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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hello, I have run into a bit of a predicament. All of my search terms keep dropping on a monthly basis, even though I am adding quality guest posts every month. Even if I get a handful of articles on semi-popular sites my ranking still drop. I am wondering, is my site penalized? My metrics also over exceed my rankings using both the Moz metrics and pagerank. I have a PR of 5 and domain rank of 50+ and I am still getting outranked on every term by people with lower metrics (PR 2 and DR of 30) In the past I have done mostly article syndication through sites like ezinearticles and isnare, but that was about 5 years ago. I have also done a couple of the "pay $50 for 100 directory submissions" once but that was also about 5 years ago. Has anyone experienced anything like this? Anyone have any advice? As you can probably tell I am getting really frustrated. P.S. - This is happening for all pages on my website, not just particular pages. Is is possible to get a site wide penalty, and if so, what can be done about it?

    | Mjstout

  • Hello! I am about to go through the list of backlinks in our profile and sort out what we want to disavow.  A question I had is, should I both disavowing nofollow backlinks, even if they look spammy?  Or should I just focus on cleaning up the dofollow's? Thanks!

    | Ryan_Phillips

  • Dear community A bug in the tool, which we use to create search-engine-friendly URLs (sh404sef) changed our whole URL-structure overnight, and we only noticed after Google already indexed the page. Now, we have a massive duplicate content issue, causing a harsh drop in rankings. Webmaster Tools shows over 1,000 duplicate title tags, so I don't think, Google understands what is going on. <code>Right URL: Wrong URL: (created by mistake)</code> After that, we ... Changed back all URLs to the "Right URLs" Set up a 301-redirect for all "Wrong URLs" a few days later Now, still a massive amount of pages is in the index twice. As we do not link internally to the "Wrong URLs" anymore, I am not sure, if Google will re-crawl them very soon. What can we do to solve this issue and tell Google, that all the "Wrong URLs" now redirect to the "Right URLs"? Best, David

    | rmvw

  • Hi, I need to redirect 150 products pages from to How can I do this? Is there a tool or anything I can do to do 301 from one domain to another one? Can I use Google Webmaster Tool? Thank you, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • I have a financial advisor client who has a downloadable PDF on his site that contains about 9 pages of good info. Problem is much of the content can also be found on individual pages of his site. Is it best to noindex/follow the pdf? It would be great to let the few pages of original content be crawlable, but I'm concerned about the duplicate content aspect. Thanks --

    | 540SEO

  • When optimizing videos for a website should the Alt and Title be the same or is that too much?  If so what is the best practice for optimizing images on a website? For example title=Blue widgets in Atlanta alt=Blue widgets in Atlanta Also, I'm assuming the image name should be Blue widgets in Atlanta

    | webestate

  • I have the feeling that I am suffering from negative seo, so there is a way to get a list of links that should remove in the google disavow links tool ?

    | Valarlf

  • Hello, I have moved over to Volusion and was wondering if you guys know of any SEO practices that are Volusion specific. i have been working on this site now for 2 months and my impressions and rankings have dropped substantially My 301 redirects where in place before I flipped over and my keywords / titles/ tags etc.. are in place. However i am still not making any progress in the engines. I have noticed that my products are not being indexed per Webmaster tools. I have heard that volusion has something set up to where you must purchase their SEO package in order to rank. I am really at my wits end and currently I thinking about taking a loss and reverting back to my old Shoppe Pro site. Any help would be very appreciated

    | kerry0217

  • Hi, While searching for co-operations and guest blogging opportunities I found several sites that look legit and that lost all SE traffic (according to various tools such as SEMRush). By legit I mean sites that have PR3 and up. Have many solid looking articles and that the articles are on the site's subject and that the articles do not necessarily point to other sites with exact match anchors. Should I post in these sites or are they probably penalized and therefore being there put me at risk? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • I'm thinking about using the yahoo answers api for my site for the real estate niche (to build up some content for potential visitors) in a forum style, how should i go about seo with this method? I don't want to get penalized for duplicate content so I wanted to know what the best seo practice would be for something like this?

    | chrisomega

  • I have two examples below where we want it to rank for the targeted page but google picked another page to rank instead.  This is happening a lot on this site I just recently started to work on. Example 1 Googles Choice for key word Motorcycle Tires: What we want Google to choice for Motorcycle Tires: Other pages about Motorcycle tires: We even used the rel="canonical" for this url to point to our target page. Example 2 ATV Tires We want this page to rank however google has decided to rank that is acutally one folder under where we want it.

    | DoRM

  • We have quite a lot of old content which is not visited anymore. Should we remove it and have a lot of 410 errors which will be reported in GWT? Or should we keep it and forget about it?

    | bele

  • I have a site that is doing well in rankings, and its also been accepted in to Google news. I have around 800 article live on the site. My current permalink structure is -  /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/ What I am wondering, would it be better to change it to - /%postname%/ The reason I ask is that most of the well ranking sites and sites built by SEO companies all seem to have the /%postname%/ Will I get a benefit from changing this? I know that I could republish content have the /%postname%/ permalinks. Are there any other benefits? If the is a benefit, I'd perefr to change it as soon as possible before the site grows even more Thanks in advance for anyone who can help

    | JohnPeters

  • So yesterday I got a DMOZ editor account. I would like to know if Google indexes the editor profile pages on DMOZ: here are some examples I would like to know if it is worth while to build up this page so it will pass link juice. And can anyone tell me how frequently Google crawls for new editors (if that's possible?)

    | raph3988

  • We currently own two sites (with unique domains) that accomplish a similar goal, but are completely different (so there's no duplicate content, etc) and were developed independently. Both sites have very good pagerank due to great press and inbound links over several years. Also both have thousands of pages and get a lot of inbound deep links. We plan on shutting one of the sites down so we can focus on the other. We'd like to transfer as much traffic and SEO/pagerank value from the one we're shutting down to the one we're continuing to focus on. What's the best way to do that? Should we just do a 301 redirect? Or keep the site running in some diminished form and link it to the site we're focusing on? I saw SEOmoz has a good guide on moving sites which recommends a 301 redirect, but I wanted to see if the same applies when merging sites as we are in this case.

    | 212areacode

  • Hey i'm looking to create a widget in javascript which i dynamically change the urls and anchor text which link the widget back to my site remotely (via php) once it spreads. I have heard peopled doing this before, but i can't seem to find a example. Does anyone know of any examples/widgets or anything which can do this?

    | monster99

  • Hi guys, I want to delete a entire folder with content indexed, how i can explain to google that content no longer exists?

    | Valarlf

  • I recently read that if a site has 2 pages that are live such as: and  will come up as duplicate if they are both live... I read that it's best to 301 redirect the and I read that this helps avoid duplicate content and keep all the link juice on one page. We did the 301 for one of our clients and we got about 20,000 errors that did not exist.  The errors are of pages that are indexed but do not exist on the server. We are assuming that these indexed (nonexistent) pages are somehow linked to the The links are showing 200 OK. We took off the 301 redirect from the page however now we still have 2 exaact pages, and What is the best way to solve this issue?

    | Bryan_Loconto

  • Hello, What are the top 5 resources for learning how to do a fantastic ecommerce link building campaign? I'm starting by adding 100-200 articles to our site. I'm wanting the 5 most up-to-date resources. Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • Can links indexed by google "link:" be bad? Or this is like a good example shown by google. We are cleaning our links from Penguin and dont know what to do with these ones. Some of them does not look quality.

    | bele

  • Currently I have a directory on a sub domain but Google apparently sees it as part of my main domain so all outgoing links may be affecting my rankings?

    | Valarlf

  • I had a website moved to wpengine lately and when the developer set it up on wpengine he used  For the last few years the site has been directing to Should I redirect the site to to avoid losing indexed pages and google rankings?

    | webestate

  • I'm new and seeking help with the following scenario: 1. Main site:   is a    established authority type site 2.  Second site: is a     (has robots.txt to no index) but someone obviously not site owner has done negative seo campaign against the .org domain and built spammy links to it. In fact, that's all that exist on this second domain because it is used for development purposes only right now.) No one would link to this one normally as it is just secondary domain used to protect trademark and for development use.)  When searching for it by domain name it does not appear on first page for search results.   Checking link profile the only links that show for are spam links. Have contacted site/s where spam links were placed (no answer) Main site and have same whois and hosted on the same server as they are owned by same company Main site still appears first for its name but has lost some rankings. I am working to fix some technical issues ie: duplicate urls with CMS etc, but would like to find out what to do about  the content that clearly has had someone target it with spammy non requested backlinks.) has Google webmaster tools account, no messages about unnatural liking in those reports 1. I'm not sure I should add to GWT to see if there is an unnatural link penalty applied or if this would further connect the two domains through association. If I could get some feedback/suggestions on what my options are with regards to making sure that the domain has a clean profile that would be most appreciated. Also because site owner has would like to begin using in the future for some unique content, but as it stands right now cannot because domain has been targed by poor backlinks. Anyone else run into situation where the .org or .net versions were targeted by spammy backlinks even though the domains were not actively used? What's the safest way to proceed?  a) Concerned about possible co-penalty between main site and    b) how to remove problems issues with so that owner can use it in future. Many thanks for your thoughts and help with this one. I appreciate any help or feedback.

    | web023

  • Hi, We have over 5000 pages showing under Overly-Dynamic URL error Our ecommerce site uses Ajax and we have several different filters like, Size, Color, Brand and we therefor have many different urls like, Could we use the robots.txt file to disallow these from showing as duplicate content? and do we need to put the whole url in there? like: Disallow: /*?sort=price&sort_direction=1&use_selected_filter=Y if not how far into the url should be disallowed? So far we have added the following to our robots,txt Disallow: /?sort=title Disallow: /?use_selected_filter=Y Disallow: /?sort=price Disallow: /?clearall=Y Just not sure if they are correct. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,Kami

    | dellamoda

  • Hi everyone, My company is called "Hawaii Job Engine" - - and many sites that link to my site use my company name as anchor text "Hawaii Job Engine". I have heard Google may devalue a certain keyword phrase if used too often in anchor text. Does this mean I may, over time, get a poor ranking for the term "Hawaii Job" since that phrase is part of my company's name. Or, will search engines easily notice it is my company name and therefore it will not have a negative impact on rankings? Example: if the anchor text leading to my company's homepage is company's name 95% of the time (on authoritative sites) could this be an issue? I don't know the %, but just to establish if there may be in % levels to keep in mind. thank you, Kristian

    | knielsen

  • Website short link: f c w . i m (copy and remove the spaces) A few weeks ago now we dropped from around page 2 all the way to around page 14 for they keyword watches on Google UK. We have remained around the level of page 12-17 ever since. Other important keywords which we monitor have slowly moved from page 1 positions onto page 2 or the bottom of page 1. Of course this is really worrying us as we are an e-commerce website and we are in peak season. Natural suspects would be duplicate content issues, crawl issues or bad links. All of which we have looked into and spent the past month improving to the best of our ability. I have gone through almost all of the content on the website. We have our own written descriptions on our 5000 products and have identified a small amount with issues using Copyscape. We have lots of unique customer product reviews and we have our own unique blog. I have looked into Crawl Issues and fine tuned URL parameter settings, usage of canonical and added next and prev tags. All of the faceted navigation which shouldn't be indexed has been excluded through canonical for well over a month and again recently using URL parameters in WT. Our link profile is small and doesn't contain a lot of spam links - we have identified some and wish to get them removed but even so I don't think the small quantity of links (a lot of which are nofollow also) would justify dropping us over around 100 places for a clearly relevant keyword. The only other thing that might be an issue is a large number of on page links. This is partly due to drop down page navigation. All our pages are being indexed by Google though so I'm not sure if it is a problem. You could argue it dilutes page rank, but you would think Google's algorithms would take recurring page navigation into account somehow - removing it would probably be detrimental to our users. So really we wanted to see if any SEO experts could help me out with this. It seems to us that it is either something we have already identified (causing a lot more impact than we would expect following the latest Google updates) or something else. Maybe a manual penalty? Thanks if you read the whole thing! Didn't intend to write this much really!

    | Scott.lucas

  • I have taken on the task of getting a fairly huge eCommerce site more SEO friendly & have just realized that no URL has been chosen as our preferred domain. Should we designate a preferred domain now or wait until after the first of the year since we are hitting our busy period right now?

    | Winoman

  • Hello SEO comunity. In one of the sites that I work, our team won numerous keywords in the first searching results. Unfortunately, on june we lost the most important site keyword. It was a general Word, very disputed, that generated a lot of traffic to us. The problem: it droped from third to fifty position. I’d like your help to identify the possible punishments and than find the solutions. What could happened? Where do we start?  Is there any checklist to verify the punishments? What do you suggest to me? PS: We always do a clean job, getting away form the blackhat techniques; We didn’t received any notification from Google; During two year, the keyword was in the first ten positions. Actually, I'm looking for an explanation for what happened to me, to get my top10 again. Thanks

    | webg

  • Does anyone have opinions on syndication of blog posts through aggregators? With a good internal link strategy in place, will the links generated by submitting our RSS feeds to sites like have a positive effect on our rankings?

    | GBC

  • So far we have been creating separate blogs on for our sites, and writing there. Today I was told that there was better SEO hosting the blog on the actual domain. i.e. instead of Is this true? Oddly I have had my WP beat my own URL on one account. So I am not sure if this is valid. Can someone tell me pros and cons of both? Thanks!

    | greenhornet77

  • Hi guys, Looking for some good advice on forum links and there potential negative impact. I am analysing the links of a URL and around 60% of the links are coming from a forum (on a different domain). The forum is very relevant - about the same product he is selling and also has a decent user base. This 60% of links account for roughly 6,500 links. All with different varying keyword anchor text's, and some with excessive usage of a particular keyword anchor text. They are also all do-follow. They are in a mixture of signature links and in post links. The site they link to has been hit by penguin which also has an EMD. MY question is even though these links are relevant and on a good site with good traffic, do you think they have likely been picked up in the penguin algorithm? My initial thought was yes only because they are all do follow and mostly keyword based. But id love to hear thoughts on this as well as possible recovery options, i.e should he remove the forum links, reduce drastically or make them all no follow so traffic can still pass through? Thanks!

    | ROIcomau

  • Hello all, I have a local tld domain in spanish for .es. Now i want to translate the site content to english and german. What do you advice? 1.1   and 1.2 and Or buy a new .com domain and set it like this: 2.1. and (english will be main language) 2.2. and Or the last option ( the one i think it's better) Local TLDs 3.1 , , and In this last case , the domain name is KW + Brand , should i also translate the KW? For example: , Thanks for your help.

    | Barbio

  • So we made a big mistake with our website last month.  Without thinking things through, our entire website was switched to using a SSL certificate and https urls on all pages of the site.  I know it is recommended that SSL is only used on sensitive pages, but we have a lead form on all pages. Of course Google is taking some time to adjust to all of our urls changing.  A week later we lost all of our Google search rankings.  It has now been about 3 weeks and our site is showing some signs of recovery, but obviously we'd like a quicker recovery. We have done proper 301 redirects throughout the site, but unfortunately our CMS has been a little buggy creating some other problems to fix along the way. So my main question is, how can we speed up the process?  I do understand that we stand to lose 5-10% value of our old links due to the redirects.  Is there anything else we should be doing to recover quicker though? Also, at this point, would it make any sense to switch back to http urls?  Or would that just delay things further? Thanks!

    | BorisD

  • I did some REALLY good keyword research for my specific industry and yes, it was VERY helpful and educational. Now what............... My site title has the keyword I want to rank for the MOST (highest amount of traffic) and my business name in it Meta description also mentions it (I have read this doesnt matter for seo and also read its starting to matter again) My main keyword is in the text of my site several times very well written and spread out. Also in the meta keywords tag and in some of the anchor tags and alt tags. My question is - What about the other - 6-8 keywords that arent #1 in traffic but still get a LOT.......How do I optimize for those as well besides mention them in the site content. Is that really the best place? I don't want to water down my ability to for my #1 keyword I identified but I dont want to miss out on others.............Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for your time and suggestions! 🙂 This is a GREAT group of people - Im anxious for when I can help others like I have received! Matthew

    | Mrupp44

  • Do you think that a Google+ Page (not profile) could appear on the Google SERP as a Rich Snippet Author? Thanks

    | overalia

  • In this article google mentions if you syndicate content, you should include a link and, ideally noindex, the content, if possible. I'm wondering why google doesn't mention including a canonical instead the link + noindex? Is one better than the other? Any ideas?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hello, I want to build a blog on a domain that targets Romanians from uk. The blog will be in Romanian. What recommendation do you have regarding Google, should I submit the website to or Did you had any cases like this? Cornel

    | Cornel_Ilea

  • Hi, I want to talk about anchor text and the effect it has on search engines (Good & Bad). Here is a fictitious example we can talk about: Title Tag: Running Sneakers - The Super Trendy Running Trainers Keywords targeted: Running Sneakers, Running Trainers How would you vary your anchor text to target these terms? If you had 50 unique articles to play with how would you vary the anchor text using the articles? Would you push 25 articles at 'Running Sneakers' and the other 25 at 'Running Trainers' or would you link some articles using the domain name anchor text? Q: I'm guessing running 50 articles using anchor text 'Running Sneakers' would benefit the SERP's moe for that term then mixing it up with say 'Running Sneakers', 'Running Trainers' & 'Domain Name Links'. Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • Hi, I came across clickable links appearing below the meta description in Google SERP. The links are not necessarily the top pages for that particular domain and sometimes tend to reflect the newly added stock. Is there a way to determine what factors account for this? Thanks, mryxN.png

    | RaksG

  • I have a client that has a boat of awesome content they provide to their client that's behind a pay wall ( ie: paid subscribers can only access ) Any suggestions mozzers? How do I get those pages index? Without completely giving away the contents in the front end.

    | BizDetox

  • Google has indexed a page I wish to remove. I would like to meta noindex but the CMS isn't allowing me too right now. A suggestion o disallow in robots.txt would simply stop them crawling I expect or is it also an instruction to noindex? Thanks

    | Brocberry

  • We recently fixed a meta refresh issue on our home page. Our store URL:  had a meta refresh on it that was going to: The meta refresh is now gone, however there still seem to be some problems: Our IT Director has not been successful in trying to make  301 redirect to  - so I believe we now have a duplicate content issue If you look at both of these URLs in OSE, you will see that  is getting credit for almost all of the Internal Followed Links, while is getting all the credit for External Followed links. Why doesn't show the same number of Internal Followed Links? I realize this is more of a developer/webmaster question and would be very appreciative of any suggestions or advice. Thanks!

    | danatanseo

  • Here's the situation.  Let's say you have a development site that was created on a subdomain such as  When the new site, launches, the developer forgot to remove from the index.  As such, two copies of the site exist.  Because the development site existed first, ends up being affected by Panda and drops out of the search results.  As a result only the development site is visible on Google searches. I've been trying to wrap my head around whether using canonical tags or 301 redirects would be best. On one hand you could insert a canonical tag on each page of the subdomain to tell Google that the correct version to index is On the other hand you could do a 301 redirect from every page of the development site to to Now, here's where it gets complicated.  Because the new site has been flagged as a Panda site, in either case will it need to see a Panda refresh in order to be included in the index?

    | MarieHaynes

  • Hi i'm looking for a tool which can do a full content audit for a site for instance - Find pages which: • Lack text content. • Finds pages with lengthy meta descriptions • Finds missing H1 tags or multiple H1 tags . • Duplicate meta descriptions. • Find images with no alt text Are there any tools besides the ones on SEMOZ which can enable me to do a full content audit on factors like these. Or any SEO audit tools out there which you can recommend. Cheers, Mark

    | monster99

  • A little confused by this. We have some on site reviews, is all I need is to reference that? What if we don't have "products", only "services"......should i be leveraging Places/Yelp reviews for this? Anyone add review schema for services?

    | VistageSEO

  • My site is using search refinement and I am concerned about the URL adding additional characters when it's refined.  My current URL is: and when someone chooses their specific year, make, and model then it changes to:  Will this negatively affect SEO for this URL?  Will the URL be counted twice?  Any help would be great!

    | BrandLabs

  • I am looking for a company or two that serves customers in multiple regions and has their site set up in the best possible way to target those areas. I would like, if possible, to see an example of a company that has an address in each area served, and one that only has one base location, but travels to serve customers.

    | webfeatseo

  • One of my clients is a physician and I have achieved excellent SERP positioning for multiple targeted terms, but need to build a bit more domain authority in hopes of climbing one or two more positions and bumping a strong local competitor. I am segueing into the the off-page SEO work  and was wondering if anyone would be willing to share their favorite search queries or tips for seeking-out potential citation or back link sources on .org or .edu sites which are relevant to my client's area of expertise? Thanks!

    | SCW

  • We have 2 sites that will have duplicate content (e.g., one company that sells the same products under two different brand names for legal reasons). The two companies are in different geographical areas, but the client will put the same content on each page because they're the same product. What is the best way to handle this? Thanks a lot.

    | Rocket.Fuel

  • Hi Mozzers, Was wondering if someone could tell me if this link is SEO-friendly? class = "sl">name="sc" type="checkbox" value="1449"><a <span="">href</a> <a <span="">="</a>" onclick = "Javascript: return dosc(2);">src="imsd/coff.gif" id="cbsc2"/>Keyword It has some Javascript that makes the link work like a filter. Cheers, Carlos

    | Carlos-R

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