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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • In my site there will be a lot of pages that have a short life span of about a week as they are items on sale, should I nofollow the links meaning the site has a fwe hundred pages or allow indexing and have thousands but then have lots of links to pages that do not exist. I would of course if allowing indexing make sure the page links does not error and sends them to a similarly relevant page but which is best for me with the SEarch Engines? I would like to have the option of loads of links with pages of loads of content but not if it is detrimental Thanks

    | barney3012

  • Hi there, I run a content affiliate website where I introduce products in articles and then link to merchants where the user can buy the respective product. Currently I am using regular affiliate links here with the "nofollow" attribute. With growing size of the site, I would like to switch to masked affiliate links, so instead of a link like "" I want to use "". My question here is: When switching to masked affiliate links, does it makes sense to also convert all the older unmasked affiliate links? If yes, what would be the best way to do that - Convert all old links at once or convert them over time (e.g. over a few month)? Currently about 2/3 of my site's outbound links are unmasked, external affiliate links. So I am afraid that changing this relatively large share of links from unmasked external affiliate links to masked links doenst look natural at all... Thank you for your advice!

    | FabRag

  • Hi All OK i have an ecommerce store and there is a load of duplicate content which is pretty much the norm with ecommerce store setups e.g. this is my problem so all the above lead to the same product
    I also want to keep the breadcrumb path to the product Here's my plan Add a canonical URL to the product page
    This way i have a short product URL Noindex all duplicate pages but do follow the internal links so the pages are spidered What are the other options available and recommended? Does that make sense?
    Is this what most people are doing to remove duplicate content pages? thanks 🙂

    | ChriSEOcouk

  • I only link to my privacy policy page from the homepage, but the privacy policy page has a pr4, while the main domain has a pr5. Using site:domain name the policy page is at the top of the 2nd page of google so it ranks high. I was thinking of either nofollowing the link or adding a (noindex,follow) directive on the policy page, until I saw some seo professional sites using rel=canonical on their policy pages that points to their policy page itself. Am I better off using the (noindex,follow) or rel=canonical = policy page ? thanks

    | Flapjack

  • Pretend that USA Today has a section of their site where the sell electronics, which they locate at  The subdomain is powered by an online electronics store called NewCo via a white label.  Many of the pages on this subdomain have relatively high PageRank.  But few, if any, external sites link to the subdomain--the PageRank of the subdomain is largely due to internal links from the root domain. USA Today's deal with NewCo expires and they decide to partner with my startup instead.  But, unlike NewCo, we won't be providing a white-label solution; rather, USA Today will be redirecting all of the electronics-related links on their root domain to my site instead of the subdomain.  They also agree to direct all of the pages on to me. Ideally USA Today would add 301's to all of their pages on that direct to the corresponding pages on my site, but they don't have the engineering wherewithal or resources to do this.  Therefore, what is the best way to pass the PageRank from the pages to my site?  Would it work to have USA Today change the CNAME for to my site and then create pages on my site that mimic the USA today URL structure?  For example, let's say there was a page located at  Could we give a CNAME form my site and then create a page on my site located at that 301'ed to the ipod page on my site?  Would that preserve the PageRank?

    | jack78907890

  • Does anyone know how google selects the news articles it displays in google trends? EX: See how dubstep has a couple posts that show up when searched in google trends? these are different than regular SERPS as far as i can tell.  Does anyone know how google selects them?

    | adriandg

  • Hi everyone: A site I'm working with until recently was ranking page 1 for its primary keyword. For the last month, they've dropped to page 4. One thing we've noticed is that the page that is ranking is an internal page ( and at this point, everything ranking above us is ranking based on the root domain ( We've eliminated Panda, penalties, and any other obvious causes for the drop in rankings. We have similar or better page rank, external links, domain trust, etc. in comparison to the sites still ranking page 1. We think this may be part of our problem. Has anyone else dealt with this? What did you do to change it and how did it work? We're considering eliminating the existing internal page and 301'ing to the home page. The keyword in question is the core of the business, so this is a natural change, but we're loath to lose years of investment in promoting the internal page. Also, the site was originally optimized with the primary keyword throughout (appears in META tags, headers on multiple pages). How important is it to clear these out to make Google see the home page as most relevant? Thanks!!

    | kdcomms

  • My current website has had most pages indexed for more than a year. However, I tried cache a few of the pages, and it looks the only one that is now indexed by Goggle is the homepage. Any thoughts on why this is happening?

    | abernatj

  • OK - First of all, thank you to those of you who view and take the time to answer our question. We are currently in the middle of re-designing our golf packages website, and we're trying to decide the best way to structure our Main Navigation for maximum SEO benefit while keeping user experience in mind. The top key phrases we are currently targeting: 1) Myrtle Beach Golf     2)  Myrtle Beach Golf Packages You can find the current navigation structure we have come up with here: So our question is this: We have subdivisions of:  Golf Packages, Accommodations, Golf Courses Is it in our best interest to: A) Get rid of the subdivisions and consolidate them to one page? or B) Simply "NoFollow" the subdivisions within the Main Navigation? We are concerned about the subdivisons for 2 reasons: Too many internal links in Main Navigation The "first link only" rule with Google affecting our additional internal links on existing pages. THANK YOU again to those of you who take the time to answer this question. We really appreciate any clarification on this issue.

    | JamesO

  • Hey Friend, I am having sort of a problem. I currently have a subpage with the url of: /musclecars/ I also have a subpage at /muscle-cars/muscle-car-restoration.html Obviously my main url is not listed here. My problem is I am trying to rank for the term Muscle Cars but the first URL does not have the keywords seperated so I rank no where. If I type MuscleCars into google I rank though (but nobody types the keyword in like that). So my question is can I create and rank well with that? Or is it better to just use even though that second term I am ranking for already has that in its url?

    | shandaman

  • Hey guys, A client of mine will be doing a rebranding exercise, this include changing their brand name and their domain name. They are considered a well known brand within their industry (Their brand name shows up in Google's "Search Related to..." section) My question is: Apart from making sure all 301 are put in place,changing all the links to point to the new domain and doing PR exercise, is there anything else I should keep in mind / be aware of to ensure a smooth transition? Also can anyone come up with possible issues we might encounter during the move? Apart from having a significant drop in traffic and rankings? Thanks, Clement

    | NextDigital51

  • a buddy of mine is running a niche job board and is having issues with expiring URLs. we ruled it out cuz a 301 is meant to be used when the content has moved to another page, or the page was replaced. We were thinking that we'd be just stacking duplicate content on old urls that would never be 'replaced'. Rather they have been removed and will never come back. So 410 is appropriate but maybe we overlooked something.  any ideas?

    | malachiii

  • We're trying to use a flash video as a product image, so the size increase will be significant. We're talking somewhere around 1.5 - 2mb on a page that is about 400kb before the video. So the increase is significant. There is SEO concern with pages peed and thinking perhaps having the flash video inside an iframe might overcome the speed issues. We're trying to provide a better experience with the video, but the increase in page size, and therefore speed, will be significant. The rest of the page will load, including a fallback static image, so we're really trying to understand how to mitigate the page load speed impact of the video. Any Thoughts?

    | SEO-Team

  • What's the current opinion of adding do-follow links under video embed codes? Like what Vimeo does. Is this allowed, or does Google/Matt Cutts suggest always no-following these links?

    | DojoGuy

  • Hi i changed my page titles for a competitive keyword last week and noticed it has dropped 9 search engine ranking positions. Was ranking 37 and now it 46. Would you guys leave it and see if it starts creeping back up or change again? the page title i used was across my pages for example was Primary keyword | secondary keyword | Heading on page thanks for you help

    | wazza1985

  • Basically my question is as follows, what's better: (this would fully match the breadcrumbs). or (cutting out the first level folder to keep the url shorter and the important keywords are closer to the root domain). In this question I was consulted to drop a folder in my url because it may be to long. That's why I'm hesitant to keep the bradcrumb structure the same. To the best of your knowldege do you think it's best to drop a folder in the URL to keep it shorter and sweeter, or to have a longer URL and have it match the breadcrumb structure? Please advise, Shawn

    | Romancing

  • With Google placing so much relevance on title tags, it seems to help if you mention local cities within your title tag.  I'm wondering if the positive of having more keywords in a title tag outweighs the negative of having too long of one?

    | TLSNET

  • Hi! I run a backlink building company. Recently, we had a customer who had us build targeted backlinks to certain subpages on his site. Then something really bizarre happened...all of a sudden, their subpages that were indexed in Google (the ones we were building links to) disappeared from the index, to be replaced with their home page. They haven't lost their rank, per se--it's just now their home page instead of their subpages. At this point, we are tracking literally thousands of keywords for our link building customers, and we've never run into this issue before. Have you ever run into it? If so, what's the best way to handle it from an SEO company perspective? They have a sitemap.xml and their GWT account reports no crawl errors, so it doesn't seem to be a site issue.

    | ownlocal

  • I have a lot of websites and they are all fitness related. Some are affiliate sites and some are blogs. I've made some great relationships with some big players in the fitness space and it has worked out well for both of us. Is anyone here in the fitness industry? Are you open to building new relationships? Do you know other websites or blogs in the industry open to creating new relationships? I don't mean a simple link exchange, I mean a real relationship where sites try to help each other out more than an arbitrary link in a list on some resource page.

    | DanDeceuster

  • Hi All, Our dev team have just asked me a very interesting question........ Within the context of an HTML5 page, where it is supported and encouraged to use multiple H1 tags, will the use of multiple H1 tags be detrimental to SEO? or does Google fully understand how HTML5 works and therefore not penalise a website for using multiple H1 tags? I have an opinion on this that if it helps usability and user experience then it is likely that it will be good for SEO. It would be really good to hear views of people who have tried this or have decided against it! Thanks

    | A_Q

  • I know there is value having lots of unique content on our websites, but I'm wondering how long it should be kept for, and if there is any value in 301 redirecting it? So, for example we have a number of pages on our website that are dedicated to single products (blue widget x, blue widget y, red widget x, red widget y). Nice unique content, with some (but not many) links. These products are no longer available though and have been replaced. So I'm faced with three choices: 1. Leave it as it is, and hope it adds to the overall site authority (by value of being another page), and also perhaps mop up a few longer tail keywords. Add a link to the replacement product on these pages; 2. 301 redirect these pages to the replacement products to give these a bit of a boost, and lose the content; 3. 301 redirect these pages to the replacement products and move all the old content to a new 'blue widgets archive' and 'red widgets archive' page? Would appreciate everyones thoughts!

    | BigMiniMan

  • Hello, We've noticed that when we do a specific search (print screen attached), that the business name and/or a completely different title is getting indexed into the search engine that we are not setting. Below is an example from the source code of how we're setting the title, this matches the 2nd listing circled in the attached image.  The indexed title tag reflects "Animal Business Card Holders - Kyle Design" Any ideas or feedback on how this is happening? <title>Animal Business Card Cases in Pet, Insect and Wildlife Designstitle> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="description" content="Eye-catching business card holder cases personalized with custom animal designs for humane professionals and pet owners. Custom select a sleek metal finish, bold aluminum or iridescent accent color, size and unique design for the ultimate self-expressing animal gift!" /> <meta name="keywords" content="business card holder unique personalized custom holders silver gold wood metal cards cases sleek aluminum engraved contemporary case animal animals design designs black color accents iridescent pet insect wildlife cat dog dragonfly butterfly lions sea turtles sea otters elephants animal lover animal activist zoologist veterinarian breeder animal whisperer thin deep large credit Asian size engraving personalize gift gifts special monogram customized corporate logo name professional title meaningful sentiment" /> <meta name="copyright" content="Copyright Kyle Design" /> <meta name="author" content="Kyle Design" />
    <meta name="generator" content="xyz Commerce System" />
    <link rel="canonical" href="xyz link"
    <script type="text/javaScript"> Thanks,


  • I have several keywords that are on the first or second page, with a couple main ones that we are targeting. Around 9million results for the main keyword we are trying to rank for. We have been writing articles on various high PR sites, posts on various forums with 1-2 signature links, already have been listed in DMOZ/google directory/etc for 8+months, 6 year old domain name, BOTW directory listing and various other directories. We write 1-2 blog posts weekly, and then post the URL on twitter and other social networking sites. 1-2 months ago we re-coded our website to load faster. So, what else should we be doing that we already aren't to make the jump from page 2-3 to page 1? I see a lot of recommendations to reach out to related websites and ask to guest post on their blog or come up with a link. In our industry it is very hard to do this, since most related sites are competitors who are selling a commercial product.

    | demarini

  • I apologize for the lengthy post, but I need help! Here is my current structure for product reviews: My product pages displays a set number of user product reviews before displaying a link to "see all reviews". So: Has product details, specs (usually generic from manufacturer) and 5 user product reviews. If there are more than 5, there is a link to see all reviews: Where each page would display 10 user product reviews, and paginate until all user reviews are displayed. I am thinking about using the Rel Canonical tag on the paginated reviews pages to reference back to the main product page. So: Would have the canonical URL of: Does this structure make sense? I'm unclear what strategy I should use, but currently the product review pages account for less than 2% of overall organic traffic. Thanks ahead of time!

    | Corp

  • When reading about multi-language site structure, general knowledge says that there are 2 right ways of doing it right: Assign one domain per region/ language: ... If a country has more than one language, such as Switzerland, you can create folders for those languages: - in french - in german Have a unique domain for the whole site and create folders for language region: ... If a language is spoken in more than one country, you can create subfolders - french in switzerland - german in switzerland At first sight, it seems that option 1 is the right one. However, sites such as are using option 2. I am unable to decide... what would you recommend? Any objective criteria?

    | hockerty

  • I have a small client with a website PR2, 268 links from 21 root domains with mozTrusts 5.5, MozRank 4.5 However whenever I check in google for the amount of link:  Google always give the response none.  My client has a blog and many articles on the blog.   However they have submitted their blog article every time to article directories as well, plain and simle creating duplicate and content.  Is this the reason why their link: is coming up as none?  Is there something to correct the situation?

    | danielkamen

  • Hello, We are in the process of redesigning and migrating 5 previously separate websites (all different niche topics, including dining, entertainment, retail, real estate, etc.) under one umbrella site for the property in which they exist. From the property homepage, you will now be able to access all of the individual category sites within. As each niche microsite will be focused on a different topic, I am wondering whether it is best for SEO that we use subdomains such as or subfolders I have seen it done both ways on large corporate sites (ie: Ikea uses subdomains for different country sites, and Apple uses subfolders), so I am wondering what makes the most sense for this particular umbrella site. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Melissa

    | grapevinemktg

  • I am writing an article that has 2 links: The fist one is to : The second one is to : The links are with different ancor texts and I am wondering about the link power they will bring to my website. Will both links count? Will the first one send significantly more PR than the second one ? I am asking this because my MAIN objective is the second link. Much Thanks Alex

    | IamSharp

  • What would be the best way to go about this? A site just put a blog on Should there be a separate XML Sitemap for that particular subdomain or should the original XML Sitemap for the main domain be sufficient? Looking forward to your responses. Thanks


  • Our site,, primarily offers unique content in the form of company reviews and exclusive salary information. As a means of driving revenue, we also have a lot of job listings in ouir /jobs/ directory, as well as educational resources (/career-tools/education/) in our. The bulk of this information are feeds, which exist on other websites (duplicate). Does it make sense to go ahead and robots block these portions of our site? My thinking is in doing so, it will help reallocate our site authority helping the /salary/ and /company-reviews/ pages rank higher, and this is where most of the people are finding our site via search anyways. ie.

    | CareerBliss

  • Hi all, After waiting many months I was happy to see a certain site listed on DMOZ, then months later still haven't seen the dmoz category indexed in google. It makes me wonder if certain categories don't get indexed or blocked or even previously penalized by google. The category in question is a regional one : Anyone come across this before? Dave

    | davebrown1975

  • Can you get away with providing totally different content to US visitors and UK visitors from the same url. watch?v=XWfqyy7J34s

    | SEO-Doctor

  • I have a client who is running a website which just lost a significant amount of rankings and by extension organic traffic in a redesign. Call it The client also has an older site that will no longer be updated, but has good authority that's built up over time. It even out ranks the current site for some queries. This website has no real value to my client. We want to try to pass the authority from to as efficiently as possible. Each site has pages a good amount of matching pages, ie. and My question is, would it provide more value to put a contextual link on the old page or simply redirect the entire page to the new site? contains a link to 301 redirects to My guess is that the 301 would pass more value, but would like a SEOMoz opinion as well! Thanks!

    | Alder

  • I work for a number of clients on linkbuilding campaigns, and I follow and recommend to clients a white hat "quality" linkbuilding approach. This has achieved great results for my clients but I often get questions such as. Q. What is better for us - £100 for a mozrank 4 placement vs £200 for a mozrank 5 placement? I am trying to build a numeric way of showing cost of placing a link (via article mainly) vs the mozrank / authority of the site its placed on. The key to working this out though is knowing how much more value there is between the different quality of sites, and what are the key factors to build into the formula. Ideally the output we will get is a linkbuilding effect cost which shows the cost per impact of a placement. A highly simplified formula (that wouldn't work)  therefore would be Cost / mozrank If we look at mozrank being 8 times higher between levels, how does this correlate with the value of the link from sites at those different levels? We know that we will never have a correct formula for this but we are striving to get a formula which helps us to plan and evaluate different site opportunities at different costs. I would love to know anybody’s thoughts on this, Thanks

    | Red_Mud_Rookie

  • To help with DSEO we are consdering setting up a .org and .net of our brand name (the primary site runs off .com obviously). We are thinking that the net/org sites will: Be one page that is optimized as we need (standard stuff like copy, title, alt-tags, meta desc, etc.) Will be hosted on separate C-blocks Will have a google sitemap that is submitted to Google Webmaster Central Provides a link back to .com Any other suggestions? Are separate C-blocks necessary? Thanks, b

    | bcmull

  • Hi, From a few years ago I know 'double listings' were considered prime real estate. These days I can see triple listing, google places, PDFs all from the same domain. Im confused as the what the standard is now. I have been asked for some reverse SEOing to push down some bad press (keyword is the brand name) and am curious to know whether I still can get some high results by making a sub domain, optmising some more internal pages etc. Thanks.

    | DigitalLeaf

  • I wanted to know how efficient using a subdomain is, taking in consideration all the updates Google has made lately. I am looking to use a subdomain for a well branded website for a niche specific part of their website. The subdomain will end-up having more than 100 pages. I'd like to see in what cases do you guys recommend using a subdomain? How to get the same benefit out of a subdomain as i am getting from the actual main domain?

    | CMTM

  • Hi guys, I got a hopefully quick question.  I am designing a site currently that is made up of many different domain names as part of a network. I've heard that Google will penalize however is linking is passed back and forth between these domains if the registrant information was the same.  I have WhoIS privacy information on all the domains to stop telemarketers and spam as well as (hopefully stop Google from getting suspicious).  I'm not doing anything bad or against Google rules but I can see how they might think that if I have a huge network and links are being passed between these.  It's a friend of mine who owns like 2000 domains and he wants to put legitimate information on each one and rank them higher, it's an interesting concept but I won't go into to much detail. So my question is basically, does having WhoIS privacy on all these domains, will it affect me in anyway in the SEO process? Will google count the links passing back and forth as legitimate? Or might it get suspicious and think I am spam? Are there ways to see what server it's coming from? Should all these sites be on different servers? Any help is much appreciated!

    | itechware

  • I have a insurance wordpress blog that is not getting any visibility in Bing/Yahoo!  It's roughly 2 years old and has been indexed in all three major search engines.   It's doing alright in Google and actually showing some promising rankings.   But it's nowhere to be seen on Yahoo!/Bing for any insurance related phrases. Any ideas what's wrong?

    | Chadwickc2

  • I have website I have made some changes in live website and upload it to "demo" directory (which is recently created) for client approval. Now, my demo link will be I am not doing any type of link building or any activity which pass referral link to Then how Google crawler find it and cached some pages or entire directory? Thanks

    | darshit21

  • How long does it typically take for SEO efforts to materialize?  We recently performed a complete website redesign (new site, and am wondering how long we should wait until we analyze the results and possibly change our seo/keyword strategy?

    | tdeboer

  • Hi Guys, Hope your all well and business is good. I have been going through and changing page titles for my site which is currently huge attracting massive amounts of traffic. However from my pro membership i have notice a lot of the rankings in Google search engine has decreased. I have been using a strategy that i read on SEOMoz which is; example Keyword | Page heading | company name Is this why? if so what is the best method? I have changed nothing else so far.

    | wazza1985

  • We have started using Google Site Search (via an XML feed from Google) to power our search engines.  So we have a whole load of pages we could link to of the format /search?q=keyword,  and we are considering doing away with our more traditional category listing pages (e.g. /biology - not powered by GSS) which account for much of our current natural search landing pages. My question is would the GoogleBot treat these search pages any differently? My fear is it would somehow see them as duplicate search results and downgrade their links.  However, since we are coding the XML from GSS into our own HTML format, it may not even be able to tell.

    | EdwardUpton61

  • Hi - I run a hobby related niche new / article / resource site ( which has been heavily impacted by the Panda update. Honestly I have no idea why my Google rankings dropped off. I've hired 2 different SEO experts to look into it and no one has been able to figure it out.  My link profile is totally white hat and stronger then the majority of my competitors, I have 4000+ or so pages of unique, high quality content, am a Google News source, and publish about 5 new unique articles every day. I ended up deleting a 100 or so thin video pages on my site, did some url reorganization (using 301s), and fixed all the broken links.  That appeared to be helping as my traffic was returning to normal. Then the bottom dropped out again.  Since Saturday my daily traffic has dropped by 50%.  I am really baffled at this point as to what to do so any help would be sincerely appreciated. Thanks, Mike

    | MikeATL

  • I'm working on a site with a great deal of video content. We also have a youTube page.  I've recently created a site map and submitted to Google. I really want for our videos to show up in our search results, but so far, nothings happening. Site: Any advise to what's missing? Thanx in advance! annular-tear.php

    | Aaronetics

  • Our site has the largest selection of dog clothes on the Internet. We're been (every so slowly) creeping up in the rankings for the "dog clothes" term, but for some reason only rank for our home page. Even though the home page (and every page on the domain) has links pointing to our specific Dog Clothes page, that page doesn't even rank anywhere when searching Google with "dog clothes".,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=f4efcaa1b8c328f Pages 2+ of product results from that page rank, but not the base page. It's not excluded in robots.txt, All on site links to that page use the same URL. That page is loaded with more text that includes the keywords. I don't believe there's duplicated content. What am I missing? Has the page somehow been penalized?

    | BBPets

  • Hey all. Here's the scenario.  I have this pretty trusted site with a relatively high PR.  The navigation menu has around 300 links.  But this is because it is a CSS menu that drills down into subcategories. Now, would restricting the amount of links in this menu be beneficial?  I am not worried about any subcategory pages not being crawled or indexed, but I am concerned that subcategory pages will not receive as high of PageRank if they are not linked to directly from the home page, thereby lowering the ranking potential.  Even with new pages that are created they receive a PR of 5 if linked to from the home page. But I'm also thinking that toning down the menu size would be beneficial by funneling more PageRank to category pages and increasing the likelihood of ranking for some core head/middle terms. I have seen sites that externalize the menu in JavaScript files and disallow it in Robots.txt to prevent too much PageRank from linking out, but SEO isn't really a one-solution-fits-all in my experience. I may try a test.  Externalizing the menu may also increase the relevance for pages because I won't have a bunch of other content on the page not relevant to that page's specific keywords. Anyone with experience in this arena?  I would love to hear your input. Thanks

    | JeremyNelson58

  • I am trying to manage DSEO for a client. The question is: would blocking a page listing from my client's Google Sitelinks cause that blocked sitelink page to be independently listed in the rankings and therefore potentially stuff a negative listing further down the rankings? Or would the blocked sitelink not show up at all in the SERPs

    | bcmull

  • Hey, really need some help deciding what to do... I have a site, its my oldest and best site of my network and accounts for maybe 30-40% of my income. Although its a site, it actually makes most of its from from USA traffic and targets many terms for the US market - but the problem is that due to it being a it doesnt rank as well in G .com and over the last few years Google has defiantly widened the gap as such for the ability for a to rank in G .com. Many terms that I used to be #1 for in G .com, I now rank position 5-10 only, but in G I'm #1 and often with a duo listing so I wouldnt put the loss of rankings in G .com down to just losing rankings naturally. Now many of my key pages are gradually losing rankings in G .com which is not good and really frustrating Feedback Needed So my dilemma is do I risk my best site and 301 it to a .com hosted in the US for potential at a guess 50% increase in revenues and more future potential (If the 301 worked well and got some US rankings back - Im sure longtail would increase lots too) ? If people with experience with 301ing sites to a new domain could let me know how they did or if you're an SEO and have done this many times, how many times on average has Serps remained stable / unchanged ? Trying to work out the reward to risk ratio, like on average if the transition is seamless 90% of the time it would seem worth the gamble, but if its 50% then I would say its not worth it.

    | goody2shoes

  • Hello, I am currently number 1 for a competitive keyword - so don't want to push the wrong button and self destruct! My site is highly focused on one relatively narrow niche with about 50-60 pages of content bang on topic. I was wondering if Google will discredit my site in any way if I start adding pages that are** 'loosely related' **to the overall theme of my niche. Some of them are what you might call sister concepts with maybe one mention of my target keyword in the body..... Does the algo value what percentage of the whole site's content is on/ off topic? If so how important is this as a factor? Thanks a lot

    | philipjterry

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