bozzie311

  • hey A very quick question...after analyzed my wp blog I've found "34" 404 (Client Error) Errors and I don't know how to fix it, do you know how?? *I renew html code of 404 of my wordpress blog.

    | akitmane

  • We have several sites on the same server. On the weekend we relocated some servers, changing IP address. A client has since noticed something freaky with the meta tags. 1. They search for their companyname, and another site from the same server appears in position 1. It is completely unrelated, has never happened before, and the company name is not used in any incoming text links. Eg search for  company1 on Google. appears at position 2, but at position1 is   The words company1 don't appear anywhere on the site. I've analysed all incoming links with a gazillion tools, and can't find any link text of company1, linking to school1. 2. Even more freaky, searching for at Google. The results at Google in position 1 for the last three days has been: Meta Title for school1 (but hovering/clicking actual goes to URL for company1)
    Meta Description for school1
    URL for Clicking on the cached copy of result1, it shows a cached version of school1 taken on March 18. Today is 29 March. Logically we are trying to get Google to spider both sites again quickly. We've asked the clients to update their home pages. Resubmitted xml sitemaps. Checked the HTTP status codes - both are happily returning 200s. Different cookies. I found another instance on a forum: Any ideas?

    | ozgeekmum

  • Hi, since posting a few threads here and following instructions (post more unique content, link building etc) my website traffic has dropped by around 25% My SERPS rremain pretty much unchanged. I'm posting tons more unique content. Am I just being penalised slightly because I've made drastic changes to my site (301 .com -> etc or am I doing something wrong?

    | craven22

  • I'm having an issue with 301 redirects: Let's see if I can verbalize my thoughts on this one... So we just recently moved our site to Wordpress. One of our new 301 commands is redirecting to . However there are other links from our previous site that look like and the issue is that, because wordpress structures its links differently, that URL is not equivalent to Instead, it might look something more like or something. Does that make sense? The issue is that when I find an old link of ours on google that looks something like "" or "" it is automatically replacing "news" with "blog". When I try to go in manually and redirect anything that says "/news/XYZ" to "/blog/yaddayadda/XYZ" it still doesn't work. It still just replaces "news" with "blog." Wow I realize that might not make sense to anyone but if it does - please advise!! Thanks!!!!

    | EntrustSEO

  • We're in the process of launching mobile versions of many of our brand sites and our ecommerce site and one of our partners suggested that we should block crawlers on the mobile view so it doesn't compete for the same keywords as the standard site (We will be automatically redirecting mobile handsets to the mobile site). Does this advice make sense? It seems counterintuitive to me.

    | BruceMillard

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