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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • I've read that it's good to keep a natural link profile. Some naked links, some links going to our company name, some with anchor text, etc. Do nofollow links affect this link profile, or is it only followed links that are taken into account?

    | lighttable

  • I have the option of getting a link from 2 websites home pages. My site is a financial service website. I want to know if it is safe to do so. The first site is a hotel site, so their content has no relation to my site And the second is a Google News website about finances They have offered me a section in the sidebar to have a sentence or 2 about my site with a link. Can you tell me would these be safe to get? I don't want to be hit by any penalty

    | JohnPeters

  • The following pages of my website all end up at the same place: but we have a really messy URL structure throughout the website. I would like to have a neat URL structure, including for offline marketing so customers can easily memorize or even guess the URL. I'm thinking of duplicating the pages and canonical referencing the original ones with the messy URLs instead of a 301 redirect (done for each individual page of course), because the latter will likely result in a traffic drop. We've got tens of thousands of URLs; some active and some inactive. Bearing in mind that thousands of links already point in to the site and even a small percentage drop in traffic would be a serious problem given low industry margins and high marketing spend, I'd love to hear opinions of people who have encountered this issue and found it problematic or successful. @randfish to the rescue. I hope.

    | IPROdigital

  • Can anyone shed any light on how the following site has managed to retain a Google Page Rank of 4? We have just be asked to look at developing a new site.  This site has been inactive for 5 years.  From SEO perspective all seems wrong so how is it managing to achieve a PR4? Thanks

    | SEOwins

  • I have been #2 in Google for "plenty more fish" for about 8 years and have now disappeared. I've been told that I have no manual spam action against my domain Can anyone suggest why I have disappeared and how I might rectify this? My guess is something to do with the Panda update Sept 27th - EMD (Exact Match Domain), although I don't understand why Google have left a competitors site #1 as this also has exact match domain. Maybe they've just picked one exact match domain to display and have not chosen mine as the .com has a better overall SEO score. Appreciate any assitance. Thanks.

    | benners

  • I have a webpage for all 50 states for specific info relating to relocation and was wondering if there are any recommended links to work at getting for these pages.  I would like to do "state" specific and possibly health related links for each page to help in the SEO rankings. I can see that if I just wanted to get 10 links on each page that is going to be 500 links I have to build and it is going to be very time consuming but I feel it is necessary. Thank you, Poo

    | Boodreaux

  • Hello.
    Just wondering if anyone has come across this and can tell me if it worked or not. Goal:
    To block review pages Challenge:
    The URLs aren't constructed using folders, they look like this: So the first part of the URL is the same (i.e. /default.aspx?z=review) and the unique part comes immediately after - so not as a folder. Looking at Google recommendations they show examples for ways to block 'folder directories' and 'individual pages' only. Question:
    If I add the following to the Robots.txt file will it block all review pages? User-agent: *
    Disallow: /default.aspx?z=review Much thanks,

    | Unity

  • This is kind of a trick question, but if you could only do ONE thing to improve your search ranking what would you do?

    | JHSpecialty

  • I've been working on my site for over 2 years and have some very good links and now have a PageRank 4. My site has fallen down from page 1 to page 4 for 'Web Design London' which may be due to not putting much work into link building in the last 6 months. The site is pretty well optimised onsite but there are less that 20 pages of content. With time constraints in place because I have to run the business, would it be better to increase the content, seek out more links or outsource the work. Ideally I would do both but money and time restrict this. If I was to outsource, do you have recommendations and rough prices? Thanks

    | wpwebdesignlondon

  • We have two eCommerce sites. Both the sites can broadly be divided into 3 pages 1. Home Page. 2. Detail Page. 3 Category Pages (Altogether our site has approx 3 Million pages each) These are the site URLs - This is targeted for USA  Audience - This is targeted for UK audience The .com domain which was launched earlier in 2011 is doing okay with decent organic traffic Precautions Taken: To avoid content being duplicate on both the sites we are using: a. Geo-targeting through Google webmaster tools b. rel=alternate tag on Problem 1. The domain which was launched in May 2012 started gaining organic traffic slowly but then suddenly dropped to almost 0 after September 18. 2. When we use operator and apply a filter on past week/month we don't see any result. While when same operator used for "any time" we see some results. 3. According to webmaster tool, Google has indexed 95% of our URLs in the sitemap Our concern: Is our UK site penalized for some reasons? If yes, what could be the possible reason(s) for this penalty and possible steps to get out of it? Would request if experts here can review our site and help us.

    | CyrilWilson

  • Today at Pubcon Cutts announced this tool similar to Bing's - My question is, has anybody used Bing's? Do you foresee any problems or issues to consider? Just checking before going ahead with using it 🙂 Thanks

    | bradkrussell

  • Hello, We've got a pdf with, on the front page "by author 1 and author 2" Author one published the PDF and sits at rank 3 Author 2 is us (on a completely different website than author 1) How can we rank highest, and can we use google authorship? Can we get our picture next to the article? Let me know if we need to convert to html for (1) and/or (2)

    | BobGW

  • hello, we are thinking about changing to we have TONS of of pages and want to make sure that our Page Rank and Rankings are maintained. Are there any best practices or specific guides for redirecting for such a large site (which already has a bunch of redirects in place in the first place) Thanks!

    | imageworks-261290

  • Hello, We have a website we are linking using schema / google places to a G+ profile. however, this is a person in the company and may change in the future. Is there any issue (e.g. TOS issue) with Google to have one author of a website and then change to another (e.g. change from author being one G+ account ot another with a new image/profile/person)? Thanks!

    | onlinemktg1

  • I feel like I've tried everything up to this point. I also survived all of the recent Google updates, including the recent EMD update (my site is an EMD). Also I am in the financial sector. I blog every day, I've made some great infographics. I have a very nice website (much better than the competition's), I've done my on-page SEO. I've done the basic link building too. I've hit good business directories, good blog directories (like Technorati), and infographic directories. I've done a bit of comment linkbuilding but I don't see that being very fruitful. I also have a large twitter following + a twitter tribe that shares all of my blog posts. I can't say I've managed to build any sort of community however. My traffic has grown from 0 to anywhere from 80 to 160 visitors every day in just 3 months, and I am happy with that progress but it seems like I have plateaued. Sure I will continue creating content, but what can I do about link building? That's where the results are probably going to come from. I've read all the articles about it, took advice from but at this point, I'm not sure how to continue. I dont want to continue going after blog comment links, I want quality. Any advice?

    | MangoMan16

  • I am working on my SEO strategies and though it would be good to get advice from awesome members: Our current rankings are on (Google United States) page 5. Our keywords have high competition and hence we need to follow tight plan. I want to learn some best strategies to get Page 1 rankings and how much time would be required approximately. (though I know its weird to ask for time in SEO but what I mean is some case studies or examples of how long you waited when you have pushed your website from page 5 to page 1) What rank maintenance strategies you follow in general. Does anyone have used any agency for rank maintenance for their  niche.


  • I'm considering making a change to using AJAX filtered navigation on my e-commerce site.  If I do this, the user experience will be significantly improved but the number of pages that Google finds on my site will go down significantly (in the 10,000's). It feels to me like our filtered navigation has grown out of control and we spend too much time worrying about the url structure of it - in some ways it's paralyzing us.  I'd like to be able to focus on pages that matter (explicit Category and Sub-Category) pages and then just let ajax take care of filtering products below these levels. For customer usability this is smart.  From the perspective of manageable code and long term design this also seems very smart -we can't continue to worry so much about filtered navigation. My concern is that losing so many indexed pages will have a large negative effect (however, we will reduce duplicate content and be able provide much better category and sub-category pages). We probably should have thought about this a year ago before Google indexed everything :-).  Does anybody have any experience with this or insight on what to do? Thanks, -Jason

    | cre8

  • I've noticed that some website owners use canonical tags even when there may be no duplicate issues.For  has a canonical tag.......rel="canonical" href="" />  has a canonical tag.......rel="canonical" href="" />Is this recommended or helpful to do this?

    | webestate

  • 6 months ago my clients site was overhauled and the user generated searches had an index tag on them. I switched that to noindex but didn't get it fast enough to avoid being 100's of pages indexed in Google. It's been months since switching to the noindex tag and the pages are still indexed. What would you recommend? Google crawls my site daily - but never the pages that I want removed from the index. I am trying to avoid submitting hundreds of these dynamic URL's to the removal tool in webmaster tools. Suggestions?

    | BeTheBoss

  • I'm doing a major URL rewriting on our site to make the URL more SEO friendly as well as more comfortable and intuitive for our users. Our site has a lot of indexed pages, over 250k. So it will take Google a while to reindex everything. I was thinking that when Google Bot encounters the new URLs, it will probably figure out it's duplicate content with the old URL. At least until it recrawls the old URL and get a 301 directing them to the new URL. This will probably lower the ranking of every page being crawled. Am I right to assume this is what will happen? Or is it fine as long as the old URLs get 301 redirect? If it is indeed a problem, what's the best solution? rel="canonical" on every single page maybe? Another approach? Thank you.

    | corwin

  • I'm having a lot of these "Warnings" show up. I use an Ecommerce site that automatically makes my URL. Is this something I should be concerned about?

    | floridaoutdoorsrv

  • Hey guys & gals! Last week, I watched one of the Pro Webinars on here related to Google Places.  Since then, I have begun to help one of my friends with his GP page to get my feet wet. One of the tips from the webinar was to geotag images in Panoramio to use for your images on the Places page.  However, when I try to do this, I just get an error that says they can't upload it at this time. I tried searching online for answers, but the G support pages that I have found where someone asks the same question, there is no resolution. Can anyone help? PS - I would prefer not to post publicly the business name, URL, etc.  So, if that info is needed, I can PM. Thanks a lot!

    | strong1

  • Sometimes I've felt that my choice was incorrect. I know taht with a big amount of content on the same subject a bigger one is better: it’s easier to maintain, and a big number of pages is good for Google ranking, but when you have many small sites, each one focusing on a totally different subject, you can crosslink them and this will improve your rankings. Furthermore, many small sites allow you to focus in specific niches and help you rank better for different keywords. So, what is the best choice?

    | sergio_redondo

  • Mission Possible? Here is a test. Suppose you had 3 hours (okay 7) to go and submit links, etc, on Social Bookmarking, Local Search Engines and Directories, which top 5 or more of each would you do? (Assuming your on-page is already sweetened). I just got 2 more clients and I need to get started on a few things for each. Thankful for all your advice.............

    | greenhornet77

  • A new client of mine utilizes a ssl certificate, so his domain starts with https, it seems to be messing up the seo. I just ran a check with site explorer and if I copy and paste the https url into site explorer, it is not found.  when I enter http, I get 1 backlink, no facebook likes and no internal links, all which are totally incorrect. Where do I start to sort this out?, htaccess, and what is the best strategy to take? Thanks so much for your assistance! Carin

    | handsun

  • I have a client that has 800 locations.  50 of them are mine.  The corporation has a standard website for their locations.  The only thing different is their location info on each page.  The majority of the content is the same for each website for each location. What can be done to minimize the impact/penalty of having "duplicate or near duplicate" content on their sites?  Assuming corporate won't allow the pages to be altered.

    | JChronicle

  • Site bumpbabyandbeyond com au. Help! We have been operating for six years and had steadily built up our ranking for major terms like maternity clothes, maternity clothing, maternity wear, reaching highs of 6, 8 and 10 respectively for AU sites AU wide about six months ago that we have steadily maintained. All of a sudden we have dropped away. A week ago I noticed we had dropped from 6 to 12 for maternity clothes. This morning we are 21! I can't see any obvious reason for this, but believe the eCommerce module of our inventory/pos software has had a recent update - I'm awaiting answers on this. We haven't actively had anyone link building or working on SEO after being badly bitten and shelling out a small fortune for an AU company to do very little over six months - rankings improved rapidly when I sacked them and did some on page minor work myself. But I don't have the time or knowledge to look after the seo, and am on the hunt for reputable white hat assistance. Is there anything obviously wrong that I need to fix ASAP? Any help would be much appreciated 🙂

    | catfree

  • Hi, We recently held a charity night in store. And had a few local celebs turn up etc... We created a press release to send out to various media outlets, within the press release were hyperlinks to our site and links on certain keywords to specific brands on our site. My question is, should we be sending a different press release to each outlet to stop the duplicate content thing, or is sending the same release out to everyone ok? We will be sending approx 20 of these out, some going online and some not. So far had one local paper website, a massive football website and a local magazine site. All pretty much same content and a few pics. Any help, hints or tips on how to go about this if I am going to be sending out to a load of other sites/blogs? Cheers

    | YNWA

  • I was looking through the pages indexed by Google (with and one of the results was a page with "noindex, follow" in the code that seems to be a page generated by blog searches. Any ideas why it seems to be indexed or how to de-index it?

    | theLotter

  • I own and manage 2 online stores selling furnace filters. and We have 4 different qualities furnace filters and each of them are avaible in almost 50 different sizes. My store is setup with almost 200 different products. ( 4 filtres X 50 sizes) None of them have variable. This was a lots of work to create 200 different products. The reason I did this is because when searching in search engine, vistors will use such keywords: 16x20x4 filter 20x25x2 furnace filter a/c filter 10x20x1 replacement filter online 20x20x1 16x25x5 filter toronto and so on... Must keywords request in search engine will included the furnace filter size. QUESTIONS: all my products descriptions are the same, the only difference is the filter size, is this Duplicate Content? will it be better to sell 4 filters with 50 variables? if my store use variable I don't see how I will rank on Google when shopper search for keyword like mention before in this post. My page name will always be the same. My description page the same and so on... Furnace Filters Canada is on BigCommerce platform and I love it. I'm in the process of moving Filtration Montreal to CoreCommerce. You can have a look at it here I'm very limited in SEO knowledge, the way I have setup I thing is the best way for SEO. What is your opinion & recommendations. Thank you for your help, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • I have 'magic seo urls' installed on my zencart site. Except for some reason no one can explain why or how the files were disabled. So my static links went back to dynamic (index.php?**********) etc. The issue was resolved with the module except in that time google must have crawled my site and I lost all my rankings. I'm nowher to be found in the top 50. Did this really cause such an extravagant SEO issue as my web developers told me? Can I expect my rankings to return next time my site is crawled by google?

    | Pete79

  • So I'm working on a brand new project, and want to go after my competition rather aggressively. I have a long list of industry resources, including blogs, articles and directories, and several news/media/press release type sites that I could have link to me in a very short amount of time. How fast is too fast? Is there a penalty for getting links too fast if they are all legit?

    | GoogleMcDougald

  • We have a product catalog with several hundred similar products. Our list of products allows you apply filters to hone your search, so that in fact there are over 150,000 different individual searches you could come up with on this page. Some of these searches are relevant to our SEO strategy, but most are not. Right now (for the most part) we save the state of each search with the fragment of the URL, or in other words in a way that isn't indexed by the search engines. The URL (without hashes) ranks very well in Google for our one main keyword. At the moment, Google doesn't recognize the variety of content possible on this page. An example is: We're moving towards a more indexable URL structure and one that could potentially save the state of all 150,000 searches in a way that Google could read. An example would be: I worry, though, that giving so many options in our URL will confuse Google and make a lot of duplicate content. After all, we only have a few hundred products and inevitably many of the searches will look pretty similar. Also, I worry about losing ground on the main page, when it's ranking so well at the moment. So I guess the questions are: Is there such a think as having URLs be too specific? Should we noindex or set rel=canonical on the pages whose keywords are nested too deep? Will our main keyword's page suffer when it has to share all the inbound links with these other, more specific searches?

    | boxcarpress

  • What is the optimal Title Tag length when optimizing a mobile version of your site for the iPhone?

    | GearyLSF37

  • Hi there folks I am looking for some guidance on Google News URLs. We are restructuring the site. A main traffic driver will be the traffic we get from Google News. Most large publishers use: Others use etc. (Celebrity is a channel on Google News so should we try and follow that format?) (unique ID no at the end and part of the title URL) Others include the date. So as you can see there are so many combinations and there doesnt seem to be any unity across news sites for this format. Have you any advice on how to structure these URLs? Particularly if we want to been seen as an authority on the following topics: fashion, hair, beauty, and celebrity news - in particular "celebrity name" So should the celebrity news section be or what? This is for a completely new site build. Thanks Barry

    | Deepti_C

  • Few Questions. In Each And Every Page Title I Would Like To Add My Brand Name, and Then Some Keywords. Example :  **Brand Name - Creative Watches ** I would like to use my brand name first of title and also in every page title. If i use brand name in every pages of my title does it will be duplicate title.  please suggest me that can we use brand name in every pages of title or not.

    | sumit60

  • I have blog where all the pages r get indexed, with rich content in it. But In blogs tag and category url are also get indexed. i have just added my blog in seomoz pro, and i have checked my Crawl Diagnostics Summary in that its showing me that some of your blog content are same. For Example:  these url is already get indexed, but i have asigned some tag and catgeory fo these url also which have also get indexed with the same content. so how shall i stop search engines to do not crawl these tag and categories pages. if i have more no - follow tags in my blog does it gives negative impact to search engines, any alternate way to tell search engines to stop crawling these category and tag pages.

    | sumit60

  • Hi, I'm showing my videos using jquery lightbox etc. This means that I do not have the normal YouTube "embedding" code onpage. Does anyone know if Google will somehow index my videos? Any solutions / ideas? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • Hi, As stated in the title, I am wondering if I should NOINDEX NOFOLLOW my shopping cart page - it is actually a buy now page that receives in the URL the Item ID - only one item per purchase. I received duplication errors so now I added canonical and I wonder if I should simply remove it altogether. Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • I'm working on the code for a collaborative project that will eventually have hundreds of pages. The editor of this project wants all pages to be listed in the main navigation at the top of the site. There are four main dropdown (suckerfish-style) menus and these have nested sub- and sub-sub-menus. Putting aside the UI issues this creates, I'm concerned about how Google will find our content on the page. Right now, we now have over 120 links above the main content of the page and have plans to add more as time goes on (as new pages are created). Perhaps of note, these navigation elements are within an html5 <nav>element: <nav id="access" role="navigation"> Do you think that Google is savvy enough to overlook the "abundant" navigation links and focus on the content of the page below? Will the <nav>element help us get away with this navigation strategy? Or should I reel some of these navigation pages into categories? As you might surmise the site has a fairly flat structure, hence the lack of category pages.</nav> </nav> </nav>

    | boxcarpress

  • Hi, I know that once there were discussions about "navigating" all links top wise to the main pages - for example to category pages in e-commerce sites. What is the proper methodology today? One example: Should I link out from a category main page which shows my products (a serious landing page)  to a page that explains about the product? It makes sense but I don't want my about page to become the more important page (even though it does link back to the products category page). Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • Hi, We have a holiday home rental business in Italy (Umbria). At this moment the language of the site is dutch and we targeting at the dutch and belgium market.  We now in the fase of developing/adding 2 more languages, german and english. The url structure is going to is/be. dutch version (live) English (en) version (dev)
    ect German (de) version (dev)
    ect I have some registred some keyword rich domainnames like (nl) (de)
    ect question: Is it a good approach (seo wise) to point the keyword rich domainname to the specified landingpage. By example: point to the page ? mille grazie! remco

    | remcozwaan

  • We have a website with around 40 product pages. We also have around 300 pages with individual ingredients used for the products and on top of that we have some 400 pages of individual retailers which stock the products. Ingredient pages have same basic short info about the ingredients and the retail pages just have the retailer name, adress and content details. Question is, should I add noindex to all the ingredient and or retailer pages so that the focus is entirely on the product pages? Thanks for you help!

    | ArchMedia

  • I have done some research into the types of sites that my competitors have inbound links from and upon closer inspection it appears that in many cases they would have had to pay for this kind of exposure. I already do a lot of guess blogging (for free) in an attempt to get my content out there, but is it worth paying to add my content (with backlinks) to established sites with good Domain Authority or PageRank? I, as I'm sure do a lot of you, have been inundated throughout my SEO career with offers to pay £X for this and £X for that. What is a good rate to pay? Is it dependent on what you expect to get back or is there an industry norm? Happy for general chatter on this as I want to try it but if I am to get the budget from my manager I need to be certain it will pay dividends and is worthwhile.

    | DHS_SH

  • I am finding that our homepage and other pages are being ranked higher against keywords that we have optimised other pages for. e.g Keyword: Luxury Towels Google Ranks our homepage at 20 for this and the page I am trying to rank for it is nowhere to be seen Why is this and is this why our position for certain keywords fluctuates? How do I remedy this problem?

    | Towelsrus

  • Hi! I'm having some trouble getting Google to index pages which once had a querystring in them but now are being redirected with a 301. The pages have a lot of unique content but this doesn't seem to matter. I feels as if there stuck in limbo (or a sandbox 🙂 Any clues on how to fix this? Thanks / Niklas

    | KAN-Malmo

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm looking for any suggestions on how to improve my on page SEO for Main keyword is 'Concrete repair' which is sitting at around about 20/21 in the SERP's Looking for blatantly obvious ideas that I've missed too Thanks in advance!

    | Hughescov

  • Will using a city or country name be devalued with the exact domain name update. I want to make a new website about my favourite vacation spot. I was thinking or The site will focus on all the best things to do in that vacation spot, best dining, beaches, watersports ect. I will be writing all the content based on my experience of travelling there for over 20 years... If the site is going to be all about things to do in that city or island, how else could i name the site.    Wouldn't that be using the keywords island + travel + activities in the domain ? I am so confused right now, what would be devalued in the exact domain match and what would not. Thank you in advance for your thoughts.

    | jlane9

  • I have been hearing that the latest algorithmic changes address "Over-Optimization", which sounds very counter-productive for businesses. Why would Google hurt the companies that have a narrow market or product offering? Regarding over-optimization, does SEOmoz have a tool to help address those issues? We saw a strange decrease in our "LMS" keyword, which is the core keyword for  I am trying to figure out if we are over-optimized. Can anyone provide any suggestions and tools I can use to make sure my site now matches what Google wants? Thanks!

    | TOPYX

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