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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • So I have a client that has a number of sites for a number of different countries with their specific ccTLD.  They also have a .com in the US.  The problem is that the UK site hardly ranks for anything while the .com ranks for a ton in the UK.  I have setup GWT for the UK and the .com to be specific to their geographic locations.  So I have the ccTLD and I have GWT showing where I want these sites to rank.  Problem is it apparently is not working....Any clues as to what else I could do?

    | DRSearchEngOpt

  • I have the WP-Pagination plugin and I am wondering how to handle duplicate content issues and what's best for SEO. My developer initially downloaded the plugin to speed up loading for the home page. Now my home page has 21 pages of paginated content. But the pagination continues with each of my categories as well. Should I be placing a canonical reference to my home page, or category main page? My site name is gracessweetlife (dot) com

    | gracessweetlife

  • We have two pages ranking for "Custom Web Design" ranks higher (consistently 9-13) and ranks around 35-40 the latter is actually an older version of the article that never was replaced or taken down - but it has the majority of the links to it Wondering if we should update the old content so it is not similar to the one that is ranking better or if we should redirect everything to /custom-web-design to see if it can secure better rankings?

    | imageworks-261290

  • End of March we migrated our site over to HubSpot. We went from page 3 on Google to non existent.  Still found on page 2 of Yahoo and Bing under same keywords " parts washers"  Beyond frustrated...HELP PLEASE ""

    | mhart

  • One of my listings says it has been closed and the business is not closed. On Google + / Google places there is a field that allows users to check that claims the business is closed. Can they actually close it? Your Google Places listing has been updated Dear Google Places user, Google has updated your listing data on our consumer properties such as Google and Google Maps to more accurately reflect the latest information we have about your business. We use many sources to determine the accuracy of our listing data and to provide the best possible experience for business owners and consumers who use Google and Google Maps to find local information. Based on our sources, the following listing has been marked as closed: Company info... If you disagree with the changes we have made, please visit your Place Page to edit your listing. Note that if you are an AdWords or Boost customer, your ads will be unaffected by this change and will continue to display the listing information you have provided in Google Places. To manage your online advertisements, please sign into Google Places or Google AdWords. For more information about updates to claimed listings, please visit: Sincerely,
    The Google Places Team |

    | SEODinosaur

  • As a automotive dealership group, we have 15+ business listings set up under one Google+ local account. Google+ Local (Google Places) offers the ability to upload a data file for 10+ listings, so we've kept all listings under one login for efficiency. Is there any specific local SEO benefit or any general benefit at all to having each business listing set up under their own separate email address?

    | autoczar

  • Hey guys, I have an affiliate tracking system that works like this : an affiliate puts up a certain code on his site, for example : This url leads to a page where the hit is counted, analysed and then 302 redirects to my sales page with the affiliates ID in the url : However, we've noticed recently that one affiliate seems to be ranking for our own name and the url google indexed was his tracking url (  Which is strange because there is absolutely nothing on that page, its just an interstatial page so that our stats tracking software can properly filter hits. To remove the affiliate's url from showing up in the serps, I've come up with 2 solutions : 1 - Change the redirect to a 301 redirect on his track page. 2 - Change our robots.txt page to block all pages from being indexed. My question is : if I 301 redirect instead of 302, will I keep the affiliates from outranking me for my own name AND pass on link juice or should I simply block google from crawling the interstatial tracking pages?

    | CrakJason

  • There is so much debate regarding duplicate content, horror stories, losing visitors, being penalized, yada yada... that I am wandering if it's wise to use tags/categories on a WordPress blog. I saw that all major blogs are using these structuring etiquettes and they are all dofollow and meta robots on index, follow. What do you say? It is wise to use tags, categories or both? Should I nofollow them, noindex or follow and index? Or noindex follow? Cheers and thx.

    | jasmin28

  • Hi I wonder if anyone can advise on something that's got me scratching my head. The following are examples of urls which are deemed to have duplicate content and title tags. This causes around 8000 errors, which (for the most part) are valid urls because they provide different views on market data. e.g. #1 is the summary, while #2 is 'Holdings and Sector weightings'. #3 is odd because it's crawling the anchored link. I didn't think hashes were crawled? I'd like some advice on how best to handle these, because, really they're just queries against a master url and I'd like to remove the noise around duplicate errors so that I can focus on some other true duplicate url issues we have. Here's some example urls on the same page which are deemed as duplicates. 1) What's the best way to handle this?

    | SearchPM

  • Hi, have never seen this before so am hoping soemone can shed some light! Google seems to be forcing a trailing slash at the end of our php pages within the search results. For example, Google is indexing (trailing slash) rather than (without slash). The trailing slash page doesn't display properly and has no page authority. I've ran the site through Screaming Frog and there are no internal links the the trailing slash URL's, nor does there seem to be any external links to these pages. Why is Google forcing the slash? Am confused 😞

    | Webpresence

  • Hello, I have a new client who has a Diablo 3 database. They have created a very interesting site in which every "build" is it's own URL. Every page is a list of weapons and gear for the gamer. The reader may love this but it's nightmare for SEO. I have pushed for a blog to help generate inbound links and traffic but overall I feel the main feature of their site is a headache to optimize. They have thousands of pages index in google but none are really their own page. There is no strong content, H-Tags, or any real substance at all. With a lack of definition for each page, Google see's this as a huge ball of mess, with duplicate Page Titles and too many onpage links. The first thing I did was tell them to add a canonical link which seemed to drop the errors down 12K leaving only 2400 left...which is a nice start, but the remaining errors is still a challenge. I'm thinking about seeing if I can either find a way to make each page it's own blurb, H Tag or simple have the Nav bar and all the links in the database Noindex. That way the site is left with only a handful of URLs + the Blog and Forum Thought?

    | MikePatch

  • Hi Everyone... I'm having issues on how I should fix the pagination on my ecommerce site Right now I have rel="canonical" putting them all back to the main page like on: but there are also some shop all categories like: But I wish I could get it so that the content only showed on the first page of them all and then just the products showed in the pagination after that. I have no clue how to make this happen successfully. I know this is a big problem with the structure to the site, creating some duplicate content and such, and I was wondering how I can even begin to go ahead and start tackling this. My background is as a designer so I'm just learning both seo, and anyhting past html / css, so I could really use any help you guys can offer. THANK YOU! KristyO

    | KristyO

  • I deleted the "tag" portion of my tag urls's that were ranking pretty became fit-out-bristol The old tag page ranked 7 before the change and even 3rd at one stage. The new name page without the tag has re-appeared at 23.... So quite a plunge in ranking from the change and this is across the board for all my tags (200) that were ranking high and I wanted to improve. Have I made a major error? Or will they naturally start coming back to where they were before? Weirdly  some of the changes have had a positive impact - so ranking has gone up slightly in some areas..but completely out done by the plungers :-s

    | bizint

  • **Discussion Question: **Lets say you have 33 pages of paginated content but someone lands on page 34+, what do you do? I just setup a variable on my site so when someone lands on a page that is over the page count they are redirected to the last page of the paginated content. My reasoning is the user is looking for the last page, so why not redirect them to it? Now I just saw in the latest webinar on ecommerce (by Everett Sizemore) that he recommends a 404… should I switch? Why a 404? Again, what do you guys do when you encounter this situation?

    | BeTheBoss

  • We have a site that is for the most part doing great, but the internal pages that received too much link building received some penguin penalties (no warning in WMT) but it's fairly obvious. Has anyone tried letting these pages 404 and just creating new URL's? Or 302 redirecting the old URL's to new ones?


  • We recently switched platforms and use Joomla for our website.  Our product page underwent a huge transformation and it seems to be user friendly for a human, but when you look at one of our product pages in SEOBrowser it seems that we are doing a horrible job optimizing the page and our html almost makes us look spammy. Here is an example or a product page on our site: And, if you take a look in something like SEObrowser, it makes us look not so good. For example, all of our footer and header links show up.  Our color picker is a bunch of pngs (over 60 to be exact), our tabs are the same (except for product description and reviews) on every single product page... In thinking about the bots: 1-How do we handle all of the links from footer, header and the same content in the tabs 2-How do we signal to them that all that is important on the page is the description of the product? 3-We installed schema for price and product image, etc but can we take it further? 4-How do we handle the "attribute" section (i.e. our color picker, our text input, etc). Any clarification I need to provide, please let me know.

    | UrbanityStudios

  • I know this is an age old quesion, however i have read many posts that all have differing views. As a compnay we sell towels and bathrobes. All our products can be searched for in there singluar and plural, each getting in some cases unique traffic, however both would lead to somone looking to buy. So the question in my case, if i am optimising pages for towels, should I also optimse title tags, meta descriptions and so on for the singluar as well? The luxury with most of our keyword phrases is that they can be incorperated nicely into descriptions in both plural and singluar.

    | Towelsrus

  • I was performing some development work on a client's site recently under a temporary location on the host's server, for example: Google managed to index a couple of pages using this url 😞 I have updated DNS to the correct domain and the site is live, but I am a bit confused in regards to the correct way to create a 301 Redirect for this example or at least a way point it to our 404 page. I am hoping someone more proficient with htaccess can help me out a bit... Thanks!

    | SCW

  • Does anyone have clear instructions for how to do this? Do we need to set up a separate GWT account for each subdomain? I've tried using the URL removal tool, but it will only allow me to remove URLs indexed under my domain (i.e. not Any help would be much appreciated!!!

    | nicole.healthline


    | REMOVE

  • One of my client’s recently purchased a competitor’s website, and we would like to transfer the content from the competitor’s website ( to our client’s existing website (; at the same time we want to minimize loss in keyword rankings the competitor’s website has established. The two websites work in similar fields: one measures and offers products in scientific measurement and analysis of various materials.  The other website offers products that are in similar field: hardness testing equipment. Looking for suggestions on how to proceed or recommended reading on the topic.  I’ve tried to do research, but haven’t found anything, so I’m not sure what to topic-names to search. Any guidance would be appreciated.

    | TopFloor

  • Good day guys, We got a restaurant that is changing its name and domain. However they are keeping the same server location, same content and same pages (we are just changing the logo on the website). It just has to go a new domain. We don't want to lose the value of the current site, and we want to avoid any duplicate penalties. Could you please advise of the best practices of doing a domain name change? Thank you.

    | Michael-Goode

  • We recently redesigned our e-commerce site and we've submitted the new site map and fetched as google bot but old site pages are still coming up indented under our homepage Google results.  The new meta description is coming up for the homepage but the Quilt Guard page is showing up under indented results and it goes to a 404 error because the link is no longer on the new site. Is there anyway to control the indented results/pages that show up in results?,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=dddf8a6dafb67f55&biw=1280&bih=923

    | mmgmontana

  • I am new to seo and still getting my head around long tail searches. If i use a phrase such as "luxury towels uk", Can i also rank on the same page for "luxury towels" and "towels uk"? Tui means ranking for 3 phrases using 1 long tail

    | Towelsrus

  • About 6 weeks ago we moved a subcategory out to becomne a main category using all the same content. We also removed 100's of old products and replaced these with new variation listings to remove duplicate content issues. The problem is google will not index 12 critcal pages and our ranking have slumped for the keywords in the categories. What can i do to entice google to index these pages?

    | Towelsrus

  • SEOMoz team, I am wondering that in the days of Panda and Penguin SEOs have an opinion on how to best link between international domains for a web page property. Let's say you have brandname.DE (German site) brandname.FR (French site) brandname.CO.UK (British site) Right now we are linking form each site on the page to the other two language sites to make users aware of the translated version of the site which obviously make it a site wide link which seems to be lately disencouraged by Google. Did anyone out there have any ideas how to strategically interlink between international domains that represent language versions of a web site? /PP

    | tomypro

  • I have a feeling that Google doesn't crawl my website. E.g. this blogpost  - I copy a sentence from it and paste it to Google. The page that shows up in search results is  - which is just a blog page with all the articles listed, not the link to the article itself! Did anyone ever have this problem? It's definitely some technical issue. Any advice will be deeply appreciated Thanks

    | Alexey_mindvalley

  • hi guys, im hoping to get some help with a a question i have about internal followed links. I analysed my site (selling adult toys) on open explorer today against some of my competitors. what i found my internal followed links and total internal links are extremely low compared to the other sites. here was my stats internal follwed links: 177 total internal links: 178 i have over 2000 pages on my website. which i believed to of had a good internal link structure. when compared to my competitors theres was in the thousands. i have looked to see if i could spot any 'no follow' tags but nothing. my site is if anyone can help me out here id really appreciate it

    | skyenicole

  • Hi SEOmoz members, Currently I am researching my competitor and noticed something what i dont really understand. They have hundreds of static pages that dont change, the content is already the same for over 6 months. Every time a customer orders a product they use their rss feed to publish: "Customer A just bought product 4" When i search in Google for product 4 in the last 24 hours, its always their with a new publishing date but the same old content. Is this a good SEO tactic to implant in my own site?

    | MennoO

  • A B2B client has a glossary of about 300 terms on its Website. It was done to enhance SEO value. The pages are rarely viewed and the text is often short. What are the best (and wackiest!) ideas to leverage this content for SEO. Here are some: Add videos, images Cross link to content pages Open up comments and get students in this sector to review terms and add their own What else do you suggest?

    | HarrAuto

  • Hey Guys, After a lot of hard work, we finally fixed the problem on our site that didn't seem to show Meta Descriptions in Google, as well as "noindex, follow" on tags. Here's my question: In our source code, I am seeing both Meta descriptions on pages, and posts, as well as noindex, follow on tag pages, however, they are still showing the old results and tags are also still showing in Google search after about 36 hours. Is it just a matter of time now or is something else wrong?

    | ttb

  • We've been using an outreach method that targets resource links & improvements seem to be minor, even though links are coming from .edu's and .gov's -- has anyone else noticed this trend? Guest posting seems to work much better in terms of ranking / traffic improvements.

    | nicole.healthline

  • A site that I do SEO and SMM ( had a PR 5 and now it shows "unranked". I had the #1 position for many core keywords, and now they are all gone. I don't do any black hat at all.  Mostly article distribution and onsite content growth. The only logical thing that I can think of is, the server was going down several times a day, for about 3 days, a few weeks ago.  But I can imagine that would cause me to lose all my rankings, and a PR 5.  But then again, this has never happened to me before. I am trying to find out what caused this, how to fix the problem, and how long it will take to recover. Any suggestions or help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. I am willing to pay for good advice on this issue if need be. JT

    | KillerProductions

  • Building a site and wondering if we have one page that changes depending on where how it is accessed if that is a good / bad idea. Thanks in advance!

    | nicole.healthline

  • I have problems with my website to google search results. Some of the important keywords frequently and sharply rankings vary a lot lately. For example; 07-14-2012    Term1     Position #12 07-20-2012    Term1     Position #38 07-24-2012    Term1     Position #10 07-26-2012    Term1     Position #40 I wonder what is the cause of this incident? Is there any Penalties? If there is then how do i know this?

    | ersaky

  • According to Google Web Master Tools it says my site has 910 Duplicate Title Tags. How verbose should title tags be? What's the maximum character length? For example, let's say I have an image of an iPhone 4S being held in someone's hand. How verbose of a title and how many characters am I allowed to have? Is the goal with title tags to be very specific in describing the image? In the above example, do I need to say something like: "iPhone 4S being held by white caucasian male" or will "iPhone 4S" suffice?

    | asc76

  • Hi Guys, I need some advice here please - I have the chance to put some links on a few websites to my website in hope it will help with my rankings.. BUT - I have noticed that the webstites are being re-directed to another websites.. so my questions is ; Can re-driects decrease your rankings?? Thanks Gareth

    | GAZ09

  • Hi! My name is Sarah and I work for a brand design firm in Los Angeles. Currently we're working on a website redesign for our company. We have three pages of content that we want to add to the site, but are unsure if we will get penalized by Google if we add all of them since they may come off as too similar? The pages are: Branding
    Personal Branding
    Corporate Branding Does anyone know if our SEO will be penalized for having all three of these pages separately, or should we just focus on Branding, and include Personal Branding and Corporate Branding as sub categories on the page? Thanks! Sarah P.S. I  should also say, we will have more than just the three aforementioned pages. It's going to be a big site with around 200+ pages. (Half of them being services, which is where the Branding, PB and CB pages will be located.)

    | Jawa

  • If you have all of your homepage content in a tab set at the bottom of the page, but really would want that to be the first thing Google reads when it crawls your site, is there something you can implement where Google reads your content first before it reads the rest of your site? Does this cause any violations or are there any red flags that get raised from doing this? The goal here would just be to get Google to read the content first, not hide any content

    | imageworks-261290

  • So I have a store which has been around for a while and is custom built on  Store has thousands of sku's and at least a few hundred subcategories. Have been tackling a bunch of the onsite issues and for categories which have more than 6 products in them, there are multiple pages and a view all present. As well as the following for every page So I know how I wish to handle the pagination/canoncial issue as per google's suggestions you do it to the view all or they have the rel=next/prev. But my question is google says if view all is present they should already do a good job at ranking the view all version. Well in the rankings, there are a lot of page1 variations showing. So once this is implementated, is it safe to assume that I will see a drop?  Feel like if it was a brand new site it is easy but for something this old and established, it could cause some decent harm which at the current time we are already tackling a massive list of issues which in the long haul will improve it. Looking for some insight for someone who has dealt with and this specific area. thanks

    | Sean_Dawes

  • One of our new clients recently encountered a site-wide ranking drop for many keywords and I'm pretty confident regarding their link profile as to being 98% legit. Background: 1. Client full site is https, and all http pages are 301 redirected to their https counterpart 2. Client has ~50 links partners (all legitimate sites + schools etc) links to client with urls such as that redirects to 3. Client homepage 301 redirects from to and then 301 redirects to the relative url "/Home.aspx". 4. Client launched some testing with Google website optimizer tool. ~1-2 months ago. Symptoms: 1. Rankings dropped for basically many/all 30-40+ keywords by ~15 positions 2. Seomoz reports close to a double of existing pages +  (600+) duplicate content in the same date range. Webmasters only report 80 duplicate titles though. 3. Domain authority by seomoz reduced a bit + backlinks recorded by seomoz to the website nearly halved in the past 2 months. I'm not sure if I narrowed this towards the right direction, and it isn't clear when the relative url 301 redirect was implemented: 1. The 301 redirect to the relative page ( to "/home.aspx") is accounting for the loss of links recorded by seomoz. 2. The ~50 links the client currently use ( 301 redirecting to, also relative) as a tracking tool is being considered 301 redirect abuse. 3. Maybe something went wrong with the usage of google optimizer tool for SEO purposes? Visitor traffic to each of the tested pages looked fine. I would greatly appreciate any advice/insights on what I might be missing in terms of direction / factors. Thanks! Alex

    | sixspokemedia

  • Hi, Currently we have a div that drops down our super menu which has subcategories, ie. under Shop by Color (super menu) Black Ties, Blue Ties, Brown Ties, et, al. (see Anchor Text image attached) If we were to remove these subcategories from the div (in other words, they do not get crawled from homepage, will we loose ranking for those keywords? We are trying to reduce link count on homepage. Thoughts? UBHu8.png


  • Hey, I recently (this past may) redesigned my e-commerce site from .asp to .php. I am trying to fix all the old pages with 301 redirects that didn't make it in the switch, but I keep getting weird pages coming up in GWT. I have about 400 pages under crawl errors that look like this "emailus.php?id=MD908070" I delete them and they come back. my site is the id #'s are product #'s for products that are no longer on the site, but the site is .php now. They also do not show a sitemap they are linked in or any other page that they are linked from. Are these hurting me? and how do I get rid of them? Thanks! KristyO

    | KristyO

  • Hi I have a main property related website featuring different countries around the world. I also have many different seperate country websites 20+. All keyword rich domains with a good 9 years+ domain age and PR3's with decent links and moz rankings and unique content. Many of the sites are very low Alexa rank now and receive little traffic. I don't have the time now to spend on each of the individual domains and am wanting to consolidate them and their PR juice to the corresponding country page of my main website. My question is - is it possible - will google see this as me trying to manipulate them and is my main site likely to suffer from any penalties or downgrading? Thanks for your input.

    | freecall

  • Hey everyone, In looking through my site and doing some Google searches of titles we've written, it appears that all the posts we're making aren't showing up in Google search results. Example: If i paste the title of this post Netflix CEO suggests partnership with HBO, but HBO quickly nixes the idea into Google, it does not pull our post. Given the uniqueness of the headline, it should pull up our website in SERPS, but it doesn't. My assumption is that this Yoast plugin simply isn't working, but I doubt it's Yoast's fault. The site is not set to private, so that's not the problem. I'm also noticing that my sites description isn't showing up either. Can anyone help me solve this problem, please?

    | ttb

  • Hi, So I think the best way to do this would be to layout a fictitious example so here it is. Lets say you offer plumbing and painting services and want to start targeting 3 more locations near by. 'Plumber +Location' and 'Painter +Location' both get the exact same search so are equal. I would personally create a new page called '/plumber-and-painter-location/' Then have the title tag contain both keywords 'Plumber and Painter +Location'. BUT... maybe it would be better to have a page for each as this would then be more relevant SEO wise and the customer looking for a painter wouldn't be presented with non-relevant plumbing content. But this does mean now instead of 3 pages you need 6. And if you bolted on another services such as Plastering instead of the 3 pages you need 9. Basically If you offered Plumbing, Painting & Plastering in 3 different locations how would you structure it? Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • In our keyword rank tracking report, we've dominated a keyword in Google and have secured the slot for years.  All evidence points in this direction.  In Google Webmaster Tools, however, this particular keyword averages a rank of 6.5.  Is anyone else experience these kinds of discrepancies?  What is your take on it?

    | NaHoku

  • We have a website that uses /us/,  /ca/,  /va/, etc for URLs of the different U.S. states. How much better is it (or is it at all better) to use /california/ or /virginia/ instead in our URLs to rank for searches that include the name of those states?

    | Heydarian

  • Can a company's Google+ page be designated as the author of web content (as can be done with individuals) so that the COMPANY comes up as the author in the web results? Is it preferable for company bloggers to create individual Google+ profiles and be listed as the author of the posts that they write? Or rather is it a smarter move to create a company persona (under the guise of a real person) and have all authorship be attributed to that personal Google+ profile. AuthorRank is going to become more and more important to Google's algorithm.  As bloggers write for a company, if they are listed as the author of the work, they create trust for their own personal brand.  If and when this employee leaves, this equity is presumably taken with them instead of remaining with the company.  Is this assumption correct?  How are companies dealing with this potential issue?

    | AnthonyMangia

  • I have seen an interesting Google behaviour this morning. As usual, I would open Chrome's private browsing to see how a keyword is ranking. This was what I see... Typed in "sell my car", I see Auto Trader page on 3rd. (Ref:Sell My Car 1st result img) Googled something else, then re-Googled "sell my car" and saw that our page went to 2nd! I repeated the same process and saw that we went from 3rd to 2nd again. Has Google results gone mental? PaGXJ.png

    | tmg.seo

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