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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hello, I am doing BLB (broken link buidling). I have sites to send emails to for a backlink, but what are all the tricks you know in finding the name of who to contact at these websites? Here's my initial email borrowed from a John Cooper in the comments of this article: Hi! I just stumbled across a few broken links on the website, and I didn't know who to notify. Do you think you could help me out? Thanks 🙂

    | BobGW

  • Greetings esteemed SEO experts - I'm hunting for advice: We operate an accommodation listings website.  We monetize by listing position in search results, i.e. you pay more to get higher placing in the page. Because of this, while we want individual detailed listing pages to be indexed to get the value of the content, we don't really want them appearing in Google search results.  We ideally want the "content value" to be attributed to the parent page - and google to display this as the link in the search results instead of the individual listing. Any ideas on how to achieve this?

    | AABAB

  • My site appeared in the top 10 for that link ( and not by this (, was well at 2 months, and he suddenly disappeared, I wanted to know if he had been penalized and Google told me it was not. What should I do? The. Sorry my English, I am Brazilian and I'm using Google translator. Warning from SEOmoz staff: this is an escort site with full frontal nudity and is not safe for most workplaces.

    | WebMaster021

  • I want to ranked my all keywords on top 10 position but unforunately only few keywords are in top 10 position.. Now i already using some recommend plugins like Yoast, Easy WP SEO. So my main question is how should i start promoting my wordpress topic. I already submitting to social network but not getting enough traffic except Stumbleupon... I am using SEO software like SenukeX and Bookmarking Demon but still no luck.. i am not getting quality backlinks.... please help i am very frustrated... please someone give proper guideline.. every day is over by thinking the strategy...

    | mamuti

  • Hello, Can anyone help me finding a tool to have closer look of the XML sitemap? Tks in advance! PP

    | PedroM

  • My ecommerce company has been under an unnatural link penalty for some time now.  Over 2 months, removing 13,000 back links and submitting two reconsideration requests we have still been denied.  We think the best route to take is to start a new domain.  Does anyone have advice, resources, articles or anything else that can help us  with this transition? Just a recap : we want to move our existing site to a new site and pass no negative "link juice".  Thanks in advance.

    | brads07

  • We are in the process of creating a Spanish subdomain of our website. I want to know what needs to be done in regard to meta tags, sitemap.xml and robots.txt so that Google and Bing will index both website properly and not causing the web page on the English site to lost rank. Our English site is with the Spanish site being We are planning to put a button or link on both sites so that visitors can switch between both sites. The two sites are similar but not all pages are mirror images.

    | Qualbe-Marketing-Group

  • We have been doing some testing with additional images on a page. For example, the page here:  Notice the images under the heading Images/Screenshots After adding these images, we noticed a ranking drop for that page (-27 places) in the SERPS. Could the large amount of images - in particular the links on the images (links to the larger versions) be causing it to dilute the value of the actual page? Any suggestions, advice or opinions will be much appreciated.

    | Peter264

  • Hi, I have access to a masive resource of journals that we have been given the all clear to use the abstract on our site and link back to the journal. These will be really useful links for our visitors. E.g. Simply, if we copy the abstract and then link back to the journal source will this be treated as duplicate content and damage the site or is the link to the source enough for search engines to realise that we aren't trying anything untoward. Would it help if we added an introduction so in effect we are sort of following the curating content model? We are thinking of linking back internally to a relevant page using a keyword too. Will this approach give any benefit to our site at all or will the content be ignored due to it being duplicate and thus render the internal links useless? Thanks Jason

    | jayderby

  • We have a problem whereby a number of our urls are adressable from different urls - I'm told because of a quirk of developing in .net. e.g. mysite/FundComparison mysite/Fund-comparison mysite/fund-comparison We asked our supplier who hosts this section of our site to do some url rewrites so that the duplicates would 301 to the correct url. They're on IIS 6.0 and are not ready to upgrade to IIS 7.0 (my recommendation, which makes it easier for them to do the rewrite using the rewrite module). They said it would take 6-8 weeks to implement a web controller to do this. "The bulk of the time for this implementation is in the build of the engine + the addition of all the possible permutations of the URL to redirect to the proper URL." This sounds absolutely insane to me. I would have thought it could be done in a matter of hours. What do people think?

    | SearchPM

  • Hello, I have a site,, that has seen dramatic decrease in visitors in the last few months, it has went down from 800 per day to 200 per day. It is a pretty complex situation. The site owner purchased paid links from reputable mac sites for years (they were more of followed advertisements, but were only there for SEO Purposes), now that i'm going through the link profligate ins OSE, I can see that a majority of their links come from these sites. There is also a branding issue, there are almost 15,000 links with the anchor text of "" These are obviously branded links, I don't know the best way to deal with them (though the majority are coming from the paid link sites) We have just sent the request in to remove the paid links from the sites, and i'm guessing since he is paying over $1000 a month for the links, they will be removed quickly. The site has been receiving significantly less traffic since penguin (apr 24-25) We received a message on July 19th which was the generic unnatural link warning, saying that once we remove links make a reconsideration request. Then on July 23rd, we received another message that says they are taking a "very targeted action on the unnatural links instead of your site as a whole" which I have never seen before. This damage was done before I was hired by this client, I just want to get his traffic back up so I can help him even further, I want to know more about the steps I should take. 1. I will definitely remove the paid ads What else should I do, thanks Zach

    | BestOdds

  • I'm finding conflicting information about the right way to configure the All in One SEO Pack wordpress plugin. Do I index or noindex for the items below? Use noindex for Categories - yes or no? Use noindex for Archives - yes or no? Use noindex for Tag Archives - yes or no?

    | webestate

  • How often do you submit them? What have you seen work? Are there any tricks aside from filling out all of the data fields?


  • Hi Mozzers - I'm having an issue with https content on my site that I need help with. Basically we have some pages that are meant to be secured, cart pages, auth pages, etc, and then we have the rest of the site that isn't secured. I need those pages to load correctly and independently of one another so that we are using both protocols correctly. Problem is - when a secure page is rendered the resources behind it (scripts, etc) won't load with the unsecured paths that are in our master page files currently. One solution would be to render the entire site in https only, however this really scares me from an SEO standpoint. I don't know if I want to put my eggs in that basket. Another solution is to structure the site so that secure pages are built differently from unsecured pages, but that requires a bit of re-structuring and new SOPs to be put in place. I guess my question is really about best practices when using https. How can I avoid duplication issues? When do I need to use rel=canonical? What is the best way to do things here to avoid heavy maintenance moving forward?

    | CodyWheeler

  • Would you get links from duplicate class c IP"s? The thing is, the IP address numerically appear like they are far enough apart, but the tool says they are duplicate IP"s ? Can someone shed some light on me as far as Duplicate Class C IP"s and linkbuilding utilizing blog networks is concerned??

    | Alick300

  • It seems as if a website i have just started working on has a major issue where the 404 page isn't set up properly. When you go to a page that doesn't exist it redirects like this.. "" How can i fix this? Cpanel Host. Very old version of joomla and virtuemart. I looked at the visitor flow and about 200 visitors monthly that are dropping because of this.

    | JohnParker2792

  • First off I just want to say thanks Penguin! Now I get to start the joyous experience doing a back-link audit, and removing all the negative links. Also I now have to be on constant alert for Black SEO tactics targeted at my domain due to the cut throat business I am in. I think it can only be a matter of time before Google says all backlinks do not matter. Unfortunately, I need rank now!! So I have a couple of questions: First how important is domain rank in a back-link audit? Should I remove myself from indexes with low domain rank, and leave ones with high? Should I remove myself from as many indexes as possible? What about obvious paid blog posts that have high domain rank? Do you leave those? What is considered a low Domain Rank for back-links, under 35 - 40? Second, what is a good success rate for a back link audit. How can you measure improvement, other than waiting for your PR or SERP to go up? Third, in some situations it looks like back-links are legitimate, but they all point to my home page. Is it worth pursuing for example asking these people to link to the specific product they are referring to for example children picnic tables instead of just our home page? And, lastly what legal rights do I have to get back-links removed? Is it only on sites that copy my content that I have copy written? Is it possible to prevent Google from counting these back-links through an .htaccess file? Thanks in advance for all of the help. I hope to take what I learn and put it into a guide of some capacity as I am sure many people are going through this same situation at the moment.

    | fifthroommarkets

  • Hello, How can I improve upon this email request: Your "Links" section contains a lot of good websites, and we would like our site to be added to the list. Our pagerank 4 website, which carries (Here I said what we carry) You have similar sites located in the "Other" Section on your link page. We would greatly appreciate being added to this list. Sincerely, BobW
    Our Site Name Here
    Email Address Here
    Phone Number Here

    | BobGW

  • Hey! I just noticed my Domain Authority keeps dropping? What's happening? What do I do to get it better. I'm scared and dont know the next move to make to get this site better. Help please! Thanks! Kristy O

    | KristyO

  • Hi there, 4 months ago I have done a redirect from one domain to another. Now, after about 120 days I have just a few results from the old domain indexed. The problem is that I believe that the old domain name had a really big impact on rankings, as it had the main keyword in the domain name. I'm wondering now if I could restore the old domain just by taking out the 301 instruction and how will search engines react. Do you have any studies on that? Would it be possible? Matt Cutts himself did it with his own domain, but he doesn't talk specifically on the effect of the rankings: Thanks in advance for any help,

    | SandraMoZ

  • I have a new client with a job listing board on their site. I am getting a bunch of 404 errors as they delete the filled jobs. Question: Should we leave the the jobs pages up for extra content and entry points to the site and put a notice like this job has been filled, please search our other job listings ? Or should I no index - no follow these pages ? Or any other suggestions - it is an employment agency site. Overall what would be the best practice going forward - we are looking at probably 20 jobs / pages per month.

    | jlane9

  • What's the best way to get video thumbs to appear in SERPs?

    | nicole.healthline

  • So we re-launched our site about a month ago, and ever since we've seen a dramatic drop in search results (probably due to some errors that were made) when changing servers and permalink structure. But, I can't help but think something else is at play here. When we write something, I can check 24 hours later, and if I copy the Title verbatim, but we don't always show up in SERPs. In fact, I looked at a post today, and the meta description showing is not the same, but when I check the source code, it's right. What shows up in Google: What's actually in the source code: Why is this happening? Website is The Tech Block

    | ttb

  • Dear all, One of my sites currently is not listed on yahoo directory, my question is from the natural linking perspective is really fine for SERP improvement to be listed there supposing this is a paid inclusion? My doubt is google say "Natural links" and to be included in yahoo I'll paying for. Really is a good choice or not ? Thank you for your valuable opinions Claudio

    | SharewarePros

  • In an effort to clean up my url's I'm trying to shorten them by using a 301 redirect in my .htaccess file. How would I set up a rule to grab all urls with a specific structure to a new shorter url examples: So in the example above dynamically redirect all url's with /articles/reviews/other-reviews/item/ in it to /reviews/ so would be... with one 301 redirect rule in my .htaccess file.

    | mr_w

  • Google is pulling up a sitelink that is spelled wrong. Beauty Brands Sitelink - Store Locater How can I figure out where the data is being pulled from.  I couldn't find it on the page that the sitelink goes to. Thanks!

    | AlightAnalytics

  • Hi, I've been away from the SEO scene for about 6 months now. I was wondering if anyone could summerise what the big changes are and how one needs to approach an SEO strategy now compared to last year before this Penguine (?) update.

    | LoveChicken

  • Hi all. I'm looking for some thoughts on a migrations option we have. At the moment we have two E-Com sites ranking well for some of the same terms. An older site, and a nice new site. The older site is ranking very well for category and product terms, the new one is slowly coming up. Ideally we would like to have one site, the nice new one, and get rid of the old one. If I 301 the old site url's to the new sites will that bring the new site url's into the same position as the old ones? I'm just not sure how this effects sites that are already ranking well. Any ideas are welcomed but I'm really looking for a definitive answer. It's a big decision after all.

    | PASSLtd

  • Hi there, I have recently been approached by a company looking to do some SEO work for them, having had a look at their link profile, they had being using a lot of exact match anchor and have seen a drop in the rankings, no surprise there. I was thinking of asking the website where they have placed these links and changing them, so there is a mixture of exact, phrase, brand etc, what do you think? would this be best practice? or just leave these as they are and start building fresh links? Kind Regards

    | Paul78

  • For a bilingual site do we put the sitemap in Google Webmaster in both the languages? Would list cause any issues?

    | Francis_GlobalMediaInsight

  • We've got an older site with significant link equity. It 301 redirects to our current website, passing all traffic, link value, etc. The 301 redirects have been in place for several years. Since the original redirects were setup, the current website has acquired massive link equity above and beyond the redirects. I am considering removing all the 301 redirects and bringing the old site back to life (same URLs, content, design as before). I would also keep the current website live as is. The goal is to capture more SERP visibility by having 2 website "brands" in the same market. Will the old site regain it's former link equity or will we effectively be starting from scratch? In other words, does Google consider how long 301 redirects have been in place?

    | Jeff_DomainTools

  • I have built links to my site this past month that I know are live and in place and some do follow and some no follow ... Are the no follow links just not going to show up in my site explorer data ? And the others - why would they not be showing up yet ? SeoMoz updated thier link data aug 1st , my site has been crawled since then , but this new work I have done for link building have not shown up - None of them ? Its like I did not do any work ? how long could it take for them to show up and affect my site trust ect ? Also is there anything I vould be doing to speed the process up of having the new links found ?

    | jlane9

  • I have a client site that launched last June and rebranded this February 2012 as The search traffic since Feb has been steadily declining despite some great campaigns to drive traffic and engagement. April down 40% vs. Mar May down 37% Jun down 51% Jul 16% We have a couple of challenges. The site is the only collection of Canadian-authored titles. It's like an Amazon of only Canadian titles. But it's not ecommerce, we direct traffic to other vendors like Amazon or the publisher to buy. We have 40,000 unique products on the site and the descriptions are primarily supplied by the publishers, which means it's the same content on the publisher site as Goodreads, Amazon and anyone else they share data with. Those big players like Amazon and Goodreads use user generated content to alter the descriptions but we don't have that level of activity on the site. Members create reading lists, the editorial staff curate collections on the homepage and there are interviews, blog posts and guest posts. No black hat SEO, no bad links that I can see. Great organic membership growth and interactions. Good activity from social media sites to the site. Good, trusted links from news sites and legit blogs. I don't know what to do to improve the organic traffic. July is the first month that we haven't seen 40-50% drops. Any advice is welcome, thank you!

    | SoMisguided

  • Hello! I use Photoshelter for my commercial photography website: I'm trying to make it better re SEO and all that by filling as much information as I can. I'm using Picworkflow who give you a title, description and keywords for every picture.. But in Photoshelter's IPTC metadata editor, they put an SEO tag by Headline (essentially saying it's important) and not by title. Do you think it's good/useful/safe to use the info Picworkflow gave me for title and put it in Headline? PS: This is for the pictures individually and not the pages. Thanks!

    | IoanSaid

  • Let's use this example... and there's a function to log in... If you're logged in and a cookie checks that you're logged in and you're on page, let's say, however the banners being displayed would have more call to action and offers on the page when a user is not logged in to entice them to sign up but the URL would still be if and if not logged in, what would be the best URL practice for this? just do it?

    | AdiRste

  • Is there any Value to having the H1 element above the MENU in a Typical Application ? My intention is to tell the "Bot" that the H1 element is more important than the Menu Items . Are there any examples of such sites . The closest that I have seen is (NOT MY SITES) and Here they (second link) they have H1 above the Bread Crumb ( they dont have any menu though).

    | Chaits

  • Hello, I'm one of those people that got the "unnatural links" message from google. Since i run my site from the very first day and always was a one man business i know all the ins and outs of the website.
    Basicly i have  never ever used a seo company to submit my site anywhere.
    Never ever i used any shady tactic to get better ranks.
    The only thing i did was trading traffic/links with real active websites, being daily updated, high traffic, etc etc. So. After i got notified in webmaster tools i started digging into a list (provided by webmaster tools) to find out why i got this message (meanwhile i lost 75% of my se traffic in past 3 months) After searching for hours i found out that in the past 2 / 3 months my site has been spammed on about 150 forums (completely dead forums with nothing but spam on it) There was no logic at all since my site got linked with the most ridiculous and unlogical word phrases.  
    My site is adult related and all spam links contained word phrases like "bangladesh mobile"  or "rock girl"  or  "animal abuse" or "ringtones" etc etc. if i ever would be so stupid to start spamming my 7 year old strong business i would at least use titles that would make sence. anyway.
    I can't do nothing about these forums, i don't own them, i can't erase them and if there are any owners, they simply don't respond.
    I made a list of all the forums and send it to google but the only response they come up with is "there are still unnatural links". I hardly believe they did anything with that list i send them. I don't know what else i can do and was hoping that somebody could advice me on what to do here besides sending google messages on a daily base. cheers

    | Henkiepenkie

  • I have a website design client who wishes to rank for several cities they are willing to service locally. I have seen a competitor do this, content all about web design subcategories Content about web design plus content about the city itself and hiring a website designer in that city Content about web design plus content about the next city itself and hiring a website designer in that city Is this a great strategy, it seems to be working for them, or will Google eventually penalize this  ? Or would you just put all 4 city names in the title and descriptions and content on one page ?

    | jlane9

  • Hi Guys, Just wanted to pick your brains here - I have a client who I have just taken on who is a small website design agency, all their clients they have built websites for over the years have the anchor text; 'website design' Will the website be effected by the new  Penguin update due to the face they have thousands of links on clients websites they have built all witht he same anchor text? One idea I thought about is to build links into different pages of the website on future client websites? Any help or guidance would be much appreciated ! thank you Thanks Gareth

    | GAZ09

  • I am working on optimizing a page that utilizes a template that generates an excessive amount of code - 4 to 5 times what I am seeing with competitor pages. The entire site seems to have this problem and we have, according to webmaster tools a a medium to slow load time. In general, given the content and teh strength of the domain, I think this page should be performing better. I think the  entire site should be performing better. Would it be worth it to replace the template I am using and replace it with a more lightweight page design? I would obviously keep the content and the url the same. Typically I want to try everything I can to improve rankings, but this change would take some time, so I don;t want to rush into it. Looking for some answers based on experience, not general best practices. Thanks

    | AmyLB

  • My understanding of duplicate content is that if two pages are identical, Google selects one for it's results... I have a client that is literally sharing content real-time with a partner...the page content is identical for both sites, and if you update one page, teh otehr is updated automatically. Obviously this is a clear cut case for canonical link tags, but I'm cuious about something: Both sites seem to show up in search results but for different keywords...I would think one domain would simply win out over the other, but Google seems to show both sites in results. Any idea why? Also, could this duplicate content issue be hurting visibility for both sites? In other words, can I expect a boost in rankings with the canonical tags in place? Or will rankings remain the same?

    | AmyLB

  • Hey guys, When I publish a post on our blog, I notice that it barely shows up in SERPs even if I copy and paste the title verbatim into Google. All my settings in Yoast are correct from what I've seen. Is this just Google slowly getting around to crawling our site? Or is something else wrong here? We recently shut down and relaunched our site about 3 weeks ago. Here is the site URL: The Tech Block

    | ttb

  • Hello Mozers Our site has been on a dedicated server for about four years now. (no other sites, just ours on the server) I have made the decision to move it to a much better and faster server than the current server we are on for more than one reason. My big fear is Google will lose trust for my site because of the IP change. Ip's stay with the server at 1and1 they do not follow the website. So, I have done my due diligence and copied over all code and databases and have tested it completely to insure there are no issues when I change the DNS to point to the new server.  Made sure 1and1 is giving me an IP that has never been used, I am Keeping the old server on until cached DNS records expire for it. Is there anything else I need to do to make sure I do not lose current rankings in Google? I have heard nightmare stories about making these kinds of changes but at this point for our site there is no turning back this is a change that must take place. Any pointers and advice would be much appreciated! Thanks!

    | Robbie8299

  • Every week I check the number of pages indexed by google using the "site:" function. I have set up a permanent redirect from all the non-www pages to www pages. When I used to run the function for the: non-www pages (i.e, would have 12K results www pages (i.e would have about 36K The past few days, this has reversed! I get 12K for www pages, and 36K for non-www pages. Things I have changed: I have added canonical URL links in the header, all have www in the URL. My questions: Is this cause for concern? Can anyone explain this to me?

    | inhouseseo

  • I am doing some link building and was hoping to get some clear information about the quality of the links and what I need to build a higher domain trust and authority. My sites page I wish to build for has: DA 22   PA 33  MR 4.6 I am looking at back links with these figures Considering outbound links are equal, which pages can help build my page ? page1   DA 66 PA 48 MR 4.8 page2   DA 66 PA 35 MR 3.75 page 3  DA 66 PA  28 MR 3.5 page 4  DA  41 PA 18 MR 2.73 Page 4  DA 41 PA 18 MR 1.87 Do I need back links with a Domain Authority Higher than my own ? PA higher than my own ? or MR higher than my own ? or would any of these pages be able to improve my own ? Thank you in advance for helping with this as I do not want to spend 6 months building the wrong links.

    | jlane9

  • I made one change to my site - creating a good, relevant, title. A few days later, ranking for a keyword jumped pretty well - which is what I was expecting. We were ranked 9th. Then the next ranking report showed a 20 place decline. What would cause this?

    | Ocularis

  • Hey Peeps! I was just wondering what your experiences are in how fast Google will pick up on canonical tags and how often they use the 'strong hint' in stead of leaving it be? I'm based in The Netherlands and for websites with a decent amount of content and links (where Google indexes new content quickly) they pick up on it within 1-2 weeks. So far they've ignored some canonical tags on one of my websites. Perhaps that's because they don't agree with the degree in which the pages are similar. Thanks in advance!

    | StevenvanVessum

  • Google now includes pictures of authors in the results of the pages.  Therefore, a single practice doctor can include her picture into Google's SERP ( How can a multi doctor practice display the practice's picture as opposed to a single doctor? A search for Plastic Surgery Chicago displayed this (query: plastic surgery Chicago) I found one example of a search result showing a picture of both doctors for a multi doctor practice (query: houston texas plastic surgeon).

    | CakeWebsites

  • Do regular citations have the same impact as featured citations for Google Local? or is it the higher a company is isted the more impact it will have on a google local page?

    | SEODinosaur

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