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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • My company has a popular Youtube channel. Some of the videos are old, and lower quality than the new HD videos we host on our site. We'd like to get the new, better videos on Youtube, but we don't want to erase the viewcounts and comments of the old videos. We also don't want a duplicate content penalty, if that exists on Youtube. What should we do? We could: 1. Overwrite our old videos with the new ones, and lose the view counts 2. Add the new videos, and leave the old videos untouched 3. Add the new videos, and add some kind of redirect from the old videos 4. Do nothing. We want to embed the new videos on our site to increase our Youtube view counts, so options 1-3 are preferable. Has anyone faced a similar situation?

    | lighttable

  • Heyy, I'm having some pretty big SEO issues. 😞 We have had some drops in our ranking. We're 5th page or worse depending on location for a few of our keywords that we used to rank well for.  There are all sorts of random non relevant sites outranking us for the term "stickley" and "stickley furniture" One thing I noticed is that we are ranking for a different page for each keyphrase. Our home page is ranking for "Stickley" and our stickley page is ranking for "Stickley Furniture" Is this normal? I guess Google is just picking what it see's as what's more relevant. Is it possible that these two pages are "competing?"  Do similar phrases linking to different pages cause pages to "fight" or unevenly disperse link juice? I'm having trouble knowing which page I should send inbound links to since Google seems to be linking similar keywords to different pages. How much should I stress about which pages I receive links on? Is it true that any inbound link to a site site will help increase its overall domain authority and overall SEO? What should I be focusing on? I've added 301 redirects for non WWW as well as tried to make the pages well optimized for SEO. Should I just add more related content to the pages? I know backlinks are important but I'm having a really hard time figuring out how to get links that aren't just spammy forum post footers or junk directory submissions. The thing that bothers me is we were ranking well and then suddenly are way back. We have never done any black hat SEO of any sort.  I feel a bit stuck and confused at the moment 😞 Thanks in advance for any help!

    | SheffieldMarketing

  • I stumbled across this old SEOmoz whilteboard and was wondering if this is still a valid technique given the Panda & Penguin updates. Is anyone here still doing this (and seeing results)?

    | nicole.healthline

  • I have several sites copying my content, which I found out via  Unfortunately, this is giving me duplicate content. I filed a DMCA complaint through Google and the infringing pages were approved but the pages still remain. Can someone please help me understand this better?  I thought Google was supposed to remove these pages?  Am I supposed to content the site owner to get the content removed or are their pages simply de-indexed?

    | tutugirl

  • Hi, This may be a stupid question but... Google ignores short/common words like 'in', so if I optimize a page for 'painter in new york' will it rank just as well for 'painter new york'? In Google's keyword tool, exact match gives [painter new york] 140 searches per month but [painter in new york] gets < 10. However, it is much more difficult to write 'painter new york' naturally into body copy than it is 'painter in new york'. So what do I do? Thanks 🙂

    | StrayCat

  • Hi all, I am having a peculiar PHP problem that  is affecting the user experience of the site and thus, the SEO. The site is and as you can see I use the QTranslate Plugin to manage the 3 different languages: (Spanish) If you enter the german version: , and you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will notice there are a couple of posts that have (Español) in their Titles. This means that this particular post is written in Spanish and should only appear in the Spanish version of the site. Every single post is published on the three versions even when they are language orientated. The result is that when you press that specific Spanish title on the German version, you get nothing but this: Because obviously there is nothing there. If I go to the wordpress admin panel and search for the post manually, I can solve the problem by erasing all the default code of the different language versions that should not appear. But this is only a manual and non practical solution. The problem, I think, might be in the PHP orders that the Wordpress Theme is receiving from somewhere. I come to all of you SEomoz users as my last chance, because I've been months in discussions with Qtranslate users and php amateurs that cannot solve the issue. I know that this question isn't strictly about SEO, but in a way it is, because it must be affecting the way that Google look at us. Please, some help or orientation would be highly appreciated. rTqZI.png

    | Tintanus

  • For anyone that has gone through the process of getting accepted into Bing news---do you have any suggestions for what we can do? Any resources you'd recommend reading?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Can anyone provide some guidance on both how to submit your site to Yahoo News as well as some tips for how to get accepted into Yahoo News?

    | nicole.healthline

  • One of our clients wants to use about 200 of our articles on their site, and they're hoping to get some SEO benefit from using this content. I know standard best practices is to canonicalize their pages to our pages, but then they wouldn't get any benefit--since a canonical tag will effectively de-index the content from their site. Our thoughts so far: add a paragraph of original content to our content link to our site as the original source (to help mitigate the risk of our site getting hit by any penalties) What are your thoughts on this? Do you think adding a paragraph of original content will matter much? Do you think our site will be free of penalty since we were the first place to publish the content and there will be a link back to our site? They are really pushing for not using a canonical--so this isn't an option. What would you do?

    | nicole.healthline

  • The missing gaps are optimisation opportunities I have missed with my site. 
    I have managed to optimise the site a great deal from what it was, with a new site design and better architecture and focusing on all the on page SEO.
    The only problem being it doesn't seem to be an easy market to create links through or find interesting places to guest post or interact on blogs. The site is I would be grateful if anyone could give me an overview on the site and their thoughts? Cheers

    | Hughescov

  • I have checked on Google Webmaster and they are crawling around 118 pages our of my website, but SEOmoz is only crawling 2 pages. Can someone help me? Thanks Diogo

    | jslusser

  • My site contains a number of listings for charities that offer various sporting activities for people to get involved in order to raise money. As part of the listing we provide an outbound link for the user to find out more info about each of the charities and their activities. Currently these listings are blocked in the robots.txt for fear that we may be viewed as a 'link farm or spam site' (as there are hundreds of charities listed on the scrolling page) but these links out are genuine and provide benefits and are a useful resource for the user and not paid links. What I'd like to do is make these listings fully crawlable and indexable to increase our search traffic to these listing, but I'm not sure whether this would have a negative impact on our Pagerank with Google potentially viewing all these outbound links as 'bad' or 'paid links', Would removing the listing pages from our robots.txt and making all the outbound links 'nofollow' be the way forward to allow us to properly index the listings without being penalised as some kind of link farm or spam site? (N.B. I have no interest in passing link juice to the external charity websites)

    | simon_realbuzz

  • Hello, i would like your advice on a dilemma i am facing. I am working a new project that is going to release soon,  thats a network of users with personal profiles seperated in categories for example lets say the categories are colors. So let say i am a member and i belong in red color categorie and i got a page where i update my personal information/cv/resume as well as a personal blog thats on that page. So the main site is giving the option to user to search for members by the criteria of color. My first idea is that all users should own a subdomain (and this is how its developed so far) thats easy to use and since the domain name is really small (just 3 letters) i believe subdomain worth since personal site will be easy to remember. My dilemma is should all users own a subdomain, a subdirectory or both and if both witch one should be the canonical? Since it said that search engines treat subdomains as different stand-alone sites, whats best for the main site? to show multiple search results with profiles in subdomains or subdirectories? What if i use both? meaning in search results i use search directory url for each profile while same time each profile owns a subdomains as well? and if so which one should be the canonical? Thanks in advance, C

    | HaCos

  • We are in serps in US google, but not in the UK, Australia. Also we have non-english translations of the website - these options works very well. Are there any logic options to make We can add United Kingdom in the description and texts. Can this do though in ? Same with AU. Website content fits all countries.

    | bele

  • Hi SEOmozers... I need your expert feedback regarding SEO of listing pages with pagination. Crawl following links and write down your advice: Used Cars Car Reviews Listing New Honda Cars Actually these are the search listing pages with pagination. Please provide specialized recommendations for On page enhancements. Looking forward to see answers with pagination best practices.

    | razasaeed

  • Hi We use the Cross Domain Rel Canonical for duplicate content between our own websites, but what about affiliates sites who want our XML feed, (descriptions of our products). We don´t mind being credited but would this present a danger for us? Who is controlling the use of that cross domain rel canonical, us in our feed or them? Is there another way around it?

    | xoffie

  • Hey Guys, I've got a keyword set that is really annoying me. You see on the 19th July I changed my page title for the home page to what I thought would be something more competitive and instead of climbing from rank 9/10 I dropped out of the top 50. So I waited 2 weeks to see if it changed and it just stayed out of the top 50. After two weeks I changed it back again and I've been out of the top 50 ever since. I havnt made any real significant changes to the site as I've held off waiting for the keyword ranking to return but I dont think it will. I was trying to improve the keyword phrase "bahamas all inclusive" for the website I'd managed to get on to page 1 rank 9/10 depending. I changed the title; from "Bahamas All Inclusive - Andros Bahamas Hotel - Bahamas Vacation - Small Hope Bay Lodge All-Inclusive" to "Bahamas All Inclusive Vacation - Small Hope Bay Lodge All-Inclusive" This is really bad for us and I'm not sure what to do. I had a whole plan in place starting with the Title and moving on to the H1 tags, but now I'm not so sure. I've put everything on hold. If this was you what would you do to get back to page 1? Thanks, Adam

    | NaescentAdam

  • I know this isn't a developer forum but I figure someone will know the answer to this. My site is and I have a 301 redirect in my .htaccess file to redirect all non-www to www and it works great. But SEOmoz seems to think this doesn't apply to my blog, which is located at It doesn't seem to make sense that I'd need to place code in every .htaccess file of every sub-folder. If I do, what code can I use? The weirdest part about this is that the redirecting works just fine; it's just SEOmoz's crawler that doesn't seem to be with the program here. Does this happen to you?

    | UnderRugSwept

  • Can you suggest what are the ways to increase page rank of website  and blogs? and according to current scenario, i can see google updating page rank anytime is it true?

    | surajrathore

  • Hi guys, We experienced a massive drop in organic rankings on Saturday 29 October, a drop of around 80%.
    I have received no notifications in webmaster tools
    The site still ranks for its name so we are not banned
    The site has been around since 2007
    My mozrank and trustrank are very high (higher than sites that now still rank while we don't)
    The strange this is the homepage doesn't rank for the main keyword (which it always did), but now a deeper page ranks for the main keyword, albeit on page 4.
    Quite a few of our sites were affected, even though they target different industries, different countries, with different hosts, different unique content, different links (for one we havent even started link building and it was getting 250 UV per day, and now 8). I am completely confused by this.
    Any advice or direction would be extremely helpful. Thanks so much

    | cashchampion

  • We recently relaunched our and this is personally a new venture for me Are there site i should be telling we have new content (yet to publish any but close to). As it's a wordpress blog are there any plugins that do this automatically?

    | Towelsrus

  • I'm getting a lot of duplicate content errors on my ecommerce site mainly centered around product pages. The products are completely different in terms of the title, meta data, product descriptions and images (with alt tags)but SEOmoz is still identifying them as duplicates and we've noticed a significant drop in google ranking lately. Admittedly the product descriptions are a little bit thin but I don't understand why the pages would be viewed as duplicates and therefore can be ranked lower? The content is definitely unique too. As an example these three pages have been identified as being duplicates of each other.

    | gavinhoman

  • We have recently setup a Wordpress focused blog ( which is very much work in progress. Because of financial constraints we had to host this on a separate sub domain. I need to get to grips with blogs is new to me (only been doing SEO this for 3 months now) and have have read may posts on the forums here that this is one of the best ways to build links and engage the audience. How do I go about getting people to read my blog, and should I use this to pull in traffic on keywords we cannot through the main site or should i use this to re-enforce and build traction on those keywords we are trying to rank for on the main site?

    | Towelsrus

  • 2 months ago my site was ranking about 15 for my main KWs in the UK (my main market).  On July 28 we dropped suddenly to ~500 or not in the top 500 at all in the UK for the 3 main keywords.  However, these same terms are still ranking in other markets and we are doing okay in the UK for other terms targeted to the same pages. I cleaned up my links/content and sent a reconsideration request to Google. I then looked closer at my links and realized Google may be counting my affiliate links as if they were mine, so thought maybe that was the problem. I sent Google another reconsideration request and they wrote back the letter pasted below Any ideas about what happened or how I can get my rankings back?  This definitely doesn't seem like it was just a simple algorithm change.  There were no major changes done to our site, and we are still ranking in other markets. Dear site owner or webmaster  
    We received a request from a site owner to reconsider your site for compliance with Google's Webmaster Guidelines. 
    We reviewed your site and found no manual actions by the webspam team that might affect your site's ranking in Google. There's no need to file a reconsideration request for your site, because any ranking issues you may be experiencing are not related to a manual action taken by the webspam team. 
    Of course, there may be other issues with your site that affect your site's ranking. Google's computers determine the order of our search results using a series of formulas known as algorithms. We make hundreds of changes to our search algorithms each year, and we employ more than 200 different signals when ranking pages. As our algorithms change and as the web (including your site) changes, some fluctuation in ranking can happen as we make updates to present the best results to our users. 
    If you've experienced a change in ranking which you suspect may be more than a simple algorithm change, there are other things you may want to investigate as possible causes, such as a major change to your site's content, content management system, or server architecture. For example, a site may not rank well if your server stops serving pages to Googlebot, or if you've changed the URLs for a large portion of your site's pages. This article has a list of other potential reasons your site may not be doing well in search. 
    If you're still unable to resolve your issue, please see our Webmaster Help Forum for support. 
    Google Search Quality Team

    | theLotter

  • Recently one of my good friends updated his iweb based screen printing site to wordpress per my recommendation. This update has helped dramatically boost his rankings to #3 for most local keywords. This new site is now V5 of his site, but all older iweb versions are still on the ftp. There are a total of 209 pages on the ftp, as versions of about 30 actual pages. The pages have changed significantly with each update, leaving very little duplicate content, but the old ones are still on the google index. Would it hurt the rankings to clean up these older versions & 301 redirect to the new versions, or should we leave them? The site for reference is:

    | GoogleMcDougald

  • Howdy Guys,
    We have been battling our way the Google penguin penalty and have just received our 3 knocked back reconsideration request. I posted a find on here the other day about a simple change of page title made our site jump back up... In the meantime I've built 1 hight quality link back to our site and we have moved again from #50 to #46.Have Google ever removed a penalty without telling you?Should we ask for another reconsideration request?Thanks,

    | ScottBaxterWW

  • As a blogger, I use a combination of categories and tags in order to organize my content. I do index tags because they've been very powerful for SEO purposes, but there are certain keywords in which I'd like to be able to create an entirely separate static page with the tagged posts merged onto it. So in other words, this is what I'd like the landing page to be: as opposed to Because of this, I'm uncertain what I need to do with that tag page. With this, I would assume that needs to be indexed, but what would be the wise thing to do? Do I place a rel=canonical on to the static page? Do I do a simple re-direct? Do I just leave it indexed? Will it dilute my desired landing page? Would appreciate all comments and thoughts. Thank you!

    | longview

  • We need a bit of advice on a site we are working on. Currently, the site displays items in the categories in order of date and all of the pages of the category listing are rel prev/next tagged correctly. This is great, and works really well - however we want to include some more sorting options (by popularity, name, file size... etc) into the mix. What's the best way to go about this using the correct tags?  Is it better to NOINDEX all of the sorting options and just leave the default by date listings indexed? Also, we cannot canonical the sorted options to their counterparts because the page content would be different. Any ideas?  Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    | Peter264

  • We got hit pretty hard by Penguin.  There were some bad link issues which we've cleared up and we also had a pretty unique situation stemming from about a year ago when we changed the name of the company and created a whole new site with similar content under a different URL.  We used the same phone number and address, and left the old site up as it was still performing well.  Google didn't care for that so we eventually used 301 redirects to push the link juice from the old site to the new site. That's the background, here's the problem...... We've partially recovered, but there are several keywords that haven't come back anywhere near where they were in Google. We have higher page rank and more links than our competition and are performing in the top 5 for some of our keywords.  Other, similar keywords, where we used to be in the top 5, we are now down on page 4 or 5. Our website is  We build custom cabinetry and furniture in Westchester County, NY just north of NYC. Examples - For "custom built-ins new york" we are number 3 on Google, number 1 on Bing/Yahoo. For "custom kitchen cabinetry ny" we are number 3 on Bing/Yahoo, not in the top 50 on Google. For "custom radiator covers ny"  we used to be #1 on Google, are currently #48, currently #2 on Bing/Yahoo. Obviously, we've done something to upset the Google, but we've run out of ideas as to what it could be.  Any ideas as to what is going on? Thanks so much for your feedback, Doug B.

    | doug_b

  • Hi, I have recently come across an issue with the faceted navigation / dynamic URLs for one of my client sites: From a top level category you can filter by product material, size, type and colour. The URLs which are generated go a little something like this: When selected, a 'facet' 302 redirects from the main category URL (no canonical tags in place yet - working on it). The 'facets' are indexed (although when clicked on from SERPs actually go to a slightly different URL than by navigating there from the site) but they don't display the Meta description in SERPs (instead displaying a list of items from a drop down menu held within a table - probably as it's the first bit of copy the search engines see on the page). How can I get the Meta description to display in SERPs? Also, I tried to add a link to a 'facet' from my blog (just for testing purposes) and I got redirected to the page via their affiliate program. Ideally I want to 'link build' to these pages both internally and via the clients blog but it seems as though there'll be no value in it. Has anyone come across this before and if so, what can I do about it? FYI they are using IIS 6 with Thanks in advance!

    | WalkerM

  • Even though my website has no similar/copied content, i used rel=canonical for all my website pages. Is Google or yahoo make any harm to my SERP's?? EX: is my site, in that i used canonical as rel="<a class="attribute-value">canonical</a>" href="" to my home page like that similar to all pages, i created rel=canonical. Is search engine harm my website???

    | MadhukarSV

  • Has anyone observed the effect on G organic traffic when a site which has little or no location information suddenly registers with the reputable "local" directories? I am especially curious about results observations based upon G's behavior during the past several months. It might be a hosting problem (the host is performing some non-routine mantenance) or possibly even a HUGE change in G's algo but I've observed a huge drop in my traffic after claiming a couple of the local listings earlier this week.  Until then, I doubt G had associated my site with my city. A couple of other explanations are possible but the timing leaves me to doubt it's a coincidence. T.I.A.

    | JustDucky

  • Here's the following are available in my site: robot.txt file is included sitemap available Natural link building going on. in a week total 100 links  we are creating. 30 social bookmarks, 30 directory submission, 20 blog comments, 20 forum links All the blog and forum links are from relevant sources. Please help me ..

    | coldfireinc

  • Hi What kind of 2 tier backlinks is good to add in my 1 tier of backlinks? (forum profiles+static html links + guest posts) Also what kind of backlinks are good to add in inner pages, images of my site or categories? Thanks

    | nyanainc

  • Hi - I'm hoping someone can help me resolve an issue in relation to setting up 301 redirects. The client to whom I provide SEO services is being told by his developers that setting up 301 redirects is not achievable from old HTML pages to his new site running on a Windows server. My feeling is that it should be fine, and I have found documentation online that seems to support this, however I'm no developer, certainly no server admin, so I was wondering if anyone could advise me? Is it feasible to set up 301 redirects from Actinic sites (HTML pages) to a new site in NOP commerce running on a Windows server (ASP pages). Thank you for your help! Iain

    | Wynyard

  • Hi I was checking a site and I found lots of directory listings. 70% of the directories are punished in the list which I created (pagerank 0). Except from the directories which are listed here in seomoz, how much % of the others outside are punished? Also I noticed that this punished directories with pagerank 0 have most of them authority 30-40 according to the seomoz tool bar. I should bother to put a link or not? Why  I see this difference? Thanks

    | nyanainc

  • I work on a large news site that is constantly being crawled by Google. Googlebot is hitting the homepage every 5-10 minutes. We are in the process of moving to a new CMS which has left our sitemap nonfunctional. Since we are getting crawled so often, I've met resistance from an overwhelmed development team that does not see creating sitemaps as a priority. My question is, are they right? What are some reasons that I can give to support my claim that creating an xml sitemap will improve crawl efficiency and indexing if we are already having new stories appear in Google SERPs within 10-15 minutes of publication? Is there a way to quantify what the difference would be if we added a sitemap?

    | BostonWright

  • We currently have product schema on product pages and will now be adding video schema to our product pages. According to Google they state you can have multiple schemas on a page, do you know if you have a product schema and a video schema which rich snippet will display in Google?

    | gatorpool

  • I'm asking people who have recovered from Panda to share what criteria they used - especially on sites that are not large scale ecommerce sites. Blog site hit by Panda 3.5.   Blog has approximately 250 posts.  Some of the posts are the most thorough on the subject and regained traffic despite a Penguin mauling a few days after the Panda attack.  (The site has probably regained 80% of the traffic it lost since Penguin hit without any link removal or link building, and minimal new content.) Bounce rate is 80% and average time on page is 2:00 min.  (Even my most productive pages tend to have very high bounce rates BUT those pages maintain time on page in the 4 to 12 minute range.) The Panda discussions I've read on these boards seem to focus on e-commerce sites with extremely thin content.  I assume that Google views much of my content as "thin" too.  But, my site seems to need a pruning instead of just combiining the blue model, white model, red model, and white model all on one page like most of the ecommerce sites we've discussed. So, I'm asking people who have recovered from Panda to share what criteria they used to decide whether to combine a page, prune a page, etc. After I combine any series articles to one long post (driving the time on page to nice levels), I plan to prune the remaining pages that have poor time on page and/or bounce rates.  Regardless of the analytics, I plan to keep the "thin" pages that are essential for readers to understand the subject matter of the blog. (I'll work on flushing out the content or producing videos for those pages.) How deep should I prune on the first cut?  5% ?   10% ?  Even more ?   Should I focus on the pages with the worst bounce rates, the worst time on page, or try some of both? If I post unique and informative video content (hosted on site using Wistia), what I should I expect for a range of the decrease in bounce rate ? Thanks for reading this long post.

    | JustDucky

  • Hi guys I have an ecommerce in prestashop (unfortunatelly I can not change it at this moment). I made all main activities both off and on the page. And actually it is working pretty well since I am up on the SERP for all the target keywords. BUT, the page rank still be 0. The site is about 2 years old. My main competitor has the same domain authority than mine, but he has a page rank > 0 Moreover I have more quality links then it has, but it is older Any suggestions? Many thanks Ciao Diego

    | sbrelax

  • Hi, How long does it take for a 301 redirect to pass PR/Juice to the new domain it's redirecting to? From what I understand you tell Google in Webmaster tools this domain is now going to this domain and then setup a file on the old domains hosting to redirect to the new. And that's it! If that is correct how long does it take? 2 days, 2 weeks, months, maybe never??? Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • The past 2 days, specific keywords Ive been ranking well for have disappeared. If I google specific with brand it still shows up.  So I havent been removed from the index. Is it possible that I was hit by penguin without any type of notice in the webmaster account? Organic traffic dropped substantialy in the past couple days without any warnings. Any help greatly appreciated! Thank You

    | TP_Marketing

  • For about 3 years our website was number one in for our trades main keyphrase which resulted in excellent sales. About 12 months ago that position started to slide downwards and for that keyphrase we are now number 10. We are still at number's 1,2 and 3 for several other keyphrases but ones that result in fewer daily Google searches and resultant sales. I have always added unique content to the site but admit that my blog posts became less than daily over the past 12 months. However I am adding posts as often as I can now, of good length and of unique content. As well as tweaking all our online seo factors I'm trying to add good backlinks as often as possible. I wonder if anyone has been in a similar position and what they did to try and regain their previous position? Colin

    | NileCruises

  • Hai guys my blog is abt Health related so if i took the backlink from High Pr edu and high pr forum which r not related to health so is it help full or not? No relevance link from above 6pr is good or harmful for site??? Thanks and waiting for your reply.

    | Brayvez

  • I have added canonical tags to all my pages, yet I just don't know if I have used them correctly - do you have any ideas on this. My url is

    | simonberenyi

  • Hey Guys. To be honest i havent heard about any case of penguin recovery yet except from the famous WMPU revocery (if u ask me it dosent count really) Any way I own a few sites.. that got hit by Penguin. I did remove 90% of the "suspected as bad links" and apply to google reconsideration. in return i got an answer after a few days from google saying :"We reviewed your site and found no manual actions by the webspam team that might affect your site's ranking in Google. There's no need to file a reconsideration request for your site, because any ranking issues you may be experiencing are not related to a manual action taken by the webspam team.... and so on" So what they saying is that the engine still think that your links are spammy.. what should i do?? i truy removed most of the links but homepage isnt really showing any progress.. he is just no where.. Idaes? Case Studies?

    | Idoz

  • Hi, Links in the global navigation bar of our website do not show up when we look at Google cache --> text only version of the page. These links use "style="<a class="attribute-value">display:none;</a>" when we looked at HTML source. But if I use "user agent switcher" add-on in Firefox and set it to Googlebot, the links in global nav are displayed. I am wondering what is the best way to find out if Google can/can not see the links. Thanks for the help! Supriya.

    | SShiyekar

  • Is the above statement correct? I've read that its better to have different SEO titles & descriptions for mobile sites as users search differently on mobile devices. I've also read it's good to link build, keep text content on mobile sites etc to get the mobile site to rank. If I choose to not have titles & descriptions on my mobile site will Google just rank our desktop version & then redirect a user on a mobile device to our mobile site or should I be adding in titles & descriptions into the mobile site? Thanks so much for any help!

    | DCochrane

  • We have noticed that Google is indexing the language/country directory versions of directories we have disallowed in our robots.txt. For example: Disallow: /images/ is blocked just fine However, once you add our /en/uk/ directory in front of it, there are dozens of pages indexed. The question is: Can I put a wildcard in the middle of the string, ex. /en/*/images/, or do I need to list out every single country for every language in the robots file. Anyone know of any workarounds?

    | IHSwebsite

  • Site = e-commerce Products = clothing (no apparel can be location specific like sports gear where you can do the location specific team gear (NBA, NFL, etc)) Problems = a. no store front b. I don't want to do any sitewides (footers, sidebars, etc) because of the penguin update Question = How do you geo-target these category pages and product pages? Ideas = a. reviews with clients locations b. blog posts with clients images wearing apparel and location description and keywords that also links back to that category or be it product page (images geo- targeted, tags, and description) c. ? Thanks in advance!

    | Cyclone

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