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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • I have an online services website which I started 3 months back. I also recently made a clone in TLD which has the same content, only pricing is in INR and is targeted at India users, while is targetted at global users with pricing in USD. How do I manage these 2 sites so that I do not face duplicate content penalty from google and the sites do not cannibalize on each other. Is there anything specific I need to do in robots.txt or .htaccess or sitemaps or hrelang etc? I personally feel that after putting up couple of weeks ago, the ranking of went down and I started getting lesser search queries. I would be putting up an IP based switch on both sites shortly so that Indian users are redirected to .in TLD and non-Indians are redirected to .com TLD. From SEO standpoint what are the things I need to do to counter these problems mentioned above. Putting India version in a subdirectory is also an option.

    | geekwik

  • I want to buy an app/program that will help me create unique content but the content will be inserted to the page via an iframe. I have heard that iframes are problematic. I know that there will not be a lot of indexable content from this but I think that it will make people want to link to me. I would like to hear from someone's experience if I should go ahead or not.

    | JillB2013

  • Hello! I wish to use CDN server to optimize my page loading time ( MaxCDN). I have to use a custom CDN sub domain to use these services. If I added a sub domain, then my blog has two URL ( and for the same content. I have more than 450 blog posts. I think it will cause duplicate content issues. In this situation, what is the best method (rel=canonical or no-indexing) to prevent duplicate content issue and prevent indexing sub domain? And take the optimum service of the CDN. Thanks!

    | Godad

  • Hi, I have an old domain which accidentally was set as PENDINGDELETE by the registry. It's now not resolving to any ip address any more. Actually I was relocating from the old domain to a new domain. Just one month before it become PENDINGDELETE, I have submitted a "Chang of Address" in Google Webmasters Tools as well as setup the web server to 301 redirect all urls on old domain to the new domain. I have some sub-questions for this case: 1. What will happen to the effectiveness of the "Change of Address" in Google Webmasters Tool after old domain is dropped. As a domain is deleted, I have no way to maintain the verified ownership of the it in case Google asks me to reverify. 2. Suppose during last month before it's deleted, Googlebot had crawled 50% of urls on old domains, detected the 301 redirects and save them to its index. When Googlebot crawls those 50% urls again after the old domain is deleted, as those urls are not resolving to any web server, will Googlebot retain the last 301 redirects or drop the 301 redirects as well? 3. After a domain is deleted, how soon will Google purge urls on old domain from its index? Thank you. Best regards Jack Zhao

    | Bull135

  • I've been going through and doing some spring cleaning on some spammy links to my site. I used Google's Disavow links tool, but after I submit my text file, nothing happens. Should I be getting some sort of confirmation page? After I upload my file, I don't get any notifications telling me Google has received my file or anything like that. It just takes me back to this page: 2013-04-26 at 11.15.25 AM.png Am I doing something wrong or is this what everyone else is seeing too?

    | shawn81

  • I wondered if having incomplete WHOIS information has a negative effect on rankings? Also I know it's possible to keep WHOIS information private, so I wondered if google would think this suspicious and rank a site not as highly as it should? Thanks!

    | Silktide

  • Our company has more than 250+ clients, so I need to open around 250 Gmail account for Google Local + (old Google Places), so for around 250 gmail account I need to verify 250 times the mails with phone. I wanted to know, can I open Google Places with a clients domain mail, example: instead of

    | cvissi

  • Hello Mozers, I've 18 4xx errors ,812 duplicate page content and 412 duplicate page titles with about 605 too many links warning and about 4900 notices.. My website is hosted on and I just do not understand how do i fix these errors . To add on, last week the errors were lesser by 150 !! How do I get these issues fixed ? Please assist !!! Thanks , VIkash

    | mysayindia

  • Hi I help manage a small eCommerce business that sells worldwide. We currently have 4 stores (US site) (UK) (EU) (AU) We have auto redirect based on the country of your IP. The .com is the route address though. Currently I have decided to focus all my energies with link building etc on .com as it seems to carry the most weight and being a very small team we don't have the resources for separate campaigns for all websites at the moment. Whilst I've done on site SEO with country in mind i.e for US kids instead of children. I'm just wondering if you can see any pitfalls in this approach, Ideally I would like to have a team focus on each store separately  and have them as separate domains but with the IP redirect we at least rank well in Google for the .com and the customers gets sent to the relevant store. Any thoughts would be great

    | tidybooks

  • Hey everyone! I had just finished building my first mobile website and i wanna focus on SEO for mobile search. Now, since there is a redirection once a visitor enter to the web domain to the mobile site automatically (e.g. to Question is: Where should i refer my back links to to improve my ranking on mobile result page? Would love for some help..

    | Tit

  • I am very new to all of this so forgive the newbie questions I will get better.   Ok so after starting a campaign I see that I have many issues including where some pages are being deemed as duplicate content. 1. The report says the has duplicate content on 2 other pages 2. When I look at them it shows that and are duplicates. 3. Really these are the exactly the same page because the default page that is opened for etc always opens the index.asp page. 4. Now I read that I should do permanent redirects and how to do this via IIS and I tried to do a redirect from index.asp to but that does not work because is pointing to index.asp and so we end up in a circle. So the question is how do I get rid of these duplicate page references without causing problems. Thanks

    | TroyW

  • I am having an issue with many of our pages having too many on-page links. I have gotten many of them below the 100 page limit that is suggested and I understand this is not a critical factor with SEO, but my issue is this: Many important pages I am trying to optimize are buried at a "3rd" level which is actually not accessible from the home page navigation dropdown due to our outdated CMS. I am trying to decide if we should develop our site to display these pages on-hover from the main navigation. This would make a lot of sense since users would find these pages easier, however adding this functionality would increase on-page links by a lot more. So in your opinion, would it be worth it to spend the money to have this functionality developed? Or would it end up hurting our SEO standings?

    | isret_efront

  • Hey, Guys I have a dilemma that I cannot figure out how to solve. One thing that I have learned is that the meta tag is probably one of the most important factors of SEO. I work in the industry of real estate and we are located in a mid-sized market, Augusta, GA, which does not have  a hugely competitive  digital marketplace. So, I have told my web developer the changes that I want her to make to our major sub-domain pages on our website. I am anticipating that once she makes these changes which will allow me to make the necessary SEO changes to website, that we will see some good results. I have one dilemma that I can't figure out how to solve with the meta title tag. Check out our rental section: Now, click on any rental property and it will take you to that rental's page. Notice the page title " Auben Realty- real estate....." This is identical for every active and non-active property on our website. Every time we create a new property, this is what it spits out. Now, take it a step further and click on " Contact me about this property," and you will see the same page title. My dilemma is, " How do we fix this?" My assumption is that the best page title would be the address for each property( ex, 1322 Laurel Street, Augusta Ga 30904), right ? Is this some kind of simple coding adjustment?

    | AubbiefromAubenRealty

  • Hi, Would applying "noindex" on any page (say internal search pages) or blocking via robots text, skew up the internal site search stats in Google Analytics? Thanks,

    | RaksG

  • Hi I am new to the seomoz community I have been browsing for a while now. I put my new website into the seomoz dashboard and out of 250 crawls I have 120 errors! So the main problem is duplicate content. We are a website that finds free content sources for popular songs/artists. While seo is not our main focus for driving traffic I wanted to spend a little time to make sure our site is up to standards.  With that said you can see when two songs by an artist are loaded.  & seomoz is saying that it is duplicate content even though they are two completely different songs. I am not exactly sure what to do about this situation. We will be adding more content to our site such as a blog, artist biographies and commenting maybe this will help? Although if someone was playing multiple bob marley songs the biography that is loaded will also be the same for both songs. Also when a playlist is loaded on the larger playlists im getting an error for to many links on the page. (some of the playlists have over 100 songs) any suggestions? Thanks in advance and any tips or suggestions for my new site would be greatly appreciated!

    | mikecrib1

  • We consolidated websites. All the international sites have been brought under the roof of our mothership site based in the US: ... We mapped out all of the URLs and where they should  be redirected. However, if someone types in, say, it redirects to the mothership site, BUT  the old URL hangs around no matter what page you navigate to. I feel like it has duplicate content ramifications or worse. I would like opinions on this, so I can take my findings to IT and figure out a solution. Here’s another example: and another

    | spackle

  • I´ll start posting in a wordpress blog used machines (excavators and wheel loaders) from a local company. They buy used machines every day and sell machines every day also. When They sold a machine should I: A) Edit the page with a sold machine text and show similar machines? B) Change the category of the post ( to something like sold machines)? C) Make a 301 redirection to one similar machine? D) Keep the page and Make a 301 redirection to one similar machine? E) Delete the page and Make a 301 redirection to one similar machine? F) Keep the page and Make a 301 redirection to top10 machines? G) Delete the page and Make a 301 redirection to top10 machines? F) Any Suggestions are welcome 🙂

    | SeoMartin1

  • Good Morning from Sh@t its still raining wetherby UK... I want to just make sure the process i go through when a new site is launched is nort overlooking some fundamentals. Most sites we launch are not brand new, do allready have a link heritage and have been indexed by Google. With that in mid i do not submit a sites url thru the following links: Am i right in saying you should really only bother with this if the site a newbie ie no history no link heritage and the site is enering cyberspace for the forst time. And i wonder if for example you launched a new site made sure the xml site map was in place and it had a few inbound links anyway it would be indexed anyway. So is the practice of submitting your url to search engined relevant anymore? Any insights welcome 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • Hi A client of mine is creating a knowledge base/wiki for their website. There using there suppliers own knowledge base (basically their a reseller). What would be the best practice with regards to duplicate content.   Would it be best to make all the pages "no follow"? and block the pages by the robot.txt?

    | Cocoonfxmedia

  • My rankings and traffic suddenly went down about 50% around the end of Feb 2013. I never received any warnings in webmaster tools (and as far as I know never did anything even vaguely black hat) but thought it might be a penalty since the drop was so steep and as far as I know there were no major algo updates at the time. I sent a reconsideration request expecting to receive an answer that I have no manual penalty. Instead, I received the following email: We received a request from a site owner to reconsider how we index the following site: We've now reviewed your site. When we review a site, we check to see if it's in violation of our Webmaster Guidelines. If we don't find any problems, we'll reconsider our indexing of your site. If your site still doesn't appear in our search results, check our Help There have been no changes in my rankings. Does this reply mean that I have/had a manual penalty?

    | JillB2013

  • Hi There, My crawl for is taking very long, it started on the 10th of april. I don't know whats going on but i think 2 weeks for a crawl is extremely long. Can you help me?

    | KnowHowww

  • I recently updated all my website page Titles and was checking to see how many have been crawled so far. On Yahoo/Bing I noticed something very strange when entering in the search field. Selection Buttons (top of SERPs): 'Web' search shows all my pages indexed 'UK' has has most pages 'Only In Ireland' has just 1 page indexed - which is the site RSS Feed and nothing else! The site has been live for 2 years now. Considering we don't trade with the UK and our main focus is here in Ireland - what is going wrong? Why doesn't Yahoo/Bing index list the site pages in the Ireland index? Any insights or solutions appreciated...

    | Ubique

  • I know things like location, pagination, breadcrumbs, video, products etc have value in using schema markup. What about things like articles though? Is it worth all the work involved in having the pages mark up automatically? How does this effect SEO, and is it worthwhile? Thanks, Spencer

    | MarloSchneider

  • Hello!  I've just started with SEOmoz, and am getting an error about too many links on a few of my blog posts - it's pages with high numbers of comments, and the links are coming from each commenter's profile (hopefully that makes sense they're not just random stuffed links).  Is there a way to help this not cause a problem?  Thanks!

    | PaulineMagnusson

  • Hi, I just got an error (12 pages especifically) from webmaster tools when consulting "indexing problems" Something like: The URL doesn't exist, but the server doesn't return a 404 error. What should I do? Many Thanks.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hello, There is an issue that confuses me and I thought perhaps you will be able to help me shed some light on it. I have a website which shows 2,549 crawled pages on SEOMOZ and 24,542 pages on webmaster tools! Obviously there is some technical issue with the site, but my question is: why the vast difference between what the SEOMOZ crawl report and webmaster tools report show? Thanks! Guy Cizner

    | ciznerguy

  • Just as the title says, I'm looking for the cost/benefit breakdown of modifying a URL for SEO purposes. What are some examples of issues where the benefit outweighs the cost, and vise-versa? Thanks all! Frank

    | FrankSweeney

  • Hi Moz community! We have a client for whom some of their pages are not ranking at all, although they do seem to be indexed by Google. They are in the real estate sector and this is an example of one: In the example above if you search for "102 iveagh gardens crumlin" on Google then they do not rank for that exact URL above - it's a similar one. And this page has been live for quite some time. Anyone got any thoughts on what might be at play here? Kind regards. Gavin

    | IrishTimes

  • Hello Mozzers, I have a client who has a blog and articles section on their website, due to the amount of content they have in these section they have multiples pages so it would be like.. All obvioulsy with seperate content in each blog/article posts but the meta descriptions on title tags for this p1,p2,p3,p4 and so on are all the same, is this a major issue? and if so how do I fix it?

    | Prestige-SEO

  • Hi Is there anything wrong/dangerous forwarding a clutch of domains to a sub page (landing page) on a different domain ? Say Brand X buys Brand Z and wants to close down Brand Z site but have Brand Z domain fwd to a landing page (explaining the company acquisition) on  Brand X site.  In addition Brand Z had a few related but unused domains forwarding to Brand Z doman & now also wants those fwd'd to the new landing page on brand X Since the reasons for doing this forwarding are legitimate company reasons relating to an acquisition i would have thought it should be ok but  can anyone think of a reason why could be bad since i remember in the old days peeps used to redirect domains for seo reasons so worried fwd'ing a load of domains could cause some sort of negative flag with big G ? Also do domain redirects transfer the authority/juice from the old site/domain to the new destination page (new landing page on brand x site) similar to how a 301 redirect works ? Many Thanks Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi! Lately i have seen that Google changed the page titles for some clients, not all... its about 30% of them. For example, the title looks likes this after the Google change: Company name: SEO and Pay per click management But in on that page it looks like this: SEO and Pay per click management - Company name Does anyone know why?

    | DanielNordahl

  • My classifieds site returns a 410 along with an X-Robots-Tag HTTP header set to "noindex,noarchive" for vehicles that are no longer for sale.  Google, however, apparently refuses to drop these vehicles from their index (at least as reported in GWT).  By returning a "noindex,noarchive" directive, am I effectively telling the bots "yeah, this is a 410 but don't record the fact that this is a 410", thus effectively canceling out the intended effect of the 410?

    | tonyperez

  • I don't understand Meta-robots Nofollow.  Wordpress has my homepage set to this according to SEOMoz tool. Is this really bad?

    | hopkinspat

  • hi, i need work done on my site but i am not sure how to find a trusted web developer. i know there are people out there that do this kind of work but how do you find a good one, and one that is in within budget. if anyone can let me know how i can find someone who can upgrade my joomla site to the latest version and how i can find a trusted developer then that would be good.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • We have a website developed in ColdFusion on a server does not support PHP. We have a blog for the site using WordPress (PHP), hosted on a different server, with a subdomain as the URL. (example: I've heard that search engines treat subdomains as completely different websites from the main domain, so they could actually be in competition for rankings in the search engines - is that correct? I am under the impression that the traffic to the blog will not show as traffic to the main website, because it is hosted on a different server - is that right? If I am correct, I assume the best solution would be to install PHP on our main server, and put the blog in a subfolder ... or would the subdomain be OK as long as the blog is hosted on the main server? Thanks!

    | vermont

  • Hello, I have a client who's home page redirects to /default.aspx - what are the possible SEO impacts of this? As the home page redirects to /default.aspx and does not load under both there does not seem to be a duplicate content issue. Also the redirect should carry over most of the link juice from the home page to /default.aspx therefore are there any negative SEO "side effects" of this set-up? Thanks in advance!

    | RikkiD22

  • It's been a while since I've SEOed a Wordpress site. How do I add "nofollow" or "noindex" to specific links? I highlight the anchor text in the text editor, I click the "link" button. I could have sworn that there used to be an option in the dialogue box that pops up.

    | CsmBill

  • Recently our newly designed website has been suffering from a rankings loss.  While I am sure there are a number of factors involved, I'd like to no if this scenario could be harmful... Google is showing a number of duplicate content issues within Webmaster Tools. Some of what I am seeing is duplicate Meta Titles and Meta Descriptions for page 1 and page 2 of some of my product category pages. So if a category has many products and has 4 pages, it is effectively showing the same page title and meta desc. across all 4 pages. I am wondering if I should let my site show, say 150 products per page to get them all on one page instead of the current 36 per page. I use the Big Commerce platform. Thank you for taking the time to read my question!

    | josh330

  • I encountered a strange phenomenon lately and I’d like to hear if you have any idea what’s causing it. For the past couple of weeks I’ve seen some our Google rankings getting unstable. While looking for a cause, I found that for some pages, Google results display another page title than the actual meta title of the page. Examples Meta title:                    Atex cursus opleider met ruim 40 jaar ervaring - Title in SERP:    Atex cursus opleider met ruim 40 jaar ervaring Meta title:                    Opleiding Veiligheidskunde, MBO & HBO - Reed Business Opleidingen Title in SERP:             Veiligheidskunde - Reed Business Opleidingen Meta title:                    Behaal uw VCA diploma bij de grootste van Nederland - PBNA Title in SERP:             VCA Examens – PBNA I’ve looked in the source code, fetched some pages as Googlebot in WMT, but the title shown in the SERP doesn’t even exist in the source code. Now I suspect this might have something to do with the “cookiewall” implemented on our sites. Here’s why: Cookiewall was implemented end of January The problem didn’t exist until recently, though I can’t pinpoint an exact date. Problem exists on both, &, the latter running on Silverstripe CMS instead of WP. This rules out CMS specific causes. The image preview in the SERPS of many pages show the cookie alert overlay However, I’m not able to technically prove that the cookiescript causes this and I’d like to rule out other any obvious causes before I "blame it on the cookies" :). What do you think?

    | RBO

  • Hey guys, I am currently in the process of redirecting some of my 404 pages to pages like my home page. Before I do that, I am assessing the link value of the 404 pages. My question is what do you do with the 404 pages which appear to have low quality links, do you really want to redirect them to an important page on your site? What should I do with these 404 pages? CheersAdam

    | Adamshowbiz

  • Hi All, We developed a new website for the domain: Before we build the webste, the domain was indexed by google and was showed as first result on a search "Instral". Without a website! Only a super simple hostingprovider webpage. Now, with the new website, all the website pages are found in google from page 7... home page is not even in the results. When i search on "" in google, it will show my website on first result including homepage. Is there something wrong with the website or DNS settings? Or mabe some other webhosting setting... am i on a blacklist or something? Bing and Yahoo are showing better results (first page). I hope someone can help me out here...

    | extrememedia

  • I'm getting a Temporary Redirect issue on | | | 1 | 0 | 302 | YET! There is no such page on my site. I believe I had one once, but has been corrected for a while now. WHY is SEOMOZ picking this up as an error and how can I fix? Kathleen

    | spkcp111

  • We are developing a mobile version of our website that will utilize responsive design/dynamic serving. About 70% of the main website will be included in the mobile version.  What (if anything) should be the redirect for pages not included in the mobile version of the site? Also - for one specific section users will be redirected from that page to the homepage, what is the redirect that should be used for this? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • I have a new client who had a domain that was established in 2004.  About six months ago they moved their site over to a new domain and redirected the old domain to the new one.  Their pagerank on the new domain is 1, and I can not find any historical data on the older domain.  Would it be beneficial  to move the site back to the old domain assuming that it had a higher pagerank?  And is there a way to find out what the pagerank of the old site was before the redirect?

    | whmgatx

  • I just got my SEOMOZ run and it says I have a CANONICAL ERROR: Scorpio Earrings - 7mm Stud - Sterling Silver I'm not sure why--I only changed the <title>tag--not the URL.</span></p> <p><span class="truncated sub-url" title="">Why would this generate a canonical error?</span></p> <p><span class="truncated sub-url" title="">Kathleen</span></p> <p><span class="truncated sub-url" title=""></span></p> <p> </p> <p> </p></title>

    | spkcp111

  • Have one more question. There are people offering monthly SEO contracts like this My question is that is it worth it for $199 a month? Though its reviews are good on freelancing sites but  I can also hire a full time employee for that cost. Is there anything a dedicated employee cannot do that these guys are offering? Only drawback I see is I dont know the links where these guys are submitting but I am ready to spend much more time (my employees time) to get the things done. Please suggest. Your valued opinions welcome 🙂 Following is the detailed offering 1. 300 links submissions = 180 Guaranteed One Way Theme Links - The links are built by manually publishing 3 Original Articles on 75 different article sites, each published article will have 2 back links to your site. 70% of our Article Sites have PR 2 to 6; all with different C classes IPs.
    2. 60 links submissions = 30 Guaranteed One Way Theme Links – The links are built by manually publishing 1 Review for your site fromon** 30 Social Bookmarking sites, 90% of the sites have PR 2 to 8, all with different C classes IPs.
    3. 160 links submissions = 100 Guaranteed One Way Theme Links – The links are built by manually publishing ** 2 Original Press
     on 50 Press Release sites, each published article will have 2 back links to your site.  All our Press Release Sites have PR 2 to 7; all with different C classes IPs.
    4. 80 links submissions = 40 Guaranteed One Way blog links  – These links are built by publishing** 1 article **(300 words each) with 2 back links to your site on 20 different free blog sites. These free blog sites are our sites (new sites with PR 0) which we are promoting to get the highest PR for them and your blog back links too. - All the submissions are 100% handmade, NO automated software is involved. You can check this by looking at our over 1000 GOOD SEO REVIEWS made during the past 5 years on 4 freelancing sites. The links will not appear all at once to your site. The indexing process of all the links will take between 1-3 months. The links will appear gradually to your site and everything will look naturally for all the search engines

    | geekwik

  • what is cross domain? can any one explain in simple language ?

    | constructionhelpline

  • On my site I have around 3k pages and about 90 categories. Most of which have a sensible number of products but some have only a few products and some have loads. if I have say 40 links on the page ignoring the producand is it a big problem if I have more than 60 products on the page? Assuming a link limit per page of 100 user wise we have filters and sorts for thme to find what they breed without issue. But simply from an seo point of view how damaging would I be to have the  23 "to many links on page issues? Worth fixing by making two categories and splitting out products even tho it would hinder the user.

    | mark_baird

  • One of my clients is using expressionengine CMS, and even the simplest things like creating unique page titles seem to be a nightmare. When I try to change page title via cms it also changes navigation menu. Any help will be appreciated.

    | Thommas

  • A client is pulling content through an iFrame, and when searching for a snippet of that exact content the page that is pulling the data is being indexed and not the iFrame page. Seen this before?


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