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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Is there anyway of getting Google to slap eBay with a loss of page rank ? has number one position for vertical garden in (search 9000). Fair enough I suppose because they are delivering a huge range of vertical garden products BUT the sellers are using images for their products that are not showing their products. Most of the sellers are flogging China copies - and I mean these are really bad copies. But what angers me even more is some of their top sellers are using MY IMAGES. They have taken my images used on a UK website and have reused them in AUstralia. Sellers have even rebranded my images. GRRRRR Is there some international sin bin where I can name and shame? Does Google care about such matters?

    | GardenBeet

  • For the past 3 or so months Webmaster tools has been reporting 404 errors on my pages... The odd thing is that I can't figure out what they are seeing. Here is an example of a link they claim is a 404 antiquebanknotes/nationalcurrency/rare/1895-Ten-Dollar-Bill.aspx This is strange because it's a malformed URL.   It says it's linked from this page: Which is a URL that doesn't exist.  The bolded portion of this URRL shouldn't be there. Can anyone give me an idea what is happening here? Kind regards, Greg

    | Banknotes

  • I put a link on one of my websites using sitespect because the next release is not for a few weeks. The reason for the link is to pass domain authority (SEO Juice) to the linked site. In my next release I will add the link in the actual code, but am hoping that from now till then google will crawl and index this link. So the question is, will google crawl and index links adding to webpages via sitespect? Here is the code: | * [http://www.](<a class=)" class="" >YourDomain |
    |   | | Link to Sitespect:

    | AlyssaN

  • I am transferring a website ( From Blogger To Wordpress. Currently, the website content is specific to cover the Colorado Market.  In the near future, I plan on covering the same market in other state. I have seen regional websites like this that have the URL structure - (  I have also seen websites with URL Structure - (EXAMPLE.COM/STATE) Is there any advantage using one URL structure over the other in term of SEO & otherwise? In the process of transferring the website, I would like to clean-up the URL structure but I don't want to lose a significant amount of  link juice/organic traffic.  Do you recommend I restructure the URLs at this time?

    | InternetRep

  • Some SEO articles say we can completely ignore NoFollow links. Other articles say they still matter - but then are very vague on what they count for or against. So which is it really? I do realize that they can provide traffic, and for that they are worthwhile. But it is SEO I am asking about... The SEO purpose I am most concerned with is the Link Profile. Separating the Follows from the NoFollows often gives really different anchor text distributions. If they don't matter, why do MOZ and other SEO Analysis programs still include them in their standard reports? (I can see some benefit to having them as part of the in-depth reports) So what's your thoughts? Can we 100% ignore the NoFollows for our SEO analysis?

    | GregB123

  • Hi! Our website has enjoyed good rankings for lots of our keywords for the past 9years. Over the years the site became heavy, so we want to change the design radically. Content, filenames, titles, urls etc. will all remain identical just the change of a template. The new one is minimalistic and responsive design. We are worrying this may drop our domain or page authority and kill all our past SEO efforts. **How to do this with the least harm to our rankings?  Anything we need to avoid?**Articles/advice/suggestions comments on design and SEO would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help! Alina

    | skalfa

  • If there are two URLs like below: Both have the exact same everything, except URL key. The first example ranks for all KWs and search terms in the SEs. Does having the second page hurt my ranking potential for the first page? Should I redirect the 2nd page to the first or just leave it? As always, thanks for your help.

    | IceIcebaby

  • Which penalty is easier to fix, and how to go about it fixing the issues.

    | Taiger

  • If a site has written testimonials from past clients, what is/is there an appropriate way to mark these up in schema since they don't have a specific numerical rating attached to them?

    | Oren.

  • This question is prompted by something Adam Audette said in this excellent presentation: First, I will lay out the issues: 1. All of our paginated pages have the same URL. To view this in action, go here: , scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Next" - look at the URL. The URL is:, and for every page after it, the same URL. 2. All of the paginated pages with non-unique URLs have canonical tags referencing the first page of the paginated series. 3. has been instructed to be neither crawled nor indexed by Google. Now, on to what Adam said in his presentation: At about minute 24 Adam begins talking about pagination. At about 27:48 in the video, he is discussing the first of three ways to properly deal with pagination issues. He says [I am somewhat paraphrasing]: "Pages 2-N should have self-referencing canonical tags - Pages 2-N should all have their own unique URLs, titles and meta descriptions...The key is, with this is you want deeper pages to get crawled and all the products on there to get crawled too. The problem that we see a lot is, say you have ten pages, each one using rel canonical pointing back to page 1, and when that happens, the products or items on those deep pages don't get get crawled...because the rel canonical tag is sort of like a 301 and basically says 'Okay, this page is actually that page.' All the items and products on this deeper page don't get the love." Before I get to my question, I'll just throw out there that we are planning to fix the pagination issue by opting for the "View All" method, which Adam suggests as the second of three options in this video, so that fix is coming. My question is this: It seems based on what Adam said (and our current abysmal state for pagination) that the products on our paginated pages aren't being crawled or indexed. However, our products are all indexed in Google. Is this because we are submitting a sitemap? Even so, are we missing out on internal linking (authority flow) and Google love because Googlebot is finding way more products in our sitemap that what it is seeing on the site? (or missing out in other ways?) We experience a lot of volatility in our rankings where we rank extremely well for a set of products for a long time, and then disappear. Then something else will rank well for a while, and disappear. I am wondering if this issue is a major contributing factor. Oh, and did I mention that our sort feature sorts the products and imposes that new order for all subsequent visitors? it works like this: If I go to that same Audio-Technica page, and sort the 125+ resulting products by price, they will sort by price...but not just for me, for anyone who subsequently visits that page...until someone else re-sorts it some other way. So if we merchandise the order to be XYZ, and a visitor comes and sorts it ZYX and then googlebot crawls, google would potentially see entirely different products on the first page of the series than the default order marketing intended to be presented there....sigh. Additional thoughts, comments, sympathy cards and flowers most welcome. 🙂 Thanks all!

    | danatanseo

  • Hi, My website is four months old and has more than 8000 pages. Bing has indexed only 8 pages till date and Google also keeps playing hide and seek with it. There was a time when google indexed almost all the pages of my site but now there are only 5000 pages indexed. Moreover when I check my site on google (by typing, it shows only 26 pages. Please let me know what should I do. If somebody wants to take a look, my website is Thanks

    | saurabh1905

  • Hi everyone, I'm looking for a review for my new site Could you please let me know what do you think about the work that I did for my site. I'll be very happy to receive your suggestions. Regards, Mike

    | salvyy

  • We've begun using AddThis for tracking our social sharing.  AddThis has been adding the snippet to the end of the URLs on our pages and we've been finding that people linking to us are linking to the URL with the snippet.  AddThis says this isn't a problem for SEO.  Is this correct? Here is an example: I want to make sure this is not affecting our SEO in any way, particularly that Google would see this as an affiliate or paid link since it has the "#".  I may be crazy but I just want to make sure!

    | Harbor_Compliance

  • So I have started to use custom post types and have noticed that they don't get ranked very well in Google.  On the other hand a post will rank almost immediately. Does anyone know any tricks for making custom post types rank as well as posts in wordpress? Sincerely, Garret

    | eWebify

  • Hi Everyone, I've been looking into this situation for quite a while, but most posts/information on this topic seem to be from at least 1-2 years ago. I'm currently working with a dentist who just moved into the same suite as another dentist who has been working there for years. They each have the same address and same suite number, the same phone number, but each own their own respective practice and have their own patients. To make things even more complicated, the dentist that has been working there for years uses his name as a business name, while the new dentist has a business name differing from her actual name. I'm not exactly sure how to go about optimizing the new dentist's local presence, but the only thing I can think of doing is try to recommend having the suite split into Suite #-A and Suite #-B and seeing if it's possible to add a second phone number for the new dentist. Please let me know your thoughts, and if you've seen this topic come up in the past, I would love to get pointed in the right direction. Thanks for all your help!

    | abnovak

  • Hi Guys, When doing a link cleanup, it can be sometimes hard to tell, how a link got there (i.e is it natural or not). Apart from spammy directories, blog comments and forum profiles, some link exchanges could have been done naturally with just very good outreach. If you were looking at this one:- Would you say remove if I know they have definitely taken part in link exchanges (their link profile seems to suggest they have) or just change it to a brand/url. This sites rankings have been tanking due to duplicate content and possibly (although not definitely) a penguin update too. Any advice would be great! Kind Regards Neil

    | nezona

  • Hi Everyone, Hope were well!. Have a strange one!!. New clients website Just found out he is appearing for every subdomain possible. I have requested htaccess as this is where I think the issue lies but he advises there isn't anything out of place there. Any ideas in case it isn't? Regards Neil

    | nezona

  • Hi SEO PROS, I have a website and  I am planing to change all the urls. I need to know what is the right way of making the urls. Here is some information. We are based in Brooklyn NY and we sell our services to Manhattan clients and Manhattan has few names. NY, NYC, Manhattan and NY. So by looking at my service area I came up with this url. this is my current url.  This is what I am planning to change it to. Please guide me to the right direction, so in future I don't have to re-do them again. Thanks Abie

    | signsny

  • I have a wordpress plastic surgery website. I have a wordpress blog on the site. My concern is avoiding duplicate content penalties when I blog. I use my blog to add new information about procedures that have pages on the same topic on the main site. Invariably same keywords and phrases can appear in the blog-will this be considered Duplicate content? Also is it black hat to insert anchor text in a blog linking back to site content-ie internal link or is one now and then helpful

    | wianno168

  • Hi Guys, I'm in the process of creating a very exciting startup aimed at the baby industry. It's essentially a social commerce question where parents can shop for products, create lists of products and ask questions. The challenge I'm facing is how best to structure my URLs from an SEO standpoint. For example a common baby topic such as "feeding", can sit in all three categories: Shopping category aggregates all products related to feeding List category aggregates all lists related to feeding Question category aggregates all question and answers on feeding So for that keyword "feeding" you have 3 potential landing pages. What I was wondering is what is the most effective way of doing it? I was thinking of something along these lines: /shopping/feeding /baby_list/feeding /ask/feeding Would love to hear your points of view on this. Thanks! Walid

    | walidalsaqqaf

  • We have 5 ecommerce sites: one company site with all products, and then four product-specific sites with relevant URL titles and products divided up between them (,,, etc). We're thinking of consolidating the smaller sites into our most successful site ( in order to save management time and money, even though I hate to lose the product-specific URLs in search results. Is this a wise move? If we proceed, all of the products will be available on both our company site and our most successful site ( & This would unfortunately give us two sites of duplicate content, since the products will have the same pictures, descriptions, etc. The only difference would be the URL. Would we face penalties from Google, even though it would make sense to continue to carry our products on our company site?

    | versare

  • I'm getting duplicate content errors in GWT for product list pages that look like this: The "p=2" example already has a rel=canonical in place, " Shouldn't the non-canonical pages be using the canonical attribute for the first page rather than the additional product pages? Thanks!

    | IceIcebaby

  • Hello I have an ecommerce site.  Many of the products are variations. I am using the Yoast Woo Commerce plugin. My meta descriptions for each product category might only vary for length for example. 10 foot microphone cable: Hand soldered heavy-duty 24 gauge cable braided shield, CBI nickel XLR connectors Bulk pricing - Call for your price 615-406-3255 20 foot microphone cable: Hand soldered heavy-duty 24 gauge cable braided shield, CBI nickel XLR connectors Bulk pricing - Call for your price 615-406-3255 From a Moz report I am getting tons of duplicate content issues. What can I do to correct this issue? Thank you for your help.

    | edwardfrebow

  • Somehow on OSE I managed to get two different sets of results appear for my page. The column on the left (PA 34) is for and the second column is for .Note that these are the same site. Why do i have two different sets of results ?(note some things are the same such as google +1 & FB likes)Im concerned ive done something wrong and could have a bigger beast with both sets of results merged together. Any help much appreciated. Chris QFNeGh7

    | cjkimber

  • Hello everyone, I am managing an ecommerce website and I am not sure what policy I need to make for a lot of the product pages.The Product pages, example Givency Bag, go live on a specific date and go down in a few days... like Groupon. Please shed some light in this dark tunnel.
    Thanks and regards,

    | MTalhaImtiaz

  • We have a well-known blogger in our industry with whom we've had a long-standing relationship. We've had inbound links from his blog for many, many years. Today I noticed that we are running a banner ad listed on all pages of his blog under a heading that says "Sponsors." He has dedicated an entire page of his site giving full disclosure of all advertising. However, all of the links on his site pointing to us are passing link equity. To my knowledge they've been this way ever since they were first established years ago. I am fairly certain this fellow, with whom we have an excellent relationship, neither knows nor cares what a "nofollow" attribute is. I am afraid that if I contact him with a request that he add "nofollow" attributes to all of our links that it will damage our relationship by creating friction. To someone who knows nothing and cares nothing about SEO, asking them to put a "nofollow" on a link could either seem like a technical request they don't know how to handle, or something even potentially "shady" on our part. My question is this: Considering how long these links have been there, is this even worth worrying about? Should I just forget about it and move on to bigger fish, or, is this a potentially serious enough violation of Google Webmaster guidelines that we should pursue getting those links "nofollow" attributes added? I should add that we haven't received any "unnatural" link notifications from Google, ever, and haven't ever engaged in any questionable link-building tactics.

    | danatanseo

  • Hi SEOs, Question about ranking/redirects. If I have a particular page that is already ranking for a couple KWs in top SERPs, but know there are higher volume KWs I can optimize for should I just leave it as is or change the URL key and redirect for the time being until Google re-indexes. Example:
    current URL:
    new URL:
    (the current would be ranking for "best action moves" whereas the new would include the actual "best action movies" KW) Let me know if I can clarify, thank you!

    | IceIcebaby

  • When I run open site explorer for it says there are 40 links to it on my site. However, I cannot find these links on any of the pages that open site explorer lists such as my homepage Totally confused!

    | allb83

  • I've been reading through a ton of articles on Google Authorship on Moz as well as a variety of other sites but still haven't solved my issue. I set up authorship a while ago and it stopped working after a very short time.  It came back and again stopped working.  I use Yoast for the tags. I realize that Google drastically decreased showing authorship photos in SERP but I've never been about to get it to show no matter what I've tried aside from that brief moment of success when I originally implemented the tags. Rich snippet tools shows all as being a ok! Any suggestions what I might be doing wrong?

    | moam

  • I always thought they were essentially the same thing myself but appears there may be a difference? Any one care to help me out? Cheers!

    | Webrevolve

  • I have a WordPress site and I was doing a crawl for errors and it is now showing up as of today that this page : CSS3 is new and has no page title, words, etc. I am not even sure where this page or URL came from. I was messing with the robots.txt file to allow some /category/ posts that were being hidden, but I didn't re-allow anything with the above appendages. I just want to make sure that I didn't screw something up that is now going to impact my rankings - this was just a really odd message to come up as I didn't create this page recently - and that shouldnt even be a page accessible to the public. When I edit the page - it is using an Event Espresso (WordPress plugin) shortcode - and I don't want to noindex this page as it is all of my events. Sorry this post is confusing, any help or insight would be appreciated! I am also interested in hiring someone for some hourly consulting work on SEO type issues if anyone has any references. Thank you!

    | webbmason

  • We have a site that pull data from different sources with unique urls onto a main page and we are thinking about using the canonicalization tag to keep those source pages from being indexed and to give any authority to the main page. But this isn’t really what canonicalization is supposed to be used for so I’m unsure of if this is the right move.
    To give some more detail: We manage a site that has pages for individual golf courses. On the golf course page in addition to other general information we have sections on that page that show “related articles” and “course reviews”.
    We may only show 4 or 5 on each of those courses pages per page, but we have hundreds of related articles and reviews for each course. So below “related articles” on the course page we have a link to “see more articles” that would take the user to a new page that is simply a aggregate page that houses all the article or review content related to that course.  
    Since we would rather have the overall course page rank in SERPs rather than the page that lists these articles, we are considering canonicalizing the aggregate news page up to the course page.
    But, as I said earlier, this isn’t really what the canonicalization tag is intended for so I’m hesitant.
    Has anyone else run across something like this before? What do you think?

    | Fuel

  • Two steps in the same funnel are both ranking and competing with each other on the SERP. So and are both ranking. What is the best way to deal with this? Thanks

    | cbarron

  • Hi I am in the process of implementing Tag Manager across one of the sites that I manage. But it is a very large site so we have taken the decision to implement it on a number of important pages first and then update the rest of the site incrementally. The pages that we have chosen to implement GTM on are confirmation pages as we use double click floodlight tags to track a lot of our conversions. However when I go into debug mode on tag manager I can not seem to get the screen that lets you know if the tag is firing or not. Has anyone else had this problem? Could this be because I don't have GTM code on the homepage of the site? When I implemented Tag manager on other sites that I managed I had no such problems. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    | cbarron

  • Please excuse what seem like a naive question we are In process of updating our site from old fashioned html pages to magento store. Our html page ranks well and I don't want to upset the spiders when they find something different. We are keeping all the same content images etc. Is there any reason the magento page should not do as well as the existing html. URL is staying the same. We are think of replacing a few pages at a time rather than replacing everything on one go. Is that necessary?

    | Discountdisplays

  • Hey Mozzers, I've noticed that several of our product page results in Google have the product image associated with them.  Today is the first day I've seen this.  Does anyone know anything about these?  Has Google put anything out about this?  Here's a couple examples: What's interesting is that they don't show for me when I use Chrome's Incognito mode. Any insights much appreciated! Will

    | evoNick

  • Neither of my sites has a robots.txt file. I guess I have never been bothered by any particular bot enough to exclude it. Is there any SEO advantage to having one anyways?

    | GregB123

  • I'm a bit baffled by this one and would love if someone in the community could help provide some clarity! In general, my website ( is indexed and cached correctly. The exception is that the homepage is actually cached as, another domain we own. Header checkers all confirm that redirects to, not the other way around No canonical is set for that domain. At one time, I used the Moz toolbar to view attributes and it registered as having a response code of both 200 and 301 to However, I cannot replicate this. Any idea why the homepage of is not indexed/cached correctly? I appreciate your wisdom!

    | BTeubner

  • I've read through other posts about this but I can't find a solution that works for us. My site is, 1M+ pages indexed on Google, ~10k on Bing. I've submitted the same sitemaps, and there's nothing different for each bot in our robots file. It looks like Bing is more concerned with our 500 errors than Google, but not sure if that might be causing the issue. Can anyone point me to the right things to be researching/investigating? Fixing errors, sitemap crawling issues, etc. I'm not sure what to spend my time looking into...

    | Porch

  • Hi I have a domain in 20 languages. I want to integrate a wordpress blog (in subfolders) in the 3 most important languages like EN-ES-FR (actually they will be 3 independent blogs) and I want to know which structure is the best one. OPTION 1 domain/en/blog/post1 domain/es/blog/post1 domain/fr/blog/post1 OPTION 2 domain/blog_en/post1 domain/blog_es/post1 domain/blog_fr/post1 Last question. For the rest of the 17 languages of my domain, can I put a link the english blog or is not recommended because maybe too many pages will be linking to the blog? Thank you

    | andromedical

  • Right now i have wordpress, one page website, but google also show wp-content. KIndly check below in google. site: How I can fix this issue?

    | marknorman

  • A website I recently was asked to help with was redesigned last year, but no 301s were setup. Looking at the old URLs 95% of the ones from early 2013 are 404s. Their traffic dropped from 50,000 per month to 10,000 and I believe this is one of the reasons. Now the question is: a year later, will it do any good to setup 301 redirects from those old urls. My current thought is that the old URLs have probably lost any link juice they had. But it should hurt anything to setup the 301s anyway. Any thoughts on whether this is worth my time and effort?

    | jkosarek

  • Hello, My client has a robots.txt file which says this: User-agent: * Crawl-delay: 2 I put it through a robots checker which said that it must have a **disallow command**. So should it say this: User-agent: * Disallow: crawl-delay: 2 What effect (if any) would not having a disallow command make? Thanks

    | AL123al

  • I run an ecommerce business that has over 4000 product pages which, as you can imagine, branches off into thousands of image files. Is it necessary to include those in my sitemap for faster indexing? Thanks for you help! -Reed

    | IceIcebaby

  • Crawl Diagnostics has returned several issues that I'm unsure how to fix. I'm guessing it's a canonical link issue but not entirely sure... Duplicate Page Content/Titles On a website ( with 6 market sectors but each pull the same 3 pages as child pages - certifications, equipment & case studies. On each products section where the page only shows X amount of items but there are several pages to fit all the products this creates multiple pages. There is also a similar pagination problem with the Blogs (auto generated date titles & user created SEO titles) & News listings. Blog Tags also seem to generate duplicate pages with the same content/titles as the parent page. Are these particularly important for SEO or is it more important to remove the duplication by deleting them? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    | BBDCreative

  • Hi All, Just looking for some advice regarding my website on magento. We by mistake didnt enable canonical tags and noindex tags so had a big problem with dublicate content from filter pages but also have URLs to Cats as Yes so this didnt help with not having canonical tags enabled. We now have everything enabled for a few weeks now but dont see much drop in indexed pages in google. (currently 27k and we have only 5k products) My question basically is how do we speed up noindexation of dublicate content and also would you change URL to cats as No so google just now sees the url to products? (my concerns with this is would leaving it to Yes help because it will hopefully read the canonical tags on products now) Thank you in advance Michael

    | TogetherCare

  • Hey there, Hoping someone could provide me with an answer / some insight into this. As an example, if I were to be targeting "Fish markets in" and "Fish shops in" as my keyword(s).  And my site name was "The Fish Guide". I am trying to populate my title tags as best as possible without sacrificing readability and definitely making an effort to avoid the the spam-factor. Ideally I'd like to rank well (just focusing on titles at the moment, nothing else) when a user searches for "Fish markets in London" and **"Fish shops in London" **or "Fish markets in Los Angeles" or "Fish shops in Berlin" etc. If I were to use the following structure in my titles (in this case for London): "Fish markets and fish shops in London - The Fish Guide" Would this work as I hope? I.E. If a user searched for either "Fish shops in London" or "Fish markets in London" would the format of my title in this example work or would I need to have "Fish Markets in London" and "Fish Shops in London" grouped together? E.G. "Fish Markets in London - Fish Shops in London - The Fish Guide" Thanks!

    | Gorkonola

  • Generally speaking if I am just moving a couple of articles from one site to another I need to 301 redirect those old URL's to the new ones right? And even if a webpage doesn't have any links pointing to it, it is best practice to employ 301 redirects correct? After a while, after Google etc. has crawled the new location of the content you can then delete the old URL, is that right? And if other sites are linking to the old location they should be notified of the new location but even if a page has links pointing to it, is it best practice to delete that page after Google has crawled the new and you've notified the webmaster? I've think I've got this right, I just want some clarification on this issue. Thanks.

    | ThridHour

  • Guyz, we are new startups and have one very simple question regarding domain name. Should we use or ? Our Goal initially would be to target customer from Australia and gradually go global. So if we opt for we may have an edge in terms of local SEO in the beginning but lose out in the long run. What is the best way to tackle this? Thanks

    | WayneRooney

  • Hi, I have a website which is ranking on page 1: But because of legal reason i had to change the name.
    So i moved the landing page to a different domain.
    And 301'ed this landing page to the new domain (and removed all products). All the meta data, titles, products are still the same. is still on the same position
    And was on page 1 for 1 day and is now on page 4. What did i do wrong and how can I fix this?
    Maybe remove from Google with Google Webmaster Central or not allow crawling of this page with .htaccess ?

    | mikehenze

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