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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hello there, We are about to launch a new website and were wondering what impact a specific suffix would have from an SEO point of view. We were thinking about going for a domain which ends in .london as oppose to .com We are based in London and sell world wide via our website. We are suggesting as oppose to I would appreciate your views... Thanks

    | roberthseo

  • We have recently deployed a mobile ( version of our desktop website ( We've followed  the guidelines in their documentation ( & (, added the appropriate rel=alternate/rel=canonical tags updated site maps and robots.txt files, etc. A mobile search for our company shows the "mobile-friendly" flag in the search results for our home page, but for some reason other pages such as category and brand  are not showing showing as "mobile-friendly". I can submit the pages using the mobile-friendly tester ( and all of the pages I test come back as mobile friendly. Does anyone have any experience or advice they'd be willing to share that might help us resolve this issue?

    | ovenbird

  • Since past event pages will become stale after the event, should they be keep alive and archived with only a link from a couple of places (for instance the main event page and html sitemap). Or should they be "retired" and redirected to the main event page if they are really no longer needed? They would probably be considered thin content because they won't have much traffic and will have very few links pointing to them. Right? Thanks. Inquiring minds want to know... 😉

    | cindyt-17038

  • I have less content on my website, is this okay or I need to add more content on my pages? Website is - Any other suggestions for the website?

    | Green.landon

  • I have an Australian Ecommerce site. I also sell to NZ and USA . As part of the user experience it will detect where you are and change the currency accordingly. so when google crawls - the currency will always be USD I guess ( because it is a US IP address ). My question - how can I embed ecommerce microdata that will show the correct currency / price to the correct country in SERPS ?

    | s_EOgi_Bear

  • Hi Moz experts, We lost drastic trafic from two links of our partner. Do you know what could be the reason ?  It is not the main source of trafic, we talk about 2% but our partner is really interest to see the add-value of this link to our website. Thank you in advance for your consta 1. Do you know if the partner need to update his sitemap when you send it the links ? 2. Do you know if the lastest update ( Between octobre 2014 to august 2014) of Google algirthm has an impact ? 3. We update our new website on november. However, we lost trafic in october and in august? So, do you think  I need to take action on my side ? What your recommandation Moz experts ?

    | johncurlee

  • Dear all, I am redesigning some areas of our website, and we do not have clear what is the best
    option to follow. In our site, we have a city area i.e: which we are going 
    to redesign and a guide area where we explain about the city, etc...
    all with unique content. The thing is that at this point due to lack of resources, our guide is not really deep and we believe like this it does not
    add extra value for users creating a page with 500 characters text for every area (transport...). It is not also really user friendly.
    On the other hand, this pages, in long tail are getting some results though is not our keyword target (i.e. transport in sevilla)
    our keyword target would be (erasmus sevilla). When redesigning the city, we have to choose between:
    a) -> with all the content one one page about 2500 characters unique.
    b) -> With better amount of content and a nice redesign but keeping 
    the guide pages. What would you choose? Let me know what you think. Thanks!


  • Hey guys, We moved our site to from http to https. We subsequently lost 25% in our search traffic in 1 Month. We changed a few other pieces such as images, added new content etc. Has anyone got any suggestions on how we start to understand what happened? Thanks in advance.

    | Johnny_AppleSeed

  • see this Dr. Gehegan ; Progressive Podiatry How I can appear my main keyword 3-4 times on first page results?

    | Green.landon

  • We have a client whose WMT shows a ton of "Not found" crawl errors after a new site launched. The URLs are largely a bunch of files that they had previously uploaded on their old site which have external links pointing at them. What is their best course of action, if they don't have files on the new site that correspond with these old files? Redirect to the home page? Leave them 404ing? Customize 404 message? (Note: They're mostly generic, non-human friendly URLs that are difficult to identify like /gallery3.php/ppage/3, g/interior.php/pid/3/sid/24,  /uploads/1213196781.pdf)

    | VTDesignWorks

  • The title is pretty self explanatory ... we have cornerstone pages ( such as a page for "Widget A") that rank for a certain keyword and then relevant articles that all link to that particular cornerstone page.  Each of those articles  has the same tag ("Widget A") to tie them together.  If you click on that tag, it creates a list of all articles with that tag.  We think that this may be siphoning off some of that keyword Google Juice from our Widget A cornerstone page. Our question is, should we 301 redirect that tag to point to the Widget A cornerstone page, use a rel canonical pointing to the Widget A cornerstone page, or just leave it alone like we are doing now?  Our goal is to have the Widget A cornerstone page receive the most Google Juice possible and not be diminished by the tags. Note* - We don't want to stop Google from crawling the tags because some of our tags rank highly for other keywords.  Also, we tried 301 redirecting the tags before and our ranking dropped significantly ... however, we made a lot of site changes at the same time so we are not sure if the drop in rank was due to redirecting the tags or the site changes. Help please ... thanks in advance 😉

    | Humanovation

  • "...Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or..." Okay, I'll drop the Hamlet riff. I'm working on a site with a forum. Top pages may have 20 to 30 answers. Each answer is by a member with an image/link and a name link to their member profile. A member profile may contain alot of info or none. We've noiondexed memeber profile pages, yet we still have these links to member profile pages. Is it better to nofollow these internal links to profile pages or what? Again, with 25 answers on a page and two links per answer to each member profile (image and name), that's a ton of internal links to noindexed pages. Thanks! Best... Darcy

    | 94501

  • Hi We have a website selling cellphones. They are available in different colors and with various data capacity, which slightly changes the URL. For instance: Black iphone, 16GB:,16,000000000010204783).html White iphone, 16GB:,16,000000000010204783).html White iphone, 24GB:,24,000000000010204783).html Now, the canonical URL indicates a standard URL: But this URL is never physically available. Instead, a user gets 301 redirected to one of the above URLs. Is this a problem? Does a URL have to be "physically" available if it is indicated as canonical?

    | zeepartner

  • Hi All, We got a penalty Last March 2014 ( Side Wide Link - unnatural links) which we recovered from quickly and this changed to Partial Match penalty (impact links) which we recovered from back in December 2014. Our Site profile has been cleaned up but our rankings still suck for some of our main keywords (+500) . Also our traffic and local rankings still suck in some cases. From an SEO point of view our site is pretty good,  we've done everything google has recommended including, mobile responsive, unique content (which we write regulary) and we only have a few duplicate pages. Our domain authority is better than our competitors but yet our rankings and traffic are still no way as good as theirs. Do anyone know if recovering from an impact links penalty take longer than 4 months . I know that google says than it discounts those links but I get the feeling google may be looking at an old dataset due to not rerunning panda & penguin since our penalty was removed and this may be whats affecting things. Does anyone have any ideas? I am more than happy to post my url if someone fancies taking a quick look ? to see if it's anything obvious ? thanks Pete

    | PeteC12

  • Our country specific pages reside as a subfolder under the main domain. So for example in US it's /us/, in Canada it's /ca/. What we've noticed is that Google Canada is showing US pages in some of the search results. Does anyone have experience with how to direct Google to display country specific page results?

    | kxu

  • Hi everyone, The filtered view results in paginated content and has different urls: example: Look at what it says in search engine land: Look at Advanced Techniques paragraph. do you agree? it seem like google will index the page multiple times for every filter variant. Thanks, Yehoshua

    | Yehoshua

  • Hi, wondered if someone could help. My clients website shows up well for terms but its always the homepage rather than the targeted landing page. For example, if you search for "teeth whitening anglesey" they appear however, its the homepage rather than the tooth whitening page Thanks Ade

    | popcreativeltd

  • We have a page which is outranking another page for a keyword that is very important.  The page that is lower in the rankings has far better content. I think this is happening due to links as well as the url structure. Here is the page we want to rank: Here is the page that is higher in rankings: So I think I should just move the content over from /notranking, to /ranking.  The content is clearly better on the lower ranking page but I think due to links the /ranking page is higher in SERPS.  So I guess my question is, would it be wise to move all that content over, and then 301 redirect the old page? Or leave the way it is and hopefully Google will get it right over time?

    | DemiGR

  • Which link attribute should be given to internal links of website? Do follow or No follow  and why?

    | Obbserv

  • I am trying to figure out why the wrong thing is coming up in the serps. For example, we are trying to rank for used widgets. But when you type in used widgets in google the primary widget page doesn't come up, one of the secondary categories under used widgets comes up. What would cause this? What are things I should check?

    | EcommerceSite

  • Hey guys, I am finding that a number o my sites pages are not mobile friendly despite my homepage being so. will this have an effect on my rankings and should i get it full redsigned to be mobile friendly?

    | Johnny_AppleSeed

  • We're planning to test something and we want to 302 a page to another page for a period of time. The question is, the original page is ranking #1 for a high traffic term. I want to know what will happen if we do this? Will we lose our rank? Will the traffic remain the same? Ultimately I do not want to lose traffic and I do not want to 301 until it has been properly tested.

    | maxcdn

  • Hi there, I am working on a client ( whose homepage is not indexed correctly by Google. In details, the title & meta description are taken from another website ( In addition, homepage is indexed as https instead of http. The rest of the URIs are correctly indexed (titles, meta descriptions, http etc). used to be hosted on the same server as and an SSL certificate was activated for that domain. I have tried several times to manually "fetch by Google" the homepage, to no avail. The rest of the pages are indexed/refreshed normally and Google responds very fast when I perform any kind of changes there. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated. Kind regards, George

    | gpapatheodorou

  • What are the best practices of doing SEO of article/blogging websites.

    | Obbserv

  • When I do a site: search the homepage comes up second. Does this matter?

    | EcommerceSite

  • How does link juice flow when linking to URLs with the hash tag in them? If I link to this page, which generates a pop-over on my homepage that gives info about my special offer, where will the link juice go to? Will the link juice go to the homepage? Will it go nowhere? Will it go to the hash URL above? I'd like to publish an annual/evergreen sort of offer that will generate lots of links. And instead of driving those links to, I was hoping to get that link juice to flow to the homepage, or maybe even a product page, instead. And just updating the pop over information each year as the offer changes. I've seen competitors do it this way but wanted to see what the community here things in terms of linking to URLs with the hash tag in them. Can also be a use case for using hash tags in URLs for tracking purposes maybe?

    | MiguelSalcido

  • Hey Guys, Looking at Page Authority for my Site and ranking them in Decending Order, I see these 3    |  Authority 62      |  Authority 52     |   Authority 52 Since the first one listed has the highest Authority, should I be using a 301 redirects on the lower ranking variations (which I understand how works) or should I be using rel="canonical" (which I don't really understand how it works) Also, if this is a problem that I should address, should we see a significant boost if fixed? Thanks ahead of time for anyone who can help a lost sailor who doesn't know how to sail and probably shouldn't have left shore in the first place. Cheers ZP!

    | Mr_Snack

  • Looking into Boostabilty as an option for doing SEO for our clients, will still keep SEOmoz and will still be doing SEO for our own company. Has anyone used it or heard things about it? I am very skeptical when it comes to outsourcing SEO and when it comes to any kind of automated SEO but thought I'd ask if anyone had thoughts on it. Thanks, Holly

    | hwade

  • Google Webmaster Tools under HTML improvements is showing duplicate meta descriptions for 2 similar pages. The 2 pages are for building address. The URL has several pages because there are multiple property listings for this building. The URLs in question are: How do I correct this error using canonical tags? Do I enter the URL of the 1<sup>st</sup> page under “Canonical URL”  under “Advanced” to show Google that these pages are one and the same? If so, do I enter the entire URL into this field ( /601-west-26th-street-starrett-lehigh-building-contains-executive-office-space-manhattan) or an abbreviated version (/601-west-26th-street-starrett-lehigh-building-contains-executive-office-space-manhattan)? Please see attached images. Thanks!! Alan rUspIzk 34aSQ7k

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi all, We are in a bit of a fix right now. We have around 60-70 articles (Wordpress pages / posts) that we intend to move to another domain of ours. What's the best way to do so such that we do not invite any Google penalty. Here's a detailed information about our case:
    Let's say, our site has more 2000 articles. To help us better position our content for one of the sections on, we have started another website, and want to move those 60-70 articles from to What is the best way to do it such that we are not penalised by Google? Is it (a) Move all the said content (60-70 articles) from to and (b) do a permanent redirect (301) of each of the older article URLs to newer article URLs. What are the other options?

    | stj

  • Hi everyone, I recently launched a new website for a small business loan company in the Dallas area. The site has been live for roughly a month and a half. I submitted everything to GWT as usual, including my sitemap. I am not sure what's going on with the site, as there is no activity from GWT in the impressions or queries. The submit vs. index is 24/3 (and hasn't moved). Also the queries graph on the overview stops at 3/18/2015... On another note, when I go to Crawl > Sitemaps, it shows that there were pages indexed during the month of march and then on April 3 it drops from 17 to 2 and never increases. Google says there are no errors or issues found, but I feel like there's something wrong. When I do site:, my URLs do pop up which makes me believe there's just a problem with my GWT. With that being said, I'm not happy THINKING there's something wrong. I need to actually know what the problem is. The only thing I can think of that I have done is purchase SSL for the site, but when I search what pages are indexed using www. it shows all the HTTPS URLS, so that would tell me that the site is getting indexed without a problem? Does anyone have a clue as to what might be happening? I will attach some screen shots so that you can get a better idea... KQ2366i D5xBNZf mF7kkgW

    | jameswesleyhunt

  • We noticed around 7 websites which with domains that were just recently registered (with privacy protection). They are using our website keywords/titles and brand name and the sites are mostly porn / junk sites. They don't link to our website directly but use a javascript onclick redirect which is why we think we aren't seeing them in our backlinks report.  We've been in business for over 12 years and haven't come across sites like this before.  We recently lost our first page rankings for a few of our highest converting key phrases and have been digging in to possible causes. Just wondering if these sites could be impacting our results, and how to figure out if there are more like this? Examples:

    | EileenCleary

  • Hi all, I was wondering if there was some sort of html trick that I could use to selectively tell a search engine to ignore texts on certain parts of a page. Thanks!

    | Charles_Murdock

  • I had a very interesting experience with one of my sites happening for the last 4 months. The site is for a professional service in a highly competitive market (NYC). There was an algo penalty several years ago that was recovered through new content and lots of quality links (mostly, media). We were #3-15 for the main money keywords before we changed the site into Genesis. We tested the site on a shadow server where we put the no-index attribute in robots.txt. However, when the site was migrated back to a live hosting, we accidentally forgot to remove it, so the site got de-indexed by mistake. The error was detected nd corrected about 5 days later, however the site did not appear in search for the next few weeks. After that, the site jumped bounced back. BUT, it had #1-5 positions instead on all money keywords. This lasted for 5-7 days, when the site bounced back to #3-15 positions again. We've been putting a lot of investment and effort since that but the site never got back to #1-5. Any idea on why this can happen? We have better links than competitors. The professional is a nationally recognized media person. There might be some older toxic links that give a little bit of penalty? Thanks in advance!

    | bukhlawfirm

  • I know at first glance, the answer to this is a resounding NO, that it can be construed as keyword stuffing,
    but please hear me out. I am working on optimizing a client's website and although MOST of the title tags
    can be optimized without repeating a keyword, occasionally I run into one where it doesn't read right if I
    don't repeat the keyword. Here's an example: Current title:
    Photoshop on the Cloud | Adobe Photoshop Webinars | Company Name What I am considering using as the optimized title:
    Adobe Photoshop on the Cloud | Adobe Photoshop Webinars | Company Name Yes, I know both titles are longer than recommended. In both instances, only the company name gets
    truncated so I am not too worried about that. So I guess what I want to know is this: Am I right in my original assumption that it is NEVER okay to
    repeat keywords in a title tag or is it alright when it makes sense to do so?

    | MIGandCo

  • Hi Moz Community,
    I am having an issue that has been killing me for some time and I could really use another opinion. One of my client’s websites hasn't been ranking for some time and I can't put my finger on it. There are no issues showing up in the webmaster tools. If you compare the site with the tops ranking sites for the websites number one keyword, the website is just as good as everyone else. My clients website is the first one on the left in the attachment. We have better quality content but instead of showing up on page 1,2,3 the site is on page 21. I am just at a lost. Anyone have any thoughts outside looking in. Thanks,
    Errick rrLJZ2G

    | ErrickG

  • Hello, I suspect I know the answer to this but would like to have it confirmed. I have been speaking to a company the last couple of weeks who have 2 domains with the exact same content. Possible a third but they haven't supplied a link. This from all I've read would be a huge problem for ranking and SEO. What would be the best way to deal with this ? I did do a search and found articles/questions on same content on the same site and in articles etc but nothing about exactly the same websites on 2 domains. Cheers David.

    | techdesign

  • We are making a change to our Navigation and this includes having to change the URL structure of a few pages of our site.   Due to issues with the CMS (that are out of my control) we are unable to keep the current URL structure of two of our highest ranking pages.   Our site is an E-commerce Site The Structure is changing from.....  <----OLD PAGE RANKED WELL to   <----NEW PAGE Generally I would have 301 'd this page but I found out that our Tech team added a Canonical to this page instead....(showing the high ranking page to the Search Engines) and on our site the visitors are able to browse the website getting the new page. BOTH PAGES ARE BASICALLY IDENTICAL (Same Content) Thoughts?

    | CMcMullen

  • Hi, One site I work with unpublished a lot of thin content. Great idea, right? These unpublished pages were then 301'd up to the main category page that they previously existed in. Now Google Webmaster Tools calls them out as soft 404 errors. This seems unexpected since the pages were 301'd. Here is my question; Is this a serious problem that may affect the site's overall organic results and if so what should I do about it? Thanks... Darcy

    | 94501

  • Hello, I've been having some markup issues and need some help. I researched what would be the best Business type and used that markup on the website. But when I check it in the testing tool I get this It doesn't recognize the object type. Could this be an error with my website or the markup its self? Please advise Thanks

    | Rank-and-Grow

  • Hey guys, We are a higher ed website and we have a conference centre that would like to have separate brand identity to the college. They have the local keyword friendly domain redirecting to their conference centre landing page on the higher ed site. We are considering going back to the and redirecting the higher ed landing page to this domain. My main concerns are if we do this are we taking a risk with loosing are rankings? Currently we are ranked very highly for many keywords related to conference centre and most of our traffic is from organic. I'm afraid of recommending this move for this reason as I feel the conference centre is piggybacking of the authority of the our higher ed website. I'd love to here your thoughts? Thanks Rob

    | Griffith

  • I am in the midst of moving my site to a new platform. As part of that I am reviewing each and every article for SEO - titles, URLs, content, formatting/structure, etc, etc. I have about 200 articles to move across and my eventual plan is to look at each article and update for these factors. I have all the old content moved across to the new server as-is (the old server is still the one to which my domain's DNS records point). At a high level I have two choice: Point DNS to the new server, which will expose the same content (which isn't particularly SEO-friendly) and then work through each article, fixing the various elements to make them more user friendly. Go through each article, fixing content, structure, etc and THEN update DNS to point to the new server. Obviously the second option adds time before I can switch across. I'd estimate it will take me a few weeks to get through the articles. Option 1 allows me to switch pretty soon and then start going through the articles and updating them. An important point here is the new articles already have new (SEO-friendly) URLs and titles on the new server. I have 301 redirections in place pointing from the old to new URLs. So, it's "only" the content of each article that will be changing on the new server, rather than the URLs, etc. So, I'd be interested in any suggestions on the best approach - move across to the new server now and then fix content or wait till all the content is done and then switch to the new server. Thanks. Mark

    | MarkWill

  • Hi Moz experts, I have a quick technical question for you. If we would like to use the same picture on the website, but using differ Alt description and also, be sure to customize it to make sure, it will not look like the other. This strategy is for saving cost on new picture. Do you think google will see this as iidentical content ? Thank you for your hands up on this question.

    | johncurlee

  • Hi guys, I have a site where the homepage is ranking for the term 'industrial flooring' around position 30 and the actual level 2 industrial flooring page is ranking well below at around position 60. I'm happy for the homepage to rank for this term and would like to see it improve, so here are my questions: 1: Is the existence of the level 2 page preventing the homepage from ranking higher due to keyword cannibalization etc.? 2: Would the use of the rel=canonical tag pointing from the level 2 page to the home page have a positive or negative impact on the homepage's rankings for 'industrial flooring'? 3: Is there anything else I'm missing? Greatly appreciated.

    | Blaze-Communication

  • Hello Is There Any Submission tool In moz ?, that Can help to submit website to different search engines like,  google, Yahoo & Bing. Then Please Reply, Thanx in Advance

    | Sanjayth

  • Hi 
    I have been searching for an answer for a while now and couldnt find it so maybe someone has had a similar problem. We have installed PageSpeed Module on our server. The administrator has said it is active and has run a test below: [root@mydomain ~]# curl -D-  | head -10
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed  Time    Time    Time  Current
                                    Dload  Upload  Total  Spent    Left  Speed
    14  102k  14 15029    0    0  40506      0  0:00:02 --:--:--  0:00:02 64780HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Server: nginx/1.6.0
    Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2015 11:28:43 GMT
    Content-Type: text/html
    Content-Length: 104885
    Connection: keep-alive
    Set-Cookie: ci_session=a%3A0%3A%7B%7D; expires=Thu, 10-Apr-2014 21:28:43 GMT; path=/
    Set-Cookie: ci_session=BWEFalk4UWwJKFIq; expires=Fri, 10-Apr-2015 13:28:43 GMT; path=/
    X-Mod-Pagespeed: But there doesn't seem to be any difference to the sites speed or change in google speed test recommendations. I do not have much knowledge on servers but the server company has assured me it is active and all the filters are on - so not sure why I am not seeing anything different. if anyone has any advise on this it would be great. thanks E

    | Direct_Ram

  • We have a list of 240 domains (look exactly the same) linking to our site for a certain keyword. over 3000 links in total. It means that 50% of our keywords are this keyword and it's not a branded keyword which can affect us in the long term. I have done a WHOIS search and found a name, email and number. Vikas Kumar. I linkedin searched him and found his "legit" SEO site which has EXACTLY the same registration details as the spam sites. I emailed him and he said it would cost 5$ a link removal. I phoned him and he DENIED these emails. He then denied owning these sites etc. We have disavowed them but the anchor text % is still affecting us. Is there anything we can do? I know negative SEO isn't illegal but it's really frustrating. Anyone else had any problems with this type of thing?

    | AndyB_UK

  • Good Morning, I was wondering if some one could help me out with some questions I have regarding how to make my service area landing pages rank better. A majority of them are on position 11 right now, and I feel like there might be a few minor things I might need to do to make them rank better. 1.) Meta Description - If I'm writing a meta description should I use an exact match for the keyword? Something like "Hire us to do your dry cleaning in Topeka, Kansas today." Or would I write "Topeka Kansas is in luck. We offer the best dry cleaning around" (I know this stinks from a call to action perspective, but it's the best example I could come up with off the top of my head). 2.) File Name - Would I make the name "topeka-kansas.html" or would I make it "dry-cleaning-topeka-kansas.html" 3.) H1 - should this be exactly the same as the title, or at least very close to it? 4.) Youtube Video - Would putting a youtube video on the page act as a relevancy signal to Google? 5.) Images - How many images would help on a landing page? Does having original images help more? 6.) Length of Page - Does the length of the page word wise help at all? 7.) Anything else - What other tweaks can I make to a landing page to boost its rankings? Thanks!

    | Charles_Murdock

  • My client set up a separate domain for their international clients, then set up separate subdomains for each country where they're active (so, for example, the original site is and the global is, with subdomains like They auto-translated a large amount of content and put the translations on those international sites.  The idea was to draw in native speakers. Now, I don't think this is a great practice, obviously, and I'm worried that it could hurt their original site (the in the example above).  My concern is that Google will see through the translated text, since it was handled with Google Translate, and penalize both sites.  I don't think the canonical tag applies here, since Google recommends a no-follow for autotranslated text, but I've also never dealt with this type of situation before. Anyways, if you made it through all of that, congratulations.  My question is whether is getting any negative effects other than a potential loss of link juice -- and whether there's any legitimate way to present auto-translated text with a few minor changes without incurring a penalty.

    | Ask4443523

  • Tripadvisor has a LOT of user generated content. Searching for a random hotel always seems to return a paginated list of 90+ pages. However once the first page is clicked and "#REVIEWS" is appended to the URL, the URL never changes with any subsequent clicks of the paginated links. How do they ensure that all this review content gets crawled? Thanks, linklater

    | linklater

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