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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi I am looking to close Website A which has many pages. I would like to keep the home page and add some great content to it with a link pointing to Website B. As for all the other pages excluding the home page , how is it best to approach them on Website A. Should I redirect them all to the home page of Website A which will tell Google thoose Pages are no longer needed and to prevent the visitors from seeing a 404? My Main aim here is to not lose any visitors to Website A by sending them to Website B but also to hopefully pass any Page strength from Website A to Website B Thanks Adam

    | AMG100

  • Using HTML5 I am getting a validation error on in my HTML Validation error: Bad value publisher for attribute rel on element link: Not an absolute IRI. The string publisher is not a registered keyword or absolute URL. This just started showing up on Tuesday in validation errors. Never showed up in the past. Has something changed?

    | RoxBrock

  • The scenario: Online shop selling consumables for machinery. Consumable range A (CA) contains consumables w, x, y, z. The individual consumables are not a problem, it is the consumables groups I'm having problems with. The Problem: Several machines use the same range of consumables. i.e. Machine A (MA) consumables page contains the list (CA) with the contents w,x,y,z. Machine B (MB) consumables page contains exactly the same list (CA) with contents w,x,y,z. Machine A page = Machine B page = Consumables range A page Some people will search Google for the consumables by the range name (CA). Most people will search by individual machine (MA Consumables, MB Consumables etc). If I use canonical tags on the Machine consumable pages (MA + MB) pointing to the consumables range page (CA) then I'm never going to rank for the Machine pages which would represent a huge potential loss of search traffic. However, if I don't use canonical tags then all the pages get slammed as duplicate content. For somebody that owns machine A, then a page titled "Machine A consumables" with the list of consumables is exactly what they are looking for and it makes sense to serve it to them in that format. However, For somebody who owns machine B, then it only makes sense for the page to be titled "Machine B consumables" even though the content is exactly the same. The Question: What is the best way to handle this from both a user and search engine perspective?

    | Serpstone

  • Hello I have a series of question, There was a directory listing we submitted to and got approved. However we got 6 Links total with the same Anchor Text 3 from www and 3 from non www, which is also the Title of our Brand Name. However this is causing an unnatural link. 1. Does Changing the Anchor Text Bad? Does Google have a new way of detecting anchor text changes.
    2. Can I change the Title/Anchor to something more generic, so that the anchor text profile is more natural.
    3. Since this is a Directory is - Does anybody know being on this directory bad?
    Or should I just remove this links altogether or Disavow 5 Links and just keep one, because they have a PR5 and has trust flow, losing all the links may not be good as well for ranking. Thanks For your Insight.


  • I would like to know if it is possible (and beneficial) to target other countries using country-based TLDs? When visiting a company website for instance, you often get redirected to your country's site. For instance, when you visit from Canada, you get redirected to Since both websites ( and have the same content, how they get away with it with no duplicate content issues?

    | sbrault74

  • I'm using a tool which generates urllist.txt and looking on the SEO Forums it seems that Yahoo used to use this. What I'd like to know is is it still used anywhere and should we have it on the site?

    | danwebman

  • Hi We have a client who was hit by Penguin about 18 months ago. We disavowed all the bad links about 10 months ago however this has not resulted in an uplift in traffic or rankings. The client is asking me whether it would be better to dump the domain and move the website to a fresh domain. Can you provide thoughts / experience on this please? Thanks.

    | EffectiveSEOUK

  • I'm working with someone to make fixes to an xcart site but I'm at a loss for some fixes. Some directory URLs had been changed around on their ecommerce site to make them more descriptive & more human friendly. The problem is that according to the team's coder, simple redirects won't work for the directories and mod rewrite and redirectmatch didn't work for some unknown reason. I don't really know anything about xcart. I've made some basic changes and redirects before though their admin panel but I don't have any clue as to how to make directories 301 properly. Any insights? Thanks!

    | MikeRoberts

  • Hey all, Was reading Dan Shure's brilliant post on the Keyword Planner, and decided to plug a few of my own pages into the URL-suggester tool as well. What I got back was nothing short of strange. After plugging in our Features page, (which describes our Social Media Contesting Platform,) and getting back a bunch of suggestions related to Dr Seuss and Interior Design Scholarships, I realized that the Keyword Suggestion tool was being broken by our subdomains. I looked for precedent on my particular issue, but I think I might not be searching properly. Could anyone provide any insight into whether or not this might affect how spiders see the content on, whether or not this is just something that will affect the Keyword Suggestions Tool or actual SERP rankings, and if this content is already present elsewhere on MOZ, a link to said content? Much obliged 🙂

    | danny.wood

  • Hi, I'm advising an online news site site that has been completely offline for almost 6 months, and is now looking to start back up again. The site seems to be completely gone from google's cache. This might mean moving to new hosting, but with the same URL. The archive has about 7000 original articles. Most of these are date specific news, although there are some longer investigative pieces that are more timeless. Is there any difference (from an SEO/digital marketing perspective) between putting the whole archive online at once, or gradually republishing the old articles? Is there anything I should be aware of, when restarting a website of this size? Thanks  - Chris

    | AISFM

  • I am just wondering if you disavow a link from google webmaster to a certain website. Does that hurt the other websites ranking at all? Thanks


  • A client has noticed in recent months that their traffic from organic search has been declining, little by little. They have a large ecommerce site with several different categories of product - each product type has its own subdomain. They have some big megamenus going on, and the end result is that if you look in their Webmaster Tools for one of their subdomains, under Links to your Site, it says they have nearly 22 million links from their own domain! Client is wondering if this is what is causing the decline in traffic and wondering whether to change the whole structure of their site. Interested to hear the thoughts of the community on this one!

    | helga73

  • We have a job board hosted through an applicant processing system which we've setup as a subdomain (, most of the assets are hosted on our primary domain ( My question is does having it hosted offsite provide any value? Do we get credit for that content being shared and distributed on the web or does the applicant processing system? As I see it the options are (correct me if I'm wrong): Host the job listings on our primary domain ( and have it point to the application on the subdomain. Advertise the job listings pointing to the primary domain on the paid sites. The free job listing sites will automatically point to the sub-domain because the applicant processing system automatically submits them. Host the job listings entirely on the sub-domain applicant tracking system and link to it from our primary site navigation. Advertise the job listings to the sub-domain so that both free and paid point to the same place. Obviously the second one would be much easier just not sure on the technical side of our website getting credit by search engines as the one who has produced the content.

    | r1200gsa

  • Some of you might have seen that I recently discovered that another was mirroring my website( Found out that this domain ( was previously hosted on Host Monster and when we upgraded to a dedicated IP this last year we got that same IP address. Unfortunately, the domain from GoDaddy is still pointing to our server/IP. Thus the mirrored site. This has been a huge headache and a loss in rankings has made this even more frustrating. Instead of giving me a new IP address, Host Monster said to just add this to my htaccesss file: RewriteEngine on
       RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER}
       RewriteRule .* - [F] I waited 24 hours, submitted two support tickets, and talked to 4 tech support people and this is the solution I receive when they should have given me a new IP. I think it is time to switch. Any good host recommendations?

    | BCB1121

  • Pretty sure I know the answers to these but someone asked me to make absolutely sure so here goes, any opinions welcome: If i disavow a whole domain does it include all sub-domains on the domain also?- my answer is clearly yes. If i have network of links really bad linking to my website that are already nofollow but awful websites to be linked on, is it worth putting them in the disavow list anyway to basically tell Google literally no association? I know the whole point of disavow is to essentially nofollow the link. Opinions much appreciated, thank you guys.

    | tdigital

  • Hi All Moz is telling me I have duplicate page content and sure enough the PA MR mT are all 0 but it doesnt give me a link to this content! This is the page: But I cant find where the duplicate content is other than on our own youtube page which I will get removed here: Can anyone help please? Andy

    | ORS-Group

  • Hi community, I am working to submit a new a new sitemap index files, where about 5 50,000 sku files will be uploaded. Webmasters is reporting that only 50k skus have been submitted. Google Webmasters is accepting the index, however only the first file is getting read. I have 2 errors and need to know if this is the reason that the multiple files are not getting uploaded. Errors: | 1 |   | Warnings | Invalid XML: too many tags | Too many tags describing this tag. Please fix it and resubmi | | 2 |   | Warnings | Incorrect namespace | Your Sitemap or Sitemap index file doesn't properly declare the namespace. | 1 | Here is the url I am submitting: | 1 |   |   |   |   |

    | mm916157

  • Hi We're making our new website responsive and are thinking of using a solution that would resize the images using javascript. So the image would be displayed like this <div data-src="/img/200x100.png">div> depending on what size fits the screen Is is okay for SEO? Or do we also need a fall back that doesn't use javascript? Thanks

    | ShearingsGroup

  • Hi all, I've read the posts in Google about Ajax and javascript ( and also this post: I am trying to evaluate if the content on this page,, is crawlable by Googlebot? It appears not to be. I perused the sitemap and don't see any ugly Ajax URLs included as Google suggests doing. Also, the page is definitely indexed, but appears the content is only indexed via its original source (Yahoo!, Citysearch, Google+, etc.). I understand why they are using this dynamic content, because it looks nice to an end-user and requires little to no maintenance. But, is it providing them any SEO benefit? It appears to me that it would be far better to take these reviews and simply build them into HTML. Thoughts?

    | danatanseo

  • Help, pls! I have one main site and a mobile version of that site ( The main site has more pages, more content, different named urls. The main site has consistently done well in Google. The mobile site has not: the mobile site is buried. I am working on adding more content to the mobile site, but am concerned about duplicate content. Could someone pls tell me the best way to deal with these two versions of our site? I can't use rel=canonical because the urls do not correspond to the same names on the main site, or can I? Does this mean I need to change the url names, offer different content (abridged), etc? I really am at a loss as to how to interpret Google's rules for this. Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? Any help or tips would GREATLY appreciated!!!!! Thanks!

    | lfrazer

  • Hi Guys, I'm trying to build a 301 file with the file requirements: It should be visible only for Google and other Search Engine Agents. It will have a few direct redirects. A few URL must be dynamic redirect. For example each page the starts with and is not in the list of of direct redirects should be redirect for Here is my start point: #301 Starts here Set the agents RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} Googlebot [OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} msnbot [OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} Slurp Make the direct redirect. Redirect 301 /category/sub1
    Redirect 301 /category/sub2 Redirect everything else Redirect 301 /category/* #End of my 301 Will that work how I want? is there anything wrong?

    | Felip3

  • I can't figure out why this site ( is eligible for so few search queries on Google Webmaster Tools. I know there is a lot of work to be done, but this is my biggest puzzle right now. What am I not seeing? 379 pages are indexed and yet the site is has only been deemed eligible to rank for 3 queries over the past 3 months. Is it all the repetition in the way the content has been structured? I'd appreciate people's thoughts on this. I can't see the forest for the trees. Donna

    | DonnaDuncan

  • I have wordpress blog installed on my Domain and now I intent to start a Forum. I understand that the content on the forum would be thin-content which may attract Google Penalties. So, would it be wise to start the forum on a sub-domain to avoid any penalty. My query is:- 1. If the content on the sub-domain is thin, can it impact my main domain as well. 2. Should I install the forum on a sub-domain or an entirely different domain so as to avoid any penalty? My preference is a sub-domain provided google does not levy any penalty I also intent to display RSS Feeds of the Forum on the Home Page of the Website.

    | cakaranbatra

  • Fellow Mozzers, I'm really baffled by Google's behaviour adding strings before my meta title in the SERPs.
    This behaviour seems random, but it mainly happens on queries that trigger the homepages (multilingual .com domain).
    I'm aware of meta title guidelines concerning length, and I know that Google may insert strings if it thinks it could benefit the user.
    But clearly their "aid" is not helpful at all... Client is really anxious to get this resolved and we're stumped on what could be the cause for this... Some examples: Query: - Online payment gateway
    Result title: en-gb - Ogone - Online payment gateway
    Normal title: Ogone - Online payment gateway Query: Online Payment Service Provider
    Result title: - Ogone. Online Payment Service Provider & e-payment ...
    Normal title: Ogone. Online Payment Service Provider & e-payment Deutschland
    => For longer titles it will just prepend strings, and leave out our piece of the meta title Query: Ogone
    Result: Support | Ogone
    => For very short titles, Google doesn't add anything, why does it so for the other results? I really don't understand why this happens. The titles are long enough (but not too long), no strange characters inserted. Please, please help. Thanks in advance! Nikolaas

    | TheReference

  • Has anyone had success implementing noindex/follow to pages from their site which has been hit by a Panda penalty? Our site has a lot of duplicate content for products descriptions that we had permission to use from our distributor (who is also online). We went ahead and noindex/follow those pages in the hopes that google will focus on the products that we carry that do have original descriptions (about 1/3 of our products). We didn't want to just remove those products since they are actually beneficial to our customers. Most of the duplication of content is in the form of ingredients lists.

    | dustyabe

  • Hello all, I've been working on 301 redirects for a bit and normally it's no problem but some seem to be going wrong. Redirect 301 /3-zits.html This one works properly but the following one gives a very strange result as it goes to (no idea where the .html comes from) Redirect 301 /bankstellen/u Any idea what I'm doing wrong or what should change? Thanks in advance!

    | Kapottefietsband

  • Hi, We get alot of visits from this IP below... Whats this ? | Host Name: | | Browser: | IE 8.0 |
    | IP Address: | — [Label IP Address] | Operating System: | WinVista |
    | Location: | Mountain View, California, United States | Resolution: | 1024x768 |

    | Asjad

  • Hey there MOZ Geniuses; While checking my webmaster data I noticed that almost all my Google impressions are generated by the home page, most other content pages are showing virtually no impression data <50 (the home page is showing around 1500 - a couple of the pages are in the 150-200 range).  the site has been up for about 8 months now.  Traffic on average is about 500 visitors, but I'm seeing very little entry other then the home page. Checking the number Sitemap section 27 of 30 are index Webmaster tools are not reporting errors Webmaster keyword impressions are also extremely low 164 keywords with the highest impression count of 79 and dropping from there. MOZ is show very few minor issues although it says that it crawled 10k pages? -- we only have 30 or so. The answer seems obvious, Google is not showing my content ... the question is why and what steps can I take to analyze this?  Could there be a possibility of some type of penalty? I welcome all your suggestions:  The site is

    | VanadiumInteractive

  • Hi there, I'm noticing a bunch of URLs showing up in my google webmaster tools that are all cigarette related (they are appearing as 404s in the crawl error report). They are throwing 404 errors which is why they are listed here... Anyone have any idea of what this could be? I recently switched from Wordpress to Shopify and these weird URLs just started appearing on my webmaster tools in the last week. Kinda bizarre / a little alarming! Thanks,

    | TheBatesMillStore

  • We inherited a site that has both http and https.  No e-commerce or data transfer...just html.  Should we dump the https certificate?  I think it might be causing issues with indexing and possible duplicate content. The https site has a certificate warning message...not good. The URL is

    | theideapeople

  • This is going to seem like a stupid question, and perhaps it is but I am pulling out what little hair I have left. I have a sub level domain on which a website sits.  The Main domain has a robots.txt file that disallows all robots.  It has been two weeks, I submitted the sitemap through webmaster tools and still, Google has not indexed the sub domain website.  My question is, could the robots.txt file on the main domain be affecting the crawlability of the website on the sub domain?  I wouldn't have thought so but I can find nothing else. Thanks in advance.

    | Vizergy

  • A client is moving their site that has had its own domain for years to their main domain under a subdir. So, is going to with all pages and paths staying the same, no content is being removed. We have 301 the old domain to however, should we also submit a change of address in Google's WMT? The reason I ask is because the site wont be located at but at and do not want to confuse Google, as the 301 redirects will not match the change of address exactly.

    | piperis

  • Hi guys, I have recently changed one of our sites pages from having 1 main department page that links off to 6 others to showing all the products on one long page in an effort to have one authoritative page for this product type that can then be promoted on its own rather than promoting 7 pages and thus watering down any value. My question is now I have removed the links to the old pages should I just delete these pages altogether and setup redirects or should I leave them up as individual landing pages for those smaller product groups? If you look at the page below you can still access the smaller pages from the links in the jquery banner. Thank you in advance, Matt

    | OrderBlinds

  • On our website, we have a section of free to low-cost tools that could help small business increase their productivity without spending big bucks. For example, this is the page for online collaboration tools: None of the company pay anything to be on these list. We actually do quite a lot of research to chose which should be listed there and which should not. Recently, one of the company in our lists asked us to add rel=nofollow to the link to their website because they add been targeted by a manual action on Google and want their link profile to be as clean as possible (probably too clean). My question is : Should we add rel=nofollow to all these links ? Thanks, Jean-François Monfette

    | jfmonfette

  • I  have a website on Wix with the domain But I want to transfer the same website into the wordpress. In order for me to transfer the current domain from Wix to Hostgator, there is a 60 day waiting period. Which means, i will not be able to transfer until April 1, 2014. So, in terms of next steps and impact on SEO , what do you suggest we do ? 1. Wait till April and transfer the current domain name ?
    2. Register another domain and put the site up immediately while keeping the wix site (so we would have for example:  & But my understanding is that google does not like to see 2 site exactly the same.

    | Dan_Brown1

  • All the posts I've read here and elsewhere regarding subdomains come to a similar conclusion, avoid using them because they are treated as a separate site -- and everything that goes along with that. But on my site we have a subdomain on a separate server and it's treated as internal. Also this from Hubspot - "**Use a subdomain of your website like **This is a great idea and this is what we do currently at HubSpot. Many companies have their blog on a subdomain, and it seems to be starting to be somewhat of a standard. The search engines are treating subdomains more and more as just portions of the main website, so the SEO value for your blog is going to add to your main website domain." Any help clarifying this would be greatly appreciated!

    | titleist

  • I must be missing something or skipping a step or lacking proper levels of caffeine. Under my High Priority warnings I have a handful of 404s which are like that on purpose but I'm not sure how Moz is finding them. When I check the referrer info, the 404 is being linked to from a different 404 which is now a 301 (due to craziness of our system and what was easiest for the coders to fix a different problem ages ago). Basically, if a user decides to type in a non-existent model number into the URL there is a specific 404 that comes up. While the 404 error is "" the referrer is "" (or more simply, one slash is missing). I can't see how Moz is finding the referrer so I can't figure out how to make Moz stop crawling it. I actually have the same problem in Google WMT for the same group of 404s. What am I just not seeing that will fix this?

    | MikeRoberts

  • Our urls show as (url #1) in Google search results. When you click on the link and go to the site the URL is (url #2) I checked in Google Webmaster Tools (Fetch as Google) and there is a 302 redirect from url #1 to url #2.  It also shows a Set-Cookie value, ASP.NET_SessionID= If we make it a 301 redirect instead, will the url displayed in Google search results be the url #2? We need to get rid of the Set-Cookie for crawlers correct?

    | Guy_Huyett

  • Hi everybody, I'm optimizing this huge website that has a lot of identical categories for differente locations. I'm trying to find a smart way to write title and description for these categories, changing the location as a variable on the title and description phrase. Here some examples: Title: Attractions in [CITY]. Sightseeings, monuments and museums in [CITY]. Description: Find travel ideas and suggestions for [CITY]. On [NAME OF THE WEBSITE] you can find a lot of attractions, monuments and sightseeing off the beaten path in [CITY]. Changing only the name of the CITY on these Titles and Descriptions, am I running the risk of duplicate title and description? Thanks in advance for your help!

    | OptimizedGroup

  • Hi I have a webshop for my own clothing and boots brand.
    The boots brand is changing name soon and i will move it to another domain. I will off course 301 the boot related urls to the new domain to pass on link juice. But now i have the option to go for or use the local tld which i own allready. etc Knowing that i own both .com and the local tld's what would be the best option for SEO?

    | mikehenze

  • Hello has anyone had any any issues with the Yoast local plugin not accepting the license when the WP install is in subfolder. Or any license issues with the plugin?

    | edwardfrebow

  • ok fellow marketers.  we have an on-going argument in our office regarding 301 redirects.  for seo best practices, should a 301 be done at the registrar level or in the htaccess file.  We have arguments going both ways and I'd love to hear what everyone has to say about it. Thanks, Stephan

    | Stephan_Boehringer

  • Does google has any trouble reading content tabs? The content is not loaded by ajax and is already in the page source code.
    As i'm checking some big e-commerce websites or ( for example) they get rid of the tabs with content and put the different content below eachother. Is his better for SEO purpose? But what about user experience? For users it think it is easier to navigate by tabs then to have a long page to scroll. What do you guys think about this issue?

    | wilcoXXL

  • Hey MOZ Community. I have a site that is currently full https (ssl) and what to move it to http (non-ssl). How will this move effect my SEO and what would be the best method of doing so without causing to much damage?

    | Bonx

  • Hi, To prevent DDOS attack during the Olympic Game the admins will use a service call Site Shield by Akamai ( The thing is that they will have to redirect all the trafic to a subdomain instead of the main one ( instead of and this for a couple of week (no negotiation here, it's too late and they have no choice). Does a 302 will do the job? Will I loose authority? Does adding a canonical URL on every pages of the site removing the www from the URL will help? Should I do something on webmaster tool to help? Thanks.

    | TVFreak

  • Hi, I've got a site that I'm working with that has 2 ways of viewing the same page - a property details page.  Basically one version if the long version: /property/Edinburgh/Southside-Newington/6CN99V and the other just the short version with the code only on the end: /6cn99v There is a canonical in place from the short version to the long version, and the sitemap.xml only lists the long version HOWEVER - Google is indexing the short version in the majority of cases (not all but the majority)."> Obviously "" contains the URL of the site itself. Any thoughts?

    | squarecat.ben

  • I have a Wix flash website which is number one in Google search for most of our main products Due to having a large number of changes and the draw backs with flash I pads etc I have rebuilt it in Wix HTML temporarily under this URL Now I find out Wix uses Ajax technology which most people say is useless for SEO after months of work I do not know weather to switch to the HTML site or not perhaps I should use both sites ? Has any one switched to HTML from Flash, was there a drop in or higher rankings ? Any advice would be greatly appreciated Regards John

    | johnnewson

  • In looking at the inbound links to a client’s Home page, I see that the link from each page of the website back to the Home page is an image, and the ALT text is “Home.” I have a few questions about this, and would appreciate help understanding best practices: --Does it matter that the link back to the Home page is an image (presumably the client’s logo)? -- If we keep the image link, wouldn’t it be better to use “client’s company name” as ALT text rather than “Home”? --Should I recommend using an HTML link back to the Home page, and using the company name as anchor text? (I don't think it's relevant, but the site is built in Drupal.) Thanks!

    | jrae

  • I have used the Crawl Diagnostic reports to greatly reduce the number of 404 errors but there is a bunch of 16 urls that were all published on the same date and have the same referrer url but  I cannot see the woood for trees as to what is causing the error. **The 404 error links have the structure:** The referrer structure is: Any suggestions as to how to unravel this would be appreciated.

    | Niamh2

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