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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi there, I asked a similar question a while ago - please pardon the dupe.  I figured being more specific may help. Here's the scenario: I have two customers which sell very similar products.  They both host with me so they are both on the same class C of ip addresses.  Content on sites is similar due to the nature of the business/industry. There are no links between the two sites - they do not link to one another The HTML is about 50% the same, content near zero other than site structure.   They have similar category structures. Question - could being on the same Class C adversely effect rankings of either.  One site did particularly well until Panda came around and it's sloooowly coming back.  Some advise has been given to the client that the IPs being on the same Class C is killing rankings.  I am trying to either validate or refute the claim. All help/feedback appreciated.

    | ChrisInColorado

  • Hi, I will try to explain my situation as clearly as I can, and any positive advise would be greatly appreciated. Obviously please let me know if you have any questions but I'm sorry the domains are private. I started by business 4 years ago and launched a website (site A) and worked hard to promote it in the best way I knew how. It brought in a good income for around 3 years but then was hit with some sort of google penalty/filter! Knowing then what I know now would probably of avoided the problem altogether but that's another story... So I brought another domain (site B) and started again with a new design and completely re-branded the company, and again have been working hard to promote it. It has been preforming well and there has been steady progress 😉 However since then I have been steadily promoting the penalised site (site A) and keeping an eye on it to see if the penalty/filter may be lifted. It had initially lost around 75% of traffic, but recently has been doing much better in SERPS and is again on the increase. My problem is that with my company now being completely re branded I want to keep consistency but (site A) looks old and dated compared the new one (site B) and I don’t want to be confusing users etc... So I need a cost efficient and “safe” solution to this in terms of SEO and budget. 301 Redirect to site B I thought of a 301 redirect “BUT” I'm concerned about the penalty/filter being passed onto the new site (site B) and have read this dose happen ? Complete Redesign/brand for site A This would probably be the best option except I'm limited on funds. I would need “another” full commerce site as its just way to much money at the moment. Remove site A completely Funds are tight and I'm still feeling the affects of the penalty so really can't afford to loose any traffic at all! Use site A as a micro-site I thought a micro site with just the main product landing pages being used. I would use the same design as site B, then re-write the text and then link everything to the new site. “BUT” I'm concerned about getting another penalty (duplicate) as all the anchor text links going to site B site would be identical! EG. To use the same design as site B I would need to use the same layout etc including navbars, anchor text links in the footer etc.. and I'm worried this may trigger a duplicate content penalty ? I hope there are some suggestion for my situation and thanks in advance for your help. Thanks Chris.

    | doorguy88

  • Hi What are the main differences between Bing and Google in terms of ranking sites? My site is ranking well in Google but in Bing it is very low down and does not deliver much traffic. In Bing webmaster tools there are no warning messages and I had sent in a sitemap back in 2011 and 77 pages are listed, but I had not submitted a URL could this be why my pages are not ranking highly? Or does anybody have a checklist on what a site should offer to get ranking on Bing?

    | ocelot

  • I am trying to understand why the on page reporter shows so many occurrences of alt tags containing my keywords. Can anyone shed any light? This is the URL that's in question. yMlM5.png

    | Towelsrus

  • Hey all, We currently run a large eCommerce site that has around 5000 pages of content and ranks quite strongly for a lot of key search terms. We have just recently finalised a business agreement to incorporate a new product line that compliments our existing catalogue, but I am concerned about dumping this huge amount of content (that is sourced via an API) onto our site and the effect it might have dragging us down for our existing type of product. In regards to the best way to handle it, we are looking at a few ideas and wondered what SEOMoz thought was the best. Some approaches we are tossing around include: making each page point to the original API the data comes from as the canonical source (not ideal as I don't want to pass link juice from our site to theirs) adding "noindex" to all the new pages so Google simply ignores them and hoping we get side sales onto our existing product instead of trying to rank as the new range is highly competitive (again not ideal as we would like to get whatever organic traffic we can) manually rewriting each and every new product page's descriptions, tags etc. (a huge undertaking in terms of working hours given it will be around 4,400 new items added to our catalogue). Currently the industry standard seems to just be to pull the text from the API and leave it, but doing exact text searches shows that there are literally hundreds of other sites using the exact same duplicate content... I would like to persuade higher management to invest the time into rewriting each individual page but it would be a huge task and be difficult to maintain as changes continually happen. Sorry for the wordy post but this is a big decision that potentially has drastic effects on our business as the vast majority of it is conducted online. Thanks in advance for any helpful replies!

    | ExperienceOz

  • I have a client with a google analytics account that is a mess. 302's to 302's to 302's to I thought the client was doing 301s on all these domains to the primary domain. I have logged into there analytics account and found data is being tracked on the other domains i.e domainb,c, etc. How is it possible that google analytics is tracking data on these domains when no analytics code has been created and the urls are redirecting to Also there are not sites on these domains so for webmaster tools should I enable domain verification through a cname on the dns? Also I can I best setup a way to track traffic coming from say Whats the best step by step guide to use to set this up.

    | JohnW-UK

  • Over the past couple of monthly updates I have notice both coming down a bit even though nothing has changed that should affect them. Anyone else notice this? Perhaps it is attributable to better metrics?

    | casper434

  • Interesting dilemma I've run into. Working in an extremely boring B2B space and started making some quality content to grab some .edu links. Well, it worked. Let's put it this way, our target keyword is "{keyword} services" and we pulled in so many .edu links the resource page which is an educational resource with our target keyword in it, has now surpassed every commercial site and ranks second. The problem is, the page doesn't have much in the way of services on it, it's strictly educational and targets a different audience than our customer. The home page, our desired landing page, jumps back and forth between third and twelfth depending on the week. Any thoughts on how to make these flip flop? We're getting a ton of traffic to the wrong page and bouncing most of them at the moment.

    | NetvantageMarketing

  • Hi, We have a client who has internal links pointing to some relatively new pages that we asked them to implement. The problem is that instead of using standard HTML links, their developers have used javascript - e.g. javascript:GoTo... The new pages have links from the homepage (among others) and have been live for about 3-4 weeks now - yet are still to be indexed by Google, Bing & Yahoo. Is it possibe that Javascript links are making them difficult to be found? Thanks in advance for any tips.

    | jasarrow

  • Hi, I've been a member for a few months but this is my first entry. I typically build small portal websites to help attract more customers for small business approx. 5-7 pages and very tightly optimized around one primary keyword and 2 secondaries. These are typically very low competition. I do no link building to speak of. I don't keyword stuff or use poorly written content. I know that may be subjective but I believe the content I am using is genuinely useful to the reader. What I have noticed recently is the sites get ranked quite well to begin with e.g. anywhere from the bottom half of the first page to page 2-3 and they stick for maybe 2-3 weeks, and the client is very happy, they then just vanish. It's not just the Google dance either these sites don't typically come back at all or when they do they are 100+ I was advised this was due to the freshness index but honestly these sites are hardly newsworthy...just wondering if anyone had any ideas? Many thanks in advance.

    | nichemarkettools

  • Hi, On an IIS system clicking a particular link the following response codes are returned: GET /nl/nl/process?Someparameter1=1&Someparameter2=2 302 found GET /nl/nl/SomeOtherPage.cms 200 OK What concerns me, besides the obvious 302 and the cAmeLcAse canonical issues is the 200 response without a redirect.
    What page will then be indexed, ranked and what effect does this have on the pagerank flow, if the 302 was to be changed into a 301?
    Also would extention .cms be an issue? Thanks for any answers. Edit. I contacted the developer. He says it's a rewrite, not a meta redirect.
    I still think, this rewrite is an issue? Canonical maybe?

    | Muffin

  • Dear Mozers, Im concerned about our reputation on, the actual reputation doesn't match with our site. Any sggestion?

    | SharewarePros

  • I have no idea how the first address exists at all... I ran the SEOMOZ tool and I got 600'ish DUPLICATE CONTENT errors! I have errors on content/titles etc... How do I get rid of all the content being generated from this JAABA/JSP "jibberish"? Please ask questions that will help you help me. I have always been 1st on google local and I have a business that is starting to hurt very seriously from being number three 😞

    | JML1179

  • I am trying to explain in layman's terms to a client why using 302 for their redirects (which they have done themselves) is not right. There view is they do not seem to listen or believe what is being said to them and do not want to do permanent damage to the old domain so are using 302 redirects. I have explained over and over 301 is needed but I do not seem to be good at communicating this. Can someone give me a good example or description I can use to get my point across?

    | JohnW-UK

  • I have put my domain name as without www in web master tool. i have redirect to www version using htaccess file .So I wanna put Preferred domain "Display urls as .When trying it give error as attached image.but i have verified site the .waiting for expert help . Ar5qx.png

    | innofidelity

  • I just checked our rankings for a few of our top keywords from a previously merged domain, and we are not anywhere on the first page (we used to rank #1). I then manually typed in the url of a top product we sell from our old site that was merged into the new site. It turns out that the redirect isn't going to the right place at all (which probably explains why the page isn't ranking). Here is part of the code from our htaccess file: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
    RewriteRule ^/?$ "" [R=301,L] ErrorDocument 404 /404.html redirect 301 /products/Kavinace.html The bottom redirect ( should be going to the url specified. Instead, it goes to (NOT A VALID URL!). Please help! Thanks! -Matt

    | vitasouthmktg

  • New web site uploaded .but still there are many old site's pages index in Google .I have created  301 redirect for similar page but what about rest of pages?as eg there is a page called but new site don't have a testimonial pages so what i can delete old page and redirect to home page or what please advice me

    | innofidelity

  • How internal blog or external blog is helpful in SEO?why it is good to have a site with blog?

    | Alick300

  • As I mentioned I'm working on a new eCommerce site and just want some hints and tip on how I can potentially get the most out of ranking it. I've meta titled / tag most of the products with relevant keywords, we have a good social standing so far with growth on Twitter + facebook but conversions are currently low or only coming through the website's eBay store (that has no connection on the site)

    | SEOAndy

  • Dear all, what is the best way to increase your domain authority in a couple of weeks? Thanks for your reply! Best regards, Ben

    | HMK-NL

  • I have worked to build out a keyword targeted library of over 700 Guides of approx. 800 word each.  They are specifically targeted at actionable verticals and contain 3x strategically placed CTAs in each article.  So far, I have only managed to get a low level of uniques per day to this section of the website. This website's external backlinks are largely pointed at the home page.  Furthermore, the home page has a footer link to 10,000 SEO crawl-able user generated profiles.  These profiles have little potential for conversion and offer little value. Given the above information, I was hoping that someone could help me with the following questions: Is it possible that home page link juice is becoming diluted as result 10,000 user profiles being live on the site? If so, can a "no follow" on the home page footer link to the user profiles prevent the juice from transferring? Overall, I would like to redirect this PR5 domain's link juice to these guides where they will have a much higher conversion rate.

    | TQContent

  • Page Crawling Check after Modification Done without staying 7 days. I have dome modification to my site and uploaded .so i wanna check remaining errors but Moz Crawl web site once per 7 days ,is there any way to check before that . Thank you

    | innofidelity

  • I have a web site for tours & according to Moz there are many duplicates titles and description .So now in the process of making all the errors correct. already around 1500 pages indexed in Google.keywords competition from 135000 to 2400 respectively.still not any of keywords ranking for top 100 result in local search .already created Google place also. So i wanna show to my client few lower kws in 20 days in top 100 result at least .looking for expert advice , <colgroup><col width="163"></colgroup>

    | innofidelity

  • Hello, I'm a health coach helping people with multiple sclerosis. Here's my website: bobweikel(dot)com What do you think the top 4 local keywords would be for my niche? I'm in Boise ID. I'm thinking MS Boise MS Boise Idaho Multiple Sclerosis Boise Multiple Sclerosis Boise Idaho With your intuition, do you think these are valuable keywords for a coaching site? Also, can you think of any other keywords? I want this 100% white hat.

    | BobGW

  • High <acronym title="Google Page Ranking">PR</acronym> Profilebacklinks still worth for SEO ?

    | innofidelity

  • Hi there, I have a & .ie website both have the exact same content, only differences is the UK website is selling the product in pounds and the Irish website is selling in Euros plus both websites have different contact numbers. I decided to use rel canonical on the .ie pointing to the website as I think it was having an issue in my SERPs for the website in, anyway since doing this, I am seeing strange things happening in SERPs for my keywords, for example if you click the link below, my website is number 2 for 'hot flushes' if you hover over or click on 'health or 'menopause' in the breadcrumbs in SERPs it takes you to the website, is this normal? Click here

    | Paul78

  • I have a client who had created a (not blog, and feeds blog posts into a subdomain My understanding was that in terms of SEO, would still get the credit for these posts, and not the client, but I'm seeing conflicting information. All of the posts are set with permalinks on the client's site, such as, and when I run a Google site:search query, all of those individual posts appear in the Google search listings for the client's domain. Also, I've run a report, and these same results are seen. Looking at the source code on the page, however, I see this information which leads me to believe the content is being credited to, and fed in from, ('client name' altered for privacy): href="">class="alignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-2050" title="Could_you_survive_a_computer_disaster" src="" I'm looking to provide a recommendation to the client on whether they are ok to continue moving forward with this current setup, or whether we should port the blog posts over to a subfolder on their primary domain and use functionality, for proper SEO. Any advice?? Thank you!

    | grapevinemktg

  • Hi, I've just been looking at a restaurant site which is paying food writers to put food news and blogs on their website. I checked the backlink profile of the site and the various bloggers in question usually link from their blogs / company websites to the said restaurant to help promote any new blogs that appear on the restaurant site. That got me wondering about whether this might cause problems with Google. I guess they've been putting about one blog live per month for 2 years, from 12/13 bloggers who have been linking to their website. What would you advise?

    | McTaggart

  • I remember reading a question a while back about seo for a page targetting multiple keywords but I'm blowed if I can find it now.... I have a page which is optimised for one phrase and want to add 5-6 phrases/keywords... obviously I can't stuff the all the keywords in the page title or the header 1 tag. So I have written the content to mention the other keywords trouble is not wanting to compromise the quality of the page so of the keywords/phrases I have only been able to use once in the content. I assumed as the phrases are all on the same topic/area that this should not really matter. Apart from link building with the correct anchor text is there anything else I should be doing? The other option is to create custom pages for the keyword but again I am not keen on this idea.... Any suggestions?

    | JohnW-UK

  • Dear Sirs, contributors and aspirants of Seomoz: I have a site called General History ( that was created in 2010, and has a current PR of 3, a DA of 23 and a home page authority of 32. It also has 1.690 links, knowing that we have not invested on link building, all the links were built manually via post inserting or viral via social shares. The thing is that in only 5 months, it passed from receiving 14.000 visits/per month to only 1.500. Is that a decrease of 700% in 5 months? I must admint that I earn my life offering SEO to companies, but this is one of my own sites, a site in which my 73 year old father likes to write about General History. I really think, given that he used to be a journalist, that the content not only isn't spam but it is high quality content. As I had Analytics, I started searching for the cause. The first question was... 1.- From what source did I loose the most amount of visitors? Organic, Paid or Social. The answer is organic by far. As I discovered it was an organic loss, I tried to find what content used to have the most visitors. I found 3 posts that brought 80% of the total traffic. How did the people find the content? Well, some of them found the site in the first page of google when searching for "Holocaust facts and figures" for example, but Analytics says that the most people came from image search in Google Images. General history disappeared from the SERPs but progressively, not from one day to another. So then I thought, It can't be a penalization. I contacted google and send them a reconsideration. 5 days later they answered saying that is not a spammy site and thus it has not been penalized. For the ones who can read Spanish, here is Google answer: "Estimado webmaster o propietario del sitio Hemos recibido una solicitud del propietario de un sitio para que volvamos a comprobar si cumple las directrices para webmasters de Google. Hemos revisado tu sitio y no hemos detectado acciones manuales del equipo de webspam que puedan perjudicar la clasificación del mismo en Google. No es necesario que presentes una solicitud de reconsideración para el mismo, ya que las incidencias relacionadas con la clasificación que puedan producirse no se derivan de acciones manuales realizadas por el equipo de webspam. Existen otras incidencias relacionadas con tu sitio que pueden perjudicar la clasificación del mismo. Los ordenadores de Google determinan el orden de los resultados de búsqueda a través de una serie de fórmulas denominadas algoritmos. Cada año, se realizan cientos de cambios en los algoritmos de búsqueda, y se utilizan más de 200 señales diferentes para clasificar páginas. A medida que cambian los algoritmos y la Web (incluido tu sitio), se pueden producir fluctuaciones en la clasificación, ya que se actualiza para ofrecer a los usuarios los resultados más relevantes. Si has detectado un cambio en la clasificación y consideras que no se debe simplemente a un cambio de algoritmos, te recomendamos que investigues otras posibles causas, como un cambio importante en el contenido del sitio, en el sistema de gestión de contenido o en la arquitectura del servidor. Por ejemplo, es posible que un sitio no obtenga una buena posición en los resultados de búsqueda si el servidor deja de proporcionar páginas a Googlebot o si el usuario cambia las URL de una gran parte de las páginas del sitio. En este artículo se incluye una lista de otros posibles motivos por los que tu sitio no obtiene una buena clasificación en los resultados de búsqueda. Si sigues sin poder solucionar la incidencia, accede al foro de ayuda para webmasters para obtener asistencia. Atentamente, Equipo de Calidad de búsqueda de Google" They say interesting things like it might be other problems that caused my position decrease like: Site content change, content management, server architecture or change or urls. After receiving this, I thought I should get in the admin panel in wordpress and search for bugs, html or css, php errors and I found that somebody had hijacked my site, entering the wordpress panel and adding a code of into one of my landing pages. That page does not exist anymore. I erased completely. The span code was as follows:
    General History | General-History General History | General-HistoryGeneral History | General-HistoryGeneral History | General-HistoryGeneral History | General-HistoryGeneral History | General-HistoryGeneral History | General-HistoryGeneral History | General-HistoryGeneral History | General-HistoryGeneral History | General-History I thought that would be the problem ! But it was NOT, because Google did not penalize me as you can see in the letter they sent me. I erased the complete page in which the span appeared, I updated my sitemap, re-check my robots.txt, searched my folders via FTP and mucho more... Conclusion? I have no idea why I General-History has lost 700% of its traffic in 5 months.

    | Tintanus

  • Hi guys, I know this is a little open ended, but any advice/ideas would be greatly appreciated. I launched a new site about 3 months ago ( I have had unique, useful articles written for it, and the site does provide a useful service. I have done a little link building and continue to do so. The site was making decent progress moving up the rankings for a few weeks, but now it just seems to get worse and worse.
    I'm not looking for an entire site audit or strategy here, just if anything jumps out at you that seems very poor for seo, please let me know. Thanks so much,

    | cashchampion

  • We do not currently have a native video hosting solution for our site and instead embed videos that are hosted on YouTube. Can video schema markup be used for YouTube hosted video? Thank you.

    | lwalker

  • I have been working on a site for 7 months, publishing articles each day. The site is dedicated to the niche that I am in. It was accepted in to Google news 1 week ago and I am now getting 3 times the amount of traffic. Its great news but I am now wondering how beneficial it is for me. I sell business management advice and really need to generate leads. Thats how I increase my business Any ideas how I could use this Google news site to do this?

    | JohnPeters

  • About to go through a server migration. My intitial thought is that a change in servers shouldn't really change my rankings. But I've heard rumors... Can a server migration change rankings? Why?

    | Thos003

  • I have a site on bigcommerce platform .from Where do i need start SEO for these types of ecommerce sites.Looking for Experts ideas . Thank you.

    | innofidelity

  • At present at a category level, our site does not incorporate images specific to the category you are in and therefore we do not have appropriate alt tags to suffice SEO requirements.It only covers categories you are navigating too. e.g. (no image placement available on page for that category, it only shows sub categories Does anyone have any suggestions how we get over this? How big a deal is it to not have  image with appropriate keyword driven alt tag? Can you put more than 1 keyword phrase in a alt tag?

    | Towelsrus

  • We run a fairly large online community with a popular blog and Europe's largest online shop for drift-specific motor sport parts and our website has been around since 2004 I believe. Since it was launched, the blog (or previous CMS system) has been at the domain root, the forums have been located at /forum and the shop at /shop (or similar) but we have decided to move things around a bit and would like some comments as to whether we are doing the right thing or if you would make any addition or different changes to us. Currently the entire website gets around 3m page views per month from 500,000 visitors, but this is split roughly 75% to the forums, 10% to the shop and 15% to the blog (but remember the blog is at the root so anyone who visits our homepage "visits" the blog). We plan to move the shop to the domain root (since the shop provides the income for the business - surely it should be the 1st thing visitors see?), the blog from root to /blog and the forums will stay where they are at /forum. We have read Steven Macdonald's post here, and have taken notes to help minimize traffic loss and disruption to our army of users and hopefully avoid too many penalties from Google and plan to: 301 redirect old URLs to new ones where they have changed. Submit new site maps to search engines. Update old links where we have control (such as forums where we are paid traders etc.). Send out a newsletter to our subscribers. Update our forum members. Fix errors via WMT before and after the re-structure. Should we be taking this opportunity to actually set each of the three sections of the site to it's own sub domain? Our thoughts are that if we are disrupting things, it's surely best to have lots of disruption once rather than a little bit of disruption several times over a 3-6 month period? OSE shows us to have roughly 1500 inbound links to /shop, 2100 to /forum and 4800 to the root / - if we proceed with our plan and put 301 redirects in place this seems to be the best plan to retain the value of these links but if we were to switch to sub domains would the 301s lose most of the link values due to them being on "different" domains? Any help, advise or suggestions are very welcome but comments from experience are what we are seeking ideally! Thanks Jay

    | DWJames

  • How to change a site without loosing ranking .I have a WP site for my own company .locally i have good ranking for few keywords .but I decided to change site theme and improve site contents further .but still i am not sure how to change these thing and doing without loosing ranking .expert advices welcome .

    | innofidelity

  • How do I change the code in my URL to search in Google by specific location?

    | theLotter

  • Hi all, I have a website that I am trying to promote, but tried to add it here in SEOMoz and got the following message: We have detected that the root domain does not respond to web requests. Using this domain, we will be unable to crawl your site or present accurate SERP information. Does anyone know why this website cannot be crawled? Please help. Thank you in advance!

    | LSDigital

  • Hi SEO experts: We operate a vacation rental website and around 1 year ago moved to a different platform. Because our pages are arranged by location (what we refer to as Locales) we need to put 301 redirects for all the old locale pages.  So for example: redirects to www.example/com/vacation-rentals/locale/skeggness But here's the problem: We can't seem to get Google to drop those old __{locale_name}.cfm pages... even after over 12-months of the new site going live! Other clues we've noticed: The old underscore URLs show up in our SERP sub-links Sometimes google shows the new page title and description but attributes it to the __{locale_name}.cfm URL (aghh!!!) One suggestion we received was to use the URL removal tool in Google WMT.... But given we have 1,000's of locales i don't see that as being affective. Questions: Any suggestions on how to get Google to drop these old URLs and use the new ones? Is this situation hurting our SEO? Or do you think its benign... and I should just take a deep breath.... and relax at little more...

    | AABAB

  • SEOMOZ crawl all my pages including ".do" (all web pages after sign up ) . Coz of this it finishes all my 10.000 crawl page quota  and be exposed to dublicate pages. Google is not crawling pages that user reach after sign up. Because these are private pages for customers I guess The main question is how we can limit SEOMOZ crawl bot. If the bot can stay out of ".do" java extensions it'll perfect to starting SEO analysis. Do you know think about it? Cheers Example; .do java extension (after sign up page) (Google can't crawl) Normal Page (Google can crawl)

    | hcetinsoy

  • What could have factored into some of my key words dropping from an A to a C on my on page rankings.  I am not sure how it happened because there were not any chages made. Thanks, Boo

    | Boodreaux

  • After six months, we've decided to start over with a new website.  Here's what I'm thinking. Please offer any constructive Do's or Don'ts if you see that I'm about to make a mistake. Our original site,(call it ) we have come to the conclusion, is never going to make a come back on Google. It seems to us a better investment to start over, then to to simply keep hoping. Quite honestly, we're freakin' tired of trying to fix this. We don't want to screw with it any more. We are creative people, and would much rather be building a new race car rather than trying to overhaul the  engine in the old one. We have the matching .net domain,, which has been aged about 6 years with some fairly general content on a single page.  There are zero links to, and it was really only used by us for FTP traffic -- nothing in the SERPS for Mysite.NET will be a complete redesign.  All content and images will be totally redone. Content will be new, excellent writing, unique, and targeted. Although the subject matter will be similar to mysite.COM, the content, descriptions, keywords, images -- all will be brand spankin' new. We will have a clean slate to begin the long painful link building process.We will put in the time, and bite the bullet until mysite.NET rules Google once again. We'll change the URL in all of our Adwords campaigns My questions are: 1. still gets some ok traffic from Bing. Can I leave substantially intact, or does it need to go? 2. If I have "bad links" pointing to   what would happen if I 301 that page to mysite.NET/abc.html  ?    Does the "bad link juice" get passed on to the clean site?  It would be a better experience for users who know our URL if they could be redirected to the new site. 3. Should we put on a different server in a different clean IP block?  Or doesn't matter? We're willing to spend for the new server if it would help 4. What have I forgotten? Cheers, all

    | DarrenX

  • How do 302 redirects from Akamai content targeting impact SEO? I'm using Akamai content targeting to get people from countries and languages to the right place (eg to redirect to where folks from the Netherlands get their localized site in dutch) and from the edge server closest to them.  As far as I know Akamai doesn't allow me to use anything but a 302.  Anyone run across this?  is this 302 a problem?  I did a fetch as googlebot on my main domain and all I see is the Akamai 302.  I can't imagine this is the first time Akamai has run across this but I would like to know for sure.

    | Positec

  • I am struggling to locate on our website a self cannibalizing keyword. Can anyone help? void Keyword Self-Cannibalization Easy fix <dl> <dt>Cannibalizing link</dt> <dd>"Luxury Bath Pillows With Suction Cups, 4 Embroidered Designs"</dd> <dt>Explanation</dt> <dd>It's a best practice in SEO to target each keyword with a single page on your site (sometimes two if you've already achieved high rankings and are seeking a second, indented listing). To prevent engines from potentially seeing a signal that this page is not the intended ranking target and creating additional competition for your page, we suggest staying away from linking internally to another page with the target keyword(s) as the exact anchor text. Note that using modified versions is sometimes fine (for example, if this page targeted the word 'elephants', using 'baby elephants' in anchor text would be just fine).</dd> <dt>Recommendation</dt> <dd>Unless there is intent to rank multiple pages for the target keyword, it may be wise to modify the anchor text of this link so it is not an exact match.</dd> </dl>

    | Towelsrus

  • Should price be included in rich snippets? Is there any research supporting inclusion or exclusion of prices in snippets?

    | AWCthreads

  • Hi! Just as the questions tell we are looking at a project where we might have to consolidate 150 different domains into 1 (of course with a corresponding page on the new domain). We aim at preserving as much of the linkjuice as possible from each domain. Any advice on doing this propely? I, of course, see a risk of opening the new domain and just redirecting (301) the old domains to the specific page on the new domain but is there any right or wrong way of doing this? I might add that each domain has a more or less unique linkprofiles in terms om linking domains, number of linking domains and such. Our dear friend Cutts has some information on this topic, but he only talks about 4 domains - which of course seem like a bit more natural occurring phenomenon.  But what about 150 of them? Anyone got any advice? Is this as much of a no-go that I feel it is? Thanks! Edit: There domains are all owned by the same entitiy, share the same GWT and such.

    | bebetteronline

  • Hi, I just discover a competitor which is dominating the first page of google with 4 websites. I analyse them and all was backed up on a private domain network, with subdomains , maybe a 100 subdomains of the main domain. He have on all 4 domains 3500 links about, with same anchor text and 40 -50 with different. all are exact match domain. So I just reported him and this one  who is selling him the links. How much time need google to take action and how long need to get punished this 4 websites? Plus what will happen to them? I reported them yesterday., how much time Google need to punish him , if does... Thanks

    | nyanainc

  • How to use Video sharing sites for SEO ? There are many video sharing sites like Youtube,vimeo,flickr ect .How to use them properly for boosting ranking of a web site using i can see only youtube and vimeo can add url of web site in description area so how to use videos on others sites .

    | innofidelity

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