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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hello, My friend has a personal development training site. I have been advised not to make separate personal coaching sites for the owners of the training sites. Do you have experience that Panda/Penguin could penalize for separate sites in a similar niche? Do you need any more info to give a good response? Thank you.

    | BobGW

  • I have a bunch of travel-related sites that for a long time dominated without any intensive SEO whatsoever. Aside from solid on-page content and meta tag, I did no link building. However, all of my sites are heavily interlinked, and I think they are linked with do follow links and lots of anchor texts. Here are a few of them: My idea in inter-linking them was to create a kind of branded "Beautiful" nexus of sites. However, when Penguin hit -- which I believe was on April 27th -- search traffic crashed, and has crashed over and over again. I've read that Penguin penalized over-optimization vis a vis anchor text links. I don't have a lot of inbound links like these, but they are everywhere among my sites. Is it possible that all of my text links have hurt me with Penguin? Thanks to everyone in advance for your time and attention. I really appreciate it. -Mike

    | RCNOnlineMarketing

  • I have 3 pages that rank VERY well for related terms such as: -How to get widgets -How to become a widget -Getting widgets -etc. I am incorporating a video on the topic and rewriting much of the content on the site.  I am wondering if it is wise to 301 redirect all 3 pages to 1 page that has the new/better video content or if I should leave the old content that is ranking well and embed the video on the top of each. The anal retentive side of me wants a nice new site structure and 1 powerful page. However, if the 3 pages are currently ranking (sometimes 2 pages in the same top 10 results), should I mess with what is working? Ultimately my goal is to increase the avg time on site as these 3 pages are top traffic pages for the site.  However, they do not convert at all, as they are for a product we don't offer. Thoughts?

    | TheDude

  • Hi, I'm kind of a newbie and I'm working on an e commerce website. I would love to be able to optimize the site so that the keyword "dog boutique" was ranking for the homepage. B/C a lot of the pages call from php to create the meta data, most of generated page titles look like    "Product Name, Category - Moondoggie Dog Boutique" My question is would it be more helpful to just have Moondoggie Dog Boutique on the page title on the page I would like to rank for "dog boutique" and use Moondoggie Inc. or Just Moondoggie in it's place on all of the other pages? Would this help or make it worse? Thanks! KristyO If you would like to see hte site:

    | KristyO

  • Hi there, I have recently noticed that we have a link from an authoritative website, however when I looked at the code, it looked like this: <a <span="">href</a><a <span="">="" title="blocked::">keyword</a> You will notice that in the code there is 'blocked::' What is this? has it the same effect as a nofollow tag? Thanks for any help

    | Paul78

  • So, I know indexing search results is a big no-no, but I recently started working with a site that sees 50% of its traffic from search result pages. The user engagement on these pages is very high, and these pages rank well too. Unfortunately, they've been hit by Panda. They already moved the section of the site with search results to a subdomain, and saw temporary success. There must be a way to preserve their traffic from these search result pages and get out from under Panda.

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hi Mozzers, Client: Important carpet cleaner player in the carpet cleaning industry Main Goal: Creating good content to Get more organic traffic to our main site Structure of the extra content: It will act like a blog but will be differentiated from the regular site by not selling anything but just creating good content. The look and design will be different from the client's site. SEO Question: Which option is more beneficial, creating a subdomain or adding a regular page within the website following a directory path URL? If possible, please state what are the advantages and disadvantages of these 2 options in terms of SEO. Thank you and have a great weekend everyone,

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • We have a client who fired their last SEO firm for backlinking. The company has the actual emails and evidence that it found.  On July 19, 2012, they received a notice in Webmasters that "unnatural links" had been detected to their site.  The notice states that they should request reinclusion, but Matt Cutts is saying something different: My client wants to ensure that they are NOT impacted, so should they notify Google anyways? The notice in Webmasters reads: Dear site owner or webmaster of…. We’ve detected that some of your site’s pages may be using techniques that are outside Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. Specifically, look for possibly artificial or unnatural links pointing to your site that could be intended to manipulate PageRank. Examples of unnatural linking could include buying links to pass PageRank or participating in link schemes. We encourage you to make changes to your site so that it meets our quality guidelines. Once you’ve made these changes, please submit your site for reconsideration in Google’s search results. If you find unnatural links to your site that you are unable to control or remove, please provide the details in your reconsideration request. If you have any questions about how to resolve this issue, please see our Webmaster Help Forum for support. Sincerely, Google Search Quality Team

    | dknewmedia

  • I'm working on a game plan for the on-page optimization for a growing e-commerce site ( and I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with similar projects. Specifically, how to get the most SEO value out of product and category pages. Thanks in advance! -Adam

    | boutine

  • Hello, We have a portal website that gives information about the industry we work in. This website includes various articles, tips, info, reviews and more about the industry.We also have a news section that was previously indexed in Google news but is not for the past few month.The site was hit by Panda over a year ago and one of the things we have been thinking of doing is removing pages that are irrelavant/do not provide added value to the site.Some of these pages are old news articles posted over 3-4 years ago and that have had hardly any traffic to.All the news articles on the site are under a /archive/ folder sorted by month and year, so for example a url for a news item from April 2010 would be /archive/042010/article-nameMy question is do you think removing such news articles would benefit the site helping it get out of Panda (many other things have been done in the site as well), if not what is the best suggested way to keep these articles on the site in a way which Google indexes them and treats them well.thx

    | Tit

  • This is a complex one for me but here goes. my site sales personalized widgets and this is the main keyword. other keyword that convert are gold personalized widgets silver personalized widgets brass personalized widgets and many others. all those keywords are categories including the main keyword. (each category is a page on my site optimized for that category) (If you did not guess already I sale jewelry. I assume that having the keyword included in links pointing to intenal category pages dilute the importance of this keyword on the main page? there are few options I consider. for testing have the gold,silver and others to include canonical to the main page just to test the affect on the main keyword. Not pointing from the main page to those sub-category pages - it feels wrong to me just canonize the main keyword category page to point to the main page Would love o hear what are our thoughts

    | ciznerguy

  • Hi All, It seems that some keywords that are receiving a fairly high amount of monthly traffic such as 6000 hits are passing very little traffic to my website. for a few keywords recieving this amount of traffic my site ranks on page one. is there a breakdown of what percentage of traffic you should roughly get to your website depending on the rank for a certain keyword. example; position 1 send approximately % traffic to your site position 2 send approximately % traffic to your site etc thank you

    | wazza_1985

  • If I see the site which has 8,000 links from unique domains (RDD in Market Samurai). How much could it cost to build such amount of links? How long does it take? What SEO budget will be based on these data?

    | rboychuk

  • Hello SEOZ 🙂 I'm thinking about registering a domain for a project, the Keyword I want to rank for consists of two words. Somethink like this: "joomla training" But the domain I want to register f.e. ist registered already. I have 3 options that I consider, what's the best? Register another TD: joomla-training**.net** instead of .com Ad a letter : Switch words: Write the Keywords without a hypen: What should I do now? Thanks for your help 🙂

    | krseo

  • I notice many  small business sites seems to have a page rank of 3,4, or 5 which don't appear to be doing a great deal of SEO on their websites. i.e these are very basic sites with a little static content that rarely changes, no blogs or particular links. Does having a high page rank still mean your will achieve better search engine positions? whats the best way to improve page rank for small business sites? thanks

    | Bristolweb

  • Hey Everybody! Last year one of my bigger sites hit a snaffu.  I was getting about 300k + hits a day from google, and then, when a developper released an update with a robots.txt file that basically blocked google from the entire site. We didn't notice the bug until a few days later, but by then, it was already too late.  My google traffic dropped to 30k a day and I've been having the hardest time coming back ever since. As a matter of fact, hundreds of sites that were aggregating my content started outranking me for my own terms. For over a year, I've been working on building what I lost back and everything seemed to be coming together.   I was back at 100k+ hits a day Until today... My developpers repeated the exact same error as last year.  They blocked google from crawling my site for over 5 days and now I'm down to 10k se hits a day. My question :  Has anyone encountered this problem before and what did you do to come back?

    | CrakJason

  • We know that the unnatural links warnings are manual and that Penguin is algorithmic.  (I'm not talking about the latest round of confusing unnatural links warnings, but the ones sent out months ago that eventually resulted in a loss of rankings for those who didn't clean their link profiles up.) Is there much difference in the recovery process for either?  From what I can see, both are about unnatural/spammy linking to your site.  The only difference I can see is that once you feel you've cleaned up after getting an unnatural links warning you can file a reconsideration request.  But, if you've cleaned up after a Penguin hit you need to wait for the next Penguin refresh in order to see if you've recovered. Are there other differences that I am not getting?

    | MarieHaynes

  • Hello Fellow Mozzers, I would really appreciate a little help as I have been banging my head against a wall for the last few hours trying to create a .htaccess RewriteRule. I have around 300 URLs that I need to 301 redirect following a site re-build, they are in groups of similar urls but infortunately not broken down in to folders. Here is an example of a few URLs:- All of the above URLs need to redirect to a new URL:- Here is the RewriteRule that I currently have but it isn't working:- RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^(.*)_chamaecyparis-lawsoniana$ [R=301,L] Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks

    | AdeLewis

  • Hey All, I've a new client who is a local business directory designed to promote local businesses across the UK but starting in it's home town of Brighton in the UK. I'm a little stumped to know how I can start to optimise this site as most of the pages being created are from very different businesses and focus on different subjects. I realise this is going to be a long haul but wondered if there are any tips you guys know of. My client domain is: Thanks Steve

    | stevecounsell

  • Hey guys, I've been trying to read up on this and have found that answers vary greatly, so I figured I'd seek your expertise. When dealing with the url structure of a site that is translated into multiple languages, is it better SEO wise to structure a site like this :   etc or to simply add url modifiers like In the first example, I'm afraid google might see my content as duplicate even though its in a different language.

    | CrakJason

  • How do you find out sites banned from Google? I know how to find out sites no longer cached, or is it the same thing once deindexed? As always aprpeciate your advice everyone.

    | pauledwards

  • Howdy Guys, I noticed a weird thing over the weekend - our main keyword has been hit pretty hard by penguin and we had dropped down to #79. On Friday I decided to change some on-page optimisation and changed the title tag and some tags. When I've ran my rank tracker this morning we have jumped up to #62... Has anyone else noticed just a simple change boosts rankings? Second Questions We took all our social buttons off the website back in January as no-body was using them but from a few recent reports I've seen having the buttons on the site help organic rankings... Is this true? Scott

    | ScottBaxterWW

  • I just saw this story today about a new Google Webmaster feature which lets you download a file of the most recent links. I downloaded the file today and I already discovered a major site issue. Our site blog was completely duplicated on a secondary domain we own and Google was showing that site as recent links. I already emailed the dev team to fix this pronto. Anybody else using this new feature and perhaps can share if it helps you in any way.

    | irvingw

  • I have 2 websites, lets call them Website A and Website B. Website A is a commercial website, website B is a 7 years old blog. Website B has many natural, high quality BL, including some from Nytimes, etc. I want to integrate the blog (B) into the commercial website (A). The idea behind this thought is to compress the two websites, it is easier to have everything in one place. I will do this with 301 redirect via Webmaster tools, htaccess etc. The uRL structure will remain the same: eg: websiteB/post-title/ -> websiteA/post title What will happen with my quality BLs? Is there any chance to be penalized by Google? What will happen with the PR of the 2 sites? Thanks.

    | jasmin28

  • So it looks as though the content from is no longer being indexed. Anyone know what happened and what they can do to fix it fast?

    | siteoptimized

  • Hey guys, I need some advice regarding the keywords I want to target for a new website. The website is e-commerce and is about 60% done but i wanted some advice. home page - For link building purposes I only want to target the domain name for the anchor text "diamond engagement" and "" for internal pages like .... I want this page to rank for "engagement rings" but that's a very competitive keyword. I was thinking for the first 3 or 4 months I only build links to this page with the domain name again "diamond engagement" and phrase anchor text's using "diamond engagement" than just out right building "engagement rings" or "engagement ring" to start off. What are your thoughts??

    | harrykabadaian

  • A client just redesigned their site and launched it around May 30.  The organic traffic has had a MAJOR drop and has not returned yet.  All of the old pages have been 301 redirected to the new pages.  Any thoughts on what could be causing this to In Google Webmaster Tools, before the redesign we were receiving about 300,000 impressions and 10-12,000 clicks.  Now the impressions are only 100,000 with half as many clicks. Thanks!

    | AlightAnalytics

  • We are getting ready to switch to a new hosting company.  When we make the switchover, our sites will be offline for a couple of hours and in some cases perhaps as long as 12 hours while DNS is configured -- should we be worried about Google trying to index pages and finding them unavailable?  Any fear of Google de-indexing pages.  Our guess was that Google would not de-index anything after just a short period of not being able to find pages -- it would have to be over an extended period of time before GOOGLE or BING would de-index pages -- CORRECT? Just want to gut check this before pulling the trigger on switch over to new hosting company.     We appreciate input on this and/or any other thoughts regarding the switch over to new hosting company that we may not have thought of. Thanks, Matt

    | MWM3772

  • We're seeing soft 404 errors appear in our google webmaster tools section on pages that are blocked by robots.txt (our search result pages). Should we be concerned? Is there anything we can do about this?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Webmaster tools is showing duplicate titles for example: and: What's the %20 all about? I didn't create that page and it is a duplicate of the first. I'm also getting them for some pages with capitialisation? Eg: I have also installed buddypress on another site I work on (I use wordpress) and have since had duplicate title issues for members that have signed up: /members/admin/activity/friends/ /members/admin/activity/groups/ /members/admin/activity/just-me/ These pages are all showing duplicate titles? How can I fix this? I use all in one SEO pack and have <a title="Click for Help!">Canonical URLs checked.</a> Any help much appreciated!

    | SamCUK

  • After speaking with the Yoast team, they explained that their product cannot support SEO for forums as forum support within Wordpress comes via a plugin and their Wordpress SEO by Yoast plugin cannot support another program.  They said that doing SEO on a forum is really hard.  I believe it.  The tiered hierarchy of forums would seem to make it difficult. Should I use a direct such as NOINDEX, FOLLOW for the higher level elements of the forum and index just the topic?  I'm really at a loss here. My website is and my forum can be seen on the left menu.  Press "Ask A Question." Thanks in advance. Gerry

    | GerryWeitz

  • Hi, A reporter recently mentioned us in a leading publication, and that article was picked up by two other big publications. Do we benefit from all three links, or do we only benefit from the link once since it is the same article?

    | nicole.healthline

  • How Much better is a do follow backlink from these 3 pages PA of 28 with 12 outbound do follow links compared to a PA of 31 with 16 out bound links ? Compared to a PA of 42 with 35 out links ? How different would the link juice be from these 3 pages with the do follow links as described ? What has been your experience ?

    | jlane9

  • I just came in house to our company for SEO.  We have one main site and 182 that are exact duplicates and almost exact clones of the main site. It's no surprise that half of these clones are deindexed already.  The meta tags are just the domain name URL.  I want to add unique text on the home page to each site, fix the meta tags and switch them up so they aren't clones. Other than a huge rewrite of the code for each site, I'm not sure what else to do to prevent the rest from getting deindexed. Is there any way to prevent the rest from getting deindexed?

    | CFSSEO

  • Hi, We run an established website ( selling online training software. We are getting ready to launch a new section of the site where our users can sell their own online training programs. This will be branded as the 'marketplace'.  This section will have a main page, category pages, tag pages, search and individual course pages. In our URL structure, I'd love to target the word 'training courses' but I don't want to neglect the product brand either. Is it better to use /training-courses in the marketplace urls or to use /marketplace? Or is it better to use both like /marketplace-training-courses or /marketplace/training-courses? Option 1: Example main section page: Example category page: Option 2: Example main section page: Example category page: Option 3: Example main section page: Example category page: Option 4: Example main section page: Example category page: Which option is better and why?

    | mindflash

  • I have had a 10 page website(registered in 1999) rank for my top keywords(top 5) for over 4 years.  No changes have been made to the website. (Static website). July 11, 2012, most of the keywords, and all the major keywords were dropped from Google. They remain steady in Bing and Yahoo. I saw that some people referred to a Panda 3.9 refresh on that day, but also saw that Google(Matt Cutts) denied the refresh. Given the simplicity of the website and the strong backlinks, which remain, what are other reasons I could see a drastic drop in 1 day. Any ideas on where to target my search for solving this very serious issue?  Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    | FidelityOne

  • Hi there, I have just written an article that is due to be posted on an external blog, the article has potentially 3 links that could link to 3 different pages on my website, is this too much? what do you recommend being the maximum number of links? Thanks for any help

    | Paul78

  • I have removed all pages from my old website and set 301 redirect to new website. But, I have verified old website with Google webmaster tools' HTML verification file which enable me to track all data and existence of pages in Google search for my old website. I was assumed that, Google will stop crawling and DE-indexed all pages after 301 redirect. Because, I have set 301 redirect before 3 months. Now, I'm able to see Google bot activity on my website with help of Google webmaster tools. You can find out attachment to know more about it. How can it possible & How Google can crawl removed pages? You can see following image to know more about it. First & Second

    | CommercePundit

  • Hi Guys I am hoping someone can help me out here. I have had a new site built with a unique theme and using wordpress as the CMS. Everything was going fine but after checking webmaster tools today I noticed something that I just cannot get my head around. Basically I am getting warnings of Duplicate page warnings on a couple of things. 1 of which i think i can understand but do not know how to get the warning to go. Firstly I get this warning of duplicate meta desciption url 1: / url 2: /about/who-we-are I understand this as the who-we-are page is set as the homepage through the wordpress reading settings. But is there a way to make the dup meta description warning disappear The second one I am getting is the following: /services/57/ /services/ Both urls lead to the same place although I have never created the services/57/ page the services/57/ page does not show on the xml sitemap but Google obviously see it because it is a warning in webmaster tools. If I press edit on services/57/ page it just goes to edit the /services/ page/ is there a way I can remove the /57/ page safely or a method to ensure Google at least does not see this. Probably a silly question but I cannot find a real comprehensive answer to sorting this. Thanks in advance

    | southcoasthost

  • Good morning SEOMoz. I have a huge website, with hundreds of thousands of pages. The websites theme is mobile phone downloads. I want to create a better URL structure. Currently an example url is /wallpaper/htc-wildfire-wallpapers.html My issue with this, first and foremost is it's a little spammy, for example the fact it's in a wallpaper folder, means I shouldn't really need to be explicit with the filename, as it's implied. Another issue arises with the download page. For example /wallpaper/1234/file-name-mobile-wallpaper.html Again it's spammy but also the file ID, is at folder level, rather than within the filename. Making the file deeper and loses structure. I am considering creating sub domains, based on model, to ensure a really tight silo. i.e and the download page would be But due to restrictions with the CMS, this would involve a lot of work and so I am considering just cleaning up the url structure without sub domains. /wallpaper/htc/wildfire/ and the download page would be /wallpaper/file-name-id/ What are your thoughts? Somebody suggested having the downloads in no folder at all, but surely it makes sense for a wallpaper, to be in a wallpaper folder and an app to be in an app folder? If they were not in a folder, I'd need to be more explicit in the naming of the files. Any advice would be awesome.

    | seo-wanna-bs

  • **Hello! Hoping to get the community’s advice on a technical SEO challenge we are currently facing.  [My apologies in advance for the long-ish post.  I tried my best to condense the issue, but it is complicated and I wanted to make sure I also provided enough detail.] Context: I manage a human anatomy educational website that helps students learn about the various parts of the human body.  We have been around for a while now, and recently launched a completely new version of our site using 3D CAD images.  While we tried our best to design our new site with SEO best practices in mind, our daily visitors dropped by ~15%, despite drastic improvements we saw in our user interaction metrics, soon after we flipped the switch. SEOMoz’s Website Crawler helped us uncover that we now may have too many links on our pages and that this could be at least part of the reason behind the lower traffic.  i.e. we are not making optimal use of links and are potentially ‘leaking’ link juice now. Since students learn about human anatomy in different ways, most of our anatomy pages contain two sets of links: Clickable links embedded via JavaScript in our images.  This allows users to explore parts of the body by clicking on whatever objects interests them.  For example, if you are viewing a page on muscles of the arm and hand and you want to zoom in on the biceps, you can click on the biceps and go to our detailed biceps page. Anatomy Terms lists (to the left of the image) that list all the different parts of the body on the image.  This is for users who might not know where on the arms the biceps actually are.  But this user could then simply click on the term “Biceps” and get to our biceps page that way. Since many sections of the body have hundreds of smaller parts, this means many of our pages have 150 links or more each.  And to make matters worse, in most cases, the links in the images and in the terms lists go to the exact same page. My Question: Is there any way we could hide one set of links (preferably the anchor text-less image based links) from search engines, such that only one set of links would be visible?  I have read conflicting accounts of different methods from using JavaScript to embedding links into HTML5 tags.  And we definitely do not want to do anything that could be considered black hat. Thanks in advance for your thoughts! Eric**

    | Eric_R

  • How do you transfer value from another domain to your domain? Specific scenario: I'm a new startup selling coffee online. A large online coffee retailer just shut it's doors and asked us to bid on its remaining assets, including their domain. It currently receives 20,000 unique visitors organically. If I were to purchase their domain, how would I use this domain to make my site rank better in search engines and drive traffic to my site? Links? 301 redirects? Or would it not really make a significant difference?

    | MistoBox

  • Hello Everyone, Please share the list of off page techniques to improve ranking and which techniques completely avoided?

    | Alick300

  • just finsihed scan to a magento site. off course I am getting thousand of pages that are dynamic. search pages and other. checking with site command on Google I see 154,000 results which pages it is recommended to block? some people are talking about blocking the search pages and some actually talking about allowing them? any answer on this? Thanks

    | ciznerguy

  • We have a Wordpress site where /tag/ pages were not set to "noindex" and they are driving 25% of site's traffic (roughly 100,000 visits year to date). We can't simply "noindex" them all now, or we'll lose a massive amount of traffic. We can't possibly write unique descriptions for all of them. We can't just do nothing or a Panda update will come by and ding us for duplicate content one day (surprised it hasn't already). What would you do?

    | M_D_Golden_Peak

  • Hi, We have a couple of pages which have been damaged due to an SEO person we hired creating a stupid amount of bookmarks and generally poor links. I've tried to get the links removed where I can but on most of these blogging sites there is no contact webmaster etc so I am struggling. Panda update as also affected traffic by about 35%. My question is , should I consider creating new urls for the "damaged " pages and then doing 301 redirects to them from the damaged page to the new page. Then start to build up good links to the new page whilst google should de-index the old pages over a couple of months ?. Just at my witts end how to get rid of these blogging rubbish etc etc. Thanks Sarah.

    | SarahCollins

  • First timer and new to SEO We  are designing a website for a customer in south america that has 3 distinct divisions.  We want to develop the site in the most SEO effective way possible. Each division will have its own keyword focus, its own associations and its own links. They will all link to each other from the main page we were thinking of creating 4 different seperate domains such as... - basic high level company information with links to the other external sites below. so my questions are: 1- is it better in the long run to have domains that have the search terms in the url like specified above? We can optimize for the main site as well as the individual sites separately 2- would the result be the same using subdomains? for example, 3- possibly hosting the 3 different sites in different locations? We want to make sure that we are building using the the best possible architecture for future optimization and internet marketing. What are the pros and cons? Thanks!!!!

    | brantwadz

  • Hi there, I am planning to out source my SEO and one company has caught our attention, they propose this: Article submissions Directory submimssions Blog post comments Social bookmark submissions Press Release submissions The above sounds a bit spammy, however the success they have had with such activity with other websites has been fantastic. Please let me know your thoughts

    | Paul78

  • I am seeing some really erratic behaviour in the SERPS just now. We have 2 domains a .com and The .com is holding fine on page 1 however the is jumping from page 1 to page 4 almost on a daily basis. Now, we are aware that our link profile is not the best on this domain and we are working on this just now creating more quality content/links. If this was a penalty surely it would drop to page 4 and stay there... This bouncing around seems very strange..... We have updated the on page content etc to make sure that we are following all best practices but nothing seems to be working... Has anyone else experienced this kind of problem? Matthew

    | EwanFisher

  • I mean having say 5 different categories on a page and showing the products that are in those categories below the categories. Just In case people don't want to dig deeper to find there product because they know what they need already. I would also want those categories for the people that need to do a little more searching and have a better reference guide. So is there any negatives to my SEO doing it that way?

    | Mike.Bean

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