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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • How can i make my pages appear in google results such as menu, diner, hours, contact us etc.. when some searches for my keyword or domain take a look at this screen shot Thanks UbqY4kwA UbqY4kwA

    | vlad_mezoz

  • I've had my site dinged by Google and feel it's likely several quality issues and I'm hunting down these issues. One of Bing's Webmaster SEO tools said my xhtml pages (which were built in 2007) are missing Meta Language and suggested adding tag in the   or on the html tag. Wanting to "not mess anything up" and validate correctly, I read in **W3C's site and it said: ** "Always add a lang attribute to the html tag to set the default language of your page. If this is XHTML 1.x you should also use the xml:lang attribute (with the same value).  Do not use the meta element with http-equiv set to Content-Language." My current html leads like: QUESTION:
    I'm confused on how to add the Meta Language to my website given my current coding as I"m not a coder. Can you suggest if I should add this content-language info, and if so, what is the best way to do so, considering valid w3c markup for my document type? Thank you!!!

    | mlm12

  • Hey everyone, I'm going to be undertaking an SEO campaign for a local Italian restaurant. Currently, there are no other restaurants in the top 10 for a lot of very viable keyphrases related to the restaurant, BUT, the top 10 is littered with results from review sites like Yelp, Tripadvisor etc. Is it feasable to beat out these results? If so, how hard is it going to be? Thanks in advance for any replies!

    | RCDesign74

  • Hi, I have images that match several different keywords and I wondered if I can give them different alts based on the page that they are displayed or will Google be angry with me? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • I was wondering if a 301 redirect will improve my ranking. My subpages use to redirect to my homepage ( all the subpages of my site redirecting to my homepage) and my homepage use to have no redirect from non www. ( other than thru google webmaster tools. I am sure why it was like this for my subpages... I was wondering if I can expect some improvements in ranking now that the redirect goes from the none www. to the www version of each subpage and not to the homepage. By the way what was the issue ( was I telling google ) by re-directing all my subpages to the homepage ? was I making google think that my subpages and my homepage were all the same ? was I sending all the link juice from the subpages to my homepage ? etc... Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • I need to find scientific studies that back up a claim. I am searching the internet and see a mix of studies with blog posts with other stuff. Is there a way to isolate scientific studies in a search result?

    | StreetwiseReports

  • How often does google update the internal linking structure of a website ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • How does Google's version of authorship work for 2 authors?:

    | BobGW

  • Youtube is our major source of traffic. We also have many of the same videos on our own site, self-hosted. They use the same video player as our paid video course, which allows the user to increase or decrease speed. We're debating whether to replace these self-hosted videos with youtube embeds. Pros: Increase Youtube viewcounts More engagement with videos (videos suggested at end of youtube videos are almost all our own) Cons Possible outbound traffic to youtube. We can't showcase our video player's speed change function I'm not sure how embed views are taken into account by Youtube, and how big a factor outbound traffic is. Would you suggest swapping out our self-hosted videos for embeds? We want to maintain our Youtube channel's edge, and convince people to sign up for our course.

    | lighttable

  • Hi all, I'm currently working on a domain that seems to be 'unofficially' blacklisted by Google. The reason behind my belief are, Ranking process of KW became stagnant. Current crawling and indexing rate has been decreased. Site performance deteriorate after every Search engine update or major data refreshes. And few major indications pointing out that search engines might started doubting its authority. The site is live n running for about 10+ yr and consists of 6000+ pages out of which 5000+ pages are indexed. The site also have some serious issues like, The site has been 2 times penalized by Google. The link ratio & inbound link quality of the site is quite unnatural (mostly directory links, links form spammy sites, bad-neighborhood links etc. ) The site is in flat file and not CMS, thus making it extremely difficult to maintain and update it. Due to the above reasons I was thinking of implementing 301  re-direction. I would like to redirect this poor performing existing domain to a new fresh one keeping the URL structure and files same and maintaining 1:1 redirection rules. I've read an awesome article by Danny Dover on 301 Re direction of a site here in SEOMOZ. It seems that if any one follow the steps mentioned there can actually get benefited by the overall re direction process. Now I'd like know your suggestion about following points: 1. Considering the factors that I've stated, do you think that it would be good to go with this re direction idea? 2. If  301 is implemented then what can be its immediate effects on current rankings and site performance? 3. Assuming that the ranks drowned or gets completely vanished from SERP, after what approx time period can be regain back? 4. Any other suggestion that might help me out to better understand the situation.

    | ITRIX

  • I have redesigned my website with new web address over 6 months ago and in the google webmaster tools it still shows my old urls with a reponse code 404 and still crawls those pages. How do I make sure they don't appear anymore in the webmaster tool and don't get crawled anymore ? or should I do a re-direct ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • I use joomla and I have blocked the following in my robots.txt is there anything that is bad for seo ? User-agent: * Disallow: /administrator/ Disallow: /cache/ Disallow: /components/ Disallow: /images/ Disallow: /includes/ Disallow: /installation/ Disallow: /language/ Disallow: /libraries/ Disallow: /media/ Disallow: /modules/ Disallow: /plugins/ Disallow: /templates/ Disallow: /tmp/ Disallow: /xmlrpc/ Disallow: / Disallow: /javascript:void(0) Disallow: /.pdf

    | seoanalytics

  • Our website is in a directory format: Our homepage display URL is which currently matches our to eliminate the possibility of duplicate content. However, I noticed that in the SERPs, google displays the homepage with a trailing slash My question: should I change the rel="canonical" to have a trailing slash?  I noticed one of our competitors uses the trailing slash in their rel="canonical" Do potential benefits outweigh the risks? I can PM further information if necessary. Thanks for the assistance in advance...

    | BethA

  • I have just had my site redesigned. The site was designed with only important facts bullets  at the top of the page and all other information is below in the read more section that expands when clicked. I am wondering if I need to have this information in the read more section visible to the customer or if having the majority of the text in the read more is OK? and how it will effect rankings having it this way? I have had spots #1 &2 on Google for my keywords- until the site was redesigned...wondering if this was part of the reason. I have moved some of the text up to be visible on some of the pages  - but  it makes the site look cramped - and competes with the ease of use the site design Any insight on this is appreciated.

    | Cheri11

  • Hello, just paranoid, but thought i'd ask.  We are installing an SSL certificate on a site ranking very well organically in all the engines.  This will change our site from http:// to https://.  Is there an risk to our rankings in doing so? What might I need to consider?  Changing my htaccess redirects to https: instead of http;?  Any ripple effects from switching to a secure site? Thanks,

    | seagreen

  • Hi, I'm currently redesigning my website, and in many places, I've now decided to make links a little bit more obvious for the user, using tags within a <a>tag in order to make the entire block of text clickable.  I was just wondering if this could have a negative impact in the search engines.  My gut feeling is no, since I'm actually improving usability, but I guess it could have an impact on how Google looks at the anchor text?  An example of the HTML is as follows: </a> <a></a> <a></a> [Cristal Night Club Hotels <address>1045 5th Street
    Miami Beach, FL33139</address> 6.4 miles from Miami Dade County Auditorium](http://localhost:8080/frontend/venue-hotels/cristal-night-club-hotels/301022 "Hotels near Cristal Night Club") Thanks for your thoughts and comments, Best wishes Mike

    | mjk26

  • I run an ecommerce site that paginates product pages within Categories/Sub-Categories. Currently, products are not displayed in multiple categories but this will most likely happen as time goes on (in Clearance and Manufacturer Categories). I am unclear as to the proper implementation of Canonical tags and Rel=Next & Rel=Prev tags on paginated pages. I do not have a View All page to use as the Canonical URL so that is not an option. I want to avoid duplicate content issues down the road when products are displayed in multiple categories of the site and have Search Engines index paginated pages. My question is, should I use the Rel=Next & Rel=Prev tags on paginated pages as well as using Page One as the Canonical URL? Also, should I implement the Canonical tag on pages that are not yet paginated (only one page)?

    | mj775

  • I just did a test typing my company name followed by what I sell
    Let's say  "company green widgets " I noticed that my webpage ( which is a subpage ) doesn't appear 1 st on google when i type that keyword.... Either some website that talks about my product appears or my homepage appears. Why is that ? Could it be a canonicalization issue ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hey, In the following article, Google recommended using a 301 redirect but doesn't specify why. I assume this is to pass over link equity to the relevant mobile/desktop variation. Can anyone confirm this? Also is there any other reason? Again assuming this would keep the correct URLs in the correct index? Anything else anyone can chip in would be great. Thanks

    | CraigAddyman

  • Hi all! I run a ticketing site and I am considering using rel=canonical temporary. In Europe, when someone is looking for tickets for a soccer game, they look for them differently if the game is played in one city or in another city. I.e.: "liverpool arsenal tickets" - game played in the 1st leg in 2012 "arsenal liverpool tickets - game played in the 2nd leg in 2013 We have two different events, with two different unique texts but sometimes Google chooses the one in 2013 one before the closest one, especially for queries without dates or years. I don't want to remove the second game from our site - exceptionally some people can broswer our website and buy tickets with months in advance. So I am considering place a rel=canonical in the game played in 2013 poiting to the game played in a few weeks. After that, I would remove it. Would that make any sense? Thanks!

    | jorgediaz

  • Hi everyone, We have a page on our website which is optimised for "London to Amsterdam trains" and "Any Dutch station" (a particular fare type). It's one of the best performing pages in terms of organic SEO. However the fare is being discontinued so the information is now redundant... what should we do? It's an old blog post so it's dated but it will be frustrating for people to get to it through a search engine and then realise that it's old information. Should we create a new page and optimise it for the same keywords or will this be detrimental? Should we update the original page or add a note that links to a new page? Confused as to the best way forward... Thanks Nila

    | anilababla

  • Hi guys, All of our product pages originate in a URL with a unique number but it redirects to an SEO url for the user. These product pages have blocks on the page and these blocks are automatically populated with our database of content. Here's an example of the redirect in place: redirects to The development team did this for  2 reasons.  1) our internal search needs the unique numbered urls for search and 2) it allows quick redirects as pages are cached. The problem I face is this, the redirects from the cached are being tagged with 'meta refresh', yup, they are 302. The development team said they could stop caching and respond dynamically with a 301 but this would bring in a delay. Speed wise, the cached pages load within 22ms and dynamically 530ms, so yeah half a second more. Currently cached pages just do a meta refresh tagged redirect and I want to move away from this. What would you guys recommend in such a situation? I feel like unless I place a 301, I'll be losing out on rank juice.

    | Bio-RadAbs

  • I am realizing that most directory and listings have our old phone number down for our website. And am working on fixing them all. In the interim would it be wise to go ahead and list the old number somewhere on the site (like below the old one on the contact page) or would that create more strings to cut later?

    | greenhornet77

  • I want to redirect all URLs that have /? in it. Indexed in Google is a bunch of urls lik: I want all these URLs to be redirected to my home page. Any ideas?

    | JohnPeters

  • Hi all, What are your thoughts on the arrangement of keyphrases / words? For example, does it make a difference if the words are arranged in the following way: "Keyword 1 Keyword 2" or "Keyword 2 Keyword 1" Both ways make a phrases which is favourable in the search engines. Can I stick with 1 way or should I be going with both arrangements. Hope that is clear 🙂

    | wtfi

  • Currently, if you search for my site's brand name on Google, we are the top result. However, rather than having 2 columns of sitelinks, there is just one line of 4 sitelinks. When you search for the site's domain (, you get the full 2 columns of sitelinks. Are there any strategies for getting the 2 columns on more than just the domain name search? At the very least, I'd like to get 2 columns to appear when you do a brand name search, but it'd be great to get 2 columns of sitelinks for our top search queries as well. Thanks for the advice...

    | BostonWright

  • I am currently looking at taking on a small project website which was recently hit but we are really at a loss as to why so I wanted to open this up to the floor and see if anyone else had some thoughts or theories to add. The site is and the site appeared to be hit by Penguin because sure enough it drops from several hundred visitors a day to less than 50. Nothing was changed about the website, and looking at the Analytics it bumbled along at a less than 50 visitors a day. On June 25th when Panda 3.8 hit, the site saw traffic increase to between 80-100 visitors a day and steadily increases almost to pre-penguin levels. On August 9th/10th, traffic drops off the face of the planet once again. This site has some amazing links That were earned entirely naturally/editorially. I know these aren't "get out of jail free cards" but the rest of the profile isn't that bad either. Normally you can look at a link profile and say "Yep, this link and that link are a bit questionable" but beyond some slightly off-topic guest blogging done a while back before I was looking to get involved in the project there really isn't anything all that fruity about the links in my opinion. I know that the site design needs some work but the content is of a high standard and it covers its topic (commodities) in a very comprehensive and authoritative way. In my opinion, (I'm not biased yet because it isn't my site) this site genuinely deserves to rank. As far as I know, this site has received no unnatural link warnings. I am hoping this is just a case of us having looked at this for too long and it will be a couple of obvious/glaring fixes to someone with a fresh pair of eyes. Does anyone have any insights into what the solution might be? [UPDATE] after responses from a few folks I decided to update the thread with progress I made on investigating the situation. After plugging the domain into Open Site Explorer I can see quite a few links that didn't show up in Link Research Tools (which is odd as I thought LRT was powered by mozscape but anyway... shows the need for multiple tools). It does seem like someone in the past has been a little trigger happy with building links to some of the inner pages.

    | JamesAgate

  • Hi Mozers One of our client wanted to add a NEWS section in to their website. Where they want to share the latest industry news from other news websites. I tried my maximum to understand them about the duplicate content issues. But they want it badly What I am planning is to add rel=canonical from each single news post to the main source websites ie, What you guys think? Does that affect us in any ways?

    | riyas_heych

  • I have a HTML website,, and I placed a link on the home page to another one of my sites, Today I checked the links to in Majestic and noticed 24 links coming from the instead of just one link. The URLs from that are showing in Majestic are like this,was inherited from a friend and I believe that it was originally built in Frontpage. Can you tell me how I can get rid of these multiple links as I only want 1 showing from the home page Thanks in advance

    | JohnPeters

  • We have a website that for years has attracted a high level of organic searches and had a very high level of links.  It has the .ie extension (Ireland) and did very well when competing in the niche market it is in on  We have the same domain name but in format and basically redirected traffic to it when people typed in instead.  Since the latest panda update, we have noticed that the number of visits organically has dropped to a quarter of what it was and this is continuing to go down.  We have also noticed that the .ie version is no longer listed in google and has been replaced by  As we've never exchanged or submitted links for the domain this means there are only links indexed in google. Is there any way I can get google to re-index the site using the .ie domain rather than the domain?  I am hemorrhaging sales now and becoming a much more withdrawn person by the day!!! PS - the domain is set up as a domain alias in plesk with both .ie and domain dns pointing to the the same IP address. Kind Regards

    | rufo

  • Hi, My first question here so thanks in advance for any responses. I have built websites / done basic seo for a while but I am now making a real concerted effort to implement everything I learn from seomoz. I am wondering if there is any advice or general timeline of items to implement with existing websites or brand new websites. For example xxx action in week 1, xxx action in week 2 etc A sort of crib sheet or tick lists which I think would help reduce any errors and help schedule items for future planning, especially in larger groups of people . If there is anything or anywhere that might be of help then would be great or if anyone has a rough plan they stick too

    | wtfi

  • Sorry, I think this is my third question today... But I have a lot of duplicated content on my site. I use joomla so theres a lot of unintentional duplication. For example, exists, etc. Up till now, I thought I had to 301 redirect or rel=canonical these "duplicated pages." However, can I just 404 it? Is there anything wrong with this rpactice in regards to SEO?

    | waltergah

  • Does duplicate content hurt that particular duplicated content, or the entire site? There are some parts of my site that I don’t care about getting high rankings on search engines. For example, I have a forum and there are certain links that only logged in people can see. If you aren’t logged in, they will take you to a page where it tells u to log in. google, obviously not logged in, interprets this as lots and lots of the same duplicated page. Should I just leave it alone cause I dont care if those pages makes it to search engines. Will it not hurt the entire site? For example, can my homepage search rankings decrase? That leads to my next question. What is the best way to optimize a forum? Whenever someone posts a new post, it seems another url for the same forum thread is created..... which is obviously duplicated….in other words, if like 20 people post on a thread, i believe my site adds 20 urls for that page...anyone know how to fix this?

    | waltergah

  • Will jump to navigation work when using a hidden div? Basically, we use a navigation system such that when a user clicks on a title, it expands to show the rest of the article, each title has an anchor associated with it, but no where else on the page / site do we link to those anchors. In order to make jump to navigation work, we are considering adding a hidden div with links to the anchors. Does anyone have experience doing this? Did it work?

    | nicole.healthline

  • On my site, which I created with Joomla, there seems to be a lot of duplicated pages. I was wondering which would be better, 301 redirect or rel=canonical. On SeoMoz Pro "help" they suggest only the rel=canonical and dont mention 301 redirect. However, ive read many other say that 301 redirect should be the number one option. Also, does 301 redirect help solve the crawling errors, in other words, does it get rid of the errors of "duplicate page content?" Ive read that re-=canonical does not right? Thanks!

    | waltergah

  • Hi, there are many problems with my site. I have a lot of duplicate page titles and a lot of missing meta tags. However, I think most of them are BECAUSE i have a lot of duplicate pages. So I have read some articles and I will 301 redirect all the duplicated pages. Will this solve the problem with duplicate titles and missing meta tags as well? For example, my homepage has like 10 duplicated pages. Since they are duplicated, they have the same titles and they are all missing meta tags. I am planning to fill in meta tags JUST for the canonical page and redirect all duplicated pages to that page. Is this a good practice? Also, just curious, do different title tags and different meta tag description make the pages "not duplicated?" I assume it will still appear as duplicated.... Sorry if this was confusing...

    | waltergah

  • I need to buy a new domain and Im wondering if I should be looking at a exact  matching domain or simply just some nice name. Did the last change from Google simply just lessen the importance of the exact matching domain or completely kill the importance of them?

    | rrrobertsson

  • Here is the scenario -- we own several different tennis based websites and want to be able to maximize traffic between them.  Ideally we would have them ALL in 1 site/domain but 2 of the 3 are a partnership which we own 50% of and why are they are off as a separate domain.  Big question is how do we link the "products" from the 2 different websites without looking spammy?  Here is the breakdown of sites: Site1:  Tennis Retail website --> about 1200 tennis products Site2:  Tennis team and league management site --> about 60k unique visitors/month Site3:  Tennis coaching tip website --> about 10k unique visitors/month The interesting thing was right after we launched the retail store website (site1), google was cranking up and sending upwards of 25k search impressions/day within the first 45 days.  Orders kept trickling in and doing well overall for first launching.  Interesting thing was Google "impressions" peaked at about 60 days post launch and then started trickling down farther and farther and now at about 3k-5k impressions/day.  Many keywords phrases were originally on page 1 (position 6-10) and now on page 3-8 instead. Next step was to start putting "product links" (3 products per page) on site2 and site3 -- about 10k pages in total with about 6 links per page off to the product page (1 per product and 1 per category).  We actually divided up about 100 different products to be displayed so this would mean about 2k links per product depending on the page. FYI, those original 10k pages from site2 and site3 already rank very well in Google and have been indexed for the past 2+ years in there.  Most popular word on the sites is Tennis so very related. Our rationale was "all the websites are tennis related" and figured that the links on the latest and greatest products would be good for our audience.  Pre-Penguin, we also figured this strategy would also help us rank for these products as well for when users are searching on them. We are thinking through since traffic and gone down and down and down from the peak of 45 days ago, that Penguin doesn't like all these links -- so what to do now? How to fix it and make the Penguin happy?  Here are a couple of my thoughts on fixing it: 1.  Remove the "category link" in our "product grouping" which would cut down the link by 1/3rd. 2.  Place a "nofollow" on all the links for the other "product links".  This would allow us to get the "user clicks" from these while the user is on that page. 3.  On our homepage (site2 & site3), place 3 core products that change frequently (weekly) and showcase the latest and greatest products/deals.  Thought is to NOT use the "nofollow" on these links since it is the homepage and only about 5 links overall. Heck part of me debated on taking our top 1000 pages (from the 10k page) and put the links ONLY on those and distribute about 500 products on them so this would mean only 2 links per product -- it would mean though about 4k links going there.  Still thinking #2 above could be better? Any other thoughts would be great! Thanks, Jeremy

    | jab1000

  • Hi We run a few websites and when we canonically tag to let Google know which is our main brand for duplicate content we use a canonical tag. However, we are also using noindex, nofollow and noarchive. Is this correct, will the link juice of the canonical tag still flow with these meta names, is it necissary? what is the best practice for the Robots meta name here? <meta name="<a class="attribute-value">robots</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value">noindex, nofollow, noarchive</a>" />

    | xoffie

  • Hi all, Here is a big question. We have a long-established good content website with a domain. The site is UK focussed. However, we are planning a new feature which will be UK and worldwide. So do we: 1. Keep it all on our ? 2. Put the non-UK parts on a .com domain ? We don't have any content as such for a separate domain, and are not planning any. But, we are not sure if for example US users would be unimpressed with a UK domain. We could fudge it with "" etc. (Notice how we have not mentioned Google. Fed-up chasing big G the whole time. We just want to concentrate on our users and the service we provide to them. But G remains the elephant crapping in the corner of the room.) Also, we are asking this question before we let our developers and designers get to work. Basically we value Moz community opinions over and above theirs. Realise this is a big question, but you have big brains. Please chip in.

    | dexm10

  • My websites rank very well from Google searches, but not so well with Yahoo and Bing. What do these search engines want?

    | KristopherWho

  • Hey forum, My site is a Price Comparison site. Lately I've been getting some "Soft 404" errors with the Webmaster tool. I'll try to explain the steps causing it: 1. There's a valid link to a product 2. At some point the product is temporary out of stock or unavailable. 3. Google crawls this product page, getting a valid page with a message explaining this product is unavailable at this time. 4. Google see this page for few different products and (I assume) figures it's a none existing page and so it's a soft 404. The possible solutions I see are: 1. Return real 404, I'm not a fan of this solution, because these links will very likely be valid again when the product is back in stock. 2. Live with some "soft 404" errors in the webmaster tool. 3. Find another way to explain to Google that it's not a real 404. This sounds great but I'm not sure how this can be done. Any thoughts which would be the best method? Or maybe another solution I haven't thought of? Thank you.

    | corwin

  • Hello friends,  My  website home url & inner page url shows error while checking the open-site site explorer tool from SEOMoz, for a website** website as**
    **"Oh Hey! It looks like that URL redirects to Would you like to see data for that URL instead?"**May I know the reason, why this url showing this result while checking back link report from the tool?**May I know on what basis this tool is evaluating the website url as well?****May I know, Will this affect the Google SERPs for this website?**Thanks

    | zco_seo

  • I run several ecommerce websites, and there is some overlap in the products offered between sites.  To solve this duplicate content issue, I use a cross-domain rel canonical so that there is only 1 authoritative page per product, even if it is sold on multiple sites. However, I am noticing that my inbound link profile is massively expanding because Google sees these as inbound links.  The top linking domains for my site are all owned by me, even though there are not any actual links between the sites. Has anyone else experienced this?

    | stevenmusumeche

  • I'm working with a client that owns a medical site. All content is reviewed by someone from their medical board (doctors or nurses), but the content is written by a variety of authors. I'm wondering if we could create authorship profiles for the doctors and nurses. Would there be any problem with that? (even though they didn't write the content, they just reviewed it for medical accuracy). The name of the reviewer is included on every article. Any thoughts / feedback / similar experiences would be helpful.

    | nicole.healthline

  • I have a client who has 2 locations (Orlando & Tampa) and would like to keep the current domain for both locations (DA 29).  We want to target additional cities within each service area (Orlando & Tampa). Each service area would target 2 cities on the main pages and 4-5 cities with "SEO" pages which contains unique content specific to the given city. Would I be better off creating sub domains ( &, creating subfolders (, etc) or keeping the domain as is and create SEO pages specific to each city?  We want to spread the domain authority to both locations.

    | Red_Spot_Interactive

  • About a month ago I took over a SEO for a small RV company here in Florida. My responsibilities include: SEO, Adwords, Video Production, Inventory Update, Newsletters, Social Media, Etc. I feel a little overwhelmed, but we are a small company and we probably won't be hiring more people. I'm weak in some areas and strong in others. In the SEO area I'm weak. My question is, in the SEO area, where should I be focusing most? I break my SEO responsibilities into a couple areas: Keyword Research (A lot of competition) Back-linking Social Media I know there are more. But where should be my main focus, and how should I go about doing it? Website is I would kind of like some one to give me an idea of where I am, and what should I do next. SEOMoz has given me a lot of errors and it's  little overwhelming. Thanks in advance for the advice!

    | floridaoutdoorsrv

  • Does anyone know a definitive answer to this? I'm thinking they will still show up in WMT links to your site? Anyone seen anything different? Thanks,

    | Further

  • Hello friends, We have two sites namely & which sells the same product listed out under similar categories, since we are about to stop or put down the site “” because we just want to concentrate in bringing up a single brand called  “Spiderman-example” has comparatively more visitors and conversion rates than ''avengers-example'' ie. 90 % more traffic and conversion. Avengers-example has a small fraction of loyal customers who still search for the brand-name & there are a hand-full of potential keywords those ranking on its own. So is it advisable to redirect Avengers-example to spiderman-example using 301-redirect? Will this help to gain any link-juice from Avengers-example?  If so how can we effectively redirect between two domain’s with minimal loss in page authority & linkjuice to enhance ''spiderman-example''? Off beat:These names "Avengers" and "Spiderman" were just used as an example but the actual site names has no relation to the ones mentioned above.

    | semvibe

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