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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • We are considering using the Google Translation tool to translate customer reviews into various languages for publication as indexable content both for users and for search engine long tail visibility and rankings. Does anyone have any experience, insights or caveats to share?

    | edreamsbcn

  • I'm reviewing, and wondering  where exactly to add HTTP Vary: Desktop request which has a mobile page to add “Vary: User-Agent” to the response HEADER Or if the request came from mobile device, than add “Vary: User-Agent” to the response HEADER

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hello everyone, Lots of my clients are e-commerce websites and I would like to know if some of you would like to share a good method to earn backlinks so I can share with them all some sort of roadmap. Thank you Regards

    | Amadeus_eBC

  • I have a quick question regarding Microdata / files that are not hosted on secure connections. I receive a receive a security error from my e-commerce site because the code references the schema over HTTP instead of HTTPS.<div< span="">itemscope itemtype=""></div<>This is not the first time I have run into this issue.  We also use MRSS schema for an RSS feed from yahoo and the same thing happens.<div< span="">xmlns:media=""></div<>The problem mainly lies in the fact that these schemas are not hosted over HTTPS. If you add HTTPS to the beginning of both you will get a security error.Just wondering if anyone else has dealt with this or similar issue and what the "best practices" are around this?Is it ok to obtain the schema directly and then host it on our server, over our secure connection?Thanks!

    | AnthonyMangia

  • Hi all, We are launching a new site soon and I’d like your opinion on best practice related to its content. We will be retaining some pages and content (although the URLs might change a bit as I intend to replace under-scores with hyphens and remove .asp from some extensions in order to standardise a currently uneven URL structuring). I will also be adding a lot of new pages with new content, along with amend some pages and their content (and amend URLs again if need be), and a few pages are going to be done away with all together. Any advice from those who’ve done the same in the past as to how best to proceed? Does the URL rewriting sound OK to do in conjunction with adding and amending content? Cheers, Dave

    | Martin_S

  • Hi there since I've started using semoz I have a problem with duplicate content so I have implemented on all the pages with pagination rel="prev" and rel="next" in order to reduce the number of errors but i do something wrong and now I can't figure out what it is. the main page url is : and for the other pages : - for page 2 - for page 3 and so on. We've implemented rel="prev" and rel="next" according to google webmaster guidelines without adding canonical tag or base link in the header section and we still get duplicate meta title error messages for this pages. Do you think there is a problem because we create another url for each page instead of adding parameters (?page=2 or ?page=3 ) to the main url thanks

    | dan_panait

  • Hi there, We are going to be promoting one of our products offline, however I do not want to use the original URL for this product page as it's long for the user to type in, so I thought it would be best practice in using a URL that would be short, easier for the consumer to remember. My plan: Replicate the product page and put it on this new short URL, however this would mean I have a duplicate content issue, would It be best practice to use a canonical on the new short URL pointing to the original URL? or use a 301? Thanks for any help

    | Paul78

  • Perhaps penalise isn't the right word, but we have two ecommerce sites. One at .com and one at For the site we would like only that site to appear for our brand name search in For the .com site we would like only that site to appear for our brand name search in I've targeted each site in the respective country in Google Webmaster Tools and published the Australian and English address on the respective site. What I'm concerned about is people on searching our brand and clicking through to the .com site. Is there anything I can do to lower the ranking of my .com site in

    | Benj25

  • Hi there! I have a new website with so many duplicate meta titles and descriptions because of its expanded features from the e-commerce shopping cart that I am using like mobile website, product sorting, etc. Aside from canonical, is it advisable to use the URL parameters from Google webmaster tools to disallow crawling of mobile website and other parameters like, "parent", "catalogsetview", "pcsid", "pg" "mode".  I appreciate and advise. 🙂 Thanks!

    | paumer80

  • I've got two pages I'd like to combine into one. These two URLs: & would become: Two questions... 1. Is it okay to combine the content into one page and setup 301 redirects for both pages (without losing page rank)? 2. Do I keep the original pages in my sitemap.xml file or just take them out after I setup the redirect? Thanks in advance!

    | seo-hunter

  • Hi there! I've been working on for a couple of years now. In the early stages of the website, we've put into place a subdomain wildcard, that allowed us to create urls like this on the fly : http://{some-city} This brought us instantly a lot of success in terms of traffic due to the cities being great search keywords. But now, business has grown, and as we all know, duplicate content is the devil so I've been playing with the idea of killing (redirecting) all those urls to their equivalent on the root domain. would redirect to equivalent page at : Even if my redirections are 301 permanent, there will be some juice lost for each link redirected that are actually pointing to my old subdomains This would also imply to redirect to Which is probably the part I'm most anxious about since the incoming links are almost 50/50 between those 2 subdomains... Bringing everything back into a single subdomain is the thing to do in order to get all my seo juice together, this part is obvious... But what can I do to make sure that I don't end up actually losing traffic instead of gaining authority? Can you help me get the confidence I need to make this "move" without risking to lose tons of traffic? Thanks a big lot!


  • Hi Guys, How often should you aquire links without getting into trouble with Goolge? Should you aqure a linka  day? Or a link every 2 days? What should it be? Thanks guys Gareth

    | GAZ09

  • One of my client has offices in 11 different cities and we have a page on the website for each office. I have optimized each page as well as I could for each city. Every on-page aspect I nailed and I even added a unique 100-150 words text and 3 pictures of the offices to each page to make sure Google wouldn't penalize me for having nearly identical pages. Here's one of the page (the Montreal office): However, even after doing all that, I can't seem to get as many #1 rankings as I think I should. I get outranked by websites not optimizing their page properly... Is it because of inbound links metrics? How do you build links to each office page without spamming? Any advice? Thanks!!

    | optimumweb

  • I have added a campaign like "Bannerbuzz" in SEOMOZ Pro account and before 2 or 3 days i got errors related to duplicate page content  . they are showing me same page with different extension. As i mentioned below
    & We checked our whole source files but we didn't define php related urls in our source code. we want to catch only our .html related urls. so, Can you please guide us to solve this issue ? Thanks <colgroup><col width="857"></colgroup>
    | |

    | CommercePundit

  • Today, I was checking Google webmaster tools and found that, there are 117 dynamic URLs are restrict by Robots.txt. I have added following syntax in my Robots.txt You can get more idea by following excel sheet. #Dynamic URLs Disallow: /?osCsidDisallow: /?q= Disallow: /?dir=Disallow: /?p= Disallow: /*?limit= Disallow: /*review-form I have concern for following kind of pages. Shorting by specification: Iterms per page: Numbering page of products: Will it create resistance in organic performance of my category pages?

    | CommercePundit

  • Hi, I had this website up for three months, but it is still not crawl by Google.  All my on page optimization is grade A but I cannot see any single page crawl by Google.  What can I do ?  Please advise. Thanks. David

    | Stevejobs2011

  • Would like to start a link buildling campaign but do not know where to start.  Can anyone suggest a good software to help us start a white hat link building campaign and content building help as well?

    | TBKO

  • How to display image results attached? Please help me why.jpg

    | imthankyou

  • I have just re created  my website as I noticed a massive fall after the update. Can anyone  tell me if there is anything more I can do to improve SEO for Google UK for the term - radio codes. Please be constructive I am a small business working from home trying to get high in the organic listings again. Thank you in advance

    | snappyuk

  • I notice today Ihave 2 access denied errors. I checked the help which says: Googlebot couldn’t access a URL on your site because your site requires users to log in to view all or some of your content. (Tip: You can get around this by removing this requirement for user-agent Googlebot.) Therefore I think it may be because I have added a login page for users and googlebot can't access it. I'm using wordpress and presume I need to amend the robots.txt to remove the requirement for google to log in but how do I do that? Unless I'm misunderstanding the problem altogether!

    | SamCUK

  • Hello Everyone, I have just spent the past 9 months designing, engineering, and manufacturing our first product. We just opened our web store and started selling product. I have spent zero time doing any kind of SEO. We haven't even put up a sitemap yet or any redirects. I'm just now starting to take a look at things. As soon as I start digging, I find that it appears that someone is at least attempting to do some kind of negative SEO against us. It seems to have started about a month ago. Check this out.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=335379d2f3ac2208&biw=993&bih=637 At first I was thinking this isn't so good, but  it seems they are just trying to build crap content about our keywords and make it relevant to us. After taking a closer look, I'm thinking maybe this isn't all bad. They have targeted all of our exiting YouTube videos and created new videos that use all of our keywords, titles, people, etc in an effort to make our existing videos  irrelevant. They have have also done the same thing with articles that were written about us, awards we have won as well as started negative campaigns about us and people who have said good things about us. Here are my thoughts. While the content is really crappy, it seems like they are actually building keyword relevance to us and our products. They have all the right keywords, the content is just crappy. "There is no such thing as bad press". I don't know if anyone has ever said this before, but I'm going to refer to their effort as "White-Hate SEO" because it doesn't appear to be a real dark effort. Am I missing something here, am I way off base? My bigger worry is that their campaign may include some much darker efforts that I just haven't found yet. I'm pretty sure I know who is responsible for this. They have made it clear that they really do hate us. Frankly, I'm not interested in retaliation, I just want to get my own house in order with some good old-school whit-hat SEO. I'm really curious to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks!

    | dmac

  • Hi I set up authorship about 10 days ago at the suggestion of this great forum but haven't seen anything happen yet. Could someone take a quick look and check I've done it right? You can see a typical post here: Thanks!

    | ben1000

  • Hi everyone, Do you think that google places have influence on organic search? i mean if you are on google places with your companies, your ranking must be better for that query? isn't it ? if you agree with me i'll bring you this stange case: my clients has a company profile on google places but it is only fourth on the organic results for that query and his competitor is ranked first with: no google places profile no authority and no company in the city ( in fact it is not in the city but 30 miles far ) the query is "poltrona frau brescia" poltrona frau= name of the company brescia= city in wich the company is located thanks poltrona-frau-brescia

    | guidoboem

  • All of the following URL's take me to the same page on my site: 1. 2. 3. All of those pages are canonicalized to #1, so is that okay? I was told the following my a company trying to make our sitemap: "the site's platform dynamically creates URLs  that resolve as 200 and should be 404. This is a huge spider trap for any search engine and will make them wary of crawling the site." What would I need to do to fix this? Thanks!

    | pbhatt

  • Hi guys, Quick question:  one of our clients has an e-commerce site with a very poor canonical tag setup and thousands of pages of duplicate content. Let's use this as an example: BRAND > Category > Type > Color
    Four separate pages/URLs. The BRAND page lists all products.
    The Category page lists all BRAND products for that category.
    The Type page lists all BRAND products of a specific type in that category.
    The Color page lists all BRAND products of a specific type in that category of a specific color. Anyway, these generate four separate URLs: /BRAND
    /BRAND/Category-Type-Color Avoiding duplicate content and product listings, I would appreciate your proposed canonicalization strategy/feedback.

    | elcrazyhorse

  • Hi there, We have 20 retailers who are about to launch websites and are going to be selling our products on their websites, however with they have no content for these products they are wanting to take our content we have for our product pages on place the content on their websites, is this going to cause an issue for me? We are ranking well for competitive keywords in this niche and do not want to do anything to harm it. What I would say is the retailers in question of no intention short term anyway of doing anything with SEO. Thanks for any help

    | Paul78

  • I've shifted my static (HTML) eCommerce website to Magento. I am facing serious problem, my website has total 20 products (each product has canonical URL) , I was surprised to see thousands of links indexed in Google as well as in my webmaster Crawler stats, later on I removed all from webmaster tool and marked as fixed, also blocked crawlers to crawl on those specific directories through robots.txt file. Now my question is will these urls still effect my website's SEO? As they still exist and accessible but blocked for crawlers. And is there any better way to block them other than robots.txt.Thanks

    | clarybusinessmachines

  • Today, I was reading Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: More guidance on building high-quality sites. I found one interesting statement over there. Low-quality content on some parts of a website can impact the whole site’s rankings. Why should I like to discuss on this topic? Because, I have made big change on my website via narrow by search. I want to give specific result to know more about it. This is my category page: Left narrow by search section is creating accurate page for specific attribute products. California Umbrella: From above page following page is accessible. Sunbrella Patio Umbrellas: Similar story for this page. Following page can accessible from above page. My website have 100+ categories, 11,000 products. I have checked indexed pages in Google for my website.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=910893d99351c8f7&biw=1366&bih=547 It shows me 35,000+ crawled pages which are developed by left navigation section. So, Will it consider as low quality pages? I want to improve my website performance without delete these pages.

    | CommercePundit

  • We have a project that is going to generate duplicate content. If we move the new content to a sub-domain (E.g. will it still be considered duplicate content to the root domain? Or is it like having two completely different domains? Thanks!

    | tripled511

  • Background We are in the process of launching a website where ticket inventory and processing are handled by a third party. Our primary means of traffic generation (at least at first) will be through SEO traffic. One of the things that they require of us is a script that will detect people with an iPhone and, upon entering the site, display a page giving people the option to call for help or continue to the site. (see attached screenshot) We will still get credit for the transaction (tracked through the phone #) and they say that this increases conversion rate, so it is something that we would like to use, unless it will affect our ability to rank in mobile. Problem My concern is that we will be penalized by Google (or rank poorly in Mobile search) because the page that iPhone users (not iPad users) are served is hosted on a different domain and not optimized at all for the keywords people are searching for. This is obviously a non-issue if Google never sees the page, but I have heard that Google will emulate different devices when crawling pages. Question Can anyone provide any insight about this? I feel like we are adding value to customers by giving them the option to speak to customer support, but I'm afraid that Google will think we are cloaking or at best providing the same page to anyone entering with an iPhone. Here is a link to the soon-to-be-launched website: -- so you can check it out on your iPhone. Is there a possibility that this could effect SEO traffic from other devices? Any suggests will or advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! EP1nA EP1nA EP1nA.png

    | highlyrelevant

  • I have a client that ranks 2nd for a google local result, and the local results are the first set of results being displayed, making it in fact the 2nd result on the page for the keyword.  There aren't any blended results on this page, it's straightforward local results, then universal results directly after.  They are concerned that they are not appearing in the universal results high enough (they're on page 5 with a different url than the homepage).  I'm not sure why their #2 local ranking isn't good enough since those are consistently the same results, but I have to ask; Can you appear in both local and universal results on the same page?

    | MichaelWeisbaum

  • I’ve noticed that lot of my competitors who have good results in SERPs use or have used Pr Release and syndication to hundreds and thousands of sites. Just wondering how Google will react to the article that is published in different sites and has the same content and anchor link. Will it be considered a spam or no? Is it advisable to go with pr syndications after Penguin and Panda updates or no? Thanks.

    | Zlhe

  • Hello, We have a few online stores that are in similar niches. How do we make sure that we don't get penalized for this (Panda/Penguin) We have the sites interlinked, but our newest one is not going to be linked to the others. Also, will rewriting descriptions help if the product is on more than one site? Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • WHat is the best way to determine if I have somehow been delisted from Google?

    | TBKO

  • Hello, I'm considering moving our main website to a multiple servers, perhaps in multiple different datacenters and use a DNS round robin load balancing by assigning it 4 different IP addresses (probably from 4 different C classes). example: A A A A Every time you ping the domain you will get a response from another IP of the group. Therefore search engines will see a different IP each time they scan the site. We have used the main IP for our website for past 6 years without changing it. We have a quite good SEO in our niche which I don't want to loose of course. My question is, will adding more IPs to the domain affect any how on the ranking ? What is the suggested way to do it anyway? What is recommended to do before and after? Thanks for you attention and help in advance. Dmitry S.

    | maddogx

  • Hi there, I have placed an article on a blog which I am very happy with, the webmaster has came back to me and suggested more blogs which they are relevant to my niche, so all good, however when checking the neighbourhood checker in Majestic SEO, I had entered one of the domains he suggested then Majestic SEO gave me this message: Note: we recommend checking this IP: 99.45.343.45 (this is because some domains have multiple IPs or this one changed it recently). please note IP is just an example. Once I checked the IP, all the domains he had suggested were all listed under that IP, should I avoid placing anymore articles on these domains? from an SEO perspective. Kind Regards,

    | Paul78

  • So I recently started working on an existing site for a company, and I'm afraid I may have done something to lose some backlinks. So to start off, say the website is and when I arrived and showed up as two separate sites so I changed my web.config file to direct all to The homepage was called default.asp, and I wanted the homepage to always show up as instead of  Of course they both showed the same thing but I couldn't figure it out. So I removed from indexing and changed the my internal links to the homepage to point at instead of simply pointing at the file default.asp. So now still brings up the page, but I want it to revert to  I'm also a little worried because I noticed that one of my incoming links points at and it doesn't get passed along to and I think i may have damaged my sites SEO I guess this is a very complicated and roundabout way of saying this, but how can I get to take you to

    | bcrabill

  • Today, I was checking my Google webmaster tools and found 16,000 duplicate title tags and duplicate meta description. I have investigate for this issue and come to know about as follow. I have changed URL structure for 11,000 product pages on 3rd July, 2012 and set up 301 redirect from old product pages to new product pages. Google have started to crawl my new product pages but, De-Indexing of old URLs are quite slower. That's why I found this issue on Google webmaster tools. Can anyone suggest me, How can I increase ratio of De-Indexing for old URLs? OR any other suggestions? How much time Google will take to De-Index old URLs from web search?

    | CommercePundit

  • We want to claim our articles and get our picture next to our articles in the search engines. I was offered this article but Google has this article: Google's way is simpler, Is that all I need to do? This is for a Joomla site Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • Does anybody know about a Penguin recovery for a small business website and the methodology they used? I have a PR 5 website that lost more than 50% of the traffic in Google. I removed some of the wide site links at the best of my ability but I see little or no results so far.

    | S.Adrian

  • At the risk of opening the flood gates, I'm posting this in hopes of finding a SEO provider on this site. I'm currently a member, and have learned a lot through this site, but I'm still having issues ranking higher.  Because of this, I have come to the conclusion that I need a dedicated SEO company/professional who can help our company reach the next level. I'm open to suggestions of companies that you have used, or please feel free to throw your hat into the ring. Thanks in advance! AW

    | TheCTC

  • I am going to build a new site. I could hang it off an existing site with similar content or buy a new keyword rich domain and start over. The existing site does not have much trust or authority beyond the domain being registered for 5 plus years. I would prefer to start over and build linksfrom scratch but I realize we are starting at the bottom. The keywords we will be competing against are not super competetive so I think we can get ranking within 6 months or so. These post Panda days I am rethinking everything so any input is appreciated. I did a similar niche site a few years ago and found the site ranked well fairly quickly for its little nice. Today though it may be different. I have no experience in buying domains and would have no idea where to start there. New or existing? Thanks for any input.

    | Reportcard

  • If I buy a keyword EDM domain and 301 redirect it to my site, will I rank better for that keyword?

    | creaturmedia

  • All, What is the best way to deal with a home page that has the /index.html at the end of it? 301 redirect to the .com home page? Just want to make sure I'm not missing something. Thanks in advance.

    | JSOC

  • I release property on my blog each week, and it has come to the point we will get property in the same area as we have had in the past. So, I name my URL /blah-blah-blah-[area of property]/ for the first property in that area right. Now I get a different property in that same area and the URL will have to be named /blah-blah-blah-[area of property]-2/. Now I'm not sure if this is a major issue or not, but I'm sure there must be a better way than this, and I don't really want to take down our past properties - unless you can give me good reason too, of course? So before I start getting URLs like this: /blah-blah-blah-[area of property]-2334343534654/ (well, ok, maybe not that bad! But you get my point) I wanted to see what everyones opinion on it is 🙂 Thanks in advance!

    | JonathanRolande

  • Hi! We have a desktop version of our site at, and some weeks ago, we launched a mobile edition at, replicating the most important sections of the site, but not yet all of them. Actually, if you access with a mobile device userAgent to any desktop url you are redirected to the home of the mobile web. This is the only redirect implemented about mobile and desktop versions. A) Shall we also redirect "Googlebot-Mobile" to our mobile site, or it could be considered cloaking?
    B) Its necessary to implement the rel="alternate" media="handheld" tag in all of our Desktop SEO URLs? And in our mobile ones? Can't it be implemented via sitemaps like the rel="alternate" hreflang="x" tag?
    C) Would the linkbuilding job done on the Desktop version affects the Mobile also, or we would still need to do a separate job? Thanks!

    | marianoSoler98

  • Hi there, I have a site that contains descriptions of accommodation and we also use this content to syndicate to our partner sites. They then use this content to fill their descriptions on the same accommodation locations. I have looked at copyscape and Google and this does appear as duplicate content across these partnered sites. I do understand as well that certain kinds of content will not impact Google's duplication issue such as locations, addresses, opening times those kind of things, but would actual descriptions of a location around 250 words long be seen and penalised as duplicate content? Also is there a possible way to canonicalise this content so that Google can see it relates back to our original site? The only other way I can think of getting round a duplicate content issue like this is ordering the external sites to use tags like blockquotes and cite tags around the content.

    | MalcolmGibb

  • hi experts of seo,
    could you help me to set up my multilanguage site? WHAT'S HAPPENED
    we are translating our site and we have to DECIDE the best technical solution for us SEO target:
    we haven't decided yet, anyway  we are going to try to be ranked in other countries, especially in emergent countries FINALLY we select the different domain strategy ( .it domain for the italian and .com for the english ) so what are my questions?
    how to make them linking without having seo problem, maybe with a intro page ?
    and how to set up something that might let visitors the possibility to shift from one to the other? thank you very much Guido

    | guidoboem

  • We currently have over 13,000 products on our site.  SeoMoz reports many duplicate pages, which are items that are very similar (different size, application, sku, etc.).  Would it be prudent to create a bundled product that has one page, one description, a set of images and a table with add to cart buttons for all of the different products on that page?  (called a bundled product in Magento).  Then create 301 redirects from all of the individual pages and categories to the relevant new bundled product.

    | iJeep

  • For over the past month my site has received sitelinks from Google and they have been really helping out. All of a sudden this morning they are gone. We 301'ed and redirected (WBT) another one of our other sites to this one on monday. Could it be Google is just trying to figure out what we are doing? Has anyone else seen sitelinks come and go on their site without any other redirects? I am assuming it is because of my sites combining but wanted to hear if anyone else saw sitelinks come and go on their own. Thanks

    | GeorgeLaRochelle

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