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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.


    | hehhreh

  • I am trying to learn a little more about Travel SEO, particularly in the "hotel" vertical. what are some of the top Hotel SEO sites out there and what are they doing right? Tripadvisor is great at SEO in general, but I've heard they struggle a little in the "hotel" vertical. Is there anything they can do to improve their rankings in this area?  Does anyone have any suggestions, whether it be a far out idea or on-site optimization? Thanks!

    | Super7

  • Hey Everyone, I have been a member of SEOMOZ for about 4 months and love it, it really has helped me out. my first website I am trying to get well ranked in the new zealand market is I have chosen: sell online free ecommerce website ecommerce website builder Are paid links the way forward for me? should I aim for more keywords? should I pay for help? Just looking for a lttle direction, if someone could help. thanks.

    | bonmaklad

  • I have been working on an eCommerce site I have asked an earlier question about how to get it working and ranking and I took on board what people said (such as optimising product pages etc...) and I think i'm getting there. The problem I have now is that Google hasn't indexed my site in over a month and the homepage cache is 404'ing when I check it on Google. At the moment there is a problem with the site being live for both WWW and non-WWW versions, i have told google in Webmaster what preferred domain to use and will also be getting developers to do 301 to the preferred domain. Would this be the problem stopping Google properly indexing me? also I'm only having around 30 pages of 137 indexed from the last crawl. Can anyone tell me or suggest why my site hasn't been indexed in such a long time? Thanks

    | SEOAndy

  • Our team just finished a massive piece of content.. very similar to the SEOmoz Begginer's Guide to SEO, but for the salon/aesthetics industry. We have a beautifully designed 10 Chapter, 50-page PDF which will require an email form submission to download. Each chapter is optimized for specific phrases, and will be separate HTML pages that are publicly available... very much like how this is setup: My question is, what's the best way to promote this thing? Any specific examples would be ideal. I think blogger outreach would likely be the best approach, but is there any specific way that I should be doing this?.. Again a specific start-to-finish example is what I'm looking for here. (I've read almost every outreach post on moz, so no need to reference them) Anyone care to rattle off a list of ideas with accompanying examples? (even if they seem like no-brainers.. I'm all ears)

    | ATMOSMarketing56

  • We currently rank well in our niche on a long (and ambiguous) domain, but want to rebrand and have a shorter and more memorable domain. Keeping in mind we're already pointing good links at the new domain (301ing them to the old site), how long should we age the domain before switching the content and 301ing the old site?

    | errspy

  • I've been searching for an answer all day, I can't seem to figure this out. When I Fetch my blog as Google( WITHOUT a trailing slash at the end, I get this error: The page seems to redirect to itself. This may result in an infinite redirect loop **HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently** When I Fetch my blog as Google WITH the trailing slash at the end(, it is fine without errors. When I pull it up in a browser comes up fine both with and without the trailing slash. My .htaccess file in the root directory contains this: RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /index.htm\ HTTP/
    RewriteRule ^index.htm$ [R=301,L]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] My .htaccess file in the blog directory contains this: BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
     RewriteBase /blog/
     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^./index.php/. [NC]
     RewriteRule ^index.php/(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /blog/index.php [L]</ifmodule> END WordPress Do I have something incorrectly coded in these .htaccess files that could be causing this? Or is there something else I should look at? Thank you for any help!!

    | debc

  • I believe the proper syntax is like this [taken from the SEOMoz homepage]: However, one of the sites I am working on has all of their canonical tags set up like this: I should clarify, not all of their canonicals are identical to this one, they simply use this naming convention, which appears to be relative URLs instead of absolute. Doesn't the entire URL need to be in the tag?  If that is correct, can you also provide me with an explanation that I can give to management please? They hate it when I say "Because I said so!" LOL

    | danatanseo

  • I've found a good opportunity to build some links and I'd love your opinions on my options here. There's a big event that happens once a year in my city.  Let's say the event used to have a website called  The event decided not to use this website anymore, but instead to put all of their event information on their facebook page.  It looks like they let their domain name expire and someone else snapped it up.  It's now sitting as an empty wordpress blog with one line of text. This empty website has 1300 links pointing to it. I can see two opportunities here: 1. Write a very thorough article on my website (that I am trying to build links to) describing the event and giving people all of the information that they need to know about it.  (The amount of information on the Facebook page is minimal.) or 2. Create a new website called and put up a static page with all of the information that people need to know.  There would be a link on this page pointing to the site that I am trying to rank. In both cases there would be much more information than is available on the Facebook page including a collection of youtube videos about the event and many helpful links for people who are interested in this type of event. Then the plan is to contact the sites who are linking to the dead page and invite them to link to my new page (either on my site or the new site that I could create). I see a few pros and cons to each method. For option #2 I think people would be more likely to link to a more official looking page rather than an article on a separate website.  (My website has information about the city in question but is not closely related to the event at all.)  However, I would only be getting one link back to my site.  One negative to this is that the actual organizers of the event may not be pleased that someone has created an official looking page.  But then again, perhaps they would be happy to have a free website. For option #1 I would possibly get more links from sites that are authoritative in my city that point directly to the site I am trying to rank.  However, people would be less likely to link to us because we are not an official site for the event, but simply a very good article about the event.  There are no other good articles for this event that are ranking on Google. Hopefully that makes sense.  What would you do? EDIT - Just thought of a third option - try to buy the domain.

    | MarieHaynes

  • I have a client who says they can't implement a 301 on their home page.  They have tow different urls for their home page that are live and do not redirect.  I know that the best solution would be to redirect one to the main URL but they say this isn't possible.   So they implemented the rel canonical instead.  Is this the second best solution for them if they can't redirect?  Will the link juice be passed through the rel canonical? Thanks!

    | AlightAnalytics

  • Hello, Some users when they search for our site by using "ourbrand" keyword that ignore the first result (we will call it here -not real name-) and they look for . Even though we have that domain name also registered (indeed it also has a high ranking power) we are doing a 301 from the dot com to the . What we want to do is to index the homepage of the dot com, that is as a secondary result while doing a 301 to any other internal URL of the dot com to the dot .de. Yes, we will loose link juice for the main domain but at least we will not loose visits from the brand traffic (which is our main traffic). So the question is, would Google index if we show just a landing page that just show our logo, a "Click here to go to" with a link to and a meta refresh of 6 seconds to that URL? Additionally a cookie would be sent to the first time visitors, so in the next time they would be automatically redirected. PS: The 6 seconds is to avoid search engine consider it a "301" like it do with short meta refresh (not sure what time is the minimum to avoid be considered a 301). Any other suggestions on how to deal with this problem are welcomed

    | Zillo

  • Hello all, We submit our site to Yahoo's directory (Standard Listing) on 08/26/2012 at this time the order remains as pending and the site is not listed on our suggested category Furthermore, we haven't gotten any email from Yahoo Team; something is wrong with our submission or need to contact to? Thank you for your help

    | SharewarePros

  • We currently have 14 international sites. (, .fr, .es,, etc) and (language differences aside) the content is the same on all. I want to move this content from to (and from to to consolidate our domain authority, for brand consistency, and to reduce the overhead of maintaining 14 different domains.  Our .com has by far the most domain authority (90) and often outcompetes newer smaller sites like in local search) Other sites, however, (like DA74) do quite well locally. My goal is to improve the performance of those sites with a low DA, without hurting the larger sites, and also to avoid the disappearance of local content in local search. e.g. currently when a user searches for "widgets" they find but in future I want them to find My plan is to redirect pages with 301 redirects, and use rel-alternate and hreflang metadata to manage indexing. So in the example above,  I'd 301 to, then use the following metatag on that new page to suggest that it is the UK english version (for users in the UK) of a canonical page in the .com: (this is in accordance with the suggestion on this page My question is: Am I going to severely damage the ranking of, e.g., UK pages in UK search engines by doing this? Is there a better way to do this? Any input greatly appreciated. Thanks, Dennis

    | dennis.globalsign

  • Hi, I have about a dozen hotel booking sites in different cities. All content is unique on each site and specific to its city. Is it a good idea to cross-link them all? If so, is there any strategy to follow? Some of them are older and well established sites wheres others were created recently. The goal is to improve rankings of the newer sites. I appreciate any advice. Thanks!

    | vmotuz

  • Hey guys, I've done a fair bit of Googling and "mozzing" and can't seem to find a definitive solution. In our product catalogue on our site we have multiple ways to access the product for navigation purposes, and SeoMoz is throwing up hundreds of duplicate page title errors which are basically just different ways to get to the same product yet it sees it as a "separate page" and thus duplicating itself. Is this just SeoMoz confusing itself or does Google actually see it this way too? For example, a product might be: etc. Is the only solution to have the product ONLY listed in one combination? This kind of kills our ability to have easy refinement for customers browsing the catalogue, i.e: something that falls under the "Gifts for Men" might also be a match for "Father's Day Gifts" or "Gifts for Dad" etc. Any solution or advice is greatly appreciated, cheers 🙂

    | ExperienceOz

  • Hello, I'm really desperate for some help.  I believe I've been hit by Panda as traffic started diminishing late March for my 6 year old website.  I've never had a sharp drop, only gradual.  I've lost a load traffic since then.  I did change shopping carts in June since I had a a canonical issue from my old cart that couldn't be corrected.  The old cart also did not allow me to have unique product titles and the urls were garbled with letters, numbers, etc...   I know Panda did not like that. I've made several changes (cleaned up broken links, added more content to my site, added Disallow: /search/  and Disallow: /search to my robots.txt file to avoid duplicate content from my search box.) My most prized keywords (tutu and tutus) are on page 15 or so of Google now, when they used to be on page 1 or 2 at the worst.  Other good ones are slipping too. I do need to hire an SEO to optimize my titles eventually as I believe my they are still a bit stuffed but before I do that, I am just trying to get the other stuff done first. My main questions are this... Do any of you see something else that looks bad to you in the eyes of Google?  I'd love the cold, hard truth as I'm pretty desperate for my site to recover, if at all possible. Thank you in advance! Here is my site:

    | tutugirl

  • Internal linking using exact keywords Bad – Post Panda Any tips for internal linking ,how can we target landing pages to rank well using internal linking. Use of Keywords in within site links, is it bad? Are footer links bad? Use of Siloing artichture bad or good? What a best linking model for Ecommerce Site.

    | conversiontactics

  • I am thinking to make a site for amazon affiliate ,but hesitate to get a domain name related to brand name like .getting  such domain name is good or bad ? advice me to proceed

    | innofidelity

  • My proposed URL: detail Puts my products 4 levels deep. Is this too deep to get my products indexed?

    | waynekolenchuk

  • Do i wanna put meta tags as separate description that is not in the particular web page ,Normally i put meta description as 155 character from first paragraph of the web page .so do i need put a unique meta description ?

    | innofidelity

  • For a real estate SEO client they have their corporate site and then for each of their communities (10 of them) each community has their own website domains. One of their team members met with another search agency who recommended they move (consolidate) all their community domains under the corporate site as a sub domain. For example let's say their main site was and one of their communities was the other firm recommended they move that existing site to become and for the other 9 communities to do the exact same thing. They shared that it would really help the corporate site and each of the communities improve search rankings. I am struggling to see how this could be possible and was hoping to get some perspective as the client has asked me to come in and give my opinion if they should proceed with this consolidation. Google has indexed each of their community sites and each site gets a decent amount of search traffic and rankings. Due to that I can't see any benefit to doing this. Since each sub domain would be considered a different site than it essentially is what they already have today so it does not raise domain authority for the main company site. Since, each community has a very different brand there would be little reason to go the main company site. What I mean by that is if a user went to site I thought that some may (at least out of curiosity) remove the sub-domain to see the site. The look and feel of each are so different it would potentially cause user confusion too. So my thoughts are this would be a negative for both the search engines and user. So I can share factual pros/cons with clients, do you have any thoughts to the pro's / con's of this approach to consolidate/move other existing sites under a sub domain of the main corporate site?

    | jfeitlinger

  • How many characters max per domain name ,is that important factor ?

    | innofidelity

  • I am responsible for 2 e-commerce websites. SEO Moz and Google Web Master tools both inform me regularly that on both sites there are many instances of duplicate titles, headings, decriptions and page content. Obviously from an SEO point of view I am more than a little concerned about this! Out product pages struggle to perform strongly despite the fact that our website is of a decent quality and we are leaders in our field. Our competitors rank above us when they add a product page, whereas we normal flit in between 8-10 or on the 2nd SERP. I know it is hard without viewing the site, but is duplicate content likely to be a strong, leading factor in this? I think it is, but want to put together a business case to spend the cash to sort it out....just need someone confirmation that this is worth sorting as a priority. Here are 2 examples of what I mean: 1) Category pages We have filters on our category page (so the customer can sort products based on their price, colour, size etc.). When filters are used a new URL is generared.||10||20 The content, titles, description is the same although the links are different. Do I need to set up a canonical tag on the page that reads: 2) Product pages Product pages on the websites have different URLs depending on how to arrive on them. You get 1 URL if you navigated to the page via the website navigation, but you get another different URL if you used the website search functionality to find the page. Example: Search link: Navigation link: Again, do I need to set up a canonical tag for 1 of these link types so that the link benefit is not shared over 2 pages? Any feedback would be welcome! At the moment the ability to add canonical tags is locked down by our CMS (I know, rubbish!) website development would be needed - hence the need for a business case!

    | DHS_SH

  • I have a group of microsites for renters insurance, mostly geo long-tails.  I wrote some content and have a GREAT back-end through Kemper.  First 4 weeks they all did great.  It looks like Panda went through on June 25 and by the 27'th they got moved totally out of the SERP.  I have 67 microsites.  All have unique contact (about us, why us, benefits...).  I post to them often; not all of them but i put up about 10 new posts / week.  Havent done much SEO, no link building or anything that could be spammy or causeing trouble.  I have them in webmaster tools and no messages about problems.  If i've been penalized or if something is seriously wrong i'd like to know.  I know that Google can see 67 websites all on 1 ip but i'm not trying to fool or trick Gbot so not interested in using proxies or specialty hosts with many ip's.If there is no critical flaw, next i'm  just going to continue writing content, buy traffic, and build quality backlinks.  Your comments are appreciated.  Not one site is in top 1000 as far as i can see, and all were in top 30 by week 4.  Banned on week 5, today is week 12.http://onlinerentersinsurance.orgIf you want to see the other 66, click on the 'renters insurance' link on the right.  Its a random link through the micronetwork.

    | Lifequotes

  • One of my client have about 12 domains related to his one web site .all domain name relevant to keywords .but doing seo for one target domain name.Now he ask what to with rest od domains plz advice and experts advices are highly appreciate..

    | innofidelity

  • I am working with a clients website which has multiple htaccess files (.htaccess , .htaccess.holiding, and -all in the same directory) My question is how does a server process these files? All 3 files? Currently the domain has 301 redirect showing for the home page to the mobile site (which is a problem) in one of the files (.htaccess but not others) Has anyone come across this before with regard to SEO problems?

    | OnlineAssetPartners

  • I am Looking for keyword research guide .because there are many ask about keyword research no idea where i can start .plz expert advice highly appreciate.

    | innofidelity

  • My domain authority went from 51 to 49 in the last week. I haven't done any shady link building or really changed anything on the site. It is an ecommerce site so there is new product always added and we also have a full content magazine, so new content is added every monday and tuesday. The only thing that has happened is a press release went out on PRweb about a collaboration we've done.

    | elubes

  • I hope someone can shed some light on this as I've been pulling my hair out so much there's hardly any left! Background: 12 year old website that for about 10 years had Top 3 rankings for 100's of phrases but rankings first dropped off August 2011. Panda seemed to be the cause but finding the exact issue is hard. We are an online travel agent and every hotel page has duplicate content copied from other websites. This has not been changed although lots of sections in the site still rank well, so do the hotel pages themselves. Lots of internal duplicate issues have been resolved but with no effect. Our old style link, link, link all day long with our 2-word main key phrase as anchor text has given us an unnatural backlink profile but no message has been left by G about this in WMT (yet). Internal link structure is poor with all pages linking back to the homepage with our 'money' 2-word phrase in 3 places. Penguin wiped two thirds of all our backlinks back in May 2012. Why then, do we still rank for our 'money' phrase on the homepage when it has some extra words included and becomes long tail? e.g. CityName Apartments (money phrase) - Now ranks page 2-3 CityName Apartments to rent for the night - Ranks #2 on Google in all countries To make things more confusing other pages rank really well for similar money phrase e.g. CityName Apartments Offers - Ranks 2nd on 185,000,000 results (not homepage) It seems only the homepage is effected (where 95% of inbound links point) but if the site wide duplicates or unnatural link profile was flagged it would effect more than one page of the site. Wouldn't it?

    | lchoice

  • For example... state keyword (nyc real estate) or keyword, state (nyc, real estate) = 2 keywords Thanks in advance!

    | Cyclone

  • I set up my business site on a VPS and its working great. The site is doing well ranking for my keywords. I have another domain name that I was going to host on the VPS also. The site will be in a completely new business and there will be no overlapping keywords at all. A separate business altogether. Can someone tell me if adding another site to the VPS I have cause any SEO issues as the last thing I want to do is negatively effect my main business site Thanks in advance

    | JohnPeters

  • I've been recently been information by our dev team that we are not allowed legally to make our raw video files available in a video XML sitemap...This is one of the required tags. Has anyone run into a similar situation and has figured out a way around it? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Margarita

    | MargaritaS

  • Hi all, We launched a major update of our site in the middle of June. We have lots of pages and were indexed very quickly, and started ranking well for long tail terms. Last week, our organic traffic suddenly dropped over 60% as our pages started ranking much lower. One issue we discovered was that our site was responding to all subdomains, not just www, and Google did seem to be crawling two alternate subdomains -- Webmaster Tools shows crawl activity, but no pages indexed on these. We fixed that problem a couple days ago (all subdomains 301 to the www). Is that something that would have caused a sudden drop like we saw? This would have been an issue since the relaunch, though one of the subdomains only started getting crawled (~1,000 pages/day) in August. We have investigated a few other things that may have been a factor: We sent out a press release via iReach a few weeks ago which makes up the majority of our recent backlinks. Our site occasionally returns a 502 no gateway error when under heavy load, Google sees this 3-10 times at day. GA shows a page load spike the day before the drop, but we had worse spikes in the past that did not seem to have an impact. Did we just get lucky with a "honeymoon" phase with Google? This is the site: Indexing continues -- we now have over 500k pages indexed and Google is crawling faster than ever, about 30,000 pages per day. Thanks!

    | tact

  • Digging through analytics today an noticed that our sites top landing pages are for pages that were part of the old website taken down almost 12 months ago. All these pages had the 301 re-directs which were removed a few months back but still have not dropped out of Googles crawl error logs. I can't understand why this is happening but almost certainly the bounce rate on these pages (100%) mean we are loosing potential conversions. How can I identify what keywords and links people are using to land on these pages?

    | Towelsrus

  • Hi, wonder if anyone can help? We have just changed our site which was hosted on IIS and the page url's were like this ( ). The new page url is and is using Apache. The 301's our developer told us to use was in this format: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/Default.aspx$
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^pagename=About-Us$
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [R=301,L] This seemed to work from a 301 point of view; however it also seemed to allow both of the below URL's to give the same page! Webmaster Tools has now picked up on this and is seeing it a duplicate content. Can anyone help why it would be doing this please. I'm not totally clued up and our host/ developer cant understand it too. Many Thanks

    | GoGroup51

  • Our website uses a custom built CMS, but uses a fairly standard WYSIWYG text editor. I've looked at some of the code it produces, and it's not pretty. My gut feeling tells me that this extra bloat is bad for SEO. Am I right in thinking that Google doesn't look kindly upon badly formatted and bloated HTML? Thanks,

    | OptiBacUK

  • The problem is that our index is not in serps anymore with the high volume keywords (Pfizer, Roche, johnson & johnson).
    We still keep these keywords in title, but it brings not much results. We made page , added there Pfizer products with unique descriptions.
    Product pages started to drive visitors, but not the page. If we add a blog to the top of this page and add unique posts about Pfizer company news, would it help?
    In this case this page would be unique, refreshed with new info, and have rotating pfizer products. Maybe some other suggestions?

    | bele

  • We have a site that has extremely dynamic content. Every day they publish around 15 news flashes, each of which is setup as a distinct page with around 500 words.    File structure is  No timestamp in URL. After a year, that's a lot of news flashes. The database was getting inefficient (it's managed by a ColdFusion CMS) so we started automatically physically deleting news flashes from the database, which sped things up. The problem is that Google Webmaster Tools is detecting the freshly deleted pages and reporting large numbers of 404 pages.  There are so many 404s that it's hard to see the non-news 404s, and I understand it would be a negative quality indicator to Google having that many missing pages. We were toying with setting up redirects, but the volume of redirects would be so large that it would slow the site down again to load a large htaccess file for each page. Because there isn't a datestamp in the URL we couldn't create a mask in the htaccess file automatically redirecting all* to These long tail pages do send traffic, but for speed we only want to keep the last month of news flashes at the most. What would you do to avoid Google thinking its a poorly maintained site?

    | ozgeekmum

  • Just checking the headers on a client site and discovered a 307 redirect. General suggestion from http status code sites is that it is similar to a 302 temporary redirect. Can someone confirm this is the case or is there a difference?

    | bjalc2011

  • So I am slightly stumped. I work on a few eCom sites and over the past few months we have been launching new products as well as some site updates/upgrades. The issue that I am having is this. Product that is actually new this season, as in we did not carry it before, is ranking fine...generally speaking we are top 3 in Google with Brand/Product name. However product that is not new, meaning it has a new color or graphic but has been in the catalog for years is not ranking. In Prior years the URL's ended with the product name, now however they have additional information added to the end for this season. Would not directing the old URL to the new URL effect the rankings of these pages? I am open to suggestions beyond redirecting as well. Thank you!

    | K2_Sports

  • Dim strTitle : strTitle = "The Title Of My Page" <title>Company name - <%=strTitle%></title> <%=strTitle%> Will Google be able to read this? When I view source the relevant information is in the tags but I'm wondering if Google hates this or not? Cheers!

    | Hughescov

  • This is the first time I have encountered this and am quite frankly a little baffled on how to proceed. We have some domains that are 10 years old, and do get some hits / impressions and they have a lot of content. So I redid the site in wordpress etc... Anyway, on Google the sites show up as www. , and on Webmaster tools,- the  www. shows no impressions or anything, while the non-www domain shows up in google webmaster tools with data. The question is, if google displays the site as www. and webmaster tools shows data for non www.   Which one do I proceed with, finding info on this has been pretty hard to do. Any input is appreciated, Thanks in advance:)

    | choiceenergy

  • Hello friends, I have a site there I install all in one SEO plugin when I add my site at after the crawling results it so there are a penalty of Rel Conanical tag error but when I see my editor code there I see that all in one seo automatically giving rel conanical tag. Now I don’t understand that why seomoz giving these errors. Please help me to resolve this problem.

    | KLLC

  • At present most of our products are listed in the singular form. However we are optimising for the plural form after carrying out keyword research The question is should I update the product title to reflect this change? This would then change the URL of the page, H1 tag, H2 tag (both auto generated from the product title) My concern here is that these pages will then become "new pages" and will need to index and rank, albeit they don't rank well as they have never been optimised until now. I could put 301 re-directs in place on the old URL's or i could just let the return a 404. What do people think?

    | Towelsrus

  • I am an SEO newbie, but learning fast. 🙂 I am based in London, UK and have a website:  I noticed that the language attribute was set to 'en-US'.  I work in London as well in international locations in the Middle East and Asia. Thinking of this I wanted to ask the experts if given that I am based in the UK, would changing the language attribute make a difference to search results?  If so, would 'en' be better than 'en-GB', which might be too specific? Thanks in advance!

    | twofourseven

  • I'm looking to boost my website ranking and drive more traffic to it using a keyword rich domain name. I want to have my nearest city followed by the keyword "seo" in the domain name but the and .com have already been taken. Should I take the plunge and buy .co at a higher price? What options do I have? Also whilst we're on domains and URL's is it best to separate keywords in url's with a (_) or a (-)? Many thanks for any help with this matter. Alex

    | SeoSheikh

  • sanitary ware and accessories site with 1000s duplicate product it in title.there are around 1400 links index in Google and many of them duplicate title tags duplicate meta description .many of them are just a products pages .i am looking a solution for making these correct .site equipped with CMS also.but there are no facility to enter meta details except just a tile and price. What can i do to solve this problem ? If i no index products pages will it effect to SERP ? Is it ok to create separate landing pages for each kews using HTML static pages like ware.html expert advices need <colgroup><col width="166"></colgroup>
    | sanitary ware |

    | innofidelity

  • I wanna make landing pages for my web site .going to write 500 words article but how about keyword density .i wanna insert 4 keywords into that article.looking for expert advices .

    | innofidelity

  • in my web site there is demo site in that also, index in Google but no need it i have created robots file and upload to server the demo folder there are some html files,and i wanna remove all these in demo file from Google.but still in web master tools it showing User-agent: *
    Disallow: /demo/ How long this will take to remove from Google ? And are there any alternative way doing that ?

    | innofidelity

  • I am working on an e-commerce store. There are 4 subdomains for 4 seperate languages. ie, etc The client is asking that any French speaker (French IP address) is only shown the FR subdomain and so on for all languages. Is this the best way of doing things, or am I better off without the re-direct.

    | eventurerob

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