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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi All: Just looking for a bit of "yeah it'll be fine" reassurance on this before we go ahead and implement: We've got a main accommodation listing website under www.* and a separate travel content site using a completely different platform on blog.* (same domain - diffn't sub-domain).  We pull in snippets of content from blog.* > www.* using a feed and we have cross-links going both ways, e.g. links to find accommodation in blog articles and links to blog articles from accommodation listings. Look-and-feel wise they're fully integrated.  The blog.* site is a tab under the main nav. What i'd like to do is get Google (and others) to view this whole thing as one site - and attribute any SEO benefit of content on blog.* pages to the www.* domain. Make sense? So, done a bit of reading - and here's what i've come up with: Seperate sitemaps for each, both located in the root of www site robots.txt in root of www site to have single sitemap entry: sitemap : robots.txt in root of blog site to have single sitemap entry: sitemap: Submit both sitemaps to Webmaster tools. Does this sound reasonable?  Any better approaches? Anything I'm missing? All input appreciated!

    | AABAB

  • Hi Guys, I wonder if any of you can help me out.I'll be shortly submitting another reconsideration request to Google.I've been working on removing bad / spammy links to our site  over the past 6 months and so far every reconsideration request I have submitted has been knocked back with the following message:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear site owner or webmaster of  , We received a request from a site owner to reconsider  for compliance with Google's Webmaster Guidelines. We've reviewed your site and we still see links to your site that violate our quality guidelines   . Specifically, look for possibly artificial or unnatural links pointing to your site that could be intended to manipulate PageRank. Examples of unnatural linking could include buying links to pass PageRank    or participating in link schemes   . We encourage you to make changes to comply with our quality guidelines. Once you've made these changes, please submit your site for reconsideration    in Google's search results. If you find unnatural links to your site that you are unable to control or remove, please provide the details in your reconsideration request. If you have additional questions about how to resolve this issue, please see our Webmaster Help Forum   for support. Sincerely, Google Search Quality Team ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've removed over 70% of all our links - we had some large sitewide links on big sites with exact match anchor text to our main money keyword, I've also removed a large link network that our previous SEO company setup. Today I have completed an overhaul of all our internal links, near enough every blog post that we added to the site had a link back to the home page with an exact match money keyword. 1 thing that I did notice was when we got hit by the penalty it didn't affect every keyword we target just our main / most competitive keyword, yes some of our other keywords took a dip in rankings but not as much as our main keyword. When I submit our next reconsideration request I'll also attach a spreadsheet of links that I can't remove either because I can't find any contact details / blocked by whois or I'm just not getting a response when I email them. If anyone can point out anything else that I have missed or might have missed that would be great. Thanks, Scott

    | ScottBaxterWW

  • Hi all, The question I have concerns a high ranking page on my site that has disappeared from Google. It was in the top 5 for the target keyword and it currently ranks 3 on Bing. I recently migrated my domain (one month ago), but it seems to have gone very well. No other pages have taken a hit like this. The 301 redirect is in place and working well. I've used the Moz Tools to see if anything is weird, but it all looks fine. Oh, and yes, I did check Google Webmaster Tools - no messages and other related pages on my site are ranking on the second and third pages for the terms. Also, the site is consulting services - nothing dodgy. Any ideas? Why just this one page? What are my options? Thanks for any advice you may have. John

    | friendlymachine

  • Target keyword still in domain name? getting domain name same as keyword still work for SEO ?

    | innofidelity

  • Best domain extension is .com or .net for SEO  ? I wanna make site ,in that business directory ,travel guides , Hotels many more . I wanna target a one kw local search about 1,000,000  per month .domain name ofthat keyword already has taken by some one but .net remaining plz advice me to proceed .

    | innofidelity

  • I wonder, after all the talk of Penguins and Pandas if anyone has seen evidence of a competitor who you know has 1000's of spammy links removed from their page one position in Google. I have a trade competitor who appeared from nowhere about 12 months ago with 11,000+ back-links most of which were totally unrelated to our trade and appear to be link-farm links for the most part. After reading about Google's changes I thought the site might be hit but it remains up there in the first 2 or 3 results on page one. I wonder if anyone has seen similar sites penalised? Colin

    | NileCruises

  • Hi, was just wondering about suppliers linking to website - copywriters, web developers, etc. - could these be seen as purchased links by Google. Is it best to specify that suppliers shouldn't link through?

    | McTaggart

  • SEOmoz tools is reporting each page on our site containing in excess of 200 internal links mostly from our primary navigation menu which it says is too many. This also causes cannibalization on the word towels which i would like to avoid if possible. Is there a way to reduce the number of internal links whilst maintaining a good structure to allow link juice to filter through the site and also reduce cannibalization?

    | Towelsrus

  • I have a web site (Eg site) instaled wordpress and directory theme on that. i wanna add forum to this web site phpbb or similar .so how can i use forum in main domain .wanna know how it works best for SEO   or ? Adding forum to main site .is that harmful to main web site ? Looking for SEO Expert help.

    | innofidelity

  • I have web site and there is a another domain for the same like .How can i use second domain for the same web site keeping SEO up and without loosing ranking .

    | innofidelity

  • URL in question: I'm using OSE and see some questionable backlinks. At first glance, if you look at the page authority and domain authority, they look great. Once you go to the actual pages, they look spammy. If the links are hurting the rankings for the site, should I try to remove the links manually or just ignore and continue to build good quality links or even build a new site? I noticed for the last couple of weeks, the rankings started to slip. Thanks in Advance, Lucas

    | micasalucasa

  • Hi Im looking at a site with multiple products available in multiple languages. Some of the languages are not complete, so where the product description is not available in that language the new page, with its own url in the other languages may take the English version. However, this description is perhaps 200 words long only, and after the description are a host of other products displays within that category. So say for example we were selling glasses, there is a 200 word description about glasses (this is the part that is being copied across the languages) and then 10 products underneath that are translated. So the pages are somewhat different but this 200 word description is copied thru different versions of our site. Currently, the english version is not rel=canonical, would it be better to add the english version where we lack a description and do the canonical option or in fact better to leave it blank until we have a translated description? As its only part of the onpage wording, would this 200 word subsection cause us duplication issues?

    | xoffie

  • Hi all I did a complete site-wide 310 redirect about 3 weeks ago for a site that had consistently been in Pos 1-5 for my targeted keyword ("low glycemic foods"). I changed the domain from low-glycemic-foods-org to because I thought that was a more appropriate title and thru my readings I believed that if I carefully followed the recommended procedures I would quickly regain my SERP. Webmaster tools is showing that I have over 800 inbound links - many from very trustworthy sources including .edu, etc BUT my home page is nowhere to be found for the keyword search "low glycemic diet". My Seomoz onpage SEO score is an "A" Any enlightenment would be much appreciated.

    | veezer

  • After suffering a malware episode I wonder if there is an optimum setting for the file permissions for a typical Wordpress site? Colin

    | NileCruises

  • Our web hosting company recently applied a update to our site that should have rectified Canonicalized URLs. Webmaster tools had been reporting duplicate content on pages that had a query string on the end. After the update there has been a massive jump in Webmaster tools reporting now over 800 pages of duplicate content, Up from about 100 prior to the update plus it reporting some very odd pages (see attached image) They claim they have implement Canonicalization in line with Google Panda & Penguin, but surely something is not right here and it's going to cause us a big problem with traffic. Can anyone shed any light on the situation??? Duplicate%20Content.jpg

    | Towelsrus

  • I have been baffled for the past few months for ranking for the misspelling of our primary keyword BELIZE in the Google U.S. Serps. We are nowhere to be found, but are ranking for the misspelling BELIZ (without the final "e"). We have been online since 1995 on page one everywhere. 11 months ago we did a site redesign changing over to WP as a CMS. We changed all pages from widget-example.html to widget-example and properly 301ed all pages after deleting the old pages. Then we accidentally de-indexed the site for a month due to a robots.txt error. This has been corrected 4 months now. We shared this on the Google Webmaster forums and some kind folks helped with advice - nothing major in our opinion but we implemented most of the tips given. We are doing fine everywhere with all search engines and Google itself in other areas for example. But in our primary market is the U.S. where the majority of our readers are - tourists and retirees looking for our information - we do not exist. The joke is that searching for BELIZ in the U.S. Google Serps has us on Page One. It is a joke that is NOT funny - or maybe some human evaluator made a mistake or is playing a sick joke? We have done a reconsideration request in case there was a manual penalty and we received the no manual penalty form letter. I notice increasingly in Google Live Analytics people typing in our full domain name - I guess out of frustration not getting the site when inputting the primary keyword. I find that I can write a new article and in a couple of weeks it ranks in the top couple pages. Many other pages are found via long-tail only. I find it intriguing that yesterday I wrote a very small article, a press release actually, and today searching for the misspelling BELIZ in the U.S. Google Serp the root domain is ranked #2 and the snippet and image displayed is from this little article which is nothing really great. I am new here. Thanks to anyone who can help. The site: Belize

    | Belize

  • Duplicate page titles and brand name. According to SEOMOZ in my one of web site .there are many duplicate title tags some of them are company names .my problem is Do i need to make unique tile tags for each pages with keywords and what about putting company name in each page. 2)Is it necessary to put company name (Brand name ) in each page.

    | innofidelity

  • Hi All! One of my new clients is in a semi-grey-hat industry, and is in perpetual danger of having their real websites (of which they have several), blocked by the Chinese firewall (which is where their target market is). So their idea is to use neutral sites to write information (Squidoo, article site, maybe a stand-alone WP site with a few pages) and promote those pages.  The idea being that China is less likely to block those sites, and then the link to the actual website from those pages could always be changed if China blocks the website listed. I'm a little dubious as to how feasible this is - how do you promote a Squidoo page?  Or an article on an article site for semi-competitive keywords?  Besides on-page SEO (which may not be enough), is there anything you can really do post-Penguin? If anyone has any ideas as to the above - or as to how else to effectively market sites when you can't market the site and brand directly, I'd be very happy to hear. Thanks!

    | debi_zyx

  • I am new to this so still getting to grips with a few things. I have a page here that I want to optimise for 3 keyword phrases. Towels, Egyptian Cotton Towels, Personalised Towels SEOmoz reports a huge number of instances of the word towels overall. Title 3 URL 1 Meta Desc 5 H1 3 H2-4 1 Body 83 B / Strong 1 IMG ALT 11 Total Keyword Usage for this Page = 108How could i restructure meta tags and descriptions to still rank for these terms but reduce the level the word towels? Similarly as this is a category how can I reduce the term towels from other on page links?Also any extra advice regarding on page optimisation would be greatly appreciated to help our efforts

    | Towelsrus

  • We are constantly being asked about the existence of “toxic Links” and that they are damaging the sites of our clients. Apparently, this definition is being pushed down the throats of clients by other “Seo experts” trying to hijack our business. At this point in time, clients can easily be swayed as a reflex reaction to a drop in rankings. These so called “Seo experts” are clearly scaremongering for their own gain but I would be grateful for your opinion about whether automated, spun content from Seolinkvine and the like,  where the English may not be perfect (I assume this is what is meant by “toxic Links”) can actually damage a client’s site. Is it not more constructive to concentrate resources on dilution of keywords from the anchor text rather than waste time on links that may no longer be as powerful, or do they actually have a negative effect?

    | Dexter-245578

  • Hi,We are currently working on location based info.Basically, when someone searches from Florida they will get specific Florida results and when they search from California they will specific California results.How does this location based info affect crawling and indexing?Lets say we have location info for googlebot, sometimes they crawl from a New York ip address, sometimes they do it from Texas and sometimes from California. In this case google will index 3 different pages with 3 different prices and a bit different text, and I'm afraid they might see these as some kind of cloaking or suspicious movement because we serve different versions of the page. What's the best way to handle this?

    | SEODinosaur

  • I'm working on improving ecommerce website at Kuwait, and I want to buy PRO tool for Google of Kuwait, but I did not find it in the list? Is it possible to add Kuwait Google ? if yes , when it will be ready? Regards Ayman Hanna

    | aymanragheb

  • Hi our site is If people search on our site in Google by typing - Mycarhelpline they see links - why mycarhelpline, contact us and about us how can we put some other key pages by replacing above pages

    | Modi

  • Hello, I'm a health coach helping people with multiple sclerosis. Here's my website: bobweikel(dot)com What do you think the top 4 local keywords would be for my niche? I'm in Boise ID. I'm thinking MS Boise MS Boise Idaho Multiple Sclerosis Boise Multiple Sclerosis Boise Idaho With your intuition, do you think these are valuable keywords for a coaching site? Also, can you think of any other keywords? I want this 100% white hat (no cloaking, for instance)

    | BobGW

  • Howdy Guys, I'm currently working through our 4th reconsideration request and just have a couple of questions. Using Link Detox ( new tool they have flagged up a 64 links that are Toxic and should be removed. After analysing them further alot / most of them are link directories that have now been de-indexed by Google. Do you think we should still ask for them to be removed or is this a pointless exercise as the links has already been removed because its been de-indexed. Would like your views on this guys.

    | ScottBaxterWW

  • Hi, I have been doing some keyword research and noticed two domains properly linking back to each other for almost every piece of content. I thought this was not working any longer but it looks like it works for them. For many competitive keywords, they rank in top 10, and even for some keywords, they rank #1 and #2. PA and DA not more than 36-38. With 3-4 linking root domains, these pages manage to rank in top 10. And the second strategy they have, is to create alternative text to rank for a number of different long-tail-keywords. Seperate pages targeting seperate keywords and the only difference between them is slightly modified text and images. Third is possibly the best, their second domain is an exact match domain name for most keywords linked to this industry. On some SERP's, they have 8-10 results in top 30. SEMRUSH shows %500 growth for both of these domains. So, I guess I should just sit and admire them.

    | Gamer07

  • Hello, is submitting site map advisable after 1.5 yrs - especially when we are finding mostly all of pages getting indexed we have basically 2 questions is submitting site map good for seo and crawling - Does it not hinder the crawler to index the submitted pages only - as we get on close to 250 - 300 new pages monthly on site added on every month Basis above - seek expert opinion to - submit site map to google or not ? If yes - in how much time do we need to update site map which are good site map generator sites

    | Modi

  • I found this article and Bing appeared to at this time have a checkbox for the option for AJAX handling although looking at the Bing Webmaster Tools it doesnt appear that this option is available. Has it just been completely integrated now, relieving webmaster from needing to check the option or is it no longer supported?

    | imiJoe

  • Hi, After analyzing the site I found several Redirections of exact match domains. With different domain name extensions. Is Seo trick? Is the second website which i fond that is using this technique. Can anyone gives more details? Thanks

    | nyanainc

  • I am helping launch a new business venture that sells oak furniture in the UK.  The key product terms are along the lines of; oak bed
    oak dining table
    oak chairs etc which are very popular search terms.  Im used to being able to hang of local or branded search which arent available in this project. The domain is around 12 months old, it has few inbound links which we are working on now with an overseas freelancer (keeping an eye on them).  The pages of the site are unique-content rich and the titles and other meta boxes are ticked. What else would the experts recommend?

    | pretige12

  • One thing I have learned about SEO is that it takes a patient, organized and task oriented person in order to be a good SEO'r. Luckily I have these skills which I think helps me with my own personal SEO, but at the same time I have other personality traits that work against me at the same time which can distract me from staying on track. I am a goal oriented person - I like to create weekly, monthly and yearly goals to help keep me focused. I am a patient person I am a task oriented person - I can repeat a task over and over again even if I hate it. I am very organized - I am a better house keeper than my wife (which drivers her crazy) but at the same time I have some other personality traits that work against me which counter act against my strong points. I can't leave a task undone and I have to complete it immediately I am a multi tasker - I can do 20 things at once. The struggle I have is even though I set goals, complete them and have the patience to do them at the same time I tend to work on things and won't move on until they are done. Even though their importance may not be as pressing an other areas. For instance I will work on getting rid of Google errors (404's), fixing code issues with the site people report instead of taking the time to work on the bigger things like fixing issues which effected me from Panda and Penguin. I get stuck on these smaller tasks since I know I can complete them faster, but they never seem to end. I would love to hear other models SEO'r use to help them organize their time management and spreading the tasks across the board and get everything done.

    | cbielich

  • We have about 1000 pages we need to eliminate from our site (of about 18000 URLs). these URLs don't see a ton of traffic, but may have some valuable links. Would we be better to 404 these or re-direct them to our homepage? Could re-directing to our homepage hurt us?

    | nicole.healthline

  • is it a separate title tags and description for all pagination pages. We have common title tag and meta desciption of all pagination pages should we need to modify the same

    | Modi

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a dilemma here. I have one of my clients that has its American website and would like to promote its business in canada(2 locations only vs more than 40 in the u.s). What would be the best SEO decision here for the 2 Canadian locations: should i go for a new root domain? if yes why ( a new subdomain? if yes why ( or just following a directory path solution under the american site? ( Thanks Ty

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • We employee an outside agency to write content for our website as we do not have the ability in house to write unique and good quality content. They have just sent an article which is around 300 words. I told them the keyword phrases to use. When I got the document there is only 1 instance of the keyword phrase(s) in it. Now there seems to be a conflict here amongst posts I have read and general SEO advise as to how many times it should be present (SEOmoz indicates 4 times for instance), our outside agency says it doesn't matter. Now if I have a page optimised for 2 keywords this starts making things tricky and probably looks keyword stuffed to the reader. Assuming the keywords are present once in meta tags, H1, meta descriptions and alt text, what do people think is best practice taking into account recent panda updates? Thoughts appreciated. Thanks Craig

    | Towelsrus

  • Hey There SEO Community, I am trying to help these people: They once ranked in the top 10 for "lifewave" and "lifewave patches" but have disappeared. Any idea why and what I can do to help? Thanks!

    | siteoptimized

  • We're about to re-launch our site but to think of everything before going live in a week is pretty tough going. Any suggestions or reminders as to what to remember and take care of before going live? What have you found or forgotten in your experience with re-launches? Thanks, Dave

    | Martin_S

  • Our web hosting company recently applied a seo update to our site to deal with canonicalization issues and also rewrote all urls to lower case. As a result our PA is now 1 on all pages its effected. I took this up with them and they had this to say. "I must confess I’m still a bit lost however can assure you our consolidation tech uses a 301 permanent redirect for transfers. This should ensure any back link equity isn’t lost. For instance this address: Redirects to this page: And the redirect returns 301 header response – as discussed in your attached forum thread extract" Firstly, is canonicalization working as the number of duplicate pages shot up last week and also will we get our PA back? Thanks Craig

    | Towelsrus

  • Hi I notice that one of my oldest sites , even if I put hundred of backlinks (good or bad) google webmaster tools never index more like 20 per day. Why is this happening? They control it? I mean they dont let them all to get indexed and they take it slowly slowly? If I put just 20 per day is the ideal link building amount? Thnk you

    | nyanainc

  • If image maps/shapes are showing as keyword density in SEO tools, could they skewing the SEO effectiveness of a page?

    | Crumpled_Dog

  • Hi - Due to pagination the default page of site is coming in 2 url with - ?page=1/ sub-url and /sub-url is 301 a recommended solution due to this pagination urls Also - is it required to create separate title and meta description of every pagination page We are taking specifically in context of our discounts and offer section

    | Modi

  • Hi, On this SEOMOZ help page ( the diagram explaining the optimal link structure (image also attached) has me a little confused. From the homepage, if the bot crawls down the right-hand link first, will it not just hit a dead end where it cant crawl any further and disappear? OR... will it hit the end of the structure and then crawl backwards to the homepage again and follow down another link and then just repeat the process until all pages are indexed? Cheers pyramid.jpg

    | activitysuper

  • Hi Guys, I own to good domains one with a .ORG and the other .CO.UK Can anyone advise which one is best to use to help UK rankings? Or does it not make much difference?? Thanks guys Gareth

    | GAZ09

  • Hi, Do you recommend removing Meta Keywords or is there "nothing to lose" with having them? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • My website published about 3 news articles a day and is set up so that old news articles can be accessed through a "back" button with articles going to page 2 then page 3 then page 4, etc... as new articles push them down.  The pages include a link to the article and a short snippet. I was thinking I would want Google to index the first 3 pages of articles, but after that the pages are not worthwhile.  Could these pages harm me and should they be noindexed and/or added as a canonical URL to the main news page - or is leaving them as is fine because they are so deep into the site that Google won't see them, but I also won't be penalized for having week content? Thanks for the help!

    | theLotter

  • Hello, A client has a small number (3) of large price comparison sites which have been launched on separate subdomains - BUT all on the same hosting IP address. The roll out of the sites was not ideal from an SEO perspective - as basically cloned versions of the sites were initially launched and indexed - and are only now being customised i.e. unique content added to each of the category and sub category pages. The first site initially got some traffic - and so did the 2nd in the early days - but then they both bombed (especially number 2). So we think there has probably been some kind of slap / sandboxing. We are starting to see some very early signs of recovery now some months after. My questions is - would it be a wise move to migrate each of the sites to a separate IP address as we start to evolve and optimise each site. Or are they ok  to be left on the same hosting / IP address? The sites in question are : Thanks in advance for your help. Richard

    | RichBestSEO

  • I've notice that classified usually has a lots of pages indexed and that's because for each query/kw they index the first 100 results pages, normally they have 10 results per page. As an example imagine the site, for the query/kw "house for rent new york" there is the page and the "index" is set for the first 100 SERP pages, so ...and so on. Wouldn't it better to index only the 1st result page? I mean in the first 100 pages lots of ads are very similar so why should Google be happy by indexing lots of similar pages? Could Google penalyze this behaviour? What's your suggestions? Many tahnks in advance for your help.

    | nuroa-246712

  • Up until yesturday I was mainly getting entrances to my site through like 60-70 a day After yesterday, it's dropped to one or two! I haven't made any major changes to the site? I don't know what happened! I am starting to feel really discouraged and don't know what to do! I have no clue what my next move should be in trying to get this site working well in organic search. I feel lost now, PLEASE help! Any suggestions on what to do with would be a great help! I feel so lost! THANKS! Kristy O

    | KristyO

  • Hi - while i was checking duplicate links, am finding hundreds of duplicates pages :- having undefined after domain name and before sub page url having /%5C%22/ after domain name and before the sub page url Due to Pagination limits Its a joomla site - Any suggestions - shall we use:- 301 redirect leave these as standdstill and what to do of pagination pages (shall we create a separate title tag n meta description of every pagination page as unique one) thanks

    | Modi

  • HI there We have the following situation: at  /home we will have a iframe calling a subdomain . We need to use this structure because the server structure our client have. Is there any way i can index just instead the subdomain, but include the data from the iframe to be indexed ? saying that because if google shows up the subdomain page on the search results, it will not bring anything as we need /home to the iframe/subdomain to work. So, google should just index /home and the data from the subdomain, but not the subdomain itself. Does it make sense? If not, any recommendation how it should be setup? Appreciate any help.

    | Santini

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