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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Does a dash in your domain name effect your ranking? or it dosen't really matter?

    | Radomski

  • Hi - we have started off with Auto Site based in India - 15 months back The site is -  - generating close to 2500 visits / daily basis. we aim to scale to new heights to touch atleast 10,000 visits / daily basis in coming 12 months Can we request your review to recommend for :- Link Building Site review Loading time Improvements / suggestion to take it up - (leaving aside dynamic url's) . Though may seem as SEO Audit and review - but any recommendations or suggestion will be highly appreciated.

    | Modi

  • Dear Mosers, Before Penguin update we start a link back profile study about who and why are linking and we found hundred of garbage sites like these: and hundred more... They don't have contact form or email address, so what is the best way to remove our link from there (there are any quick way), these sites are damaging our rank. Thank you for your help Claudio

    | SharewarePros

  • We have just launched an Australian version of our .com site. The domain used to redirect automatically to We updated the DNS to point to our new Australian site on 13 August and have started a two week soft launch to iron out issues and allow us to start the indexing process. The issue is, when I'm checking to see if we have been crawled yet, if I do I search for: cache: The cache automatically redirects to and shows the cache for that site. The date on the cache is: 14 Aug 2012 20:47:34 GMT. My question is, have I missed something during this process or are we just waiting for the DNS change to fully propagate?

    | Benj25

  • My Website ranking went down mid of april, I sent a Reconsideration request and the reply was : “ We reviewed your site and found no manual actions by the webspam team that might affect your site's ranking in Google. If you've experienced a change in ranking which you suspect may be more than a simple algorithm change, there are other things you may want to investigate as possible causes, such as a major change to your site's content, content management system, or server architecture.” My site was classic asp and i change that to a new word press theme I change the site structure and created new fresh content on the entire site focusing on user experience. But still no positive result in the ranking. I further did a test and created 3 new landing pages that target long tail keywords with low competition. Once these pages got indexed the start appearing on first page for couple of days and then gradually the started to go down in ranking now they are not in the top 10 pages. Now someone told me to buy a new domain and start fresh before i follow this route  I would like to if anyone could help me  should i buy a new domain  and start fresh or should i wait till i start getting my ranking back My link profile according to open site explorer is 190 links from 74 domains and domain authority is 31. Can anyone help please

    | conversiontactics


    | REMOVE

  • Hey, I see that all the blogposts that we have done to date (6) are being showing as having too many on page links in the seomoz crawl but I am quite confused about this as I cannot count more than 30 (including side bar, footer and header) per post. Can anyone shed any light on why this may be occuring and/or how I can check which links are being picked up? Secondly I have a number of temporary redirect warnings all related to the blog. The 'trackback' URL of each post to date has a 302 direct to it's respective blog post. What is the best solution here? Change to a 301 possibly? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    | jannkuzel

  • Does Google consider affiliate masking as unethical? I have a offer website that has 1000's of affiliate links that are masked. I feel google does not like masking URL's which is why my ranking started dropping. Can any one explain the context of affiliate masking please?

    | SEOMad

  • I wanted to get some feedback from the community on the accuracy and dependability of the Open Site Explorer and its DA metrics when evaluating the strength of a website and its authority on the web. It seems that the data available to OSE is quite different (limited) as compared to that of Google Webmaster tools. A site I'm evaluating shows the following discrepancy: Linking domains OSE = 11 Linking domains WMT = 95 Total Links OSE = 39 Total Links WMT = 579 With such a large discrepancy of linking domains and link backs, how accurate can the DA / PA metrics be - what goes into vs whats does not? I read some place that date OSE is not comprehensive but should account for the top 20% of links (I maybe off here), that said in comparing root domain data it seems to be missing many domains with high DA scores but includes others with very low DA scores. I would love some feedback or pointers on how much value I should be placing on the info provided by OSE, and opinions on how to truly define a baseline for a sites strength and its linkback structure.

    | VanadiumInteractive

  • If I put an affiliate code, which will get me commission if someone purchases after clicking my link, do I have to disclose it is an affiliate code?

    | StreetwiseReports

  • Our company has two websites with about 8,000 duplicate articles between them. Yep, 8,000 articles were posted on both sites over the past few years. This is the definition of cross-domain duplicate content. Plan A is to set all of the articles to "noindex,follow" on the site that we care less about (site B). We are not redirecting since we want to keep the content on that site for on-site traffic to discover. If we do set them to "noindex," my concern is that we'll lose massive amounts of link equity acquired over time...and thus lose domain authority...thus overall site rankability. Does Google treat pages changed to "noindex" the same as 404 pages? If so, then I imagine we would lose massive link equity. Plan B is to just wait it out since we're migrating site B to site A in 6-9 months, and hope that our more important site (site A) doesn't get a Panda penalty in the meantime. Thoughts on the better plan?

    | M_D_Golden_Peak

  • Been trying to extract kw difficulty for a list of 1400 kws and wondering what the most efficient way to do this is? Any links to tutorials would be much appreciated.

    | nicole.healthline

  • So a couple of weeks ago I posted that we had submitted a reconsideration request along with a list of about 40 spam pages that were linking to us that we had attempted to have remove their links to us. On 8/3 we received a note from Google that our manual penalty had been removed. We have thousands of inbound links so these 40 pages were a minuscule part of our links and ones that we hadn't tried to get in the first place. So I thought "Great, our rankings should go up." Up until this point our year-to-year organic Google traffic was  between 45% and 100% over last year. As of 8/9 our traffic is now only 26%-39% above last year. I don't think we can handle too many more penalty reversals like this one.

    | IanTheScot

  • Sorry if this question is asked before, but I  dont know how to deal with latest issue in one of my website. I got this warning message today in GWT: The URL (URL) is no longer appearing in Google search results because our algorithms have selected (URL) instead. Please see this Help Center article for more information about this message. Message ID: CDO81511. Please include this ID in any messages you post in our Help forum. Sincerely, Google Search Quality Team

    | eddieodriscoll

  • I've just noticed 5 links appear via Majestic. Opensiteexplorer hasnt picked these up yet. I want to check if I should get these removed or leave them be. How can I check to see if the link is good or bad?

    | JohnPeters

  • My site,, previously ranked #1 for searches of "leaffilter" and "leaf filter". Today the #1 ranking for "leaffilter" with Google is gone. Well, it's not gone on all internet connection. At home the #1 ranking is in place. At the office computer it is not anywhere near page 1. I'm testing searches logged in, not logged in, cache and cookies cleared, different browsers. Other, secondary pages, are appearing on page 1. It looks as if the homepage is just no longer indexed...but not on all internet connection. Any ideas what is happening? Does anyone have any troubleshooting tips?

    | LF_digital

  • We saw a spike in the total number of indexed URLs (17,000 to 165,000)--what would be the most efficient way to find out what the newly indexed URLs are?

    | nicole.healthline

  • I have a client with a website who's URL is a very common name (most people say this phrase daily). My questions are: How would you best SEO for this site given the common nature of their URL They want to move to mobile and are wondering if their mobile site needs different SEO then their main page Is there a way to SEO apps?

    | StreetwiseReports

  • So we had a post that got a lot of attention a few days ago called The Unibody iPhone. It's gotten so much attention, that it's been linked by Fortune, Gizmodo, Cnet, and many many independent blogs and such. It's been about a week since it's been up and when I do a Google search for "The Unibody iPhone" our site doesn't appear anywhere. Not on the first, second, third or even forth page. What's wrong? I have Yoast formatted. Something else must seriously be up. Please help!

    | ttb

  • Hi there, My website when searching via mobile is now showing the mobile version of the site in SERPs, well for quite sometime now to be honest, anyway the ranking in mobile are no different to what they are on desktop, is there actually anything I can do to influence my mobile SERPs? 9 times out of 10 it's desktop websites that are ranking about me in mobile search. Any help would be appreciated.

    | Paul78

  • I have a ton of querystrings in one of the apps on my site as well as pagination - both of which caused a lot of Duplicate errors on my site. I added rel canonicals as a php condition so every time a specific string (which only exists in these pages) occurs. The rel canonical notification shows up in my campaign now, but all of the duplicate errors are still there. Did I do it right and just need to ignore the duplicate errors? Is there further action to be taken? Thanks!

    | Ocularis

  • Hi guys, I have read quite a bit of stuff on 301 redirects after Penguin. Hoping someone could help me out. im looking at a way to do a legit 301 redirect without passing the penalty. I have acquired two businesses, business1 and business2, that both had websites that were hit by penguin. Ive anaylsed there backlinks and theres a lot of spammy forum links and comments and I was also informed they were both using buildmyrank. A side note, buiness2 only started using BMR after it noticed business1 have large amounts of high PR links. was ranking at position 1 till the penguin hit. was ranking around page 2 I work in the same arena as these two businesses and didnt generate any business via the internet. When these 2 businesses failed (due to loss of rankings and traffic) i decided to take them over. What I am thinking of doing is 301'ing both business domains to my brand new, zero links, domain which will be the name of my new company. I will combine the content from both sites, around 1000 pages, in to the new one. So my question is, does 301'ing multiple domains, that target the same keywords, and operate in the same niche, look less "spammy" then 301'ing 1 domain? I'm trying to look at it in the eyes of google. It is a legit merging of businesses. Thanks for your help, really appreciate your time

    | JohnPeters

  • Hi there, Breadcrumbs now showing for my websites in & I have 2 websites & .ie both having the same content. There are legalities for having 2 separate domains. Anyway... When I click on one of the breadcrumbs in the SERPs in it takes me to the website, however the title for that result takes me to the .ie website as it should. I have checked my breadcrumbs on the .ie website and all is fine, however in SERPs it takes me to the website, any ideas why this maybe? Kind Regards

    | Paul78

  • So, I have and I want to redirect SOME pages from to (example: to www.siteb/wp/ etc ) and the rest of any pages left, to the homepage of It is something with conditions... any help, please?

    | jasmin28

  • Hi all I'm wanting to find out from those who have experience dealing with large sites (10s/100s of millions of pages). What's a typical (or highest) percentage of indexed pages vs. submitted pages you've seen? This information can be found in webmaster tools where Google shows you the pages submitted & indexed for each of your sitemap. I'm trying to figure out whether, The average index % out there There is a ceiling (i.e. will never reach 100%) It's possible to improve the indexing percentage further Just to give you some background, sitemap index files (according to have been implemented to improve crawl efficiency and I'm wanting to find out other ways to improve this further. I've been thinking about looking at the URL parameters to exclude as there are hundreds (e-commerce site) to help Google improve crawl efficiency and utilise the daily crawl quote more effectively to discover pages that have not been discovered yet. However, I'm not sure yet whether this is the best path to take or I'm just flogging a dead horse if there is such a ceiling or if I'm already at the average ballpark for large sites. Any suggestions/insights would be appreciated. Thanks.

    | danng

  • Hey guys when I do a search of query in Google I don't seem to see any recent posts (nothing for August). In Google webmaster I see that the site is being crawled (I think), but I'm not sure. I also see the the sitemaps are being indexed but again it just seems really odd that I'm not seeing these in Google results. SEO seems all good too with SEO Moz. Is there something I'm not getting?

    | ttb

  • Hello everyone! I have a question whether we can use these types of images on our site without putting an 18 and over disclaimer. The site is for the next generation condom 🙂 In case we do need to put a disclaimer 18 and over, and technically the disclaimer page would become the home page with 2 links one to exit and one to enter site. However what about SEO wise would that make it a lot more difficult for us since the home page is not a content page  anymore and a disclaimer page instead? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    | igor.pinchevskiy

  • On a news website we have a system where articles are given a publish date which is often in the future. The articles were showing up in Google before the publish date despite us not being able to find them linked from anywhere on the website. I've added a 'noindex' meta tag to articles that shouldn't be live until a future date. When the date comes for them to appear on the website, the noindex disappears. Is anyone aware of any issues doing this - say Google crawls a page that is noindex, then 2 hours later it finds out it should now be indexed? Should it still appear in Google search, News etc. as normal, as a new page? Thanks. 🙂

    | Alex-Harford

  • Team, I am wondering what people recommend as best SEO practice to inter-link to language specific brand domains e.g. : Currently I have 18 CCTLDs for one brand in different languages (no DC). I am linking from each content page to each other language domain, providing a link to the equivalent content in a separate language on a different CCTLD doamin. However, with Google's discouragement  of site-wide links I am reviewing this practice. I am tending towards making the language redirects on each page javascript driven and to start linking only from my home page to the other pages with optimized link titles. Anyone having any thoughts/opinions on this topic they are open to sharing? /Thomas

    | tomypro

  • We are considering adding videos to thousands of article pages, and were wondering if it would be better to add video above or below the fold? They take up quite a bit of space, and push the article content below the fold--would this hurt us?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hi Everybody, Which URL structure is much better? Type 01. Type 02. How these 2 types can affect for Ranking, Site Links in Google and passing PR from root to other pages? Thanks Prasad

    | cprasad

  • Could I please get some input on a list of the best SEO forums out there besides SEOmoz? (Both mainstream and non mainstream)

    | Luia

  • Hi Everyone, I am a bit a newbie in SEO and I read different articles and comments regarding the SEO but I am a bit stuck to get traffic through It's a really new website build through Prestashop (1-2 month). I used the tool keyword analysis to look after keywords not to competitive. I used the on-page optimization of Seomoz until to have A for every pages and I have started to build backlinks. But the traffic doesn't improve at all. Does that mean my keywords are not relevant enough ? Do I need to wait and carry on the links building. Do I need to go through PPC ? Thanks a lot for your reply, K

    | NeSEO

  • I am working through our site and see that meta keywords are being used heavily and unnecessarily. Each of our info pages will have 2 or 3 keyword phrases built into them. Should we just duplicate the keyword phrases into the meta keyword field, should put in additional keywords beyond or not use it at all? Thoughts and opinions appreciated

    | Towelsrus

  • My eCommerce website is seeing some rankings flucuate daily from say rank 20 to rank 130 whilst some other keywords ago up and down by as much as 40 places. I have been putting up alot of new unique content and can see in GWT that google has been crawling my site more but given that I was affected by the google panda updates which saw a 40% drop in traffic I'm only just to recover some of it., i have also been trying to get rid of any poor links and our linking building is only concentrating on high quality posts and links. I am wondering if this is the post panda update - "google dance" or is google having issues trying to work where to rank my site and possibly punish me? thanks Sarah.

    | SarahCollins

  • Hi there, are there any implications for organic seo for implementing google experiment. Where you send users to a new page?

    | pauledwards

  • Hi MozFans, I have got a question out of the field about
    Question is why the rankings and traffic are going down down down the last 4 months. Costumer thinks he got hit by google penguin update(s). The site has about 600 page’s/posts al ‘optimized’ for old seo:
    - Almost all posts are superb optimized for one keyword combination (like … coloring pages) there is a high keyword density on the keyword titles and descriptions are all the same like: <keyword>and this is the rest of my title, This is my description <keyword>and i like it internal linking is all with a ‘perfect’  keyword anchor text there is a ok backlink profile, not much links to inner pages
    -  there are social signals the content quality is low The site to me looks like a seo over optimized content farm Competition:
    When I look at the competition. The most coloring pages websites don’t offer a lot of content (text) on there page. The offer a small text and the coloring pages (What it is about :-)) How to get the rankings back:
    What I was thinking to do. rewrite the content to a smaller text. Low keyword density on the keyword and put the coloring pages up front. rewrite all titles and descriptions to unique titles and descriptions Make some internal links to related posts with a other anchor text. get linkbuilding going on inner pages get more social signals Am I on the right track? I can use some advise what to do, and where to start. Thanks!!</keyword></keyword> Maarten

    | MaartenvandenBos

  • Hello! I can’t get squat for an answer in GWT forums.  Should have brought this problem here first… The Google Removal Tool doesn't work when the original page you're trying to get recached redirects to another site.  Google still reads the site as being okay, so there is no way for me to get the cache reset since I don't what text was previously on the page. For example: This: | | Redirects to this: I don't even know what was on the first page.  And when it redirects, I have no way of telling Google to recache the page.  It's almost as if the site got deindexed, and they put in a redirect. Then there is crap like this: No links to my site are on there, yet Google's indexed links say that the page is linking to me.  It isn't, but because I don't know HOW the page changed text-wise, I can't get the page recached. The tool also doesn't work when a page 404s.  Google still reads the page as being active, but it isn't. What are my options?  I literally have hundreds of such URLs. Thanks!

    | SeanGodier

  • Hi All, So I have been at my current company for 5 months now. I quickly realized that they previously bought multiple domains. The domains do make sense (they are mostly our products, etc). However they did not just redirect to our main website, instead, they were a direct copy of our main website. They had it setup so that when we made changes to our main website,, that the same exact change went to Basically we had about 7 of the SAME EXACT websites with a different root domain. So I explained to them the problem with having duplicate content on the web and how we are basically just self cannibalizing our online efforts. This problem is fixed now and I am just wondering if anybody has seen the results before? To tell you the truth we already do pretty well SEO-wise. Just wondering if this will make it even better? I am assuming that this will also take a little while to take effect? Thanks! Pat

    | PatBausemer

  • We purchased several weeks ago a .org blog that has been highly ranked (number 1 on competetive keywords) for at least a year. it is a blog We moved the blog to our IP range and it went from #1 on top keyword and first page on another to the home page just gone. Now there was a secondary page indexed that stayed on page 5 for the keyword the home page was ranked #1 but the home page (which was high ranked page is just gone) We wrote the Google Webmaster team for reconsideration but they wrote back and said the web spam team said nothing wrong. A contact of mine who works for one of the most well known SEO compaines in the world says because we moved it the site could disappear for a week or so but the "algos would realize" and return it to that top spot soon. Does anyone know anything about moving a site to new IP and issues that can result?

    | TBKO

  • I have a site where when you visit the product pages, it asks for your zip code. This is obviously blocking the bots from crawling the site. I know you can basically tell the bots how to ignore the zip code feature but I am not exactly sure how to do this. Any help would be appreciated

    | lhawk

  • I recently created a cname  (e.g. m.client-site .com) and added some js (supplied by mobile site vendor to the head which is designed to detect if the user agent is a mobi device or not. This is part of the js: var CurrentUrl = location.href var noredirect =; if (noredirect.indexOf("no_redirect=true") < 0){ if ((navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|Android.*Mobile|webOS|Window Now... Webmaster Tools is indicating 2 url versions for each page on the site - for example: 1.) /content-page.html 2.) /content-page.html?no_redirect=true and resulting in duplicate page titles and meta descriptions. I am not quite adept enough at either js or htaccess to really grasp what's going on here... so an explanation of why this is occurring and how to deal with it would be appreciated!

    | SCW

  • In June '12 we got a bunch of our keyword rankings wacked by Panda 3.7 and haven't recovered. This is really frustrating since we had been hit by the original Panda and spent months fixing our site so that we had recovered in December '11. I've read what I can find about this update to see if there is something specific about it that would have knocked us down again and can't find anything. Does anyone know of any specific issues that this update supposedly "fixed"?

    | IanTheScot

  • Hey guys, We're looking for someone who has already done this. We know permalinks are SEO best practices but changing site stucture can cause alot of ranking and traffic loss. Is it a wise idea to make the transition? How long will we see a dip in rankings before bouncing back?

    | SherisRanch

  • Hi- Have built site in joomla The urls are dynamic in nature with over a year - all pages are well indexed and backlinks been built over with these dynamic urls Need to know if i hire an agency to change over dynamic url to static url of these 2000 pages - will it also change all Search engine ranking positions of existing urls Will all the seo effort and backlinks build over 15 months will still hold valid or this will just back to square one due to change of urls is it advisable to get the url changed from dynamic to static one - especially when site is receiving over 75,000 visitors every month Thanks in advance. Look for expert suggestions

    | Modi

  • Hi, My site structure looks like this. ect. I just went to zappos to research the site and het notice me that has no directories. If i implement this my structure looks like this. Is this a better approach? Ciao, Remco

    | remcozwaan

  • This one has us stumped and frustrated, hopefully someone out there in SEOMoz land can give us some thoughts and/or suggestions on what's going on and how to remedy. This is a follow-up to a post I made awhile back.   Here is an excerpt from the original post -- We currently have 3 different versions of our State Business-for-Sale listings pages - the versions are: Version 1 -- Preferred Version (Links on Homepage Title = Vermont Business for Sale Ads - Vermont Businesses for Sale & Business Brokers - Sell a Business on Business Broker (I realize the title needs work) Version 2:  (Links on this page: URL Prior to 301 change --- Title = Vermont Business for Sale | 120 Vermont Businesses for Sale | Version 3: (Links on this page: URL Prior to 301 change --- Title = Vermont Businesses for Sale at - Vermont Business for Sale While the page titles and meta data are a bit different, the bulk of the page content (which is the listings rendered) are identical. OK, so we decided to test this on 5 of our State pages - I will use VERMONT in this discussion.  We did 301 ReDirects on Version 2 and Version 3 -- they now redirect to Version 1 - we did the redirects and also changed the URL's on the pages.   Prior to the change, we were ranking for keywords like "Vermont Business for Sale" and some other similar keywords -- on 1st page of Google --- now, we have lost our rankings big time. Did we do something wrong?  I thought when you did 301's the majority of link juice was supposed to be preserved (losing 10% or so) -- this didn't happen in our case. Any help on what we can do would be appreciated.  We only did 5 States as a test and also noticed big drops for Maine as well.   These were both states where VERSION 2 was the page that was showing up in SERPs. Thanks in advance for wading through this long post and any help you can provide!! Matt

    | MWM3772

  • We run a niche website selling sunglasses at I've been trying to resolve a 'Failed Quality Guidelines' message since May. My 4th recon request has just failed and I've exhausted all changes that I believe I need to make. I rely on this site to pay my bills etc so obviously I really need to get this resolved. I would be grateful if someone from Google could actually point out whats wrong instead of an unhelpful auto response.Steps taken.1. Rewrote content as it was a bit thin. Recon failed.2. Removed old products that couldn't be reached from every page. Recon failed.3. Submitted back link audit and added 'sitemap' link to footer. Recon Failed.4. Removed 40+ old urls that existed from old Yahoo! store (didn't realize they still existed). Recon failed.I felt sure #4 would resolve the issue so feeling pretty low right now that it didn't. That being said doing a it looks like I missed one of them which was, however it just returns a 404 which would seem harsh to penalize me for.The only other pages that I can think of are some dynamic pages that the store uses to create reviews such'm pretty sure that the reviews page is blocked via robots txt. The resize.aspx is a blank page with javascript as its needed by the PowerReviews Express system to work, and many many merchants use that platform so it would be hard to think its that.Thanks in advance.

    | smckenzie75

  • The site I'm currently developing is far different than any other project I've every worked on in that search traffic is likely to represent only a very small percentage of the total traffic.  Because of this, I want to make sure I optimize the site for the people clicking from Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc more so than the BIG G. I can't for the life of me think of a reason to have a home page other than for SEO purposes.  I'd much rather throw the user directly into the experience than have him be distracted by a home page.  At the same time, I'd like to salvage any search engine traffic that I can. My plan is to 301 redirect to /funny-memes/SOME_RANDOM_IMAGE and then put the content of the current home page at /about.  Does that kill any possibility of the site ranking well?  Or can the subpages (eg /meme-generator) still rank well if they are properly optimized? Thanks!

    | PatrickGriffith

  • There is growing concern for this topic as the best white-hat tactics generally allow you to choose your own anchor text (eg. guest posting and infographics)

    | LaunchAStartup

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