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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • We will soon be launching an education site that teaches people how to drive (not really the topic, but it will do).  We plan on being content rich and have plans to expand into several "schools" of driving.  Currently, content falls into a number of categories, for example rules of the road, shifting gears, safety, etc.  We are going to group content into general categories that apply broadly, and then into "schools" where the content is meant to be consumed in a specific order. So, for example, some URLs in general categories may be: etc. Then, schools will be available for specific types of vehicles.  For example, etc. We will provide lessons at the school level, and in the general categories.  This is where it gets tricky.  If people are looking for general content, then we want them to find pages in the general categories (for example,  However, we have very similar content within each of the schools (for example, As you could imagine, sometimes the content is very unique between the various schools and the general category (such as in shifting), but often it is very similar or even nearly duplicate (as in the example above).  The problem is that in the schools we want to say at the end of the lesson, "after this lesson, take the next lesson about speed limits for motorcycles" so there is a very logical click-path through the school.   Unfortunately this creates potential duplicate content issues. The best solution I've come up with is to include a canonical tag (pointing to the general version of the page) whenever there is content that is virtually identical.  There will be cases though where we adjust the content "down the road" 🙂 to be more unique and more specific for the school.  At that time we'd want to remove the canonical tag. So two questions: Does anyone have any better ideas of how to handle this duplicate content? If we implement canonical tags now, and in 6 months update content to be more school-specific, will "undoing" the canonical tag (and even adding a self-referential tag) work for SEO? I really hope someone has some insight into this! Many thanks (in advance).

    | JessicaB

  • We have a page that's ranking well on Google, however the page is not showing up in either Yahoo or Bing. What's even more odd is that for Y! and Bing, the page doesn't return in SERP even when you explicitly search for it (e.g. homepage + name of page). Instead, the result that gets returned is our homepage along with a Page Title that's been manipulated to include the keywords, but the title is not what we have in our title tag. Bing processed our sitemap today and I also manually submitted the URL, but it's still not turning up. Any thoughts?

    | JoeLin

  • Hello all. I have been asked what the consequences of using Magento's "multistore" functionality are if we were to duplicate our entire magento store and place it on a secondary domain... The simple answer which comes to my mind is that it will be a flagged as duplicate content. However, is this still the case if the site were placed in a different country? The original being the UK the copy being Ireland (both English speaking) How would & treat these stores? Hope this is clear... our site is

    | TowerHealth

  • When I run on my site, it doesn't find all of my pages. The pages do not have any no follows in them (I thought that was the original problem). Has this happened to anyone else? What is the solution?

    | digitalops

  • Hi I have word press site and it has 24 pages and the main keywords is Stairlifts there are various kind and type of stairlifts and all the 24 page has the title tag stairslifts , i have tried to make each unique but i cannot avoid using the keyword stairslift. Will that have a negative impact if my main keyword is stairlifts. My target page for stairlifts is the home page. Any suggestions please Many thanks

    | conversiontactics

  • Hi i have a site which i'm dealing with that has tag pages for instant - How can i exclude these tag pages (about 20+ being crawled and indexed by the search engines with robot.txt Also sometimes they're created dynamically so i want something which automatically excludes tage pages from being crawled and indexed. Any suggestions? Cheers, Mark

    | monster99

  • I have one site that got hit by the latest google updates. Penguin and EMD. The site was making me nice income but now with the traffic drop its not.  I was going to 301 to a new domain but was reading that if it works to bring it back in the serps it would only last 3-4 weeks... then i though just get a domain and add the content over time and get rid of the old domain. + take care and build better links. I bought website that already ranks and been around since about 2003 online.  Not hit by the updates and has few goood links. Would it be a better idea to move content to this site and make it grow? Not sure what to do..

    | samerk

  • Hi, Both my and .ie websites have the exact same content which consists of hundreds of pages, is this going to cause an issue? I have a hreflang on both websites plus google webmaster tools is picking up that both websites are targeting different counties. Thanks

    | Paul78

  • Nearly all of my domains in webmaster tools show thousands of links to me from Problem is only a couple links show up to them in OSE so can't learn much there. I try to access their site but every page I do I get a 403 forbidden error. All I can gather is they are some kind of health and beauty thing. I did a site search in Google and looked at the cached result of the first page but it took me to or something. I honestly cannot figure out. OSE shows them as one of my linking domains, but I can't see any of the pages linking to me. I need to know if this is a spammy site that I need to disavow. I have no idea how or why they link to me. Any insight from any Mozzers is GREATLY appreciated! 🙂

    | DanDeceuster

  • Does having a trailing slash make a url different than the same url without the trailing slash? Or**/** Does Google consider these to be the same link or does Google treat them as different links?

    | webestate

  • Is it useful for SEO to cross link between TOP level categories, let's say I have a Home page and then 2 sub categories, one about green widgets one about red widgets
    Should i create a link from the green widget to the red widget or should I leave those are separate silos ? I know that within a silo i need to cross link ( from green widget 1 to green widget 2 etc... )  but how about about from the main category to the other main category ?

    | seoanalytics

  • How can I figure out which pages are on the same level on my site ? I created an automatic sitemap with a software online but it doesn't tell me abc page is on the 1 st level,  xyz page is on the second level etc... and I have a hard time figuring out if my main menu is on the same level as my drop down menu as it is visible on the same page. Is there anyway to figure what which pages are on the same level ?

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi, Looking at Google's WMT "links to your site" it shows few sites that have thousands of links pointing to mine. There are actually only 1-2 links pointing to me from a site that Google shows 2000.
    I assume that it is simply because they don't have canonical tags. Should I ask for the 2 links to be removed? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • When does one matter more than the other? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Matthew

    | Mrupp44

  • Hello everyone, I own quite a lot of website active in the same niche and sometimes targeting the same keywords, these sites are hosted at different IP's. But they all have the same Whois details, i was wondering if Google checks the Whois-data? And if it affects the serp's? Regards, Yannick

    | iwebdevnl

  • Although the subject of subdomains has been discussed quite often on these boards, I never found a clear answer to something I am pondering. I am about to launch a network of 8 to 10 related sites - all sharing a the same concept, layout, etc. but each site possessing unique content.  My concept will be somewhat similar to how (Major League Baseball) is set up.   Each of the 30 teams in the league has it's unique content as a subdomain.  My goal in the initial research was to try to find the answer to this question - **"Do the subdomains of a network contribute any increased value to the Root Domain? ** As I was trying to find the answer to my question and analyzing how did it, I began to notice some structure that made very little sense to me and am hoping an expert can explain why they are doing it the way they are. Let me try to illustrate: Root Domain =  (actually redirects to: This root domain serves universal content that appeals to all fans of the league and also as a portal to the other subdomains from the main navigation. SubDomain Example = **Already there are a couple of questions. ** 1.  Why does redirect to ? - why the mlb subdomain? 2. - Why two subdomains for  Why not just make the subdomain "tampabayrays", "newyorkmets", "newyorkyankees" etc. **Here is where things get a little more complicated and confusing for me. **
    From the home page, if I click on an article about the San Francisco Giants, I was half expecting to be led to content hosted from the subdomain but instead the URL was: I can understand the breakdown of this URL
    YMD = Year, Month, Date
    Content ID = Identifying the content
    VKey = news_MLB (clicked from the "news section found from the mlb subdomain.
    c_id=mlb (?) Now, if I go to the San Francisco Giants page, I see a link to the same exact article but the URL is this: It get's even stranger...when I went to the Chicago Cubs subdomain, the URL to the same exact article does not even link to the general content, instead the URL looks like this: When I looked at the header from the ULR, I could see the OG:URL as:  but I did not see anything relating to rel=canonical I am sure there is a logical answer to this as the content management for a site like MLB.COM must be a real challenge.  However, it seems that they would have some major issues with duplicate content. So aside from MLB's complex structure...I am also still searching for the answer to my initial question which is - **"Do the subdomains of a network contribute any increased value to the Root Domain?"  For example, does bring value to  And what if the subdomain is marketed as and then redirected to the subdomain? Thanks in advance. **

    | bluelynxmarketing

  • Hi, I am planning on setting up cross domain analytics for my website.  I have found lots of sources about the code to use, but haven't been able to find something about what parameters to consider. Would appreciate my fellow mozzers helping me to put together a list of all the variations of elements I may want to track to ensure I am setting it up correctly. Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • What are the advantages & disadvantages of letting Google crawl site search results? We currently have them blocked via robots.txt, so I'm not sure if we're missing out on potential traffic. Thanks!

    | pbhatt

  • Several weeks back, we launched a new website, replacing a legacy system moving it to a new server. With the site transition, webroke some of the old URLs, but it didn't seem to be too much concern. We blocked ones I knew should be blocked in robots.txt, 301 redirected as much duplicate data and used canonical tags as far as I could (which is still an ongoing process), and simply returned 404 for any others that should have never really been there. For the last months, I've been monitoring the 404s Google reports in Web Master Tootls (WMT) and while we had a few hundred due to the gradual removal duplicate data, I wasn't too concerned. I've been generating updated sitemaps for Google multiple times a week with any updated URLs. Then WMT started to report a massive increase in 404s, somewhere around 25,000 404s per day (making it impossible for me to keep up). The sitemap.xml has new URL only but it seems that Google still uses  the old sitemap from before the launch. The reported sources of 404s (in WMT) don't exist anylonger. They all are coming from the old site. I attached a screenshot showing the drastic increase in 404s. What could possibly cause this problem? wmt-massive-404s.png

    | sonetseo

  • My site has been top 3 for 'speed dating' on since about 2003 and it went to below top 50 for a lot of it's main keywords shortly after 27 Oct 2012. I did a re-submission request and was told there was 'no manual spam action'. I have a Page Authority of 53, a regular blog, a KLOUT of 40, user reviews and quality content. I did discover that another URL I using was set to a 302 instead of a 301 for some reason. I don't necessarily think this was an issue as Google should know which is the trusted URL and therefore which content to list. I removed this redirect completely about 3 weeks ago, but I've seen no improvement. I'm looking at improving various things, but I'm still not sure why I've been hit and wonder if I'm missing something obvious? Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

    | benners

  • Hello, This is a quick one or two. 🙂 If I have a page accessible on http and https count as duplicate content? What about external links pointing to my website to the http or https page. Regards, Cornel

    | Cornel_Ilea

  • We're considering transcribing our videos. It's a significant enough expense that we have to be sure of the impact. 1. How much effect do the transcripts have on Youtube SEO rankings? 2. Should we also post the transcripts beneath the video, or is uploading them sufficient? If we didn't post the transcripts, we'd just write custom keyword rich text for each video. We could post both keyword text and transcript text, but that may be too wordy. Does anyone have experience on how much Youtube transcripts impact rankings? Thanks

    | lighttable

  • If I have a domain: I want this domain to rank for several keywords. I build a page on the domain called If I   SEO the page with backlinks etc... will that URL come up on google or will it simply bring up on the SERPS. If I have three keywords, should I make a subpage for each page and SEO that page? Will that make the domain rank for all three keywords?

    | JML1179

  • Hi all, We are currently working on a very large site having approximately 5000+ pages and its going to be 301 redirected to a new domain. For this we need to redirect each and every page on a 1:1 basis as mentioned in the Webmaster Central guide. Now the site is in flt file and not in CMS and is becoming very tough to set manually redirection for these pages. The site is hosted in a Windows server and using IIS web config file. Now any help regarding any automated or easy way to do the 1:1 redirection will be appreciated. Thanks in advance,

    | ITRIX

  • We have a page on Domain A, an established and well-ranking website, that would be more appropriate on Domain B, a site that we launched about two years ago. This page ranks well, pulls nice search traffic and has traffic from external links. We would like to move the page and its traffic from Domain A to Domain B using a 301 redirect. Have you ever done this or have you heard of how it has worked for someone else? Thanks!

    | EGOL

  • Is it necessary to do internal links between the same categories of a website ( Let's say Ihave a category about shoes and in the category I have a page about boots and one about sandals ( should the page boots be accessible from the page sandals and the other way round or is the back button going back to the section shoes enough ) ? If internal links between the same category ( sandals to boots ) are needed/recommended is it also a good practice to do site wide links between categories ( shoes and and bags for example ) Because by reading google recommendations "Make a site with a clear hierarchy and text links. Every page should be reachable from at least one static text link" I am not sure if they are talking about breadcrumbs or text links i am kind of lost ... Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello, How do you place calls to actions, links back to your products/pages, and praise for your products in articles about your main products without looking bad to people who might give you a backlink. We want these things but we want our articles to be perfect for backlinks, natural and through a backlink campaign.

    | BobGW

  • Hi Friends, Can anyone please tell me what is Structured Data and how to add it to WordPress blog via meta tags because I don't want to show on my blog but show in Google Search. Is there any helpful plugin or some codes? Then please help me to sort it out this problem. Thanks, OM1YI

    | KLLC

  • I run about 10 sites and most of them seemed to fall foul of the penguin update and even though I have never sought inorganic links I have been frantically searching for a link based answer since April. However since asking a question here I have been pointed in another direction by one of your contributors. It seems At least 6 of my sites have duplicate content issues. If you search Google for "We have selected nearly 200 pictures of short haircuts and hair styles in 16 galleries" which is the first bit of text from the site about 30000 results appear. I don't know where they're from nor why anyone would want to do this. I presume its automated since there is so much of it. I have decided to redo the content. So I guess (hope) at some point in the future the duplicate nature will be flushed from Google's index? But how do I prevent it happening again? It's impractical to redo the content every month or so. For example if you search for "This facility is written in Flash® to use it you need to have Flash® installed." from another of my sites that I coincidently uploaded a new page to a couple of days ago, only the duplicate content shows up not my original site. So whoever is doing this is finding new stuff on my site and getting it indexed on google before even google sees it on my site! Thanks, Ian

    | jwdl

  • Hello all, I have a page with a long post title and url path name (more than 70 caracters and 115). This page has many visits but I am changing the SEO website structure according to SEOMOz and forums guidelines so: I WILL CREATE A DUPLICATE PAGE WITH THE SAME INFO. This issue has been marked as an issue in the SEO tools, for long names>70 and url path names>115 My question is which option should I use and you would recommend me? 1. OPTION 1: Ideally I would like to keep the old post, so I should use the canonical tag, but my main concern is if the search engines in terms of SEO, even the canonical has been done, will penalise my SEO as there is still a post with bad SEO optimising, or if this is not the case because I already used the canonical. 2. OPTION 2: Eliminate the post and redirection 301 to the new page to keep the juice. I would prefer option 1, as I keep both post and page, but only if searchengines do not penalise my SEO as they detect a long post name and url path name. Thank you verty much, Antonio

    | aalcocer2003

  • Hi, When I open an internal page with target=_blank (for example taking people from our store to our blog) it may cause a session timeout on the store page (assuming they stay on the blog and don't come back). Does that cause a bounce? Does that mean that the store's page just became the  "Exit" page? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • Hello all, I have one doubt concernig SEO optimization as I am buiding the structure of my website to be sound with the Keywords I am targeting: I have read that the post/page name is very important (selecting the right keywords you are targeting and the lenght) and also the url path name, taking into account both keywords+lengt. I still have the doubt if (Imagine I am considering 5 keywords for SEO.): 1) OPTION 1 I should use as far as it is possible, the 5 keywords in the post/page title and repeat the 5 same keywords in the url path name? OR 2) OPTION 2 I should use these 5 keywords spread between title and url path? I mean maybe I use 3 keywords in the post/page name and 2 keywords in the url path, but my main concern is as search engines gives more weight in SEO for post/page name rather than to the url path name, maybe I will miss 2 of the keywords I used in the url path name? My choice would be OPTION 2 as I can have: Shorter post/page name - Shorter url path name. More caracters for targeting the keywords: 75 (from post/page name) + 115 (from url path name). I avoid repetition of keywords in both title and url path. Thank you very much, Antonio

    | aalcocer2003

  • Hello, I was reading this article about website architecture and I have a question about site wide link... I don't think site wide link are good if you want your homepage to have the most " juice " can someone confirm that to me. What I mean by site wide link is let's say I have  a page about golf in califorina and I create a link to another page of my website which is about  golf in florida  that a good practicee to do that or not ? I just used this calculator and and if I do site wide links the juice doesn't go to my most important page ( the homepage ) which is the one I currently want to have the most juice. However, I noticed that website like amazon do site wide link let's say you are looking at a book and they have lots of links for other books or categories and they still rank very well for the word "textbooks" so I am kind of lost and don't understand why they still rank even though to me their juice goes away by doing site wide links to other books or categories ( even though it is related ) Can someone tell me more about site wide links are they good , bad etc... and is this calculator I use right or wrong ? Thank you

    | seoanalytics

  • After reading this article: I understand that it is best to index the archived categories, now that they are being indexed im getting duplicate errors from SEOmoz reports. Any suggestions? We added the canonical code but the issue still exists in the SEOmoz report.

    | Bryan_Loconto

  • I have never had a local website, but I have a friend who owns a company that would be strictly local so it made wonder: If a company is located just outside a major metropolitan area, is it possible for this company to compete with companies that are located within the actual city. Here's an example.  A construction company located in Plano, Texas wants to rank for Dallas Construction Companies.  Plano is 15 mins from downtown Dallas.  Does this company have much of a chance ranking on the map for Dallas Construction companies when they have a business address of Plano, Texas?

    | kadesmith

  • My client is launching a new corporate website redesign. But the trick is, their old site was built in ASP and they want the new site to be a Wordpress site, built in PHP. Their current website has A PR4/10 and MANY backlinks to its pages. I don't want to risk any SEO authority and make sure the transition is smooth. The current site only has less than 75 pages. Can anyone give me a checklist of things I need to make sure get done? And how to do each? For example: 1. How to forward the old domain to new URLs... (301s? DNS? HT Access?..not savvy) 2. Keep all the same URLs? 3. Don't change any content?...etc. 4. Submit new sitemap? or robots.txt file? Also, I wanted to add a Wordpress Blog to the new site for SEO purposes, but since it's being built in Wordpress, do you recommend I have a subdomain on this site as Or is this now not necessary since the entire thing is built in wordpress? I would REALLY appreciate your time helping me on this. Thanks! Derek

    | DerekM88

  • I like that every week I can go into my campaign and see how I did. If I want to keep tabs (reports) every week and continuous record keeping how would I do that? For example, I want to see how we did last month on a particular keyword, should I set up to run a report every week for that keyword and have it emailed to me. Is that the only way to do that or does Moz keep previous history somewhere else? Thanks. PS Another website I help out on recently had a huge jump in pageviews this month. I don't track them in SEOMOZ currently is there anyway to figure out where that traffic is coming from? I am guessing perhaps they moved up in Google. Is there a way to see previous history? i.e. they are 33 last month for a certain keyword?

    | greenhornet77

  • Hi MozTeam, We have a website that is used as our partner login for our Partners to see their stats, but it is located on a SEPARATE domain from our main corporate website. We currently have thousands of people logging into the external portal every month, which we are obviously not getting good SEO credit for. I am considering bringing the entire login portal into our main corporate website, so that Google sees how popular and useful our site becomes when thousands more people are visiting... We only get a few thousands organic visits to the corporate site per month and about 3x that to the partner login portal. This is why I originally thought we could benefit from bringing it into our corporate site. Challaneges: our website is in .asp but we are launching a new version of it next month, switching it to Wordpress and into .php....but the current partner login website is still in .asp! Questions: 1. How will bringing this site into the main corporate site benefit us as far as SEO? 2. What is the proper way to combine an .asp site with a .php site? 3. If we have to use an iFrame because we can't mix the two languages, will that affect our SEO benefit? Pls advise, as if this is actually a good idea, I'd like to get it launched along with the site redesign that is currently under way.

    | DerekM88

  • I run a site that is largely powered by user reviews. We have almost 20,000 reviews, and each review has its own unique URL (/items/item-reviewed/reviews/1), as each one is quite lengthy and detailed (much longer than the normal Yelp review). Of course, the item being reviewed has its own URL (/items/item-reviewed), and we would very much prefer users are driven to that page rather than a review page in search results. I've been looking into ways to improve our SEO, and I'm wondering if the current structure is hurting our SEO to the item page, and if so, what is the best way to 'solve' the issue without causing future SEO issues. Basically, are the 20,000 (and growing) review pages reducing the SEO impact of the actual item pages? I'd like to get the content in the reviews indexed, but not at the expense of negative SEO impact on the items being reviewed. I have several follow-up questions if the answer to my question is indeed 'Yes, it is negatively impacting the SEO of your item page', so I'll await a response. Thanks!

    | jhdavids8

  • Dear all, To begin, english is not my native language, so I'm very sorry if I make some mistake. On the 23th march 2012, Panda penalized my website (a coupon website) Avec-Reduction (dot com for the url). At this date, I have lost more than 70% of my traffic. The structure of the website was like an e-commerce website. Categories -> merchant page -> coupon page. The content was to thin for Google, I'm agree wit that. So, in may, I have made a new version. Here you can see the most important modifications : A smallest header (-100px height). 2 columns website (the oldest website had 3 columns) I have deleted the category menu with the list of all categories and the alphabetical menu. less ads on the website (since few days I have also deleted the 2 adense blocks) The coupons was promoted with the thumbs of the merchant on the home listing. Now I have few top lists in text only. I have deleted all the categories pages (one page by category of merchant, with the listing of all the merchants of the category). Now I have only one page for this. Same thing with the alphabetical pages. All these deleted pages have a 301 redirect. The 2 new pages (categorie page and alphabetical page)  are on noindex. I have deleted all the promo codes pages, all the coupons are now on the merchant page (301 redirect used). I have create an anti-spam system for the review codes (I have a lot of spam on these forms, even if I cleaned every day/2days). Now, I have no spam. Visitors have now the possibility to put a note and a review for each merchant. This fonctionality is new, so not a lot of reviews for the moment. All the merchants pages without promo codes have a noindex on the robot tag. Since july, I have the possibility to use the "title" of each promo code. I can personnalised the promo code. On the same time, to have more content, I have the possibility to add sales or great promos for each merchants, not only promo codes. Affiliate links are created on JS which open a new window (a redirect page with noindex). That's the end of the most important changes on my website. I have a better speed page (/2 since july) because I have optimized my images, CSS, JS... At the end of july, I had health problem and the website has no update until the first days of october. Now, the website is updated every day, but between july and october I have no panda recovery. I have no duplicate content, I try to add the most content I can. So I don't understand why Google Panda penalized me again and again. Some of my competitors have a lot of keyword stuffing (4, 5, 6, ... 10 lines of KS on each merchant pages). Some of them have only affiliate merchants, automatic script to put coupons on websites), few "same" websites... I have less than 30% of affiliated merchant, I validate all the coupons or promo manually, I personalized all my coupons... So I don't understand what to do. I will appreciate all help. If you see problems on my wesite or if you know tips to have a panda recovery, I will be very happy to have informations. Many thanks for all. Sincerely, Florent

    | Floroger

  • Hello all, I would like to use the Google Adwords Keywords search tool, in order to start working in the structure of my website and targeting the right keywords. I am targeting all the world, all languages, global monthly searaches but: I have the doubt which filte I should use: broad?, exact? or phrase?I am using "braod" but I do not know if I should use exact instead for keyword selection. Would you recommend me any other tool instead of Google Adwords Keywords Search for keyword analysis? Thank you very much Antonio

    | aalcocer2003

  • Here's a question I was asked recently, and I can really see going either way, but want to double check my preference. The site has been around for years and over that time expanded it's content to a variety of areas that are not really core to it's mission, income or themed content. These jettisonable other areas have a fair amount of built up authority but don't really contribute anything to the site's bottom line. The site is considering what to do with these off-theme pages and the two options seem to be: Leave them in place, but make them hard to find for users, thus preserving their authority as an inlink to other core pages. or... Just move on and 301 the pages to whatever is half-way relevant. The 301 the pages camp seems to believe that making the site's existing/remaining content focused on three or four narrower areas will have benefits for what Google sees the site as being about. So, instead of being about 12 different things that aren't too related to each other, the site will be about 3 or 4 things that are kinda related to eachother. Personally, I'm not eager to let go of old pages because they do produce some traffic and have some authority value to help the core pages via in-context and navigation links. On the other hand, maybe focusing more would have benefits search benefits. What do think? Best... Darcy

    | 94501

  • Hello all, I am working on my SEO strategy for a WordPress site. I am trying to cover all my keywords in: 1.a) Page title trying to have a length <70 1.b) Page url trying to have a length<115 My question is: should i try to focus all my keywords in both name and url page path? or only in the Page title as the SEOMOZ's guide suggest? I would go for a mix strategy with my keywords in both page title and url path name, but I do not know if the search engines PAY MORE ATTENTION TO THE PAGE TITLE, so mixing 1.a) and 1.b) would mean I am loosing keywords. I am using the WordPress All in ONE SEO Plugin. Do you recommend me this or any other plugin? This plugin has 3 input fields: a) Title tag b) Description tag c) Keywords My questions here are: a) If these tags replace the standard settings of WP as described in point 1.a) b) If the description and title tags are META TAGS that are not taken into account in terms of SEO but in terms of customer description of the contento of the page. c) Where are the keywords listed inserted in the page? In H1, H2, H3 and H4 tags? My feeling after reading the SEOMOZ guide is that this plugin is not providing any added value for SEO any more??' Thank you very much, Best regards, Antonio Alcocer

    | aalcocer2003

  • I have just checked my backlinks in Majestic and was shocked. It appears I've gained 1500 back links in 1 day all from the domains I checked a few of the links and the links to my site have disappeared. Looking at, it seems that peopel can bookmark a site, and when they do it appears on the "latest bookmerk" section which is site wide. So my concern is that: 1500 links have appeared in one day from one domain 1500 links disappeared the next day Wouldnt both of these cause Google to get suspicious? What should I do? Should I ask to remove the links?

    | JohnPeters

  • Hi mozzers, I'm writing up some recommendations for a rebuild of a large bookstore E-commerce site which includes a section on structured data. I'm looking through schema markup and specifically the Product, Thing, CreativeWork and Book schemas. I'm confused however as to whether rel author is applicable/suitable to a book product page? The author of the page is the website, but the author of the book is the Author. The author's name within the product will be linked to their Author Profile page on the website which could potentially include a link to their Google+ page (if they have it... probably <0.01% of Authors, but should be enough for Google to connect the dots). It could work but I don't want to attribute authorship of the page to the book author - I just want to markup the product page to indicate who the author of a book product is. My concern is also that I want the product image to be displayed in SERPs, not the Author photo. Does anybody have any experience or advice regarding this? Cheers Andrew

    | Gloyns

  • Hello all! We are looking to increase the quality of backlinks to our new website  and wondering which service would be more beneficial.  Care to share any preferences or advice?  We have been live for about 3 1/2 months now.  We are in a tough niche to find related backlinking websites.  We are in the health club marketing consulting field.  I just paid for a listing but was thinking a quality press release would give me more juice.  My competitors have used free press release services so I'm thinking I could easily one-up them and gain some ground in the rankings. Leaning more towards business wire b/c it's a berkshire hathaway company but would like more input. Thanks!

    | unitedfitness

  • Google recommends to have static links it in guidelines Are breadcrumbs and static text link the same ? or in addition to breadcrumbs do I need static links on my page going from page A to B etc... The issue I have with static links this way is that if I look at the PR paper that would decrease the juice of my homepage ( which is the page I want to give the most juice to ) Thx,

    | seoanalytics

  • Google in it guideline recommends to create a sitemap. Do they means a /sitemap.xml or does it need to be sitemap directly on the website ? Does it make any difference ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • We are using canonical link tags for product pages in a scenario where the URLs on the site contain category names, and the canonical URL points to a URL which does not contain the category names.  So, the product page on the site is like, and also like in another category.  And on both of these pages, the canonical link tag references a 3rd URL like  This 3rd URL, used in the canonical link tag is a valid page, and displays the same content as the other two versions, but there are no actual links to this generic version anywhere on the site (nor external). Questions: 1. Does the generic URL referenced in the canonical link also need to be included as on-page links somewhere in the crawled navigation of the site, or is it okay to be just a valid URL not linked anywhere except for the canonical tags? 2. In our sitemap, is it okay to reference the non-canonical URLs, or does the sitemap have to reference only the canonical URL?  In our case, the sitemap points to yet a 3rd variation of the URL, like  This page retrieves the same content as the others, and includes a canonical link tag back to  Is this a valid approach, or should we revise the sitemap to point to either the category-specific links or the canonical links?

    | 379seo

  • I have a particular site that I have been working on for about eight months and had the site on Page 1 of Google search results for eight keywords (they are fairly small local-based keywords, so I'm really not trying to boast). Perhaps six weeks ago for two of the keywords we popped into the #2 position for Google Plus Local results. When this happened the site completely disappeared from the regular search results. A couple weeks later, the Google Plus Local listing was gone, and the site was back on Page 1 in the regular listings. This has gone back and forth several times, with either a very high Local result or a very high regular search result, but only one at a time. I suppose it would make sense for the same site to only be able to have one position on the front page at any given time, but my searches for info on this have been entirely fruitless. Has anyone else seen anything like this or have any thoughts? Cheers.

    | IanKietzman27

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