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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • I work for a large franchise organization that is weighing the pros and cons of using subdomains versus subdirectories for our franchisee locations. What are the pros and cons of each approach?

    | Glassdoctordfw

  • We've been transitioning a large site to a new CMS for the last few months and we are finally getting ready to move the homepage and high level sections. Are there any good articles or tips for this portion of our migration? URLs will be staying the same so redirects aren't needed, we're recreating all the existing metadata in the new CMS, we are rebuilding our sitemaps in the new platform, etc. I wasn't sure if there were specific things I should pay close attention to for the homepage & section fronts that are different from other pages on the site when migrating. Thanks in advance!

    | BostonWright

  • Hi there, I have recently written an article which I have posted on an online newspaper website. I want to use this article and put it on my blog also, the reason the article will be placed on my blog is to drive users from my email marketing activities. Would it simply be best practice to disallow Google from crawling this page? or put a rel canonical on the article placed on my blog pointing to the article placed on the online newspaper website? Thanks for any suggestions

    | Paul78

  • Hey Mozzers, I wanted to get some opinions on here. I'm going to be building out the content on my site a lot of the next couple of months, and have recently started thinking about creating a content landing page. For those not familiar with the concept it's the idea of building this page that basically just pulls together all the content you've written on a specific subject & serves as hopefully a link magnet & destination for people interested in the topic. So my question is this, I am just outlining all of the different posts & areas that I want to cover on specific topics & it is a lot. I'm talking ~20 posts on each subject. Do you think that would be too much content to try & get on one page? Should I break it down to a more finite 5-7 links to high quality articles per page, or create basically this monster guide that links to all these different articles I'll create. Looking forward to getting your opinion, Chris

    | chris.kent

  • Hi, I've read a bit up on making AJAX called content indexable and there seems to be  a number of options available, and the recommended methods seems to chaneg with time. My situation is this: On a product pages I have a list of reviews - of which I show the latest 10 reviews. The rest of the reviews are in a paginated format where if the user clicks a "next" button, the next set loads in the same page via AJAX. No ideally I would like all this content indexable as we have hundreds of reviews per product - but at the moment on the latest 10 reviews are indexed. So what is the best / simplest way of getting google to index all these reviews and associate them with this product page? Many thanks

    | James77

  • Starting a new local travel guide site. Would like to buy a domain and have found one with decent Domain Authority and Trust, but they want $2500 for the domain which I feel is a bit steep since I will be not using any of the content and it is generating hardly any revenue now. . I would rather not start from scratch with no links and no trust. I have a few questions.... -Any suggestions on sites to look for domains or strategy for finding and offering to buy? Any guidelines on how to value domains? If I but it and change registration do I risk losing all the value? Cold I just change technical contact info? Any other suggestions are welcome. Thanks.

    | Reportcard

  • When a newspaper article or magazine article writes a story about your company, some people like seem to immediately write blog posts about the press hit, and then in the blog post they link to the press hit.  Other businesses have entire "In the News" sections in which they post links to news stories that reference or link to the company.  Does this in any way hinder or the cancel out the link juice that should come from the original inbound link by making it look like a link trade or link swap, or for any other reason?  Just curious if anyone has any thoughts on this...Thanks.

    | williammarlow

  • Hi, My programmer recently did a horrible mistkae by adding noindex, nofollow to our website without me noticing for two days. At the same time he did it we bought a new domain and redirected the old domain to the new domain: The Old domain is: and the new one is: Now unfortunatly I didn't notice the noindex,nofollow when it was on the old domain and I redirected it to before I fixed the noindex, nofollow. I fixed the problem around 10 hours ago on the new domain ( but the old domain didn't get indexed back (yet), so for example if you search for WebsiteBuildersWorld in google you will not reach the homepage as google deleted it because of the noindex,nofollow. My question is:
    Do you think that it will be fixed and google will retrieve websitebuildersworld homepage to his search results and then redirect it to websiteplanet? Or because I redirected to before letting google crawling without the noindex,no follow it wouldn't get indexed again? I hope I explained the problem good enough. Looking forward for your valuable replies. Thanks.

    | Ouzan

  • Hi forum!  I want to improve my internal linking through adding keyword-rich anchor text to my search results pages (my site has an internal search engine for products). For example, if I were a shoes store, my product search engine results are currently:
    -Track and I want to make them actual keyword-terms by changing them to:
    -Running Shoes
    -Hiking Shoes
    -Walking Shoes
    -Track Shoes This creates a problem - the keyword "shoes" is stuffed on the page. I don't care how well these dynamic search results pages appear in search, only the actual product pages. Is it okay to keyword stuff on these pages, or would it penalize my entire site?

    | Travis-W

  • I asked below question yesterday and got some answers, but am still looking for more justification whether such links are worthwhile getting or not. Here is the question: An SEO expert offers my site backlinks from .edu's wrapped in wiki. Structure as follows "" - the pages have  authority of 1 (domain obviously high with the dot edu) but there is no relevant info on the pages and obviously wiki links are no follow. This does not sound right to me, but can anyone share some insight since it is wiki + edu combined it sounds on surface like credibility, but with page having no relevant content I feel it isn't right.

    | knielsen

  • Hello All! I'm wondering about the best way to link build and carry on my video trend. I love to create video's with all of my articles as I feel it adds an extra element to just boring old text! The problem is that my current 25 links from Youtube are all NoFollow. This didn't originally bother me, but it's starting too. Is there a couple of websites that I could upload my article/ video to and gain a  link from in a similar manner? Come to think of it, is this a good SEO tactic to use?

    | Paul_Tovey

  • We submitted a group of 50+ franchise stores into UBL to fulfill directory listings back in September. We are now looking at changing the some of the URL structure to include city names. Example: city) to       Will changing the subdirectory and resubmitting to the directory aggregators negatively effect their search results? Thanks, Jake

    | AESEO

  • Hello! I have a site I've been working on for a lovely client, a small business start up since Christmas. The site has a very simple layout, is ranking well and maintaining its positions, has solid social media, is receiving enough traffic and ranking for a number of terms. The problem is - conversions! The site just isn't converting. I have spoken with a few peers who have said advanced CRO will be too much for me to learn in terms of Psychology of Buying, learning about colors, fonts etc. I understand meta descriptions for example are something that I can do, I was wondering if anyone could give me advice on any other basic CRO techniques I could apply to the site before going to a specialist. Any advice would be MUCH appreciated - the moz community is always so helpful! Charlotte 🙂

    | CharlotteWaller

  • My company will be changing its name and moving to a new domain in about a month. What can I do from an SEO perspective to get ready for the big move? Do I just need to 301 redirect all my URLs to their new corresponding pages? Thanks!

    | Travis-W

  • On one site I work on, I noticed that pages in the upper navigation that have less links in the main navigation vs pages that have more links tend to perform better in organic search. Has anyone else noticed this?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Maybe I haven't found the threads or whatever but I haven't seen lots of posts about the latest Google Panda update from November 21-22 on SEOmoz. Panda 22 is not even listed here: Until November 21st, Google killed 3 of 5 websites I own through their Panda updates (never got hit by Penguin updates as I got only original content), accounting for about 25% of my income. Fortunately, the 2 remaining websites gained more traffic throughout the summer of 2012 so my income almost got back to 100% even though I got the "Unnatural Links" warning in Google Webmaster Tools in July. Since then, I did a huge link cleanup and according to the Link Detox Tool (from another SEO service), the number of "toxic links" went from about 350 to 50. Back link reports is as follow: 8% (52) Toxic Links; 57% (382) Suspicious Links; 35% (235) Healthy Links; Out of the 382 suspicious, most of them are coming from the same domain and they are all directories to which my website has been submitted automatically (not using any specific keyword anchor). On the opposite, healthy links are coming from different domains so I like to think they have a stronger impact than suspicious links. That said, my two remaining websites were still doing well until November 21 where it got hit by the Panda. Now traffic has dropped by 55% and income has dropped by 75% (yes I'll have to look for a job within a year if I don't fix this). (I want to add that none of my websites are "thin websites". One has over 1500 pages of content and the other has about 500 pages. All websites have content added 3 to 5 times a week.) What I don't get is that all my "money keywords" are still ranked in the top 10 results on Google according to multiple tools / services I use, yet the impressions dropped from 50% to 75% for those keywords?!? I have a feeling that this time it's not only a drop in ranking. There's a drop in impressions caused by something else. Is it caused by emphasis on local search? Are they showing more ads and less organic results? But here's the "funny part": For the last 5 years, I was never able to advertise my website on Google Adwords. Each time, I got a quality score of about 4/10 only to see it drop to 1/10 within a few hours of launching the campaign. On November 22nd, I build new PPC campaigns based on the exact same PPC campaigns I had the past (same keywords, same ads, same landing pages). Guess what? Now the quality score is between 7/10 and 10/10 (most of them have 10/10) for the exact same PPC campaign! What a "coincidence" huh?

    | sbrault74

  • Hi people, I have a site with around 2.000 urls indexed in google, and 10 subdomains indexed too, which I want to remove entirely, to set up a new web. Which is the best way to do it? Regards!

    | SeoExpertos

  • An SEO expert offers my site backlinks from .edu's wrapped in wiki. Structure as follows "" - the pages have  authority of 1 (domain obviously high with the dot edu) but there is no relevant info on the pages and obviously wiki links are no follow. This does not sound right to me, but can anyone share some insight since it is wiki + edu combined it sounds on surface like credibility, but with page having no relevant content I feel it isn't right. thank you

    | knielsen

  • Hello! I'm doing a routine clean up of my code and had a question about the canonical tag. On the index page, I have the following: I have never put any thought into which index path is the best to use. Could someone shed some light on this for me?  Does it make a difference? Thanks! Ryan

    | Ryan_Phillips

  • So, what is the latest linking strategies and the best practices for the new year? I'm looking to start a clean, fresh website and would love to implement a great new strategy or tactics that really work with the right amount of effort. Is there a guide available? Preferably from website on-page optimization all the way to a regular routine of what to do. I know it won't be easy, but that's why I love the ever changing world of SEO!

    | Paul_Tovey

  • Tues domain mapping of multiple (more than 180) urls to a single address can harm rankeamento these urls? I have the following scenario… Mapping domain addresses: ... to: where I have a index.php page which will assemble according to the url mapped. This could be hurting my SEO in any way? There has been a lot of stability in the rankings (not google dance) some of these urls for some keywords and unique pecularidade see that, relative to other site, is the above scenario.

    | eder.machado

  • Hey guys, We have several businesses, two agencies and one online store all sharing the same address and suite. We aren't focused on getting local foot traffic at all, but I've seen the benefits of local citations + google+ and local directories. Is there any negative to using the same address with Google? Will they eventually see that and devalue anything SEO wise?


  • Hi, this may be a tall order, or maybe it's already in place and I'm behind the times! Any chance on getting something like this going? Even handier, have SEOMoz import these settings directly from GWT. The issue comes into play when looking at my duplicate page content reports; I'm guessing that SEOMoz will continue showing these as duplicates even after I have tweaked GWT to read them properly. Haven't tested this theory as I just started down this road on GWT myself. Thanks. 🙂

    | ntcma

  • I'm trying to outrank a website with the following: Website with #1 ranking for a search query with "City & Brand" Domain Authority - 2 Domain Age - 11 years & 9 months old Has both the City & brand in the URL name. The site is crap, outdated.. probably last designed in the 90's, old layouts, not a lot of content & NO keywords in the titles & descriptions on all pages. My site ranks 5th for the same keyword.. BEHIND 4 pages from the site described above. Domain Authority - 2 Domain Age - 4 years & 2 months old Has only the CITY in the URL. Brand new site design this past year, new content & individual keywords in the titles, descriptions on each page. My main question is.... do you think it would be be beneficial to buy a new domain name with the BRAND in the URL  & CITY & 301 redirect my 4 year old domain to the new domain to pass along the authority it has gained. Will having the brand in the URL make much of a difference? Do you think that small step would even help to beat the crappy but old site out? Thanks for any help & suggestions on how to beat this old site or at least show up second.

    | DCochrane

  • Hi, We're working on a e-commerce project that will be launched in several countries. My question is this: Are there any advantages to name the URL-folders in the local language? Ie. International site: Norwegian site: As i like things tidy, I guess that would also mean we would have to rename the cart URLs and so on. ie. International site: Norwegian site:

    | rtora

  • Hi all, I've been checking and it seems like there are only 2 options when disavowing links with Google's tool. Disavow the link: Disavow the domain: domain: What can I do if I want do disavow a subdomain? i.e. I'm also assuming that if I were to disavow the domain it would include all subdomains? Thanks.

    | Carlos-R

  • Hi, hopefully anyone knows something about this case: There is a canonical tag on site "**/de_de/" **refering to site "". If the meta title and descriptions are different on both sides - is there a problem that google will not pay attention to the canonical tag? Do both sides need the same title and canonical? Thanx for your answers! Cheers Heiko!

    | heckert

  • Hi everyone, I am having some issues with an a few dynamic URLs that are not redirecting; Example: I first tried to carry out a standard 301 which looked like this; Redirect 301 /longurlwith&category_id=303 Which didn't work. After a little bit of research I added the following into the htaccess file; RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC]RewriteRule ^/shop-online$(.*)$$ [NE,L,R=301] Which caused the website to error 500 (Not cool). So now I am stumped. Any help would be really appreciated as I'm sure it's an easy fix but I can't quite my finger on it. Thanks in advance :).

    | AduroLabs

  • I've been waiting 11, almost 12 weeks for several submissions to appear in Open Directory. I research the right category and fill in all fields carefully incl. title and description. What are typical wait times now (4th Qtr 2012)?

    | alankoen123

  • I know it is important to fix server errors.  We are trying to figure out how important because after our last build we have over 19,646 of them and since google only gives us a 1000 at a time the fastest way to tell them we have fixed them all is to use the api etc which will take time.   WE are trying to decide is it more important to fix all these errors right now or focus on other issues and fix these errors when we have time, they are mostly ajax errors.  Could this hurt our rankings?  Any thoughts would be great!

    | DoRM

  • Hi forum, my company has done almost ZERO link building, and most of the traffic we receive to our site is for our branded search terms (people searching for our company name). Our content and on-page SEO is pretty solid, but how would you suggest getting started in link building? We've dabbled in comment marketing, but almost all of these were unfollowed links. We already do PR and submit it to We have submitted to quite a few online directories and are currently working our way through relevant directories provided by SEOMoz. We do not want to pay for links, and we want to do all of this in house. We are committed to putting the time in to get high quality links by hand. Does anyone have any advice? A "Beginner's Guide to Link-Building" would be excellent. The specific site we are working on is if that is of any use. Thanks!

    | Travis-W

  • Hi, I have a site that I believe has been impacted by the recent Panda updates. Assuming that Google has crawled and indexed several thousand pages that are essentially the same and the site has now passed the threshold to be picked out by the Panda update, what is the best way to proceed? Is it enough to block the pages from being crawled in the future using robots.txt, or would I need to remove the pages from the index using the meta noindex tag? Of course if I block the URLs with robots.txt then Googlebot won't be able to access the page in order to see the noindex tag. Anyone have and previous experiences of doing something similar? Thanks very much.

    | ianmcintosh

  • I just started working at this company last month.  We started to add new content to pages like   This is their main site.  Then i realized it also put the new content on their sister site    the first site is the main site and I think will get credit for the unique new content.  The second one I do not think will get credit and will more than likely be counted as duplicate content.  We are changing this so it will no longer be the same.  However, I am curious to see ways people think we could fix this issues?  Also is it effecting both sits for just the second one?

    | DoRM

  • Since, November 14th, the impressions on our slideshows on our site are down by 43%. The slideshows are built using # for pagination, and all content lives on one URL (through the user must click 'next' to see more content). Does anyone else have this issue?

    | nicole.healthline

  • When evaluating a site to decide whether or not to peruse a link, how do you decide if it is passing enough link juice to peruse the matter?

    | runnerkik

  • Hi there guys(and girls), I bought a beautiful and clever .de domain, however I plan to use it for a brazillian website. Since GWT does not allow me to change the target location, and I am stuck with Germany on Google's eyes, I would like to know how bad would it be to stick with the .de domain? My content won't be international. It will focus only in portuguese(Brazil) content. Is there a way to make it work? I would really like to stick with this domain, but Google's organic traffic cannot be overlooked... Thanks in advance for all input I can get. Cheers

    | adepalma

  • I am producing a long glossary of terms and want to make it easier to jump down to various terms. I am using the<a id="anchor-text"  ="" attribute="" so="" am="" appending="" #anchor-text="" to="" a="" url="" reach="" the="" correct="" spot<="" p=""></a> <a id="anchor-text"  ="" attribute="" so="" am="" appending="" #anchor-text="" to="" a="" url="" reach="" the="" correct="" spot<="" p="">Does anyone know whether Google will pick this up as separate duplicate pages?</a> <a id="anchor-text"  ="" attribute="" so="" am="" appending="" #anchor-text="" to="" a="" url="" reach="" the="" correct="" spot<="" p="">If so any ideas on what I can do? Apart from not do it to start with? I am thinking 301s won't work as I want the URL to work. And rel=canonical won't work as there is no actual page code to add it to. Many thanks for your help Wendy</a>

    | Chammy

  • Hi everybody, There's a lot of information about getting sitewide backlinks, but so few about on-site optimization. Is there a maximum of links to put on a page ? Is there a maximum of link that a page should receive ? etc ... ? So, what is the optimal strategy ? And I'm only concerned about on-page and on-site link, not backlinks commming from other sites. Thanks

    | DavidPilon

  • I've just started working with a client and have been surprised to find that every page of their site (using Concrete5 CMS) has a rel=canonical pointing to their home page.  I'm feeling really dumb, because this seems like a fatal flaw which would keep Google from ranking any page other than the home page...  but when I look at Google Analytics, Content > Site Content > Landing Pages, using Secondary Dimension = Source, it seems that Google is delivering users to numerous pages on their site.  Can anyone help me out?!  Thanks very much!!

    | measurableROI

  • Hello all I am working in my website and analysing the potential best keywords for the SEO (post/page name and url path name). 1. I am using Google Adwords. Any other tool you would recommend? 2. Which selection should I make in the Google Adwords Keyword Tool in order to know the monthly global searches of the keywords I should target? Exact? Phrase? Broad? For instance, KEYWORD SEARCH:"Information about Madrid" BROAD MATCH: 300,000 EXACT MATCH: 1,500 Te potential of the keyword is 300,000? 300,000 searches are undertaken on a month that contains that sentence and its variations? Or the relevant keyword potential is the exacta match traffic? Thank you very much! Antonio

    | aalcocer2003

  • I'm taking over a site with multiple domains that are almost entirely duplicate content.  The business has a main site, then 5 different location sites with unique domain names, a slightly different homepage, then exact duplicate for the rest of the site. Should I get rid of the individual location domains entirely, and just 301 redirect to pages on my main domain?  Or might it be worth keeping a unique microsite online at each of the location domains (with one general location page on the main url, then the location-specific info on the microsite)? Currently, some of the location domains rank better than the main one, and in other areas the main one outranks the location domain.

    | irapasternack

  • If you rank on google places, I have noticed that you do not rank on the front page as well. I have a site that ranks on front page for it's keywords; however, because they are (1) on google places, they don't show up when someone is localized to that area. They show up on google places but not on front page. If you turn of localization, they are first in serps. How can I get around this? Two separate sites? One for Google+ (Places) and one for SERPS?

    | JML1179

  • We have a div at the top of a client's the page that displays an alert to the user. After 30 seconds it is rendered hidden. Does Google index this? Does Google take this into account when it ranks the page?

    | WEOMedia

  • Hi members, Is link wheel still working for getting better SERPs and getting good backlinks, ?

    | purplar

  • What process is performed to get a company's phone number to show as "A" on google maps. Google displays the phone number for the company on the map as "A" first. It would be beneficial to get that position. Is there a sub-category of seo that does this? Thanks in advance!

    | JML1179

  • I just discovered a competitor in the insurance lead generation space has completely copied my client's site's architecture, page names, titles, even the form, tweaking a word or two here or there to prevent 100% 'scraping'. We put a lot of time into the site, only to have everything 'stolen'.  What can we do about this?  My client is very upset.  I looked into filing a 'scraper' report through Google but the slight modifications to content technically don't make it a 'scraped' site. Please advise to what course of action we can take, if any. Thanks,

    | seagreen

  • Hello, I'm putting up a new site for the first time in a while. How long is the Google Sandbox these days, and what has changed about it. Before it was 6 months to 1 year long. Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • Hey everyone, I'm baffled by a situation. I started working on almost 3 months ago. The first thing I did was changed the address (was previously and updated all of the links pointing from the old name to the new "www" and used 301 redirects for canonicalization. Have also built some additional links, added content to the site, and performed on-page optimization to rank for the primary key phrase "san diego newborn photography". But ranking is no where to be found, I searched for the key phrase, and at rank 190 is a random subpage, not even the home page. The listing had also disappeared from Google Places a few weeks ago after the client updated their listing (which I believe was the result of the known Places bug ( I'm at a loss here for ideas, as I've never failed to at least have a site on the radar. There aren't any spam links so I don't think any penalties are the result. One last thing, it ranks on page 2 in both Bing and Yahoo... Please help me out Mozzers!!! 😕

    | Joes_Ideas

  • I am slightly confused about how to let Google know to index our site as a complex listing opposed to individual page listing. Our site is well established and has over 3500 indexes. Does this have to do with the Sitemap or is it something else? Is there a way to expedite Google to list our site like the example below. Thank you for your help! Whole Foods Market <cite></cite>Owns and operates chain of natural foods supermarkets which sell meat and poultry free of growth hormones and antibiotics, unprocessed grains and cereals, ... | ### Stores Hours: Open 8am to 10pm Seven Days a Week. Note Holiday ... | ### Online Ordering welcome find a store healthy eating about our products ... |
    | ### Coupons Here they are: printable coupons from the latest issue of our in ... | ### Recipes This boldly flavored casserole is an excellent way to use leftover ... |
    | ### Careers Hiring Process - Job Fairs and Events - Career Paths - ... | ### Lamar Located just blocks from where Whole Foods Market began as ... |
    | More results from » |

    | olive13

  • We are a large site, 5600 pages with local pages in almost every city across the US. We are struggling with page rank on some pages and I dont think its as simple as backlinks and its definitely not poor on-page SEO. I think we might have some truly technical issues that is causing us to get penalized in SERP's. Any agencies which analyze sites? This is NOT a job posting so please don't send me messages...I truly want to know how/where to find a solution to our problem. Thanks

    | CTSupp

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